I had 5 AZ judges recuse themselves in the Shoars case…
because I exposed their corruption in the Shoars Family case including the termination of their parental rights by Nazi Judge Joseph Welty WHO IS A DEMOCRAT 🙂
Judge Joseph Welty CONCURS! No wonder he terminated the Shoars Parental Rights!
The Shoars wanted to follow the GAG ORDER of Welty which I said would be a mistake. All the other gag orders I ignored. But I followed their advice and sure enough their parental rights were TERMINATED! I had sent them money in times of need etc so they could travel and see and feed their children.
The real reason he terminated their parental rights is directly connected to the LBGT LESBIAN and BULL DYKE on her way to hell lesbian Napalitano who appointed him are embedded in child porn which for me…makes Welty a closet child porn pedophile just like her! This is confirmed by his ruling in choosing to destroying the Shoars family which is patterned after the Arizona Child Kidnapping Template run by Gov. Doug Ducey and his henchman Greg McKay. I believe also they also are closet pedophiles who also watch child porn where children are subjected to sadistic sexual abuse and this because his department knowingly places children with sexual abusers of children who then murder them.
I am convinced that he and the bull dyke on her way to hell lesbian Napalitano who appointed him are embedded in child porn making Welty a closet child porn pedophile. This is confirmed by his ruling in choosing to destroying the Shoars family which is patterned after the Arizona Child Kidnapping Template run by Gov. Doug Ducey and his henchman Greg McKay. I believe also they are both are closet pedophiles who also watch child porn where children are subjected to sadistic sexual abuse and this because his department knowingly places children with sexual abusers of children who then murder them.
John Mc Cain is in collusion because he allows for this under his watch and with one of his top aids having child porn in his computer…that is a confirmation he is no different. As if a top senator has no idea that one of his employees is not into child porn! “Like Boss Like Employee”! McCain and George Bush are SODOMITE SUPPORTING FREE MASONIC BUDDIES…
This is why so many politicians are gay, why heterosexuality is being repressed and
homosexuality and pederasty foisted on us instead. It explains why the elite is gay, and phallic obelisks are everywhere. Humanity has been inducted into a pagan sex cult. This involves “gendercide” – i.e. gender genocide.
Pike states that an initiate “commemorates in sacramental observance this mysterious passion; and while partaking of the raw flesh of the victim, seems to be invigorated by a fresh draught from the fountain of universal life….Hence the significance of the phallus.” (p.393)
And they ALL MEET TOGETHER IN THE LODGE to discuss their common interests…say CHILDREN THAT ARE RAPED AND SNUFFED per the world wide child porn ring which they are members of!
After all she is in the same party as McCain… and PEDOPHILE GEORGE BUSH!
Attention National and International Media…YOU can contact the Shoar’s for a interview through their FACEBOOK page. They will get you any and all documents you need to expose the LIES and FALSE allegations targeting them by Arizona and DCS! This is a story that needs to be exposed and as a combat Marine…I have no words to describe the evil done to this innocent family by those spiritually animated by Satan himself…other then what I have shared in this blog and others! (Psst…I have the the judicial thug Welty’s number posted too! 🙂 Ask him for PROOF of any and all allegations and watch a “brown spot” form you know where!)
Arizona AG Mark Brnovich signed off on the original order to remove the Shoar’s children and then met with Judge Welty “to seal the termination of parental rights ruling”! (Right Mark? Right Joseph?)
“Mark Brnovich is the independent voice we need to restore integrity to the Attorney General’s Office and put the safety of Arizona families first,” McCain said. “As a career prosecutor, Mark will go after the drug cartels, protect our children and seniors from predators and make certain that corrupt politicians pay for their crimes ” (McCain has pedophiles working for him who sodomize boys! Right Mark?) http://yournewswire.com/john-mccain-aide-pedophile-ring/
A “Favourite Read” for those involved in the illegal law breaking abduction of the Shoar’s children and the recent termination of their parental rights by the State of Arizona through Judge Joseph Welty and his “queer peers” named below from the Governor on down!
This blog is about a rouge law breaking treasonous child abusing pedophile infested Arizona judicial system and in particular a Judge named Joseph Welty who is spiritually and politically linked to a network with his Arizona DCS/Judicial “comrades” to a nation/world wide child porn and sex trafficking ring that “snuffs” children after they have been sadomasochistically raped and sodomized. (See below!)
Welty IS the Judge who “snuffed” the parental rights of Jeff and Tabitha Shoars who have never abused their children and were never charged with a crime like “murder” or anything else BUT this same feral Son of Perdition Judge will give a MURDERER 4.5 years while another Arizona rouge Judge in the Shoars case Sally Schneider DUNCAN released/dropped the charges of MURDER against a “father” who murdered his son because of “prosecutorial misconduct“!
Welty IS the Judge who along with his peers is complicit with sex trafficking through the Arizona Foster Care system https://healthimpactnews.com/2015/child-sex-trafficking-through-child-protection-services-exposed-kidnapping-children-for-sex/
Welty IS the Judge who supported the illegal reinstatement of the the dismissal of the “abuse” charges by Arizona Judge Bruce Cohen!
Nancy Shaefer was exposing exactly what this blog is exposing identifying those GUILTY!
The FBI Divides Terrorist-Related Activities into Two Categories: SAY ARIZONA and what it did to the Shoars family with Judge Joseph Welty being the “Poster Boy”!
- A terrorist incident is a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, in violation of the criminal laws of the United States, or of any state, to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
- A terrorism prevention is a documented instance in which a violent act by a known or suspected terrorist group or individual with the means and a proven propensity for violence is successfully interdicted through investigative activity.
Bruce Cohen…IS THE ONLY Arizona Judge who saw through the lies, false allegations and the criminal violations and conduct of Arizona Mark Brnovich Asst. Attorney General Bonnie Platter and their “cabal” of rogue domestic terrorist thugs and dismissed the charges.
Jewish Judge Bruce Cohen
Judge Cohen’s number is 602-372-0686 for a copy of his ruling and questions!
Now to connect the “Dots To These Sons and Daughters of The Devil” Who Are Guilty of Murdering The Spirits of the Shoar’s Innocent Children And Destroying This Family and Who These Reprobate Minded Souls Work For, With, and What They Do In Their “Secret Chambers”!
“Childlike innocence is an invention of the bourgeoisie of early capitalism.”
— Olaf Stüben, German pedophile activist, 1981
BUT…Before you read further…YOU must listen this motivational audio the Arizona judiciary and DCS case workers listen to every morning before they go to work. It is both their “Battle Cry” and “Pledge of Allegiance”. Right Welty?
It gives them that needed daily “fix”…that one of a kind exhilarating, exciting arousing and stimulating feeling before they leave for work that only “sadomasochistic closet pedophiles” love fantasizing over…examples being Arizona Judges Duncan, McNally, Pineta, and of course AG Mark Brnovich, Asst. AZ General Bonnie Platter and all the case workers involved in the Shoars case. No matter their “party”…they all admire the likes of a raping, murdering pedophiles whether they be Bill and Hillary Clinton or G.W. Bush!
Enjoy by clicking HERE!
Welcome Arizona Bar boys and girls! Did you hear the audio? How about you Welty?

Say hello to Judge Joseph Welty everyone! Hey Welty…how is the that “Gag Order” working? I told you I would make you “Famous!
He should be “disbarred” for his criminal act and indicted and sent to prison!
Everyone reading this blog should report this rogue domestic terrorist! The phone number to his “Secret Chamber” is 602-372-2557!
He is on the LEFT. He is a criminal…I mean “criminal judge” and my gut says he is a “closet pedophile”. He represents the the National Socialist State of Arizona headed by Doug Ducey . Check out his “body language”. He issued a GAG ORDER on the Shoars case to protect the guilty Arizona Judiciary of criminals like him! See forum sign!
He was appointed by Janet Napolitano. Joseph likes Janet and Janet likes Joseph. They have a lot in common and have been very close friends for years. Joseph likes Janet and why he accepted her nomination of him was because she refused to investigate a documented and admitted child pornographer and child molester of children (…you know the kind of animal that needs a bullet in his head after he’s castrated, set on fire and almost bled out for raping and sodomizing little boys and girls) named James Moore.
The below link graphically exposes the network that Moore was connected to and included Janet. Click link to link Napolitano to child raping pedophiles and remember she nominated a “Judge” who loved child molesters just like her!
” USPIS inspectors set up a scam child-porn business and contacted men whose names had appeared on a customer mailing list of a porn outlet. Moore was one of the men, and the inspectors sent him a solicitation offering him videos of “hot lads.” Moore then ordered two tapes: Young Teen and Young Men. At the same time, apartment-manager Burk’s suspicions about her tenant were aroused. She was concerned about the stream of young Mexican boys visiting Moore’s apartment, she says. Burk also was worried about the videos Moore received and coincidentally contacted the USPIS just as it was about to swoop on the unsuspecting bus driver.
But when Cassatt asked for a search warrant, it took Napolitano’s office nearly two months to decide whether to grant the request. Eventually, it turned Cassatt down on the official grounds that Moore wasn’t “predisposed” to buy child porn and that the evidence against the 55-year-old homosexual didn’t meet probable-cause standards. In their argument about legal flaws, Napolitano’s assistants cited one case in the 9th Circuit Court, which encompasses Arizona, in which a judge threw out a search warrant on entrapment grounds.
Insight has learned that the Justice Department’s antipornography unit, the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, or CEOS, disagreed with the position taken by Napolitano. It volunteered to send a prosecutor to Arizona to take on the case, only to be met with a strong “no thanks” from Napolitano.”
“As far as Burk and USPIS Inspector Karen Cassatt are concerned, there were clear grounds for searching Moore’s apartment: He was receiving suspicious-looking videos from known child-porn and adult videomakers such as Spartacus, an overseas distributor, and the Hollywood-based IVC. The specter of frightened-looking Mexican boys, some possibly as young as 9, who frequently were spotted with Moore also was troubling. On several occasions Burk asked the openly homosexual Moore who the children were and where they were from. “He always said they were the children of friends,” she tells Insight. “I knew he was gay I had no problem with that — there are a lot of gay men living here. But I was worried about the children. There was one boy — he must have been about 13 or 14 — and I could see he was scared to death.” Burk also noted that Moore’s apartment was full of photographs of young boys, most of them nude from the waist up.”
“The gay movement did not distance itself from men who acted on their desire for children;
rather, it took them under its wing. The gay movement helped pedophiles in entirely practical ways.”
Welty and Napolitano are fan’s of this synagogue of Satan Jew and pedophile/sodomite Barney Frank!
Joseph and Janet both admire the documented serial rapist and pedophile duet of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Janet was nominated by Bill and Janet nominated Joseph. They all view children alike. Both Joseph and Janet like child molesters. Joseph was in the know about Napolitano who worked with Clinton to make sure Moore would not be investigated and prosecuted. Why?
Did you know the Nazi’s and Marxists were in fact SODOMITES, PEDOPHILES, PEDERASTS and MASS MURDERERS? Janet and Joseph do! 🙂
HITLER AND THE NAZI’S: These links document the murderous spirit found in Hitlers Sodomite Pederast Controlled Nazi Party and the Marxists.
Occultism, the Nazi Party, and Sodomy
Numbers of human beings “mass murdered” by the Nazi Sodomites including Jews…was well over 20 million.
KARL MARX AND COMMUNISM: Sodomites and promoters of the homosexual movement.
The numbers of human beings murdered by Marxist/Communists is in the hundreds of millions!
Because Napolitano and Welty represent this segment of society that believes…
‘Paedophilia is natural and normal for males’
Click HERE to see one of Welty’s primary sources of information as to why he terminated the parental rights of the Shoar’s. No wonder he likes Janet and Arizona Assistant Attorney General Bonnie Platter 🙂
It is in their “secret closed chambers” that Janet and the Clintons were “frequent visitors” to Moore’s child porn network back in the days. Guess one needs to ask the question…how did Joseph know that? 🙂
Click HERE and read what Joseph knew about Janet and which fully explains why he and Janet are members of a “world wide child porn pedophile network that includes sadomasochistic torture and snuffing which the Clinton’s are a part of!
Another reason why Joseph likes Janet is because she likes Hillary. Hillary is a protected pedophile that took trips with her serial raping pedophile husband Bill to pedophile Jew Jeffery Epstein’s “playground island” where there they raped young children who will never live long enough to expose what happened to them and by who because they will be “snuffed”!
This is what happens to the young boys and girls when Welty’s and Napolitano’s “friends” are done with them! https://richardboydenreport.wordpress.com/2016/11/07/aleister-crowley-follower-and-pedophile-hillary-and-bill-clinton-rape-and-sexually-abuse-children-that-are-then-snuffed/
Arizona Governer Doug Ducey’s is a member of pedophile infested Republican party and by “default” of his party being loaded with these Satan owned demons in the flesh is why he has ignored the Shoars cries for help. This is who Ducey is connected to.
George HW Bush a known Evil Pedophile
A SHEEP NO MORE – The Franklin Cover Up is only the tip of the Iceberg
“George HW Bush is a known evil pedophile, who ran a Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s known as “Operation Brownstone and Operation Brownstar”, and later to become known as “The Finders or The Franklin Coverup”. U.S. Vice President George HW Bush would sneak children over to Senator Barney Frank’s condo, known as a “Brownstone” to their famous cocktail parties, where U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senators — some willing and some unwilling participants — got a taste of the “Voodoo Drug” in their drink.”
Ducey’s DCS girls KNOWINGLY placed a Shoars child in a pedophile infested group home where one child was MOLESTED!
“One study by Johns Hopkins University found that the rate of sexual abuse within the foster-care system is more than four times as high as in the general population; in group homes, the rate of sexual abuse is more than 28 times that of the general population. These statistics do not speak to the situation these children are coming from, but it does show the very large problem of child-on-child sexual abuse within the system.”
Click HERE to read about Doucey working hard to cover up the sexual abuse of children sent to NaziZona group homes while in the custody of Arizona DCS/CPS and with the legal approval of the judges.
And this
And this
https://vimeo.com/channels/554590/69687162 toxic arizona cps sponsored child abuse rape, and murder
Attorney General Mark Brnovich Connected to McCain and Bush and signed the original order that removed the Shoars children from their parents!
Brnovich has a Janet Napolitano staff member on board…OH OH!
Here is the Brnovich to McCain connection to Ducey and to his money making child sex trafficking pedophile infested “government”.
John McCain aide, Jefrey Claude Bartleson, was arrested for raping children following a nationwide investigation into elite pedophile rings. Bartleson, who was John McCain’s presidential campaign manager, was arrested for molesting numerous young boys. http://yournewswire.com/john-mccain-aide-pedophile-ring/
Welty is a hypocritical bastard in black! He will destroy a family by terminating ILLEGALLY the parental rights of the Shoars but has no problem giving a MURDERER a sentence of 4.5 years.
Vrouyr Manoukian, a cocky 24-year old who reportedly entered the courtroom smiling and waving at his family, killed his roommate Matthew McMaster, 24, in July 2013. According to this news report, McMaster died of blunt-force trauma to his head. His body was set on fire and dumped in the desert.
Manoukian was convicted of negligent homicide and abandonment of a body. While awaiting trial, he was jailed for 740 days. That time will count toward his paltry 4 ½ year sentence —- giving him roughly 2 ½ more years in prison.
Judge Welty determined the aggravating factors in the case were the harm done to McMaster’s family, the fact that another roommate, Randall Lee Young, acted as an accomplice, and the evidence that McMaster’s body was dumped and burned beyond recognition. Young, who has an extensive criminal history, was charged with a probation-only offense.
The mitigating factors? Manoukian’s lack of criminal history, his “sniffling” display of remorse, and his acceptance of responsibility for his actions.
Welty will terminate terminates the Shoars parental rights for no documented reason of abuse while letting off a woman who almost killed her child leaving it in a hot car. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/arizona-mom-who-left-kids-in-car-may-avoid-prosecution/
Now to focus on THE BITCH that is behind the termination of the parental rights of the Shoars!
Yes there is a spiritual connection.
Fostering Sexual Abuse Is Bonnie Platters Speciality!
Her name is Bonnie Platter!
Judge Susanna PINEDA another Judge appointed by Lesbian Pedophile child porn child raping protector Janet Napalitano !
Judge Pineda reinstated the “kidnapping orders” of Platter who was working with Judge Sandra Duncan after they discovered that Jewish Judge Bruce Cohen dismissed the DCS charges because he believed they were without substance…say “misconduct”.
Then there is another rogue Judge in the Shoars case Sally Schneider DUNCAN who released/dropped the charges of MURDER against a “father” who murdered his son because of “prosecutorial misconduct“! Really?
Welty in a “alleged” child molestation case will let children testify but not with the Shoar’s children! They can’t testify and be witnesses for and on behalf of their parents…not in NaziZona! Welty makes and breaks laws when convenient. http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/content/printView/6643919
Now more on the important Clinton Napolitano Welty Connection give or take 🙂Â
These two WHORES FOR SATAN worked together to cover-up and protect a rapist of a young girl. When the rapist got off…the bitch Clinton laughed about it! Welty probably watches sadomasochistic porn where women are being brutalized and raped with a little child porn mixed in his menu of depravity!
Link to Arizona Code of Judicial Conduct that has been violated in every aspect of the Shoars case. http://www.azcourts.gov/Portals/137/NewCode/2014ArizonaCodeofJudicialConduct.pdf e to the Shoars children and parents.
These links both identify and define what the goals of NaziZona! Example? Shoars family among thousands of others.
DEMOCRATIC PEDOPHILES Â https://richardboydenreport.wordpress.com/2016/03/19/list-of-democratic-pedophiles-protected-by-the-fbi/
REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILESÂ Â https://richardboydenreport.wordpress.com/2016/03/19/list-of-republican-pedophiles-protected-by-the-fbi/
Arizona’s foster care and sexual trafficking of children network for money is the work of “domestic terrorists” … a STATE specializing in destroying families and murdering the spirits of children.
Hillary Clintons National security pedophile network and the cover-up of the reason why Ambassador Stevens murdered. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=63077
The end of YOU when you “flatline”!
amie@azlawpractice.com Amie clarke is the old and new guardian at litem.
(480) 547-0419 is Amy fox number she is the supervisor for Victoria Jones who man handled the children.
bonnie.Platter@azag.gov is the old AAG and new AAG
castroc003@superiorcourt.maricopa.gov is Chrystal with the courts for duncan and her assistant
CWolter@azdes.gov Is new case manager as of 9-2-16Â name is Corey wolter
paetzd@superiorcourt.maricopa.gov this is Deb and another for Judge Duncan and was a nasty and rude and a LIAR!
This is Karen Wagner’s number> She was the old case manager supervisor who was assigned on 8-25-16 and swore under oath for the new petitions. (480) 294-3789 and (623) 333-7920.
rmmendoza@azdes.gov is a 3 Rd head supervisor before case was dismissed.
bernard@bernardlopez.com is current attorney who is a conflict of interest because before the case was dismissed he filled in for Amie Clarke the guardian at litem and also jeff contacted him first and has not received nothing from him since 8-26-16 .. he is removing him self on 9-8-16
JAnthony@azdes.gov is our old cps workers supervisor before our case was dismissed
(602) 372-0686 is judge Cohen number he was the good judge that DISMISSED our case
Jamie Jenkins JamieJenkins@azdes.gov is the old case worker as of 8-25-16 who also signed off on the petition and lied along with her supervisor Karen wagner. They both promised to email us and keep us informed and never did plus more
SAI-Jabiri@azdes.gov old case manager before case was dismissed
Ssalas@azdes.gov this was the last case manager we had right before our case was dismissed and she filled in stuff after my father in law signed and more
TAncelmo@azdes.gov is our old case manager
joseph@ramiroshanahanlaw.com is tabitha attorney who is removing himself from my case because he said he don’t like beinh told how to do his job