Hy-Vee Chief Executive Randy Edeke partners with racist homicidal bastard and his favourite celebrity Mark Wahlberg to get into the
“burger business“.
Meanwhile, while tainting the Hy-Vee name with Wahlberg, Edeker and his “bean counting” fellow execs decided to “destroy” a profit making “Market Grill” in Independence Missouri (23d and Lees Summit) by converting it into a “Market Express”. Reason? Because the seating capacity is LESS THEN 120! No matter the two managers that put this Market Grille on the map made THIS MARKET GRILL the most profitable in the area! Another “stinky butt” rumor is that Edeker and “boys and girls” are trying to save money!
That really makes sense…IF your business brain matter is the left over remnant of a combination of multiple shock treatments and a frontal lobotomy. The genius behind this revolutionary decision is saving money by removing the two managers who made this Market Grille THE MOST PROFITABLE, then removing the servers to work “outside the door” (still being paid “min wage”) and the ‘new remodel” ending up creating a combination of chaos with customers going back and forth for “refills” bumping into each other and then experiencing the cooling of their food at the same time!
Add to that…the servers and management who worked diligently to make this “Market Grill” into a quiet and private restaurant with a unique menu and superb Sunday Brunch serving kippered salmon, oysters on a half shell, USDA Choice Prime Rib, waffles made from a tasty formula, omelettes, friend chicken, fresh salads and deserts are going to be out of a job at this Market GRILL to try and save the others LOSING MONEY! 🙂 That leaves the 23d and Lees Summit Hy-Vee MG a dumbed down over priced commodity fast food hole in the wall not worth wasting your time or money at for basic menu items that are over priced especially when you can get better tasting burgers down the road at Back Yard Burgers for 5-6 bucks rather then pay 10-12 bucks or more for a burger that is smaller and not as tasty.
AND…on the “New OVER PRICED Menu” for Market Express…right in the MIDDLE OF THE NEW MENU IS ALCOHOL and the removal of past tasty dishes that were popular before. Real ingenious move NOT and especially for FAMILIES!
So much for Hy-Vee Chief Executive Randy Edeker and his alter ego’s giving a damn about the single mothers, students and others who were making a living to pay their bills and feed their children. And he and Hy-Vee dare tout their business as being “employee owned” when in fact they use and discard employees like they are going to do at the Market Grill!
The motto of Hy-Vee needs to be changed from “EMPLOYEE OWNED” to “EMPLOYEES EXPLOITED”!