Monday, 30 April 2012
By Elias Akleh MWC NEWS April 29, 2012
The month of April commemorates many historical genocides.
Among these is the Zionist total destruction and massacre of Palestinian town of Deir Yassin that ushered the beginning of the still-going on Palestinian Holocaust. As a Palestinian I could not help but revisit, research and re-evaluate the role of Zionists in the many other Holocausts around the world and compare them to the Jewish Holocaust.
The Holocaust; the burning of the round figure of 6 million Jews in Nazi gas chambers, is considered by many to be the most unique event in the whole human history. This event had morphed into multiple shapes. It had become a religion with memorials and museums erected in every Western country to drill the idea in the minds of new generations especially Jews.
It had become a vendetta with Jewish “detectives” with the mindset of “never forget and never forgive” chasing Nazi Holocaust criminals all over the world to bring them to “Jewish justice” in Israeli courts.
It has become a taboo, whose study and research, as a historical event, by academics has become a punishable crime in European countries.
It has become a psychological tool to pin heavy blame on the World for letting it happen.
It has become a political game where enormous amounts of Jewish money would go to politicians, who sympathize with Holocaust survivors and with Israel.
It has become a colonial weapon justifying Zionist occupation of Palestine.
It has become an industry by which Israel and the millions of so-called Holocaust survivals embezzle large sums of money as reparation from Germany, its corporations, its insurance companies, its people, and from other European corporations. Lately these Holocaust survivors in the US are pressuring the Congress to formulate legal bills that allow them to use American courts to sue European companies who allegedly cooperated in any way with the Nazis leading to the Holocaust. American legislators had produced such bills as the Holocaust Rail Justice Act and the Holocaust Insurance Accountability Act allowing these survivors to sue insurance companies for $20 billion and European rail companies such as the French Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (SNCF). It is interesting to note that such bills came after SNCF had won a bid on a $2.6 billion rail projects linking some major American cities together.
The rounded 6 million number is in itself a very interesting figure. It brings to memory other 6 million Jews who were allegedly slaughtered after WWI according to one former governor of the State of N.Y., Martin Glynn, who published such story in “The American Hebrew” in October 31st 1919 under the title “The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop”. He stated that six million Jewish men and women and eight hundred thousand Jewish babies whose blood “ran like gutters of a slaughter house” in cities of Romania, Poland and Ukrainia.
Between 1919 and 1927 the figure of 6 million Jewish victims was reported many times in the American media.
It was reported in New York Times issues of October 31st, November 12th, December 3rd of 1919 issues, in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th May 1920 issues, and in April 21st and December 4th 1926 issues, just to mention only one media outlet. It is, paradoxically, interesting to remember that Chaim Weizmann, then the president of the Zionist World Organization, addressed the 1936 Peel Commission that partitioned Palestine, affirming that 6 million Jews were living in all Europe as if in a prison (Thomas Mann; “Sieben Manifeste zur judische Frage, Seven Manifests about the Jewish Question”; Jos. Meizer Verlag, Darmstadt 1966. P. 18).
The 6 million figure seems to have a significant symbol in the alleged saga of Jewish suffering. According to Benjamin Blech’s book “The Secret of Hebrew Words” ;(Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ, 1991, p. 214) there is a Jewish prophecy promising Jewish return to their alleged promised land after the slaughter of 6 million of them. It seems that this 6 million figure is based on mythical religious colonial ambition rather than any verifiable factual statistical knowledge.
ED: For the truth of the six million kabalist meaning, see: SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS: THE “SIX MILLION” MYTH
A brief study of the three thousand years of Jewish history leads one to the realization that Zionism is just another modern term given to the religious-Jewish-world-control dream.
Starting with their Old Testament and up to their terrorist colonial Israeli project in Palestine one cannot help but conclude that exploitations, sexual degeneracy, theft, treachery, brutality, murder, random killing, communal massacres, total destruction, and the death of all non-Jews (Goyims) are only parts and parcels of the daily life and existence of this Jewish religiously racist collective.
Since their descendant onto the land of Canaanites the Jews had perpetrated the most egregious total annihilation not just of its indigenous population but also the annihilation of other nations around the world that surmounted any alleged Holocaust of their own.
Detailing these Jewish crimes, whether perpetrated directly by Jews or in proxy, requires large volumes. This article will deal only with few and the most recent.
The annihilation of at least 20 million Russian citizens (Russian Holocaust) by Jewish officers during the Zionist planned Bolshevik Revolution is a well known case. The American Hebrew Magazine, New York, September 10th, 1920 confessed that “The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia is going to become Reality for the whole world”. Winston Churchill, himself, warned in an article published in February 8th 1920 issue of the London Illustrated Sunday Herald that Bolshevism is a Jewish worldwide conspiracy. The Israeli leading ynetnews addressed this Russian Holocaust in 2006 by stating that “… some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish”.
In December 1917 Stalin established The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage known as Cheka, renamed later as GPU, MKVD, MVD and finally KGB, who’s around 80% of its rank-and-file agents were Jews.
Due to Stalin’s collectivization orders many Russian towns were confiscated, their citizens, whose majority were Christians, arrested, tortured and killed, their churches were destroyed, while synagogues were preserved, by these Jewish agents.
Among the worst mass murdering Jewish agents were Genrikh Yagoda, Christian butcher Lazar Kaganovich, Lavrentija Berija, and Ilya Ehrenburg just to mention few. Yagoda was responsible for the murder of 10 million Russian citizens.
Kaganovich destroyed the entire Ukrainian farming and peasant population; 14 million of them (Der Spiegel, Germany, 35/1991 p. 151).
Berija murdered 27,500 Polish officers, soldiers, and civilians in what is known as Katyn-Massacre (Der Spiegel, Germany, 8/1996 p.147).
Ehrenburg murdered 3 million women, children, and old people in eastern territory of Germany (Frankfut Allgemeine Zeitung, Franfurt, Feb. 28th, 1995 p.7). Many may be surprised to read that the Armenian Genocide (Holocaust) was perpetrated, not by the Turks, but by Turkish Jewry known as Crypto-Jews, or Marranos, or Donmeh. For political reasons many Jews in many countries pretend to convert to other religions in order to rise to influential political positions in order to adopt pro-Zionist policies. Israel Zangwill, a prominent and influential Zionist, explained this tactic in his article “The Jewish Race” in The Independent, volume 71, number 3271, dated August 10th 1911.
Those crypto-Jews formed the “Committee for Union and Progress” (Ittihad ve Terakke) that led the Young Turk Revolution overthrowing the Turkish Empire. The Young Turk Revolution was financed and led by the Salonika Committee that was established by Zionist Masonic Jews of Salonika, Greece, such as Emmanuel Carasso, Salem, Sassun, Fardji, with the cooperation of influential Turkish crypto-Jews Djavid Bey and the Baldji family.
Sir Gerard Lowther, UK Ambassador to Ottoman Empire from 1908 ~ 1913, exposed this Jewish takeover in numerous letters to the British Foreign Office revealing the names of Jews from Salonika and crypto-Jews, whose ultimate goal was to acquire Palestine for the Jews through the eliminating of Sultan Abdulhamid II, who rejected Herzl’s offer to give Palestine to the Zionists as a debt repayment. All this was reported by The London Times (July 11th, 1911 p. 5) under the title of “Jews and the Situation in Albania”.
Armenians were running the major businesses and professions in Turkish Empire keeping it economically successful. They formed a rich class; an intelligentsia that gained influential political positions in the Empire.
Zionists wanted to control the empire by inciting internal ethnic conflicts to get rid of Armenians and to take over their businesses and political positions. So they promised Christian Armenian leaders to regain independent Armenia if they help dismantle the empire, and at the same time they promised Muslim Kurdish leaders to form independent Kurdistan if they exterminated Armenians.
In this way Zionists incited religious war to weaken and to drain the empire financially. The Armenians were duped by Zionists’ promises and publically endorsed the Balfour Declaration hoping that UK would protect them from the Turks and support them in forming an independent Armenian State.
Crypto-Jews, then, led Sultan Abdul Hamid to believe that Armenian revolutionaries were conspiring with foreign Christian missionaries to take over the empire, and prompted him to order the Young Turks, mainly crypto-Jews, to commit atrocities against Armenians to put down any revolution.
Zionist crypto-Jews, not Turks, were principally responsible for the Armenian Holocaust. Lord Bryce stated in 1915: “High Muslim religious authorities condemned the massacres ordered by Abdul Hamid. In some cases the Governors, being pious and humane men, refused to execute the orders that had reached them, and endeavored to give what protection they could to the unfortunate Armenians.” Yair Auron wrote in his book “Zionism and the Armenian Genocide: The Banality of Indifference”: “The fact that Jews were involved in the acts of murder of Armenians in 1895 and 1896 is confirmed by internal Jewish archival documentation.” To get more in depth details about Zionist Jewish genocide of Armenians follow the link to read Christopher Jon Bjerknes’ research “The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians”, and his interview. The African Holocaust perpetrated by Jewish slave traders is still unknown by many. In his book “Jews and Judaism in the United States; a Documentary History” (New York, Behrman House, Inc., 1983) Rabbi Raphael stated on pages 14 and 23-25 that “Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade … In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.” The first documented Jew immigrant to America came from Holland in 1654 and settled in what was known, then, as New Amsterdam (New York). Many other Jews followed and settled along the East Coast forming six Jewish communities in Newport, Charleston, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and Savannah. They engaged mainly into the business of alcohol distillery and/or slave trade. There was a period when Newport, Rhode Island, was commonly referred to as “The Jewish Newport-World center of Slave Commerce.” The most known of these Jewish slave traders were Aaron Lopez, Felix (cha-cha) de Souza (known as the Prince of Slavers), Isaac Gomez, Abraham Touro, Moses Hays, Abraham Mendes among others.
These traders send their ships to Africa loaded with alcohol selling it cheap to tribal leaders to intoxicate them in order to help them hunt and capture as slaves members of other tribes preferably young and women. They shackled the slaves and drove them through the jungles to the coast, where they load them onto the ships on top of each other like cattle immersed in their excrement with little food and water to endure the long voyage back to the American colonies to be auctioned out.
Many of these slaves did not survive the trip and died out of exhaustion, hunger, sickness and torture. It was estimated that nine out of ten had died. Reports of the 1764 Chamber of Commerce of the “Rhode Island Colony” estimated the number of captured slaves was one million a year.
During 113 years between 1661 to 1774 a conservative number of 110 million African natives were snatched out of their homeland away from their own families. Only about 10%, or eleven million, of them reached the Colonies alive. The rest, about 99 million perished on the way.
To become more informed of this holocaust one can refer to “The Secret Relationships between Blacks and Jews” by J. & L. T. Levin, “The Jewish Onslaught” book by Tony Martin, or to “Who Brought the Slaves to America” by Walter White Jr. Better yet, one can turn to the official main source; The Carnegie Institute in Washington, D.C. contains public authentic documents entitled “Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade in America” with sales receipts and letters between Jewish slave ships owners, such as Aaron Lopez, and his ship captains Nathaniel Briggs, David Mill and Abraham All.
The Palestinian Holocaust perpetrated by Zionist Israeli Jews under the watchful eyes of the whole world is still an on-going graduated Holocaust for the last 65 years (history). Religiously racist fundamentalist Jews claim that their racist god had chosen and elevated only the Jews over the rest of the nations and had promised them Palestine as their pure-Jewish state.
Israeli Jews are sparing no effort and are using all lethal and devastating weapons to massacre as many Palestinians as they could (also here), evict them from their homes, destroy their cities and raze every trace of their existence, destroy all Christian as well as Muslim religious sites, in order to build their racist Jewish-only state.
In their attempt, and since 1947, they have murdered at least 2 million Palestinians, evicted another million out of the country, destroyed and completely razed about 500 towns (400 towns in 1948), violated all the international laws and UN resolutions, and committed international crimes.
Worse than the alleged Nazi crimes, Israeli Jews intentionally and pre-meditatively committed massacres of civilians targeting mainly children (Google: “Palestinian children killed by Israel”) and women in particular. They used napalm and phosphorous bombs to burn whole civilian neighborhoods and their civilian inhabitants. They erected the largest ever open-air concentration camps in Gaza Strip and turned every Palestinian town into isolated prisons surrounded by high cement walls and barbed wires with steel gates and remote electronically-controlled armed watch towers.
Israeli army had attacked all the neighboring Arab states; Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon destroying their towns and committing massacres against civilians. Israeli Mossad agents committed terrorist attacks within all the Arab states, and reached even Turkey and Iran. They even hit Arab assets in European and even American cities. Israelis had built hundreds of nuclear bombs and keep threatening regional as well as world peace.
The greatest Holocaust that dwarfs all other holocausts is the physical and cultural American Indian Holocaust; many hundreds of millions of the inhabitants of the whole continent of North America, who were fighting white European terrorism since 1492 in what is known as “500 years war”.
I was not very surprised when I discovered that Jews had played a major part in this holocaust. See “Jewish Racism and the Genocide of American Indians”, by Richard Boyden; a Jewish Journalist, and “The American Holocaust; Dare to Compare: Americanizing the Holocaust” a historical research study by Lilian Friedberg a Jewish scholar.
The German Holocaust after WWII (The Unknown Holocaust) is unknown to many and is rarely talked about. After the end of the war 14 million Germans were systematically expelled from their towns, robbed, raped and killed or let die (Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, “A terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Eastern European Germans, 1944-1950”, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994).
There was also the pre-meditated deliberate murder of at least one million German POW on the hands of the allied forces in freezing open concentration prison camps at Sinzig and Rheinberg, (James Bacque’s “Other Losses”; General Paperbacks, Toronto, Canada, not allowed to enter USA), and (Giles MacDonogh’s “After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation”, New York: Basic Books, 2007).
These are just a few, a drop in the ocean, of the Holocausts perpetrated by the Jews. There are, also, other devastating atrocities that filled the human history. Gideon Polya’s impressive article enumerates many of them. Others include the American unnecessary nuclear bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that burned within minutes about 500 thousand Japanese civilians and later caused the death and mutilation of many other thousands.
The Allied bombing of the non-military cultural German city of Dresden with phosphorous bombs burned at least 130 thousand German civilians. These two are real “shoahs” burning.
There is also Churchill’s Holocaust of 2 million Bengali victims through his 1943 deliberate famine. Let us not forget the Holocaust of WWII with 66 million victims, and the American Holocausts against countries like Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq just to mention a few.
The realities of all these historical crimes, except the Jewish Holocaust, can be investigated, researched, studied, criticized, and corrected by anyone and by any organization such as historians, students, schools and universities, reporters, and all types of media outlets.
Those, who dare to investigate the Jewish Holocaust on the other hand, are ridiculed, criticized, attacked, fined, punished, imprisoned, and persecuted. European countries have laws that criminalize any historian, who publishes a Holocaust historical study that contradicts the Zionist version no matter how scientific the study is. These laws of the alleged democratic countries contradict Article 19 of the UN Human Rights Charter that states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to see, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Criminalizing any study, investigation and denial of the Holocaust aims to cover the ugly facts of close Zionist Nazi cooperation in persecuting European Jews (“No Shame”, “Min Hameitzar: The Millions That Could Have Been Saved”, and “Holocaust Victims Accuse”) forcing them to immigrate to Palestine, and to cover Zionist terrorist attacks against British troops occupying Palestine and against Palestinian citizens.
Research proved that the German Nazi Party was heavily financed by Jewish financiers such as Kuhn Loeb & Company, J. P. Morgan & Company, Samuel & Samuel of London, and Royal Dutch Shell.
Hitler had supported Zionism since the Zionist religious pure Jewish God’s chosen ideology resembled Nazi Germany pure Aryan Super race ideology.
From 1933 to 1941 German SS and Gestapo were particularly enthusiastic in their support to Zionism, and supported and encouraged Jewish immigration to Palestine (Mark Weber’s “Zionism and the Third Reich”).
In cooperation with Zionist leaders they constructed a network of 40 camps and agricultural centers “Labor Camps” to re-educated young Jews with their Jewishness, and to train them militarily and agriculturally in preparation for their new communal Kibbutz life in Palestine.
From 1933 -1941 the Nazi/Zionist Transfer Agreement“The Haavara” enabled 60 thousand German Jews to be transferred on German ships to Palestine with all their wealth.
In 1941 Jewish terrorist groups in Palestine, such as Lehi or Stern Gang, offered Nazi Germany a political and military alliance and conducted terrorist attacks against British troops in Palestine.
The Jewish Holocaust is the major justification for financing, arming and building the Zionist colonial project of the state of Israel in Palestine. Exposing the Holocaust lie would collapse the Zionist dream of Greater Israel in the Middle East. Posted by Noor al Haqiqa at 01:16 Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest
SntMartyr30 April 2012 at 13:20The fake Hoaxacaust was concocted only to invade Palestine The Holy Land
Beware! the Antichrist is a false peace maker: Traditional Catholic Prayers: False peace of AssisiReplyIshtar30 April 2012 at 18:31This is Jesus Christ, ‘Isa al Maseeh.
John 14:6 Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.
7 If you had known me, you would surely have known my Father also: and from henceforth you shall know him, and you have seen him.
Here are the children of the Devil:
Under cover of the diplomatic world, full of: assassins, espionage (with all saboteurs, spies, terrorism and terrorists), Intelligence, Nazis, nuclear weaponry, Nuclear Weapons, full of all unlawful spying MacArthur wound his way through it all guided by the unseen hands.
The Justice of God
Those hands belonged to a criminal conspiracy set against God and His people.
This same conspiracy arranged for false prophecy to do great harm.
The Justice of God: Traditional Catholic Prayers: False prophecy – terrible damage done and nothing else
They set two Hemispheres against one another.
The Justice of God: Jews called in Christ: Gog and Magog of the Evil Mountain of the North, Yamantau
Tech_Journal: TOP OF THE WORLD: NATO Rehearses For War In The Arctic
The wars they used to get to where the two hemispheres were in mortal locked conflict…
The Justice of God: Public domain: THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH A History of Nazi Germany
Those wars were only part of what the criminal conspiracy was about, for Our Lord Jesus Christ had warned what the Jews were, saying to the Jews: John 8:44 You are of your father, the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he abode not in the truth: because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
All of that leads to this. Stay faithful to God!
THE FINAL TRIAL OF CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS TOGETHER – attacked by the Haburah, the Kahal, the Organized Criminal Zionist Conspiracy « BellesHeures’s WeblogReply
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In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom,freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world. ~ Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29
These pro-Israel people like pledges: they tried to force me to sign a pledge of loyalty to Israel. When I refused, it was trench warfare, hand to hand combat every day I was in the Congress, and the U.S. people never knew that I was fighting to remain independent for them. To make real peace and to find real justice. Here, they have the whole of the U.S. government making pledges to them!!! Unbelievable. ~ Cynthia McKinney, PhD
“The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs or ceremonies we observe ~ whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists ~ we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.” ~ Herman Wouk
“Those who are incapable of attaining to supreme religious values include the black colored people and those who resemble them in their climates. Their nature is like the mute animals. Their level among existing things is below that of a man and above that of a monkey.” ~ Maimonides
“All of the anxious sighing, longing and hoping of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther”. ~ Martin Luther
“If [Jews] are as wise as they claim to be, they will labour to make Jews American, instead of labouring to make America Jewish. The genius of the United States of America is Christian in the broadest sense, and its destiny is to remain Christian. This carries no sectarian meaning with it, but relates to a basic principle which differs from other principles in that it provides for liberty with morality, and pledges society to a code of relations based on fundamental Christian conceptions of human rights and duties.” ~ Henry Ford
“It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 11
The real God of the Universe does not have “Chosen” in the first place because he is perfect as we understand and predilection is a human weakness. The Jews invented the OT to fool humanity as always. The real God of the Universe does not send any body to kill, destroy his own creation, to rape, to maim, to create misery and havoc on other people. Don’t you get it? the God in the OT is a monster, is another one of the many Gods in the dessert, those sacrifices offered to God are Satanic as their name and the Jews keep offering sacrifices to their God. Last year they immolated thousands of human beings in Gaza to their God Baal, Moloch, Azazel, Satan, Lucifer. ~Isaas, TUT
“I had been asked to sign a pledge for Israel when I first became a candidate for Congress and after refusing to do so my congressional career became trench warfare, hand to hand combat just to remain in the congress.
Ever since my refusal to sign that pledge for Israel the pro-Israel lobby let me know that my political net was in the hangman’s noose it was the pro-Israel lobby they decided to tighten that noose.” ~ Cynthia McKinney
“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, scheming, agile, speculating Jews ~ such as Jews are everywhere: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, reporters for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank and the other in the socialist movement, and with their arses sitted upon the German daily press ~ they have taken possession of all the newspapers ~ and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which glut a single profiteering sect, a nation of blooksuckers, a single gluttonous parasite closely and intimately interlinked not only across national borders, but across all differences of political opinion ~ this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and, at the same time, at the disposal of Rothschild.
This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the largest banks? Ho-ho! The Communism of Marx seeks an enormous centralization of the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which profiteers from the labour of others, will always find a way to prevail. In reality, for the proletariat, this would be a barrack regime, under which the working men and the working women, converted into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work, and live at the beat of the drum.” ~ Bakunin (1814-1876)
“We entered the synagogue, which was packed with the greatest stinking bunch of humanity I have ever seen. When we got about halfway up, the head rabbi, who was dressed in a fur hat similar to that worn by Henry VIII of England and in a surplice heavily embroidered and very filthy, came down and met the General (Eisenhower)…The smell was so terrible that I almost fainted and actually about three hours later lost my lunch as the result remembering it.” ~ General Patton in Germany, diary entry Sept 17, 1945
The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.”
Marxism, to which all branches of Socialism necessarily adhere, was originated by Jew Karl Marx, himself of rabbinical descent and has been dominated by them from the beginning. Marx did not actually originate anything; he merely “streamlined” Talmudism for Gentile consumption.” ~ Elizabeth Dilling
Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can’t help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.” ~ Fr. John Sheehan, S.J.
The cruel canard ‘anti-Semitic’ does not apply for many reasons, not the least of which is the simple fact that the slanderous word itself is derived from language games for purposes of propaganda and in real world context has no validity. ~ Tom Valentine
Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker.
Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy.
Speak your mind and fear less the label of ‘crackpot’
than the stigma of conformity.
And on issues that seem important to you,
Stand up and be counted at any cost.
~ Thomas J Watson (1874-1956)
‘There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.’ ~ John Swinton, former Chief of Staff, The New York Times, 1953
Historically, Jews had always thrived in nations and empires with multicultural, pluralistic and tolerant environments, while they fared badly in strong ethnic or nationalistic societies. European Jews have always been the emblematic stranger or ‘other’. Therefore, by definition, a society where the stranger is welcome is good for the Jews, although they have not always appreciated this link. The future of European Jewry is dependent on our ability to shape a multicultural, pluralistic and diverse society. ~ Göran Rosenberg, Jewish author and journalist
American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief ~ one firmly rooted in history ~ that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of U.S. Jews to endorse ‘gay rights’ and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called ‘social’ issues. ~ Charles Silberman, Jewish writer and journalist
The Jew … Judaizes … he provokes religious indifference, but he also imposes on those whose faith he destroys, his own concept of the world, of morality, and of human life. The Jews detests the spirit of the nation in the midst of which they live. ~ Bernard Lazare
We will legally define the Talmud as the basis of the Israeli legal system. ~ Benjamin Netanyahu
“Anti-Communism is Antisemitism.” ~ Jewish Voice, July ~ August 1941.
We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own. ~ Maurice Samuels, You Gentiles. 1942.
According to the Talmud….”…When the serpent came unto Eve, he infused filthy lust in her (but) when Israel stood on Sinai, that lust was eliminated” ~ Talmud, Abodah Zarah 22b
As monstrous as it may seem, we are engaged in close combat between Israel and the Nations ~ and it can only be genocidal and total because it is about our and their identities. ~ Yitzhak Attia, Israel Magazine, April 2003
“Some may call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism.” ~ Rabbi Stephen Weiss.
It was hard for Satan alone to mislead the whole world, so he appointed prominent rabbis in different localities. ~ A Chasidic saying attributed to Nahman of Bratzlav, early 19th century
It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not ~ they will be killed.” ~ Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg
“The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.” ~ Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b
“The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the the dog more than the non-Jew.” ~ Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30
“Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form.” ~ Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855
Dear World, “I understand that you are upset by us here in Israel. Indeed, it appears you are very upset, even angry. So…it is because we became so upset over upsetting you, dear world, that we decided to leave you ~ and establish a Jewish State.” ~ Rabbi Meir Kahane, 1988
“A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal.” ~ Coschen hamischpat 405
“The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs.” ~ Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b
“Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human.” ~ Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b
“If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog.” ~ Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b
“If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew. You should tell the Jew: “God will replace ‘your loss’, just as if one of his oxen or asses had died.” ~ Jore dea 377, 1
“Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals.” ~ Talmud Sanhedrin 74b
“It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile.” ~ Sepher ikkarim III c 25
“It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah.” ~ Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5
“A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands.” ~ Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b
“Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God.” ~ Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772
Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity. The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. ~ Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Magazine, Sep-Oct 2002
We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed, not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.
Even if reason tells us, even shouts with all its force the very absurdity of this confrontation between the small and insignificant people of Israel [i.e., all Jewry worldwide, not just “the State of Israel”] and the rest of humanity… as absurd, as incoherent and as monstrous as it may seem, we are engaged in close combat between Israel and the Nations ~ and it can only be genocidal and total because it is about our and their identities. ~ Yitzhak Attia, Israel Magazine, April 2003
Any trial based on the assumption that Jews and goyim are equal is a total travesty of justice. ~ Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, June 6, 1989:
In 1492 CE, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, when a Spanish law threatened expulsion (after the fall of Muslim rule in spain).
This was the reply:
” Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. [Emphasis mine]
5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
———— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— —-
The reply is found in the sixteenth century Spanish book, La Silva Curiosa, by Julio-Iniguez de Medrano (Paris, Orry, 1608), on pages 156 and 157, with the following explanation: “This letter following was found in the archives of Toledo by the Hermit of Salamanca, (while) searching the ancient records of the kingdoms of Spain; and, as it is expressive and remarkable, I wish to write it here.” ~ vide, photostat facing page 80. ~ The above was quoted from Waters Flowing Eastward by Paquita de Shishmareff, pp. 73-74
“[1] When the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are about to enter and occupy, and he clears away many nations before you ~ the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations mightier and more numerous than you ~ [2] and when the Lord your God gives them over to you and you defeat them, then you must utterly destroy them. Make no covenant with them and show them no mercy” (Deut 7:1-2).
“Compassion towards the wicked is really wickedness. It is along these lines that Rabbi Levi opened his speech in honor of Purim: (Talmud, Megillah, 11a): “If you do not uproot the inhabitants of the Land, and allow them to remain – they will become thorns in your sides, and will cause trouble for you in the Land in which you dwell.” (Bamidbar 33:55) The mitzvah, then of wiping out Amalek [Palestinians], actually stems from the value of compassion and kindness – compassion on all those whom Amalek threatens to exterminate. This mitzvah is an ongoing one, and valid even today. Today, too, there are those ~ driven by a deep-seeded anti-Semitism – who desperately wish to kill us. These are the people whom the Torah commanded us to obliterate, to leave no memory of them.” ~ Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
Nachman Abramovic demonized Palestinian children stating: “They may look young to you, but these people are terrorists at heart. Don’t look at their deceptively innocent faces, try to think of the demons inside each of them. I am absolutely certain these people would grow to be evil terrorists if we allowed them to grow. Would you allow them to grow to kill your children or finish them off right now? Honest and moral people ought to differentiate between true humans and human animals. We do kill human animals and we do so unapologetically. Besides, who in the West is in a position to lecture us on killing human animals. After all, whose hands are clean?”
“Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” ~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn
“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” ~ Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and Humanity, p. 143-144
If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there. ~ Moed Kattan 17a
The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order, the “children of Israel” will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled in which it is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands. ~ Baruch Levy in a letter to Karl Marx.
“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum, but don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.” ~ Bibi Netanyahu
It was hard for Satan alone to mislead the whole world, so he appointed prominent rabbis in different localities. ~ A Chasidic saying attributed to Nahman of Bratzlav, early 19th century
Gentiles exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created,” Rabbi Yosef, Sha Party, Jerusalem Post, 2011
“An example of the use of the Jewish code words Esau and Jacob is found in a sermon preached by Rabbi Leon Spitz during the Purim observances in 1946 (quoted here from the American Hebrew of March 1, 1946) : “Let Esau whine and wail and protest to the civilized world, and let Jacob raise his hand to fight the good fight. The anti-Semite . . . understands but one language, and he must be dealt with on his own level. The Purim Jews stood up for their lives. American Jews, too. must come to grips with our contemporary anti-Semites. We must fill our jails with anti-Semitic gangsters. We must fill our insane asylums with anti-Semitic lunatics. We must combat every alien. Jew-hater. We must Harass and prosecute our Jew-baiters to the extreme limits of the laws. We must humble and shame our anti-Semitic hoodlums to such an extent that none will wish or dare to become (their) ‘fellow-travelers’.
This is what Trotsky, a Jew, was preparing for the Russians for the implementation of Communism, which Marx based on the Babylonian Talmud for Gentiles:
“We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers. We will impose upon them such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East. The peculiar trait of that tyranny is that it will be enacted from the left rather than the right and it will be red rather than white in color.
Its color will be red literally because we would spill such torrents of blood that they will pale all human losses of the capitalist wars and make the survivors shudder.
Remember my children, that all the earth must belong to us Jews, and that the gentiles, being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing. ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812
The largest overseas banks will cooperate with us most closely. If we win the Revolution and squash Russia, on the funeral pyres of its remains we will strengthen the power of Zionism and become a power the whole world would drop in the face of on its knees. We will show the world what real power means.
By way of terror and blood baths we will bring the Russian intelligentsia into a state of total stupor, to idiocy, to the animal state of being. So far our young men dressed in leather ~ the sons of watch repair men from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitza ~ oh, how beautifully, how brilliantly do they master hatred of everything Russian! With what a great delight do they physically destroy the Russian intelligentsia ~ officers, engineers, teachers, priests, generals, agronomists, academicians, writers!” ~ Secret Forces in History of Russia. U.K. Begunov 1995, p 148
One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the Crucifixion of Christ. Intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle the job. If I’d had charge of executing Christ, I’d have handled it differently. You see, what I’d have done was had him shipped to Rome and fed him to the lions. They could never have made a saviour out of mincemeat!”~ Rabbi Ben Hecht
The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks.”~ Al Goldstein (publisher of Screw Magazine).
“The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews ~ all of them in all different levels ~ is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.” ~ Rabbi Kook, the Elder, father of the messianic tendency of Jewish fundamentalism, said
“You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest Great War, but of every other major revolution in your history.
We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.” ~ Marclis Eli Ravage, Century Magazine February, 1926.
“The United Nations is nothing but a trap-door to the Red World’s immense concentration camp. We pretty much control the U.N.” ~ Harold Wallace Rosenthal, Zionist, The Hidden Tyranny
Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property (that’s you and your children) in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge back for our fiat paper currency.
Every American will be forced to register or suffer being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattels (property) and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading (Birth Certificate) to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debts to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call “Social Insurance.”
Without realizing it, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and we will employ the high office (presidency) of our dummy corporation (USA) to foment this plot against America.” ~ American traitor, the Jew Edward Mandell House giving a very detailed outline of the New World Order plans that were to be implemented gradually over time to enslave the American people … A PLAN THAT HAS BEEN REPEATED IN CANADA, AUSTRALIA, BRITAIN AND ELSEWHERE.
“You throw a little Jewish on top of that, you got trouble. You got a bunch of wild, crazy energy.
“Sorry that doesn’t sound hippie. Sorry that doesn’t sound like communal jubilant fun. Sorry I’m not a Pepper. Sorry I didn’t pop out of a soda-pop ad, and life is just one big fucking cabaret, because a lot of what propelled Van Halen, what compels me and propels me is precisely this element. It’s fury. If you approach me with anti-Semetic preconceptions, I’m not here to re-educate. I come from a whole different school of thought. If you don’t get it on the first try, fuck you.
“I once heard somebody say to the Van Halens, “You guys play the music; the Jew sells it.” Well, you’re fucking right. And now that I’m gone, Van Halen stinks. Okay?
“Want to know why some of my contributions to Van Halen sound like they do? Didn’t come from a smiling place in my soul. Not at all.
“Nobody ever said to Mick Jagger, “So, Mick, you’re Episcopalian, aren’t you?” Nobody ever took Jimi Hendrix aside and said, “So, Jimi, you’re a Baptist, aren’t you?” Much less start off the interview that way.
“Every step I took on that stage was smashing some Jew-hating, lousy punk ever deeper into the deck. Every step. I jumped higher ’cause I knew there was going to be more impact when I hit those boards. And if you were even vaguely anti-Semetic, you were under my wheels, motherfucker. That’s where the lyrics came from, that’s where the body language came from, that’s where the humor came from, and where the fuck you came from. All equally as important. You want to know the ingredients? Don’t ask if you don’t want to know.
“What you get from repression and what you get from hatred is fury, and fury was one of the main trigger points for the great Van Halen. What you see now is a bunch of buffoons waddling around at the family barbecue, and their wives admonishing the children saying, “Don’t worry, Daddy’s just had a few too many Coors Lights and he’s imitating what he used to do for a living when he played music, honey.”
“What’s missing is the testosterone. What’s missing is the fury. What’s missing is the passionate convicted commitment. And I got a lot of mine from my religious background. So y’all best stop imagining the way Dr. Zorba looked, or some defenseless Hasidic Jew with a little yarmulke on his head, ’cause that ain’t here for you.” ~ David Lee Roth
Rabbi Isaac Wise, in The Israelite of America writes, “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end
“We infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church right from the very beginning. Why do you think the Pope, the Cardinals and all the Bishops wear yarlmulkahs? (skullcaps) The white race never figures this out. A thousand years later the white race began to wake up … we had to come up with a plan B … so we formed the Jesuits. There was a nice boy, Ignatius Loyola. He started the Jesuits.” (Loyola was Jewish. Research/read the Jesuit Extreme Oath) Regarding the Jesuits, quoting Rabbi Finkelstein
Does worship of the Talmud pervade Judaism globally? Herman Wouk, Orthodox Jew and famed author of The Cain Mutiny, affirms, “The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, ceremonies we observe ~ whether we are Orthodox, Reform,Conservative, or merely spasmodic sentimentalists ~ we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.”
From Jews Must Liveby Samuel Roth, pg. 22. “The organ is diseased. This disease is a sort of moral gonorrhea known as Judaism, which, alas, seems to be incurable. If you have any doubts, look at any Jew ridden country in Europe. If you need to be further convinced, take a look at what is happening in the United States.”
“Every synagogue we Jews build in a Christian country is a finger of scorn we point at our hosts; a sore finger we stick into their eyes, like the leering of a senile old woman who does all sorts of foul mischief before you, and feels safe in the knowledge that you will not lay hands on her for fear of contamination.” ibid., pg.
Sen. Al Franken: One of the widely disseminated stories was that no Jews died in the collapse of the Trade Towers because they had received calls telling them not to go to work that day.
To tell you the truth, I got the Jew call. I had an office in the Trade Center where I used to do most of my writing. The call came from former New York mayor Ed Koch. “Al,” he told me, “don’t go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul [September 11, 2001.].”
Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us…Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a wild country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go crazy, that we might go wild and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East, or that we might start World War Three just like that. ~ Ariel Sharon
- This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact barbaralee15@hotmailcom.ART: THE GREAT TWENTIETH CENTURY ART SCAM UPDATED OR HOW ARROGANCE, GREED AND FOLLY NEARLY DESTROYED 2500 YEARS OF WESTERN ART
- EXPOSING SATAN’S LEFT BEHIND by Robert and Suzanne Hamick
- Film ~ 911 ~ MISSING LINKS
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact barbaralee15@hotmailcom.