Like Father Like Son!
Criminal History
“Sanchez has been wanted by the authorities for unlawful possession of a controlled substances.[2] He has been addicted to Bath salts (drug).[4] A person who knows Pete has said that she does not trust him and has robbed multiple acquaintances for drugs.[4] He held his best friend and knife-point for an ounce of MDMA.[5] ”
UPDATE! I now believe that Pete Sanchez SENIOR knows more about what happened to Toni Anderson then he has shared. And that his son Pete Jr. did cocaine with her and probably got her started on cocaine. And that Sanchez in his refusal to identify the FBI documented drug dealer Rusty May who is seen following Toni Anderson into and out of the Quick Trip as well as being followed by 3 NKCPD cops never to be seen again…shows that he knows about May and in not exposing his involvement with what happened to Toni…that Sanchez is in collusion with the cover-up along with others like Mary Ward, Allissa Cordova and Bill Bunting.
In in effort to divert their collusion by “silence”…they make up shit about me 🙂 It is all good!
When Sanchez stated Toni Anderson had started using cocaine when he was interviewed on my radio program…the fact that he did not say WHO provided the cocaine for me implies he is hiding the source which could very well be his son Sanchez Jr. since he has a “drug record”.
Now Sanchez has joined the bowel movement sex/sodomite of Mary the “c” Ward and the full blown faggot Bill “Butt Plug” Bunting crusade to jacket me with the same old boring crap about me “not serving”, stalking my wife with a gun, (she came to Missouri after that after asking me to marry her) and then left saying I was a good man…she blew it…said listened to Satan to destroy me…and said “OUR LOVE WAS ETERNAL LOVE LOST” but not one word about abuse or broken shoulder per the faggot Bunting… LOL… which confirms he is protecting those guilty of what happened to Toni Anderson just like Mary Ward is! 🙂
The Latest Blog focusing on the Attorneys representing Toni Anderson’s mother Liz Anderson
“So the problem is not so much to see what nobody has yet seen, as to think what nobody has yet thought concerning that which everybody sees.” Arthur Schopenhauer
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Holy Scriptures
Over time in my “work in progress” blogs I have tried my best to expose what I felt was the truth about what happened to Toni Anderson realizing I was never absolutely sure until now. I tried to see through the lies from the beginning to now making mistakes in some areas but not in the identifying those involved. I only lacked the fullness of that understanding of just how many and WHO were involved and this blog ends my search because now I do know. (I also know why I have been “jacketed with lies” about my “service”…being a “pedophile” etc etc. by the Mary Ward’s and Bill Buntings because they represent those guilty I have exposed!)
You read right. I did and DO say the primary agency involved in the abduction and murder/(trafficking) of Toni Anderson IS the FBI! As a result, I have concluded that Toni Anderson will NEVER get Justice in the realms of time because of the “Spiritual Wickedness” in High Places down to the “pond scum” that are inseparably connected to her abduction and murder.
From the beginning of Toni Anderson’s “vanishing” and immediately classified as a “missing person” that automatically and positively the result of “no foul play” to when her car was found in the very place it was placed by those named below. From the beginning to the end…all should of noticed that the FBI has been silent and totally disconnected from her case in spite of the obvious Kansas City Police Department lies that have been exposed. Her story is one of the most covered up and lied about cases that ever made it to Main Stream Media. If the FBI was not involved in what happened to her, they would of offered their services and what happened to her would of been uncovered.
Their silence for me is PROOF they are the key players and primary movers in the decision to abduct her using the named NKCPD rogue cops and Rusty May and then “snuff her. May is their protected and documented importer of cocaine and heroin CONFIRMED by my source who contacted me which I share more about below.
:et it be known that I have exposed the lies of the FBI before…their cold blooded murders…their protecting of sex traffickers and pedophiles in “High Places” as well as working direct with cartels with their “alter-ego” group of Satanists…the CIA. This story of Toni Anderson reeks with a dark putrid, vile murderous sand seething evil that represents the Devil himself….even he who was, is, and forever will be a “Liar and Murderer From The Beginning”. It is his servants that I name and who are in United States Government…say FBI and their “home boy” working with their “boots on the ground” rogue NKCPD cops in Blue who have meticulously worked together with a absolute resolve to make sure THEY are not seen being those responsible and guilty of what was done to Toni Anderson.
Little do those guilty realize that when they die…they will also experience Justice also which will also be “Justice for Toni Anderson” but not in a way they can even begin to imagine.
The words that I share next are from the “Holy Scriptures”. They identity the spiritual source of the actions of those guilty and what the “spiritual consequences” for them will be when the die. Laugh and mock as they and others do, I personally KNOW from my own experiences the truth of what these words reveal. When you read this my last blog about Toni Anderson, know there will be Justice for Toni when those guilty personally experience the wrath and Justice of God!
The Justice Of God For Those Guilty Promised By God Himself
“And I said unto them that our father also saw, that the justice of God did also divide the wicked from the righteous and the brightness thereof was like unto the brightness of a flaming fire, which ascendeth up unto God for ever and ever, and hath no end. And they said unto me, Doth this thing mean the torment of the body in the days of probation, or doth it mean the final state of the soul after the death of the temporal body, or doth it speak of the things which are temporal?
And it came to pass that I said unto them, that it was a representation of things both temporal and spiritual for the day should come that they must be judged of their works, yea, even the works which were done by the temporal body in their days of probation. Wherefore, if they should die in their wickedness, they must be cast off also, as to the things which are spiritual, which are pertaining to righteousness wherefore, they must be brought to stand before God to be judged of their works and if their works have been filthiness, they must needs be filthy and if they be filthy, it must needs be that they can not dwell in the kingdom of God, if so, the kingdom of God must be filthy also. But behold, I say unto you, the kingdom of God is not filthy, and there can not any unclean thing enter into the kingdom of God wherefore, there must needs be a place of filthiness prepared for that which is filthy. And there is a place prepared, yea, even that awful hell of which I have spoken, and the devil is the foundation of it.”
“And now behold I say unto you, then cometh a death, even a second death, which is a spiritual death;
Then is a time that whosoever dieth in his sins, as to a temporal death, shall also die a spiritual death: yea, he shall die as to things pertaining unto righteousness; Then is the time when their torments shall be as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flames ascendeth up for ever and ever; And then is the time that they shall be chained down to an everlasting destruction, according to the power and captivity of Satan: he having subjected them according to his will. Then I say unto you, They shall be as though there had been no redemption made; for they can not be redeemed according to God’s justice; and they can not die, seeing there is no more corruption.”
“Wo unto the liar: for he shall be thrust down to hell.
Wo unto the murderer, who deliberately killeth: for he shall die.
Wo unto them who commit whoredoms: for they shall be thrust down to hell.
Yea, wo unto those that worship idols: for the devil of all devils delighteth in them.
And, in fine, wo unto all those who die in their sins: for they shall return to God, and behold his face, and remain in their sins.“
Why The FBI “Snuffed” Toni Anderson Using Their “Protected” Drug Importer And Rogue NKCPD “Dealers” And “Sex Traffickers”!
“FBI agents from St. George field office help bring missing girl found in Cedar City home safely”
But NO FBI HELP FOR TONI ANDERSON! Why? Because THEY are THE reason why she was abducted and murdered and made sure what happened to her would NEVER be known!
Read this story and see the difference!
ST. GEORGE — A 17-year-old girl who went missing near Gunnison High School Thursday was found safe in Cedar City Friday with help from Southern Utah University Police and agents from St. George’s FBI field office.
Lindsey Pearson left work Thursday evening and went to the Gunnison High School Mormon seminary building to connect to the Wi-Fi to use a mobile app to make a cell phone call, at which point she went missing.
Upon investigation, police believe after making the cell phone call Thursday, Pearson rode her bike to the high school football field and met with an undisclosed number of adult suspects. She left her bike there and left in a vehicle with the adult suspects, according to a news release issued by Gunnison Valley Police Department.
Local and federal authorities, including FBI agents from the St. George and Provo field offices, cooperated to “navigate the complicated scheme the conspirators concocted,” the news release states, adding that Pearson was located after the suspects attempted to hide her.
Officers from Southern Utah University Police responded to an undisclosed location Friday at approximately 3 p.m. in Cedar City where Pearson was found safe in an off-campus apartment complex. She was returned late Friday night to family in Centerfield.
While the investigation is still ongoing, police have found several suspects in the Gunnison Valley area complicit in taking Pearson from her custodial parent.
So far one person in Beaver was arrested by Gunnison Valley Police officers, and further charges are pending for multiple suspects in Sanpete County.
Sanpete County Sheriff’s Office also assisted in the investigation.
This report is based on preliminary information provided by law enforcement and may not contain the full scope of findings.
Some of the information below is from “past blogs” but important to further connect the “dots” to the guilty. The added information is by definition necessary and of vital importance in order to “close the case” of that happened to Toni Anderson and by who once and for all.

The “order” was given to “snuff” Toni Anderson because she was a witness to major drug activity and “sex trafficking”. The FBI was the “co-ordinating” source of the lies and false information working with one of their own in the NKCPD Maj. Kevin Freeman who was a graduate of the FBI Academy. He along with his rogue brothers in blue worked with FBI documented drug dealer Rusty May in what happened to Anderson. My gut says the FBI said “she had to go” because of what she knew and or experienced or refused to be a part of etc. Even though one can’t know exactly for sure…I am absolutely sure what happened to her “was not an accident” but the result of a cold blooded formulated plan from the beginning to the end of their LIES!
“We have no indication that she was pulled over by an officer with the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department,” said Sgt. Kari Thompson with the Kansas City Police Department initially. “We have also checked with other local agencies in Missouri……….. as well as in Kansas, and there is no indication that Toni Anderson was pulled over by local police.” 1/17/2017
Fact is…the KCPD had confirmed that NKCPD were involved from the beginning being they were connected to the same “dispatch system” of tracking stops by NKCPD/KCPD etc.
Police told KWCH-TV that there are no signs of foul play at this point, “meaning there is no active search.” But investigators have been following leads, tracking down evidence and interviewing family members, friends and her boyfriend, according to reports.
“We’ve spoken with family members, friends and co-workers but unfortunately still no sign of Toni’s whereabouts,” Kansas City Police spokesman Darrin Snapp told the Wichita Eagle on Thursday. “There is no evidence of foul play but her disappearance is very concerning.”
Police said like in other missing persons cases, Anderson may have left on her own, KWCH reports. But her mother told KHSB it’s unlike her daughter to be out of contact with her loved ones or to leave on her own.
Helmuth’s ((Paid off MEDIA WHORE) latest update tells us that Toni’s phone went dead shortly after leaving the station. There’s no reason not to release the footage unless they’ve got something to hide. Pete Sanchez says based on Anderson’s phone records, her last cell phone ping came from a cell phone tower near Parkville shortly after she went missing. KCPD also confirmed they have searched the area and came up empty. Pete Sanchez (Anderson’s boyfriend), with the help of his father and another avid searcher, started a petition on Sunday, demanding that dashcam footage or any other surveillance obtained by police be released to the public. The petition already has more than 1,200 signatures as of Tuesday afternoon. “We feel that with the footage released it will lead to clues,” said Sanchez. “We all want to see the footage. We feel like this will be the next step to bringing Toni home.”
“The North Kansas City Police Department told us as long as its an open investigation they can’t release it,” said Sanchez.
The Kansas City Police Department told FOX 4 they have not found evidence to suggest foul play was involved.
“They have indicated to us that they viewed the condition of the body. There was no physical trauma, no sign of struggle, nothing to indicate any violence or foul play involved with that,” Brian told FOX 4 News.
Fact IS…her body would of looked like a prune and hardly recognizable let alone showing ANY signs of trauma struggle or violence (OR A BRUISE ON HER KNEE)… AKA “Foul Play”! 30 days would of allowed for fish, craw dads etc. to eat the flesh which in 15ft of water would enhanced the deterioration. Her body would of had to be weighted down or otherwise it would of been buoyant and floating.
Toni’s father said the mounting evidence leaves little hope that his 20-year-old daughter will ever return home.
“They said based on clothing, from what we understand, they have encouraged us to begin making arrangements at this point.”
But they did say…they did find a bruise on her knee where she disconnected her GPS at the Quick Trip!
The most important and final KCPD statement was made by Capt. Stacey Graves when Toni’s car was found with her in it with the words “No Foul Play”and that the Missouri Hwy Patrol searched the SAME EXACT SPOT!

Kansas City police on Monday said detectives were working to get a positive identification of the body found, but Anderson’s mother has said the body belonged to her daughter.
“I can’t confirm anything that has been told to the family of Toni Anderson, but I can say that at this point we don’t have any evidence that suggests foul play,” said Capt. Stacey Graves, a spokeswoman for Kansas City police.
“On three separate occasions, Kansas City police, along with the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, used sonar, aerial cameras and other high-definition devices to search bodies of water and other areas.”
The Missouri Hwy Patrol deliberately “missed” where Toni’s car was placed! It was said by Team Waters Sonar that when a car is “newly placed” it is easily missed yet they found a newly placed car in May near the same spot.
PROOF the FBI, NKCPD and KCPD altered the dash cam and videos.
Look what else is MISSING! Say DISPATCH TIME LOG!
FBI INVOLVEMENT working with the North Kansas City Police Officers Bill Ficken, Christopher Kimmel, Patrick Romine included “drug dealer” Rusty May. Chrome is where May frequented with the NKCPD cops who were a part of this drug network. May is the other “missing person” and “link”.
He IS A FBI documented drug dealer who imported cocaine and heroin from Guatamala and the Middle East through his “machinery parts importing business”. May was under “active investigation” by the FBI and they had his “fingerprints” all over the machinery boxes that had “false bottoms” finding cocaine and heroin. The agents who documented this and their superiors were then told to “back off”.
He also is on probation for felony theft and uses another name “Charles Russell Hopkins” and was fired from Harley Davidson.
This is proof that the “Obstruction of Justice For Toni Anderson Page is LE controlled! They do NOT want Rusty May to be identified. TO LATE!

Rusty May (Charles Russell Hopkins another name) was under FBI watch for interstate trafficking for stolen property. On probation for theft. Fired from Harley Davidson.
The FBI tracked documented drug importing by May using his importing of machinery parts business. Heroin and cocaine were placed in the bottom of the shipping boxes in hidden cavities which had his “finger prints” all over. The NKCPD and Ficken, Romine, Kimmel and Freeman were connected to May as was the FBI which were in collusion with May which is why they never said one word about Anderson or got involved!
Whoever “smudged” May’s mug…did so deliberately. Why? Why even release this video? It would appear that they did not want his identity to be discovered or never thought be. Either or… to late now.
May at Quick Trip…followed Anderson in and out.
This IS a Red Cadillac…NOT a KIA. Notice how identity is “blurred”! Who ever did this…did so to HIDE May’s identity. If cops…oh oh…if Justice For Toni Anderson Page admins…OH OH AGAIN which means they are TROLLS for the FBI and NKCPD etc.
May and Anderson coming into Quick Trip side by side.
New RED Cadillac…2014…Rusty May Family.
This means of course…the CIA which was in the beginning made up of former Nazi’s and has been documented to be the one of the major “drug importers” of heroin from Afghanistan into the United States and who works direct with the Cartels are the ones that made the call for the FBI to leave May alone!
Toni Anderson saw or witnessed something at Chrome and Pete Sanchez said she started using cocaine. Somehow some way…May and the owners/workers of Chrome “messed up” in allowing for her to see or know something leading to Toni being a “problem” that had to be “fixed”.
This is why he and his “drug network” boys in NKCPD Blue were all together at the Quick Trip when Toni was stopped the first time by NKCPD thug Bill Ficken and told to go to the QT and gather yourself (if that was the original stop which contradicts the media released KCPD stories. When she left QT…in a series of videos…she is followed by at least 2 (3 were seen at the QT) NKCPD SUV’s as well as by the Red Cadillac driven by Rusty May. Her 2d and last text “OMG…just just stopped again” occurred when the NKCPD cops that followed her stopped her, abducted her and then placed her car in the Missouri River.
This is why she was called in to work on her day off because this plan was formulated by the owners of Chrome, May and the NKCPD officers Freeman, Kimmel, Romine and Maj. Kevin Freeman and with the full knowledge of the FBI using their FBI Academy graduate Freeman with full knowledge of the Kansas City Police Department who in the beginning to the end LIED.
If you look at this “right on the money” post that was placed on Tony KC…it is obvious ONLY a insider who is connected to LE posted this. They knew exactly where Toni’s car was placed. For me…it had to be one source only and that is Alonzo Washington i.e. KC Crime Fighter. Why? Because down low lying corrupt in collusion with drug dealers, rapists, drug dealers, sex traffickers and murderers “brothers of the same color” Black KCPD cops would be the only source of this information.
After all…to Washington…Toni was just a “White” bitch…stripper which he constantly denigrated along with his feral Black homies”. And in all of his posts not once did he tag LE as being guilty other then a “token” post after the fact of “Ficken” for example. He knows the corrupt Black thugs in Blue. Where do you think he gets his “tips” from? And be assured he has been to Chrome and knows about the drug activity there and who goes there too. No way would he “out” a cop…has he ever? Let alone the NKCPD cops he knew who knew Toni.
This post I also believe is from Washington also. Only one who knows those “Black in Blue” who knew about where her car was placed would also know about Anderson’s abduction and what happened to her after. Only someone who has “brothers of the same color” that are documented to be the major players of “sex trafficking”….say BLACK…in Missouri and Kansas…i.e. Kansas City and St. Louis would post this on Tony KC’s site which post by the way he removed.
I am not going to comment on or pick out every important aspect about how this diabolical treatment of women “pogrom” is conducted and how the women are lured, seduced, drugged and then threatened with DEATH if they try to leave. Based upon the anonymous text…and after reading the below stories…I am more inclined to believe that Toni Anderson was a victim of this in conjunction with her mother stating in the beginning that she might have been a victim of “SEX TRAFFICKING”. The Kansas operation I link below was a “Interstate Enterprise”.
In my opinion…CHROME is operating just like this Club did and with the same structure, elements and players but in Toni’s case…using the named and identified NKCPD cops who’s “second home” is Chrome and are working with a FBI protected drug dealer named Rusty May who was one of the last to see Toni ALIVE!
Now…READ AND LEARN and check out the BLACK MUG SHOTS!
I believe the North Kansas City Police Officers represent what is documented in this LINK and connects them to what happened to Toni Anderson!
Rapists with Badges and Guns!
One thing for sure…the autopsy was a fabrication according to every Forensic Pathologist that saw it based upon “time of body” in water with the “drug and alcohol” lies. Two months in water of a body does NOT allow for the readings the ME came up with let alone still show a “bruise” on the knee i.e. disconnected GPS lie! It was disconnected by those COPS and their “FRIEND” who stopped her!
The only other reason for the “fresh readings” is that she was murdered AKA drugged with cocaine, alcohol and then drowned and placed in her car during the “3 day” time line of finding her car by Team Waters Sonar and being pulled out of the car. The autopsy report was the result of readings from a body not dead much longer the 72 hours according to other ME examiner reviews.
Sanchez is right but she was not killed right away. I believe she was raped and brutalized first. Even if “sex trafficked” which might have happened to her based upon the “anon” text…she would NEVER be allowed to live given who was involved and what the ramifications of would be if they were exposed…right FBI? That means each and every person and organization involved are in fact guilty of her murder!
Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forté knows everything about what happened to Toni Anderson and why and by WHO but remained silent about Anderson to the day of finding her dead which makes him GUILTY along with those he is PROTECTING!
He “retired” to disconnect himself from the 3 days of KCPD LIES and what happened to Anderson. Under his watch Toni was ONLY a “missing person” with “no indication of foul play yet there was not one release of any video or dash cam to help find her! He was friends and in direct communication with FBI Agent in charge Eric Jackson who was also silent.
Jackson requested a “transfer” or his bosses felt he was a problem..either or…gone.
Vicki Weaver MURDERED by FBI Sniper with a “One Shot One Kill” bullet to her head while holding her daughter.
LaVoy Finicum murdered by the FBI.
A “giant cover-up” is in fact an understatement when it is documented that the FBI is protecting a major drug dealer and the NKCPD cops he works with in distributing as well as the place of distribution where these cops frequented and where Toni Anderson worked. No wonder her fellow co-workers have said nothing out of fear!
Meet the “new” U.S. Attorney Tom Larson who has worked hard with the FBI to hide the TRUTH!
Darrin Jones…sent in by Comey to make sure that the FBI drug connection to May and Anderson remains hidden.
Jones is a native of Nebraska who joined the FBI in 1997. He most recently served as an executive within the Technical Collections Branch of the FBI’s Operation Technology Division in Quantico, Va.
Documentation that the FBI is a corrupt, lying, raping, murdering and complicit in drug trafficking in Montana (Agent Terry Nelson) Agency and are directly involved with what happened to Toni Anderson. Say “Iran Contra”and then sit down!
This IS what the FBI should of done but did not.
They could of solved this case immediately but when THEY are involved…not a chance in the hell those who are guilty of covering up this case are going to and why the local FBI has not said a word about Toni Anderson. I even called and talked to a female agent who said she would call me back and lied. Now you know why. It is because the local (and federal) FBI is complicit in the drug activity in Kansas City and Rusty May is one of their “hands off” boys. They know what happened to Toni Anderson and by who and why!
White Supremacist and other domestic extremists maintain an active presence in U.S. police departments and other law enforcement agencies. A striking reference to that conclusion, notable for its confidence and the policy prescriptions that accompany it, appears in a classified FBI Counterterrorism Policy Guide from April 2015, obtained by The Intercept. The guide, which details the process by which the FBI enters individuals on a terrorism watchlist, the Known or Suspected Terrorist File, notes that “domestic terrorism investigations focused on militia extremists, white supremacist extremists, and sovereign citizen extremists often have identified active links to law enforcement officers,” and explains in some detail how bureau policies have been crafted to take this infiltration into account.
This infiltration includes covert supremacist operatives called “ghost skins” who the FBI guide states are encouraged and trained to “blend in” to regular society without displaying their real views while advancing the goals of supremacists and also that they have implemented a strategy of protecting these investigations from discovery by specific officers who actually been added to the terrorist watch list by hiding that information within the NCIC and other national crime databases from them.
According to the Guide, the FBI has the option to mark a watch listed police officer as a “silent hit,” thus preventing queries to the National Crime Information Center, a clearinghouse for crime data accessible to law enforcement agencies nationwide, from returning a record that identifies the officer as having been flagged as a known or suspected terrorist. The document states that a “specific, narrowly defined, and legitimate operational justification” must be given in order to mark a Known or Suspected Terrorist (KST) entry as a silent hit. The suspect’s membership or affiliation with a law enforcement or military agency with access to the NCIC database is one of the specific justifications listed, implying that extremist infiltration is enough of a concern that the FBI has built-in protocols to prevent domestic terrorism investigations from being obstructed by members of law enforcement.
Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or Puerto Rico without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives.
The FBI Divides Terrorist-Related Activities into Two Categories:
- A terrorist incident is a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, in violation of the criminal laws of the United States, or of any state, to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
- A terrorism prevention is a documented instance in which a violent act by a known or suspected terrorist group or individual with the means and a proven propensity for violence is successfully interdicted through investigative activity.
Note: The FBI investigates terrorism-related matters without regard to race, religion, national origin, or gender. Reference to individual members of any political, ethnic, or religious group in this report is not meant to imply that all members of that group are terrorists. Terrorists represent a small criminal minority in any larger social context
Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: “(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”
The FBI has the technology to…
hack into a cell phone (Say NKCPD and RUSTY MAY phones) and track, hack into their computers and GPS using a “Global GPS Positioning System” for tracking, and document ALL their cell phone information including calls by anyone like Toni Anderson and any rogue police that they are suspected of a crime.
Again because the FBI said not one word about Anderson further confirms to me they worked with NKCPD and KCPD (and Rusty May} to state officially she was only “Missing”. They have the technology and means to track the very NKCPD officers involved and Rusty May!
Mobile phone tracking refers to the attaining of the current position of a mobile phone, stationary or moving. Localization may occur either via multilateration of radio signals between (several) radio towers of the network and the phone, or simply via GPS. To locate the phone using multilateration of radio signals, it must emit at least the roaming signal to contact the next nearby antenna tower, but the process does not require an active call. GSM is based on the signal strength to nearby antenna masts.[1]
Rusty May is WHY the FBI said and did nothing because they are directly connected to this man in more ways then one and told this man to “take care of your problem” and with the NKCPD rogue cops complicity did just that!
NKCPD Major Kevin Freeman. FBI connection to the FBI collusion and the Drug, May and Chrome “plan” for Toni Anderson.
Ficken is connected to Rusty May, drugs and Chrome.
Here is a small history of this “domestic terrorist rouge cop” of violent and abusive behaviour toward women and men. He has a history of tasering men and women. He is a documented whore monger who goes after married women and he bragged about “choking out” a man who he had handcuffed and laughing about it to the man’s wife!
He had a affair with a nurse at the North Kansas City Hospital (see below). Also…he was a customer of Chrome where Toni worked according to her friends there.
- Ficken was involved in the violent tasering of a woman named Angela M.Roberts at North Kansas City hospital. She was brutally and forcefully subdued, then put into the back of a NKCPD vehicle by a cop and a hospital security officer vehicle handcuffed and tased at least 6 times until she passed out. After that she remembered nothing. NCKPD was sued and a settlement/agreement was reached. Ficken was working security that night at that time at the hospital.
- Ficken was involved in another law suit where he unnecessarily conducted a criminal background check on the husband of a woman with whom he was having an affair. Timothy Gilliam is suing the officer, Gary W. Ficken Jr.; the city of North Kansas City; its police department; and Police Chief Glenn L. Ladd in U.S. District Court in Kansas City.
- Ficken is involved in another law suit. The suit alleges three separate counts of excessive force, two counts of failure to protect constitutional rights, and individual counts of wrongful arrest and conspiracy. He was involved in the brutal beating of Michael Stewart the defendant who he also choked out while Stewart was handcuffed and laughed about it.
- Ficken lives up the road from the park and boat ramp (SEE BELOW) where Toni had her “accident” right near where she was found.
- Ficken with a “Brother in Blue” brutally pulled a young woman out of her drivers side window during a “traffic stop” on 10/16/2016 in North Kansas City. She ended up with bruises and cuts all over her body. She was lucky that her mother was listening to this and that the cops knew this otherwise she might have ended up like Toni. She was charged with bogus charges of course.
Toni Anderson while she was still alive being stopped the 1st time by NKCPD rogue cop Bill Ficken. She was not drunk or on cocaine…but “drugged” either at Chrome or by May.
I shared this because of the proximity of where Ficken’s house is from the Quik Trip. When Toni was stopped the 2 time and removed from her car…she had to be hidden…either in a “trunk of a car” or to a close “hiding place” and this because of the time line of limited darkness. Same with her car needing to be put in the river and who knows where better but a “resident” of Parkville!
Burlington Street North Kansas City to 6716 NW Graden Rd via MO-9 N.
17 min (9.5 mi)
16 min in current traffic
1. Head south
2. Turn right toward Burlington St
3. Turn right onto Burlington St
4. Keep left to continue on MO-9 N/Burlington St
5. Keep right to continue on MO-9 N
6. Turn right onto MO-9
7. Turn left onto MO-45 N/NW 64th St/Tom Watson Pkwy
8. Turn right onto NW Graden Rd
9. Arrive at location: 6716 NW Graden Rd
From Platte Landing Park to Ficken’s home at 6716 NW Graden Rd via NW Crooked Rd. taking a ‘back road”. From Platte Landing Park to 6716 NW Graden Rd via NW Bell Rd.
12 min (3.1 mi)
12 min in current traffic if not speeding.
1. Head northeast on S Main St
2. Turn left onto W Mill St
3. Turn right onto West St
4. Turn right onto Elm St
5. Turn left onto MO-45 N
6. Turn right onto NW Graden Rd
7. Arrive at location: 6716 NW Graden Rd
For the best route in current traffic visit
He is drug connected with Rusty May and Chrome and has been written up for at least 4 if not 5 counts of Excessive Force. Named in the Michael S. Stewart law suit.
Sgt. Romine… involved in the Michael S. Stewart pending law suit naming him and the other 2 above. He also was involved in the Angela Roberts case of abuse. He is drug connected to Rusty May and Chrome.

Then there is the Free Masonic Connection to what happened to Toni. I call them the “Secret Combinations of Darkness” of liars and murderers who protect one another right into the depths of hell itself to be with their father the DEVIL!
“nearly all the civil offices in the country were in the hands of Freemasons; and that the press was completely under their control… I do not recollect a magistrate, or a constable, or sheriff in that county that was not at that time a Freemason.” (The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry by Charles Finney, an Ex-mason)
“all who have taken the degrees above this [Royal Arch, the 7th degree] are under the most solemn oath to conceal each other’s crimes, without exception.” (The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry by Charles Finney, an Ex-mason)
“Free Masons state LUCIFER IS GOD!
“To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: ‘the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine. If Lucifer were not god, would Adonay (Jesus)… calumniate (spread false and harmful statements about) him?…Yes Lucifer is God…”
(Albert Pike, A.C. De La Rive, La Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc-Maqonnene Universelle, page 588.)
And he did plot with Cain and his followers, from that time forth.
And also it is that same being who put it into the hearts of the people, to build a tower sufficiently high that they might get to heaven.
And it was that same being who led on the people who came from that tower into this land; who spread the works of darkness and abominations over all the face of the land, until he dragged the people down to an entire destruction, and to an everlasting hell;
Yea, it is that same being who put it into the heart of Gadianton, to still carry on the work of darkness, and of secret murder; and he has brought it forth from the beginning of man, even down to this time.
And behold, it is he who is the author of all sin. And behold, he doth carry on his works of darkness and secret murder, and doth hand down their plots, and their oaths, and their covenants, and their plans of awful wickedness from generation to generation, according as he can get hold upon the hearts of the children of men.
And Satan swear unto Cain, that he would do according to his commands. And all these things were done in secret.
And Cain said, Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder and get gain. Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan; and he gloried in his wickedness.
And Cain went into the field, and Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, that while they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
And Cain gloried in that which he had done, saying, I am free; surely the flocks of my brother falleth into my hands.
And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel, thy brother? And he said, I know not, am I my brother’s keeper?