Sodomites And Pederasts Have Been Mass Murderers Of Millions!

First off Obama…to set the record straight right up front…this treasonous sodomite and betrayer of the the Constitution and defiler of all things Holy is NOT my “President”. He does not morally or spiritually represent my G-d in any way shape or form.

I am going to share a very short history of how his “spiritual genetics” are connected to and revealed in the mass murders of hundreds of millions who represent the “Liar and Murderer From The Beginning” who is Satan and who accepted and embraced sodomy as “natural” so that the Law Abiding and G-dly Citizens of this country can understand Obama’s diabolical “gun control” agenda of disarming their citizens before mass murdering them for what it really is and is not.

Starting with the Nazis who were documented Sodomites and Pedophile by sharing links documenting the mass murdering history of sodomites..

HITLER AND THE NAZI’S: These links document the murderous spirit found in Hitlers Sodomite Pederast Controlled Nazi Party.

Occultism, the Nazi Party, and Sodomy

Numbers of human beings “mass murdered” by the Nazi Sodomites including Jews…was well over 20 million.

KARL MARX AND COMMUNISM: Sodomites and promoters of the homosexual movement.

Marxist origin of the homosexual movement

The numbers of human beings murdered by Marxist/Communists is in the hundreds of millions!

Communist Body Count

After hearing Obama’s town hall remarks…I decided to share these few historical tidbits to expose what the goal of gun control is.   Enjoy!

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