Anti-Depressant Connection To Suicide and Murder-Suicides

This is a Feb. 17, 2008 post off of my Operation Morning Star web page. I was exposing the connection of Anti-Depressants to suicide and murder suicides among American Indians. This information applies to everyone world wide.

Anti-Depressant Connection to suicide and murder-suicides in “Indian Country” = GENOCIDE

Prozac, Zoloft, Paxell, Luvox, and others
 Paxil Directly Connected to Suicides
Experts say psychiatric drugs linked to long list of school shooting sprees
Suicidality, violence and mania caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): A review and analysis
Biological Psychiatry Of Nazi Germany
Psych-Rights Law Project for Psychiatric Rights
Antidepressants and Violence: Problems at the Interface of Medicine and Law
British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination
The Hidden Side Of Psychiatry
Nazi Eugenics Conspiracy-Psychiatry Kills
Eugenics and the Third Reich
Mass Murderers in White Coats  
From Harvard to Buchenwald: A Chronology of Psychiatry and Eugenics
Cannabis/ Marijuana May Trigger Schizophrenia

“All Truth passes through Three Stages: First, it is Ridiculed…

Second, it is Violently Opposed…

Third, it is Accepted as being Self-Evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer (1778-1860) -Archive    

By Charly Groenendijk
March 22, 2005

  Prozac (fluoxetine) Homicide/Suicide
School Shooting Massacre  

Another tragic Prozac/Sarafem (fluoxetine) Homicide/Suicide School Shooting Massacre
Jeff Weise, 17
Jeff Weise before taking Prozac
Jeff Weise before taking Prozac
Jeff Weise after taking Prozac
Jeff Weise after taking Prozac

 22 March, 2005Minnesota Red Lake School Shooter Jeff Weise, age 17 -taking PROZAC!

The Destructive Effects of Prescription Meds on Our Children’s Minds
There are NO excuses left for the Pharmaceutical Representatives…

Depression makes one down and depressed, but NOT a Smiling Active Killer…
However, Psycho-active medication such as Prozac has this potential influence…
*** The FACTS: Jeff Weise as ‘Nazi’ Prozac School Shooter ***
The FBI has arrested Louis Jourdain, an innocent 16 year old kid who supposedly “planned” the attack together with Weise. Louis Jourdain told the FBI that he never had any intention of going through with the “plan” and that he did not believe that Weise did, either. He even tried to stop Weise from carrying out the act when he saw his friend entering the school armed and shooting. Yet, U.S. federal prosecutors charged this boy with conspiracy to commit murder! And to make matters worse, the FBI now have their eyes on 20 other innocent children who may have heard about the plot! The FBI suspects at least 4 to be directly “involved.” The 2 Big Questions Are:
1. Why does the FBI denies the influence of Prozac (fluoxetine) on the mind of Jeff Weise?

2. Why is the FBI looking to blame innocent school kids who had NO part in the school shooting and some of whom were solely expressing and exchanging their non-serious adolescent videogame mentality?
*** FBI arrests Louis Jourdain, 16 ***

*** Louis Jourdain charged with conspiracy to commit murder ***

*** FBI looks for other “suspects” ***

There are NO excuses left for the Pharma Public Relations Lords:
Jeff Weise was taking medication Prozac (fluoxetine) for a prolonged period of time:
…Prozac, which he had been taking since last summer…
Prozac-dosage upped within range of commonly prescribed dosage 1 week before shootings:
…his prescription was refilled for 60 milligrams a day of Prozac…
…His medication dosage had been increased a week earlier…
…Dr. David Fassler [a psychiatrist] said daily dosage ranges from 10 to 60 milligrams…
He was closely monitored by a mental health professional, teachers, friends & acquaintances:
…he saw a mental-health professional at Red Lake Hospital on Feb. 21…
…”He was getting counseling”…
…not uncommon for him to spend at least one night a week at her home…
…He was on a Homebound program through his own choice…
…received home tutoring…
…his friend Grant, who had Weise at his home for sleepovers nearly once a week for seven years…
He was befriended with and loved the ones he shot:
…nephew she knew as polite and happy…
…”He always made me laugh”…
…”he shot my brother, and he was friends with my brother”…
…Jeff Weise had “a good relationship” with the grandfather he shot and killed…
…”The daughters said Jeff loved his grandfather, and his grandfather loved him”…
His friends noticed a negative personality change as a direct result of taking Prozac:
…”Everybody changes when they start taking antidepressants,'” Grant said.
“He was a lot more quiet. I wouldn’t say any better”…


Medical Reports:
*** Prozac (Sarafem, fluoxetine)-induced Mental-state, Perceptual and Emotional Changes ***
** Prozac-induced Akathisia & Mania: can lead to suicidal, aggressive and/or homicidal behaviours **

March, 27  2005
March 27, 2005
Prozac – Ingredient in a Deadly Rampage?
By Roman Bystrianyk, HealthSentinel
As the victims are laid to rest from the horrible rampage that occurred at Red Lake Indian Reservation just days ago, which resulted in the deaths of 10 people, some are questioning the role Prozac may have played in this tragedy.
According to a recent story in the New York Times, Tammy Lussier, Jeff Weise’s aunt, stated that, “They kept upping the dose for him and by the end, he was taking three of the 20 milligram pills a day. I can’t help but think it was too much, that it must have set him off.”
Another relative of Mr. Weise, Lee Cook, said his medication had increased a few weeks before the shootings on Monday. Mr. Cook states that, “I do wonder whether on top of everything else he had going on in his life, on top of all the other problems, whether the drugs could have been the final straw.”
16-year old Sky Grant, a friend of Jeff Weise said he and Weise talked in detail about antidepressants. He said Weise told him he was taking 40 milligrams a day of Prozac: 20 in the morning, 20 at night. He noted that, “He was a lot more quiet. I wouldn’t say any better.”
According to the American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information 2005, “FDA now states that it has determined that antidepressants increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents with major depressive and other psychiatric disorders”, and states that, “FDA states that a causal relationship to antidepressants has been established in pediatric patients.”
The text also notes that a study of over 4,400 children in short-term placebo controlled studies that the analysis revealed a greater risk of suicidal behavior or thinking in pediatric patients during the first few months of treatment. The average risk was 4% among children receiving antidepressant drugs, including Prozac, whereas those receiving placebo had a 2% risk. In other words, those taking the antidepressants were at “twice the risk”.
The FDA also notes that, “patients being treated with antidepressants for any indication be closely monitored for clinical worsening, suicidality, and unusual changes in behavior, particularly during periods of dosage adjustment.”
According to Drug Facts and Comparisons 2005, there are a number of possible side effects of Prozac. Among the side effects listed are: apathy, euphoria, hallucinations, hostility, neurosis, paranoid reaction, personality disorder, psychosis, antisocial reaction, delusions, confusion, suicidal ideation, and violent behaviors.
An August 10, 2004 Washington Post article, stated that, “Two-thirds of the trials conducted by drug manufacturers found that the medications performed no better than sugar pills, but details of the negative trials were kept from doctors and parents.”
In that article, Steven Hyman, former director of the National Institute of Mental Health, noted that, “more government-sponsored research is needed to objectively evaluate the issue. All the company-sponsored trials, for instance, excluded children who were suicidal to begin with.”
Tarek A. Hammand, an FDA medical reviewer, found that compared with depressed children who got placebos, children who got antidepressants had 1.78 times the risk of making a suicide attempt or making preparations toward “imminent suicidal behavior.” Another FDA scientist, Andrew Mosholder, had found that children getting antidepressants had 1.9 times the risk of “serious suicide-related events.”
Over the years a number of horrific events have made it into the headlines:
1989 – Joseph Wesbecker walked into a printing plant in Louisville, Kentucky and killed eight co-workers and then himself. Mr. Wesbecker was taking Prozac, which had recently been approved.
1998 – 14-year-old Kip Kinkle, who was on Ritalin and Prozac, killed his parents and then went on a shooting spree at his Springfield, Oregon, high school, killing two and injuring 22
1999 – Eric Harris, one of the teen gunmen in the infamous Columbine massacre in 1999, had been prescribed Luvox, an antidepressant similar to Prozac. The two boys entered the school with an arsenal of weaponry killed 12 people with many more injured before taking their own lives.
2001 – Christopher Pittman killed his grandparents while taking Zoloft, another antidepressant similar to Prozac. His lawyers faulted the drug, but a jury in Charleston, S.C., convicted him of murder in February.
According to a recent New York Times article, Dr. Frank Ochberg, a former associate director of the National Institute of Mental Health, said he once dismissed any links between antidepressants and suicides or homicidal acts, but that recent research, however, has changed his mind. “If your intention is shooting the place up and dying as you do it, you can put the fantasy together,” he said. “Suicidal and homicidal intentions together could theoretically follow the same path.”
As the first funerals began yesterday for victims of the shootings on the Red Lake Indian Reservation we should pause and examine this tragedy more carefully. If we don’t, then we will not ask, “whether” there will be another school shooting – but “when”.
Comments: (Your Comment will be reviewed before posting)
Left by: Anonymous on Mar. 28, 2005
Subject: Prozac and Akathisia, Mania
And also go to and you will discover medical reports linking Prozac-induced “Akathisia” to not only suicidal but also aggressive and/or homicidal behaviours!
Left by: Anonymous on Mar. 28, 2005
Subject: Prozac and the U.S.
Simply go to Dr Ann Tracy’s website and/or and you will discover the shocking truth that she is trying to tell everyone, including the president !

Listing of Information Links for Your Examination, Evaluation, and Application to the Understanding Necessary for the Saving Of Native American Lives!
GLAXO Warns of Paxil Suicide Attempts in Young Adults !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Click here
A Front Group for the Psycho-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex – 
School Shootings Linked to Psychotropic Drugs Such as Prozac, Ritalin, Luvox, and Paxil –
50,000 Prozac Suicides Covered Up News/Current Events News Keywords: PROZAC, PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS, SUICIDE, VIOLENCE, ELI LILLY
Source: Boston Globe
Published: May 7, 2000 Author: Leah R. Garnett
Posted on 05/07/2000 10:17:22 PDT by Al B.
Psychotropics and suicide prevention. Implications from toxicological screening of 5281 suicides in Sweden 1992-1994
FDA Covers Up Report – Mosholder: ‘Antidepressants Double Suicides in Children’
Eli Lilly Knew Prozac Causes Suicides, Violence – FDA Closed Both Eyes
The Drugging of Our Children
End Of Antidepressants? – 68
Times Greater Suicide Risk Shown!
Experts Say Antidepressant Drugs Cause Suicides Instead of Preventing Them –
Psychiatric Drug Facts
Drug Awareness Information – Psychotropic Information Site with data and case histories –
Prozac Information Sheet #2 – Prozac Causes Violence – Originally Issued 4 June 1990 –
Let them eat Prozac –
Suppressed Paxil Suicide Data Released –
Bush launches controversial mental health plan –
Death From Ritalin – The Truth Behind ADHD –
History of the Fraud of Biological Psychiatry
Lisa Marie Presley Takes a Stand for Children’s Rights click HERE
Psychiatric Drugs (articles and resources)
Suicides and Homicides in Patients Taking Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft: Why They Keep Happening — And Why They Will Continue –
A Couple of Possible Sources for Possible Legal Help – and
The Link Between Psychiatry, Drugs, and Suicide
Screening America’s School Children for Suicide, Violence and Mental Illness

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