Hear Shoars Children Scream When Brutally Abducted By Arizona DCS Thugettes With Approval Of Named Below

Image result for shoars children screaming

The below named criminals have not allowed these children to talk with their parents in 3 weeks! 

First and foremost to note is that ALL charges i.e. lies, allegations, fraudulent testimonies were totally and completely DISMISSED by Judge Bruce Cohen only to be “reactivated” by the DCS again complements of their Rouge Judiciary and National Socialist Cabal of “Femi-Nazis” AKA Department of Child Services/DCS ALL named below with their phone numbers.

ANYONE who would like a copy of the documents exposing the LIES that were “dismissed” and the “reinstated” documents naming each law breaking criminal guilty of this crime! Sexual abuse by the father is the latest LIE using a autistic child that they are “programming” as I type…as if that testimony will hold up on court when that child NEVER said a word from the time it was with a foster parent to this day…hmmmmmmmm. DCS AKA Devils Crime Syndicate of man hating gay lesbian Jesus haters and more then likely…closet pedophiles since they sent one Shoars child to a known group home that has a history of sexual abuse of children which is why they won’t say where this child was sent. Get the drift on why “reactivation” of charges?????

So when you hear the Shoars children scream…please ask yourself if they sound thankful they were being rescued from their “alleged” sexually abusive mean, rotten and cruel father and mother and the dirty nasty living conditions etc etc etc…ABD…for everyone to know…in my phone calls to most everyone in involved in this crime and named below…I asked them to listen to the children and realize that as the world “hears their screams”…to will the world know who is responsible.

Below the names of the NaziZona criminals there are a series of LINKS starting with the first story to the latest by “Medicalkidnap” who thankfully did their homework and have advocated for these children from the beginning and because of them, I found out about the Shoars children and family.

Lastly…read my lips boy and girls…your crimes are going to be read upon the house tops and that there are close to 6 major news outlets not to mention attorney’s who realize what you have done to these children and this family. Personally…on a “eternal note”, I know for a fact as a “small time minister” that your Free Masonic Satan inspired Anti-Christ template has qualified you for an “affixed punishment” by God Himself the moment you “flat line” and your spirit leaves your mortal body and hell you will be assigned to will be with the one you listened to…even the liar and murderer from the beginning…say SATAN!


Governor Ducey

Attorney General Brnovich

Asst. AG Denise Valenzuela – 602-542-1645 Signed off on the reactivation order and with the approval of head Juvenile Judge McNally who convieniently replaced Judge Cohen with Pineda while Cohen was out of town.

Judge Susanna PINEDA

Judge Susanna Pineda – 602-372-2958 Appointed by protector of pedophile James Moore…raping sodomizing abuser of children and pornographer Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano and why? Because Moore was a CHILD MOLESTING SODOMITE…say “gay”…like the Nazi’s for example…which is why Pineda hates families like the Shoars who believe in Jesus Christ. Pineda is “AWOL”.

Judge Colleen MCNALLY

Judge McNally – 602-506-5961 – McNally wants to be another Janet Napolitano! Threatened the Shoars with a GAG order, signs off on any and all unsubstantiated lies i.e. allegation using whoever decides to pick up the baton and run with it. Latest is a personal pick of the Doug Ducey himself…cold stone terminator of parental rights…have a mug shot of her down below.

Image result for Judge Sally Schneider DUNCAN

Judge Sally Schneider Duncan – 602-364-7105 Appointed by protector of GAY/SODOMITE pedophile James Moore…raping sodomizing abuser of children and pornographer Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano and why? Because Moore was a CHILD MOLESTING SODOMITE…say “gay”…like the Nazi’s for example…which is why Duncan hates families like the Shoars who believe in Jesus Christ.

Duncan set free a MURDERER OF A CHILD! on grounds of “prosecutorial misconduct” but has NO problem nor does any other Arizona judge with their misconduct or that of DCS. Whoops…another AWOL 🙂 Guess she made a save her ass career move ya think? 🙂

Image result for shoars children screaming

Scary huh? Here is the new “hatchet judge” to replace AWOL Duncan. Appears to enjoy TERMINATING PARENTAL RIGHTS…and believe it or not…she “counseled Veterans” besides working as senior counsel for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. ZERO experience with the children and families brutally victimized by the “National Socialist” DCS criminal syndicate of kidnapping, abusing, and violating the constitutional rights of children and families … say Shoar children and family…unless that is…TO TERMINATE THEIR PARENTAL RIGHTS! The family requested REMOVAL OF THIS JUDGE!

Guess I will have to give her a heads up…from this VETERAN to a woman who appears to have a heart for Veterans…but…BUT…she needs to understand that if she does not release the children to their parents…and plays the “termination of parental rights” war game…this combat Veteran will target her with the truth that I will promise her will destroy her career.

Allison…being you have sent criminals to prison…you might focus on the lying Bonnie Platter and her SS crew of liars…

This USMC Viet Nam Combat Veterans counsel to you Allison…is that you don’t follow her by supporting and upholding the lies and exaggerations/fabrications by DCS…especially the ongoing manipulation and using of a AUTISTIC CHILD to “charge the father with sexual abuse” complements of Arizona DCS and thugs which is why they “REINSTATED” the termination order by COHEN…otherwise…”termination” by you means “damnation” of your soul eternally and as a Minister/Judge…I can assure you this eternal fact!

On September 29, 2015, Governor Ducey appointed alumni, Alison Bachus to the Maricopa Superior Court bench.

Alison Bachus currently works as senior counsel for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Previously, she worked as an assistant U.S. attorney, clerked for Chief Judge Stephen McNamee of the U.S. District Court of Arizona and counseled veterans at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Alison has served as a lawyer-representative to the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference and as vice-president for the Ninth Circuit of the Federal Bar Association.

Alison graduated from the University of Illinois in 1999 and received her law degree from the University of Arizona College of Law in 2005.

Alison is an LCA Board Member, who currently works as senior counsel for the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Ducey said: â€śAlison’s background, achievements, and understanding of the law speak volumes about her qualifications to become a judge. … She is a welcome addition to the bench and will continue to be a strong public servant to the people of Arizona.”

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