UPDATED 11/26/2017. Read this if you desire to understand what is going on at Standing Rock and why why NO FEDERAL HELP. This information is essential to know what is in the “1868 Ft. Laramie Treaty” and how the US Government “snuffed it” using the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act which in effect destroyed “ALL Indian Country Sovereignty” while creating “Fake Indians” and “Federally owned entities” AKA “US CITIZENS” who have no rights because they are “owned by the government” unto the losing of all that is rightfully theirs!

INTRODUCTION: Emerson Elk is a Full Blood Oglala Lakota from Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He has been blessed by Wakan Tanka to destroy the Indian Reorganization Government Act of 1934 by explaining what the Original Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 is and how it applies to all acts of federal government, state government and business and not Lakota populations that are on the Treaty Land of the Great Sioux Nation.
This was the first of 4 meetings at Standing Rock. There will be a vote as to who will represent the Great Sioux Nation and present this information to Obama who by definition must honor the the 1868Fort Laramie Treaty as well as any and all representatives of the Pipe Line Company of Kelcy Warren etc etc etc as outlined below.
Hoka Hey!
Hau mikolapi, we attended the public meeting that was labeled a treaty meeting and it was very sad.
The 1934 IRA tribal people thought they were sovereign and were a nation.a lot of people thought they could start a treaty I’d card and once it’s established, they’ll use it to start defending their treaty right. I had to explain to them that they will be in violation of the federal law that is on the book ,conspiracy to commit fraud by trafficking in ID documents. It took awhile but they understood.
A half-breed male was very pushy about sovereignty.him and several others were all for the I’d cards but once I explained the federal Indian and the end of the trail for the federal Indian by fundamental public policy, they were very upset and wanted to pick a fight with whoever brought this out.(me)
I stood my grounds and let it be known that we look at these issues since the hereditary chief and head men chose me to sit with them since 2007. Since then it’s been a 24-7 examination of all laws and to whom it applies.ALL CORPORATIONS Of THE CORPORATION USA, FEDERAL,STATES,TRIBES,COUNTY, COUNTY-TRIBES,MUNICIPALITIES.
This was explained to them in a way they would understand. Yet they keep falling back on federal and state laws. I had to try to explain how we (hehaka tiospaye) went through the administrative remedy to prove that we are full blood Lakota by patralineal descent and matralineal descent.Tthis is what it takes to be Lakota, Dakota, Nakota and Wajaje of the original seven council fires nation AKA The Great Sioux Nation.
The visitors or white people understood me, clapped their hands and whooped it up in approval.they seen and understood diplomatic class standing. Tribal chair men Dave Archambeault and Frazier were in awe. I I told them that they can never represent me in any treaty matters and that they don’t have any treaty rights as they are the federal government, with their federal constitution and laws, tribal.
They are a Corporation of the federal government. As a matter of fact there is a treaty between us. And you are in violation of your own law,and tt’s called the Logan act. You can not enter a sacred agreement between two sovereign nations. You are a corporation of the federal government in originality and federal government is not a sovereign nation and can never make a treaty within itself. Federal government is an ideology.
All 1934 IRA tribes were bestowed quasi-sovereign. This is a social contract to educate, assimilate and terminate the FEDERAL INDIAN. This happened two years ago with termination of federal services and funding. By executive order of the president of USA Obama, the borders of the reservation were lifted and the tribal citizens were given their human rights subjecting them to UCC, TAXATION and eminent domain and becoming citizens of the state which is nobody, nothing, just another person, which goes to WHITE residents and tenants of the state.
How are you going to pay your tax?? They were dumb founded. I asked Dave Archambeault “When you went to Washington, what did they tell you? Federal funding is over,correct??” And he nodded, yes.
Now about the multi racial roll. You are labelled as an off spring of the pedophiles, squaw men, calvary and clergy. Look at the history of the Ft.Laramie army post. There was mentioned the mountain men that were trapping and some followed the cavalry providing goods and services.l Like Cuny and Ecoffey trading company…this offspring sitting right here in front of me.( cuny dog was sitting in front of me -he’s the head security at dapl.) He couldn’t say anything, all red in the face. He is not Lakota, can never be Lakota. He doesn’t have the pure red man blood. Name says it all.
99% of these Sioux nation tribes are in this situation. That’s why the state governors are doing what they are doing. Federal Indian is not a real flesh and blood being. created and innovated, federally recognized.(legal fiction??)
These can not represent the full blood Lakota. Fraudulent conversion and conveyance.Fraud vitiates any thing it touches. Fraud when mentioned has to be examined and convicted or exonerated. Federal Indian can never claim sovereign statues as it only exists on paper as name and number.
They were upset but I reminded them about WHO made these laws. Logan act violations, Senate can not invade. Congress itself is powerless to intrude into a treaty.
Only the President can make a treaty,f or his conduct, he’s responsible to the organic US constitution.
The IRA tribes do not have any treaty rights. It was a sad meeting. Basically,I was a teacher. All flunked the test. Crow dog was there but he was all AIM, for unity and every one is Lakota in his eyes. I had to explain the multi racial rolls and how it is affecting each and every single tribal members individually. They have to prove that they are who they say they are or they have committed a crime on the record.
I talked about indigenous identity theft and oceti sakowin identity theft . Treaties, all reserved silent treaty rights, which includes water and how the federal government has changed the winters doctrine and made changes to it that specifies the quantification of water.
Use it or lose it. Went to how much you use in 1 day , 1 week,1month and 1 year and since you are unable to store this amount, you lost it it went down the river and now you are using some one else’s water and the federal government will charge you for pro rata tax. Use it or lose it policy.
This does not apply in the 1868 Ft. Laramie treaty. Treaty Indian property does not apply to artificial Indians.
On may 20,2016 President Obama signed into law Hr4238 which stipulated that there will be no more oriental, ‘negro’, or Indian, scrubbed from all federal laws. Which left all tribal membership as non Indians. What will happen to all Indian property?? Indian appropriations, tribal land, casinos, Lakota, Dakota, Nakota and Wajaje of the original seven council fires nation aka the great Sioux nation.
This week Fri. Sat. and Sunday there’s more meeting scheduled concerning the delegates that will be chosen to meet President Obama in Chicago in two and a half weeks.
Again I have to reiterate that only the original hereditary chief and head men of the original seven council fires nation aka great Sioux nation are the only one to make demands and the President has to enforce those decisions.decisions made are non negotiable.
No dapl, no keystone xl pipelines. Removal of all illegal corporations from treaty territories. Return land and water in pristine condition and to pay us for all back rent, payable on demand. Lawsuit to be initiated for illegal investors of the pipelines, investment in a criminal enterprises, violation of treaty, therefore subject to confiscation for treaty violation of illegal easements and right of way. Once treaty legality established, confiscation of all investments will be under eminent domain of original seven council fires nation aka great Sioux nation.
Lakota is real flesh and blood intrinsic being. Original blood.
So keep praying for us and there is danger even among the people in the meeting. There is no real security for us chief and head men but it has to be done.
Also subject matter; jurisdiction and sovereignty must be proven to exist. It can not be assumed.
Therefore the sacred Black hills are not for sale. They belong to the creator of the universe and original nations people are chosen caretakers.
Federal government has no legal and lawful jurisdiction over it. Thiefdom!! Seignorage, it does not belong to them. Fraudulent conversion and conveyance. Fraud vitiates any thing it touches.
Hecetuyelo, Sa I Matomiyeyelo.
p.s. FOOTNOTE from previous email that was sent. I don’t have time to do the spaces but Emerson explains the TRUTH about Treaty Rights and who is a Lakota etc.
Hau kola Richard ,
I wanted to make a
correction on this story. the part where I was quoted as saying sept. 29 ,2009 these tribal citizens became Lakota is wrong , the Patrilineal blood of the original Lakota ,Dakota,nakota and wajaje of the original oceti sakowin is what is sacred . on the cobell lawsuit it is mentioned in the historical accounting , 1887 to sept.29,2009 , the social contract , 1934 ,Indian Reorganization Act ,was to run for 50 yrs. from 1934 to 1984 , 1984 came but the majority of these tribes were not ready so a 25 year extension was given , 2009 ?? the cobell lawsuit mentions specifically sept. 29,2009. and the administration accounting took away the indian preference for 1000.00 and then the persons other than 4/4 C.D.I.B. became U.S, citizens , non indian status , 1849 Lake Peppin Sioux Halfbreed Tract , Presidential Proclamation , If your Daddy is a White man ,you are a U.S.Ciitizen , you are not indian ,and you can not own indian land , and then comes the affordable care act , to take away the full blood , half breed and the mix bloods ,to make them into one , termination of federal supervision, ending the Indian Health Service Hospital taxation , why did the white house council of native American affairs set up a committee to tax the Indians ??these artificial federal Indians become state citizens by the U.N. declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples , on may 1&2 , 2012 , the U.N. Human Rights Commission came to Rosebud ,sinte gleska university ,prof James Anaya gave them their human rights , I went with jerilyn and we told the we already have god given rights ,we don’t need their false rights. served them with a special appearance in the cobell lawsuit. today , these tribal citizens turned state citizens are in the dark , they don’t understand what happened to them , no longer federally recognized , they are tax payers ,subject to U.C.C. law , taxation ,eminent domain ?? tok’sa ake’