Richard Boyden “BIOGRAPHY”


Short Biography of Founder of Operation Morning Star

and Richard Boyden pages



My “real last name” should be ZICKLER as when my dad died…that was his name on this birth certificate. It might be a Jewish name in searching. He was adopted by a BOYDEN which IS a Jewish name and because his dad ran off to South America and never come back, my father was adopted. So I do use that name now and then and it feels right! Never felt right  about “Boyden” but so be it!  

Born and raised in Seattle Washington. Same birth month as the Jewish New Year (0/9) “Rosh Hashanah”.  

I was born a “breach birth” complements of more then likely the brutal forever beatings my mother was “blessed with” during her pregnancy at the hands of my bastard “father”. I am almost sure that I also was a “incognito micro cosmic pre-alcoholic” complements of both of my parents. More then likely I would have flunked a “breathalyzer test” if given upon my entering into the world.   

Three weeks after birth, I was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma. I was crying a lot I was told. Fortunately, the witnesses of could at that moment differentiate between cries from the pain in the eyes and the pain coming from more then likely being slapped around by my sperm donating bastard of a sub-human form of a “father”. It was this “crying” that brought attention to my eyes being “filmy” which then qualified me to receive a first class plane trip to California where the glaucoma was surgically corrected. The type of corrective surgery to correct my glaucoma was among some of the first in history.  Thus I can see for now but there is a chance it will return and signs are it is starting. 

Unlike many children who were blessed with “G-dly parents” and taught in the ways of the Lord, I was cursed to be damned to be in the presence of a violent Free Masonic demon infested alcoholic “father” who beat mother and myself during the first six years of my life. I was an “only child” mind you…and these experiences and memories collected with each beat of my heart, each sound of violence and viciousness coming out of the mouth of the damned soul of my father directed at my mother and myself. No brothers, sisters, “love hugs” hearing “I love you”, just darkness and hell in so many words.

What memories I do have include most vividly, the window into those scenes when I would come home from the “sitter”, eat supper, run into the bedroom and into the the closet where I attempted to shut the door to this world of hell on earth, where I attempted to cover myself with the protection of blankets and pillows in an attempt to muffle the sounds of my mother screaming, her body being pummeled over and over, hearing her body falling and thudding to the floor in one part of the house or another. All I heard then were her moans…crying…being hit or kicked again…until this regular symphonic reparatory faded into silence and then only did sleep overcome me. 

In the morning, I would view the nightmare of the night before in witnessing in intimate detail her physical condition of being cut, bruised, and battered. She would go to work that way and in those days, beating of women was an accepted social norm of “life” more so then now. Personally, I see very little being changed for women now. Witnessing this abuse of my mother while in her womb is how I explain the reason why I was a “breach birth”. I did NOT want to come into the world as I “heard it”. I hated it, feared it, and wanted no part of it. 

My mother was forever a victim of abuse physical and emotional which accumulated to qualify her to for being a 24/7 self administered condition of “spiritual death” using alcohol which by definition prevented us from bonding as mother and son. Nothing normal to allow for this G-d allowed mandate of hell, something I at that time could not even begin to understand. Always I could feel her suffering in my heart and spirit whether I was witnessing it or away…always a constant within my heart and spirit. Not only did I weep, but I wanted to kill my father for what he did to my mother and for that matter me. 

I remember one time as a child trying to swim and then I began sinking in 15 feet of water on a windy day in the Puget Sound at Beacon Point. I remember my father not moving as I cried out for help, going down one time and crying out again…remembering him just sitting there, not moving, just watching me go under for the “last time”. He was drunk. Then a man who saw this, jumped in the water and found me buried and “lifeless” under 15 ft. of water, pulled me out and brought me back to “life”. I awoke from being “dead” to realizing I was laying on the bed in our cabin and alive.  My father cursed out the man that saved me. And there have been times because of my life, that I too have cursed this man. 

My mother divorced father at age 6 but continued to drink which eventually in time, assisted her deterioration in suffering a nervous breakdown because of a “hell authored” mixture of anti-depressants and alcohol..the “soul door openers to dark demonic spirits”. As a result of then “hearing their voices”, she was committed to a mental health abyss where she was subjected to “forced” shock treatments, beatings, and was raped. 

She died in 1968 from 3d degree burns over 99 percent of her body.  

She tried to light/smoke a cigarette after being released from a hospital where she was being treated for liver disease because of drinking. Her clothes “Pennys flammable clothes” caught on fire. My grandmother found her laying in the middle of her living room floor curled up in a ball. She “lived” 3 days and passed into the Spirit World and into the arms of Jesus.   I saw my mother, burnt black from the top of her head down to her ankles. Ever seen a “burnt marshmallow”, the burnt body of your mother? …while she was still “alive”?   

Yes, I did curse G-d.  She was a good woman. Suffered much in life for no “wrong” reason but ONLY because she was a loving giving good woman with a heart of flesh who cared about others. Totally unselfish. Satan hated her and hates women like her…think about that. Her First husband was killed 2 weeks after they married in a auto wreck. That affected her in ways words unable to convey. She was a leader in Brownies, Girl Scouts, Den mother for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, active in the PTA, and in “Church’s” where she was “predatorized” by “ministers” for money and sex.  

Also she was actively involved in Veterans activities and from what I know, she was THE WOMAN who began “Operation Shoe Box” for U.S. Troops and this program has continued to this day unto the helping of Troops all over the world. 

I share this because what I “witnessed” and ‘experienced” as a child is somewhat the same as what many LAKOTA OYATE called “Sioux” have experienced and witnessed in “Indian Country” in the area of “family experiences” with alcohol, dysfunctional families, abuse, violence, and the “death affects” of on ones heart, spirit, and body.  These “experiences” are the result of the dark, evil, diabolical spiritual engineering of things social and personal that created the environment that both they and I were and are subjected to and surrounded by and with the resulting affects thereof finding place within their our souls. Therefore, I personally understand how this “spiritual condition” one is “raised up in” affects who we become and why. (Keep in mind…every treaty was broken because of “Gold” ending with a “Mass Murder” of 300 men, women and children at Wounded Knee in 1889.)

Therefore, I am somewhat able, on a small and limited scale, to relate to what I call the “spiritual war” targeting ones heart and spirit in direct contrast to those that have experienced none of the same. They are the judges of the likes of a “me” as well as those who have suffered the same. These are those who have not the compassion and understanding in their hearts to love the “sinners”. They do not have a heart of “flesh” as “we” do but instead they have hearts of “stone”.  They are without “charity” which is the Pure Love of Jesus Christ for the poor, afflicted, and those in need but instead are immersed in the things of the world which they prioritize over human beings and the salvation of their own souls. It is easy to tell who they are. Just look into their eyes and see how they live as exhibited in the carnal, sensual, and devilish “death styles” inspired by the demons of hell. 

I did not ever drink until I saw my mother in her condition of “death”. I had hated alcohol as a child and still do. Used to curse at liquor store clerks, spit on the windows of their stores, “flip” them off (all dad taught), broke windows out, and eliminated any and all bottles of of Seagram’s 7 wherever I found them. This was my childhood extracurricular obsession which was my feeble childhood attempt to destroy the “destroyer” of myself and my family. 

After her death, I succumbed to my grief, rage, and “hate of G-d”.  Why her? She did not deserve this. So, I too became an “alcoholic” minus the official treatments and evaluations of being, but yet knew in my heart that I chose to be this way during those times in my life when attempting to escape and find meaning to this contradiction of existence.  

In spite of the struggles as a young man, and witnessed and endured, I still managed to play sports and fished. Excelled in both above average. Won state championship in high school as a “pitcher” for the American Legion State Championship Team. I pitched a 4 hitter shutout against the team that was the same team that beat my High School team, the same team that rejected me because I had no father in the “community” and my mother was a drunk. That was my vindication and “payback” to these haters of the “outcastes and sinners”…complements of G-d! Say Madison High School Portland Oregon where most of the classmates then were the social forerunners to the present one dimensional  automatonic robotic social mindset of the acceptance of another human being based upon appearance rather then heart content.  

My most healing escape and healing in growing up was being allowed to spend time in the mountains and forests, the beach’s, lakes, rivers, and streams of Washington state, before they were “contaminated by the parasites from California”. Could out fish anyone for trout anywhere, anytime, any place. Stayed in good physical condition with weight training, running, and bicycling and played college soccer and was one of the best on a “international” team.  

Because of the “clicky atmosphere” in my high school years were at Madison, I chose to be an introvert. Average student. Got diploma by “default” .  

They were tired of me and I was bored with school and life so I joined the Marine Corp because I decided to “adopt” John Wayne to replace my my father. Spent 18 months in combat in Viet Nam as a result of that act of temporary insanity and partook in that war of lies incognito until to late for those beguiled unto the death of their bodies, minds, and spirits. Honorable discharge.  

Should have been dead many times in the “Nam”. Stepped over mines, booby traps, punji pits, bullets flying all around, over my head, at my feet, and into everyone else BUT me. Almost drowned again when stepping off the edge of a mangrove water trail and into a deep river. Again…someone grabbed the barrel of my M-14 as I began to go under for the last time. Having close to 80lbs on your back does not allow for any other option but to “fast sink”. Replaced as  “point” in a patrol at “last minute” with one who took MY shot in the head.  

Enough “Agent Orange” in my body for someone to send it to Dow Chemical when I die and retire on the “rebate”!  

After my discharge from the Marine Corp, I relocated to Seattle, bought a 67 911 Porsche and started college. Yes, I drank, escaped, and yes, I was a “whoremonger”.  

I completed 5 years of college, no degree. Honor roll though! 3.5 GPA overall. Outstanding soccer player. Studied philosophy, sociology, all the “psych” disciplines. No degree because I hated math and science, like in high school.  

Studied “ethnic history” and became drawn to “American History” at Western Washington Univ. in Bellingham Washington. Tutored English to youth on the Lummi Indian Reservation north of Bellingham Washington.

I also volunteered/worked for the Seattle Indian Health Board under Jo Ann Kauffman, Nez Pierce. I assisted in raising funds on a small scale. Her sister is Hattie Kauffman, ABC reporter. I had a crush on her even but I could not even get “Indian time of day” from her.  

I spearheaded two emergency flood relief operations to provide food and water to the Lummi Nation when Willie Jones was  Tribal Chairman. Started own cutlery business in Pike Place Market which is still there today. We provided supplies to most  commercial fishing canneries and processing ships in Washington, Canada, and Alaska. Sold raingear, processing knives and fish handling containers. I worked in sales and marketing for a number of companies. Excelled and made millions for others but in turn was exploited, used, and terminated when no longer needed.   

During all of this, I was slowly being drawn towards my eventual involvement with “Indian Country” but not fully aware yet. 

Moved to Missouri in 85 AKA obeyed Almighty G-d to “GATHER” to Independence AKA obeying the commandments and revelations from Almighty G-d AKA The Church Of Jesus Christ The Son of God. (Actually I was “G-d compelled to).

It was on my trip driving to Missouri when I “felt a God Inspired love” for American Indians as I witnessed their struggles and suffering on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation with the conviction in my heart by Him direct to do something of worth in His sight…not the sight of “man”. Remember, I was not raised or exposed to any TRUE love as a child…therefore what I felt was not of me…my flesh, my past, of and from “family experiences” of love. 

Quit normal jobs to become a “abnormal” radio talk show host for 6 years and what I talked about and exposed is found on my personal web page. Consider the site extremely NOT politically correct. It was on radio that I began to seriously focus on subjects of importance pertaining to the realities of “Indian Country” as I began to understand them. Thus the learning process continued.  I even put a radio station called KCXL 1140 on the map that was owned by a “drunk”. It is worth millions now. Yes, I was used and thrown out on the streets like garbage.

Launched “Operation Morning Star” in 1996 when I began radio. 

My many “Indian Country” interviews included Marquita Peltier, the daughter of Leonard Peltier, Dennis Banks, Russell Means, Belcourt brothers (these are those that have covered up the murder of Anna Mae Pictu Aquash), the Dann sisters, Charlene Teeters, Susanne Harjo, John Echohawk, Lenny Foster, the late and beloved Vine Deloria Jr., the late Carl Gorman Sr. the “Dine/Navaho Code Talker”, and covered many subjects affecting Indian Country such as the uranium contamination of water and environment in Dine Country, Dakota Country and elsewhere.

Did programs on genetic engineering of food crops, bio-chemical weapons, anti-depressants, the selling of our military technology and weapons systems to the Chinese and Russians, and programs on health and nutrition among many others. Exposed the “New World Order” agenda that we are embedded in now. 

Exposed FBI involvement in the cover-ups of murders of close to 100 Lakota during the 70’s and also, the case of Leonard Peltier, Anna Mae Aquash, Jancita Eagle Deer who was raped and murdered by former South Dakota Governor William Janklow. I exposed and had programs about the FBI’s active participation and cover up of their drug importation into this country, their working with drug dealers and cartels. One show provided PROOF of documentation through a “FBI” operative I interviewed named Darlene Novinger. She went public with what she found out that being that George Bush Sr. and son Jeb were deeply involved in the major drug cartels. The FBI told her to keep quiet and the result of her going public was that they first killed her husband, then father, then she mysteriously and quickly died of cancer. 

I also had a program naming FBI operatives bringing drugs into the US from Canada and through the Ft. Peck Assiniboine Reservation in Montana. This was documented by Melissa Buckles from that reservation and who I interviewed on my radio program AKA FBI TERRY NELSON CARTELS MONTANA.

Twice the FBI had discussed “taking me out” using their “underworld contacts” here in Kansas City. (Evil EVIL Satan inspired combination of darkness this FBI). That is what I was told from someone on the “inside”. They are proof there is a SATAN! They cover up and protect active pedophile rings, embedded both nationally and those that are international along with the CIA. Read the “Franklin Cover-up by John De Camp as I interviewed him exposing PEDOPHILE G.W. BUSH!  

Taught at Haskell Indian Nations University. Created a “3 hour accredited course”, “Introduction To Radio Broadcasting” – “Investigative Journalism”. Taught students how to run the board and engineer and produce their own live on air programs and do live interviews. Taught them how to “research subjects”. Students said it was the best class ever and I was a “White man”. Honored I was. 

Counseled sexually abused children, battered women.  

Active in The Church of Jesus Christ, the Son of G-d. NOT a “religion”  not “Christian” per se but rather spiritually revealing restored on earth of those lost and necessary understandings pertaining to the literal establishment of the Kingdom of G-d in the “last days” as a result of full obedience to His Gospel. This Kingdom is something I constantly cried out for for the sake of the suffering souls in “Indian Country”.

Jesus Christ IS the reason why I am alive, here, and writing this now, as well as being able to make Operation Morning Star a viable and semi-successful venture of love and generosity for and on behalf of “Indigenous Peoples” that are called Native Americans, Indians, American Indians, First Nations Peoples etc. I consider Jesus the pure, holy, and righteous example of what a true Lakota should be. NOT ME!  

I have fought with the local racist media to get exposure for Operation Morning Star and the Lakota I have felt led to help. Always a struggle, ALWAYS. 

I “fake” as an “Independent Writer” with a few “editorials” and articles published including one in the Kansas City Star. Others in the Independence Examiner, Dakota Lakota Journal including articles on “suicide in Indian Country”. 

Also, I write about and present information on the subject of “Suicide” to at risk Native American Youth on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations, on radio, and in juvenile detention centers. I have personal experience in this area. I am an “attempted suicide survivor” who has experienced from G-d, who manifested Himself in the flesh as Jesus Christ, the eternal consequences of both the act of attempted suicide as well as the revelation of what it means IF one is successful, and what they will experience in the “spirit world” after they kill themselves.  

For me, it was a confirmation that there is a hell as well as a heaven. Both are determined only by ones relationship and standing with G-d. No great mystery. Cut and dried.  

Death and life are realities that are both spiritual and temporal, even that of the spirit world in the realms of eternity, as well as being here on earth in the flesh within the realms of time where we find ourselves now. There is no separation whether in time or eternity.  

Our choices are first “spiritual” in who or what we listen to and follow and in many ways this determines our realities and destinies in both worlds. And yes, there is a Satan/Lucifer and he hates us more then we will ever know, until that is, if in eternity we find ourselves bound to him. 

In looking back and up to this day, my personal life has been like being in “mortal combat” but not a war in the flesh, but in the spirit and over my soul. Some battles I have won, others lost. I have been hurt and wounded up to the edge of death itself, and I am responsible for wounding and hurting others even the same and worse and feel the shame of.  

I am not perfect, don’t “walk on water”. I just know that the “love of G-d” is a “revelation of and from” and therefore is a ongoing learning process that begins in time and extends into eternity. I also realize I am “G-d’s work in progress”, and my only teacher has been Jesus. I am sure I am one of His major “affirmative action” programs if there ever was one. 

My idea of Heaven here on earth is 40 acres, in Montana, where a clean fresh creek flows into a small lake filled with native trout AND in the mountains and away from people. Give me a horse or two, some sheep, chickens, a few buffalo, and I will be one happy “Return of the Mountain Man” program! 

Until “then”, I will continue trying to make a difference in the lives of Indigenous Peoples to the best of my ability and with limited or NO resources.  

I am not sure for how long I will continue Operation Morning Star. Someday, you may come to the OMS page and see “nothing”!  Just know that if that happens, I am in “The Kingdom Of Heaven” here on earth somewhere! 🙂 

And the reason WHY will be, because I will have ended my attempt to enlist help for the Oyate after “x” number of years.


That’s it. Questions? Email me at richardboyden@GMAIL.COM 

Thanks to all of you that have helped and may G-d bless each of you.!

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