Stanley Nelson Director of Black Panther Party FILM Ignored Murder of Black Civil Rights Worker At Wounded Knee

Yes…you read right…those of you who just watched Stanley Nelson’s just released documentary on the Black Panther Party…Nelson who is an acclaimed award winning Black/African American film maker and founder of FIRELIGHT MEDIA.

He along with his partner in this “crime” Marcia Smith deliberately and intentionally left out the murder of Black/African American Civil Rights Worker Perry Ray Robinson Jr. by The American Indian Movement at Wounded Knee South Dakota in 1973 in his directed and produced “Wounded Knee” part of the PBS “We Shall Remain” film released in 2009.

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Co-Founder of the American Indian Movement Dennis Banks Who Gave The Order To Shoot Robinson. Banks as the murdering raping pedophile he was…is now burning in HELL!

Perry Ray Robinson Jr. was murdered in cold blood at Wounded Knee on orders from Dennis Banks (interviewed) co-founder of the American Indian Movement. David Hill was the shooter. Banks, who can’t remember a “Black man” at Wounded Knee directed where to bury Robinson after he was allowed to bleed out by Madonna Thunder Hawk (interviewed). The murder of Robinson and other innocents within the Wounded Knee occupation were reported to the FBI by Lakota Spiritual man Matthew King.

Leonard Crow Dog (interviewed) and Madonna (Gilbert) Thunder Heart (interviewed) are directly involved with the murder of Robinson. This is a link to “Justice for Perry Ray Robinson Jr. FB page and has documents of testimonies of those who saw what happened to him and by who included where he is buried at Wounded Knee.

Nelson in his “Wounded Knee” production and which was written by FIRELIGHT President and Black woman Marcia Smith interviewed members of the American Indian Movement who either participated in Robinson’s murder or were witnesses none of which brought up Robinson. To name just a few of the over 200 there at during the “occupation” are Russell Means, Dennis Banks, Carter Camp, Clyde Bellecourt who also happens to be “friends” with United States Federal Judge Michael Davis who stated Bellecourt was his “tutor” in all things “American Indian Movement” and ignored my calls about his knowledge of Clyde Bellecourts involvement in Robinson’s murder.

So on 20 Feb. 2014 the FBI decides to “pretend” they have some knowledge of Robinson being killed at Wounded Knee…as if they did not know. Click HERE to read their CTA news release. Read the quotes from Banks and Bellecourt and you will see how murderers lie to the press.

David Hill

The FBI had a Agent In Charge at Wounded Knee named Joseph Trimbach Sr. (interviewed). Trimbach knew for a FACT what happened to Robinson, that David Hill shot him, and where he was buried because the FBI had their own witness. His name was Doug Durham who admitted he was a FBI operative at Wounded Knee and channeled information about Robinson and the ELEVEN OTHERS murdered there including the women who were raped first to his “employers”.

In correspondence with AIM members, Carter Camp notes that he left Ray in Eagle Bunker after he had been shot in both legs.

Many witnesses to this event have been afraid to come forward, and several of those involved were also involved with the 1975 execution of Annie Mae Pictou Aquash murdered in part, because of her knowledge of the Robinson murder.

Richard Two Elk, a member of the American Indian Movement was intentionally not interviewed for the Public Broadcasting Series Part 5 “Wounded Knee” by Nelson and PBS CEO Paula Kerger who made sure any and all first-hand accounts of the shooting Robinson were left out and because of their “American Indian Movement” Native American “advisers” so called.

Click HERE to watch Nelson’s WHITE WASH THE OF THE MURDER OF ROBINSON when he interviews the very American Indian Movement members who were directly involved in the murder of Robinson or were complicit in the cover-up while in Nelson’s and Smith film not one mention of Robinson was made by those interviewed. And Nelson was given an award on his film about the murder of Emmett Till!

Two Elk stated “I witnessed the incident when Robinson was shot in the leg and carried away after an argument with some of the leaders. Carter Camp knows that Robinson died after bleeding to death and he lied about even meeting him.”

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Madonna Thunder Hawk who now works with “Last Real Indians” allowed Robinson to bleed out but when you look at the “Trailer”is quoted on the PBS page saying “I was ready to do whatever it takes for change. I didn’t care. I had children, and for them I figured I could make a stand here.” So she allows a Black Man and husband and father of 3 to die in her presence and is free to this day.

Two Elk laments that PBS now appears to be a part of the effort to cover up the Robinson murder in order to “glorify” AIM leaders. AIM hijacked the legacy of Wounded Knee and exploited it for their own gain. They cashed in and left their fellow Indians behind, homeless and destitute. That should have been part of the story. Now it appears that PBS has helped them/AIM get away with it.”

Leonard Crow Dog who was there knows where Robinson is buried as does former South Dakota Senator James Abourezk. So do the attorneys involved with the Robinson family like Michael Kuzma who has made sure Robinson’s family does not respond to those who know where his body is buried.

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So there you go people and especially The Black Panther Party. You have a so called “Black Man” named Stanley Nelson making a documentary about your most important history who intentionally ignored the brutal murder of Civil Rights Worker and follower of Martin Luther King Jr. by members of the American Indian Movement.

Am I missing something?

No…I don’t think so and I think the Black Panther Party and ALL who watched Nelson’s FILM needs to ask him why he left out the murder of this Black Man by the American Indian Movement. And so does the Black Panther Party given Nelson has come to them to tell their story…but made sure the murder of one of their own is left out of his “Wounded Knee” production.

In fact…the Black Panther Party needs to mount up and head to Wounded Knee on behalf of Robinson.s family and go get his remains. Maybe Nelson can do a film on that along with all the other Media who to this day has proven without a doubt that the Black Life of Perry Ray Robinson still does not matter to anyone in this country!

Oh…one last word to add to this blog…say COMPLICITY in the cover-up of MURDER which might be the reason why Nelson and Smith did NOT return my calls about Robinson and the obvious cover-up of his murder by those HE INTERVIEWED!



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