The Coming Toni Anderson Autopsy Report Will Be Fabricated To Protect Her Murderers

UPDATE: 4/11/17 Listen to this program for more information about who and why murdered Toni Anderson

Pete Sanchez had done his homework with his son. The TRUTH IS OUT about the murdering Son’s of Satan in BLUE!

When they make the announcement…Toni Anderson’s COD…AKA cause of death will be “drowning with drugs in system”… that is their only OUT! She was aducted…taken to NKCPD Ficken’s house in Parkville right near the “boat ramp” and with the help of his fellow animals in blue like Freeman (See blog on) …they …held…raped…and then murdered her by “drowning” and then put in her car…END OF STORY!

FOREWORD: This is why the “handlers” of Toni Anderson’s parents DO NOT WANT A SECOND AUTOPSY as desired by Pete Sanchez Sr. and Jr. and pushed or suggested that after the ONLY AUTOPSY which the KILLERS have controlled (like all the information they have refused to release AKA “Still an open investigation” but…BUT…NO FOUL PLAY et.) have either suggested or agreed with a CREMATION which will provide the “Final Closure” to their being exposed as inspired by Satan Liars and Murderers! Without a SECOND AUTOPSY…any and all evidence about the true cause of her death  will be forever eliminated!


Image result for toni anderson boat ramp


Almost 4 days now and nothing from the upcoming planed and staged autopsy of Toni Anderson to protect the guilty. Nothing about the particulars per her death. Not one word…other then what KCPD “preventive maintenance” press releases have stated i.e. “No Foul Play” and No Signs of Trauma” and “No Signs of a Struggle”…so therefore…the stage has been set for a autopsy report that will by definition reinforce and further sustain the generated lies by the self investigating murderers of Toni Anderson at the hands of TWO ROGUE North Kansas City Police Officers.

This is somewhat similar if not exactly like the NKCPD and KCPD waiting close to 3 days before they announced they had stopped Toni the first time. Think about that. The needed and extra time to plan the release of the information that will not only cast doubt on what happened to Toni…but to make sure every new conference and tv interview contained those lies that would make sure no one would think the TWO NKCPD OFFICER who murdered her would be suspected beyond being “investigated by their own Brothers in Blue” but more so to make sure all media released explanations, doubts and hypothesis would actually point to Toni herself or “someone else” That is what is nice about “extra time” because it is needed for that reason.

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So expect in the upcoming autopsy report that it will contain in it the necessary information that will leave in the minds of all hearing and reading…that Toni Anderson died from either “natural causes” due to sliding down a iced boat ramp in her car that did 0-60 in 5 seconds and therefore as the expert swimmer she was, was unable to jump out of her car fast enough AND there will be the added and the upcoming autopsy/toxicology report which will confirm that and seal the deal…I mean cover-up her murder.

And how will it be sealed?

The coroners office will publicly state conclusively that there were either drugs or alcohol or both in her system which prevented her from getting out of her car. How else can it be explained that she stayed in her car while “doing a U turn” and slid into the Missouri River that would actually take at least 20 seconds to reach the water if not more given the grade of the boat ramp and more time to SINK!Just remember…NO FOUL PLAY…NO SIGNS OF TRAUMA…NO SIGNS OF A STRUGGLE! Translated…they can only point at Toni again being the cause of her death…no one else…right?

Image result for toni anderson boat ramp

Only a physically and mentally incapacitated Toni Anderson would therefore end up drowning in her car as it sunk SLOWLY into the Missouri River while the TWO NKCPD COPS who murdered her anxiously watching under the still cover of darkness hoping there are no witnesses and making sure her window was open to speed up her car sinking with her DEAD INSIDE. There is no other option for KCPD/NKCPD i.e. the murderers of Toni Anderson.

This is why they have not officially identified her body because takes time to remove “other bruises” and marks on her body. It takes time to “find drug and alcohol” in her system. And of course…given they have total control of her remains…they can safely state over and over…taking all the time they need…repeating over and over that there NO SIGNS OF “Foul Play”…”Trauma” or  “A Struggle” and this BEFORE the  autopsy! Talk there being a prelude of what is coming in the “official autopsy report” and this being the reason why Pete Sanchez Sr. and his son and boyfriend of Toni Pete Jr. want a SECOND AUTOPSY!

Evidently Toni’s parents either don’t want to see if there is more to the death of her daughter…or they will continue and have to this day…believed the lied of those they have foolishly trusted who murdered their daughter.

Thankfully…no matter what the outcome is in the realms of time in the murder of this innocent soul…there will be the Justice of God waiting for the murderers upon their death.

A most interesting confirmation of that in what happens to murderers…look at the last scenes of the movie “GHOST” and watch it carefully and as for me…this is exactly what will happen to the murderers upon their death and to everyone else among their “Brothers and Sisters In Blue” who are complicit in their silence knowing that “TWO of their own” are guilty of the murder of Toni Anderson!

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