This information came off my OMS web page way back when LOL…when I looked like this! LOL

Part I


Funding the Hitler Project

the rise of the third reich

In 1933, shortly after Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor of Germany, the German Parliament was set on fire by the Nazis and the Communists were blamed for this act of terrorism against the German people. Following the Nazi-inspired arson, Hitler exploited the outrage of the German citizens to arrogate to himself dictatorial powers, which he promised would be used to rid Germany of Communists. The next day, Chancellor Hitler demanded from the German cabinet an emergency decree which would enable him to deal decisively with the domestic crisis. President von Hindenburg signed the decree “for the Protection of the people and the State.”  An account of this watershed event is found at The History Place:

      “The exact sequence of events will never be known, but Nazi storm troopers under the direction of Göring were also involved in torching the place.  They had befriended the arsonist [a Communist named Van der Lubbe] and may have known or even encouraged him to burn the Reichstag that night.  The storm troopers, led by SA leader Karl Ernst, used the underground tunnel that connected Göring’s residence with the cellar in the Reichstag. They  entered the building, scattered gasoline and incendiaries, then hurried back through the tunnel.
       “The deep red glow of the burning Reichstag caught the eye of President Hindenburg and Vice-Chancellor Papen who were dining at a club facing the building. Papen put the elderly Hindenburg in his own car and took him to the scene.
       “Hitler was at Goebbels’ apartment having dinner. They rushed to the scene where they met Göring who was already screaming false charges and  making threats against the Communists.
       “At first glance, Hitler described the fire as a beacon from heaven.
       “‘You are now witnessing the beginning of a great epoch in German history…This fire is the beginning,’ Hitler told a news reporter at the scene.
       “After viewing the damage, an emergency meeting of government leaders was held. When told of the arrest of the Communist arsonist, Van der  Lubbe, Hitler became deliberately enraged.
       “‘The German people have been soft too long. Every Communist official must be shot. All Communist deputies must be hanged this very night. All friends of the Communists must be locked up. And that goes for the Social Democrats and the Reichsbanner as well!’
       “Hitler left the fire scene and went straight to the offices of his newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter, to oversee its coverage of the fire. He stayed up  all night with Goebbels putting together a paper full of tales of a Communist plot to violently seize power in Berlin.
       “At a cabinet meeting held later in the morning, February 28, Chancellor Hitler demanded an emergency decree to overcome the crisis. He met little resistance from his largely non-Nazi cabinet. That evening, Hitler and Papen went to Hindenburg and the befuddled old man signed the decree ‘for the Protection of the people and the State.’
       “The Emergency Decree stated: ‘Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications and warrants for house  searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.’
       “Immediately, there followed the first big Nazi roundup as truckloads of SA and SS roared through the streets bursting in on known Communist hangouts and barging into private homes. Thousands of Communists as well as Social Democrats and liberals were taken away into ‘protective custody’  to SA barracks where they were beaten and tortured.
       “‘I don’t have to worry about justice; my mission is only to destroy and exterminate, nothing more!’ – Hermann Göring, March 3, 1933.
       “Fifty one anti-Nazis were murdered. The Nazis suppressed all political activity, meetings and publications of non-Nazi parties. The very act of  campaigning against the Nazis was in effect made illegal. 1.

the rise of the fourth reich

More recently, the U.S. government’s response to a frightened and enraged U.S. citizenry over the September 11 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center has been eerily reminiscent of Hitler’s strategy’ that is (1) geared to exacerbate the reaction of fear and hostility and (2) to put on a fast track three initiatives which bear an uneasy resemblance to the Nazi takeover of Germany. The irony is that the rapidity and recklessness with which the U.S. government would abrogate the Bill of Rights places the Bush administration and Congress in the same camp with the enemies of freedom they purport to oppose:

     1.    The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001

     The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee is presently steamrolling through the Congress a bill which would increase the power of U.S. law  enforcement agencies.  Attorney General John Ashcroft said the FBI needed additional surveillance and enforcement powers immediately and the Department of Justice demanded the bill be enacted by September 28.  The House Judiciary committee was scheduled to vote on the Bush administration’s bill the morning of  September 25, however, in response to an outcry the vote now is set to take place next week. (Two days after the catastrophic attacks on the World Trade Center and
     the Pentagon, the Senate voted on anti-terrorist legislation, which increased Internet surveillance, after senators were given just 30 minutes to read the measure.)

     According to The Electronic Frontier Foundation, “…the DoJ has sat on this bill, a ‘wish list’, for some time, waiting to take advantage of a tragedy like the World Trade Center attack to ram it through Congress with little debate or objection.”

     The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 would eliminate the legal requirement for government agents to get permission from a judge before being allowed to search homes and download computer files. Under the proposed law, the information gathered could be used in court, a legal change which presently violates constitutional protections against search and seizure. The proposed bill would also eliminate the requirement for a judge to sign a warrant in order for government agents to get billing records from hotels, phone companies, and other businesses, replacing judicial review with an administrative subpoena. Essentially, agencies would be able  to sign their own search warrants and conduct searches in routine secrecy, without having to notify the subject of the search.

     Additionally, this law gives broad surveillance powers to the federal government, and authorizes the issuance of wiretaps by a secret seven-judge court in Washington, D.C. The DOJ bill proposes a host of Wiretap Act expansions which are not limited to terrorism investigations, and which vastly increase the power of  the federal government to conduct surveillance of the reading habits and correspondence of the American people. The DOJ bill would expand the power of the  police to record the phone numbers of incoming and outgoing phone calls on a phone line to include surveillance of Internet surfing and e-mail. 2.

     Coverage on Monday, September 24, of the Anti-Terrorism Act was limited to Attorney General John Ashcroft’s testimony urging hasty passage of the sweeping new police powers sought by the Bush administration.  Although Ashcroft’s testimony was open to television cameras, the committee’s Republican staff ordered camera crews to leave when civil liberties and free-speech advocates were called to testify. This happened in violation of House rules which state, “Whenever a hearing or meeting  conducted by a committee or subcommittee is open to the public, those proceedings shall be open to coverage by audio and visual means.”

     2.    The Office of Homeland Security

     From: Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States

           “On the evening of September 20, President Bush allied himself with the worst enemies of freedom. He made a seemingly innocuous — even a  comforting-sounding — announcement. He said he had created the cabinet-level Office of Homeland Security, with Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge as its head. (See: Transcript)
             “Most people were utterly unaware of the significance of Bush’s new bureaucracy. But for anyone watching the advance of police-state policies in America, absolutely nothing could have been more ominous.
             “The Homeland Defense Agency is not a new idea. Conceived by a bi-partisan commission headed by former senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman,  this Clinton-era conception,  ‘The Phase III Report Of The U.S. Commission On National Security/21st Century,’ is nothing less than the framework for a permanent military-bureaucratic American police state.
             “The new Homeland Defense Agency is the lynchpin of a plan that extensively reorganizes both the executive and legislative functions of the U.S. government. Among other things, the plan makes the National Guard a national police force. It extensively federalizes both the study and the work of science, mathematics, and engineering. It creates numerous new sub-bureaucracies. The Homeland Security agency itself is to ‘be built upon the Federal
          Emergency Management Agency, with the three organizations currently on the front line of border security – the Coast Guard, the Customs Service, and the Border Patrol – transferred to it.’ The plan calls for the new agency to oversee activities of the Department of Defense, as well as to assume a variety of duties now held by agencies from the Department of Commerce to the FBI.” 3.

     3.    Compulsory National Identification Cards

     One of Hitler’s methods of controlling the German citizenry was mandatory national I.D. cards. No one could obtain work, food or travel without such cards and by means of the information on them, those who were socially unfit for the new German state could be easily identified and eliminated.  Within two weeks of the WTC/Pentegon attacks, ORACLE Chairman and CEO Larry Ellison called for the United States to create a national identification system to thwart terrorists and  offered to donate the software for this massive enterprise. Under Ellison’s proposal, Americans would be photographed and fingerprinted and the information would be placed on a database used by airport security officials to verify identities of travelers at airplane gates.

          “‘We need a national ID card with our photograph and thumbprint digitized and embedded in the ID card,’ Ellison said in an interview Friday night on  the evening news of KPIX-TV in San Francisco. ‘We need a database behind that, so when you’re walking into an airport and you say that you are Larry Ellison, you take that card and put it in a reader and you put your thumb down and that system confirms that this is Larry Ellison,’ he said.” 4.

     In an Address to the Congress, Congressman Ron Paul offered a more sensible alternative to the draconian measure of compuslory national ID cards:

             “Precise identification of all travelers on all our air flights is a desired goal. A national ID issued by the federal government would prove to be disastrous to our civil liberties and should not be considered. This type of surveillance power should never be given to an intrusive overbearing government, no matter how well intentioned the motives.
             “The same results can be better achieved by the marketplace. Passenger IDs voluntarily issued by the airlines could be counterfeit-proof; and loss or  theft of an ID could be immediately reported to the proper authorities. An ID, fingerprints, birth certificates, or any other information can be required without any violations of anyone’s personal liberty. This delicate information would not be placed in the hands of the government agents but could be made available to law enforcement officers like any other information obtained with probable cause and a warrant.” 5.

the real terrorist network

The foregoing analysis may appear on the surface to be an unfair comparison between the early period of the George W. Bush administration and the rise of Hitler’s  Third Reich, with the obvious implication that more unhappy parallels will occur in the days ahead.  For those who are skeptical that the present crisis could be at all analogous to early developments in Nazi Germany, George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin presents solid evidence that genocide is very much a part of the Bush family tradition.

This Unauthorized Biography is dismissed by some critics because the authors’ material often appears in the publications of Lyndon LaRouche, who was a federal political prisoner during Bush’s tenure after having been imprisoned on trumped up charges and flimsy evidence.  The  Public Information Research Database speculates concerning Lyndon LaRouche:

          “It’s also fair to ask what makes LaRouche tick. One theory is that he may be secretly sponsored by the Vatican. How else does one explain the tantrums against Freemasonry and secret societies (such as Bush’s Skull and Bones), against Anglican apostasy (dope-pushing British imperialism), and against anything that smacks of planned parenthood or population control (the Malthusian activism of the Rockefellers)? When these tirades are occasionally juxtaposed with respectful quotations from His Holiness, it makes us wonder.” 6.

Notwithstanding the controversy surrounding Lyndon LaRouche, the quality of the Tarpley-Chaitkin research on the Bush family oligarchy stands on its own merits as solid documentation assembled from newspapers, interviews, government documents and other credible sources. The PIR Database describes it as “a massive compendium of elitist connections not found elsewhere.”  The first few chapters should convince skeptics of the fascist connections of the Bush family and of the gravity of the present crisis in America, which extends far beyond Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network to the larger network of Anglo-American elites — who financed the Nazi terrorist machine and whose objective remains the extermination of every individual deemed unworthy of survival in the New World Order.

The grandfather of President George W. Bush (Skull & Bones, 1968) was Prescott Bush (Skull & Bones, 1917), and his great grand father was George Herbert Walker.  Prescott Bush and George Herbert (Bert) Walker were directors of the London-affiliated New York banking house of Brown Brothers-Harriman and its various fronts, which funded and directed the military-industrial complex behind Hitler and the Nazi revolution. In 1919, George Herbert Walker had organized W.A. Harriman & Co which merged with the British Brown Brothers in 1931. In 1924, Averell Harriman (Skull & Bones, 1913) and Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist who began funding Hitler in 1923, set up the Union Banking Corp in New York to handle funds supplied to it through Thyssen’s Dutch bank for American investment.  Prescott Bush, who had been an officer of the W.A. Harriman bank since 1926, was a director of the Union Banking Corp from 1934 through 1943.  According to government documents, “all of the shares of the Union Banking Corp., were held for the benefit of members of the Thyssen family.”

The federal government did not crack down on the Bush-Harriman/Nazi operation until 1942. After the war, Congressional investigation revealed that Fritz Thyssen’s German Steel Trust, Germany’s largest industrial corporation [which interlocked with Union Banking Corporation] produced a high percentage of Germany’s national output of metal products and explosives.  Vesting Orders signed by the Office of Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, which were “published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the ‘Thyssen family’ of ‘Germany and/or Hungary’– ‘nationals…of a designated enemy country.'”

             “In October 1942, ten months after entering World War II, America was preparing its first assault against Nazi military forces. Prescott Bush was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. His 18-year-old son George, the future U.S. President, had just begun training to become a naval pilot.  On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by  Prescott Bush.
             “Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property  Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.’s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland ‘Bunny’ Harriman, three Nazi executives,  and two other associates of Bush. 1.          ‘E. Roland Harriman–3991 shares’ [chairman and director of Union Banking Corp. (UBC); this is ‘Bunny’ Harriman, described by Prescott Bush as a place holder who didn’t get much into banking affairs; Prescott managed his personal investments]
          ‘Cornelis Lievense–4 shares’ [president and director of UBC; New York resident banking functionary for the Nazis]
          ‘Harold D. Pennington–1 share’ [treasurer and director of UBC; an office manager employed by Bush at Brown Brothers Harriman]
          ‘Ray Morris–1 share’ [director of UBC; partner of Bush and the Harrimans]
          ‘Prescott S. Bush–1 share’ [director of UBC, which was co-founded and sponsored by his father-in-law George Walker; senior managing partner for E. Roland Harriman and Averell Harriman]
          ‘H.J. Kouwenhoven–1 share’ [director of UBC; organized UBC as the emissary of Fritz Thyssen in negotiations with George Walker and Averell Harriman; managing director of UBC’s Netherlands affiliate under Nazi occupation; industrial executive in Nazi Germany; director and chief foreign financial executive of the German Steel Trust]
          ‘Johann G. Groeninger–1 share’ [director of UBC and of its Netherlands affiliate; industrial executive in Nazi Germany]
          “all of which shares are held for the benefit of … members of the Thyssen family, [and] is property of nationals … of a designated enemy country….”

              “By Oct. 26, 1942, U.S. troops were under way for North Africa. On Oct. 28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by  the Bush-Harriman bank: the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. 2.
              “U.S. forces landed under fire near Algiers on Nov. 8, 1942; heavy combat raged throughout November. Nazi interests in the Silesian-American  Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17, 1942. In this action, the government announced that it was seizing only the Nazi interests, leaving the Nazis’ U.S. partners to carry on the business. 3.
              “These and other actions taken by the U.S. government in wartime were, tragically, too little and too late. President Bush’s family had already played a  central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany; in financing and managing the buildup of Nazi war industries for the  conquest of Europe and war against the U.S.A.; and in the development of Nazi genocide theories and racial propaganda, with their well-known results.
              “The facts presented here must be known, and their implications reflected upon, for a proper understanding of President George Herbert Walker Bush  and of the danger to mankind that he represents. The President’s family fortune was largely a result of the Hitler project.  The powerful Anglo-American  family associations, which later boosted him into the Central Intelligence Agency and up to the White House, were his father’s partners in the Hitler  project.” 7.

How and to what extent did the Bush family direct the Hitler Project from the 1920s until it was partially broken up in 1942?  “In what way were Hitler’s Nazis themselves hired, armed and instructed by the New York and London clique of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager?”

Equally germane is the question why?  “How important was the Nazi enterprise for which President Bush’s father was the New York banker?”  What possible interest would George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush have had in overseeing the Nazi operation?
race purification & the eugenics internationale

George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush were active in the leadership of the eugenics societies that were popular among the wealthy classes in the first half of the twentieth century. Prescott Bush was the Connecticut director of the Mental Hygiene Society which originated at Yale University in 1908. The headquarters of the American Eugenics Society was also at Yale (also home of the Order of Skull & Bones) until its relocation to and merger in 1952 with the Population Council, which was founded by John D. Rockefeller and John Foster Dulles, lawyer for Brown Brothers Harriman.

The Mental Hygiene Society of which Prescott Bush was a director was a project of the Order of Skull and Bones. The society “would evolve into the CIA’s cultural engineering effort of the 1950s, the drugs and brainwashing adventure known as ‘MK-Ultra‘…an anti-American project which poured drugs into the country and worked to fabricate the drug-sex youth culture.” 8.

          “A behavior control research project was begun in the 1950s, coordinated by the British psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute, with the  Scottish Rite Masons, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other British, U.S., Canadian, and United Nations agencies. The project became famous in the 1970s under a CIA code name, ‘MK-Ultra.’ Its notoriety for brainwashing by drugs, hypnosis, electroshock, and other tortures caused many books to be written about the project, and the U.S. Senate conducted hearings which exposed many of its abusive features. President Gerald Ford appointed a commission headed by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, to correct the CIA’s misconduct. There was a widespread anti-establishment view at the time,  that here was the fox appointed to guard the hen house.” 9.

The Mental Hygiene movement was organized into the World Federation of Mental Health by none other than Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England who, with Hjalmar Schacht, the financial engineer of the Nazi rearmament program and member of the British Round Table, and Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, conspired to precipitate the Great Depression.  Under Adolf Hitler, Hjalmar Schacht was appointed Minister of Economics. [See: Eugenics: All in the Family]

              “The Mental Hygiene movement was organized into the World Federation of Mental Health by Montagu Norman, former Brown Brothers partner and Bank of England Governor. Norman had appointed as the federation’s chairman, Brigadier John Rawlings Rees, director of the Tavistock Psychiatric Clinic, chief psychiatrist and psychological warfare expert for the British intelligence services…
             “The world financial crisis led to the merger of the Walker-Harriman bank with Brown Brothers in 1931. Former Brown partner Montagu Norman and his protégé Hjalmar Schacht paid frantic visits to New York that year and the next, preparing the new Hitler regime for Germany.” 10.

The interaction between the British, American and German Eugenics societies laid the foundation for implementation of the race purification ideology behind Hitler’s Third Reich. In 1912, the First International Congress of Eugenics was held at the University of London. The president of the Congress was Major Leonard Darwin, son of Charles Darwin and one of the first English vice presidents was Sir Winston Churchill, later Prime Minister of England. In 1921, the Second International Congress of Eugenics was held in New York City. The sponsoring committee included  Herbert Hoover, later President of the U.S., and the Carnegie Institute of Washington (Rockefeller).  Madison Grant, a director of the American Eugenics Society, was the treasurer. The event was held at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, where Averell Harriman served on the Board of Directors.

In 1932, the Third International Congress on Eugenics elected as its president Dr. Ernst Rudin, a psychiatrist who directed the various branches of the Rockefeller-founded/funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany, and designated Rudin president of the worldwide Eugenics Federation. In 1933, Rudin was commissioned by Hitler’s Minister of the Interior to write a sterilization law for Germany. Rudin’s Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases in Posterity was modeled on statutes already passed in Virginia and other states in the U.S. When Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in Germany, Ernst Rudin praised Hitler, giving credit to him because “the dream we have cherished for more than thirty years of seeing racial hygiene converted into action has become reality.”

           “The most important American political event in those preparations for Hitler was the infamous ‘Third International Congress on Eugenics,’ held at New York’s American Museum of Natural History August 21-23, 1932, supervised by the International Federation of Eugenics Societies. 9 This meeting  took up the stubborn persistence of African-Americans and other allegedly ‘inferior’ and ‘socially inadequate’ groups in reproducing, expanding their  numbers, and amalgamating with others. It was recommended that these ‘dangers’ to the ‘better’ ethnic groups and to the ‘well-born,’ could be dealt with by sterilization or ‘cutting off the bad stock’ of the ‘unfit.’
           “Italy’s fascist government sent an official representative. Averell Harriman’s sister Mary, director of ‘Entertainment’ for the Congress, lived down in Virginia fox-hunting country; her state supplied the speaker on ‘racial purity,’ W.A. Plecker, Virginia commissioner of vital statistics. Plecker reportedly held the delegates spellbound with his account of the struggle to stop race-mixing and inter-racial sex in Virginia.
           “The Congress proceedings were dedicated to Averell Harriman’s mother; she had paid for the founding of the race-science movement in America back in 1910, building the Eugenics Record Office as a branch of the Galton National Laboratory in London. She and other Harrimans were usually escorted to  the horse races by old George Herbert Walker–they shared with the Bushes and the Farishes a fascination with ‘breeding thoroughbreds’ among horses  and humans. 10
          “Averell Harriman personally arranged with the Walker/Bush Hamburg-Amerika Line to transport Nazi ideologues from Germany to New York for  this meeting. 11 The most famous among those transported was Dr. Ernst Rudin, psychiatrist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography in Berlin, where the Rockefeller family paid for Dr. Rudin to occupy an entire floor with his eugenics ‘research.’ Dr. Rudin had addressed  the International Federation’s 1928 Munich meeting, speaking on ‘Mental Aberration and Race Hygiene,’ while others (Germans and Americans) spoke  on race-mixing and sterilization of the unfit. Rudin had also led the German delegation to the 1930 Mental Hygiene Congress in Washington, D.C.
         “At the Harrimans’ 1932 New York Eugenics Congress, Ernst Rudin was unanimously elected president of the International Federation of Eugenics  Societies. This was recognition of Rudin as founder of the German Society for Race Hygiene, with his co-founder, Eugenics Federation vice president  Alfred Ploetz.
         “As depression-maddened financiers schemed in Berlin and New York, Rudin was now official leader of the world eugenics movement. Components of his movement included groups with overlapping leadership, dedicated to:
         -sterilization of mental patients (‘mental hygiene societies’);
          -execution of the insane, criminals and the terminally ill (‘euthanasia societies’); and
          -eugenical race-purification by prevention of births to parents from ‘inferior’ blood stocks (‘birth control societies’).
         “Before the Auschwitz death camp became a household word, these British-American-European groups called openly for the elimination of the ‘unfit’ by means including force and violence. 12.” 11.

Behind the Tavistock Institute and its brainchild, MK-Ultra, was the largesse of the Rockefeller Foundation, “a global instrument for radical social change, using American money and British strategy.” British psychiatry: from eugenics to assassination by Anton Chaitkin explains the interest of John D. Rockefeller in psychiatric genetics, which “applied to psychiatry the concepts of eugenics (otherwise known as race purification, race hygiene, or race betterment) developed in London’s Galton Laboratory and its offshoot Eugenics Societies in England and America.”  Besides Rockefeller and the British Crown, the familes of Warburg and Harriman were the primary funders of eugenics internationally.

          “The foundation’s ‘German centers combined the search for organic signs of mental illness with eugenic projects…. The [Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry in Munich] had initially been endowed with 11 million marks, contributed by Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach [head of the Krupp  steel and arms family] and James Loeb [Paul Warburg’s brother-in-law], an expatriate American of the Kuhn-Loeb banking family. Loeb mobilized his American-Jewish friends to support the institute,’ and they invited the foundation to reorganize and expand the Munich enterprise. Loeb also continued  financing the institute. Loeb’s relatives, the Warburgs, owners of Kuhn Loeb bank, were the intimate banking partners of William Rockefeller. Together with him they had set up the Harriman family in big business, using capital supplied by the British royal family’s personal banker, Sir Ernst Cassell. The  three families, Rockefeller, Warburg, and Harriman, together with British Crown agencies, jointly sponsored much of the social engineering enterprise we shall describe here. The Rockefeller Foundation made an initial grant of $2.5 million in 1925 to the Psychiatric Institute in Munich, gave it $325,000 for  a new building in 1928, and continuously sponsored the institute and its Nazi chief Rudin through the Hitler era. The foundation paid for a 1930-35  anthropological survey of the ‘eugenically worthwhile population’ by Nazi eugenicists Rudin, Verschuer, Eugen Fischer, and others.” 12.

Through funding the “research” of Ernst Rudin and Otmar Von Verschuer, they also financed the horrific experimentation of Verschuer’s medical commandant, Josef Mengle, the “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz whose experiments on children, especially twins, provided scientific data for the Kaiser Wilhem Institute:

          “Of the 3000 twins who passed through Mengele’s labs, only 200 survived the war. Depending on the type of experiment endured by the twins, they were driven to various labs at Auschwitz or neighboring Birkenau camp. Most received routine blood and x-ray tests, often on a daily basis… Mengele’s  experiments both physical and psychological; experimental surgeries performed without anesthesia, transfusions of blood from one twin to another,  isolation endurance, reaction to various stimuli, injections with lethal germs, sex change operations, the removal of organs and limbs, incestuous impregnations… Mengele injected chemicals into the eyes of children in an attempt to change their eye color… Unfortunately a strict veil of secrecy over the experiments enabled Mengele to do his work more effectively, and ‘twins who were subjected to the most grusome procedures took his secrets to  their graves.’ The full extent of his grusome work will never be known because the records he sent to Dr. Von Verschuer at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute were shipped out ‘in two truckloads’ and destroyed by the latter. Any remaining notes Mengele carried with him on his escape to South America and  those were never found.” 13.

role of george h.w. bush:
eugenics revived as population control

To predict the imminent rise of the Fourth Reich may seem radical to readers who do not know about the Bush role in funding/directing the Nazi’s genocidal program and the revival of eugenics projects through the alliance of wealthy families that was forged in the first half of the century. The close ties between the Bush family and other eugenically-obsessed elites remained strong and George H.W. Bush (Skull & Bones, 1948) picked up where his father left off with the added daunting task of making the dirty work of eugenics once again look respectable in America. Thus, Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control League reappeared as Planned Parenthood Federation, and eugenics as a whole emerged as population control.

As Ambassador to the United Nations, CIA Director and Vice President and President of the United States, George H.W. Bush worked to implement eugenics operations on a global scale, surrounding himself with advisors who were the offspring of the same wealthy sponsors of Nazism and the eugenics societies: Farish, Draper and Gray.

William Farish III managed the fortune of his best friend, George H.W. Bush, during his terms as Vice President and President of the United States. William Farish’s father, whose daughter married Averell Harriman’s nephew, was president of Standard Oil of New Jersey/Rockefeller. Citing Charles Higham’s Trading With The Enemy, the Bush biographers state:

          “In 1933, as what Hitler called his ‘New Order’ appeared, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. appointed William S. Farish the chairman of Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey (in 1937 he was made president and chief executive). Farish moved his offices to Rockefeller Center, New York, where he spent a good deal of  time with Hermann Schmitz, chairman of I.G. Farben; his company paid a publicity man, Ivy Lee, to write pro-I.G. Farben and pro-Nazi propaganda and  get it into the U.S. press.” 14.

The Warburgs, Rockefeller’s partners in banking and the development of Nazi eugenics, initially directed I.G. Farben, which was essentially the same entity as Standard Oil of New Jersey. William S. Farish then directed this concern which opened Auschwitz in 1940.

         “The German chemical company IG Farben and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey were effectively a single firm, merged in hundreds of cartel arrangements. IG Farben was led, up until 1937 by the Warburg family, Rockefeller’s partners in banking and in the design of Nazi German eugenics.  Following the Nazi invasion of Poland in September 1939, Britain and Germany declared war on each other and World War II began. But later that  month, Standard Oil executives flew to the Netherlands on a British Royal Air Force bomber and met with IG Farben executives. Standard Oil pledged to keep the merger with IG Farben going even if the United States entered the war. This was exposed in 1942 by Sen. Harry Truman’s investigating committee, and President Franklin Roosevelt took hundreds of legal measures during the war to counter the Standard Oil-IG Farben cartel’s supply  operation for the enemy war machine. In 1940-41, IG Farben built a gigantic factory at Auschwitz in Poland, to utilize the Standard Oil-IG Farben patents with concentration camp slave labor to make gasoline from coal. The SS guarded the Jewish and other inmates and selected for killing those who were unfit for IG Farben slave labor. Standard-Germany President Emil Helfferich testified after the war that Standard Oil funds helped pay for the SS guards  at Auschwitz. On March 26, 1940, six months after the Standard Oil-IG Farben meeting, European Rockefeller Foundation official Daniel O’Brian wrote to  the foundation’s chief medical officer Alan Gregg that ‘it would be unfortunate if it was chosen to stop research which has no relation to war issues.’  The ‘non-war- related’ research continued. {The Rockefeller Foundation defends its record by claiming that its funding of Nazi German programs during World War II was limited to psychiatric research.}” 15.

William Draper III [CFR] was co-chairman for finance of George H.W. Bush’s vice presidential campaign and directed U.S. Aid to International Development (USAID), the United Nations depopulation org, under the Bush administration. Draper’s father, Gen. William H. Draper, Jr., founded the Population Crisis Committee and the Draper Fund, was vice president of Planned Parenthood and advised President Johnson to establish USAID, which uses U.S. taxpayer monies to surgically sterilize large portions of the populations of underprivileged nations. (The rationale for establishing USAID was to safeguard America from the “security threat” of overpopulation in underdeveloped countries.) General Draper had been a high official of Dillon Reed’s German Credit and Investment Corp. which managed the financial interests of Fritz Thyssen, Hitler’s chief sponsor, along with Union Banking Corp.

        “In Africa, according to the American government in 1976 and ever since, there is a threat to American national security interests: population growth.   The Agency for International Development (USAID) was given the responsibility of defending America from this grave threat….        “In 1991 Robert Retherford, (East-West Institute, Hawaii; funded by USAID) became president of the American Eugenics Society, (from 1973 called the Society for the Study of Social Biology) until 1994.
       “In 1991 a report by William H. Draper III’s (S&B 1950) agency, U.S. Agency for International Development, (USAID) asserts that 254 million couples will be surgically sterilized over the course of the 1990s; and that if present trends continue, 80 percent of the women in Puerto Rico and Panama will be  surgically sterilized. The United Nations Population Fund claims that 37 percent of contraception users in Ibero-America and the Caribbean have  already been surgically sterilized [by 1991]. Spokespersons for USAID also said that surgical sterilization is the Bush administration’s ‘first choice’  method of population reduction in the Third World.
      “In 1992, according to officials at the U.S. Agency for International Development, (USAID), its Population Account received $300 million, a 20 percent increase over the previous year. Within this project, a significant sum is spent on political and psychological manipulations of target nations, and rather blatant subversion of their religions and governments.” 16.

Boyden Gray was chief legal advisor to George H.W. Bush as president. Gray’s grandfather, Bowman Gray, owned R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and his father, Gordon Gray, founded Bowman Gray Medical School in Winston-Salem, NC as a center for eugenics/sterilization research. Boyden Gray’s father organized the pilot project for the present worldwide sterilization program. Dr. Claude Nash Herndon, who was professor of  medical genetics at Bowman Gray Medical School, became president of the American Eugenics Society in 1953 at which time the society merged with the Population Council under Rockefeller patronage.

        “When Boyden Gray was four and five years old, his father organized the pilot project for the present worldwide sterilization program, from the Gray           family household in North Carolina.
       “It started in 1946. The eugenics movement was looking for a way to begin again in America.  Nazi death camps such as Auschwitz had just then seared the conscience of the world. The Sterilization League of America, which had changed its name during the war to ‘Birthright, Inc.,’ wanted to start up again. First they had to overcome public nervousness about crackpots proposing to  eliminate ‘inferior’ and ‘defective’ people. The League tried to surface in Iowa, but had to back off because of negative publicity: A little boy had recently been sterilized there and had died from the operation.
       “They decided on North Carolina, where the Gray family could play the perfect host. Through British imperial contacts, Boyden Gray’s grandfather, Bowman Gray, had become principal owner of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Boyden’s father, Gordon Gray, had recently founded the Bowman Gray  (memorial) Medical School in Winston-Salem, using his inherited cigarette stock shares. The medical school was already a eugenics center.
      “As the experiment began, Gordon Gray’s great aunt, Alice Shelton Gray, who had raised him from childhood, was living in his household. Aunt Alice had founded the ‘Human Betterment League,” the North Carolina branch of the national eugenical sterilization movement…
     “In 1950 and 1951, John Foster Dulles, then chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation, led John D. Rockefeller III on a series of world tours, focusing on  the need to stop the expansion of the non-white populations. In November 1952, Dulles and Rockefeller set up the Population Council, with tens of  millions of dollars from the Rockefeller family.
     “At that point, the American Eugenics Society, still cautious from the recent bad publicity vis-a-vis Hitler, left its old headquarters at Yale University.  The Society moved its headquarters into the office of the Population Council, and the two groups melded together. The long-time secretary of the  American Eugenics Society, Frederick Osborne, became the first president of the Population Council. The Gray family’s child-sterilizer, Dr. Claude Nash Herndon, became president of the American Eugenics Society in 1953, as its work expanded under Rockefeller patronage.
       “Meanwhile, the International Planned Parenthood Federation was founded in London, in the offices of the British Eugenics Society.
       “The undead enemy from World War II, renamed ‘Population Control,’ had now been revived.
       “George Bush was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1972, when with prodding from Bush and his friends, the U.S. Agency for International Development first made an official contract with the old Sterilization League of America. The League had changed its name twice again, and was now  called the ‘Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception.’  The U.S. government began paying the old fascist group to sterilize non-whites in foreign  countries.
       “The Gray family experiment had succeeded.
       “In 1988, the U.S. Agency for International Development signed its latest contract with the old Sterilization League (a.k.a. Association for Voluntary  Surgical Contraception), committing the U.S. government to spend $80 million over five years.” 17.

As we have seen, the psychiatric genetics research wing of the eugenics movement ventured into the mind control business which, they discovered, was greatly facilitated through the use of drugs. Prescott Bush’s oversight of the Mental Hygiene Society, which emerged in the ’50s as MK-Ultra, presaged the oversight of his son, George Herbert Walker Bush, over Dope, Inc, the drug smuggling partnership of the American and British governments.  What was the goal of the Anglo-American drug operation in terms of American culture? A report was issued in 1967 by a Study Group for the Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Normal Humans, which held a conference to outline the desired course for the United States to the year 2000. The preface to the report projected a new paradigm — the “sensate society” which craves sensory experience would replace the rational, work-oriented traditional society:

          “…the present breadth of drug use may be almost trivial when we compare it to the possible numbers of chemical substances that will be available for the control of selective aspects of man’s life in the year 2000…. ‘The American culture … [is] moving toward a ‘sensate society.’… A greater emphasis is being placed on sensory experience and less upon rational or work-oriented philosophies. Such a philosophical view, coupled with the means to  separate sexual behavior from reproduction or disease, will undoubtedly enhance sexual freedom…. ‘It seems…obvious that the youth of today are no longer afraid of either drugs or sex. Again, the philosophers and spokesmen for the avant-garde advocate the personal sensory experience as the {raison d’etre} of the coming generation. Finally, we are moving into an age in which meaningful work will be possible only for a minority: In such an age,  chemical aphrodisiacs may be accepted as a commonplace means to occupy one’s time. It will be interesting to see if the public morality of the next 30  years will change as much as it has in the last 30. ‘If we accept the position that human mood, motivation, and emotion are reflections of a neurochemical  state of the brain, then drugs can provide a simple, rapid, expedient means to produce any desired neurochemical state that we wish. ‘The sooner that we cease to confuse scientific and moral statements about drug use, the sooner we can rationally consider the types of neurochemical states that we wish  to be able to provide for people.’ This is the historical thinking of the British strategists who want to destroy the U.S. presidency and the American republic. And this is the criminal apparatus with which they have equipped themselves to do it.” 18.

national revival? …conservative revolution?

Many evangelical Christians have bought the Big Lie that President George Bush, Jr. (Skull & Bones, 1968) — whose Cabinet represents corporations such as GM, Alcoa, Monsanto which supported  Nazi Germany and were directly involved in IG Farbens’ slave labor factories, the Holocaust and eugenics 19. — is a born-again Christian, and even a conservative who will lead America in a national revival of traditional values. This fiction has largely been believed by those who also hold fast to an illusion of endtime revival and are therefore hard at work reclaiming America for God. The patriotic theme is nothing new ~ a similar utopian motif was fabricated for the German masses and peddled to credulous Christians there as well. The following excerpt from Richard Terrell’s Resurrecting the Third Reich captures the patriotic devotion of Germans to their fatherland and the delusion that they were called to save the world. The patriotism of the German people coupled with an irrational (mythological) perception of their origins and destiny was psychologically manipulated by Hitler to the point where a widespread flight from reason ensued:

              “What was to take possession of the German consciousness was a militant romanticism… According to this way of thinking, the Divine Spirit is manifested in the spirit of a people, in their collective genius and total culture or Volkgeist… Germany developed a kind of communal mysticism which  contained its own Teutonic concept of a chosen people, called to redeem civilization from its decadence…rallies were glorious pageants that stirred the  emotions, which depended not on any revelation of Scripture, but on pure feeling… Even today, still photographs of these meetings have a powerful and  gripping presence… The Volkish concept of the social organism was effectively symbolized in mass meetings that expressed a sense of eternity, awe,  and mystery, effects stimulated by cathedral of light nighttime mass meetings in which antiaircraft lights sent brilliant shafts of illumination into the darkened sky.’ 20.

Little wonder that, prior to 1933, many of Germany’s Protestant clergymen were naively impressed with the patriotic/conservative platform of the National Socialist Party and recommended the Nazi programme to Christians as worthy of their support. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer provides a sobering account of one prominent minister who failed to recognize early enough that Hitler used Christian terminology only as an artifice to enlist the Protestant leadership in his service.

              “The Reverend Martin Niemoller had personally welcomed the coming to power of the Nazis in 1933. In that year his autobiography, From U-Boat to Pulpit, had been published. The story of how this submarine commander in the First World War had become a prominent Protestant pastor was singled  out for special praise in the Nazi press and became a best seller. To Pastor Niemoller, as to many a Protestant clergyman, the fourteen years of the Republic had been, as he said, ‘years of darkness’ and at the close of his autobiography he added a note of satisfaction that Nazi revolution had finally  triumphed and that it had brought about the ‘national revival’ for which he himself had fought so long — for a time in the free corps, from which so many  Nazi leaders had come.
             “He was soon to experience a terrible disillusionment… 21.

Many of the historic revivals — which modern false prophets compare to the present pseudo-revival — are found to be, upon closer inspection, planned and orchestrated by human agents for political purposes. The fruit of the 1904-05 Welsh Revival is a case in point.  One convert of the Welsh Revival was David Lloyd George who later became the British Prime Minister of Great Britain. The administration of Lloyd George (1915-1919) was chiefly influenced by the Round Table of Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner, whose objective was to reestablish the British Commonwealth of Nations and, ultimately, to bring the world under the hegemony of a restored British Empire. During Lloyd George’s war administration, the Milner Group dominated the British delegation to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, at which venue they founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

In 1917, as Foreign Secretary in the administration of Lloyd George, Arthur Balfour issued the Balfour Declaration. Addressed to Lord Rothschild, the declaration, which had been secretly authored by Lord Milner, stated that Britain would regard with favor the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine. Future Prime Minister Arthur Balfour and Lord Rothschild also happened to be members of the highly secretive, globalist Apostles Club. An important fact which has been concealed by the Zionists is that the plan for the State of Israel was formulated in the secret societies of Great Britain.

Was the Welsh Revival also planned in the secret societies as an instrument of social change?  Here is Lloyd George’s account of the revival in Wales. Do we recognize the familiar revival propaganda and theme of city transformation (typically minus specifics to verify the assertions)

           “On January 11th The Times noted that David Lloyd-George, who later became the British Prime Minister, said the Welsh revival gave hope ‘that at the  next election Wales would declare with no uncertain sound against the corruption in high places which handed over the destiny of the people to the horrible brewing interest…’.
           “Lloyd-George even saw one of his political rallies taken over by the Welsh revival. He was impressed as a young girl prayed in the presence of 2,000 people. He said in one town the tavern sold only 9 cents worth of liquor drinks on Saturday night!
           “The Times observed that ‘The whole population had been suddenly stirred by a common impulse. Religion had become the absorbing interest of  their lives. They had gathered at crowded services for six and eight hours at a time. Political meetings and even football matches were postponed…  quarrels between trade-union workmen and non-unionists had been made up…'” 22.

Also among the converts of the Welsh Revival were George and Stephen Jeffrys who in 1915 founded the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance. The Jeffrys taught the British-Israel Replacement doctrine which maintains that the Anglo-Saxon nations are the lost tribes of Israel. To promote the current false revival as authentic,

Richard Riss, leading PR agent for said false revival, quotes George Jeffrys’ account of the Welsh Revival: “…during the Welsh revival (1904-1905), Evan Roberts, its primary leader, wrote, ‘after many had prayed, I felt some living energy or force entering my bosom, restraining my breath, my legs trembling terribly; this living energy increased and increased as one after another prayed. Feeling strongly and deeply warmed, I burst forth in prayer.'” 23.

The Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance launched the ministry of Aimee Semple McPherson, who founded the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel in the United States. Mrs. McPherson’s ministry was fundamentally unscriptural and her personal life was fraught with scandal–moral failure, divorce, worldly extravagance and family strife. Sister Aimee committed suicide in 1945. According to some occult sources, which are usually behind the promotion of phony revivals, Aimee considered herself to be the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus Christ in British Israel doctrine. Daniel Mark Epstein’s biography, Sister Aimee: The Life of Aimee Semple McPherson, identifies the origins of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel and the Assemblies of God, where Aimee started her ministry, in the British Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance, which was the fruit of the Welsh revival. The following statement by Aimee Semple McPherson’s biographer reveals her close association with the Jeffrys. Note the Foursquare symbols of Aimee’s vision, which were also the emblem of Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance:

          “She called her religion the Foursquare Gospel, after a vision she had in Oakland in 1922. Aimee was preaching on the prophet Ezekiel’s vision of Man,  Lion, Ox and Eagle, when suddenly she began to shake with emotion. She saw in the mysterious symbols ‘a complete Gospel for body, for soul, for spirit and eternity.’ … Those four cornerstones — Regeneration, Baptism in the Spirit, Divine Healing, and the Second Coming — upheld an evangelistic  association called the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance, which George Jeffrys founded in Ireland in 1915. He and his brother Stephen were England’s greatest evangelists after Wesley and Whitefield, and Aimee had worked with Jeffrys. The Elim Foursquare Gospel influenced the American Assemblies  of God, which embraced the same four principles before Aimee had her vision in Oakland in 1922.” 24.

According to British-Israel doctrine, the Lion, Ox (Unicorn), Man, and Eagle (Phoenix) represent the tribes of Judah, Ephraim, Reuben, and Dan. The Lion represents also Great Britain and the Eagle (Phoenix or Serpent) the United States. Therefore, England is considered to be the tribe of Judah and the United States, the tribe of Dan (the tribe which will produce the Antichrist):

          “…ancient Israel traveled in four brigades of three tribes each … Each of these brigades had a dominant tribe; these were: Judah, Ephraim, Reuben, and Dan. These four tribes provided four chief emblems: Lion, Ox or Unicorn, Man, and Eagle or Serpent. To quote briefly from W.H. Bennett, ‘Of the  twenty-two tribal emblems of ancient Israel, at least nineteen still are, or until very recently have been, emblems of one or another section of the  Celto-Saxon people. We also noted that, of the four Brigade emblems, two, the lion and the Eagle, are the chief emblems of Britain and the United  States; that another, the Man, is a prominent feature of the official Arms of Denmark, Iceland and Greece; and that the Ox is also common to the heraldry  of several sections of the Celto-Saxons. So all four of Israel’s Brigade emblems are in use among the Celto-Saxons today.;” (Symbols Of Our Celto-Saxon  Heritage, page 89) 25.

Nesta Webster’s much maligned volume, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, informs the uninitiated that the Grand Lodge of England displays these very emblems, which are the Masonic Coat-of-Arms and an important symbol used in the black art of Jewish Cabala.

          “…At any rate, the masonic coat-of-arms still used by Grand Lodge of England is undoubtedly of Jewish design.’ ‘This coat,’ says Mr. Lucien Wolf, ‘is  entirely composed of Jewish symbols,’ and is an attempt to display heraldically the various forms of the Cherubim pictured to us in the second vision of Ezekiel—an Ox, a Man, a Lion, and an Eagle—and thus belongs to the highest and most mystical domain of Hebrew symbolism.’ 3. ‘In other words, this vision, known to the Jews as the ‘Mercaba,’ 4. belongs to the Cabala, where particular interpretation is placed on each figure so as to provide an esoteric  meaning not perceptible to the uninitiated. 5. The masonic coat-of-arms is thus entirely Cabalistic…” 26.

It becomes apparent that the esoteric (Cabalistic) meaning of these symbols in the cult of Freemasonry and is really no different than that which undergirds the British-Israel Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance and its extension based in the United States, the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. However, the uninitiated masses in the U.S., many of whom are Christians who hold membership in Foursquare Gospel churches, are told that these symbols represent the pillars of the Gospel. The four symbols of the Foursquare denomination (and their interpretation) are also the symbols of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, founded by A.B. Simpson, who said they symbolized the Fourfold Gospel: Jesus Christ our Savior, Sanctified, Healer, and Coming King. “Simpson attributed the term, Fourfold Gospel, to a suggestion of the Holy Spirit at the opening of the 1890 convention at the New York Gospel Tabernacle.” 27.

Anton Chaitkin’s compelling expose of the British Origins of Pentecostalism reveals that British Freemasons and their intelligence agents have been masquerading as patriots and revivalists, using political and religious movements to mobilize the masses toward cooperation with Great Britain’s political aspirations. Christians who are snared by their false teaching will be held accountable by God for following false prophets, of which Jesus warned in Matthew 7:15: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

The promotion of an endtime revival by false prophets like Richard Riss contradicts the clear teaching of Scripture concerning the period which will immediately precede the Second Coming of Christ. Christians who fall for the revival propaganda, national or otherwise, are working for a movement which is in direct violation of Scripture, and are in fact advancing the agenda of the Antichrist. Instead of revival, Jesus and his apostles warned that there would be unprecedented deception leading many to apostasize from the true faith.

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders;
insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.  Matt. 24:24

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling
away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition…  II Thess. 2:3

revival or mind control?

In the final analysis, Evangelical Christians have foolishly played the role of pawns in the dialectical process, which is the secret societies’ method for slowly but inexorably moving huge portions of humanity into their new order. There is no substantive difference between the major political parties anymore. The takeover of both is part of the Masonic plan to force the U.S. into a world government. A Democratic administration would be no different than the present Republican administration, except that conservatives would object strongly to the removal of their civil liberties under a liberal Democrat such as Al Gore.  Because they believe George Bush to be a Christian, their guard is down and they will surrender the Bill of Rights trusting that their liberties will be restored once the current crisis is over.  However, anyone who reads the Unauthorized Biography of George Bush, Sr.,  will realize that George Jr. is a very dangerous man.

Through the organization and manipulation of mass movements based on ideologies in dynamic opposition to one another, a huge shift away from absolute truth occurs. The philosophers Nietzsche, Heidegger and Hegel made up the antithesis to the thesis of what was left of tradition in the mid-nineteenth century. By using all three as the background to World War II, the conspirators forged the synthesis, which was the Holocaust. After the war, they claimed that since God had been so cruel, man must find a new way to think of God. The answer was immanent humanism, or that man is god.  Everything that matters in the way of their revolution has devolved from this gnostic premise, the antithesis of Christian doctrine.

The Order of Skull and Bones is part of a global network of secret societies known as the Brotherhood of Death. Skull and Bones, was created as an American chapter of the German Thule Society which trained Hitler in gnostic thought. Dope, Inc.: The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy is the Executive Intelligence Review’s (LaRouche) expose of the Anglo-American oligarchy’s drug smuggling syndicate since the days of the Opium Wars, in which covert operations George H.W. Bush was the kingpin.  The authors identify the struggle for ideology of the gnostic Thule Society against the Judeo-Christian tradition:

              “Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party is the paramount case in the West of a Gnostic movement come to power.  Hitler’s world conception was specifically Gnostic.  As a child, Hitler attended the Lambach Abbey School in Lambach-am-Tram in upper Austria.  Since at least 20 years before Hitler’s birth,  Lambach had been a center of Gnostic practice.  Its abbot, Father Theodore Hagen, was adept in astrology and in the fundamentals of the Gnostic heresy,  with particular affinity for thirteenth-century Catharism and Islamic Sufism.  This Benedictine monk caused a swastika to be engraved over the entrance  to the abbey school.
              “When Hitler went to the abbey in 1899, there was also a young Cistercian monk, Adolf Joseph Lanz, who was later to lead Hitler through the racialist cult networks of Vienna.  In 1900, Lanz threw aside his habit, went to Vienna and founded the Order of the New Temple, inspired by the Knights Templar.  In 1905, using the name of Georg Lanz von Liebenfels, he began to publish the racist cult journal Ostara, dedicated to propagandizing in favor  of the war between the ‘Sons of Light’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness’; that is, the war between the blond, blue-eyed Aryan and the dark, scheming Jew.
              “In Munich, Hitler was routed into Gnostic circles revolving around the Thule Society, named after the mythical ‘Ultima Thule’ homeland of the Aryans in the north, and made up of south German, Swiss, and British oligarchs dedicated to creating a mass-based party to indoctrinate defeated Germany with Gnostic ideas.  Hitler became its chosen spokesman.
              “Hitler’s mission was to destroy Christianity and Judaism in favor of the ancient pagan religion.  When the war was lost, Germany being invaded on  every front, catastrophe looming, Hitler’s lieutenants clustered around him to know what the Fiihrer would do.  Hitler told them that, whatever the  outcome of the war, the greater war had been won.  One hundred years after his death, he predicted, Christianity would no longer exist as a significant  force in the world.  That was victory, he said, To destroy Christianity, Hitler reasoned, one must first destroy its ‘agent,’ the ‘bacillus the Jew’; that nation  of priests,’ as Nietzsche had angrily called them.  The Holocaust was planned to do just that.” 28.

The synthesis has already occurred in the great mass of people. One Freemason correctly observed that there are very few who are “immune to the dialectic.” This assertion would not have been made if the dialectic and its method of synthesis were not the hidden agenda of the occult societies. Also, the dialectic is evolutionary. The conservative revolution today, some new movement tomorrow. Thus, the dialectic itself represented a huge shift away from absolute truth.  The conspirators mean to take the masses through revolutions fomented out of the dialectical operation toward a synthesis of all points of view — the Third Way politics of the radical center — to a society based on natural law, man’s determination of morality in place of God’s. Marilyn Ferguson’s Aquarian Conspiracy perceptively describes the nature and course of revolutions — abandonment of the moral values which inspired the revolution — a phenomenon which is coming to pass before our very eyes:

          “Most historical movements have their last will and testament along with their manifesto. They have known more surely what they oppose than what  they are. By taking a firm position, they trigger an inevitable countermotion, one that will disorient their fragile identity almost at once. Then rapid metamorphosis and self-betrayal: pacifists who become violent, law-and-order advocates who trample law and order, patriots who undo liberties,  ‘people’s revolutions’ that empower new elites, new movements in the arts that become as rigid as their predecessors, romantic ideals that lead to  genocide.” 29.

Law-and-order advocates who trample law and order? …patriots who undo liberties? …romantic ideals that lead to genocide”?  Like Reverend Neimoller and the German Protestants, we fear that American Evangelicals will live to rue the day they called for a conservative revolution:

              “By the beginning of 1934, the disillusioned Pastor Niemoller had become the guiding spirit of the minority resistance in both the ‘Confessional Church’ and the Pastors’ Emergency League…On the first of July, 1937, Dr. Niemoller was arrested and confined to Moabit prison in Berlin. On June 27  he had preached to the congregation, which always overflowed his church at Dahlem, what was to be his last sermon in the Third Reich. As if he had a foreboding of what was to come he said, ‘We have no more thought of using our own powers to escape the arm of the authorities than had the Apostles of old. No more are we ready to keep silent at man’s behest when God commands us to speak. For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey  God rather than man.’
              “After eight months in prison he was tried on March 2, 1938, before a Sondergericht, one of the ‘Special Courts’ set up by the Nazis to try offenders  against the State, and though acquitted of the main charge of ‘underhand attacks against the State’ was fined two thousand marks and sentenced to seven  months’ imprisonment for ‘abuse of the pulpit’ and holding collections in his church. Since he had served more than this time, the court ordered his  release, but he was seized by the Gestapo as he was leaving the courtroom, placed in ‘protective custody’ and confined in concentration camps, first at  Sacchsenhausen and then at Dauchau, where he remained for seven years until liberated by Allied troops.” 30.

George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography


1.    “The Rise of Hitler: The Reichstag Burns”, The History Place:
2.    The Center for Democracy and Technology:
3.    Quoting Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States; The Phase III Report Of The U.S. Commission On National Security/21st Century:
4.    Oracle boss urges national ID cards, offers free software:
5.    Speech to the U.S. Congress by Congressman Ron Paul, September 25, 2001, <>
6.    Public Information Research Database:
            For Lyndon LaRouche’s description of the charges against him, see: [footnote #8]
            See also: “[Ramsey Clark] said the case was manufactured by LaRouche’s ‘powerful enemies within the
     establishment’ who targeted the cult because of its crusade ‘to combat the traffic in so-called ‘recreational drugs’…and the practice of usury.'”
7.    Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography, Chapter II – The Hitler Project:
8.    Tarpley and Chaitkin, op.cit, Chapter -VII- Skull and Bones: The Racist Nightmare at Yale:
9.    Chaitkin, op.cit.,
10.  Tarpley and Chaitkin, op.cit., Chapter III – Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances:
11.  Tarpley and Chaitkin, op.cit., Chapter III – Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances:
12.  “British psychiatry: from eugenics to assassination,” Anton Chaitkin:
13.  Josef Mengele and Experimentation on Human Twins at Auschwitz:
14.  Charles Higham, Trading With The Enemy, New York: Delacorte Press, 1983, p. 35 as cited by Tarpley and Chaitkin.
15.  Chaitkin, op.cit.,
16.  The Timeline:
17.  Tarpley and Chaitkin, op.cit., Chapter III:
18.  Chaitkin, op.cit.,
19.  “GW Bush Gang: IG Farben 2001,” Robert Lederman:
20.Richard Terrell, Resurrecting the Third Reich, Huntington House, 1994.
21.  William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Ballantine Books, 1950, pp. 325-6.
22.  “The Welsh Revival of 1904-5,” Oliver W. Price, Bible Prayer Fellowship,
23.  George Jeffreys, Healing Rays, London: Elim, 1935, p. 55, as cited by Richard Riss, “The Manifestations Throughout History”:
24.  Daniel Mark Epstein, Sister Aimee: The Life of Aimee Semple McPherson, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Pub., 1993, pp. 264-65.
25.  Restoring the Paths:
26.  Nesta H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, OMNI Publications,1964, p.123.
27.  “Dr. Reuben Archer Torrey,” Miles J. Stanford:
28. Editors of Executive Intelligence Review, Dope Inc.: The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy, Executive Intelligence Review, 1992, p. 411, ff. 4.
29.  Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal & Social Transformation in the 1980s, J.P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, 1980, p. 229.
30.  Shirer, op.cit., 329-31.

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