NKCPD Officers Violently Assault A Woman’s Daughter and Murder Innocent Dog


UPDATE: 4/11/17 Listen to this program for more information about who and why murdered Toni Anderson


Pete Sanchez had done his homework with his son. The TRUTH IS OUT about the murdering Son’s of Satan in BLUE!

When they make the announcement…Toni Anderson’s COD…AKA cause of death will be “drowning with drugs in system”… that is their only OUT! She was abducted…taken to NKCPD Ficken’s house in Parkville right near the “boat ramp” and with the help of his fellow animals in blue like Freeman (See blog on) …they …held…raped…and then murdered her by “drowning” and then put in her car…END OF STORY!

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“It’s just too easy for someone to get rid of a car, it’s 24/7 all access and there’s no gate covering it,”

AND…Pete Sanchez Jr…boyfriend of Toni Anderson also believes NORTH KANSAS CITY POLICE LIED and are responsible for the death of Toni!

Image result for north kansas city police department

Two officers from NKCPD assaulted a readers daughter in 10/2016. This information comes from a reader of the blog about Toni Anderson’s murder.

“My daughter was dragged out her truck window, arrested and charged with interfering with an investigation by nkcpd 10/16. I was on the phone with her when it happened. She had bruises and cuts all over her. I wonder if it was the same cops that pulled Toni over?”

Interesting huh? I am hoping she gets back to me with the names of these TWO NKCPD officers. Keep in mind that Toni Anderson was stopped by TWO NKCPD officers…not one as stated in the official accounts by KCPD and the media.

My email address it richardhboyden@hotmail.com

Image result for increase homicides kansas city

Also…fyi…it was brought to my attention that NKCPD would take “confiscated guns” (along with other departments like Raytown PD) to Blue Steel Guns in Raytown MO and those guns were then sold to “KC Gang Bangers”. Is this “legal” and “Serving and Protecting The People”?

NO…does say they are selling guns to those WHO MURDER OTHERS…say increase in homicides in KCMO!

They also have no problem shooting beloved pets running away from them and then joke about it…

Image result for kcpd officers shoot dog

Dog shot by police

Watch VIDEO…


HereRead the the story about the two NKCPD officers murdering beloved pet

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I am taking bets that these two might be involved in what happened to Toni Anderson…or the two in the above story and which in both cases KCPD Capt. Stacey Graves is there to “spin” the story to the media.

Image result for kansas city police chief hiring bias

Obviously the North Kansas City Police Department is “ROGUE” and supported by liars and “brothers and sisters” within their own ranks as well as by KCPD and the Chief who himself justifies breaking the law saying…

“It did not matter”!

A SHORT 1Page Google History of Kansas City Police Department killing and brutalizing citizens and being sued

…are you sitting down?

Google “images” with attached stories

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