No censorship on this page like the FAKE JUSTICE FOR TONI ANDERSON PAGE which is controlled by those who are confirmed friends of those guilty of being responsible for what happened to Toni Anderson…say Mary Ward, Allissa Cordova and Rusty May’s wife Paylen/Hopkins (not to mention Toni’s so called “real friends” like Townsend, Carli and others AKA Cowards!) !
🙂 Those “women” who continue to support the LIARS and cover-up admins on that page are going to die from the toxic spirit that rules that page.
ANY one in the “media” can rehash and regurgitate and even fabricate diversionary “subject matter” while intentionally NOT focusing on those NKCPD thug pigs (personal friends of Mary Ward the lying poster bitch/whore who is friends with) who are guilty (with Rusty May) and that is exactly what the admins of that page have done.

ANY one in the “media” can rehash and regurgitate and even fabricate diversionary “subject matter” while intentionally NOT focusing on those NKCPD thug pigs (personal friends of Mary Ward the lying poster bitch/whore who is friends with) who are guilty (with Rusty May) and that is exactly what the admins of that page have done.
As for the “fund raising” approval of the Hero PETE SANCHEZ who donated nothing to the memorial bench (same with son). I did a search for the exact same thing and came up with LESS THE 1,000 BUCKS! Smell’s scammy to me…again. And to work with the CITY that is in collusion with the COVER-UP of what happened to Toni is mocking her to the max. Be sure…not one word will be “printed” about the TRUTH! They have made sure on that page…the GUILTY ARE NEVER MENTIONED…GO FIGURE!
“Ok. So a few things if I do come on the radio show.
I dont want to mention names.
My in-laws are close with the judge and some officers in NKC.
And since I have put my face and voice out there seeking justice, I have been especially shunned.
This is, I believe, 1 of the reasons they are not helping us with a car temporarily.“
Email From Mary Ward – May 4, 2017
Mary Ward is a lying slandering of me PAID OFF friend of NKCPD cops and a OXY MORON!