Obituary For John Trudell Dead From Creator Allowed “Karma Cancer” or AIDS or is NOT Dead!

John Trudell

Died On December 8, 2015(2015-12-08) (aged 69)\nSanta Clara County, California
Birth Sign Pisces
Cause of death Terminal cancer

This post is dedicated the avid followers of murderer John Trudell and his American Indian Movement of murdering raping pedophiles

My “Obituary” for John Trudell

September 8, 2015

John Trudell – February 15, 1946 -December 15, 1946. Former Chairman of the American Indian Movement from 1973 to 1979 during which time he was directly involved and complicit in the rapes and murders and cover-up of Native American men, women, and other’s at Wounded Knee and after. Famous for deliberately lying, denying, and protecting the guilty with the help of the Federal Government, Jew Attorney Bruce Ellison, and those of his “NoSnitch” brotherhood up to the day of his death.

Suffered by the Creator to suffer what Trudell called “karma” to lose his family in a fire because of his own complicity in the murders of innocents who’s families suffered the loss of their loved ones while Trudell lied about knowing anything. Families including those of First Nations Warrior Woman Annie Mae Aquash who trusted him with her life while Trudell approved of the order with co-founder of The American Movement Dennis Banks, to have her murdered.

Trudell was a believer in “karma” to the end of his life and suffered such just like his American Indian Movement “brother” and rapist and murderer Russell Means, both dying from Creator allowed “Karma Kancer”.

My testimony is the following….

That the spirit of John Trudell upon leaving his body began to experience the JUSTICE of the Creator for his personal involvement in the brutal MURDER of Annie Mae Aquash!

You may have fooled some in the “realms of time” John Trudell but not Annie or Creator God…Wakan Tanka…Tunkasila…Winikiya! Her blood has and still cries out from the ground for justice and remains on your head on this day of your death as well as those other innocents who were also murdered by the American Indian Movement under your watch as Chairman including Annie’s husband.

When your spirit left your body…so did the demons of the devil…even Satan who you listened to…snag your soul to be taken to “outer darkness” where there you shall begin your suffering in experiencing the very same pain and anguish Annie suffered as if it was your own.

You will see and witness and feel as if it was your own…every thought…every emotion…every expression of agony from when she was brutally beaten…raped…to the moment when she shot in the head while praying for her children by your “brothers” who you protected and lied about.

You will feel and see as if it was your own…her suffering while still alive after being shot…seeing her lay at the bottom of the cliff she was pushed off of…slowing bleeding to death while eventually freezing until fully dead. Yes, you will be right with her at Wanblee on the Pine Ridge Reservation watching…witnessing…feeling and wanting to leave…but no…you shall weep and wail and nash your teeth continually which is your HELL!

You will see and feel and experience as if it was your own….the pain and suffering of those raped and murdered under your “Chairmanship”at Wounded Knee. You will see and witness the murder of Black Man Perry Ray Robinson who was shot by your “spiritual brothers” David Hill on orders from Dennis Banks.

You will be shown and will feel the pain and suffering as if it was your own…of his wife and children over the loss of their beloved husband and father which murder you hid till the day your spirit left your body.

You will witness the rapes and murders of the three White women by your “brothers” at Wounded Knee. You will experience their pains and suffering as if it was your own.

You will suffer for lying and protecting the cold blooded murderers of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ron Williams by Robert Robideau, Leonard Peltier, and Dino Butler. You will be a witness to their murder as they cried out to not be murdered and will see their pain and suffering of their families as if it was your own.

You will see and witness ALL the rapes of women and children by your “brothers” including Suzanne Dupree by the one you forever honored even Russell Means. You will see and experience her pain and anguish as you witness her rape by Means as if it was your own.

Almighty G-d…even Jesus Christ…who you not only denied but rejected His words of “shame, guilt and punishment” calling it “bullshit and external programming” is now your eternal punishment which is now your HELL!

Your eternal punishment is deserved John Trudell because you refused to confess your sins and continued to listen in the realms of time to your “god”…even he who IS the “Liar and Murderer From The Beginning”…even Satan up to this day of your death.

So it is in the realms of eternity you will find yourself NOT with Crazy Horse who’s name you blasphemed in using his name by implicating him in so doing in your complicity in the crimes of rape and murder of his people by your “brotherhood of Satan” known among men as The American Indian Movement of murderers with Custer’s who butchered Sitting Bulls people at the first Wounded Knee!”

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