PREFACE: Please read the below what is word for word from Facebook Messenger conversation between Mary Ward and myself and see if I am in fact….
A sociopath doesn’t care if he’s benefitting anyone. Cold, calculating, and manipulative, he doesn’t think about others at all unless they can benefit him.A narcissist believes he’s great, that everything about him is magnificent. He knows with unwavering confidence even beyond conceit that he’s benefitting everyone around him and moreA driven quest for power. If a narcissistic sociopath cares about anything other than himself, it is destructive power and control over people.No apologies, no guilt, no remorse under any circumstance. A sociopathic narcissist believes that she is a gift to the world who makes it richer and more colorful. Therefore, her calculated, even cruel actions are always justified.Invincibility. The narcissistic variety of sociopath believes he is indomitable. Even punishment and prison can’t stop him. They’re merely part of the game.Wholly self-serving. The needs and wants of others are insignificant and undeserving of consideration.

Messages to me from Mary Ward on Facebook messenger which exposes her depression and lies as found in this post which is open for all to see in contrast to her “lies” about me compliments of her new relationship with her “new brother Bill Bunting”… 🙂
Notice it was me that talked her into doing her birthday party while she was talking about her birthday always being “fucked up” and the “two cancellations”.
Notice that when “we” were to meet…that there were 3 others that were supposed to be there…Michael S. Stewart, Toni DiCapo from Shady Landy and her best friend… NOT me be myself.
Everybody had something come up so I cancelled it.
Notice when and why I offered her a car for free and one to drive and why. Notice why I unfriended her and why…the reason was I began not to trust her and turned out to be true.
Notice that I immediately gave her my insurance agents number so she could get set up being “she had no insurance…no money…”
But I am so selfish 🙂 And all about ME 🙂
Key Quotes:
Apr 26th, 1:48amMary
So…..just realized I go to church with Ficken’s ex wife..
Apr 23rd, 12:19pmMary
Sorry, I fell asleep. Mary insomnia likes to be in charge a lot. I would like to meet up someday you, Holly, I think Dorine would like to be involved. That way we can discuss this more as a group. Sometimes communication isn’t very good thru texting and messages.
Apr 11th, 11:19pmMary
Don’t know if these would help, but thought I would pass these along. I also have a big story of my own to hear if u want to hear it. It’s about my experience with Officer Fixen and Judge Fuller. I shared with Justice for Toni Anderson page
Apr 12th, 11:04amRichardMary
Does that mean u want to hear my story?
sure…when time allows…you betcha!
Apr 12th, 1:13pmMary
If u want it in transcript.let me know if u do
Thanks… email to please 
Mary WardMary WardMary WardMar 26th, 11:13pmMar 27th, 9:26pmMary
Police AGAIN lying about things. They said Oak Park high School was in “the all clear, nothing suspicious found.” But they aren’t telling the whole story
Ok, it looks more as though they just are not telling ALL the information about what happened. Yes, there was no bomb found. But, they questioned about 5 different kids today, 1 of them had posted on Facebook this morning “they have pushed me over the edge now some of my friends are dead”. Then, kid calls bomb threat in. SWAT team came in, several students heard swat in the hall call the boys name, tell him to get on his knees and hands up. The other kids they were talking to is boys friends. They have him in handcuffs. They find a burner phone on him with deleted call history and an app to keep the number from being traced. Heard from more then one source thst at least 1 gun is found on said student. One parent, I heard 3 guns. SWAT team has to evacuate students. Student is now in custody for further questioning.
Mar 28th, 4:14pmRichardRichard
Apr 7th, 12:09amMary
Hey, listened to ur blog tonight. I typed some comments of the blog page. Hey, I found another facebook account of yours and was looking through it. A few questions, just wondering, but do u not like blacks and Muslim’s?
Apr 8th, 10:20amRichard
Not a matter of LIKING Mary but rather documenting actions that target others by race and religion. I lived on Indian Reservations and Whites in SD hated the Lakota…history of rape and murder and theft by the Gov and them to this day. Did suicide counselling. I have lived in Israel but I point out Jewish hate of Whites and Gentiles including Natives and Blacks etc etc… No box for me to fit in…what I see and document I share. A FBI document states that each year over 30,000 White women are “reportedly raped” by African Americans. No other stat about rape by any race compares. I had friends that were “Black Panthers” back in the day and the founder of Eldrige Cleaver promoted and glorified the rape of White women!
Native Americans and women esp are raped and murdered by White cops in SD with no national coverage
Black Buffalo Soldiers hired by Jew owners of the railroads raped and murdered Native women and girls among the Dakota Lakota in SD as well as among other Indian Nations.
The WHITE 7th Calvary of Custer “mass murdered”…raped…cut to pieces with gatling guns…over 300 Lakota at Wounded Knee in 1890 and the 9th and 19ty all black colored calvery wrote and sang a song gloryfying this slaughter of the REDSKIN SAVAGES! Those who murdered these innocents received MEDALS OF HONOR as did the Buffalo Soldiers!
Over 100,000 White Gentile Christians were murdered by Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia …more then 6 million…
close to 500,000 Japanese were mass murdered by Truman
Mohamed himself murdered and beheaded over 800 Jews while Israel is guilty as is the United States of murdering well over a million Muslims while they murder and rape “infidels” by the thousands in Africa.
White women in Sweden and Finland and Norway…are raped in mass by Muslims
And I can go on…I call it like I see it…and am color blind in the process. Just like with the cops and Toni… even though I have cop friends including the Major of Independence who knows I am outing his “brothers”
Hope that helps…
If not…block me 
So how about I just realized Steve Fuller, NKC municipal judge is friends with my husband’s family! They went to high school, then college together. How did I not know this. And I have seen Bill Ficken many times! I just dropped off my son at his job in NKC about an hour ago and he was sitting in the parking lot next to the QT on Burlington in a speed trap.
Why oh oh? I was thinking maybe somehow we could use that to our advantage…??
That makes our job a little bit harder…
you are not reading this right…HE IS GOING AFTER CORRUPT COPS…
Oh, YAY!
Apr 11th, 11:19pmMary
Don’t know if these would help, but thought I would pass these along. I also have a big story of my own to hear if u want to hear it. It’s about my experience with Officer Fixen and Judge Fuller. I shared with Justice for Toni Anderson page
Apr 12th, 11:04amRichardMary
Does that mean u want to hear my story?
sure…when time allows…you betcha!
Apr 12th, 1:13pmMary
If u want it in transcript.let me know if u do
Thanks… email to please 
Apr 13th, 1:15pmRichard
Apr 13th, 5:09pmMaryApr 14th, 5:36pmMary
Apr 14th, 10:51pmRichard
Hi Mary…thanks. Could be. Message or friend him and ask him. Nothing to lose. Hugs
He is my friend. I will see what I can find out
That would be good. Am sure he knows important stuff that would help connect more dots. Thanks
If he talks to me. Boys can be weird sometimes. On another note, got this in my inbox today… Lol
I am out of “there minds”… which is a good thing ! 
I am very weird and that is God’s fault! 
I think ur pretty awesome!
that is a matter of opinion
Well, I’m a pretty good judge of character. I got this thing where if I listen to my gut instincts, I’m 99.9% right, so…
MaryMaryMaryApr 15th, 1:28amRichard
just did a solo radio program…lost the signal but got it back. little over and hour
Apr 15th, 7:48amMaryRichard
MaryApr 15th, 7:03pmMary
Fake profile alert. Be careful
Apr 15th, 9:11pmRichardRichard
I put this on justice page Please post this on TIME-LINE! After thinking about a “protest” for Justice for Toni Anderson…I felt led to throw this out for discussion and in particular for the WOMEN…that they consider “Women Demanding Justice For Toni Anderson”…as many as willing… lets say 1-2000 or more if possible…going to NKCPD headquarters to to demand the with held information we have talked about….but have informational sheets prepared to hand out to all the media that includes all the lies names of liars…those that are believed to have stopped abducted and murdered her…and include the THERE GPS info…cell records… DEMAND lie detector test as DEMAND the FBI investigate and any and all other things that could be thought of… setting up a special EVENT FB page that includes car pooling from “all over”…sharing gas…bringing meals food etc…and of course…letting ALL media know ahead of time… YOUR THOUGHTS? Being Toni was murdered by MEN IN BLUE with the complicit help of WOMEN IN BLUE…a mass protest by WOMEN for THIS WOMAN I believe would get the most attention being it is WOMEN who are sexually targeted by MEN IN BLUE!
Yes, yes, YES!! I can create the event. I just need you to tell me date, time, address to where to meet, title of event, and what to put in the about section.
thinking of the 25th of may as armed forces day… plenty of time to prepare…I think…that is a SAT which gives folks time to drive..even take fri off…drive back sun…and be at work monday etc… They could even bring their GIRLS/CHILDREN to say that don’t want their children to suffer when they grow up lo end up like TONI at the hands of murdering cops like FICKEN
Apr 16th, 9:41pmRichard
can u message justice for toni?
need to know if you can to ask her if I am being jacketed with BS
ask her to message me please
all of a sudden very quiet
OK, hold on I’m in a drive-thru
Who is it anyway that runs it?
So, just ask her to message u?
no name or admin…but some dude wanted to share with her “private stuff”
there is no message box for me to do that
do you have a message box for JFTA?
she made it so I can’t message her… lol
U want me to give phone number?
I didn’t know u could restrict certain messages
because if I am being jacketed with bs behind my back and she says nothing and does not ask me but believes it…then color me gone…
Still reading that blog, but this is weird..
going to check to see if on my end
RichardApr 18th, 5:21amRichardApr 18th, 7:09amRichard
Those are a few of my comments! Wow, u really got some ppl’s attention! 

close to 300,000 views about NKCPD and TONI
If I could heart that last comment I would have!
It looks like they WANT us to have a protest. They are stirring that pot…
Shit, now I gotta go drive thru NKC to take my son to work…
not really…that is why they are doing this…they don’t need 2000 women at their front door with men there to protect them…think about that
Well, it makes me want to do it even more!
U know they are fucking themselves, right? They just drew a lot more attention to Toni and it will get ppl thinking! They made u famous! 
RichardApr 18th, 5:11pmRichardMary
Hey, sorry I missed ur call
RichardApr 18th, 8:37pmMaryApr 19th, 10:32amMary
RichardApr 20th, 5:43pmMary
This is the stop light at the intersection of 26th and Burlington, in front of the QT. I need to go back and take more pics, but u can see in this one 2 cameras. There were 3 other ones at this same inter section all pointed different angles. After this intersection, there are 2 more stop lights before u are on 9 highway. At the other 2 stop lights, there are 3-4 cameras on each of those sets of lights. So, NKC for sure saw and have footage of her “after pulling out of the QT”. I’m sure there are more cameras on that route to the river. I am going to take pics of whatever more i can find.
MaryApr 20th, 10:46pmRichardApr 21st, 10:05amMary
I have a video that wont let me post cause it says it’s too big. But i want u to see it. Whats ur email?
Apr 21st, 11:48amMary
Can’t get a hold of Holly
OK will just wait thanks Mary. Video sounds great! !
Omg! It wont let me attach it to email either cause its over 20 whatever it is, MB I think
Apr 21st, 6:50pmMary
Did u see the post with the pics I posted u in?
Apr 22nd, 11:24amRichard
Good morning Mary. Left message with Holly I want to do a special radio program on women Justice for Toni Anderson I want the chief of police to be tagged and why he still has thickened on there who has committed crimes against federal government women marriages and Toni Anderson I want to address Harrah’s Casino who provides money to North Kansas City and the city council and the United States Attorney and we’re going to name him and put him on the map going to set up a special blog announcing this radio program so you and Holly and the pick one or two North Kansas City women as if you can find them that are involved it would be good so that should make you smile
RichardRichardRichardApr 22nd, 3:12pmMary
I came across this going thru videos. This was about 2 years ago. English Landing Park, next to/same as Platte Landing Park. Didnt they say that SUV had been gone for 2 years? I just find this odd..idk
Also note the good condition of the car..
Apr 22nd, 4:28pmRichardRichard
Hello Mary. Hope you’re having a good day. Here is the next strategy so please take notes. Harrah’s Casino subsidizes the criminal Rogue North Kansas City Police Department chicken camo and Romain Google Voice messed the names up but that’s okay. I need the names of each council member the mayor any information on Harrah’s Casino money going into North Kansas City. I want to expose the US attorney’s office for not criminally prosecuting chicken and all his criminal charges being ignored by the local prosecutor the FBI and the US attorney’s office. I think Harrah’s Casino needs to know how their money is being used. What do you think? And to make this a major blog and other information included all the cases that we’ve talked about where the number one killer of Toni Anderson has been involved and I will have more information to add to this but if you can do this and email me I think you know my email
Ficken Kimmel Romine…them
Sounds awesome! Can i get back with u after this movie is over?
Apr 22nd, 7:53pmMaryApr 22nd, 10:53pmRichard
Another thing too is to have a Blog radio program for women Justice for Toni Anderson I may have said that already but you Holly and maybe one or two more do it to our program you guys can talk about that but that would be a good idea then blog and a daytime so that’s it sorry it’s late I fell asleep tired old ugly me me me so talk to you whenever
Apr 23rd, 12:51amRichard
sent this to stewart and holly and now you since i don’t have your email… Holly…this is Michael Stewart…goes by Shane. Shan
That you write a history of your experience with the criminal NKCPD naming the perps etc etc etc…to be a part of the blog to Harrah’s.
I will target the VIP power folks…including that woman…
I will CC all of NKC businesses…council etc etc etc…
mayor etc…
and of course the chief thug… 
Want to get this done before your next court date
I want that to be viewed as an attempt to murder you…again!
Naming the prosecutor and judge before…
now for some coffee…
justice for toni women blog radio program
petition by same to demand Harrah’s stop funding nckpd nkc and fire domestic nkcpd thugs
girls protesting at Harrahs and NKCPD 50 50
your thoughts everyone…
add subtract or delete
richard insomnia at work
Apr 23rd, 12:19pmMary
Sorry, I fell asleep. Mary insomnia likes to be in charge a lot. I would like to meet up someday you, Holly, I think Dorine would like to be involved. That way we can discuss this more as a group. Sometimes communication isn’t very good thru texting and messages. I have a letter I want to write up, but I wanted to get facts and do some extra research. Which I feel I have done enough of and am now ready to start with the outline. Another idea that’s becoming more popular that is a good way to get people’s attention is Faceboon Live shows. We can discuss that more later as well. Let me know what u think. By the way, my email is
Holly is hinting she might bail out… guess if that is the case and others don’t care enough NOW that were that close…I might as well too ya think? I have no family friends wife children siblings etc etc… so why should I continue? Sanchez is being a racist asshole or whatever his problem is…ignoring Holly which is upsetting her. The prick needs to be OUTED by the women for justice for toni… big time. And his WIFE too… behaving like some sanctimonious dick head.. anyhow…going to eat and shut down for the day while you guys decide what you want to do. If everyone wants to meet…HyVee independence has a nice small cafe good food good java… 816-599-1388 Tired of text and msessage crap…hint hint… have a great day and enjoy… and talk to Holly…she needs a shoulder to cry on…I have no shoulders… 
Apr 23rd, 6:42pmRichard
I tried to leave Holly a uplifting message not sure if it’ll work or not but I understand her frustration over Sanchez because I had a problem with him from the beginning when I first met him telling me my theory was propaganda but the cops and then he did a complete 180 and the only communication was on one page maybe just it’s not sure where you said good job or thank you Richard about me needing the cops so I got him on the radio program then I sent him information and links and nothing not one response so I blocked him told him why and he’s not responding to Holly I don’t know if he’s responding to anybody. But neither are her friends responding or doing anything Roxy Carly Jared and of course your parents are a joke from hell so her parents not yours hers so I’m just doing what I feel led to do my God and by God this is Google voice and it sucks sorry about the spelling so you can correct the errors I’m not a typist I don’t like texting. So if you and Holly and anybody want to have a meeting somewhere let me know you all have my phone number but I’m not going to push or chase or compel just offer and suggest and she responds and the majority of those who have responded or women like you and Holly just look at the Justice page. So-called men like Jared and Ash and others a little boys I don’t see any real sacrifice courage any talking about Justice for Toni on their Facebook pages neither her employer’s nocturnal X Hi-Tech nothing but music concerts events friends stuff everything has more importance than their bestfriend former employee and I see that and I come to the conclusion that all the Care they say they have for her they love their etcetera as much as that has faded over time I question them more than ever because of their inactivity unwillingness to help expose those who murdered her. So going to watch TV have some coffee cookies play with my dog later and have some more God inspired dreams I’ve had to lately about the last days which caught me off-guard cuz I normally don’t have dreams or anything from God actually period so you have my numbers I’ll leave it up to you guys if you want to meet or not I responded to your suggestion and made an offer so the ball is in your court Mary God bless you thank you
Im having a REALLY hard time with this. I am a medical assistant and a certified nurses assistant. So, when i first had heard about the bruise on her knee, I knew if she had already developed a so called bruise from “knocking gps off,” that she was still alive AT LEAST 1-2 days..
Apr 23rd, 9:33pmMary
I messaged Holly earlier after the first time I messaged u. She said she was ok and would get with me this evening, but Ihave yet to hear from her.
Apr 24th, 4:42amRichardRichard
She is looking for a vacation with family and needs it. It’s all good.
Apr 24th, 6:29amRichard
Apr 24th, 12:08pmRichard
Carlys page has zip on Toni same with Roxy Townsend
Apr 24th, 1:28pmMaryRichardRichardMary
Richard1:001:00RichardApr 24th, 4:50pmMary
RichardApr 24th, 10:15pmRichard
Apr 24th, 11:23pmMary
Hey, where was it that Sanchez found the weather conditions from January? Website?
Apr 25th, 9:38pmRichard
Apr 26th, 1:48amMary
So…..just realized I go to church with Ficken’s ex wife..
Apr 26th, 4:53amRichard
Wow… and last night a woman told me she worked with a woman at NKC hospital who had an affair with him. A manager at Shady Lady contacted me too about Chrome etc…another who lived in parkville said Ficken was a sexual predator of women and thought he kicked Toni.
So are you going to say anything? Me thinks just pray about it.
Apr 26th, 7:54amMary
For right now, im just gonna pray about it. But im still researching, so I have all my facts straight. Curious, I was wondering if Ficken ever did security at Chrome since he did security at the hospital. Also, Toni used to work at the community center. When I googled Ficken, he came up in a few sites involving the community center. Also, in October 2015, a guy was pulled over by a black SUV and a guy was impersonating an officer. There was never a follow-up to that. Except Freeman telling everyone to be careful of impersonating officers. But, it happened at 26th and Burlington right by the QT, and it happened at 9:30pm. Its just odd knowing how NKC is, i went to school there and lived there, that an officer didnt notice a black unmarked SUV with lights on the top of the car. Then, the SUV found Toni’s car was said “to be a stolen car or insurance scam from 2015.” Hmmm. What did u find out about Chrome?
Apr 27th, 9:28amRichard
Apr 27th, 11:18amMaryApr 28th, 12:09amMary
Apr 28th, 7:09amMary
Apr 28th, 9:24amRichard
There you will see the documentation of 2 vehicles…comments on damage to car and now removed…time line changes which are strange…lots of CRAP TOO… so be sure and have your hip boots on when reading…
anything I can do? call me if so… 816-599-1388
I don’t know. I just dont know.
If you need a car for temp…I have my eagle wagon or a pick up…take your pick
My world is rocked right now. I dont have insurance. Its my fault, and now no car, no money to fix it, and will be headed to court soon.
Just called my car insur people…sending me what is needed to get you insurance…will forward to you….information…I will pay for it…and you have a car to use for work etc
Just got a email with ins info…what is yours and will forward it
Richard, We need her- Name Address Phone number Date of Birth Social Driver’s License Number Married or single-if married need husbands info also Occupation And then Vehicle year-make-model & Vin number What coverage-liability or full coverage-if full what deductible How she wants to pay-6 mo.-monthly(we suggest EFT or recurring credit card.) Can start with today’s date with payment but will need signatures and she will have to have a membership ($30.00) also. Thanks, Debi where belongingmakes a difference!! Click here to view member benefits! Debi Shipley – Customer Service Representative -Douglas County Farm Bureau Agent—Shawn Irby 202 W. Washington -Ava, Mo. 65608 –417-683-5126-fax-573-893-1757 Mailing address-P O Box 515-Ava, Mo. 65608-0515////
call Debbie… get her the information or email her asap
Ask her about faxing sigs
tell her accident not your fault…send copy popo report
mechanical failure tell her that
Ok, still waiting for a damn tow truck. The first AAA guy that came has only a regular truck under the assumption we only needed a jump start
My phone battery is almost dead
then call attorney and then debbie have a charger with you?
No, and father in law and husband here, just waiting for tow truck
great…then use their phones to call attorney to get on the map and call debbie to give info and I will get that paid for…
p.s. fact is…law suit will fix it…and major important to get insurance TODAY for that to be on the record…even to sue am thinking
Apr 28th, 2:00pmRichard
Just got off the phone with Michael Stewart that’s the former police chief and cop it’s ficken and Camo and row kind beat up sorry about the spelling he said he would be willing to come and check your brakes to see if somebody messed with them and I think that’s a good idea. So I’m going to text you his phone number he doesn’t live too far from you all and he can tell right away if it was you’re anybody cut a line or played with them or whatever right after you got them change then they go out that doesn’t make sense and if it looks like somebody played with your brakes hopefully you have a video in the area of your car your house your garage driveway whatever
And mean you have been in the Forefront of protest about Toni that just came to his mind being these are dirty cops anyhow so food for thought I would give him a call he would come and look at your brakes and make a determination from a law enforcement point of you even so give him a call and what do you do on insurance being the day is about over so let me know yes or no
Car is at the shop now. When my husband and his dad and the AAA guy looked at the front tires and they are really bad, bald. So, that was more likely the problem. But thank you so much gor that info. I do still need to figure out insurance
RichardApr 29th, 2:51amMary
Hey, do u happen to know where I can score some cheap comicon tickets?
Apr 29th, 7:17amRichardRichard
I don’t even know what those tickets are sorry about that
Apr 29th, 8:21amRichard
Good wet morning and I’m supposed to move some furniture from point A to point B for some friends but I might take a rain check. On the serious side I think it would be good for you and Shane to visit being you had similar experiences in the same community and he being law enforcement can give you some insights for your blog to because my thinking is you’re much more organized than I am which is why I sent you all that information and you can probably do a lot better job than me well you are you know if you are connecting the dots you know and I’m going for the jugular so that means with the upcoming blog there really going to be in the Hertz because if you listen to the last radio program Caesars Entertainment is going to be embarrassed on to compulsion to deal with these scumbags just because of the national exposure they’re going to get to make them do something into shame them if they don’t
Apr 29th, 12:37pmMaryApr 30th, 12:36amMary
This is odd…so, I’m going through google getting the next piece of my blog ready. I was looking for a certain picture, but I googled “toni anderson car” and I’m scrolling down and this footage picture dated 02/02/07..
So weird, and it stuck out to me as I was scrolling past it. It looks to me like her car, just without the sticker.
Apr 30th, 9:05amRichardApr 30th, 6:02pmMary
Apr 30th, 7:20pmRichard
Tried to read it page would not load… might need to try my puter. ..
Let me know if u still cant see it.
On this blog I went ahead and extracted information from people from websleuths that you can see in the bottom part there I just copied and pasted there’s more I could have put there but I just wanted to expose more truth compared to disinformation lies etcetera by KCPD
Also there is an FBI tracking system I included in this blog which would allow anyone to know where she was at any point in time based upon the system that they use in this is why I was surprised I’m not surprised that my calls to the FBI were not returned including the the federal attorney
It’s very time-consuming but that websleuths Toni Anderson missing site continued until they found her and Pete senior started posting but they never approved him and then my blogs started being brought up and then that woman shut it down but there’s some good information there people have really good insights about the lies Contra dish contradictions the tow company how to extract a vehicle some of those things I put on my Facebook page also I think any hell yeah it’s all good good work Mary
Apr 30th, 8:42pmMary
So, all those comments were pulled off of websleuth?
Yes they were because they are men and women like you and I and probably more like you who are very intelligent and could see and evaluate information that was being staged buy KCPD two deceive the public. Even Pete Sanchez senior used some of that information on the radio program and I am sure may have been in communication with some of those people there. What caught my attention was what I shared and like I said there was more but the one tow truck company owner who had done a lot of law enforcement extractions of vehicles from water said that the way Tony’s car was done was absolutely the worst he had ever seen and he went stage-by-stage about how it should be done. Another words they already had their no foul play script written after three days of waiting from the time that team Watters sonar found her car to win they came to pull her out of the water out of the river and that was what he noticed so no foul play means no need to look for any evidence of any Foul Play and they made sure of that
Some of the other information I got from Shane plus my own research on what the FBI can and cannot do but they can do anything and everything and they can see every word time of any communication of any cell phone including the officers involved not to mention Tony’s. There is a corrupt prosecutor involved in this case with Tony and I can’t think of his name now but somebody sent me his name. Now but us attorney a United States Attorney needs to get involved but from what I understand from Shane the FBI needs to investigate the case. Kevin Freeman has FBI connections graduating from the FBI Academy. So my thinking is the FBI was involved in not investigating which is why they’re special agent was removed and replaced. His name was Eric Jackson African American at the same time he was removed the chief of police who never said one word about Toni Anderson Darryl Forte he retired and I don’t look at any of this as a coincidence
Freeman is the patrol Commander he’s a major and there was at least two vehicles that followed Tony if not three. There’s a woman who said she in had a vision of what happened to Tony and what she did do in terms of what happened after she was stopped and she saw her screaming and and pulled out of the car and she even named the streets and I remember searching down those streets myself the first time I went on a search and I just felt a dark Spirit there and that’s what she saw and I’ll copy and paste that and send it to you and it’s a confirmation of when I feel happen to her too and I’ve had little small images come to my mind and I believe they took her to Sikkens home house in Parkville and that she was brutalize there and then and then kill
Sorry about the voice Google spelling errors plus my eyes aren’t that good so I can’t type a nice Mall cell phones that well
I would really like to know where this person got their information..
Good question but I see some contradictions as probably you do too. I’m not sure where you got that from but I remember reading similar things. All I know is that Pete said Highway Patrol search the same area and found only the SUV or a vehicle that was not Tony’s. Know why they searched the same area team sonar Waters I don’t know that’s a good question. It was not a fast current area I know that and I don’t think the water was that deep either and Shane is familiar with that area. The only thing I can say if they let them know to search that area because they wanted her car found then with her in it. If that’s true that is and it might be because why did they search they’re in the same area the highway patrol did. But the highway patrol when they searched that area did not find your car. So they say search again after team Watters sonar was contacted and that could be because maybe law enforcement contacted Waters and told them to contact the Andersons that’s just a thought because if they have this plan of timing of win to place her car in the river and where then maybe they did contact the sooner company and tell them to contact at the Anderson’s. I think the water was only 15 218 feet deep and like I said the current right there in that area is not that fast according to Shane when I looked when I was there it didn’t look that fast either
And for the highway patrol or the Corps of Engineers to say one minute they found the truck in a spot and the next minute they didn’t means the truck moved all by itself to be where Tony’s car was found and of course that covers up the lies with the script I mean there so many contradictions point being that no matter what the information we need to get or Sanchez needs to get or Justice for Toni your you know what I’m saying this information that’s never going to be made available to us. They’re not going to release videos dash cams cell phone information GPS information etcetera etcetera etcetera because it would be to their condemnation. They lied in the beginning and they lied in the end in the beginning no foul play missing person in the end no foul play she drove off a boat ramp yet it’s an ongoing investigation when you asked for the videos and the dash cams according to North Kansas City Police Department news targeting this blogger that they’re considering legal action against hahaha. There’s going to have to be outside investigation before the truth comes out but when you go through websleuths if you do and more so at the end there’s some good insights there that I think you will appreciate any woman named Sophie is really good really really good.
So I think I’m going to get some ugly sleep but suggest that you and Holly and whoever else keep pushing Sanchez 2 Share what he nose and what he wants to have done etcetera etcetera etcetera. It doesn’t seem like Tony’s friends want to get involved to any great degree like Carly and Roxy and Jared and the people she worked for Hi-Tech and nocturnal so there’s just a few who are actively trying to get Justice for her and there are many supporters but a lot of them are more followers than leaders and I look at you and Holly but probably more so you because you had experiences with those dogs and blue kind of taking the lead. And you know also before I sign off you can do a Blog program to radio log talk radio Blog Talk Radio Blog Talk Radio there you go finally sorry about that maybe you can interview Pete and Roxy and Carly and go down to that church where the Anderson goes the mother some Lutheran Church in Wichita maybe you and Holly can go and talk to her Woman to Woman mother to Mother sort of if you know what I’m saying then you’re almost 40 years old hahaha just kidding and see if she really wants to know the truth if nothing else get a feel for her and maybe share your blog with her printed out and see what happens period so with that said sorry about the bad sentences crappy spelling not making sense to the normal mind which is what I do most of the time I am going to go to sleep and then wake up and probably 3 hours and finish my next blog maybe four hours and have Caesars Entertainment and the connection to nkcpd made public in a way that will cause there any there image their image in the public eye to be a major concern because of nkcpd so night night sleep tight so I think I’m going to get some ugly sleep but suggest that you and Holly and whoever else keep pushing
So I think I’m going to get some ugly sleep but suggest that you and Holly and whoever else keep pushing Sanchez to share with he knows and what he wants to have done at cetera etcetera etcetera. It doesn’t seem like Tony’s friends want to get involved to any great degree iCarly and Roxie and Jared and the people she work for hi tech and nocturnal so your sister few who are actively trying to get justice for and there are many supporters but lot of them are more followers than leaders and I look at you and Holly but probably more so you because you had experiences with those dogs and blue kind of taking the lead. And you know also before I sign off you can do a blog program to radio log dark radio clogged talk radio blog Talk Radio there you go finally sorry about that maybe you can interview Pete and Roxie and Carly and go down to that church where the Anderson goes the mother some Lutheran Church in Wichita maybe you and Holly can go talk to her woman to woman mother to mother thought of you if you know what I’m saying being your almost 40 years old hahaha just kidding and see if she really wants to know the truth if nothing else get a feel for her and maybe share your blog with her printed out and see what happens. So with that said sorry about the bad sentences crappy spelling making sense to the normal mind which is what I do most of the time I am going to go to sleep and then wake up and probably 3 hours and finish my next block maybe 4 hours and have Caesars Entertainment and the connection to NK CPD made public and away that will cause they’re any there image there image in the public eye to be a major concern because of an KC PD so night night sleep tight and Merry Christmas
May 1st, 9:04amRichard
from websleuth sophie taylor sophie taylor sophie taylor is offlineRegistered User Join DateJan 2017 This case could not be not anything other than suicide or homicide. I feel the accident conclusion is a gift to the parents who can live with a comfortable falsehood. They could never in a million years accurately conclude this an accident so quickly. It’s impossible. sophie taylor -All video footage should be demanded in order to make sure the cop or third/mystery car did not follow Toni. –The footage being described is Toni leaving the traffic stop, not the gas station. This is apparently a slight of hand. A subliminal message, if you will. –All three cars turn right, (which is south) a direction she could not possibly have gone according to Police saying she went to the QT immediately after. Her turning south is also consistent with where she told the officer she intended to go. -The big problem is she failed to drive directly (east) across the street to fill her tank. -The cop car applies its brakes as Toni pulls away, but we don’t know about the mystery car. If that car followed Toni, then foul play is likely involved. THE ACTION BEGINS AROUND 3:15. -The cops, media, and anyone interested in this case can only ignore these facts. It is a catch 22. She didn’t go to the gas station and didn’t drive north after the traffic stop. -Toni, only could have gotten gas before the traffic stop that we see, which could suggest she was stopped before 4:33.
May 1st, 10:41amRichard
May 1st, 1:25pmMaryMay 2nd, 2:11amMary
Hey, why did u delete me?
May 2nd, 5:17amMary
May 2nd, 6:59amMary
May 2nd, 11:50amMary
Ok, well, I tried to reach out to u, but I guess it is what it is. I dont know why u felt the need to delete me. Anyways, take carw5
May 2nd, 2:46pmRichard
Well if you felt offended buy me taking you off the friend list then I will tell you I was offended when you didn’t let me know whether or not you needed the help that I offered given you were in a crisis situation and I publicly which was probably a mistake offered to do what I could to help you and absolutely no response from you. I set the money aside called the insurance company and waited and waited and waited and nothing so it is what it is now you know how I feel or felt not that you care or don’t care I don’t know and I just do what I do to help others unconditionally with no expectations because that’s what I have learned to do when I am able to and I take my combat agent orange heart attack money and I share it with those that need help. I will share something about Native Americans that most don’t know that even when they are poor they offer to help and to give and I learned the hard way that when you say oh that’s okay no that’s okay and you refuse the gift of love and help it actually offend them. So I was kind of offended and secondly my last blog was probably the most important of all of them because it put pressure on the money people who provide the salaries for the cops like ficken who did what he did to you and the lawyers who defend murdering cops like him etcetera and you know what there was not one share and very few likes so I’m thinking well if if they plan to attack the thug cops from an economic money Public Image Caesars Entertainment Harrah’s Kansas City point of view is of no importance to anybody then I’m definitely pissing in the Wind because no way are these people going to release any information that we have asked for Lies We have exposed etcetera etcetera so I’m thinking but I’m not going to do this anymore and lastly I’m not a racist but I will point out crimes of race by races against other races and Native Americans have been targeted more for genocide and extermination than any other race and I was engaged to a Native American woman and I almost married and African American Cherokee frenchwoman 3 + 1 so I just know the reality the racial reality that exists period I was a counselor at an all-black Detention Center black youth and I was driven out because of my race by the black counselors and the black youth wept cried when I left because I was the only one they felt loved them and gave a damn about them. But one of Zach’s friends insinuated I was a member of the KKK because I made a racial observation about a black and white crime which there are hundreds daily in this country. But anyhow that’s why I did what I did and I saw no activity on your part for the block or the radio program before I decided to do what I did on top of my help being just ignored I don’t mind it not being accepted but it did bother me that there was no response on your part as a friend to a friend who from what I could see was the only one that offered you any help period so that’s my side of the story like I said not that you care or anyone else cares because I don’t care anymore either so I’m just going to do what I feel led to do and that’s it so now you know the rest of the story which I would have thought maybe you could have figured out but sorry about that
But, I did let you know? I’m confused. And why wouldnt u just talk to me about it instead of just deleting me. I have had a lot going on, but I always try to stay respectful and respond to everyone.
And, I wasnt for sure and still not for sure, what exactly we need. I was waiting to hear how long we would not have the car so I could plan around that. I havent been feeling well, and I have a lot on my plate. I am sorry I offended you, but in no means was that my intent.
Btw, I just got around to hearing your blog this morning. I didnt get a lot of things done yesterday that I needed to.
As far as race goes, u pick out the Muslims or african Americans and post their story and use some pretty rude comments, that honestly would offend my kids. The fact is, the crime done is equal by all races. I didn’t see a comment by Zach’s friend about u.
Well Mary question what are friends for and that’s what I am to everybody and I didn’t hear her response and I know you have a lot on your plate and I know things are going on but all I was trying to do was eliminate some of the pressure and some of the immediate and or upcoming needs based upon your financial situation need for a car are you been offered you a car to drive and I have a Volvo up in South Dakota then I’m fixing up it’s a station wagon and if you want that once the engine is put in it it’s a rebuilt one no it’s not a rebuilt engine it’s a like new good engine and it’s a 95 Volvo red station wagon and it’s in really good condition and if you want that it’ll be ready in about a month but you will have to drive up there with your husband or we can go together and get it that’s got new tires new brakes air conditioning tinted windows and it’s really a nice car and if you want that car it’s yours. Good mileage good radio driver seat a little tear but it’s all leather front and back and it is really really fast that’s the kind of friend I am and that was going to be or could be now that I think about it a belated birthday present and I’m sorry about the misunderstanding 2
I am not a confrontational person tho. And I dont want needless stress for anyone. Im just trying to live my life in a happy, peaceful way. I cant stay on top of things in my home life, so I cant always stay on top of everything on facebook. Although, I try my best. My brain isnt even on half mode, and I have gotten very limited sleep since Friday.
I appreciate everything u have offered to do to help, truly. Im just lost right now in knowing for sure what it is I need. Once again, I am truly sorry I upset u.
Not belated birthday yet. My birthday isnt until Thursday.🙄
The Volvo wagan sounds good..
Well I understand and I try to be happy and peaceful with everybody even though I get jacketed with b******* a lot but that’s okay just Google my name and see all the s*** that’s out there about me death threats and the list goes on people saying I didn’t serve in the Marine Corps my ex-wife f***** husband anyhow I don’t think what I offered and what’s confrontational but one people Target me I react and that does not include you so I just wanted to help you that’s all I was raised by a single mother all by herself well my grandmother chipped in to only child abusing father who beat the s*** out of her and me the first five years of my life that’s all I remember so I know what the weather is so I know what mothers have to deal with especially when they have no help but my mother worked her ass off even though she was an alcoholic thanks to my piece of s*** father who I hated and wanted to put a bullet in his head if I could have I would have. Anyhow it’s okay I’m going to refriend you if it’s ok and we’ll get back on track and not look back if that’s acceptable to you so yeah if you want through Volvo Wagon it’s a cool car you’re really like it got trick wheels on it new tires new brakes on a scale 1 to 10 it’s a solid 8 for sure you would not think it’s a 95 these engines were designed by Porsche and they’re really good engines transmission is good feel like it room for you your kids hauling stuff work whatever
How much would u want for the volvo?
Nothing nothing it’s a gift from my heart to your heart from one friend to another no strings attached and that’s what I feel God led to do. And I have been waiting to finish the work on this thing for a while and now I know why because this Volvo has your name on it
Ah, u just made me cry! Thats the best thing I have heard all week! Thank u!
Well I didn’t mean to make you cry very unless there’s a smile that goes with the cry and if there is then that’s okay and this is who I am money means nothing and there are times when I had no money and I was homeless and I was living in my truck so God has blessed me and I share the blessings and this Volvo it’s this point and time at this moment it just came to my mind from him that you should have this Volvo so I will keep you posted on when it’s ready I sent the parts up there two put in the car like new water pump and all those things I have a friend who is a parts manager at Volvo Overland Park so I get things cheap labor is kind of expensive but Volvo is Swedish engineering and German engineering and that particular model I think from 94 to 97 was touted as one of the best Volvo series of cars ever made so yeah you’ll like it so look up 95 Volvo Wagon red Google app and you’ll see what they look like Google that 95 Volvo station wagon 850 that’s the model number and it’s got a turbo 2 that means you can outrun North Kansas City cops if you have to long enough for me to show up an ambush their ass
Are you still there you still okay are you still crying?
No, im good. Actually, Im just getting ready to walk up the hill to CVS
RichardMay 2nd, 7:31pmRichard
Just to let you know I was contacted about 15 minutes ago from the manager of Shady Lady you said you wanted to talk to me and he’s the one that confirmed nkcpd officers frequented her own including the ones named etcetera and he was going to talk to some other waitresses to see what else you can find out so I will let you know
Just heard its going to cost $6,000 to get our car fixed. Fuck my life
May 2nd, 9:19pmRichard
Are you there if so give me a call here or on the phone either or we can fix it
Sorry, was away from my phone. I have to get my son ready and in bed, so I will get back with u as soon as I can
This is a loving order from a Marine you will not cancel your birthday party under any circumstances especially monetary and you have a vehicle that you can use and another one that’s going to be fixed soon so we’re going to have a birthday party and you’re going to be there and if you’re not we will all collectively cry
Every year, every damn year, something fucked up happens and fucks up my birthday. Its bad enough i have a mom and brothers and sister that dont acknowledge my existence or birthday. Why cant I just have ONE year with no bull shit
So what is the problem and why we can have a birthday celebration for you
I already had 2 ppl cancel and I made plans mainly cause they said they would celebrate with me. But, I’m used to it
Well forget those two there others who will come if there’s two or three or five or 10 what difference does it make who shows up will be those who care for you
I even changed the place of my birthday cause they told me it woukd be cool
Just not feeling it. Plus, im over 40 now 
Should just make an announcement and say it’s going to happen on this day at this time at this place and sorry about the confusion
You’re almost 40 and I’m almost 70 when you get my age then you can pout but not until then
Its ok, i think it will beva fun group to see. Plus its a 80’s rock band
Perfect make the announcement and be there and it’s going to work out
I made the announcement. Ok, guess I will go…
Well I don’t know if I can impersonate you so you better show up
I don’t think I am that that flexible
Well I can try and give everybody a laugh
I had a good talk with James from Shady Lady and he thinks that Toni was pressured for something may be harassed on a continual basis over something and I think she said to the effect leave me alone or I will call your superiors or something that cause them to really worry about what she said she would do or what she said and that probably begin a chrome which is why she was called into work and which is why they were there to meet her and that first discussion dashcam whatever was on that probably confirmed something that they didn’t want anyone to hear and the second stop that’s when they reacted to what she said during the first stop and maybe she just ran into the QuikTrip just left right there left them hanging and they followed her which is why she drove around the QuikTrip a couple of times thinking hoping that they would leave her alone just speculation but for sure they wanted her out of the picture and dead evidently
Yeah him he reached out to me and send a message to call him or he called me and he’s trying to be very helpful and told me about all the Chrome girls that quit because of the harassment and going to Shady Lady but if there’s questions you’d like me to ask him I’m meeting him on Thursday for lunch
Why would she drive around the QT tho?
There’s a girl ony fb, have known her since she was 13. She used to work at Chrome. But, shw will not talk
Well that was something that Pete mentioned about her driving around the QuikTrip and I’m thinking because maybe during the first stop she was scared and didn’t want to be stopped again in the dash cam video which they won’t release there was some conversation that was a problem something I think was said that they don’t want anyone to know and I think she was scared because she said oh my God I’m being stopped again she didn’t want to be stopped again didn’t like being stopped the first time and then that was it no more for her
Yes, I have lots of questions, i will get them all typed up
But I asked him to ask the girls to share information from a Anonymous point of view and maybe they will I know Roxy said one of Tony’s friends maybe the one who had the recording from the dispatcher was scared so yeah these girls know what happened to Tony and they are scared
Yea, i think tje family is too. Something is fishy
Yeah I’m more to this than we realize but I think we’re slowly chipping away and exposing the truth even though sometimes the speculation may be off a bit but that’s okay I think putting Harrah’s and Caesars on notice about where there casino is in the city of North Kansas City and the Rogue cops that do what they do to Toni Anderson and others is an embarrassment that they don’t want to have and that’s what James said to that they have the power to shake and move in a way that those that are covering this up cannot control and he agreed
So I think I’m going to get some ugly sleep and take my dog outside and let her play a little bit and then go to sleep I need to find a cleaning lady for my house it’s really bad but no one else has to look at it except my dog and she saying I’m losing places to walk there so much stuff all over but don’t tell anybody Mary please I don’t want to be embarrassed if this is made public knowledge that I’m just a clutterbug clean and kosher yes I just don’t like to waste time cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning when there are more important things to do so yeah email me those questions and I will share them with him when I’m there so thank you goodnight happy birthday ahead of time and I’m glad you’re doing it and don’t be like me and let other people affect you just because you’re not acknowledged by those who should acknowledge you that’s to their condemnation that’s their problem and really it’s a confirmation of who you really are in your heart if they don’t see you acknowledge you and love you because they are incapable and or unwilling to love you and respect you and value you for who you are in the family so goodnight
I wont tell anyone! And seriously, if u need help, let me know. A friend of mine was talking to her about starting a cleaning business. So, yea, just let me know
And, good night! BTW, my house always looks bad, walking over things, trash not taken out. I have a 20 year old, 11 year old andv42 year old that live here, but cleaning isnt important to them. I have been sick for almost 8 months, had to stop working as a,CNA. Finally starting to get back to some normalcy, but slow progress. So, dont be ashamed. It’s life. Enjoybit. 
We literally moved in with a family of mice. It was hell! Plus, I have a bad phobia. So, I was a prisoner to my bedroom and bed all the time. The fuckers even came in my room to fuck with me. It seriously was hell. I still can not step a foot into my kitchen.
Do you need glue traps they work really well and and when you say sick you’re talking about what like a virus or a bacteria or something along those lines
No, these fuckers knew all about glue traps, my dogs got stuck to them more than the damn mice
No, i dont have a thyroid, and i have anxiety. When my thyroid levels get off, it mesees my ehole body up for a long minute
Yeah I lived in a house with mice and even have them in the camper I was living in but I put them in places where my dog could not get to them and I put I think honey or was it peanut butter or little pieces of Raw Liver on the traps and and they fell for it
My dogs are just a little bigger than tbe mice, so they could get to them anywhere
I’ll check on some natural thyroid supplements because there are some that work really well
Plus, doctor thinks im bi polar suddenly
But i think im just hormonal
Well I’m talking about behind cupboard drawers sink drawers places where dog can’t get to
They are gone now, but it took poison
Doctors make up mental health stuff to make money off the antidepressants which make a person suicidal dysfunctional and most doctors are full of s*** especially those that prescribe antidepressants let’s say example being veterans return from Afghanistan or Iraq and 30 of them a month kill themselves and they’re on antidepressants because they’re depressed bipolar PTSD all the fabricated formulations that never existed for World War II veterans or Korean veterans are you in Vietnam veterans just a money-making pharmaceutical scan program using doctors that are lockstep to that whole genocide agenda
My friend crom high school just killed himself a month ago, PTSD he was only 40
When I did radio one of the first antidepressants I talked about was Prozac which is a synthetic derivative of LSD believe it or not and Sandoz was the Swedish company no Swiss company that they got the formulation from the CIA specifically LSD end we know the effects of that Prozac during experimental stages people were killing themselves right up front and they still got FDA USDA approve or whatever
Yep! I’m a certified medication aide. This is why I dont believe in medicating
I am sorry to hear that Mary and I bet he was on some kind of antidepressant or alcohol or drugs because it’s all connected and an example of that is me when I was in Vietnam I never drink I never did drugs and I never had the PTSD flashbacks never became dysfunctional because of anything that I experienced in Vietnam and antidepressants are evil
I wont medicate my sons adhd
ADHD is also a fabrication design to distribute riddlin which is according to the DEA the equivalent of methamphetamine and reduces the blood flow to the brain by at least 30% and does organ damage in the process
My mom served in vietnam. My father, WWII and Korean war, purple heart
He has Williams Syndrome, so ADHD is common. But, yes, they overdiagnose it. Its rare, but real, medically.
Well interesting yeah I should have come home in a body bag my best friend did not come home he ended up a am IA Mia but in fact was captured and killed two years after he was in 3rd Recon Marine Corps high school buddy had family girlfriend and when his mother found out that he’d been captured because the government lied she killed herself
Thats horrible. This is why I hate war.
I know and accept the ADH syndrome it has more to do with diet chemicals in the body and when I go on an Indian Reservation Native American children are is active if not more than anybody else and the people there don’t medicate their children they just let them be free to do what they want to do and play and they understand the genocide of agenda built into the medications and vaccines and most cases
Vietnam was a drug war Iraq Afghanistan drug war if you remember Pat Tillman supposedly killed by Friendly Fire he saw the CIA drug Connection in Afghanistan and if you Google his name CIA drugs we have troops there guarding the poppy fields that are used to make heroin that ends up here in the CIA is a drug distribution organization inspired from the throne the hell itself
The Native American children and that way of life is so different in spite of the extreme poverty the children different spiritually speaking and I always felt home there among the people like they were my family in the white people in South Dakota hate Indians North Dakota the same Montana the same Arizona the same wherever there’s Native Americans rights that are either conservative or liberal or Christians they have a real problem with Native Americans and Jews are really a major source of the creation of the social economic and political conditions that Native Americans are subjected to. And I’m not talking about White Indians that have the casinos and are basically no Bloods in other words have very little native blood in them but claimed to be Native American I’m talking about full blood Indians whose language is the first language and English as second
White people that are either conservative or liberal when it comes to Native Americans they’re on the crap list of all parties all religions and Native American lives have never mattered and never will and the suicide rate is the highest and the homicide rate by law enforcement is the highest but you never read about that or hear about it because Indians are jacketed with the stereotype of they have the casinos and they have so much money and/or there nothing about drunks and Kevin Costner who did Dances With Wolves made over 300 million dollars exploiting the Lakota Dakota culture and did nothing 4 the people he used not one thing cuz he’s a racist Godless selfies dog
So I’ll talk to Shane who is also Michael S Stewart about maybe meeting for chow this week up and Gladstone in Gladstone and if there is a place near you that has food to eat let me know and we’ll see if we can plan a time and meet and visit if that’s okay now I am coordinating that as you asked because now I understand because sooner or later at 69 my brain does begin to kick in better late than never right
Is that a restaurant or cafe or what
Restaurant, mexican food, tequila
Oh okay yeah sounds good I’ll talk to him in the morning
North Oak in Gladstone okay I’m sure he knows where it is and I’m sure I can find it and I have not met him either just talked a lot and same with you so it will be good
If I’m coming from Independence which exit do I take
I69, get off at 68th street. Turn right. Intersection 68th and 72nd, turn right. Next stop light is N. Oak, turn right and about a block down, it will be on the left side
Yeah I’m trying to figure 169 is that off of 35 when I go from 4:35 to 35 169 so we’re talking about North Oak Trafficway I could take that exit and go north would that work
My phone is acting up I see those are directions now thank you
I just remembered that all the crap you went through with North Kansas City cops and Clay County Sheriff’s that they somehow got his driver’s license and he can’t drive so I’ll call him and see what his alternate to you is maybe we can meet with his wife Jennifer in the evening he has two girls one plays soccer and and I know he would like to get together because we talked about that so I’ll run it by him in the morning which is now later in the morning
I hate Google Voice makes me sound dumber than I am
Did you notice that girl that was missing was missing from North Kansas City and the number to call if you know anything is the north Kansas City Police Department and they mentioned about getting into an unknown Mercedes and I’m wondering if the father has asked for any video cam stuff from traffic lights businesses Etc and if you look at that girl she has all the looks of what a sexual predator would want to capitalize on and I’m not saying nkcpd is involved but I also would wonder if at that High School nkcpd officers hung out there for security officers there because if they were anything could be possible with them involved directly or indirectly if they were at that school because I think they like a ficken would have an eye out for a girl like that and whether or not anybody that works for the police department drives a Mercedes I know I’m just speculating but just saying
Yes! Just realized she is my friend’s daughter! Ironically, I went to NKC high school with him
You know there’s a lot of sexual predators in the north Kansas City School District Two of late
Yeah I looked at the photos of her and hopefully he has checked her cell records talk to her friends at school and check your computer if she left it there but mostly friends cuz I can take it indicated guess that they know more than the police know or whatever want to know North Kansas City Police calling them are you kidding
May 3rd, 4:13amMary
They think she may be on her way to Colorado. Either her or the friend she was with used their atm card at a town in Kansas between here and colorado.
May 3rd, 5:25amMary
Look what I just saw. I cant get verification if she did indeed work at Chrome maybe Shady Lady. Can u ask DiCapo if he knows her?
Yeah I will ask him see what he says there’s a girl that used to work there she might know to I’ll call her she contacted me to
Well, here’s here fb page, and odd…
Jessica Jolly is on her friends list. David Jolly’s sister..
She possibly worked at Bazooka’s..
Well it looks like strippers are targeted we know at least one who is gone missing dead from chrome so I’ll ask James anyhow and see what he says thanks thanks what he thinks
I sent you an email and Shan Shan I mean and when you want to meet he’ll try to be there depending on the time so are you thinking maybe 1 o’clock today or 2 or Friday I can do it tomorrow I’m meeting with James so food for thought like food for tummy like today hahaha
Its all crazy. Its all tied in with each other
Well maybe with chrome it’s north Kansas City Thug terrorists and with Bazookas that’s downtown Kansas City so Kansas City Cop Thug terrorists which is why maybe they’re all doing this together covering it up together
Yea, i just dont want to trust anybody who works in that world. Cause if one has to keep secrets, then they are all keeping secrets. I think that Shell Rillo who had told LE on january 30th that a fake cop tried to pull her over was just trying to get everyone’s attention on to another option. She is also connected with the Jolly’s. She claimed to know Toni, but she wasnt on her friends list, and no evidence they know each other. Its just all too weird.
had to get java… brain fuel.. 
email shane about meeting time… only today looks good…
Ok, let me see what I can do
Thinking about 1 ish… or before…11 12 or 2 lol…or 12.3 and 10 seconds
May 3rd, 9:20amMary
Hey. I dont think I will be able to meet up today. I can not hold my eyes open. So tired
good night 
Okay message message I can come and get you and give you a ride if you can and or want to do this and if you can’t and you’re wasted and feel like a rock and mud that can’t move then that’s ok too you set the time and we’ll go from there or we can do it next week because I’m not trying to push this just thinking it’s a good idea we talked about it he’s got to get a ride there too so tell me what you think what you want to do and I will let him know one way or the other okie dokie Stokke
Lol, I really do feel like roadkill
Then we can rain check it no pun intended and next week is fine or maybe Saturday or no that’s that’s the big day anyhow we can do it later it’s all good my suggestion would be at least give him a call and visit with him and share until I think I sent you his number and I think you and him would have a very edifying informative and good conversation
Hope your looked at my reblog on North Kansas City Hospital keeping on staff a known sexual pervert Predator who drugged a woman in the emergency room and gave her a vaginal massage and the hospital defended him I didn’t get the name of the lawyers but I’m sure they’re the same lawyers that defended ficken Romine and Kimmel when they beat the hell out of and almost almost murdered Michael S store yeah I guess he was so choked out that he could have died according to one doctor these f****** need to be dealt with far as I’m concerned in the hope the courts get her done
May 3rd, 1:23pmMaryMay 3rd, 6:54pmRichard
I will try this again tomorrow at 11 o’clock at Cascone’s on North Oak by the farmers market I am meaning Michael S Stewart and James from Shady Lady for lunch and if you want to come and need a ride I can come and get you or if you can get a ride one of us can give you a ride back or if you want to take a cab I will pay the money to get you there and one of us can take you back so here is your opportunity to meet Stewart and James to ask questions and I think it would be a good deal and I will just sit there and Wilson and watch while you guys share in till and I will just enjoy the food because I like good Italian food because my uncle was Italian actually Sicilian and I love good good authentic Italian food which in a way is not too much different than Mexican so let me know 816 599 1388 period and lastly you know I don’t want to sound like I’m down and out and discouraged because I am and I’ve looked at the last and most important blog that I think I put together other than identifying the officers ficken and Company and you know what next to zero shares next to what for likes on Justice for Toni Anderson page you know and there’s 1400 people that like that page and most are women and I’m thinking where the hell are they because they sure as hell aren’t on the page they’re not sharing anything they’re not reading anything they’re not listening to anything in Toni Anderson was not a man she was a woman killed by men and these women have more important things to do than get involved and I’m thinking what the hell is going on why is everybody so disconnected women especially. So I told her the admin to give these people a reality check you know get involved get off the page or if no one’s going to do anything just shut down the page and I told Holly the same thing too you Holly I can camp the people that are involved on both hands her best friends don’t give a s*** Carly Roxanne people she worked with parents Pete Junior senior so I don’t know I mean I have tried I know you have more than anybody actually and it’s discouraging because all these other folks a posting all kinds of stuff on their page except about what needs to be done information shared by you and your blogs etcetera about Justice for Toni Anderson no shares nothing so that’s just my opinion let me know what you want to do and that’s it take care
May 3rd, 8:28pmMary
I will share it again. Sorry, emotionally drained right now. Depressed, just fed up with life in general. But, I would like to go tomorrow. Its my birthday, so I should do what i want, right?
My latest blog has not had but a few views. Which is a drastic difference from just a week ago. That could be for a number of reasons, ppl not truly wanting justice and getting burnt out. Ppl think that no matter how hard we fight, nothing will change. Or, life is just busy for a lot of ppl right now.
May 3rd, 10:02pmRichard
Yeah I relate I agree and I don’t know what else to say or do other than what you have done I have done Pete has done Justice for Tony is trying to do you know
And yes being it is your birthday tomorrow that’s a good thing you can come for a birthday lunch meal supper dinner all you can eat you can eat everything in the menu how does that sound forget about talking to anyone just eat and celebrate
So if you can take a cab like I said I will pay for it and we can give you a ride home or I can or whatever you want to do take a cab back home cuz it’s your birthday
I was charging my phone so it’s on now so if you want to call or message text message message text using messenger Facebook it’s all good
I told Justice that I was pretty much done because there’s 1400 members most women and they’re so disconnected and out of 1400 you would think 500 would be willing to commit to some kind of a marcher gathering at City Hall or Police Department headquarters but if the number of folks that showed up at search parties and I don’t think there was ever more than 15 maybe that usually 5 6 or 7 if that’s an indicator of anything I doubt if it will be any kind of a numerical response needed
But I see you’re there so if you want to take a cab or have me pick you up or whatever works that would be a good thing and you can meet James he’s a pretty cool dude asking questions or whatever meet Michael you would enjoy visiting with him and I’m just going to enjoy Italian food all you guys talk hahaha
I could take a cab there if u need me too.
Well that’s fine you don’t have a car yet that is and if that would be more comfortable for you that’s fine with me and then course I’ll pay for that then you can meet everybody and we can have a meal and talk and visit either get a ride home take a cab home whatever you want to do Mary it’s all good
Let me get back with u in the morning. Then my brain will be working better, and hooefully I will feel refreshed
How far are you from a Walmart if you’re close I can MoneyGram you some money and then you can take a cab that way MoneyGram your hundred bucks or something
So you think about it sleep on it and happy birthday young lady
Thought I’d be the first one to wish you happy birthday before your birthday sneaky huh hahaha
Lol, I just got back from walmart. Its not walking distance i had to have a ride
You’re most welcome Mary Ward so try to get some rest get rested Maybe just relax as much as possible you know there’s a tea called chamomile tea and it’s really good and or sleepy time Celestial Seasonings makes it and really soothing good sleeping tea you probably already knew about it but have you ever heard of that oh and you’re welcome
Your welcome again I’m starting to repeat myself that’s scary
You know if you can get a ride I’ll pay your gas too just an idea
There gas I hate Google Voice it doesn’t know how to spell
Oh I was looking at your page and maybe your friend candy who took you to Walmart said if she had gas she would take you so I don’t know if she can give you a ride but I’d give her a full tank of gas
So goodnight to you good dreams good rest get refreshed because and less than an hour and a half happy happy birthday!
I don’t know if there was every any doubt but I can assure that Ficken was most definitely the officer who pulled her over. I know his ex wife Ami Hamby Ficken. She is best friends with my ex mother in law. She said he mentioned to her a while back that he pulled over the girl who is missing and he wanted her to know in case it is ever brought up down the road. Talk about a guilty concise. They got a divorce because he is extremely controlling and had multiple affairs. He’s also very verbally abusive towards his daughter. I haven’t spoken to her yet but I plan to. My ex mother in law is the one who brought up Toni and asked if she knew anything. My ex MIL said she can most definitely see him being the one who killed her. She asked me not to say anything out of fear for her safety so I’m trying to be careful and not share anything on a public forum. Something else that bothers me is that as of last year she was driving the same Ford Focus as Toni, just a different color. So that would mean he knows specs on that car. I’m going to find out if she by any chance has the same auto insurance that Toni did. I have some questions we are going to try and get out of her. His ex wife is very nice but I find her to be a bit strange.
It wasnt Candy who took me took me to Walmart. I dont know who would be available, but i will let u know tomorrow what I find out. And thank u again!
Okay only 43 minutes left and then you turn into Cinderella
So tomorrow he will be honored with a meal like people you never met by people you’ve never met but highly respect you what do you think of that
Well candy said she would take you if she had gas so that’s all I was saying so somebody can take you I’ll get him gas money if somebody can’t take you and you want to take a cab I will pay for the cab and if you want I will just come by and pick you up oh and my German Shepherd too she has to come along she’s my co-pilot my navigator she’s got a good nose sticking out the window and she always lets me know where the best smelling food is that and the closest restaurant that has that good food
May 4th, 6:05amRichard
Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Mary happy birthday to you and many more to come !!!!
May 4th, 8:36amMaryRichard
You are very very welcome and I’m going to call today to find out when the car will be finished I was going to put a bigger turbo on it and do a special kind of a tune computer wise so that you could become a an identified flying object and I still might do that but anyhow I’ll let you know what’s up or down on that and I guess getting ready for the 11 o’clock lunch and I told James that you might come in Michael too and they were kind of excited and be a good meeting and I might even be another friend of yours it might show up 4 your birthday so come and enjoy a birthday meal
Sorry about that I know you’re busy and being you haven’t said yes I’m going to assume no so that’s okay I did tell James from Shady that you might be there Michael S Stewart yes your friend Lanae might want to come or will try so here I am trying to put everything together and absolutely getting no commitment from anybody so that’s why thinking about a protest attempt on the part of getting X number of women of the fourteen hundred or more on Justice would probably be an exercise in futility just because it would be no real commitment any more than like you said there’s a response to blogs and likes and shares and but I did find a woman who has had really good information on ficken and maybe a sex trafficking connection just evil stuff KCPD North kpcb all bad bad stuff so anyhow if you could let me know when you get this yes or no that would be nice and happy birthday and I’ll work on the car probably be about a month if you need to use mine you can you haven’t said anything so shared ass and offered ask not ass amazing Google I think Google has a dirty mind so I will talk to you later one way or the other happy birthday dear Mary and I’ll just wait to hear from you I won’t overload you anymore I promise
Thank yoy! I didnt know my husband had this appointment today. Let me see whats going on and I will get right back with u
Well we can do this another time Mary you know it’s okay you know we’ll just get together on Saturday then that way um it’s all good Michael he’s not committed because of a car problem and then they haven’t heard from her let me your friend lenai lenai your friend so was just bag it I tried to get Holly to come you know if she didn’t want to talk on the phone isn’t filled doesn’t feel involved in on all that song-and-dance crap and so I unloaded I mean Jack Zach dumped on me and I’m thinking I don’t need this s*** so I’m just going to work and getting you a car and I’ll try to get there Saturday and I’m just going to call James and baguette just tell him will I’ll meet him another time so don’t worry about it the snow just know I gave it my best shot and I’m sorry think I’m going to just go take a nap for 20 years
May 4th, 10:35amMary
Saturday sounds like it would be better for everyone. Not sure whats going on with my husband. Kinda pissing me off. But, oh well
May 4th, 5:53pmMary
Hey! I was just wondering. U said something about possibly having a car I can use right now until a more permanent option, like next month was available. Do u have something I could use for now?
need to add your name to insurance too
call me at 816-599-1388 in 5 minutes to discuss that ok?
May 4th, 7:46pmMary
Theres one place I heard about this Jolly guy. I’m sure James knows him
You might want to share on justice and your page you will be on program
About to eat dinner. Talk to u soon!
Ok. So a few things if I do come on the radio show. I dont want to mention names. My in-laws are close with the judge and some officers in NKC. And since I have put my face and voice out there seeking justice, I have been especially shunned. This is, I believe, 1 of the reasons they are not helping us with a car temporarily.
oh well…changed mind is ok… not a problem
Well the cat’s already out of the bag I mean in-laws what’s with your husband did they own his nuts or what sorry I mean I think probably and I’m being really honest I think we all oughta just run up the white flag especially me because I’m way out there to like I told Holly you know who because Pete Sanchez and family weren’t helping and a course they never help me she’s indecisive and wants to quit or has quit and you’ve got to worry about in-laws and husband and hell I’m wondering if they’re sabotage the car I mean I don’t mind you using it but that’s a possibility cutting a brake line or whatever and you didn’t let me know that you weren’t coming on if I decide well it’s like the if if is not a good word and kind of left me hanging and I don’t care if you’re not going to come on but don’t tell me you are and then say it later and then so I’m on the air waiting for you to come so we can talk about everything and now of all times now of all times you’re worried about your in-laws in the f****** cops and the f****** judge you know and I’m thinking too damn late girl but that’s okay I got a backup and regroup about all of this plus you took the car off your web page your Facebook page I guess I can understand that I mean I don’t know I think I’ve been pretty stupid trying to do good things and right things and care and help love other people that don’t give a s*** about me not that I care about that but that’s true and I’m only in this for Tony and I considered it you a warrior woman using Native Americans as an example like any Mayock wash Annie Mae aquash she was abducted raped and murdered by members of the American Indian movement and I had an experience with her like I did with Tony which is why I exposed her killers and murderers like Russell Means that great actor and John trudell all involved in this woman mother of two being raped and having a bullet put in her head while she was praying saying you don’t have to do this I have children and they murdered her In Cold Blood FBI covered that up black man Perry Ray Robinson murdered by the same people FBI hit that for 40 years I have friends on Pine Ridge you know where his body’s buried along with 10 others including three white women that were gained raped and murdered and a black Marshall crucified upside down on a cross so yeah I think what I need to do and I told Holly this and I’m really getting close to doing this really serious is just shut down everything remove the blog shutdown WordPress change my phone number and get the hell Outta Dodge go fishing because in the end I end up being by myself anyhow and when I think and believe there are those who are like minded when it comes to Injustice and telling the truth in the end there’s few if any because they are willing to let the pressures of whoever whatever cause them to all of a sudden no longer be willing to do anything to bring forth Justice for anyone
Don’t ask me how I really feel very discouraged people still jacketing me with s*** and like you said no one’s sharing no one’s liking Justice for Toni Anderson page is a impotent joke and I thought I really did I really thought the women would be the warriors with the Battle Cry of justice for Toni Anderson and hell they make the f***** men look good men who have done nothing said nothing emasculated Cutlass b****** probably like your husband and his relatives and all the men and North Kansas City all the men in the police department all the men in Parkville all the men in Kansas City holy s*** are there any man anywhere that have courage evidently not and the women are down do few and far between so I have to think about this
So I don’t know what I’m going to do or if I want to do anything because I’m tired of being disappointed in if you’re worried about your in-laws in terms of what they think about you already and you’re not going to be on the radio program because of them and your little punk ass b**** husband okay and ficken and what he did to you and others and he’ll Mary I think I’m I’m the crazy one here I don’t think I’m doing anything right really I just need to go find a damn hole and I told Justice for that I told Holly that and I’m telling you that that little assholes that you know one of his women friends saying I’m KKK and I can go on but all the s*** I go through and I’m I’ll tell you what there’s one person one man I should say one man that they all want that it ain’t you it ain’t Holly it ain’t anybody but me song with put my ass on the line for Tony I don’t give a s*** what anybody does to me and I don’t care what anybody thinks because you know what you need to look at that quote on my Facebook page that’s all I know and my bumper said bumper sticker says Marines fear God and no others
And on my radio program I said in no uncertain terms the people that have put their necks on the line that if anything happens to them I have my connections in my friends no go after these assholes they will go after them and if Tony was my daughter I would not be in a body bag by myself but even her father’s a b**** and her mother is a loser and Pete Sanchez Jr another b**** and the father I don’t know where he’s at and I guess I don’t care and I think I’m going to turn off the phone and the computer and go to sleep and think about if I’m going to do anything at all anymore for Toni Anderson or anyone else for that matter because I can see right now I’m pissing in the Wind so f*** your husband f*** the in-laws f*** the judge and f*** North Kansas City police officers yep I do swear I do get angry and I haven’t seeding hate for those kinds of people that are gutless cowards emasculated b****** who really don’t give a s*** about what happens to Toni Anderson any more than they would give a s*** about what happened to you and then that include your f****** husband goodnight