FBI Complicit In Murder of Black Civil Rights Worker By The American Indian Movement


PREFACE: I find it interesting that the murder of this Black man who was a active Civil Rights worker aligned to Martin Luther King Jr. has been ignored by Black Power folks in the Government and Clergy…these same people who talk about “White Racism” etc. etc. etc. Ignoring this man’s murder is the equivalent of APPROVING of and being the most blatant example of “racial hypocrisy” that could only be attributed to those labeled “Uncle Toms” and “Oreos”! Now be it noted that those of YOU who see this post and either continue to ignore it or ignore it after seeing it for the first time need to realize that when YOU come before Almighty God…the blood of Perry Ray Robinson Jr. who’s blood is still crying from the ground to this day…will be on your head on you judgement day…even so Amen!

In other words…ignoring his murder makes YOU complicit with the FBI in the cover-up of Robsinson’s murder by The American Indian Movement!

Here is the definition of complicity-one that I think is commonly understood and accepted:

: association or participation in or as if in a wrongful act
2: : an instance of complicity

It is defined as association or participation-nowhere does it say anything about exoneration, exemption, or a lack of guilt.

Forward: “Got some interesting info to share…individual came forward eyewitness to where Chris Westerman buried Robinsons body after David Hill shot Robinson, Thunder Hawk & DeCora let Robinson bleed to death, & it come to light Joseph Trimbach was helping Hill after WK, the shooter, John Trimbach writing another book, wanting docs & proof when always knowing the truth about the Robinson & Aquash murders…fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! You were right on not to trust John..stayed around long enough to find out what he thought I had, only got enough to flush out the truth. Check out the Richard Two Elk video he filmed of Two Elk while the two were at the Dick Marshal trial March 2010…I set the stage for John to ask Two Elk about threatening me Aug. 2008…Two Elk comes unglued. Its on landing page http://www.lookingbackwoman.ca.”

This compliments your post, Rezinate.
Best, LBW/”Looking Back Woman”/Suzanne Dupree https://rezinate.wordpress.com/2015/12/08/coconspirator/

I might add that Suzanne is having all her posts “FBI monitored” and that John Trimbach’s brother works for the CIA. Keep her in your prayers for “protection”. Thank you.

Richard Boyden


Black Civil Rights Worker Perry Ray Robinson went to Wounded Knee in 1973 for the purpose of helping find a peaceful solution to what was taking place there. He was a supporter of and participated with Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement and believed that “non-violence” as a protest tactic would bring the needed results to the demands being made by the American Indian Movement at Wounded Knee.

This was not what the the founders of and then active members of the American Indian Movement thought and wanted. Their response to Robinson’s “spirituality” was to murder him while racially profiling him as a “nigger”.

The American Indian Movement in 1973 had those in the know as to what happened to Robinson and or were there including AIM Chairman at the time John Trudell and Dennis Banks. It was Banks who gave the order to David Hill to shoot Robinson. Banks also directed where Robinson’s body was to buried at Wounded Knee…which spot has yet to be located. . Other prominent AIM leaders/members at Wounded Knee at this time included Russell Means, Leonard Peltier, Leonard Crow Dog, Clyde Bellecourt, Carter Camp, and FBI operative/AIM member Doug Durham and Annie Mae Aquash who was murdered by AIM in part because she was a witness to Robinson’s murder. John Trudell was Chairman of AIM when all this happened.

The FBI And Their Complicity

With their “COENTELPRO” operative Durham on the inside at Wounded Knee (Dennis Banks “best buddy”) when Robinson was shot, it would take the “White Supremacist” FBI operating in South Dakota 41 years to state “a black civil rights activist was killed during the 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee and concluding finally that it suspects militant members of the American Indian Movement are responsible”. Oh really? !

FBI Agent and Special Agent In Charge at the time was Joseph H. Trimbach. Trimbach knew for a fact that David Hill shot Robinson. Trimbach and the FBI also gave Hill a “free won’t go to jail” card. His son John M. Trimbach with his father wrote a book entitled “The American Indian Mafia”. In their book there is no reference or hint that that the FBI knew that David Hill shot Robinson on orders from Dennis Banks which means that the FBI is complicit in the murder of Robinson.

According to the FBI documents (edited and/or changed for “cover their ass” purposes), an unidentified cooperating witness told agents that “Robinson had been tortured and murdered within the AIM occupation perimeter, and then his remains were buried `in the hills.”’

Another witness told agents that Robinson was in Wounded Knee for about a week and had difficulty adjusting to the lack of food, the chaos of the scene and the unilateral AIM command. That witness said Robinson immediately wanted to open discussion in the bunker about AIM’s strategies but no one listened or took him seriously. This led to a heated exchange with Dennis Banks who was infuriated that Robinson would not pick up a gun.

One story is that he was taken to a house by a security team. When Robinson grabbed a knife from a table, he was circled by AIM security guards, according to the witness. A shot rang out, and Robinson’s eyes “rolled up as he went down.

Another story. “He was sitting on somebody’s porch eating oatmeal. An Indian dude came up, ordered him to go see Dennis Banks. Ray said, ‘In a minute – I’m eating my oatmeal – I’ll go when I’ve finished.’ The Indian dude got affronted by Ray’s lack of servility. The Indian shot Ray dead,” Cheryl Robinson, Rays wife wrote.

These versions are embedded with lies and half truths for the purpose of hiding the shooter David Hill as well as denigrating Robinson.

Ray Robinson was at Wounded Knee no more than a week but quickly got a reputation as unwilling to take part in the fight, said Richard Two Elk of Denver. On the day he was shot, Robinson had again refused to pick up a gun, Two Elk said.

“He constantly annoyed us and got on our nerves in the bunker,” Two Elk said.

“What we know is the guy died. The guy got shot. But I didn’t see a fatal injury. I didn’t see him die. I didn’t know what happened to him. There’s some discussion that after he was shot, he may have been shot again or something else might have caused his death,” Two Elk said.

Ray Robinson’s leg wound didn’t appear to be planned, he said.

Another account outlined in a Feb. 1, 1975, letter from Deming to Cheryl Robinson suggests another source said Ray Robinson was shot after being loud and trying to lead AIM members.

“And the Indians didn’t appreciate it. And told him so. And Ray pulled a gun,” Deming wrote. “And the Indian he’d pulled a gun on shot him in the leg. Not with intention to kill or maim … but intention simply to get the situation under control. The wound was not a bad one.”

The source said Ray Robinson was taken to a hospital and not seen again, Deming wrote.

In an earlier letter, on Dec. 29, 1974, to Deming, Cheryl Robinson wrote: “I’m almost sure that he wasn’t wounded in the leg first, then offed later.”

Also there was the “racial component” that was in the undercurrent at Wounded Knee then.

According to one former AIM member, Robinson was described as a “loud mouthed nigger”.


Realistically speaking, it no longer matters what witnesses may have said about what happened to Ray Robinson in light of the fact that he was shot by David Hill on orders from “I can’t remember a Black man there” Dennis Banks and with the “cover-up approval” of the FBI to this day!


It should also be noted that back then when all of this was taking place in South Dakota in 1973, the FBI was a “White Supremacist”/KKK run outfit. Example would be in how they protected (allowing him to be elected SD Governor) Bill Janklow, serial rapist of Indian girls and co-responsible for the murder of one Jancita Eagle Deer, his baby sitter on the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Reservation who he brutally raped. She was found dead 2 weeks before she was to testify to being raped by Janklow which would have ended his political future.

One witness had stated that Eagle Deer was last seen alive with would you believe, the one and only FBI operative Doug Durham! When her mother Delphine tried to get her death investigated, she was found dead also. Any FBI investigations? You get one answer.

For me it is still mind boggling that Black/African Americans in government, the media, academia, sports, Civil Rights leaders, Church leaders, and even the Nation of Islam and the “Old” and New Black Panther Parties, that few if any have shown any compassion and interest in Robinson’s story then you would find at local Klan meeting in Robinson’s home state of Alabama and I would add…to their condemnation in the sight of God and man because Robinson’s innocent blood is still crying from the ground and to this day no one hears.

Now to see what BLACK US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and BLACK POUS Barrack Obama will do or not do!





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