Toni Anderson’s Boyfriend Pete Sanchez Jr. Does NOT Believe NKCPD/KCPD “Story”

UPDATE: 4/11/17 Listen to this program for more information about who and why murdered Toni Anderson

Pete Sanchez had done his homework with his son. The TRUTH IS OUT about the murdering Son’s of Satan in BLUE!

When they make the announcement…Toni Anderson’s COD…AKA cause of death will be “drowning with drugs in system”… that is their only OUT! She was abducted…taken to NKCPD Ficken’s house in Parkville right near the “boat ramp” and with the help of his fellow animals in blue like Freeman (See blog on) …they …held…raped…and then murdered her by “drowning” and then put in her car…END OF STORY!

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I am going to share a few things about Pete Sanchez Jr. and his beloved Toni Anderson who was MURDERED by North Kansas City Police Officers as shared in my blog.

I met Pete on a search for Toni and found him to NOT be like all the stigma’s and accusations made by the pond scum dirt bags who were Satan inspired in their jacketing of him with numerous and endless lies. I could sense his shock, buried pain and the love he had and still has for his beloved Toni. Even she was stigmatized and stereotyped with the same diabolical format authored and  inspired by the King of Hell himself.

One primate example was and is the “Salt and Pepper” duet of black Alonzo Washington and his androgynous buddy TonyKC who lives in his mother’s basement watching porn when not making up stories…or I should say LIES! Everything they said and wrote about Toni and Pete compliment what NKCPD did to Toni…say MURDER!

Pete said that Toni was a virgin…read that again. She did not sleep around…fornicate…sell her body but was in love with this ONE MAN who captured her heart and was then MURDERED by ROGUE North Kansas City Police officers who are protected to this day by the FBI and evidently will be UNTIL that is…they themselves die.

As Jesus said…”Fear not he that can kill your body…but rather fear Him who can both kill your body and CAST YOUR SOUL INTO HELL”! You reading this “Boys in Blue” and your protectors the FBI?

Here is Petes story…his love shared for a woman who is now in the realms of eternity and weeps tears of love for him and prays for him as she does her mother and father…and friends knowing that will come when she and Pete will be together in the presence of God as  promised by Jesus Himself…even as He promised that Toni’s murderers with be in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for all eternity with their father the DEVIL

Toni Anderson’s boyfriend grieves her loss, casts scepticism on investigation into her disappearance


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