Some of the material described is extremely
offensive in nature.
This blog was shut down by the sodomite and pedophile friendly LGBTQ owner of Automattic and founder and CEO of WordPress MATT MULLENWEG! So I have had to restore and fix broken links…mostly jpeg photos which is still not done. But the important content is still here.
This information also applies to the United Anti-Christ States of Sodom and Gomorrah. Included in the information on this blog is the revelation of the coming judgement on this country by Jesus Christ. It is called the DAY OF THE LORD…A DAY OF BURNING A DAY OF WRATH AND A DAY OF DESOLATION…WHICH SHALL COME AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT!
Moloch (also known as Molek or Molech), was the name of an Ammonite god to whom human sacrifices were made. The Ammonites occupied the southern part of modern Jordan and were descended from Lot, who appears in the Old Testament as the nephew of the patriarch ABRAHAM. In the Second Book of Kings, Moloch is described as the “abomination of the children of Ammon.”
Many Israelites are believed to have consecrated their children to Moloch by throwing them into the flames. It is sometimes argued that, rather than being the name of a god, Moloch refers simply to the sacrificial ritual. The children were burnt in a place called Tophet, in the valley of Hinnom, which had been built for the explicit purpose of sacrificial rituals.
Elon Musk once reportedly introduced Magan Rapinoes fellow sodomite Mark Zuckerberg to Jeffrey Epstein at a dinner hosted by LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman. 4 months ago on www.businessinsider.com
[Source: www.businessinsider.com
Every documented source of the Sodom and Gomorrah agenda is exactly what Synagogue of Satan Jew (on his way to hell) Mark Zuckerberg not only represents but both practices as well as allows his “Facebook” to be used to endorse and promote as does Magan Rapinoe and Sue Bird who by spiritual DNA…are “one” with a Jeffery Epstein as “revealed below”!
What you will read below are in fact FACEBOOK COMMUNITY STANDARDS which by “spiritual default” makes Mark Zuckerberg a practicing fecal sex freak, a fecal eating filthy schmuck, a practicing raping sodomizing and snuffing of women children and the drinker of their blood and sex trafficker along with his fellow Jew brother Jeffery Epstein.
Truth Revealed In A Fullness Leading Direct To The King Of Hell Even Satan!
LGBTQ’S Legacy Of Child Abuse “SODOMY FOR ALL” Embraced By Megan Rapinoe And Jewish Girlfriend Sue Bird
This Message By Michael Swift, “Gay Revolutionary.” (and Homo Hero Of Rapinoe and Bird) Reprinted from The Congressional Record . First printed in Gay Community News , February 15-21, 1987)…Is Approved By Magan Rapinoe And Sue Bird!
Women, you cry for your freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy [lesbian separatist movement]. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of men. Then go ahead and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand with depth and feeling the mind and body of another man.
All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially [the muli-faceted and powerful “gay rights” movement]. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy [suppression of internecine conflicts and other negative information about homosexuals by the homosexualist dominated media].
We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man [Bent and a multitude of others]; we will make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens [Hollywood promotion of homosexual “love-making” and of the “gay rights” agenda in movies and television]. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold athletes which will be placed in your parks, your squares, your plazas [public funding of homosexual pornography by the National Endowment for the Arts, National Public Broadcasting Service]. The museums of the world will be filled only with the paintings of graceful, naked lads.
Our writers will make love between men fashionable and de rigeur , and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles [invention of “gay-speak” –“gay,” “homophobia,” “diversity”]. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the devices of wit and ridicule which we are skilled in employing.
There will be no compromises. We are not middle class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less [Brand/Friedlander]. Those who oppose us will be exiled [the “Femmes”].
We shall raise vast, private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you [Rossbach and Roehm, Frederick the Great]. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers [Plato’s Banquet ].
Genesis 13:11 But the men of Sodom becoming sinners, and exceedingly wicked before the Lord, the Lord was angry with them.
Genesis 19 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven. And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.
Leviticus 18:22-24 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you
2 Peter 2:6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly.
Jude 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
God’s judgement will destroy the United States of Sodom and Gomorah even as he did the city of Sodom
World War 3 On This Land of Sodom and Gormorah…”And they killed every man, woman, child and living thing sparing no one”…
I feel God led to dedicate this blog FIRST to the most vile evil filthy perverted spiritually spawned/inbred by the devil himself demon in the flesh…Mark Zuckerberg…a Synagogue of Satan Jew who would be the King of Sodom and who more then any on this earth has allowed for the New World Order of Sodom and Gomorrah to find a platform as the typhonian tunnel of sodomy to disseminate the works of darkness in and through his “stolen” Facebook.
Zuckerberg in my opinion is a closet pedophile and supporter of the information I share below if not literally a practitioner of…while he censors any and all truth exposing the evils which he represents in the realms of time as the son of Satan. He makes sure those guilty of the abominations below are never identified and exposed and this is because Zuckerberg is “One Of Them”…a Tulmadic Murdering Raping Peodphile Jew by “spiritual default” after the order and example of one of the most racist murdering raping pedophile animals of all time… Columbus The Jew!
This “owned by Satan” Synagogue of Satan Jew allows for flagrant in your face RACISM by allowing a football team made of mostly NIGGERS that is owned by a KIKE to call themselves the most abusive hateful word found in American history…the “REDSKINS”!
The second dedication of this blog is to my “xxx” wife and black witch Karen Sue Andras who the demon Aliester Crowley appeared to as a child and said “You have what I want”…even she who later as a “wife” said she listened to Satan to destroy me and my ministry and worked direct with those listening to the same devil to have me murdered because she chose to listen to Crowley with them. She ended up being “owned” by Crowley along with her children and grandchildren. She now has them exposed to the very same abominations documented below…which is what happens when one rejects the “I am that I am”!
I will work the work of wickedness
I will kill my heart
I will be loud and adulterous
I will be covered with jewels and rich garments.
I will be shameless before all men
I will, for token thereof, will freely prostitute my body to the lusts of each and every living creature that shall desire it
I claim the Mystery of Mysteries, BABALON the Great,
and the Number 156, and the robe of the Woman of Whoredomes and the Cup of Abominations
Magan Rapinoe and Sue Bird evidently love “transparency” as active open bragging members of the LGBTQ community and want the whole world (including yours truly) to witness how they live and what they believe in and why. They do so boldly and with courage having no shame while laughing behind their closed bedroom door saying one to the other….”If they only knew what we really believe in and embrace!!!”
Guess what daughters of the devil? I know!
Below I share what “I am that I am” even Jesus Christ has allowed me to find with sources being both Gentile and the Synagogue of Satan Jews which Bird is a member of. I am going to share this documented truth with the same world who takes you at “face value” because the world needs to know the “rest of the story” in intimate graphic detail about your world and the spiritual source of the abominations which you sanction as the very emblems in the flesh and as “Goddesses” what and who you truly represent in spirit and truth…word and deed. Lucifer is he who is acknowledged and glorified by those in your world and therefore identified as the one glorified through the most heinous crimes of the flesh known among men committed by those named and who are the spiritual founders of the your LBGTQ world of demons.
The below introductory summary I share comes from a man who put into words both the temporal and spiritual essence of what I share and which Rapinoe and Bird and those in their world both believe and partake of. He connects each and every dot in simple but graphic detail the abominations that define the LBGTQ world of pure vile filth and evil thus giving you a concise as well as a basic foundation of understanding few are aware of…except those that is…who laugh behind their closed bedroom doors knowing of what takes place in the devil’s secret chambers of darkness
I make no apologies for what is shared below. I simply source and identify. I quote and I copy and paste the very words and images representing the world which Rapinoe and Bird represent and are by default “citizens of”.
Beware and be forewarned. What you will be exposed to is not for the faint of heart realizing that those who commit these crimes of abomination against Almighty God using innocent children, women and men…have no heart and are without feeling and this because of who owns their souls.
P.S. Feces eating Rapinoe and Bird represent the vile “Bowel Movement Sex” Uranus fraternity revealed in this article written by a women who exposes in the fullness the sodomite filth that contaminates my Marine Corp…
Introductory Summary Defining What The Spiritual Goal Of Rapinoe’s and Bird’s LBGTQ Is…
From the priesthood of ancient Egypt and Babylon to Aleister Crowley’s Victorian era to Marina Abramovic’s Crowley recipe book spirit cooking for John Podesta, BIll and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in modern day America, the telltale spiritual signatures of the practiced mystical rites and the evil they reverence could not be more clear.
The celebration of sodomy of both males and females. The sexual abuse of children. The trafficking of women and children to be used in the rites of desecration and ceremonial blood sacrifices to amplify the empowered demonology of the titans of entertainment, science and politics. The abortuary burnt offering of children to Baal, to Molech and to Goddess Jezebel. Planned Parenthood, by another name.
Sick and Twisted: Raping Murdering Pedophiles Marina Abramovic and John Podesta’s LGBTQ Art Collection (Rapinoe and Bird “approved”!)
Human exterminism. Genocidal depopulation. Eugenicist manipulation of the human genome. And the fulfilled envisioning of physically immortal human beings without soul, without consequence, who will never require nor experience an afterlife of connotation or consequence for earthly endeavor.
As was the intended destiny of the Third Reich, so remains the religion of the New World Order. The perversion of humanity, the destruction of innocence and the systemic infliction of visceral, palpable planetary misery for the harvest of spiritual energy are the holy sacraments of the order.
The ritual sodomy of young boys and girls just prior to an inflicted violent death in what Crowley termed, the Supreme Rite.
“The Supreme Rite is to bring about a climax in the death of a victim. By this rite, one can attain the summit of the dark magical arts. Even better, is to slay a virgin girl, preferably after she has been rendered a willing victim. After violating her, the body should be cut into nine pieces with the names of appropriate gods written on the skin of each piece. The head should be burnt in honor of either Juno or Minerva. This Supreme Rite should not be performed on ordinary occasions. And only with profound purpose for the acquisition of greatest power, or the defeat of a powerful enemy.” Aleister Crowley’s Babylonian Mystery Religion realized.
And an endless supply of exploited, missing, stolen and vanished women and children to fulfill the Luciferian bloodlusts of the most powerful of the world elite. Full fledged dessert in the backrooms and dungeons after Marina’s Spirit Cooking parlor games are complete. Wish to God that it were not the truth. Repent to God for being ignorant and impotent to stop it for so long.
Lest you still doubt the resurrected Babylonian Rite and the thorough infusion of Luciferian nihilistic principle in modern culture, perhaps look around and realize that young generations in the America of today are unknowing and joyful public practitioners of Thelema, engaged in every bit of the hedonistic, androgynously orgiastic celebrations of wanton fleshly indulgence in a way thoroughly impossible before Crowley and his ilk flung wide the Golden Dawn. Awash as we all are in the flotsam of destroyed families, warring sexes, individuals without ownership or connection or security, given only to empty momentary impulse in worship of animalistic need.
And poised on the precipice as the aspiring demon lords of the present age spin their pretty lies in their quest for Ultimate Power and wage their ancient warfare against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all those who claim Him as Yahweh, I Am, That I Am.
Heinous: Webster Dictionary page 448…extremely wicked; atrocious; odiously sinful.
The word wickedness is describing the evil actions and perverted sexual acts done to children. The flagrant acts of wickedness were always done with a goal and religious significance behind these acts. These men were performing ancient rites to achieve immortality,and to enter the celestial abode through the tunnels of Typhon.
They gain access through these tunnels to ten evil gods known for extreme wickedness. The new religion they have established and now practice in their temples and lodges is called “Thelima.”Thelima is shown to have 11 degrees were they perform homosexual act sin their ritual. This form of sex magic teaches that through sodomy one can excess and open up the tunnels of Typhon. The altars on which these sexual rituals are performed emulated the Trapezoid, a symbol for the Frustra which is the pyramid found on the back of the dollar bill with the All Seeing Eye. This is called a Frustum because it is designed for the manifestation of demons.
All the altars of ancient antiquity were built for that purpose and the All Seeing Eye of Horus or Lucifer is symbolic of the “rectum”.The pyramid consists of 13 levels revealing a sophisticated pyramid scheme.
The passing of children through the fire as we stated above was designed to achieve something that these individual believed they would receive through wicked acts of perversion.The ancient mystery religion taught that sexual abuse of a child was more powerful when it is performed with demonic sex magic. The other aspect of passing the children through the fire has to do with trauma based mind altering procedures. These rituals consisted of both sex magic and ritual trauma (the inflicting of torture and other mind altering process) are based on the ancient mystery rituals of “Akkadian-Hittie-Canaanite and Babylonian rituals”. Excerpt from the paper…. Child Molestation-Forced by Ritual Influence
Homosexuality And Child Sexual Abuse
Drink the menses of blasphemy, ejaculate the semen of infamy.
Masturbate the whore of sodomy, deep inside the womb of depravity.
Penetrate the harlot of bestial impurity, goddess of heretical perversity.
Luciferian rituals of nun defloration, rape the daughters of darkness.
Necrophiliac orgies of diabolical retribution, embalm her genitals in goat sperm.
Mystical practices of vaginal haruspication.
Praise the queen of sexual magick, praise the goddess of heretical perversity.
Moloch also spelled Melech, a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice. The name derives from combining the consonants of the Hebrew melech (“king”) with the vowels of boshet (“shame”), the latter often being used in the Old Testament as a variant name for the popular god Baal (“Lord”).
In the Hebrew Bible, Moloch is presented as a foreign deity who was at times illegitimately given a place in Israel’s worship as a result of the syncretistic policies of certain apostate kings. The laws given to Moses by God expressly forbade the Jews to do what was done in Egypt or in Canaan. “You shall not give any of your children to devote them by fire to Moloch, and so profane the name of your God” (Leviticus 18:21). Yet kings such as Ahaz (2 Kings 16:3) and Manasseh (2 Kings 21:6), having been influenced by the Assyrians, are reported to have worshipped Moloch at the hilled site of Topheth, outside the walls of Jerusalem. This site flourished under Manasseh’s son King Amon but was destroyed during the reign of Josiah, the reformer. “And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the sons of Hinnom, that no one might burn his son or his daughter as an offering to Moloch” (2 Kings 23:10).
Child Sexual Abuse
There is a clear relationship between satanic ritual (SRA), Blood Sacrifice and child sacrifice and pedophilia. The possessing parasitic entity in its human host uses the pure essence of a child’s life force and soul energy to feed, siphon, usurp or bind it into servitude.
Practicing satanists are educated in how to use SRA to create dissociative identity (DID) and mental body fragmentation in their own children and child relatives, in order to bind the soul body to an extradimensional satanic entity. Through the binding of servitude, the parents, the bloodline lineages are allowed to remain in power of the financial and economic resources on the earth. This is the diseased seed of the Negative Alien Agenda.[5][6]
Deeply anti-Christian Führer |
“The decay of moral values in all areas of life—the period of deepest German degradation—coincided exactly with the height of Jewish power in Germany.” — Dr Friederich Karl Wiehe, Germany and the Jewish Question. [1] |
Megan Rapinoe’s and Sue Bird’s Nazi “LGBTQ + P” Party of Sodomites, Pederasts and Pedophiles!
The militant homosexual core of the National Socialist party — by: Scott Lively, 1996, source: Leadership University
MHP hypertext version for non-profit educational use only
- The Pink Triangle
- The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party
- From Boy Scouts to Brownshirts
- The Power Behind the Throne
- Hitler’s “Gay” Roots
- The Homoerotic Brotherhood
- Refuting the “Gay Holocaust”
- Targeting “Femmes”
- The Roehm Purge
- In the Camps
- The American Connection
- Learning from History
- Bibliography
Sodomism is the ideology of homosexual superiority, in which the homosexuals desire to usher in — through propaganda, violence and state coercion — a utopia in which homosexuality is seen as a supreme ideal, and those who believe in the conjugal union as is affirmed and established by the Christian Faith, are viewed and treated as enemies.
The LGBTQ+P For Pedophile
“[I]f the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.
Faggotry is only one little baby step away from outright pedophilia.
Globalist Jews (and the Megan Rapinoe’s and Sue Bird’s) are itching for the day they can just “let it all hang out” and satisfy their sick perversions (including for little children) without fear of serving time in Goyim prisons. And they have the “chutzpah” to yap about catholic priests all the time! source: incogman |
Perversion & misogyny in Torah Judaism which Rapinoe and Bird “endorse”!
- Torah on pedophilia & sodomy
- fellatio as a ‘religious ritual’ on baby boys
- Torah in the outhouse—potty voyeurs
- Torah on women—“a sack of excrement with a bleeding hole”
- Torah on trannies—Adam and God, both hermaphrodites
- the wisdom of ‘the sages’—Adam‘s bestiality in the Garden of Eden & curing the flu with dog manure
Talmud Permits Child-Adult Sex
Talmud law permits sexual intercourse between children and adults. This doctrine is contained in a number of Mishnahs. Before we examine them, however, it is necessary that the reader be familiar with the word kethubah.
According to the Soncino Talmud Glossary:
KETHUBAH (Lit., ‘a written [document]’); (a) a wife’s marriage settlement which she is entitled to recover on her being divorced or on the death of her husband. The minimum settlement for a virgin is two hundred zuz, and for a widow remarrying one hundred zuz; (b) the marriage contract specifying the mutual obligations between husband and wife and containing the amount of the endowment and any other special financial obligations assumed by the husband.
— Babylonian Talmud, Soncino Talmud Glossary
Zuz is a unit of currency. We see, then, that a dollar (or zuz) value is put on virginity.
Now let’s look at a Mishnah from Kethuboth 11a:
— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kethuboth 11a
Soncino 1961 Edition, page 57
The translator, Rabbi Dr. Samuel Daiches, amplifies the text with footnotes:
- A man who was of age.
- Lit., ‘who came on’.
- Less than three years old.
- Less than nine years of age.
- Lit., ‘One who was injured by wood’, as a result of which she injured the hymen.
— Rabbi Dr. Daiches
Let’s review the above-cited Mishnah: “When a grown-up man has had sexual intercourse with a little girl, or when a small boy has intercourse with a grown-up woman …” It is obvious that sex activity between a grown man and a little girl, and between a grown woman and a little boy, is a part of the woof and the warp of everyday Talmud life; such relationships, in the eyes of the Sages, are unremarkable. There is no prohibition on sexual activity between adults and young children — it is simply regulated. Recall the words of the Very Reverend the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire the late Dr. Joseph Herman Hertz:
Religion in the Talmud attempts to penetrate the whole of human life with the sense of law and right. Nothing human is in its eyes mean or trivial; everything is regulated and sanctified by religion. Religious precept and duty accompany man from his earliest years to the grave and beyond it. They guide his desires and actions at every moment.
— Rabbi Dr. Hertz
Thus, if the Talmud permits girls three years old and younger to be sexually used by adults, that is the law. The concern of the Sages is to ensure that the adult is not, technically speaking, in violation of any of the rules.
Full article, with notes, references, and sidebars
Source and Credit: http://www.come-and-hear.com/editor/america_2.html
The Jewish Torah on pedophilia & sodomy…it is connected and documented! https://judaism.is/pedophilia-and-sodomy.html#mezizah
Homosexual Pedophiles are Vastly Over represented in Child Sex Abuse Cases. Homosexual pedophiles sexually molest children at a far greater rate compared to the percentage of homosexuals in the general population.
A study in the Journal of Sex Research found, as we have noted above, that “approximately one-third of had victimized boys and two-thirds had victimized girls.” The authors then make a prescient observation: “Interestingly, this ratio differs substantially from the ratio of gynephiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature females) to androphiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature males), which is at least 20 to 1.”
In other words, although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses. Similarly, the Archives of Sexual Behavior also noted that homosexual pedophiles are significantly over represented in child sex offense case. http://www.lanternproject.org.uk/library/general/articles-and-information-about-sexual-abuse-and-its-impact/homosexuality-and-child-sexual-abuse/
Pedophilia pervades Jewish communities because of Judaism’s enduring doctrinal encouragement of perversion
A salient example of how the rabbis nullify God’s Law with their Oral Torah. Consider God’s Law in the Scriptures:
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you And the land is defiled therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants Leviticus 18:20-25
Rabbis nullify God’s Law with their Oral Torah:
“If a boy under the age of nine perpetrated sodomy upon an adult, the adult is not liable for punishment, for the intercourse of a boy under nine years of age is not legally an act of intercourse. Since a child less than nine years old cannot commit sodomy, he can also not be the object of sodomy….This Baraita supports Rav, for it teaches that if a man engaged in homosexual intercourse with a child under the age of nine, he is exempt from liability.”
Sanhedrin 54b
“…intercourse with a boy under nine years old is not considered a significant sexual act…”
Ketubot 11b
“A girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal can be betrothed with intercourse, as, despite her age, the legal status of intercourse with her is that of full-fledged intercourse. And in a case where the childless husband of a girl three years and one day old dies, if his yavam (brother) engages in intercourse with her, he acquires her as his wife…as despite her age she is legally considered to be a married woman.”
Sanhedrin 69a
“If a girl is less than three years old, it is permitted to be secluded with her. Likewise, if a boy is less than nine years old a woman is permitted to be alone with him.”
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch: A Classic Guide to Jewish Law (Metsudah Publications, 1996) v. 2, p. 1023
“If a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing, for having intercourse with a girl less than three years old is like putting a finger in the eye.”
Ketubot 11b
“A father may betroth his daughter without her consent as long as she is a minor, and she also remains under his authority as long as she is a maiden. . . . If she is three years and one day old, she may be betrothed by an act of intercourse with the consent of her father.” Maimonides “the Great Rambam,” Sefer Nashim 3:11
The LBGTQ + P party of Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird Party is the party of Pedophilic Rape and is spiritually connected to child rapist and Satanist Aleister Crowley by “default”, even he who sodomized, sacrificed and murdered young Whites males!
From The Book of the Law, by Aleister Crowley:
With my Hawk’s head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross……
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
From SATANIC EXTRACTS, by Aleister Crowley:
The Oath of Fealty
I bind my blood in Satan’s hands,
All this that lieth betwixt my hands
To thee, the Beast, and thy control,
I pledge me; body, mind, and soul.
I swear to work my Work abhorred,
Careless of all but one reward,
The pleasure of the Devil our Lord
“I shall fight openly for that which no living Englishman dare defend, even in secret—Sodomy!”[3]
Aleister Crowley introduced sodomy as the highest form of achieving seniority in highest Satanic Freemasonry organization in the world, the O.T.O./Ordo Templi Orientis. When a male is engaged in the act of sodomy, at the point of orgasm when the brain is feeling like what men know it feels like during orgasm, the brain almost feels like it’s in a different world
Not only is it male-on-male sodomy in particular they are using to channel evil, the most effective way to channel those dark forces is by combining sodomy with pedophilia and human sacrifice/blood drinking. The reason for this is to supremely blaspheme the Creator God in the absolute, most extremely worst way possible.
By doing this, the malevolent “demons” grant them favors because it pleases them to provoke and anger God.
Again, the Aleister Crowley quote, which describes killing a young boy at the moment of orgasm for the maximum blasphemy possible: “For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim. But the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best. In the Sacrifice during Invocation, however, it may be said without fear of contradiction that the death of the victim should coincide with the supreme invocation (the orgasm).” -Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice
Crowley and the Ritual of Bloody Sacrifice Of A Child
The following is extracted from Crowley’s book Magic in Theory And Practice Paedophilia-and-occult-rape-tortue-and-quot-bloody-sacrifice-quote
Carefully read, the foregoing is quite clear. Crowley’s comment above refers to an example of Bloody Sacrifice that is contained in Liber 333 under Chapter 44, and reads as follows:
Black blood upon the altar! and the rustle of angel wings above!
Black blood of the sweet fruit, the bruised, the violated bloom that setteth The Wheel a- spinning in the spire.
Death is the veil of Life, and Life of Death; for both are Gods.
This is that which is written: A feast for Life, and a greater feast for Death! in THE BOOK OF THE LAW.
The blood is the life of the individual: offer then blood!
The title of this chapter refers to a Hebrew legend, that of the prophet who heard a going in the mulberry tops and to Browning’s phrase, a bruised, black-blooded mulberry.
In the World’s Tragedy, Household Gods, The Scorpion, and also The God-Eater, the reader may study the efficacy of rape, and the sacrifice of blood, as magical formulae. Blood and virginity have always been the most acceptable offerings to all the gods.
By the wheel spinning in the spire is meant the manifestation of the magical force, the spermatozoon in the conical phallus. For wheels, see Chapter 78.
From the foregoing, we learn that rape, virginity (i.e., innocence) and blood sacrifice is magically efficacious. Joining the dots from the previous extract we know that a “male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most suitable victim.
Crowley also claimed in the earlier account that he (Frater Perdurabo) “has never dared to use this formula in a fully ceremonial manner, save once only…
One of the other names Crowley used for himself was Frater Perdurabo read this quote below and it will become clear.
From The Magick, in Paris, France:
“…it was the theory of the ancient magicians that any living being is a storehouse of energy varying in quantity according to the size and health of the animal , and in quality according to its mental and moral character. At the death of the animal this energy is liberated suddenly. The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape…For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.” (Magick, by Master Therion, published in 1929 by the Lecram Press, Paris, France)
A footnote on p. 95 says: “(4) It appears from the Magical Records of Frater Perdurabo that he made this particular sacrifice on an average about 150 times every year between 1912 and 1928.
The Devil’s Lair
Anal Sex
Anal sex between males is very important in the extreme left handed paths. It will in some way speed up the process along the path to Hell. Even in the East some Tantric Masters fuck their male students as a final ritual on completion of their training. It seems this radically effects the sub conscious mind and causes some sought of cathartic experience.
With anal fucking the kundalini energy at the base of the spine instead of going up goes in reverse down to Hell. Although there may be differences of opinion here. Some saying it just activates that energy which rises up. One of the middle eastern religions stated that when man fucked man they became demons. That is of course what we want to do in Satanism. But it does seem to have a radical effect on the psyche.
There are of course strong reactions from main stream religions to sodomy But for Satanist’s surely this is an even a stronger reason for it to be done. The Demons like it since man on man sex is generally extremely lustful, powerful and aggressive which in some way gives them energy. Nothing can be more powerful and stimulating than seeing men fucking.
That may be why so many homosexuals are drawn to Satanism. Many enemas in some way speeds up the detoxing of the body. With all the glands in the anus the entrance of sperm must have radical effects on the body. It can probably cause some form of transcendence or spiritual enlightenment. Below are some interesting comments I have come across:-
1) Ritual Sodomy
“The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by Sodomy”
Sodomy is extremely important in Satanic orgy rituals and sex magik, because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity known as Jehovah) you get his power and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates.
Ritual sodomy stimulates what’s called the kundalini gland, which acts to stimulate the pineal gland. Some use drugs like peyote, mescaline or DMT for a similar experience, but RITUAL SODOMY is the preferred means that appears to have NO real substitute. There is a powerful ritual sex magick that was practiced by the ancients and is practiced today, which still manifests a powerful transformative supernaturalism…!
The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the initiate’s “third eye” which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this act, a demonic Entity/ies, called Legion, is/are invoked,refered to as an “unclean spirit”.
The key is in the trauma: the complete destruction of the inner spirit. Then at the propitious moment the initiate’s third eye is opened so as to completely resocialize them and open their psychic abilities. in doing so, a bridge is created between this physical world and the spiritual realm. Once the Pineal Gland is opened, it allows a person to see into that realm. Thus, the reference to it being the Third Eye…
2) The Mystical Doctrine
The Rites of the Hyena King of Shemeber
by Aloysius Foszdyke
Sodomy is extremely important to the Alpha Lodge because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity you know as Jehovah) you get his power. It’s just that simple and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates.
Austin Osman Spare found, bum sex both benumbs (which allows the subconscious to be accessed without the conscious mind interfering) and binds.
If binding is required the penetration of the ‘wand’ must occur at an upward angle so as to impress the nerves at the end of the spine and produce flashes of white light in the very mind of the initiate (enlightenment).
The XI degree of the OTO uses anal sex as do a number of affiliated groupings. There is a reversal of the body’s subtle energy flows that is achieved by the aristocratic virtue of whitewashing the rear entry.
Since the proliferation of pornography, anal congress has established itself in the heterosexual world where the wonders of rectal romance are plain to apprehend. You don’t even require a trained eye. By divorcing sex from any meaning it looses all meaning. Sex becomes an end in itself. Instead of lovers, there are sexual athletes. Love with all of its sentimental and cultural accretions is freed. Sodomy is normalized then consecrated.
Repressed homosexuals, in particular, display greater devotion. And by collecting the workings of such rites, acts of Magick can be effectively grounded (talismans, etc.) or used as a sacrament.
3) We maintain that the Eye of Hoor is better than the Mouth of Isis whichever the gender involved.
Satan and his Demons enter.
The direct invitation to demonic hordes:
Ritual sodomy stimulates what’s called the kundalini gland, which acts to stimulate the pineal gland. Some use drugs like peyote, mescaline or DMT for a similar experience, but RITUAL SODOMY is the preferred means that appears to have NO real substitute. There is a powerful ritual sex magick that was practiced by the ancients and is practiced today, which still manifests a powerful transformative supernaturalism…!
The demons (and Satan himself) whose abode is the spiritual realm, desperately want to get into this physical realm. They can only do so via invitation into this realm by human beings.
Demons access and affect this realm the greatest through their direct association with human beings. This could be anything from interfering with a human, to controlling aspects of their life, to outright possession of that individual. If they possess the individual, they have access to their brains as well as their bodies, controlling them to do whatever they want. Our being becomes transformes and demonized through this possession.All they need is an invite.
The point is that Satan has something for everyone. He can open that gateway to the spiritual realm through RITUAL SODOMY,rock music, drugs, pornography, New Age mysticism, Shamanism, the Occult, and many other ways…
“Those Sons of Mighty Satan who practice the dark occult arts believe and preach proudly to the world that Sodomy is a vehicle through which the door is open to the spiritual realm.”
Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the Initiate.Sacret Sodomy is the foundation for Gay Satanists. It is also called the key of David..
The affinity between the secretions of the endocrine glands and the vibrations radiating from the subtle chakras explored through sodomic rituals, forms the basis of sexual magick which utilizes these vibrations in a way as yet unknown to science. All the so-called phallic cults originally possessed the true knowledge of these matters before it was lost or perverted by improper use. What remains of the ancient wisdom is the remnant only of debased and phallic rites…!
In order to be fully consumed by the Satanic Flame there needs to be a change in the way the mind of the sodomised man works. This change can only be achieved through SODOMY..!! http://satanichomo.blogspot.com/2016/01/anal-sex_13.html
Ritual Sodomy
Freemasonry’s Best Kept Secret: Ritual Sodomy
Bill Morgan – henrymakow.com August 19, 2012
The best kept secret of the esoteric grades of Freemasonry is ritual sodomy. They believe it opens the “third eye” to Luciferian illumination. It attacks a pressure point of nerves at the base of the spine, causing temporary neurological paralysis and a shift of consciousness.
MK-ULTRA survivors have testified that sodomy causes identity “splits” in children up to age 5, so it was standard for programming multiples.
In order to produce a mind control slave, it must be done ideally between age two and four. The pressure point causes memory blackout, which is why victims don’t experience flashbacks before a physiological change in the brain occurs between age 28 and 32.
When introduced at eleven or older it doesn’t cause splits, but initiates the victim or ‘neophyte’ into the Sado-Masochistic “brotherhood”.
The initiation is metaphysical so it doesn’t matter whether it is done formally as an initiation, or informally Jerry Sandusky style. The Illuminati are a class of people that have this “illumination” in common whether the perp was a Freemason or not.
Anyone that has experienced sodomy has been illuminated or initiated into the Luciferian initiation because “Lucifer” is real.
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” – David Spangler (Leading figure in the ’70’s and 80’s New Age movement and United Nations affiliated NGO’s: Findhorn Foundation, Lindisfarne Association.)
This is why sodomy laws have been overturned almost world wide since 1970.
By 1996, Satanist rocker Marylin Manson was literally selling sodomy to teens, and laughing all the way to the bank.
Satanist Explains the Rites of Sodomy
September 30, 2010
[Disclaimer: While I find this material disgusting, I am posting it for its educational value. The Illuminati adhere to these beliefs and take part in these practices.]
“For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim” –Aleister Crowley
The Mystical Doctrine
Of The Bloody Sacrifice: and Matters Cognate (Pt. I) Chapt. 12
Sodomy is extremely important to the Alpha Lodge because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity you know as Jehovah) you get his power. It’s just that simple and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates. In its highest ranks even British Intelligence uses the back passage.
When initiating children, the Alpha Lodge maintains: the younger the better, for a number of reasons I won’t go into. Our methodology is that the child is deprived of food and sleep for days. Depending on how they react, sometimes beatings are employed. Occasionally the child is made to take part in sacrifices.
The key is in the trauma: the complete destruction of the inner spirit. Then at the propitious moment the child’s third eye is opened so as to completely resocialize them and open their psychic abilities.
Those awakened retain the mindset of the age at which their awakening took place and this mindset can be accessed in a number of ways and for a number of purposes.
Moreover, and as Austin Osman Spare found, bum sex both benumbs (which allows the subconscious to be accessed without the conscious mind interfering) and binds.
If binding is required the penetration of the ‘wand’ must occur at an upward angle so as to impress the nerves at the end of the spine and produce flashes of white light in the very mind of the initiate (enlightenment).
The XI degree of the OTO uses anal sex as do a number of affiliated groupings. There is a reversal of the body’s subtle energy flows that is achieved by the aristocratic virtue of whitewashing the rear entry.
Since the proliferation of pornography, anal congress has established itself in the heterosexual world where the wonders of rectal romance are plain to apprehend. You don’t even require a trained eye. By divorcing sex from any meaning it looses all meaning. Sex becomes an end in itself. Instead of lovers, there are sexual athletes. Love with all of its sentimental and cultural accretions is freed. Sodomy is normalized then consecrated.
I’ve never been one for homosexual congress unless the individual manifested the middle pillar, encapsulating the feminine in a male body. After all, as the old saying goes, ‘women are breeders; men are for love’.
In these regards Asian men are far more feminine. Repressed homosexuals, in particular, display greater devotion. And by collecting the workings of such rites, acts of Magick can be effectively grounded (talismans, etc.) or used as a sacrament.
We maintain that the Eye of Hoor is better than the Mouth of Isis whichever the gender involved.
Foszdyke was responsible for giving this material to the world: “Australian Adept Unveiled World Satanic Control”
In the House of the Strong Man Sodomy is the key TO DEMONIC POSSESSION/PROGRAMING BY
The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the victim’s “third eye” which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this vile act, a demonic system called, “Legion” is installed. In the King James Bible, Legion is refered to as an, “unclean spirit”.
Sodomy is the biggest occult power source there is, so how did they get their power without it? I was not there, I was never invited to go there, I could not have gone there because I was never a victim of sodomy as a child. Now, the Masons do recruit people who are innocent bystanders just for the image and the dues. But the real driving force of the Masons are the sodomites, just check the de Molay thing. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key – by Elana Freeland
Sodomy has a spiritual component in it that is far more sinister than anybody recognizes. It is the most underrated evil power to the general public.But to the people who are in the know, they know that this is the ultimate rebellion against God Himself. This is what they hope to use to gain the whole human race for their side and defeat God Himself. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key – by Elana Freeland
When a man sodomizes a child at three, the child bonds to that man as if he were their father, and when he’s a man of the cloth, of the Church, the child bonds to the Church, too. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key – by Elana Freeland
The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key – by Elana Freeland
The Nazis were not Right-Wing Conservative Creationists; they were Left-Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialists. As a principle, an increase in pederasty and homosexualism parallels a militaristic Hellenic revival. History discloses that the most warlike nations are those whose male leaders were the most addicted to sexual relations with young boys.…..
The Pink Swastika documents how, from their beginning, the National Socialist revolution and the Nazi Party were animated and dominated by militaristic homosexuals, pederasts, pornographers and sado-masochists.…..As Igra explains in Germany’s National Vice, “the criminals who wreaked such astounding horrors on innocent civilian populations were not acting as soldiers drunk with the fury of battle, nor as patriotic fanatics, but as chosen instruments of a satanic religion to the service of which they had been dedicated by the systematic teaching and practice of unnatural vice”
A pederast is defined as a physically mature man who engages in or desires to engage in sex with boys around the age of puberty,….. Self-defined “boy-lovers” who have formed “children’s rights” organizations such as the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in this country, and who formed the Gemeinschaft der Eigenen in Germany, generally seem to focus their sexual attention on boys roughly between the ages of 8 and 18 years, with an apparent preference for boys about 12 years old. The Pink Swastika
Child Abuse as Sex Magick & Sexual Research: Aleister Crowley & Alfred Kinsey (Occult Yorkshire 14)
Alfred Kinsey violated children sexually and based his writings on the testimony of criminals who sexually assaulted children.
Labour of love … Liam Neeson plays Alfred Kinsey, who devoted his academic career to researching sex. Photograph: Allstar/20th Century Fox/Sportsphoto Ltd
How else, she wonders, would anyone come up with the data in his infamous Table 34?
There, Kinsey claimed that an 11-month-old child experienced 10 orgasms in one hour, another 11-month-old had 14 in 38 minutes, a 2-year-old child had 11 in 65 minutes, a 4-year-old had 26 in 24 hours. A 10-year-old had 14 in the same time, and a 12-year-old had three in three minutes. Because someone wasn’t sure of those results, the experiment was repeated on the 12-year-old, who then reportedly experienced nine in two hours.
According to David Kupelian, author of “The Marketing of Evil,” Reisman found Table 34 “purports to be a scientific record of ‘multiple orgasm in pre-adolescent males.'”
Wrote Kupelian: “Reisman wondered: How did Kinsey and his associates obtain this ‘research’ that infants as young as five months of age enjoyed sex? Child sexual abuse is a felony – how could such research be conducted legally? Why had nobody raised this issue before?”
Reisman herself explained: “Kinsey solicited and encouraged pedophiles, at home and abroad, to sexually violate from 317 to 2,035 infants and children for his alleged data on normal ‘child sexuality.’ Many of the crimes against children (oral and anal sodomy, genital intercourse and manual abuse) committed for Kinsey’s research are quantified in his own graphs and charts.”
Paul Gebhard, one of Kinsey’s assistants, admitted that some of the men interviewed were convicted pedophiles. They would ask them how many children they had “done it with,” the child’s age, and whether or not they thought the child had come to climax. He further admitted that he was aware of the child abuse inherent in Kinsey’s work. Kinsey even had help from Nazi pedophile Dr. Fritz Van Balluseck who contributed to Kinsey from 1936-1956. Not only did Von Balluseck rape his own daughter, he raped the eleven-year-old son of a minister and forced the boy to write down his experience for Kinsey. Van Balluseck was tried in Berlin in 1957 for the murder of a ten-year-old girl, Loiselotte Has.
In 1948, Alfred Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, revealing to the public that homosexuality was far more widespread than was commonly believed. The book also reported Kinsey’s findings about child sexuality. Tables 31-34 were the tables or lists in the book which purported to display the number of times infants and young children were aroused when the researcher attempted to masturbate them. The table noted that “many of the infants cried and fought” against this so-called “clinical research.”
Even though this obvious sexual abuse of children was displayed in the text of the work itself (a study often said to have kick-started the sexual revolution), it was not until 1981 that Dr. Judith Reisman drew attention to the implications. Her charges were eventually confirmed, in the August 25, 1997, issue of the New Yorker, by James H. Jones, former-member of the Kinsey Institute’s Scientific Board of Advisors; they were then validated by the Institute for Media Education. According to Reisman, however, Jones avoided any mention of the hundreds of infants and children under Kinsey’s control.
“These little ones could not talk or flee from the sexual assaults, both ‘oral and manual,’ they endured from the Kinsey pedophile team, the ‘trained observers’ who used stop watches as they raped the infants and boys to record their ‘thing.’ Jones justifies these heinous and sadistic experiments by simply saying Kinsey desired to free society from its “disapproval of adult-child sexual contacts.” [1]
The crimes of Sodomites DOCUMENTED
Dirty Little Secrets of Sodomites and Lesbians
Posted June 28, 2015
The Sodomite community would have us believe that homoerotica is a healthy, normal experience that deserves respect—just another kind of family love. But, the sewer of sodomy is not a reservoir from which any should take a drink.
Consider the LGBT’s Dirty Little Secrets:
- No one is born a homosexual (Truenews.org).
- Homoerotic love violates the laws of nature and natures God. Body parts do not fit.
- Sodomy is condemned and named as one of the abominations in Leviticus 18.
- One to five percent of the population practice homosexuality (Truenews.org).
- Faggots are seldom loyal. They are promiscuous predators. Relationships are rarely monogamous: 24% of homoerotic men had more than 100 partners; 43% of homoerotic men had more than 500 partners; 28 % of homoerotic men had more than 1000 partners “Lambda Report, January/February 1998, p. 20.)
In a Dutch study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in the Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al. found that “the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101-500.” In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1,000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than one thousand lifetime sexual partners (Paul Van de Ven et al., “A Comparative Demographic and Sexual Profile of Older Homosexually Active Men,” Journal of Sex Research 34 (1997): 354).
In the Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven, et al. found that of 2,583 homoerotic males studied, “the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101–500.”” In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1000 partners.” (carm.org.).
- Only homoerotic men and promiscuous bi-sexual Sappic women get AIDS.
- Queer men are one-thousand times more likely to get AIDS than the promiscuous heterosexual population. “Although the percentage of homosexuals in the United States is less than five percent, they are responsible for half of the cases of gonorrhea of the throat and of intestinal infections.” (Center for Disease Control, Jeffrey Satinover, M.D., “Homosexuality Facts versus Fictions: What You Need to Know, Where to Find Help,” Focus on the Family broadcast, February 5-7, 1997; theBiblenet)
“2% of U.S. population is gay yet it accounts for 61% of HIV infection” (carm.org.).
- AIDS remains the fifth leading cause of death among those aged 26 to 44, and 60 percent of new cases are contracted by men who have sex with men (“Health Implications Associated With Homosexuality,” The Medical Institute for Sexual Health, March 1999, p. 51).
- “Dr. Paul Cameron, who has noted: The median age of homosexual men dying from AIDS is thirty-nine. The median age of homosexual men dying from all other causes is forty-two (compared to seventy-five for married men generally and fifty-seven for unmarried men generally). Only one percent of male homosexuals die of old age, compared to seventy-three percent of men in general who live to be sixty-five or older. Less than three percent of all homosexuals are over the age of fifty-five.” (Quoted at theBiblenet)
- “Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent approximately 2% of the US population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV and are the only risk group in which new HIV infections have been increasing steadily since the early 1990s . . . ” (Center for Disease Control, http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/index.htm).
- “A new study finds that homosexual men are twice as likely as other males to have been diagnosed with and then survive a cancer, shining a light on the unique medical risks that gay people may face . . . About 8 percent of the gay men in the group reported having had cancer — almost double the rate among the heterosexual and bisexual men surveyed” (U.S. News)
- “Lesbians didn’t have a higher rate of cancer than other women, but lesbian cancer survivors were about twice as likely to report that they had fair or poor health compared to heterosexual women” (2011, U.S. News; Randy Dotinga “Health Day”).
- The median age of death for lesbians is age 45 compared to 79 for married women and 71 for unmarried women (Cited by theBiblenet).
- One 1982 study mentioned in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the anal cancer rate for homosexuals is way above normal, maybe as high as 50 times normal (Council on Scientific Affairs, “Health care needs of gay men and lesbians in the United States,” JAMA, May 1, 1996, p. 1355; http://www.home60515.com/4.html).
- Life expectancy at age 20 for gay and bisexual men ranged from 34.0 years to 46.3 years. The chances of a homoertic 20 year old male living to age 65 is between 32%-59% (Cited by theBiblenet).
- “The life expectancy for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for men in general. Robert S. Hogg et al., “Modeling the Impact of HIV Disease on Mortality in Gay and Bisexual Men,” International Journal of Epidemiology 26 (1997): 657.” (Exodus Global Alliance, exodusglobalalliance.org/ishomosexualityhealthyp60.php).
- “In 2007, MSM [Men Sex with Men] were 44 to 86 times as likely to be diagnosed with HIV compared with other men, and 40 to 77 times as likely as women.” (Center for Disease Control, http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/index.htm).
- In a GLBT relationship, one partner usually plays the “husband” or “butch” role and the other plays the “wife” or “femme” role (trincoll.edu).
- The 2003-2004 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census surveyed the lifestyles of 7,862 homosexuals. Of those involved in a “current relationship,” only 15 percent describe their current relationship as having lasted twelve years or longer (Source: http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IS04C02).
- A study of homosexual men in the Netherlands published in the journal AIDS found that the “duration of steady partnerships” was 1.5 years (Maria Xiridou, et al, “The Contribution of Steady and Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV Infection among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam,” AIDS 17 (2003): 1031).
- Sodomy is a risky, dangerous practice. Consider the health advice the Mayo Clinic gives Sodommites that it doesn’t give heterosexual couples. Use a condom, be monogamous, limit alcohol, don’t use drugs, look at the risks of sexual venues, get vaccinated, get regular HIV testing, consider the drug Truvada (mayoclinic.org.)
- Most homohilic relationships do not want a civil union. According to the Family Research Counsel (fcr.org) only 300 homophilites accepted the “privilege” of marriage after the governor of the State of Vermont signed a bill legalizing same-sex union in April 2000. In Sweden 98% of the 140,000 homophilites chose not to enter into a civil union (“Facts:Population,” Directory and Complete Guide to Sweden, 2000: available at: sweden.com.).
- “The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs reports that 3,383 of the 121,776 marriages licensed between April 1, 2001, and June 30, 2002, involved people of the same sex.” (OLR Backgrounder: Legal Recognition of Same-sex Partnerships,” OLR Research Report (October 9, 2002)).
- “Homosexuals more likely to suffer from depression: “A new study in the United Kingdom has revealed that homosexuals are about 50% more likely to suffer from depression and engage in substance abuse than the rest of the population” (Health24.com; CARM.org.) . . .
- “the risk of suicide jumped over 200% if an individual had engaged in a homosexual lifestyle . . . the lifespan of a homosexual is on average 24 years shorter than that of a heterosexual . . .” (CARM.org.).
- Tolerance of Sodomy and homoerotism is growing in America. “In 1996, 27 percent of respondents agreed that same-sex marriages should be recognized by law as valid with the same rights as traditional marriages, while 68 percent of respondents opposed this notion. In 2015, 60 percent state that same-sex marriages should be recognized as valid, while only 37 percent do not agree.” (Statistic.com).
- Those lesbians and fagots who engage in homoerotic acts endanger their eternal soul.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Homosexual men are 15x more likely to be paedophiles than heterosexual men
We now do the maths on the following data.
1. 33.3% of the victims of paedophilia are boys and 66.7% are girls.
2. 3% of the male population are homosexual and 97% are heterosexual.
3. 98% of paedophiles are male and 2% are female.
Since 98% of the perpetrators are male, at least 31.3% of all paedophilia is male on male. So 3% of men (homosexuals) carry out 31.3% of the child abuse and 97% of men (heterosexuals) carry out 66.7% of the child abuse and women carry out 2% of it.
So the chances of a homosexual male being an abuser are 31.3/3 times more than average, whereas the chances of a heterosexual male being an abuser are 66.7/97 times the average (i.e. less than the average).
The Journal of Sex & Married Therapy, in a study of male sex offenders against children, found that one-third of the offenders directed their sexual activity against males. And the Journal of Sex Research found that homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of sex offenses against children.
This fact is particularly disturbing. Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population.
The Archives of Sexual Behavior, in a study of 229 convicted child molesters, found that “eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.”
WELL AUTHENTICATED CASES IN EARLY AND MEDIÆVAL TIMES, 1171 TO 1510.IN this, and subsequent chapters, I place descriptions of cases in chronological order, in which there seems to me to be no reason whatever to dispute the historical accuracy of the facts given. In this Chapter, I record such cases between 1171 and 1510 inclusive; and I would point out to the reader the great importance of the murder of St. Simon of Trent in 1475 and of the Toledo case in 1490; in fact, should the reader be one of those who approach the subject as unbelievers, I recommend that he should read about these two cases first, and the others after.
The following abbreviations are used in this Chapter among the references to authorities: Magd. Cent. for Magdeburg Centuries, a Protestant History of the Christian Church compiled at Magdeburg, sixteenth century. Chron. Hirsaug. for Chronicon Hirsaugiense, a history produced by Abbot J. Trithemius, 1514. Cosm. Munst. for Sebastian Munster’s Cosmographia Universalis, 1544. Spec. Vinc. for Vincent of Beauvais’s Speculum Historiale, of 13th century. 1171. Blois, France.
At Passover, a Christian child was crucified, his body drained of blood and thrown into the river. A number of Jews were executed. Authority: Monumenta Germaniæ Historica, VI, 520; Magd Cent., 12, c. 14 and 13, c. 14. 1179. Pontoise. The authorities for this case are the Bollandists (Acta, Vol. III, March, 591); Madg. Cent., 23, c. 14; Spec. Vinc, 129, c. 25; and Cosm. Munst., 23, c. 14.
A boy named Richard was tortured, crucified and bled white. Philip Augustus’s chaplains and historians, Rigord and Guillaume l’Armoricain, attested this case. The body of the boy was taken to the Church of the Holy Innocents in Paris and he was canonised as St. Richard. Under date 1080, Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates, 1847, p. 282, says: “Thinking to invoke the divine mercy, at a solemnisation of the Passover, they (the Jews) sacrifice a youth, the son of a rich tradesman at Paris, for which all the criminals are executed and all Jews banished [from] France.” 1192. Braisne. Philip Augustus attended to this case personally, and had the criminals burnt. It was a case of the crucifixion of a Christian sold to the Jews by Agnes, Countess of Dreux, who considered him guilty of homicide and theft. Authority: Histoire des Ducs et Comtes de Champagne, IV, 1st part, p. 72, Paris, 1865 by A. de Jubainville; Spec. Vinc., 129, c. 25; Gaguin, L. 6, De Francis; Magd. Cent., 12, c. 14, col. 1670.
JEWISH RITUAL MURDER 17 1235. Fulda, Hesse-Nassau.
Five children murdered; Jews confessed under torture, but said the blood was wanted for healing purposes. Frederick II exonerated the Jews from suspicion, but the Crusaders had already dealt with a number by putting them to death. Frederick II called together a number of converted Jews, who denied the existence of Jewish ritual murder. But Frederick’s bias is evident in his own words when, in publishing his decision, he gives his objects in calling these people together, “although our conscience regarded the innocence of the aforesaid Jews adequately proved on the ground of several writings.” Had Frederick II lived to-day, he would have relied little upon religious literature in deciding whether Jewish Ritual Murder exists or not. Authority: Chron. Hirsaug., and Magd. Cent., 13, c. 24. 1247. Valreas, France.
Just before Easter, a two-year-old girl’s body was found in the town moat with wounds on forehead, hands and feet. Jews confessed under torture that they wanted the blood of the child, but did not say that it was for ceremonial purposes. Pope Innocent IV said that three of the Jews were executed without confessing, but the Jewish Encyclopædia, 1903, Vol. III, p. 261, says they confessed. 1250.
Saragossa. A boy crucified, afterwards canonised as St. Dominiculus. Pius VII, 24th Nov., 1805, confirmed a decree of the Congregation of Rites of 31st August, according this canonisation. 1261. Pforzheim, Baden. An old woman sold a seven-year-old girl to the Jews, who bled her, strangled her and threw the body into the river. The old woman was convicted on the evidence of her own daughter. A number of Jews were condemned to death, two committing suicide. Authorities: Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, p. 838; Rohrbacher, L’ Histoire Universelle de l’Eglise Catholique, Vol. XVIII, pp. 697-700; Thos. Cantipranus, De ratione vitæ Vol. II, xxix. The child was canonised as a saint. 1287.
Berne. Rudolf, a boy, was murdered at Passover in the house of a rich Jew called Matler. Jews confessed that he had been crucified; many were put to death. The boy was canonised as a martyr, and his name can be found in several martyrologies. Documental authorities: Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, April; Helvetia sancta (H. Murer); Karl Howald, Die Brunnen zu Bern, 1848, p. 250; Cosm. Munst., 13, p. 482. But a stone monument still exists in Berne commemorating the crime. It is called The Fountain of the Child-Devourer, and is now on the Kornhausplatz. It represents a monster, with a Jewish countenance, eating a child. The figure wears the Judenhut, the hat prescribed for the Jews to wear by decree of the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. This monument was first placed in a street of the Jews’ quarter as a reminder of the monstrous crime and as a punishment for the whole of Berne Jewry. Later, it was removed to its present situation.
18 MY IRRELEVANT DEFENCE 1288. Troyes, France. Some Jews were tried for a ritual murder and 13 were executed by burning. Authority: Jewish Encyclopædia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 267. 1286.
Oberwesel, on the Rhine. A boy named Werner was tortured for three days at Passover, hanged by the legs and bled white. The body was found in the river. This boy was beatified in the diocese of Treves, and his anniversary is on 19th April. A sculptured representation of this ritual murder is still to be seen in the Oberwesel Church. Authorities: Aventinus, Annals of Bavaria, 1521, 17, p. 576; Chron. Hirsaug., Magd. Cent., 13, c. 14. 1462. Rinn, Innsbruck.
A boy called Andreas Oxner was bought by the Jews and sacrificed for his blood on a stone in the forest. The body was found by his mother in a birch-tree. No Jew was apprehended because, the border being near, they had fled when the crime was made known. The Abbe Vacandard, defender of the Jews, says there was no trial. Well, of course there wasn’t. Even in 1937 there is no trial for a crime where the criminals have escaped! The boy has been sanctified by Pope Benedict XIV in his Bull Beatus Andreas, Venice, 1778, which says he was “cruelly assassinated by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ.”
This last is admitted by Pope Clement XIV, who wrote his report on the investigation he made into the matter of Jewish Ritual Murder when, as Cardinal Ganganelli, he had been commissioned by Pope Benedict XIV to go into the matter; and in this report, he says “I admit the truth of another fact, which happened in the year 1462 in the village of Rinn, in the Diocese of Brixen, in the person of the Blessed Andreas, a boy barbarously murdered by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ.” No one questions the historical occurrence of this case. An engraving on wood representing the Ritual Murder still exists in the church. 1468.
Sepulveda, Segovia, Spain. The Jews sacrificed a Christian child on a cross. The Bishop of Segovia investigated the crime, and ordered the culprits to Segovia, where they were executed. It is important to know that this Bishop was himself son of a converted Jew; Jean d’Avila was his name. Colmenares’s History of Segovia records the facts of the case, which was juridically decided by a man of Jewish blood. That may be the reason that one finds no mention of it in Strack’s book in defence of the Jews, The Jew and Human Sacrifice. 1475.
The Case of St. Simon of Trent. In 1475, a three-year-old boy named Simon disappeared in the Italian town of Trent; the circumstances were such that suspicion fell upon the Jews. Hoping to avert this suspicion, they themselves “found” the child’s body in a conduit where they afterwards confessed to having thrown it. Examination of the body, however, revealed that the boy had not been drowned; there were strange wounds on the body, of circumcision and crucifixion.
About seven Jews were arrested; they were tortured and confessed that the boy had been ritually murdered for the purpose of obtaining Christian blood to mix with the ceremonial unleavened bread; these confessions were made separately and agreed in all essential details. The Jews were tried and were ultimately executed. The officer in charge of the investigation of the crime, Jean de Salis de Brescia, had before him a converted Jew, Jean de Feltro, who described how his father told him that Jews of his town, Lanzhat, had killed a child at Passover to get the blood of which they partook in wine and cakes.
In Their Own Words
In the words of Harry Hay, the gay icon and founder of the American gay movement:
If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.
You can be assured that such relationships would often become sexual, thereby providing the entry point into the larger homosexual “lifestyle.” (For other quotes from Hay, see here.)
Similarly, the renowned gay activist Larry Kramer opined,
In those cases where children do have sex with their homosexual elders … I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it, either because of a natural curiosity … or because he or she is homosexual and innately knows it. … And unlike girls or women forced into rape or traumatized, most gay men have warm memories of their earliest and early sexual encounters; when we share these stories with each other, they are invariably positive ones.
That’s why “man-boy love” has been celebrated in homosexual culture through the centuries, that’s why there’s a page listing “Historical pederastic couples” on a gay Wikipedia site, and that’s why George Takei could speak glowingly of his first sexual encounter at the age of 13 (with a 19-year-old male camp counselor), at a time when he admits he didn’t know he was gay.
In this light, the outrageous statement by philosopher Michael Foucalt, arguing for lowering the age of consent, doesn’t sound as outrageous: “It is quite difficult to lay down barriers [particularly since] it could be that the child, with his own sexuality, may have desired the adult.”
Ah yes, it was the child asking for it again. This too is sickening beyond words.
The reality is that children, especially pre-teens and young teens, are tremendously impressionable and malleable, as confirmed by this account shared by a Christian family activist (reflecting on his pre-Christian youth):
When I was about 14 or 15, I spent an afternoon smoking pot with a ‘gay’ guy in his 20’s who explained that young people during puberty have a very fluid sexual identity and how easy it had been for him to turn young teen boys into sex partners … A confirming study I later saw said 25% of young teens suffer same-sex confusion but most grow out of it naturally by the end of adolescence.
Ex-gay Robert Lopez, raised by his mother and her lesbian partner, had this to say:
In a society soaked in porn where sexual orientation is discussed openly in front of small children, there will certainly be 12- and 13-year-olds who think they want sex and think they are ready for it. When we discuss ‘gay identity’ with 6th graders, which is very common, what are we discussing? We are talking about sexual acts. Perhaps people need to stand up and resist the Human Rights Campaign’s recent push to force such curricula on elementary and middle schools.
It is truly distasteful to speak of such things, but speak about them we must, given the ever-increasing scope of gay activism, especially in our children’s schools. And with the terribly painful issue of childhood sexual abuse coming to the fore in recent days, let’s use this as a teachable moment.
We can do this by: 1) being on the lookout for signs that our own children may have been abused; 2) refusing to allow our kids to be experimental pawns in the culture wars, because of which we strongly oppose sex-based LGBT curricula in the schools; and 3) no longer denying the common connection between childhood sexual abuse and adult homosexuality, thereby providing a path for healing and wholeness.
By doing these things, we will not only make this a teachable moment, but we will also make it a redemptive one. Source
Violence and Homosexuality
In 1992 two Jeffersonville, Indiana lesbians, aged 17 and 16, abducted a 12-year-old girl whom they accused of trying to “steal a girlfriend.” The little girl was pushed into the trunk of a car, stabbed repeatedly, and beaten with a heavy metal bar. While still struggling, they poured gasoline on her and set her ablaze. Later that year a Fort Lauderdale, Florida 14-year-old was convicted of first-degree murder for helping to kill his 40-year-old father. The father “was stabbed 45 times and beaten so badly with an iron skillet that the skillet shattered.” The boy confessed that he helped his father’s former homosexual lover and roommate kill him so he and the 31-year-old “could live together.”
Who’s right? Does the excess of violence naturally well up from within a pathological gay subculture or do outsiders direct it toward homosexuals? Keeping in mind that only about 2-3% of adults are homosexual or bisexual,1 let’s examine varieties of violence.
Murder and Mass Murder
Although the total number of victims dispatched by a given killer is often in doubt, (e.g., homosexual Henry Lucas claimed that he killed 350), it appears that the modern world record for serial killing is held by a Russian homosexual, Andrei Chikatilo, who was convicted in 1992 of raping, murdering and eating parts of at least 21 boys, 17 women, and 14 girls. The pathology of eating one’s sexual victims also characterized Milwaukee’s Jeffrey Dahmer in 1992. He not only killed 17 young men and boys, but cooked and ate their body parts.
The top six American male serial killers were all gay:
- Donald Harvey claimed 37 victims in Kentucky;
- John Wayne Gacy raped and killed 33 boys in Chicago, burying them under his house and in his yard;
- Patrick Kearney accounted for 32, cutting his victims into small pieces after sex and leaving them in trash bags along the Los Angeles freeways;
- Bruce Davis molested and killed 27 young men and boys in Illinois;
- A gay sex-murder-torture ring (Corll-Henley-Brooks) sent 27 Texas men and boys to their grave; and
- Juan Corona was convicted of murdering 25 migrant workers (he “made love” with their corpses).
Lesbian Aileen Wuornos laid claim in 1992 to “worst female killer” with at least 7 middle-aged male victims. She singlehandedly topped the lesbian nurse team of Catherine Wood and Gwen Graham, who had killed 6 convalescent patients in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
The association between serial murder and homosexuality isn’t recent. Two gays compete for the spot of “world’s worst murderer.” During the Nazi reign of terror, Auschwitz executioner Ludwig Tiene strangled, crushed, and gnawed boys and young men to death while he raped them. Though his grand total is uncertain, he often murdered as many as 100 a day. Gilles de Rais (Bluebeard) brutally destroyed the lives of 800 boys. Each lad was lured to his home, bathed and fed. Just as the poor boy thought “this is my lucky day,” he was raped, then killed by being ripped or cut apart and either burned or eaten.
A study of 518 sexually-tinged mass murders in the U.S. from 1966 to 1983 determined that 350 (68%) of the victims were killed by those who practiced homosexuality and that 19 (44%) of the 43 murderers were bisexuals or homosexuals.2
Though probably less than a majority of mass murderers are homosexual, given that no more than 3% of the populace is gay, homosexual murderers show up much more frequently than one would expect (even Richard Speck engaged in homosexuality).
Along with serial murder, there appears to be a connection between homosexuality and murder. Evidence from before the modern gay rights movement is limited. Of 444 homicides in one jurisdiction from 1955-1973, investigators noted 5 clear “sexual motivation” murders. Three of the 5 involved homosexuality and 2 involved heterosexuality.3
Probing more deeply into the connection between murder and homosexuality, Jim Warren, who worked as a counselor at the Washington State Corrections Center, did the intake interview for almost all the younger murderers (i.e., under age 36) in the state of Washington from 1971-82 (during the growth of the gay rights movement). He was “probably the only one who examined the entirety of each of their case files.” Warren testified that he was struck with how frequently homosexuality turned up in the cases.4
Starting with a trickle of 2 or 3 murders/year in 1972 until dozens/year by the 1980s, he noted a recurrent pattern: Although the motive listed in the report was often robbery or theft, “about 50% of the time” it was also associated with homosexuality. Typically, a homosexual would meet someone at a bar or park and invite him to his home. Before the morning, an argument would ensue and he or his visitor would be dead.
Violent Sexual Practices
A substantial minority of homosexuals (between 22%5 to 37%6 indulge in painful or violent sex (e.g., bondage and discipline [B/D], where the partner is physically restrained and mildly tortured, or sadomasochism S/M], where partners are tortured or hurt during sex).
Even in the 1940s, psychiatrist David Abrahamsen noted,
“It is well known that homosexual inclinations may be accompanied by sadistic or masochistic tendencies…. These perversions play a great part in many sexual offenses and in many cases of murder.”7
In a national survey of random samples of homosexuals and heterosexuals,8 32% of those males who called themselves homosexual or bisexual versus 5% of heterosexual males reported having engaged in sadomasochism; 17% of lesbians versus 4% of heterosexual women also admitted to S/M. Likewise, gays and lesbians were about four times more apt to engage in bondage than were heterosexuals.
Homosexual books and magazines celebrate the “fun” of violent sex. For instance, a Denver gay columnist (the “leathersex fairy”), told his readers how to strangle and flog one’s partner during sex. He also extolled the practice of “hanging from a tree by meat hooks through the pectoral muscles” and described “guys who like to have burning cigars, cigarettes, or matches held near or pressed into their skin.”9 Likewise, national and international gay tour books matter-of-factly list places where sadomasochistic sex can be obtained.10
In 1993, London gays raised £100,000 to appeal a conviction in which the judge ruled that “sex is no excuse for violence…. Pleasure derived from the infliction of pain is an evil thing.” The crime? “Nailing a foreskin and scrotum to a board” and “pouring hot wax in a urethra.”11
The 1980 CBS-TV documentary, Gay Power, Gay Politics reported that about 10% of the accidental deaths among young men in San Francisco resulted from sadomasochistic sex gone awry.
Deliberately Infecting Others During Sex
Gay activists often argue that what consenting adults do in private is nobody else’s business. However, gays have sex with so many different partners12 that they increase their risk of getting or transmitting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Indeed, homosexuals are considerably more apt to get STDs than are non-homosexuals.13
Most who get an STD decide that they will do all in their power not to infect others. But others — an important minority — decide that they will make their partners suffer as much as they have. As Mirko Grmek noted14
“every historian of disease knows that such an attitude of vengeance, or at least of recklessness, had contributed in other times to the spread of tuberculosis and syphilis.”
Limited evidence suggests that, compared to heterosexuals, homosexuals are more apt to harm their sexual partners deliberately. The only comparative study on this issue found that about 1% of male and female heterosexuals compared to 7% of gays and 3% of lesbians admitted to deliberately passing on STDs that they had acquired.15
When the disease is AIDS, the personal and social costs of deliberate infection are exceptionally high. Several examples of homosexuals who were deliberate spreaders of AIDS have been documented,16 but the most notorious is that of “patient zero,” the Canadian flight attendant who, until his death at age 32, shared his body and infection with 250 men every year. From the late 1970s through the early 1980s he was personally responsible for at least 40 of the first 248 American cases of AIDS and told public health officials in San Francisco it “was nobody else’s business but his own.”
There also appears to be a connection between the practice of violent sex and one’s willingness to deliberately infect someone else. Dividing our random national sample17 into those with no interest in homosexual activity (non-homosexual) and those with at least some homosexual interest (homosexual) — and combining males and females — we found that 4.0% of the non-homosexual vs. 21.8% of those with at least some homosexual interest said that they had participated in sadomasochism (S/M); 7.8% of the non-homosexuals admitted to bondage (B/D) vs. 27.5% of the homosexuals. Further, those who had engaged in violent sex of either type were twice as likely to have deliberately attempted to infect a partner than those without such violent experience.
In 1992 three London STD clinics reported that almost half of their homosexual patients who knew they were infected with HIV had then gotten rectal gonorrhoea.18 These gays were not permitting their deadly infection to spoil their sexual fun. By 1993, over 100,000 U.S. gays had died of AIDS and tens of thousands had died of hepatitis B. Most of these had been infected, many deliberately or carelessly, by other homosexuals.
Homosexual Rape
The National Crime Survey19 reported that about 1 of every 10,000 males over the age of 11 is raped each year (vs. 13 of every 10,000 females) — that is, about 7% of rapes are homosexual. In two jurisdictions, Columbia, SC20 and Memphis, TN,21 males accounted for 5.7% of the victims of rape reported to authorities. In only one instance was the assailant a woman.
Along with the rise of the gay rights movement, homosexual rape of men appears to have increased in the past few decades.22 Homosexual rape is twice as common in urban areas where gays congregate than in suburban or rural areas.23
It may also be more common where the gay subculture is accepted: a 1970 study in San Francisco found that 9% of male heterosexuals and 24% of gays; 2% of female heterosexuals and 11% of lesbians reported having been homosexually raped.24 In our 1983 national urban survey (which did not include San Francisco), 1.3% of heterosexual men vs. 12.5% of gay men and 0.6% of heterosexual women vs. 8.6% of lesbians reported having been homosexually raped.25
More alarmingly, between 15% to 40% of statutory rape (child molestation) involves homosexuality.26 In one study, 25% of white gays admitted to sex with boys 16 or younger when they were aged 21 or older.27
Rape at any age is violent and emotionally devastating. But it can also edge victims toward homosexuality. In our national study, almost half the lesbians said they had been heterosexually raped — perhaps gravitating to homosexuality because of the experience. Males often react differently. Thus the Masters and Johnson Institute reported that a
“25-year-old man had had his first sexual experience when he was 13 years old. It was arranged by his lesbian mother with an older gay man. After that episode, his imagery and interpersonal sexual experience were exclusively homosexual.”28
“Mr. K, age 22, felt that his change in sexual preference was related to his having been raped by two men…. After the assault he experienced sexual identity confusion and began engaging voluntarily in homosexual activity. When he was seen for evaluation he labeled himself as openly homosexual.”29
Impact of Violence On The Homosexual Lifespan
A pioneering study of 6,714 obituaries30 in gay newspapers across the U.S. revealed that 3% of 6,574 gays and 20% of 140 lesbians had died violently:
- 1.4% of gays and 7% of lesbians were murdered (rates over a hundred times those of non-gays);
- 0.6% of gays and 5.7% of lesbians committed suicide (rates dozens of times those of non-gays); and
- 0.6% of gays and 4.3% of lesbians died in motor vehicle accidents (over 17 times the rate of non-gays)
These events, coupled with various STDs (especially AIDS) gotten from other gays, resulted in a median age of death of 40 among gays and a median age of death of 45 among lesbians. In the same study, comparison samples of married men had a median age of death of 75 and married women a median age of death of 79. For divorced or single persons the median age of death was 57 for men and 71 for women.
The ‘hate crimes’ gays complain about are infrequent and seldom involve more than name-calling or snide remarks. The FBI reported 431 hate crimes against homosexuals for the U.S. in all of 1991. Only one was “confirmed” for Washington, D.C. — yet D.C. gay activists claimed 397 incidents! When pressed, they admitted that at least 366 of these “crimes” consisted of “verbal harassment.”31
In line with traditional psychiatric opinion, violence goes hand-in-hand with the ‘gay’ lifestyle. Almost all the exposure by homosexuals to violence and disease is encountered within the gay subculture, rather than outside of it. Most of the murderers in the lifespan study whose sexual orientation could be determined were also homosexual. While violence toward homosexuals is deplorable, most violence involving gays is self-induced. Overall, the gay subculture may export more violence than it absorbs from without.
- Muir (1993) Homosexuals and the 10% fallacy. Wall Street J March 31. ↩
- Cameron (1983) Is homosexuality disproportionately associated with murder? Paper presented at Midwestern Psychological Assn Chicago. ↩
- Swigert, et al (1976) Sexual homicide: social, psychological, and legal aspects. Archives Sexual Behavior 3:391-401. ↩
- Warren (1989) Testimony before the Law and Justice Committee of the Washington State Senate December 15. ↩
- Gebhard & Johnson (1979) The Kinsey Data: Marginal Tabulations of the 1938-1963 Interviews Conducted by the Institute for Sex Research. New York:Saunders. ↩
- Jay & Young (1979) The Gay Report New York:Summit; Cameron, et al (1989) The effect of homosexuality upon public health and social order. Psychological Rpts 64:1167-79. ↩
- Abrahamsen (1944) Crime and the Human Mind. New York:Columbia Univ Press, p122. ↩
- Cameron, et al (1989) The effect of homosexuality upon public health and social order. Psychological Rpts 64:1167-79. ↩
- Out Front (1992) August 5, p10. ↩
- e.g., Sparticus, Bob Damron’s Address Book. ↩
- Smith & Rodgerson (1993) Free the spanner men. Gay Times April, p8. ↩
- Gebhard & Johnson (1979) The Kinsey Data: Marginal Tabulations of the 1938-1963 Interviews Conducted by the Institute for Sex Research. New York:Saunders; Jay & Young (1979) The Gay Report New York:Summit; Cameron, et al (1989) The effect of homosexuality upon public health and social order. Psychological Rpts 64:1167-79. ↩
- Cameron, et al (1985) Sexual orientation and sexually-transmitted disease. Nebraska Medical J 70:292-9. ↩
- Grmek (1990) History of AIDS Princeton:Princeton Univ Press, p19. ↩
- Cameron, et al (1989) The effect of homosexuality upon public health and social order. Psychological Rpts 64:1167-79; Cameron, et al (1985) Sexual orientation and sexually-transmitted disease. Nebraska Medical J 70:292-9. ↩
- Grmek (1990) History of AIDS Princeton:Princeton Univ Press ↩
- Cameron, et al (1989) The effect of homosexuality upon public health and social order. Psychological Rpts 64:1167-79; Cameron, et al (1985) Sexual orientation and sexually-transmitted disease. Nebraska Medical J 70:292-9. ↩
- Newell (1992) Sexually transmitted diseases and anal papillomas. British Medical J 305:1435-6. ↩
- Harlow (1991) Female victims of violent crime. U.S. Dept Justice January, NCJ-126826; Bachman (1992) Crime victimization in city, suburban, and rural areas: a national crime victimization survey report. U.S. Dept Justice NCJ-135943. ↩
- Forman (1983) Reported male rape. Victimology 7:235-6. ↩
- Lipscomb, et al (1992) Male victims of sexual assault. J American Medical Assn 267:3064-6. ↩
- Gebhard & Johnson (1979) The Kinsey Data: Marginal Tabulations of the 1938-1963 Interviews Conducted by the Institute for Sex Research. New York:Saunders; Harlow (1991) Female victims of violent crime. U.S. Dept Justice January, NCJ-126826; Bachman (1992) Crime victimization in city, suburban, and rural areas: a national crime victimization survey report. U.S. Dept Justice NCJ-135943; Forman (1983) Reported male rape. Victimology 7:235-6. ↩
- Harlow (1991) Female victims of violent crime. U.S. Dept Justice January, NCJ-126826; Bachman (1992) Crime victimization in city, suburban, and rural areas: a national crime victimization survey report. U.S. Dept Justice NCJ-135943. ↩
- Bell, et al (1981) Sexual Preference: Statistical Appendix Bloomington:Indiana Univ Press. ↩
- Cameron, et al (1989) The effect of homosexuality upon public health and social order. Psychological Rpts 64:1167-79; Cameron, et al (1985) Sexual orientation and sexually-transmitted disease. Nebraska Medical J 70:292-9. ↩
- Cameron (1985) Homosexual molestation of children/sexual interaction of teacher and pupil. Psychological Rpts 57:1227-36. ↩
- Bell, et al (1981) Sexual Preference: Statistical Appendix Bloomington:Indiana Univ Press. ↩
- Schwartz & Masters (1984) The Masters and Johnson treatment program for dissatisfied homosexual men. American J Psychiatry 141:173-81. ↩
- Goyer & Eddleman (1984) Same-sex rape of non-incarcerated men. American J Psychiatry 141:576-9. ↩
- Cameron, et al (1993) The homosexual lifespan. Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Assn April 17. ↩
- Washington Blade (1993) FBI releases stats on hate crimes. January 1, p1. ↩https://www.familyresearchinst.org/2009/02/violence-and-homosexuality/
Homosexual Murders and Brutality
- See also: Gay bashing
According to the New York Times, Dr. William Eckert was a world-renowned authority in the field of pathology and he worked on major murder cases including the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the Charles Manson murders.[4] Dr. Eckert founded the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology.[4][5] According to Time magazine, Dr. Eckert was a pioneer who encouraged collaborative effort between law-enforcement and forensics teams.[5]
Dr. Eckert wrote regarding homosexual murders the following:
“ | Equally high is the number of homicides, many probably related to transient attachments, which often lead to suspicion, jealousy, and murder. When murder does occur it is exceptionally brutal with an overkill appearance… Overkill, as it is seen in homosexual and lesbian murders, is certainly a form of sadistic crime. In these instances multiple stabbing and other brutal injuries…are common findings…[6] | ” |
Bernard Knight CBE, MD, BCh, MRCP, FRCPath, FHKCPath, DMJ (Path) was a Professor of Forensic Pathology in the University of Wales until he retired in 1996.[7] In 1993 he was made a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) for his services to forensic medicine.[7][8] Dr. Bernard Knight has been involved in many notorious murder cases, including Fred West and Rosemary West, Roberto Calvi (the Vatican banker), the child killer Mary Bell, and the Steven Truscott case in Canada.[7] Dr. Pekka Saukko is Professor and Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Turku in Finland.[8] Dr. Saukko is also the editor of Forensic Science International.[9] Doctors Knight and Saukko coauthored a pathology textbook entitled Knight’s Forensic Pathology in 2004 which declared:
“ | As with heterosexual offenses, the cause of death in fatal cases is almost always some form of general trauma, such as strangulation or head injuries. Homosexual activity, however, may be a parallel event; it is a fact that some of the most violent homicides seen by pathologists are among male homosexuals.[10] | ” |
The previously cited article in the Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine states regarding homosexual murders: “These “Lovers’ quarrels” between male homosexuals manifest an increased level of violence due to the fact that the parties involved in the emotional conflict are both sexual aggressors.”[3]
The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers by Michael Newton reports:
“ | Homosexual slayers clearly have no monopoly on violence, but it is true that their crimes often display extremes of “overkill” and mutilation… On balance, it seems fair to say that while homosexuals sometimes fall prey to “gay bashing” violence by bigoted “straights,” they are far more likely to be murdered by another homosexual than in a random hate crime.[11] | ” |
The previously cited pathology textbook by Knight and Saukko stated the following: “In addition, quite a number of fatal altercations arise because a heterosexual man becomes violent when importuned by a homosexual.”[12]
Other Forensic Journal Articles on Homosexual Murders and Overkill
There have been a number of journal articles on the issue of homosexual homicides and overkill.[13][14][15] In 1996, the forensic journal The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology published an article entitled Homicide in homosexual victims: a study of 67 cases from the Broward County, Florida, Medical Examiner’s office (1982-1992), with special emphasis on “overkill”. The abstract for the journal article states:
“ | Forensic pathologists often state that homosexual homicides are more violent than those with heterosexual victims. Overkill or wounding far beyond that required to cause death is a frequently used descriptor of these deaths. We quantified the number and extent of injuries between homosexual and heterosexual homicide victims to determine whether one group suffered more violence than the other…Homosexual homicides are more violent than heterosexual homicides when one compares the mean number of injuries (fatal sharp, blunt, and total)/case and the extent of injuries on the body.[13] |
Serial Killers who were Lesbians
Name | # of People Killed |
Year | Killer’s Home | Location of Murders | Notes |
Magdalena Solis | 8 | 1963 | Monterey, Mexico | Mexico | |
Aileen Wuornos | 7+ | 1989-90 | south of Daytona, Florida | Florida | killed male “johns” |
Tyria Moore | 7+ | 1989-90 | south of Daytona, Florida | Florida | killed male “johns” |
Catherine Wood | 6 | Grand Rapids, MI | Grand Rapids, MI | nurse who killed patients | |
Gwen Graham | 6 | Grand Rapids, MI | Grand Rapids, MI | nurse who killed patients |
Occult Crimes directily connect Satanically/spiritually to the LBGTQ+P movement of Rapinoe and Bird https://usminc.org/crime6.html
Anti-Christian sentiment
- I) Discrimination: Denial of Rights of Christians
- • Violation of freedom of expression
- • Violation of freedom of conscience
- • Violation of parents’ rights with regard to the education of the children[note 1]
- • Violation of the institutional or collective dimension of religious freedom
- • Discriminatory “equality” policies
- II) Intolerance: Marginalization of Christians. The proposition to attack the organized religion was made, for example, by Richard Dawkins, an adherent of Militant atheism[6] and proponent of LGBT ideology Sir Elton John who would like to have all organized religion banned.[7]
- • Exclusion of Christians from social and public life
- • Exclusion of Christian symbols from the public
- • Social disadvantages for Christians
- • Incitement, insult or defamation
- • Misrepresentation of Christians in the media through negative stereotyping
- III) Hate Incidents
- • Hate crimes against Christians[8] On October 3, 2017 a Charles Miller brutally assaulted 63 year old Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark, Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz during an opening prayer that was partially dedicated to commemorating the life of Catholic baseball legend Roberto Clemente, who died in a tragic death in a plane crash en route to deliver aid to earthquake victims in Nicaragua in 1972.[9]
- • Hate incidents such as the disruption of services. For example, in 2008 a radical homosexual organization called Bash Back disrupted Sunday services at a Michigan Assemblies of God-affiliated church, throwing fliers, shouting slogans at churchgoers including one that Jesus was homosexual, and kissing each other. The group involved activists dressed in pink and black equipped “with a megaphone, black flags, picket signs, and an upside-down pink cross.”
- • Vandalism and desecrations
Violence against Christians is under-reported by the mainstream media, and it doubled between 2017 and 2019.
In 2015 and 2016, the Center for Studies on New Religions was reported that Christians were the most persecuted of any type of group in the world, with almost 600 million Christians being affected by persecution and 90,000 killed in 2016 alone. Between 2005 and 2015, over 900,000 Christians were martyred for their faith. According to Open Doors USA in January 2018, at least 215 million Christians globally face severe persecution, and according to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), over 500 million Christians face persecution. According to Pew Research Center, restrictions on religious liberty increased in 2016 for the second year in a row, with Christianity being the most affected. According to a 2017 report by Open Doors USA, the persecution of Christians is growing and is being seen in an increasing number of countries, and it reported that the number of Christians facing persecution rose 14% between 2015 and 2018. A 2017 report by Pew Research, concerning 2014 and 2015, yielded similar findings.
The countries with the most extreme persecution of Christians, as of 2017, tend to be Muslim nations, even though the most anti-Christian nation is North Korea. As recorded between November 1, 2015, to October 31, 2016, Pakistan had the largest number of Christians killed and churches attacked. The U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom reported in May 2017 that religious freedom around the world was “worsening in both the depth and breadth of violations.”
According to a 2015–2017 ACN study, Christians comprised 75% of all the victims of religious persecution around the globe.[17] According to the news agency Fides, at least 447 Roman Catholic missionaries alone were killed from 2000 through 2017.[18]
Despite strong persecution in the Middle East, thousands of Muslims are turning to Christ.
Like the rest of the West, the Canadian government (currently, the Liberal Party of Canada under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) has become more hostile towards Christianity. In 2017, a local school district, the Battle River School Division, ordered a Christian school to stop teaching “offensive” passages from the Bible, something that would alter the Christian message and omit key portions of the Bible from being taught.
In 2017, the Canadian government chose to ban employers who oppose abortion or homosexual “marriage” from being able to receive summer job grants for students,[99][100][101] and in March 2018, the Canadian House of Commons voted 207–93 against reversing the requirement that employers sign an attestation affirming their support for such issues. In January 2018, Prime Minister Trudeau indicated that pro-life speech is not protected speech. When asked on where the Canadian government limits free speech, Trudeau mentioned abortion, stating that “an organization that has the explicit purpose of restricting women’s rights by removing rights to abortion, the right for women to control their own bodies, is not in line with where we are as a government and quite frankly where we are as a society.”
In June 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled against an explicitly Christian law school, saying that is was “proportionate and reasonable” for some Canadian law societies to deny accreditation to the school’s graduates because the school opposed homosexuality due to its Christian values.
In 2018, Canadian activist Bill Whatcott faced being unjustly sentenced to two years in prison for what his persecutors claimed was his committing “Wilful [sic] Promotion of Hatred against an identifiable group” – AKA passing out pamphlets at a 2016 “gay pride” parade that shared the Christian message that homosexuality is a sin and that repenting of all sin leads to “the free gift of eternal life.”
The New Democratic Party government of Alberta heavily promoted the homosexual agenda in the state’s education system, such as forcing Christian schools to create Gay-Straight Alliance Clubs even if only one student wanted one, and threatened to defund religious schools if they do not remove religious content from their curriculum.
United States
Persecution mainly exists in ridicule, liberal bias, bigotry and/or religious discrimination of traditional Christian family values by Hollywood.[108][109][110] If this is further tolerated, there is a distinct possibility that violence against Christians could be next. Numerous Christians, whether business owners or other people, such as Kim Davis or Roy Moore, have been persecuted in various ways (lawsuits, loss of business, arrest, threats, etc.) for holding on to their sincerely-held beliefs and refusing to bow down to the homosexual agenda.
Don Feder, founder of a group called Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation, used his condemnation of the 2005 film “V for Vendetta” to say, “It’s very much in keeping with what has become Hollywood’s standard anti-Christian message – that Christians are hypocritical hate-mongers, with tendencies toward violence, who are waiting to seize the reins of government and persecute unbelievers. David Limbaugh says, “This anti-Christian bias manifests itself in unflattering portrayals of Christians in Hollywood films and entertainment television.
In a government report released in 2016, Martin R. Castro, the chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, claimed that “The phrases “religious liberty” and “religious freedom” will stand for nothing except hypocrisy so long as they remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance.
In 2014, Houston Mayor Annise Parker, a leftist and the first openly-homosexual mayor of the city, illegally issued subpoenas on pastors, ordering them to turn over sermons concerning homosexuality.
On October 1, 2017, a homosexual coffee shop owner kicked several Christians out of his shop because he claimed their very presence “offended” him. Leftist organizations which regularly make demands for Christians to be forced to serve homosexuals with no exceptions, such as the ACLU, hypocritically remained silent on this incident. In one reported instance (out of many), the owners of a Pennsylvania bridal shop chose to close their business because of threats from homosexual activists.
Christianity is increasingly coming under attack at public education institutions. For example, in October 2017, Wayne State University, a public institution, de-recognized InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as the student group required its members to be Christians.
The owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado, Jack Phillips, has come under repeated assault for his non-compliance with state-imposed liberal ideology. After winning a Supreme Court case (on very narrow grounds) protecting his religious freedom with regards to being forced to violate his conscience by corrupt Colorado state officials, other left-wing groups, including satanists and transgender people, jokingly requested cakes expressing their anti-Christian points of view, and he even was sued for this with the willing assistance of the same state officials who have been illegally persecuting him in deliberate ignorance of the Supreme Court ruling.
In 2019, the State of California attempted to evict an elderly woman from a veterans’ home because she led Bible studies.
Liberal censorship
Liberal censorship refers to liberal attempts to mute all opposition to liberal beliefs, is one of the core tenets of liberalism, and is an almost exclusively liberal practice in modern times. Deceitful techniques of liberal censorship include:
- On college campuses, liberals censor a conservative speaker by claiming he somehow makes some feel “unsafe”
- Liberals exaggerate offhand remarks by sports players in an attempt to chill their speech, particularly if the comments are contrary to the homosexual agenda
- The Huffington Post censored an article on the possible relationship between school shootings and violent video games[1]
- Ben Carson was forced to withdraw as commencement speaker of his own school, Johns Hopkins University, because of his criticism of same-sex “marriage”
- Liberal opposition to free speech forced Tim Tebow to cancel a speaking event at a large church because its pastor has opposed the homosexual agenda
- Opposing information for women that would let them know that abortion increases their risk of breast cancer, as confirmed by numerous studies
- Expelling a young athlete from the 2012 Summer Olympics because she tweeted a joke about immigration, despite her apology, thereby destroying her dream and years of hard work
- Monopolizing discussions and repeatedly talking more than the other side, despite saying nothing coherently
- Censoring readership of the Bible by deceptively pulling people from it, as in their formative years
- Feigning offense in order to censor classroom prayer and religious symbols
- Branding statements as “hate speech,” with the ultimate goal of marginalizing the Bible in that way
- Intimidating sponsors of conservative speaking events by harassing them
- Seeking information about donors to traditional marriage referenda in order to harass them
- Engaging in violent protests at conservative events, vandalizing conservative wikis on the Internet (particularly Conservapedia), or censoring by forcing the removal of conservative YouTube videos via frivolous and baseless “hate speech” claims
- Getting a legitimate contributor banned from all or part of a website because of remarks he made on a different website
- Censoring quotations from the Bible that contradict their personal opinions of what God meant to say
- Censoring conservative speech on liberal-controlled comment forums while allowing liberal hate speech and attacks on conservatives to remain; any complaints to the site administrators or moderators regarding their behavior on the boards is often ignored
Liberals inevitably demand censorship of ideas that challenge and counter their views due to their fear of opposing views, ideas, and facts, and thus attempt to silence all criticism of their ideology by slandering conservatives and other opponents as “racist” and “reactionary“, legally enforce political correctness, and establish legislation making many forms of religious speech illegal under misnamed “hate speech” laws. This is especially true in its most extreme political manifestation, Communism.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee makes this claim:
- Realizing that their ideas couldn’t compete in the Free Market, Democrats schemed for ways to crush conservative talk radio‘s success. Their answer? The so-called “Fairness Doctrine” which, despite its name, was anything but fair except to those in the liberal media. The revival of the “Fairness Doctrine” would have the chilling effect of censoring conservative talk radio and freedom of speech by requiring radio stations to air liberal content. Democrats would demand that talk stations air liberal content or their station license would be revoked. It’s unfortunate that Democrats are willing to trample on our First Amendment rights for political gain.[2] Fortunately, Ronald Reagan put an end to the forced inclusion of liberal content on talk stations with the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 and, as expected under a free market, the liberal talk format faltered and largely collapsed (including the demise of the short-lived liberal Air America radio network).
In an attempt to divert attention from this demand, liberals charge that conservatives also censor when they can. An example some give is Conservapedia. They claim that edits that disagree with the prevailing conservative viewpoint here regularly lead to a block, even though Conservapedia does not block for ideological reasons.
Unlike liberals, Conservapedia does not censor on ideological grounds. Occasionally it is necessary to take action to prevent liberals from abusing its hospitality to ideas by seeking to damage or destroy the project through waves of vandalism from outside and deep cover subversion from within by the site’s few regular liberal-leaning editors. Such action is necessary to protect and defend freedom of expression.
Opposition to Christianity
Many individuals, groups, and even cultural movements in modern times are antichristian. This means they actively seek to attack, undermine, and denigrate the Christian faith while deceiving the public about the nature of Christianity, its heritage, and accomplishments. Read
StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Conservative Christian World News
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28.)
John Wesley who said that what we tolerate in our generation, will be embraced by the next. Wesley is 100% correct! We are living in sick times.
Usually, the Lord doth no great thing for or against his people, without giving warning of it before it comes.
They perverted justice among themselves (v. 7): “You turn judgment to wormwood, that is, you make your administrations of justice bitter and nauseous, and highly displeasing both to God and man.’’ That fruit has become a weed, a weed in the garden; as nothing is more venerable, nothing more valuable, than justice duly administered, so nothing is more hurtful, nothing more abominable, than designedly doing wrong under color and pretense of doing right. Corruptio optimi est pessima —The best, when corrupted, becomes the worst.
It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.
2 Corinthians 4:8-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
“Pedophile” has reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children—a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders—sick … or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change.
My job is protecting children. It has taken me from big cities to rural outposts, from ghettos to penthouses, and from courtrooms, into demonic battlefields. But whatever the venue, the truth remains constant: Some humans intentionally hurt children. They commit unspeakable acts—for their pleasure, their profit, or both.
FOOTNOTES and things of interest
Effect of homosexuality on public health and social order https://www.familyresearchinst.org/2010/08/effect-of-homosexuality-upon-public-health-and-social-order-2/
Sexual Orientation and Sexually Transmitted Disease
Summary: 4,340 adults randomly drawn from five metropolitan areas were questionnaired about their sexual orientation, involvement with unusual sexual practices (e.g., sadomasochism, bondage & discipline), oral/anal sex, number of homo- and heterosexual partners, and sexually transmitted disease (STD) experience. Bi/homosexuals of both genders (4.4% of the sample) reported higher lifetime rates for most of the STDs and admitted to higher rates of deliberate infection of others than their heterosexual counterparts. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that degree of participation in unusual sexual practices, anal/oral contact, age and number of homosexual partners predicted STD experience. Younger adults and homosexuals more frequently reported engaging in both unusual sexual activities, oral/anal contact, and having had STD experience. Homosexuals appear to contribute no less than 15% of the nation’s STDs and probably act as a significant vector in generating additional fractions to the STD pool.
References: Nebraska Medical Journal, 1985, 70(8), 292-299. https://www.familyresearchinst.org/2008/12/sexual-orientation-and-sexually-transmitted-disease/
American Life League
Flyer distributed by NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association).[1] WARNING! Introduction.
Chester the Molester.
Reference. The Attorney General’s Report on Pornography. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1986. 711 pages. This report lists 5,420 titles of hard-core pornographic books, magazines and movies found in a sampling of porn shops across the United States.
San Francisco lesbian Laura Thomas.[6]
It would be a grave mistake to disassociate homosexual activity from pedophilic activity. The laws that the pedophiles want could only be formulated, enacted, and enforced after society had been sufficiently numbed to the heinous activities of adult homosexuals. References: Pornography and Pedophilia. Further Reading: Pornography and Child Molestation. |
The Transexual Torah
When Jews boast about “defeating God” in their “Torah,” what else would you expect but a trajectory of diabolical perversion and blasphemy ever farther from God? The six ‘genders’ of the satanic insanity known as Talmudic Judaism
Zachar: is term is derived from the word for a pointy sword and refers to a phallus. It is usually translated as “male” in English.
Nekevah: is term is derived from the word for a crevice and probably refers to a vaginal opening. It is usually translated as “female” in English.
Androgynos: A person who has both “male” and “female” sexual characteristics. 149 references in Mishna and Talmud (1st-8th Centuries CE); 350 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes (2nd -16th Centuries AD).
Tumtum: A person whose sexual characteristics are indeterminate or obscured. 181 references in Mishna and Talmud; 335 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
Ay’lonit: A person who is identified as “female” at birth but develops “male” characteristics at puberty and is infertile. 80 references in Mishna and Talmud; 40 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
Saris: A person who is identified as “male” at birth but develops “female” characteristics as puberty and/or is lacking a penis. A saris can be “naturally” a saris (saris hamah), or become one through human intervention (saris adam). 156 references in mishna and Talmud; 379 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
source: http://www.transtorah.org/PDFs/Classical_Jewish_Terms_for_Gender_Diversity.pdf
“Torah” insanity—the rabbis teach that Adam was originally an androgynous hermaphrodite made in the image of God Who himself is an androgynous hermaphrodite. Study the regression of talmudic illogic in a perversion of God’s Word so typical of Judaism:
Aggada (The way we tell our stories):
Text Study on Bereshit Rabba 8:1
God created the adam in His own image; in the image of God He created him – male and female [God] created them. — Genesis 1:27
Said Rabbi Jeremiah ben Elazar: “When the Holy One, blessed be the One, created the first adam, [God] created him [an] “androgynos.” As there it is written: ‘When God created the adam, He made him in the likeness of God; male and female [God] created them.’
— Genesis 5:2
Said Rabbi Shmuel Bar Nachman: “At the time that the Holy One, blessed be the One, created the first adam, He created him double-faced and [then] split him, and made for him two backs – a back here and a back there.” They asked him: “But isn’t it written: ‘and He took one of his ribs [tzelah]’?” He said to them: “[This actually means] one of his sides…as we understand it, ‘and one of the sides [tzelah] of the tabernacle.’”— Exodus 26:20
Rabbi Tanchuma in the name of Rabbi Benayah and Rabbi Berechya in the name of Rabbi Elazar said: “At the time that the Holy One, blessed be the One, created the first adam, [He] created him as a golem [an unformed physical substance]; and it was extended from one end of the world to its other end, as there it is written: “My golem Your eyes have seen…” (Psalm 139:16) — Midrash Rabbah 8
source: http://www.transtorah.org/PDFs/Text_Study_Bereshit_Rabbah.pdf
Keep in mind—in Judaism, only Jews are adam (man): “You are called men, but non-Jews are not called men.”
Note Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai’s ruling: “…only ‘you,’ the members of the Jewish people, are called men, but non-Jews are not called men.”
more ‘wisdom’ from the ‘sages’
How Hasidic Sages Supported Transgender People — 200 Years Ago
by Forverts Staff, July 5, 2018
Yiddish original: http://yiddish.forward.com/articles/210284/a-torah-lesson-on-gender-with-abby-stein/
Reprint in Forward: https://forward.com/culture/404661/how-hasidic-sages-supported-transgender-people-200-years-ago/
A Torah Lesson on Gender with “Abby” Stein
“Isaac was born with the soul of a woman… we know how reincarnation works…Sometimes, for whatever reason, the soul gets switched…”
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfd9R70jtc4]
law and liturgy for the perverts
source: http://www.transtorah.org/PDFs/Gender_Diversity_In_Halacha.pdf
Excerpts from the book entitled “The Culling Of Man
The Bible plainly states that the people who partake in King Nimrod’s Babylonian Mystery Religion, aka the Great Plan, aka the New World Order, are black-magic-practicing, human-sacrificing, blood¬ drinking, pedophile-sodomite Satan worshippers, whose goal is to enslave the world under a one world government, ultimately unveiling the Antichrist, which they call the Masonic Christ/Resurrected Nimrod/Osiris/Apollo/etc.and to beware of them.
What is happening right now with the orchestration of what the Great Plan has pulled off is exactly as told in Biblical prophecy, throughout the Bible, both Old and New Testament. There are explicit warnings about these exact people, and is in fact the cornerstone of Biblical prophecy. The very reason Jesus Christ was sent by the Creator God to start with was for good men and women of all races, creeds, colors, etc. to have a path to God, giving them an “out” of the spiritually unfulfilling life following the path blazed by the Great Plan. The culmination of the New Testament contained in the Book of Revelation is literally Jesus Christ returning to Earth to fight and defeat the resurrected King Nimrod and his minions. That’s it, that’s the bottom line truth. Hopefully by this point in this book you have been enlightened that warning humanity of the Great Plan was one of the main purposes of the Bible. If, instead of God, it was the proponents of the Great Plan who concocted the Bible, they would have certainly left out the parts explicitly implicating them as the evildoers. Realizing this fact was the crucial turning point transforming me from an atheist to believing in God. The fact that the people currently running the planet, the Luciferian Great Planners, not only believe in God but hate Jesus Christ in particular with a passion, was very incriminating to me. .
It is by glorifying Lucifer and his demonic entourage, animal/human sacrifice, and sex magick rituals that they accomplish this blasphemy. There is a special chemical called adrenochrome, which is a powerful mind-altering drug that is generated in the blood of human sacrifice victims. The more the victim is terrorized/tortured/sexually abused the more of this substance is generated through the synthesis of adrenaline. The Luciferians then drink this drug-laden blood, which alters their thought process and literally puts them in the realm of the demonic entities. This was one of the main purposes of the human sacrifice/blood drinking ritual. The proponents of the Great Plan from ancient times have always sacrificed humans, drank their blood, ate their flesh, and without question were involved in pedophilia/sodomy as a way of paying tribute to the malevolent spirits.
The Biblically prophesized one world government is supposed to be Satanic. Hopefully you now see that it is unfolding right before your eyes. “It is generally agreed that the biggest single influence in the modern expansion of ritual magic, and the occult explosion in general, in the Western world, was the Golden Dawn. This magical fraternity, founded by Freemasons at the end of the 19th century, developed a complex ritual system with ten degrees of initiation relating to the Cabalistic Sephiroth.” – Janet and Stewart Farrar, world renown witches, from their book “The Life and Times of A Modern Witch”. They also wrote “A Witches Bible Complete” There exists even higher degrees of Freemasonry above the “enlightened” status of the 33 rd degree level where some of our Presidents, Prime Ministers, media moguls, and industrial titans exist. Let me re-emphasize that the ONLY way to get to the 33 rd degree of Freemasonry or higher is that you either have to be born into one of the Luciferian bloodlines of the Illuminati, or you have to be INVITED to join them, after displaying that you are capable of perpetrating the kind of evil they want and need out of you. This brings us to discussing the levels of Freemasonry above the 33 rd degree—the esoteric, Luciferian degrees. 99.99% of lower-ranking, blue lodge Freemasons don’t even know these exist. This is where the hardcore Satanists aspire to rise to and dwell. The “Church of Satan” and people 144 who partake in that organization are amateurs compared to what the Illuminati upper echelon partake in: direct contact with the entity Lucifer.
The Illuminati/Freemasons are highly regarded in Satanic circles as the “scientists/engineers” of the occult world. We already went over that to become a 33 rd degree Mason you need to declare that Lucifer is the god of the Freemasons/Babylonian Mystery Religion/Great Plan/New World Order.
The higher degrees are achieved through wicked sodomy-based sex and murder rituals, and that is enough for you to know from me. This is why Satanist Aleister Crowley proudly boasted of being a 90 th degree Mason, when most people in his day had not a clue what that meant. These higher levels of Freemasonry are the degrees that really get involved with interacting with malevolent supernatural beings. There is a reason that the Illuminati are all Luciferians and practice these black magic rituals and everything that goes along with that: the supernatural forces of evil are real, and they draw their power to control the world through these supernatural beings and always have since the days of King Nimrod.
For all intents and purposes, the “Illuminati” are Satan’s current primary minions on Earth. They are the pinnacle of Satanism. The Illuminati are the people that “run of the mill” Satanists look up to as the ultimate echelon of closeness to Lucifer/Satan. The very reason they are called the Illuminati, is that they have received the light of Lucifer, which means “light bearer”, to guide them and have therefore become “illuminated”. These higher rites of Freemasonry above the 33 rd degree are called the Misraim rites, rising up to the 90 th degree, and are primarily populated by the upper echelons of the Illuminati.
![]() ![]() “. . . We have made a covenant with DEATH, and with HELL are we at agreement;. . .” Isaiah 28:15 |
Dr. Terry Watkins | Dial-the-Truth Ministries |