The Secret Free Masonic Satanic Sodomite Roots of America!

A word keenly representative of the occult tradition and conspiracy is “corruption.” Perhaps there is no better word conveying the essence of it’s age old practices and teachings. In the occult conspiracy’s principle secret society vehicle, Freemasonry, such is evident by the oaths made in secret, oaths diametrically opposed to those taken by public officials to uphold justice.

The corruption of the process of justice and the subversion and corruption of the individual form the basis of corrupting society and points to a source of inspiration embraced by the expression “empire of evil.”

Who are the “Keepers of the Great Plan” and what are their “fundamental principles”?

Who are the Illuminati ?

What are their roots?


Term first used in fifteenth-century Europe to signify adepts, specifically those who were quite learned or who possessed “light” from direct communication with a higher source. It was associated with various occult sects and secret orders, including the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons.

p. 280 Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience,

Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 1991,

What was that “higher source” of “direct communication”, for the Rosicrucians, for Weishaupt’s Order of the Illuminati, for the Freemasons of the Scottish Rite, the Templars ? What are the “roots” of that “invisible empire” which operates behind the scenes ? What legacy of subversion and corruption is founded in Freemasonry’s organizational roots ? In it’s so-called “spiritual” roots ?

Not Just Bricklayers


The “operative” masons of Europe, persons who were literally in the stone mason trade who formed guilds and lodges, provided not only a pattern of secrecy for the lodges of “speculative” masons of professionals and aristocracy in England who formed a new “magical order,” but provided a legacy of subversion and corruption in the very exercise of their trade.

It is generally believed in occult circles that these medieval masons had inherited esoteric knowledge from their pagan antecedents and this knowledge was incorporated into the sacred architecture of the cathedrals.

p. 3 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

One person specifically revealing said “incorporation” of “esoteric knowledge,” a former 32 degree Mason and ex-Witch, wrote:

Many of the feasts, saints, and even cathedral sites of the medieval church were actually pagan feasts, gods, and worship sites. Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was built on the site of an important Temple to the Horned God of Witchcraft, Cernunnos.

These masons … were holders of the old religion … paid by the bishops to build cathedrals which they (the masons) would then encrust with Witchcraft symbols!

p. 181 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The nature of subversive activity, Schnoebelen has shown, was embodied in the coded portrayal of magical secrets in Cathedral stone providing a perpetual record or allegorical reference of their magical crafts. [Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991, p. 182]

The depth of subversion could not, however, be seen on the surface, as archeological investigations have revealed.

Although the masons who built the medieval churches and cathedrals were nominally Christian, the profusion of pagan symbols and images in these ancient buildings indicates many of them were still pagans at heart …

While researching a book on witchcraft, the medieval survival of the pagan old religion, author Michael Harrison came across the work of the late Professor Gregory Webb of Cambridge University who in 1946 was the secretary of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. …

In one of the churches surveyed … Inside the damaged altar Webb and his team discovered a stone image of a phallus which had been carefully concealed within the hollowed interior.

… In 90 per cent of all the pre-Reformation churches built before the outbreak of the bubonic plaque at the end of the fourteenth century, when church building ceased for a long period, Webb discovered the altars hid fertility symbols which dedicated the Christian churches to the old pagan religion.

p. 19 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Christians, by contrast, have been characterized as “puritanical.”

[p. 63

The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989]

The association of witchcraft and the “pagan old religion” obtains a particular focus in Europe about the time of the twelfth century to the fourteenth century, referred to. The spread of Luciferianism in Europe and the pursuit of “evil for the sake of evil” took root.

It is, however, idle to deny that the cult of evil has always existed; the invocation of the powers of darkness was practiced in the earliest days of the human race and, after the Christian era, found its expression, as we have seen, in the Cainites, the Euchites, and the Luciferians. These are not surmises, but actual facts of history. Towards the end of the twelfth century Luciferianism spread eastwards through Syria, the Tyrol, and Bohemia, even as far as Brandenburg; by the beginning of the thirteenth century it had invaded western Germany, and in the fourteenth century reached its zenith in that country, as also in Italy and France.

The cult had now reached a further stage in its development, and it was not the mere propitiation of Satanael as the prince of this world practiced by the Luciferians, but actual Satanism–the love of evil for the sake of evil–which formed the doctrine of the sect known in Italy as la vecchia religione or the “old religion.” Sorcery was adopted as a profession, and witches, not, as is popularly supposed, sporadic growths, were trained in schools of magic to practise their art.

p. 77 Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta H. Webster, 1924

The pagan, pantheistic doctrine of dualism gave rise to the worship of the Lord of Darkness and the perversion of the Biblical description of the Devil as the ruler of the world.

{Under heading: Luciferians}

Following the pantheistic doctrine that God is present in all of creation, some medieval sectarians held that God and the devil were one.

Since the Catholic church (and later Protestants) frequently referred to Satan as “the ruler of this world,” breakaway groups of antinomian heretics would therefore declare that Satan (Lucifer) should indeed be worshiped …

Since many medieval heretics came to be accused of making pacts with Satan and worshiping him, it is difficult to tell who the real Luciferans were, but groups with this theology are mentioned as existing in thirteenth-century Germany.

p. 83 Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics, Chas S. Clifton, 1992

Thus, the Gothic cathedral work of “operative” stone masons of the period of the twelfth to fifteenth centuries became the object of religious subversive activity and provided the tradition for the religious and political subversive activities of “speculative” Masonry which organizationally crystallized in England in 1717.

In fact, the Gothic cathedrals were mostly built between A.D. 1100 and 1400, 300 years before some gentlemen calling themselves the ‘Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons’ formed the Grand Lodge of England in 1717.

p. 30 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989

Albert Pike, Luciferian, who was appointed as dogmatic head of Freemasonry by Giuseppe Mazzini readily admitted to particular subversive activities, corruption by the “ideas of Plato” and Egyptian, Greek and other mystery religion doctrines embraced by the Gnostics who taught “another doctrine … from the hands of philosophy …”

Under the same influences of toleration, even those who embraced Christianity, mingled together the old and the new, Christianity and Philosophy, the Apostolic teachings and the traditions of Mythology.

The man of intellect, devotee of one system, rarely displaces it with another in all its purity. The people take such a creed as is offered them.

Accordingly, the distinction between the esoteric and the exoteric doctrine, immemorial in other creeds, easily gained a foothold among many of the Christians; and it was held by a vast number, even during the preaching of Paul, that the writings of the Apostles were incomplete; that they contained only the germs of another doctrine, which must receive from the hands of philosophy, not only the systematic arrangement which was wanting, but all the development which lay concealed therein.

The writings of the Apostles, they said, in addressing themselves to mankind in general, enunciated only the articles of the vulgar faith; but transmitted the mysteries of knowledge to superior minds, to the Elect, — mysteries handed down from generation to generation is esoteric traditions; and to this science of the mysteries they gave the name of … {Gnosis}.

The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend-avesta and the Kabalah, and the Sacred books of India and Egypt; and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had formed the larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists had equally adopted in the Occident.

p. 248

Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The coming of the “Antichrist” would be evident not only by external and internal physical subversions of cathedrals otherwise dedicated to Christ, but by philosophical subversions, doctrine, practice, and even by “powerful works.” Although the work of the “Antichrist” was not completed with subversions which came upon Christian congregations which followed the Apostle’s passing off the earthly scene, history finds the impact staggering, and the discovery of the occult conspiracy demonstrates that the “Antichrist’s” work has even greater impending evil planned in it’s designs upon a world of mankind for whom Jesus Christ came to set persons free from bondage to corruption and from death itself.

Michael Howard, who takes a positive view of the occult or pagan traditions in The Occult Conspiracy also traces the influence of Gnosticism in direct conflict with Christianity.

However the myth of the Hermetic wisdom had a profound effect on the Gnostics who were heretical Christians in direct conflict with the early Christian Church for attempting to fuse paganism with the new faith. … The Hermetic tradition provided the spiritual inspiration for many secret societies in the Middle Ages and its influence can be discerned in both speculative Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism.

p. 4 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Pike acknowledged subversion of Jewish religious leaders, the Pharisees, against whom Jesus railed for their victimization, spiritually and otherwise, of the common people.

The dominant system among the Jews after their captivity was that of the Pharoschim or Pharisees. Whether their name was derived from that of the Parsees, or followers of Zoroaster, or from some other source, it is certain that they had borrowed much of their doctrine from the Persians. Like them they claimed to have the exclusive and mysterious knowledge, unknown to the mass.

p. 259 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Pike further acknowledges the deep occult tradition of Jewish sects, which stood diametrically opposed to the teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures of the Holy Bible. He refers to the influence exercised upon some while in captivity in pagan Babylon, from where the plan for a one-world religion in opposition to the God of the Bible originated.

The Magi of Babylon were expounders of figurative writings, interpreters of nature, and of dreams, — astronomers and divines; and from their influences arose among the Jews, after their rescue from captivity, a number of sects, and a new exposition, the mystical interpretation, with all its wild fancies and infinite caprices. The Aions of the Gnostics, the Ideas of Plato, the Angels of the Jews, and the Demons of the Greeks, all correspond to the Ferouers of Zoroaster.

A great number of Jewish families remained permanently in their new country; and one of the most celebrated of their schools was at Babylon. They were soon familiarized with the doctrine of Zoroaster, which itself was more ancient than Kuros. From the system of the Zend-Zvesta they borrowed, and subsequently gave large development to, everything that could be reconciled with their own faith; and these additions to the old doctrine were soon spread, by the constant intercourse of commerce, into Syria and Palestine.

p. 256 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Babylon (Chaldea / Mesopotamia) and Egypt are pointed to by Pike as the source of the ancient mystery religion and occult traditions (which includes ceremonial magick). Both Kabalistic and Gnostic fundamentals of Templarism which Pike referred to are rooted in the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mystery religion traditions and initiations.

The first Druids were the true children of the Magi, and their initiation came from Egypt and Chaldaea, that is to say, from the pure sources of the primitive Kabalah.

p. 103 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Even so, occult practitioners had evidently infiltrated the domain of the Church organization.

CEREMONIAL MAGICK … is a very old one, dating from ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian times, it was widely used during the Medieval era and is still practiced today. Because the magicians practicing this type of magick could profess a basic belief in a Supreme Creator such as that of the ruling Christian church, they often felt comfortable participating in the accepted religion of the day.

This participation kept most of them free from persecution; the majority of these magicians also were very secretive about their magical work, which helped them live fairly safe lives. Furthermore, many of the clergy delved into Ceremonial Magick, until even this was declared anathema by the powerful Christian church.

p. 53 The Ancient & Shining Ones:

World Myth, Magic & Religion, D.J. Conway, 1993

The prolific and highly honored 33rd degree Mason, Manly P. Hall, also conceded the existence of such activities, as has Michael Howard.

Even alchemy and astrology were practiced by the members of monkish Orders, and not a few old abbots were suspected of sorcery. Such pursuits were regarded with disfavor, and appropriate chidings administered. It took something more, however, to set the whole machinery of theological displeasure in motion.

p. 42 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

During the period following the emergence of the Mystery cultus and the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire a new mystical movement arose in the Middle East which attempted to synthesize the best elements of the decaying paganism with the new Christian beliefs. This movement was known as Gnosticism, …

They claimed to have preserved the real teachings of Jesus …

The Gnostics derived their spiritual inspiration from a variety of sources, including the Greek and Roman Mysteries, Ancient Egyptian mythology, the Hermetic tradition, the dualistic doctrines of Zoroasterianism, the Middle Eastern fertility cults, the Chaldean stellar religion and Esoteric Christianity.

The Gnostics attempted to unite both paganism and Christianity and they produced a hybrid version of the new faith based on the heretical texts which circulated after the death of Jesus.

p. 24 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The focus of this critical analysis is upon the evil and corrupting roots of the occult conspiracy to restore the plan for a one-world religion and government presided over by an occult and evil Hierarchy, a plan which could embody the ultimate fulfillment of the Antichrist of which Jesus Christ‘s Apostles warned.

Roughly concurrent in the pagan, witchcraft and Luciferian environment in Europe, the twelfth and thirteenth centuries also saw the rise to wealth and power of the Knights Templar, a French based monastic Order once a military arm of the Roman Catholic Church which provided protection for traveling pilgrims during the Crusades. In the Middle East they had learned, through their contacts, particular esoteric arts. What common denominator had established itself between the Templars, witchcraft, and Egyptian mystery religion ?

The goat god


The “Goat of Mendes” is represented in the occult by the inverted pentagram (or inverted five-pointed star) and is common to witchcraft, satanism, and some other occult traditions or organizations. It is considered to be an extremely diabolical symbol by persons familiar with occult esoteric teachings and practices. It represents what is known as the Baphomet representation of an evil horned god. The Egyptian “roots” are shocking, and leave a trail of evil with an expanding base of influence in our century.

In medieval times the Devil was sometimes called the Goat of Mendes because at this temple in ancient Egypt bizarre rituals were performed involving naked priestesses performing the sex act with goats.

p. 13 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

In the widespread witchcraft organization known as Wicca it is in the higher degrees or levels (esoteric teachings) where the initiates learn that the Horned God of the inverted pentagram represents Lucifer.

The right hand side is masculine and sacred to the Horned God (who we in Wicca eventually learned was Lucifer).

p. 13 Mormonism’s Temple of Doom,

by William J. Schnoebelen & James R. Spencer, 1987

The Templars in their contacts in the Middle East adopted a legacy which can be traced to Egyptian mystery religion in one of it’s most horrifying manifestations.

Having embraced Gnosticism while in Palestine, and in touch with the sect of the Assassins, the Templar order degenerated, and some of its members, under the influence of that sect, were said to practice Phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and to venerate “The Baphomet”, the idol of the Luciferians. The crime of Sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation.

p. 144 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

In their confessions the knights said that Templar initiation ceremonies took place at night in candlelit chapels. Initiates were forced to renounce their Christian faith as a sign of their loyalty to the Order and to spit, urinate or trample on a crucifix.

p. 37 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The androgynous figure of Baphomet has female breasts and the lower part of its body is veiled portraying the mysteries of generation. However the phallic nature of the goat god is symbolized by the caduceus symbol of a wand entwined with two serpents which was carried by Hermies. This symbol hides the erect penis of the Baphomet figure. Its belly is covered with scales representing the reptilian origin of the human race in the evolutionary process.

p. 38 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The reptilian, serpent association of Lucifer, represented in the Baphomet, began with the “serpent” which corrupted the first human pair, and has been honored and represented in pagan mystery religion since. The philosophical “lie” by Lucifer that humans can attain “godhood” through the auspices of Lucifer, that man or woman can “evolve” to godhood by occult methods involving escalating degrees of spiritistic “illumination” entrenches evolution as a dogma in the occult tradition.

The Baphomet represents the depiction of the ancient mystery religion from Egypt, it’s goat god, sex magic, and spiritistic “illumination.” Thus, the Templar tradition in secret societies is not a reference to protecting pilgrims journeying to the Holy Land from “infidels.”

The Templar tradition represents a tradition of Luciferianism, of Baphomet or Goat of Mendes worship, and a tradition of sex magic with it’s diabolical effects.

Ramsey … in 1736 … addressed a gathering of French Masons and referred to the Templar tradition. He revealed that Masonry was the heir to the secrets of the Templars who in turn had inherited the ancient wisdom of the pagan Mysteries.

p. 57 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

In 1736, only nineteen years after the formation of the Grand Lodge in England in 1717, Masonry, in a French address, was identified as “heir to the secrets of the Templars who in turn had inherited the ancient wisdom of the pagan Mysteries.” The transformation or impacting of “speculative” Freemasonry by Templarism should not be surprising, since before his death in 1314, Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the officially banned Order, set up Lodges to perpetuate the Templar tradition in Edinburg, Scotland; and Paris, France; and elsewhere. De Molay had “instituted what afterward came to be called the Occult, Hermetic, or Scottish Masonry.” [p. 820, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike]

Thus, the depths of Freemasonry, as attributed to by Albert Pike, the man who wrote the degrees of the Ancient and Scottish Rite in their present form, are not simply a continuation of pagan traditions of the “operative” masons who built the cathedrals of Europe, but the perpetuation of the traditions of the Templars themselves. The origins of Freemasonry reach further back in time than the stone Masons of Europe, even as Pike pointed out.

Hence Free-Masonry, vulgarly imagined to have begun with the Dionysian Architects or the German Stone-workers, adopted Saint John the Evangelist as one of its patrons, associating with him, in order not to arouse the suspicions of Rome ….”

p. 818 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The midevil cathedrals bear the scars of sinister subversions with witchcraft symbols and fertility symbols, phallic worship. The “operative masons” who through their building craft subverted those structures, formed a pattern for the lodges of “speculative” Masonry, a new “magical order” in England. The religious and political designs of “speculative” Freemasonry would provide the “vehicle” for the “ultimate secret society.”

The secret society stage was ripe for Weishaupt’s formation of the “ultimate secret society” in which “all occult systems could be reduced to a single, powerful organization.” The “empire of evil … spreading by all the occult means at their disposal” obtained in Adam Weishaupt an unholy godfather to direct the evil empire’s activities under a central authority by the Illuminati.

Freemasonry’s godfathers


The “sceptre of the dark empire” was “wrested by Mazzini” from the Carbonari who had assumed the leadership of the “dark empire” by it’s Alta Vendita Lodge of blackest Freemasonry following Weishaupt’s death or decline. Like Weishaupt, Mazzini viewed Freemasonry as an ideal vehicle or “powerful vehicle” for world revolution. In collusion with an American Confederate General, Albert Pike, Mazzini would reinforce the criminal beginnings of “speculative” Masonry begun in England and forge Mazzini’s Masonic Machine.

Mazzini, also the father of the Sicilian Mafia, brought Albert Pike whom he had appointed as head of dogma over Freemasonry into the depths of the conspiracy of Illuminist control of Freemasonry.

Mazzini had understood that Freemasonry was a powerful lever with which to revolutionize the world, but he saw it divided into numerous rites, often rivals, and even hostile to one another. Aspiring to Italian Unity as a means of breaking the temporal power of the Holy See, he dreamt of a union of masonry throughout the world to destroy the church itself as a spiritual power.

Mazzini, who was very practical, said that it would be inadvisable to favour one rite only to the exclusion of all the others. In a letter to Albert Pike, dated Jan. 22, 1870, he writes.

“We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their divers modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at present, but we must create a supreme rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to their brothers in masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international centre, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown.”

Albert Pike, in honour of his Templar Baphomet, which was in the keeping of his first and historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed Palladian Rite or New and Reformed Palladium.

“To recruit adepts, they planned to use some members of the other rites, but in the beginning they meant to rely principally on those among the initiates of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites who were already addicted to occultism.

Thus it was particularly the initiates of the thirty-third degree Scottish Rites, who, owing to their extensive international ramifications, were privileged to recruit adepts for Palladism.

“One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite.

“The Holy See of the Dogma for the whole masonic world was set up at Charleston, the sacred city of the Palladium. Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, was the president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, …

One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry.

p. 221 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Albert Pike rose to prominence in Freemasonry learning the “Craft” in Little Rock, Arkansas, whereas the headquarters for the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was located in Charleston, South Carolina since 1801. Later the headquarters was relocated to Washington D.C. and is now the Mother Council of the World.

Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, was the president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, composed of ten brothers of the highest grades who formed his Supreme Grand College of Emeritus Masons.

p. 217 Quoting from Domenico Margiotta, 33rd Degree Mason. from the book Adriano Lemmi

Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Confederate Brigadier General Albert Pike, “the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer,” who co-founded the KKK, which is recognized for, among other things, un-Christian titles such as Grand Dragon and Imperial Wizard, cross-burning, and racism.

Every Freemason should realize that Pike “completely rewrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite into their present form.”

Albert Pike (1809-1891) is easily the preeminent figure in American Freemasonry. His many titles included Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree (Mother Council of the World) and Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. Scholar, student of ancient languages and occult philosopher, he completely rewrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite into their present form. This work is explained in his book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. His position in Masonry was, and is today, unparalleled, not only in the United States, but throughout the world.

p. 63 The Deadly Deception: Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

Former 33rd degree Freemason, the highest degree attainable in American Freemasonry, Shaw makes it clear that:

Finally, the last Sunday of Reunion arrived and we progressed to the 32nd Degree. Upon completion of the degree work, climaxing with the 32nd Degree lecture, …

Each of us was presented, along with the Scottish Rite ring, a copy of Albert Pike’s book, “Morals and Dogma.” We were told that is was the source book for Freemasonry and its meaning. We were also told that it must never leave our possession, and that arrangements must be made so that upon our deaths it would be returned to the Scottish Rite.

p. 62 The Deadly Deception: Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

It is with particular authority, then, that Albert Pike identifies in Masonry’s “source book” the source of inspiration and guidance for Freemasonry. What is the “Palladian Rite” by which, Mazzini wrote Pike, “we will govern all Freemasonry” ? The “supreme rite” was launched in “honor of his {Pike’s} Templar Baphomet.” Who is the god of Freemasonry ?

Masonry’s “Prime Minister”


The Templars deceived observers with an outward facade :

Thus the Order of Knights of the Temple … externally professed the most perfect orthodoxy. The Chiefs alone knew the aim of the Order…

“The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters… ; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant. Hence Free-Masonry, … adopted Saint John the Evangelist as one of its patrons, associating with him, in order not to arouse the suspicions of Rome ….”

p. 818 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The use of facade, of concealing evils with a righteous front is an age old ploy. The Apostle Paul wrote,

” For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,

transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an

angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also

be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end

shall be according to their works.”

2 Corinthians 11: 13-15. KJV

The transformation referred to is one of appearances, Satan putting on appearances of an angel of light. In that, the Templar tradition has followed the tradition of the god the Templars worshipped. Thus it is not surprising that Pike extols Lucifer, represented by the goat god, as the God of Light. The evil Satan is portrayed as a misrepresentation.

The Technological dogma of Albert Pike is explained in the ‘ Instructions ‘ issued by him, on July 14, 1889, to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world and have been recorded by A.C. De La Rive in La Remme et lÉnfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (page 588) from which book we translate and quote as follows :

“To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees — The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.

“Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. …

“Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy ; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay ; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”

One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry.”

In 1880, a charter was granted him by the Royal Order of Scotland for the foundation of Lodges in America appointing him Provincial Grand Master of the order of H. R. M. He was indeed a great organizer.

Margiotta further writes :

” The two secret chiefs, Pike and Mazzini, finally completed the organization of high masonry, establishing four Grand Central Directories for the world, functioning thenceforth to gather information for the benefit of their political policy and dogmatic propaganda. ..”

p. 222 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Pike mocks the description of Lucifer as the “Spirit of Darkness,” an expression abundantly attributed to the god of the witches and sorcerers.

“LUCIFER, the Light-bearer ! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness ! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning ! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not ! for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed.

p. 321 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Satan portrays himself as mankind’s liberator and as the god of light in the Garden of Eden in promising Adam and Eve godhood if they would choose rebellion against God. Satan declared that Adam and Eve would not die for rebellion against God, but would attain to godhood instead.

After commenting on the name of Satan, who is the Devil, Pike refers to Satan, not as a person, but as a force, eventually represented by the horned god of the witches.

“…for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry.

For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythologic and horned form of the God PAN; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent and the Light Bearer or Phosphor of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.”

p. 102 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Adonay, referred to as the God of the Bible, is, instead accused of being “the God of Darkness and Evil.”

The “Force” embodied in the goat god of the witch’s Sabbat, or Baphomet, is portrayed by Pike as the instrument of liberty.

Pike outright celebrated Satan’s subversion or ‘liberation’ of Adam and Eve. The unseen power behind the serpent in the Garden of Eden which portrayed itself as a source of “light” is honored by the Luciferian religion as “serpent power,” the “Force,” later described as the Kundalini or serpent force. To Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, Satan is not the god “of the Powers of Darkness” but the prime minister force of the god of Masonry’s light, Lucifer.

The corruption which Illuminati Adam Weishaupt used to further the aims of establishing an eventual overt, Luciferian Hierarchy over mankind has been essentially the same method employed by Lucifer, Satan’s disguised angel of light personality, in establishing influence and control over the first human pair; the method of corruption was spiritual corruption. Pike also revised the Black Mass in which Satan’s subversion of Adam and Eve is celebrated.

Corruption has been the modus operandi, spiritual or otherwise.

Retired Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy {William Guy Carr} …

“While Pike was Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and Head of the Illuminati during the 1870’s he revised and modernized the ritual of the Black Mass celebrated to emphasize the Luciferian and Satanic victory achieved in the Garden of Eden, and over Christ to end his mission on earth. The celebrant of the Black Mass plays the part of Satan. He introduces a Virgin Priestess to the joys of sexual intercourse and makes known to her the mystery of procreation. … The desecration of a Host consecrated by a Roman Catholic Priest is part of this abomination.

Lucifer is worshipped as “The giver of the True light”; the fountain of All wisdom; and as the greatest of all Supernatural Beings. Satan is worshipped as Lucifer’s Prime Minister … a Black Mass is usually followed by a Bacchanalian orgy. Those who attend are supplied with sex-stimulating drugs and beverages. They worship the body and indulge in sexual excesses, and perversions, of all kinds. Priestesses are provided for the occasion.

p. 122 Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star: The Masonic Connection,

Dr. Cathy Burns, 1994

quoting from David Carrico’s exposé, quoting Commander William Guy Carr,

Lucifer–Eliphas Levi–Albert Pike and the Masonic Lodge, p. 15

Pike, who “revised and modernized the ritual of the Black Mass”, also “rewrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite into their present form.” It should be emphasized that the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is not only the highest degree of American Freemasonry, but is one bestowed by invitation of the Supreme Council only, and in which “true allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree” is sworn “above all other allegiances” and the ceremony is sealed with drinking wine out of a human skull.

A former 33rd degree Mason who left the order exposes the “deadly deception” of Freemasonry’s 33rd degree.

When it was time for the final obligation we all stood and repeated the oath with the representative candidate, administered by the Sovereign Grand Inspector General. We then swore true allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree, above all other allegiances, and swore never to recognize any other brother as being a member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry unless he also recognizes the supreme authority of “this Supreme Council.”

One of the Conductors then handed the “candidate” a human skull upside down, with wine it .

With all of us candidates repeating after him, he sealed the oath, “May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me, as the Hemlock juice drunk by Socrates, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate the same” (the oath).

p. 104 The Deadly Deception:

Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

In a ceremony the Thursday before Easter in local Scottish Rite Temples, by no means limited to 33rd degree Masons, participants play out a terribly sinister ceremony.

After this we took our places at the table shaped like a cross and sat down. . The setting was dark, our long, sweeping robes were solid black, our faces nearly concealed in the hoods

… It was, indeed, a Black Communion — a strange Black Mass.

… with only the center candle still burning, … and extinguished the last candle — the candle representing the life of Jesus ..

We had dramatized and commemorated the snuffing out of the life of Jesus, without once mentioning his name, (bold characters, the author’s between commas) and the scene ended with the room in deep silent darkness.

p. 107 The Deadly Deception:

Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988

As Pike dramatically provided for, “the celebrant of the Black Mass plays the part of Satan.”

Freemasonry’s Palladian Rite


Often when one hears about initiation into Freemasonry, one thinks of the oaths which are taken. Yet the initiations involved at the highest levels of Freemasonry which are used to “rule” or govern the organization represent extreme forms of human corruption, morally and spiritistically, as is evident in the “supreme rite” fashioned by Pike to rule Freemasonry.

Pike, who rewrote the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, colluded with Mazzini in forming the “supreme rite” to govern all of the rites of Freemasonry, the Palladian Rite. The “supreme rite” was launched in “honor of {Pike’s} Templar Baphomet.”

A Knight Templar Mason, William Schnoebelen

“was brought into Palladium Lodge … in Chicago in the late 1970s … and received {a} … degree … in that Lodge in 1981.”

p. 194 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The former high-level Mason Schnoebelen exposes in Masonry: Beyond the Light, one of several books he has authored, the five steps of the Palladian rite. Part of what is involved is a progression of corruption which ultimately result in complete, ongoing possession by “the evil spirit” for which the person becomes but a “fleshly glove.” To achieve that state the “initiate” is “literally ‘married'” …

“by having a medium of the appropriate gender be possessed by the “dead spirit” (actually a demon) and then … was consummated.

It was believed that the magical “virtue” of the spirit would flow from the possessed medium into the initiate through the act of intimacy.

The idea was that the wisdom and god-like power of the spirit being would gradually, through repeated congress, totally infuse the mind, body and will of the initiate.

… {later}

At this point, the soul of the initiate is totally eclipsed by the evil spirit. In other words, there is virtually “nobody at home” except the demon! … At this point, the initiate ceases to be an autonomous individual. He is but a fleshly “glove” with a demonic “hand” inside controlling his every move.

Such “illuminated beings” regard humans the way we regard cattle.

p. 199 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

Sex with the demon possessed is a diabolical means for transforming the individual and eventually completely taking over of the brain and body by “the evil spirit.” That’s been one way of taking control of an organization using high ranking members, by taking over their minds and bodies. Yet, how could Pike, Mazzini and their associated conspirators get persons to submit to such a diabolical process ?

{of Mazzini and Albert Pike}

“To recruit adepts, they planned to use some members of the other rites, but in the beginning they meant to rely principally on those among the initiates of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites who were already addicted to occultism.

“One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite.

Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, was the president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, …

p. 217 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

What could induce a person to pursue such horrible, demonic practices ? What persons would be principally recruited for the Rites of Palladism ?

Those ” … who were already addicted to occultism, particularly initiates of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites.

Perhaps a most telling warning not to involve oneself in the occult, not to become addicted to it, not even to dabble in it, are not simply the cases resulting madness or insanity, but of what might be described as an incomprehensible corruption of a human being which involves the divorcing of one’s humanity and progressively leads to becoming a “fleshly glove in a demonic hand.”

One of the stages of the Palladian Rite has elements common to a broad spectrum of occult traditions, evidently accounting for the reference to addiction to occultism which was made. It defines spiritistic Illumination.


through drugs and occult techniques of the Seers, the so-called Third Eye would be opened, not just partially (as in psychics) but completely. This “eye,”… is felt to be the point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness. It is supposedly located in the forehead, above and between the two visible eyes.

To “open” the eye a little bit is to experience psychic powers. To open the eye completely is to have your brain flooded with the “pure” consciousness of Lucifer himself. This is why one of the Masonic symbols is the “All-Seeing Eye.” It is a symbol of Illumination.

… In it, you acquire a “personal relationship” with Lucifer. You begin to think his thoughts and see with his eyes. You begin to look at humans the way he does. It is not a pretty experience!

p. 197 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The same author, William Schnoebelen a former Wiccan High Witch, elaborates about Lucifer whom Pike explained as having Satan as his “force.”

At that point, I knew one of the pre-eminent names of the god of the witches was Lucifer. Then I learned that the Horned God, Lucifer, had a “Shadow” as well. …

… so does the light of Lucifer become the brilliant darkness of Satan — yet it is the same god!

p. 34 Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The Templar Enigma


The solution to the Templar Enigma does much to further identify the “fundamental principles” of the rulers of Freemasonry. The corruption process to which Masons submit themselves in the “outer machinery” by means of the oaths of Freemasonry, perverting justice and sanctioning murder and treason, represents a dark path which gets ever darker as the serious Mason moves on to deeper secrets.

The Knights Templar Enigma raises the questions of “fundamental principles.” It explains why Freemasonry is not only fundamentally dangerous, as is evident in Masonry’s oaths, but why Freemasonry is diabolically dangerous to the human family.

Manly P. Hall, 33 degree, ranked in Freemasonry in it’s explications with Albert Pike, evidently refuted the allegation that the Templars were targeted for doom by the “Church” for their wealth or temporal power, and places the focus on their secret body of knowledge and rites of black magic and of the Baphomet.

Was Jacques de Molay burned by the Holy Inquisition merely because he wore the red cross of the Templar? What were those secrets to which he was true even in death? Did his companion knights perish with him merely because they had amassed a fortune and exercised an unusual degree of temporal power ?

To the thoughtless these may constitute ample grounds, but to those who can pierce the film of the specious and the superficial they are assuredly insufficient. It was not the physical power of the Templars, but the knowledge which they had brought with them from the East, that the church feared.

The Templars had discovered part of the great arcanum; they had become wise in those mysteries which had been celebrated in Mecca thousands of years before the advent of Mohammed; they had read a few pages from the dread book of the Anthropos, and for this knowledge they were doomed to die. What was the black magic of which the Templars were accused ? What was Baphomet, the Goat of Mendes, whose mysteries they were declared to have celebrated ? All these are questions worthy of thoughtful consideration by every studious Mason.

p. 439 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals

Manly P. Hall, 1984

This represents a high level Masonic stinging admission of the real issues, which Albert Pike began to reveal in his Morals and Dogma. Piercing “the film of the specious and the superficial” modern-day charges that the wealth and power of the Templars occasioned their doom as a military organ of the Roman Catholic Church, the question arises, “what was the “great arcanum,” the great secret in ancient mysteries in which they had become so-called “wise” ?

What was the black magic which eludes a specious and superficial examination ? What was the mystery of the Goat of Mendes which Manly P. Hall urges to give “thoughtful consideration by every studious Mason” in connection with the Templar legend ?

Specifically the Templars were accused of denying the tenets of the Christian faith, spitting or urinating on the crucifix during secret rites of initiation, worshipping a skull or head called Baphomet in a dark cave, anointing it with blood or the fat of unbaptized babies, worshipping the Devil in the shape of a black cat and commiting acts of sodomy and bestiality.

It is possible that during their sojourn in the Middle East the Templar Order contacted adepts from the Arab Mystery schools who taught them the secrets of sex magic. This theory is supported by confessions of Templars who said that at the climax of the ceremony the initiate indulged in an act of sodomy with the chaplain.

p. 37 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Sex magic ?

Acts of sodomy and bestiality ?

As already noted, the ancient Egyptian Goat of Mendes, represented later by the Baphomet, established a legacy.

In medieval times the Devil was sometimes called the Goat of Mendes because at this temple in ancient Egypt bizarre rituals were performed involving naked priestesses performing the sex act with goats.

p. 13 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Operating in the Middle-East, the Knights Templar were geographically in position to acquire it’s diabolical traditions.

Having embraced Gnosticism while in Palestine, and in touch with the sect of the Assassins, the Templar order degenerated, and some of its members, under the influence of that sect, were said to practice Phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and to venerate “The Baphomet”, the idol of the Luciferians. The crime of Sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation.

p. 144 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

The phallic representation included in the image of the Baphomet goat god is not incidental, but involved one of the most diabolical parts of the inner secrets of pagan mystery religion which is traced to ancient Egypt. That inner secret demonstrates unequivocally that at the core of mystery religion is not simple “nature worship.”

Former first degree Illuminati, Knight Templar, High Wiccan Witch, satanist, and 90th degree of the Egyptian Rite, William Schnoebelen, has provided comprehensively indicting expositions of the occult establishment in the books which he has authored. While 33rd degree Mason Manly P. Hall points to actual issues of the Templars’ suppression and points to them as “questions worthy of thoughtful consideration by every studious Mason,” Schnoebelen reveals how another 33rd degree Mason, and notorious satanist, Aleister Crowley disclosed in writing secrets which bordered on revealing “the very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry.

Sexual magic which Michael Howard attributes to the Templars is further identified by Schnoebelen as the means by which depths of human degradation are brought about, leaving no question as to what accounted for the “degenerated” Knights Templar.

… the sexual magic Crowley brought to the West from his travels in Egypt, Nepal, Tibet and Ceylon involved the belief that various orifices of the body were tunnels into other magical dimensions …
and that sexual fluids were magical elixirs if properly “consecrated” by a Priestess of the Art in a Magic Circle.

In bringing these secrets out in his privately published books, Crowley skated the edge of revealing the very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry. Those who followed his teaching, which included members of the English-speaking branches of the O.T.O., and a large majority of the Third Degree and beyond Witches I knew, rapidly became obsessed with sadism, sodomy, perversion and both physical and psychic vampirism!

p. 193 Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

Schnoebelen makes the Freemasonry and witchcraft connection with the diabolical sex magic rites. The “magical dimensions” cited represent horrifying contacts with demons, as Schnoebelen attests. Satanist Aliester Crowley “skated the edge” of revealing in writing the “very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry.” Diabolical sex magic is revealed to comprise “the very highest secrets of both Templary and Freemasonry.”

Freemasonry, witchcraft, and other manifestations of the New Age movement are significantly revealed as to fundamental principles and methods by means of such disclosures which serve to identify the type of forces behind the New Age movement.

 The New Age movement and the occult revival, while claiming to be presenting a new style of spirituality, still relies on the traditional philosophies of past occultists such as Blavatsky, Besant, Steiner, Alice Bailey and Aleister Crowley to provide its theological framework.

p. 174 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The Palladian Rite, the “supreme rite,” which involves sexual union with demon possessed, was devised to “govern all Freemasonry.” Luciferian spiritism. The Goat of Mendes, the Baphomet, honored by Albert Pike who colluded with Mazzini in creating the presiding diabolical rite to govern Freemasonry provides a link with the Baphomet of the Templars who survived DeMolay. The link is evidently more than symbolic.

Schnoebelen described the “illumination” of the brain by Lucifer, or a Luciferian entity, in which the person experiences thoughts intensely impressed upon the brain. Spiritistic “illumination.” Although other methods are also used in the occult, including the use of drugs, the method of involving persons to engage in sexual perversions in order to achieve “illumination” reveals much about the so-called “Golden Age” which the “Philosophic Empire” seeks to establish in America and throughout the world.

Referring to the Templar Order, Michael Howard connects the sex magic rites with what is called “illumination.”

Candidates entering the Order also had to kiss their initiator on the mouth, the navel, the penis and at ‘the base of the spine’. These kisses were regarded by critics of the Order as proof of their perverted sexual activities but in the occult tradition the naval, sexual organs and the perineum are the physical locations of the psychic centers of the human body, known in the East as the chakras. The perineum marks the Kundalini chakra which is the psychic source of sexual energy in the body. Various occult techniques can be practiced which liberate this energy so that it travels up the spinal cord to illuminate the brain.

p. 37 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

That “energy” is identifiable as the “Force” which Albert Pike identified as Satan. In fact, the kundalini force is identified as a serpent force which travels up the spinal cord in mystical techniques such as in kundalini yoga. Howard clearly identifies the illumination of the brain of the occult tradition as occurring under the auspices of Lucifer, the Devil.

In Levi’s illustration Baphomet is a goat-headed figure with androgynous features who sits on a cube. A torch blazes between the goat’s horns which represents cosmic intelligence and spiritual illumination. In occult tradition Lucifer – who is regarded by the Church as the Devil – is called the lightbringer because he grants his disciples spiritual illumination through incarnation on the physical plane.

p. 38 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The term “cosmic” intelligence, illumination or expansion of consciousness is common in the New Age movement and represents “spiritual” illumination by Lucifer, the Devil, the Baphomet god.

The tone evident in Howard’s book is that the Judeo-Christian ethic is characterized as puritanical. The Bible does condemn spiritistic practices as well as practices of fornication, homosexuality, and adultery. Spiritistic practice is the substance of the occult. Fornication and homosexuality, as Schnoebelen testifies to, also comprise the framework of many occult traditions.

Thus, the portrayal which intimates that it is Christian propaganda which characterizes occultism as involving the worship of the Powers of Darkness is an intriguing way for Michael Howard to introduce the main body of a book which considers “Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History.”

Anyone involved in the twilight world of the occultist must, so the argument goes, be weird or unusual because occultism in the popular imagination conjures up visions of incense filled temples, naked virgins on altars, bizarre rituals, secret initiations and, if Christian propaganda can be believed, the worship of the Powers of Darkness.

p. vii, preface The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Is it “Popular imagination” that occultism conjures up visions of … the worship of the Powers of Darkness.” ? The evidence indicates that occultism is far worse than what many in the public might perceive of it.

Those who advocate for the occult often take the position similar to Albert Pike who claimed that Lucifer is the God of Light and of Good, and who accused the God of the Bible as being the God of Darkness and Evil

Edith Starr Miller relates the

“… theological dogma of Albert Pike … explained in the ‘Instruction’ issued by him on July 14, 1889, to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world … recorded by A.C. De La Rive …

Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy ; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay ; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”

p. 221 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Howard formulates that there is an argument which accuses persons involved with the occult as being weird or unusual because of a perception based on “popular imagination.” However, as Schnoebelen testifies to and documents, the “secret initiations” and “bizarre rituals” far exceed in degradation what might even be popularly imagined.

Perhaps Howard does not consider perverted occult practices which even he, himself, refers to or relates, as bizarre, weird, or even unusual. Howard goes on to advocate for occultism. In the preface of his book he states that:

“through the acquisition of the Ancient Wisdom it is possible that the aspirations of humanity can be fulfilled, providing those who guide the destiny of our nations are not diverted from the narrow path they tread by the lure of temporal power at the expense of spiritual integrity.”

(p. ix). The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

“Spiritual integrity” is an expression which has a noble ring to it, but Howard extols occultism, recommends the “Ancient Wisdom” of the occult, and makes the contrasting reference “if Christian propaganda can be believed” occultism represents “the worship of the Powers of Darkness.”

Propaganda ?


Notice how Howard refers to “critics” of the Order of the Templars as regarding the Templars’ obscene initiation practices “as proof of their perverted sexual activities” whereas Howard goes on to say “but in the occult tradition” “psychic centres” are there located.

To repeat Howard’s formulation :

Candidates entering the Order also had to kiss their initiator on the mouth, the navel, the penis and at ‘the base of the spine’. These kisses were regarded by critics of the Order as proof of their perverted sexual activities but in the occult tradition the naval, sexual organs and the perineum are the physical locations of the psychic centers of the human body, known in the East as the chakras. The perineum marks the Kundalini chakra which is the psychic source of sexual energy in the body. Various occult techniques can be practiced which liberate this energy so that it travels up the spinal cord to illuminate the brain.

p. 37 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The Occult Conspiracy’s author, when saying “through the acquisition of the Ancient Wisdom it is possible that the aspirations of humanity can be fulfilled” warns of “the lure of temporal power at the expense of spiritual integrity.” but doesn’t seem to exclude sex magic as part of what is called “spiritual integrity.”

It forms the esoteric basis for the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries, Gnosticism, Esoteric Christianity, the Cabbala, the Hermetic tradition, alchemy and societies such as the Templars, Freemasons and Rosicrucians. The occult doctrines of geomancy, alchemy, astrology and sexual magic taught by these secret societies were used as symbolic metaphors illustrating the progression of the individual from material darkness to the spiritual light of understanding.

p. 171 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Howard states that “it cannot be denied that” Weishaupt “was a spiritual person” while conceding that his “spirituality” “would have horrified” his critics.

It is true that Weishaupt had an almost pathological hatred of established religion but it cannot be denied that he was a spiritual person, although his spirituality would have horrified the clerics who opposed him

p. 63 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

Weishaupt appears to be adeptly placed in a position of honor as a “spiritual person of “the Ancient Wisdom.” Examine what one of the main objectives of the “Ancient Wisdom,” which Howard extols, involved. Weishaupt had a common base with the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons. The occult “Ancient Wisdom” teaches occult “redemption” by means of spiritistic illumination by Lucifer, the very one who brought sin and death to the human family.

Lucifer’s solution, Weishaupt’s solution, is the de-Christianizing of mankind. The object of the occult “wisdom” is to alienate mankind from God, debasingly corrupting mankind; spiritistically corrupting through “illumination” by Lucifer and Lucifer’s demons, and morally and ethically corrupting mankind. To that end, Freemasonry has served a wide diabolical spectrum in corrupting the human soul.

Weishaupt …
He believed that once the masses had been de-Christianized they would demand political freedom and the right to enjoy life without the moral straitjacket imposed by the puritanical teachings of the Church on sexual matters.

In common with the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons, Weishaupt believed this redemption was possible by the application of the occult traditions preserved by the pagan Mystery schools who were the guardians of the Ancient Wisdom.

p. 63 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

The Kundalini serpent force ending in “illumination” of the brain by Lucifer, having Lucifer or Satan intensely impress thoughts upon one’s brain, is what is considered to achieve occult “redemption”. Ancient “Wisdom.”

In this third degree of Wicca, …

called the Great Rite …

This channelling raises the Kundalini force and supposedly produces enlightenment when the Kundalini serpent strikes upwards and “bites” you metaphysically at the base of your brain.

p. 21 Mormonism’s Temple of Doom, by William J. Schnoebelen & James R. Spencer, 1987

True, traditional Witchcraft teaches that for a High Priest or Priestess of the Third Grade to be made, sexual contact must be made in a sexual magic environment …

p. 195 Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The occult ancient wisdom offers so-called “redemption” by being bitten at the base of the brain by Lucifer, as represented by the Kundalini serpent, or snake, simply put. The “redemption” is not to everlasting life on earth or in heaven. It is counterfeit redemption. A horrible ploy. Occult “redemption” is not redemption from sin but immersion into sin and corruption.

The kundalini serpent force passes upwards through the body into the brain to produce spiritistic “illumination.” Manly P. Hall also made the occult “tradition” reference to the serpent doctrine when he wrote, “Through him {the initiate Master Mason} passes … the great snake …”

The Master Mason …

Through him passes Hydra, the great snake, and from its mouth there pours to man the light of God.

p. 55 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976.

The sexual contacts of fornication, adultery, and sodomy “in a sexual magic environment” to facilitate sexual magic in the occult “tradition” is linked Weishaupt’s efforts to “de-Christianize the masses.” Michael Howard, as already quoted, refers to the application of occult “redemption” traditions which Weishaupt had in common with the Rosicrucians and Freemasons.

As already noted, Howard relates that which critics regarded as “perverted sexual activities” to psychic or metaphysical centers of the body. Occult practices which are supposed to invoke Luciferian or demon “illumination” include what is called Tantric sex. Further, Lucifer, or Satan, uses sodomy as a means to debase human beings in their quest for “illumination.” Sodomy has also been referred to in writing as the third means of the three degrees of sexual magic.

Ancient Egyptian mystery religion, at the center of the New Age movement and of the occult “traditions,” clearly defines Lucifer and the occult tradition as agents of spiritual darkness and degradation.

No matter where the serious magical Wiccan apprentice turns, he or she is confronted with Crowley’s magical “current” of energy. When a High Priest or High Priestess is created in ritual initiation, they are usually empowered by an act of Tantric sex, while invoking a powerful ritual written by Crowley himself for his blasphemous and satanic “Gnostic Mass”.

True, traditional Witchcraft teaches that for a High Priest or Priestess of the Third Grade to be made, sexual contact must be made in a sexual magic environment …

It is in this utterly intimate contact that the “power” of the High Priesthood is passed, and has been passed down through the generations. Crowley designed this ritual to continue the highly depraved Set (or Aiwass) magical current from the Initiator to the candidate.

p. 196 Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The American goat-god counterculture of witchcraft and the occult is deeply rooted in evil. The Egyptian mystery religion connection surfaces again as diabolical spiritistic practice. The “highly depraved Set” god of the Egyptians which Crowley invoked represents a means of spiritistically corrupting individuals and infusing evil into the fabric of American society. The roots of the god Set ?

Ancient Egyptians believed Set was the god responsible for all evil, and his “mom,” Lilith, was the naight-hag who was also the “patron saint” of abortion (a traditional witch practice).

p. 96 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

It is highly significant that Masonry and the New Age movement owe their theological framework to leaders such as Crowley and the adroit Alice Bailey. It is highly significant that Freemasonry is presided over by the Palladian Rite in which sex with persons possessed by demons molds a person’s character.

One of Crowley’s contributions to the occult community was to supplement it’s cadre of demons at the highest initiatory levels with that of the evil Set, providing a means for a pervasive influence which would pass through the ranks and into society.

It is in this utterly intimate contact that the “power” of the High Priesthood is passed, and has been passed down through the generation. Crowley designed this ritual to continue the highly depraved Set (or Aiwass) magical current from the Initiator to the candidate. At the risk of stretching a metaphor, he created a spiritual venereal disease {Schnoebelen’s bold print, s. v. d.}, which could be easily passed through the act of sex, and which would insure that his “religion” would survive long after his death.

…into the very beating spiritual heart of the Wicca and created an apostolic succession of unparalleled debauchery and evil.

p. 196 Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

Set, or Aiwass, is a demon spirit guide which through “sex magic” infests the witchcraft community of which Schnoebelen spoke.

… most Witches … “plug themselves into” the magical current of Crowley’s demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass.

Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god mentioned earlier.

p. 192 Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The ramifications of such an inimical influence in society is clearly enunciated by the author Schnoebelen who explores in his books the formation of America’s counterculture, including drugs and their clandestine association with witchcraft and the New Age movement. The evil Set is also known as Typhon.

Sodomy is especially “sacred” to Set because of its close association to human waste

This detestable practice serves a similar function in the anus as does the magical sex act of intercourse described above. It opens what are called the “Typhonion” tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons … can travel … and enter the sex partner’s body.

…the best way to open these tunnels of demonic ingress is through homosexual sex ….

p. 198 Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

The ramifications to society in terms of violence is subsequently analyzed or explained by Schnoebelen. The sexual revolution of the 60’s (Weishaupt’s dream) is further placed in a context which accounts, at least in part, for the changing “values” in American culture.

This is because sex (especially sinful sex outside marriage) is a major way in which demonic oppression can be passed from one person to another.

p. 243 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

Thus, “spirituality” in the New Age movement, centered around spirit guides, is heavily impacted by not only Lucifer who has inspired the body of Freemasonry to commit men to sworn oaths including murder and treason, but by a cadre of demons, some of whom transform themselves into deceptive counterfeit angels of light, while others infuse their disciples with unequivocal evil. The worship of such gods as Set is thus demonstrated to involve more than merely a theological college of propositions, but to constitute a “material” means of channeling evil and even demonic oppression into individuals and society.

With a body of testimony now more readily available, the Templars’ enigma of “degeneration” involving sodomy can be put into the context of black magical rites involving base sexual perversion to achieve spiritistic “illumination” by the evil force represented by the goat god, the Baphomet.

The “golden age” which occult practitioners have been working to bring about is often introduced to entry level persons as the quintessence of peace, but at the very highest levels it is clear that it is a “golden age” of Lucifer and the demons which is the focus of “the practical task.”

In time, the mystic-chemists became mystic-politicians. They bound themselves into a Secret Empire of Philosophic Reformers. Through them, magical, cabalistic, and transcendental lore was focused upon the practical task of the restoration of the golden age. This golden age was the symbol of the Philosophic Empire.

p. 25 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

Masonic Players


The “Philosophical Empire” in the United States was seriously jeopardized following the murder of Captain William Morgan whose expose of Freemasonry revealed the foundations of a criminal empire in America. The investigations which followed by three State legislatures divided the nation in two on the issue of Freemasonry, and seriously so. The sentiments against Freemasonry grew to such an extent that Millard Fillmore, who had been a Mason but who had renounced Freemasonry and joined the Anti-Masonic Party in 1828, went on to become President.

Further, the monopolization of the press by Masonic influence was seriously undermined as the national division over the issue of Freemasonry led to the formation of newspapers and magazines under the auspices of Anti-Masonic Societies. Weishaupt’s Illuminati tactic of having the preponderant, if not exclusive, control of the press faced a crisis.

Carlile, in his Manual of Freemasonry, gives the following particulars : — “… William Morgan, … was kidnapped,… and … murdered. This happened in 1826. The States have been for many years much excited upon the subject ; a regular warfare has arisen between Masons and anti-Masons. Societies of anti-Masons have been formed, newspapers and magazines started, and many published ; so that before the slavery question was passed amongst them, all parties had merged themselves into Masons and anti-Masons.

p. 229 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

The Civil War gave Freemasonry the opportunity forge a new set of circumstances from the crucible of war. Masonry continued on during the war as a common force in the Northern and Southern States, constituting a “government in itself.” The obstruction which was encountered to the investigations by the State legislatures prior to the War gave some measure of the strength of Freemasonry at the time, but that power had become seriously threatened. Masonry would emerge from the devastating conflict in a position of renewed strength.

The Craft’s relationship to any nation was clearly explained at the time of the Civil War in an 1861 letter from the Grand Lodge of York Masons in Pennsylvania to their counterparts in Tennessee. The letter said:

“Masonry is as old as government. It constitutes a government in itself . . .

“Masonry is a sovereignty and a law unto itself . . . It knows nothing but the principles and teachings of its faith.”

p. 207 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994

{quoted from Allen E. Roberts’ A House Undivided, The Story of Freemasonry

And The Civil War, St. Louis, Missouri Lodge of Research, 1961, pp. 33-35}.

The formidable threat to the principles of the U.S. Constitution not only persisted, but prevailed. At the time of the Civil War (1861-1865) the Grand Lodge of York Masons in Pennsylvania wrote that “Masonry … constitutes a government in itself”, that it “is a sovereignty and a law unto itself” and that “it knows nothing but the principles … of its faith”, which were amply demonstrated in conformance with it’s subversive and criminal oaths during the investigations into the Craft in that very State of Pennsylvania, as well as in New York and Massachusetts.

The 1861 declaration was indeed ominous and foreboding for America. The U.S. Constitution and the balance of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of Constitutional government in America were formidably challenged, even as previous obstructed State legislature investigations had certified.

Although slavery had been a hotly contested issue, it was not until nearly two years into the War that President Lincoln had incorporated emancipation into the agenda of the War. Later, Brigadier General Albert Pike would co-found the Klu Klux Klan to undermine the Emancipation Proclamation.

The American Civil War united the industrial northern States with the agricultural southern States. However, a configuration of powers not enunciated in the Constitution emerged after the Civil War which made President Lincoln virtually tremble.

Lincoln perceived the corrupting influence of the international bankers and commented:

I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic destroyed.


p.148 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Dallas Plemmons, The Illuminati, (self-published tract, 1979), p. 4}

Shortly before his assassination, President Lincoln warned:

As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.


p. 28 En Route to Global Occupation, Gary H. Kah, 1991

{footnote: Louis T. McFadden, Collective Speeches of Congressman Louis T. McFadden (Hawthorne, CA: Omni Publications, 1970), p. vi}

Not only were “corporations … enthroned” following the Civil War, but the power of Freemasonry secured the Presidency with or following Lincoln’s assassination. Andrew Johnson, Vice-president to Lincoln, had evidently been a Master Mason. Johnson pardoned General Albert Pike for treason and subsequently received the degrees 4 through 32 in one night in 1867.

The same month (in 1867) in which Johnson obtained his degrees 4 through 32, he attended the dedication of the first Temple of Freemasonry in America. Where did this event transpire ? Massachusetts. The New York Times related the event without mentioning the Massachusetts legislature’s findings which had revealed that :

The Committee found Freemasonry was “a distinct Independent Government within our own Government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy, and the oaths and regulations which its subjects are bound to obey, under penalties of death.” The committee added that “in no Masonic oath presented to the committee, is there any reservation made of the Constitution and the laws of the land.”

{footnote 71}

The Joint Committee found Freemasonry to be a “moral evil,” a “pecuniary evil,” and a “political evil.” {footnote 72}

p. 35 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994

footnote 71: Investigation Into Freemasonry by a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House of Representatives, March, 1834, pp. 9-10., footnote 72: p. 11

President Andrew Johnson’s comments in a public address for the Masonic milestone occasion in 1867 ? :

During his address to the gathering, the President disclosed the other reason he had come to the State of Massachusetts. He said:

“I should not have visited Massachusetts, at least on the present occasion, had it not been for the order of Masonry. I came in good faith for the express purpose of participating and witnessing the dedication of this temple today to Masonry, and as far as I could, let it be much or little, to give my countenance and my sanction.”


p. 211 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994

{footnote: New York Times, June 25, 1867, p. 8}

Masonry “knows nothing but the principles and teachings of its faith..” Those principles and teachings have been demonstrated in writing and in deed to be diametrically opposed to the principles and teachings of the U.S. Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights. The official motto of the 32rd degree is “Order, out of Chaos.” Freemasonry did, indeed, prevail out of the chaos of the Civil War, as it would in it’s war against the Church of Rome in Europe. Masonry’s godfathers would subsequently draft plans for three world wars to reconfigure the world according to Masonic/Illuminati objectives

Recalling that “representatives of the world’s secret societies” had “formally joined Masonry and the Illuminati” in “1782”
[p.92, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990] ,

Weishaupt’s successor, Mazzini, later became the “godfather” of that evil Masonic empire. The Masonic Machine had become Mazzini’s Masonic Machine. With Masonry’s media influence and Mazzini’s rulership over Freemasonry, the expression Mazzini’s Masonic Media Machine would not be an inappropriate one. The trail of Mazzini’s Masonic Media Machine would extend beyond his death.

Masonry, a vast organism of propaganda, acts by slow suggestion, spreading the revolutionary ferment in an insidious manner. The heads sow it among the inner lodges, these transmit it to the lower lodges whence it penetrates into the affiliated institutions and into the press, which takes in hand the public.


p.99 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Inquire Within (pen name for Miss Stoddard), Trail of the Serpent, (Hawthorne, CA: re-published by Omni Christian Book Club, a collection of essays which appeared in the Patriot between 1925 and 1930) p. 94-95}

The association of Freemasonry as a “vast organism of propaganda” in conjunction with “the press … which takes in hand the public” has proved itself a formidable force well into the 1990’s.

Following the 1867 event of effectively co-opting the U.S. President Andrew Johnson, Mazzini “wrested the sceptre of the dark empire from the Alta Vendita” and conspired with America’s Albert Pike to rule over Freemasonry as Illuminati godfathers by means of a comprehensively diabolical Luciferian spiritism Rite. Pike’s Palladian Priesthood, a Luciferian Priesthood, would be infused with mechanisms of evil to preside over the Machine. Weishaupt would have been proud of America’s liberal media today, as would the Alta Vendita.

Roughly concurrent with the co-opting of America’s President, Andrew Johnson, and the so-called reconstruction of the public image of Freemasonry with media complicity in concert with the U.S. President, Mazzini forged the centralization of authority over international Freemasonry by means of a horribly de-humanizing Supreme Rite configured by Albert Pike.

From letters scattered through different masonic archives, it is evident that Mazzini formed his great project after 1866.

… Mazzini set himself to study the problem of the international organization of Freemasonry, and in 1870 reached an agreement with Pike for the creation of the Supreme Rite.

… and at this time the constitution of central high masonry was decreed and signed between Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini. The act of creation is dated Sept. 20, 1870, the day upon which the army of invasion, commanded by the Freemason, General Cadorna, entered the Eternal City.

The two founders divided their powers according to the following plan. To Pike was given dogmatic authority and the title of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, while Mazzini held the executive authority with the title of Sovereign Chief of Political Action. Mazzini evinced great deference towards the views of the Patriarch of Charleston {Pike} and begged him to draw up the statutes of the grades of the Supreme Secret Rite which would thus be the liturgic bonds of the members of centralized high masonry.

Albert Pike, in honour of his Templar Baphomet, which was in the keeping of his first and historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed Palladian Rite or New and Reformed Palladium.

p. 215 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoting from Margiotta, Adriano Lemmi}

Mazzini, successor to Weishaupt, held the executive authority while Pike was appointed the head of dogma and served as architect of the Palladian Rite.. Thus the terms Mazzini’s Masonic Machine and Pike’s Palladian Priesthood.

While early Freemasonry in America seems to have been predominated by “York” Freemasonry, or English Freemasonry exported from England, Scottish Freemasonry emerged from relative obscurity as Pontiff Pike re-wrote the degrees and forged America’s allegedly most powerful organization.

It is quite incredible that any initiated Brother, when presented with a copy of Morals and Dogma upon the conferment of his fourteenth degree, can read that volume and yet maintain that his order is not identical with the Mystery schools of the first ages. Much of the writings of Albert Pike are extracted from the books of the French magician, Eliphas Levi, … an occultist, a metaphysician, a Platonic philosopher, who by the rituals of magic invoked even the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana …

Through his {Pike’s} zeal and unflagging energy American Freemasonry was raised from comparative obscurity to become the most powerful organization in the land. Though Pike, a transcendental thinker, was the recipient of every honor that the Freemasonic bodies of the world could confer, the modern Mason is loath to admit that transcendentalism has any place in Freemasonry. This is an attitude filled with embarrassment and inconsistency, for whichever way the Mason turns he is confronted by these inescapable issues of philosophy and the Mysteries.

p. 451

Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy [Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, Inc., 1984

Manly P. Hall (33rd degree of the Scottish Rite, and other Masonic degrees) clearly proved himself Pike’s successor in the capacity of Masonic Scholar, evident not only through his written works and lectures, but in the praise he obtained in the obituary published in the Scottish Rite’s official journal in 1990.  Grand Commander Manly P. Hall of the Scottish Rite “like Grand Commander Albert Pike” “did not teach a new doctrine.”

Masonry has provided the backbone of the so-called New Age movement. The official publication of Freemasonry, New Age, was so named for decades until it was changed to The Scottish Rite Journal. The outer organization has constituted a criminal empire embracing murder and treason, whereas the inner organization has been described aptly by New Age leader Alice Bailey as “a far more occult organization than can be realized” and “the training school for the coming advanced occultists.”

The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralyzing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work.

The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organization than can be realized, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lies hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of the divine aspects in man. In the comprehension of its symbolism will come the power to cooperate with the divine plan.

p. 511 The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey,1957, 1985

High Masonry was organized to fulfill roles including information gathering in support of the arms of “political policy and dogmatic propaganda.” Later portions of this expose reveal what types of “wielding of the forces” are concealed in Masonic rituals, as Alice Bailey referred to them.

Freemasonry constitutes a religiously guided machine of subversion, and Masonic oaths comprise the tip of an inimical iceberg of preponderant mass.

One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry.”

In 1880, …

Margiotta {33rd degree Mason} further writes :

” The two secret chiefs, Pike and Mazzini, finally completed the organization of high masonry, establishing jour Grand Central Directories for the world, functioning thenceforth to gather information for the benefit of their political policy and dogmatic propaganda. …”

p. 222 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Masonry’s godfather’s Pike and Mazzini are otherwise respectively known as a co-founder of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), and the founder of the Sicilian Mafia.

It is a matter of record that J. Edgar Hoover, 33rd degree Mason and Director of the FBI, was adamant that there was no Mafia in America until Attorney General Robert Kennedy, under President J. F. Kennedy, laid the proof on the table as a result of the Kennedy investigations into organized crime. The name sake branch of Mazzini’s “formidable machine” found itself under multiple indictments from the highest levels of the U.S. government. Not since the investigations by New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania legislatures in the 1800’s had the “machine” been even remotely so jeopardized.

Further, as the book Behind the Lodge Door by Paul A. Fisher documents, the conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and Freemasonry has evidenced itself in America in several arenas. The issue of John F. Kennedy’s Roman Catholic religion may have presented itself as more than simply an issue of a question of allegiance to the Pope of Rome. The successful investigation of organized crime in America and the official confirmation of the existence of the “Mafia” was, among other things, a blow to the FBI Director who had been consorting with the race track crowd. One division of Mazzini’s Masonic Machine, the Mafia itself, encountered a relentless campaign of investigations and indictments by the Attorney General’s office under President Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and Lyndon B. Johnson, a Mason, who succeeded the President wasted no time in removing Robert Kennedy from his role in pursuit of the Mafia. Lydon Johnson appointed 33rd degree Mason Chief Justice Earl Warren to head the investigation into the President’s assassination.

The Warren Commission issued a report less than a year later denying that there was evidence of a conspiracy in the assassination. Thirty third degree J. Edgar Hoover continued on for many years as the Director of the FBI. Robert Kennedy was later assassinated during his own campaign for the Presidency. The CIA, which had fallen into disrepute with President Kennedy, has since fallen into even greater disrepute. It has also continued to be suspected of involvement in the President’s assassination, as has the Mafia.

President Kennedy and his Attorney General brother, Robert, set out to break the strength of the Mafia menace in America, but were surrounded by men of the 33º who had sworn to oaths not excepting murder and treason, had sworn their highest allegiance, not to the Constitution, not to God, but to the Supreme Council of the 33º, to the authority of high Masonry, over which Mazzini, founder of the Mafia, had established himself; and had ceremonially drunk wine from a human skull to seal their allegiances.

The Mafia, whose fundamental or principal trade is in corruption, was prefigured by the highest Freemasonic body in Italy, the Alta Vendita, which held the Illuminati reigns of power since the death of Adam Weishaupt until Giuseppe Mazzini had wrested the sceptre of power from that body.

Upon the death of Weishaupt in 1830, at age eighty-two, control of the Illuminati fell to the Italians. This was probably because they showed a considerably greater natural proclivity for the black arts than did Wieshaupt’s Germans. According to Monsignor George Dillon:

Italian genius soon outstripped the Germans in astuteness, and as soon as, perhaps sooner than, Weishaupt had passed away, the supreme government of all the Secret Societies of the world was exercised by the Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari. The Alta Vendita ruled the blackest Freemasonry of France, Germany, and England; and until Mazzini wrenched the sceptre of the dark Empire from that body, it continued with consummate ability to direct the revolutions of Europe.



New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism, (Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty revised edition 1950; original edition New York: Burns and Oats, 1885), p. 50-51)

The Alta Vendita boasted of having the corruption of the people as a prime objective.

Masonry is disguised as a movement to free the common man from the corruption and tyranny of the Church and dictatiorial monarchies, but behind the scenes, Masonry has another goal in mind. In a letter from Alta Vendita member Vindex, to fellow member Nubius, their real purpose is revealed for all to see:

It is corruption en masse that we have undertaken; the corruption of the people by the clergy, and the corruption of the clergy by ourselves; the corruption which ought, one day, to enable us to put the Church in her tomb.



New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism, (Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty revised edition 1950; original edition New York: Burns and Oats, p. 64 }

Giuseppe Mazzini who became the occult chieftain of secret societies and the founder of the Mafia also became the political head of the world’s Masonic bodies, including American Freemasonry. Thus Judge Cesare Terranova in indicting over one hundred Sicilian Mafioso made reference to the occult support system upon which the Mafia relies.

On May 31, 1965, Judge Terranova had signed an order sending 114 Mafiosi to trial in a body. In reality, it was a trial of the Mafia itself, the first authentic one in the annals of justice anywhere. Italy had not outlawed Cosa Nostra yet, but there was a law against “organized delinquency.” … The Mafia is organized delinquency and the Mafioso is a delinquent,” he wrote in his indictment.

“The Mafia is oppression, arrogance, coercion, greed, self-enrichment, power, and hegemony above and against all others. … The knowledge that nobody will dare to accuse him that occult and authoritative influences will work on his behalf, makes a Mafioso haughty and complacent, defiant and overbearing — so long as he is not touched by a just and severe application of the law.”

p. 149

Octopus: How the long reach of the Sicilian Mafia controls the global narcotics trade, Claire Sterling, 1990

{footnote, quote:”Sentenza di Rinvio a Giudizio,” Judge Cesare Terranova, pp. 59, 71-71.}

As New Age leader Alice Bailey, wife of 33rd Mason Foster Bailey, expressed it,

The Masonic Movement … will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. … It is a far more occult organization than can be realized, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lies hid the wielding of the forces …

p. 511

The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey, 1957, 1985

That J. Edgar Hoover and Chief Justice Early Warren were members of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, as well as 33rd degree Freemasons, was in conjunction with Judge Terranova’s indictment of the role of the occult in support of the Mafia more ominous than propitious for the American investigation of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

After the thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite, or the thirteenth, or Knights Templar degree in the York Rite, a Mason may become a member of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine — a Shriner.

In reality, the Shrine was started when a Mason named William J. Florence was initiated into an eastern “secert society” by an “Arabian diplomat.” … the truth is that the Shrine ritual is really nothing more than occult, Middle-Eastern Masonry.


New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

The Illuminati, sometimes referred to as initiates of the Great White Brotherhood, succeed Weishaupt, succeed the Alta Vendita, succeed Pike and Mazzini. It is an ongoing conspiracy.

However, the reader can be assured that even in the crisis torn 1980’s initiates of the Great White Brotherhood are still working behind the scenes, even if their existence is not recognized or is even denied by those who have no knowledge of their activities and little awareness of the spiritual reality beyond the physical world.

p. 178 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

When principals of the media meet behind closed doors with financial and political heavyweights, and do so as a group for four decades, closed-lip, an organizational platform presents itself to enable “working behind the scenes” for an agenda which is destructive of the processes of a Constitutional democracy. When the Founding Fathers put in writing the Constitutional guarantee of the freedom of the press, it was not freedom to collude and conspire which was meant.

The Bilderberg Group was founded in May 1954 and its first meeting took place in the Bilderberg Hotel in Osterbeck in Holland, hence the name it adopted.

There is no official membership list for the group but at its meetings held once or twice a year eighty to a hundred people drawn from the political, financial and media spheres are invited to attend, although few will reveal afterwards the discussions that take place behind closed doors.

p. 167 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

In 1991, David Rockefeller, banking czar and founder of the Trilateral Commission, addressing the Bilderberger Group, in Baden, Baden Germany, expressed his gratitude for a collusion of silence, a conspiracy including a massive cover-up, concealing an agenda or plan for a “world government” ruled by an “intellectual elite” and financial barons. It is a conspiracy for a world oligarchy by an “intellectual elite.”

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

As quoted on p.13 from

Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by:

Police Against The New World Order, 1992

Is the plan otherwise “impossible … to develop” “if … subject to the bright lights of publicity” linked with Mazzini’s Formidable Masonic Machine ? Are the collusive energies of the media, financial and political heavyweights associated with the Bilderberg Group co-operative agents or facilitators of the Masonic Plan ?

What prompted the foundation of the Bilderberg Group ? In his book The Global Manipulators Robert Eringer links them with the CIA and international Freemasonry. According to Eringer, the first Bilderberg conference was organized by a mysterious personage called Dr. Joseph Retinger. He had been involved in secret activities for nearly half a century and was reputed to be the top agent for international Freemasonry.

p. 168 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

International Freemasonry, Mazzini’s Masonic Machine, has provided the “vehicle” to reconfigure the world in a plan for world government in the hands of a so-called “intellectual elite” presided over by Pike’s Palladian Priesthood. The threats to human rights are not to the American people only, not to the British people only, not to the German people only, not to the French people only.

As everything comes to the Grand Central Directories so everything emanates from them. … messengers … will put in motion the formidable machinery of Freemasonry the world over.

p. 240 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoted from Dr. Bataille, Le Diable au XIX siècle}

The menace of Masonry’s “formidable machinery” is “the world over.” The plan is a globalist plan. On an anniversary of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, Senator Jesse Helms addressed the U.S. Senate and described a “campaign” and “warfare” “against traditional American culture and values”.

He spoke of “behind the scenes” activities to “create a new world order” by organizations including the Bilderberger Group. Senator Helms warned of the influence of multinational “corporations” and of the threat which “could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.” The Senator spoke of influences in America for which “even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power.”

Speaking before the Senate on 15 December 1987, an anniversary of the Bill of Rights, Senator Helms launched into a detailed discussion of these matters in an urgent appeal to his colleagues. Here are a few excerpts from his important speech:

This campaign against the American people — against traditional American culture and values — is systematic psychological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests comprising not only the Eastern establishment but also the radical left.

Mr. President, a careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert … in order to create what some refer to as a new world order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations the Trilateral Commission … and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles …

The psychological campaign that I am describing, as I have said, is the work of groups within the Eastern establishment, that amorphous amalgam of wealth and social connections whose power resides in its control over our financial system and over a large portion of our industrial sector.

The policies of the industrial sectors, primarily the multinational corporations, are influenced by the money center banks through debt financing and through the large blocks of stock controlled by the trust departments of the money center banks.

Anyone familiar with American history, and particularly American economic history, cannot fail to notice the control over the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency which Wall Street seems to exercise …

The influence of establishment insiders over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time. This pervasive influence runs contrary to the real long-term national security of our Nation. It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.

The viewpoint of the establishment today is called globalism. Not so long ago this viewpoint was called the “one-world” view by its critics.

Mr. President, in the globalist point of view, nation-states and national boundaries do not count for anything. Political philosophies and political principles seem to become simply relative. Indeed, even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power.

In this point of view, the activities of international financial and industrial forces should be oriented to bringing this one-world design …

All that matters to this club is the maximization of profits resulting from the practice of what can be described as finance capitalism, as system which rests upon the twin pillars of debt and monopoly. This isn’t real capitalism. It is the road to economic concentration and to political slavery.


p. 49 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Congressional Record — Senate, 15, December 1987, p. S18146}

The Senator’s description was in large measure and in substance what three State legislatures had discovered prior to the Civil War. It echoed the warnings by President Lincoln before his assassination. It dovetailed perfectly, even naming the Bilderberger Group, with David Rockefeller’s praise for the network of media collusion in a conspiracy of silence on their part in subverting America’s sovereignty in the effort to establish “supranational sovereignty” by an “intellectual elite” and “world bankers”.

Rockefeller even specifically named the New York Times which previously was noted for it’s silence after Andrew Johnson’s succession to President Lincoln when the image of Freemasonry was publicly re-made at the highest levels of government in a State which had earlier confirmed the findings of two others, that Freemasonry represented a government beyond the laws of the land and in defiance to the Constitution. David Rockefeller had also named for it’s complicity the Washington Post, which had given the American people the illusion that the American press is the steward of the First Amendment in protecting a Constitutional democracy.

The corporate threat to American democracy was also addressed by renowned consumer advocate Ralph Nader in his keynote response to the question of why he was running for President.

{Ralph Nader interviewed by Tim Russert on Meet the Press (NBC),

Sunday, March 24, 1996}:

Russert: Why are you running for President ?

Nader: Because we’re part of a larger and longer term political movement, to build democracy in concrete ways, to strengthen the roles of the voter, citizen, taxpayer, consumer, worker and shareholder, and to confront and give competition to the two parties, twiddle-dum twiddle-dee, Republican Democrat, which are increasingly essentially a party of, by, and for big business.

The dominance, the supremacy of these global corporations over our government, over our marketplace, over labor, over consumers, over small businesses through these franchise agreements is getting completely out of hand and on a collision course with democracy.”

 “The dominance, the supremacy of these global corporations over our government … is getting completely out of hand and on a collision course with democracy.” Ralph Nader felt compelled to challenge the status quo momentum by his candidacy for the U.S. Presidency.

Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot have also sounded alarms about “globalism” and the corporate corruption of the American political process.

The corruption as embodied in the force of corporations which caused President Lincoln to tremble is not called “corruption” in the halls of Washington D.C.. It is, rather, most often characterized as “business as usual” and has earned the contempt of the American people as inimical to their interests and as a status quo which must go.

Yet, the corrupting power of corporations is but one component in a confluence of corrupting influences subverting the U.S. Constitution and corroding the fabric of society and the prospects of the American people.

The Formidable Machine of Corruption  

The menace of the “formidable machine” which Mazzini forged in collusion with Pike represents a system of corruption at the highest levels. So much so is that the case that one finds the following particular additional formulation in assessing the threat to mankind by Dr. Margiotta, author of Adriano Lemmi, the political successor appointed by Pike.

To insure the creation and good working of this formidable machine of Palladism, Mazzini had reserved for himself the office of Chief of Political Action nor had he hesitated in bowing to the will of the Patriarch of Charleston who, by his preponderance in Scottish Rites, could easily penetrate all countries of the globe with the new institution. That is the reason for Mazzini giving supremacy to the dogmatic over the political authority in “International Freemasonry.

p. 217 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoting from Margiotta, Adriano Lemmi}

The presiding fundamental principle of “International Freemasonry” is rooted in the corruptions of the Palladian Rite, and the dominant spirit of Masonry is expressed through the “formidable machine of Palladism.”

It should not be supposed that Luciferian Albert Pike invented Luciferianism for Freemasonry. The common denominator of Freemasonry, the world over, at the highest levels, had evidently already been rooted in Luciferian religion, in keeping with the Templar tradition.

One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite. Its religion is Manichean neo-gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is dual and that Lucifer is the equal of Adonay, with Lucifer, the God of Light and Goodness struggling for humanity against Adonay the God of Darkness and evil.

In stating this principle of the secret cult of the triangles, Albert Pike had only specified and unveiled the dogmas of the high grades of all other masonries, for in no matter what rite, the Great Architect of the Universe is not the God worshipped by the Christians.

p. 217 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoting from Margiotta, Adriano Lemmi}

“Albert Pike had only specified and unveiled the dogmas of the high grades of all other masonries.”

As this expose goes on to show, Lucifer is struggling to divorce not only members of the Palladian Rite, but all humanity of their own minds and from their own bodies, in an evil quest to displace the human mind with spiritistic “illumination” degree by degree, for eventually possessing the brain and body of each member of humanity with Luciferian spirits.

Mazzini and Pike, in conspiring and assembling a supreme rite, the Palladian Rite, to rule over Freemasonry, established Luciferian, spiritistic control over all Freemasonry and set the stage for the eventual adoption of Palladian principles in society in general.

The principles of the Templar Baphomet, the goat god, would form the basis of society’s transformation by directing the influential and powerful Masonic Machine at the highest levels.

Albert Pike, in honour of his Templar Baphomet, which was in the keeping of his first and historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed Palladian Rite or New and Reformed Palladium.

p. 215 Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

{quoting from Margiotta, Adriano Lemmi}

The Templar Baphomet, the idol of the Luciferians and witches, and diabolical sex magic, also a Templar tradition, was honored by Albert Pike in formulating the Palladian Rite, the supreme rite of diabolical corruption by which Freemasonry would be guided at the highest levels.

Legacy of Corruption


While Pike and Mazzini established the ultimate secret rite with which to “govern all Freemasonry,” the Palladian Rite, diabolical rites had already permeated Freemasonry. As early as 1736, just 19 years after the official birth of Freemasonry on English soil, Masonry was revealed as “the heir to the secrets of the Templars.”

Ramsey … in 1736 … addressed a gathering of French Masons and referred to the Templar tradition. He revealed that Masonry was the heir to the secrets of the Templars who in turn had inherited the ancient wisdom of the pagan Mysteries.

p. 57 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989

Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Mediaeval Order, was executed in 1314 for charges which included homosexual perversion. The Templar traditions were secretly arranged to be carried forward in the fourteenth century in centers such as Edinburg, Scotland and Paris, France.

A Masonic Order has been created in honor of Jacques de Molay, the notorious Grand Master Knights Templar. The Order of DeMolay. It is a Masonic Order for children. Typically, children of Masons join the Order, and get their start in Masonry.

The Masonic agenda, the Templar agenda, the Weishaupt agenda, agendas of corruption, have demonstrated threats to the fabric of society.

Is Bill Clinton a Masonic “player” or leader ?

In 1987, the President {Bill Clinton}, a Senior DeMolay (Mason) was chosen by Scottish Rite Freemasonry as the De Molay organization’s “International Alumnus of the year.”

p. 26 Circle of Intrigue: The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy, Texe Marrs, 1995

Bill Clinton, a internationally prominent figure in the Order of DeMolay, has clearly demonstrated his interest in bringing about change and doing so for children. The Clintons’ Governor’s School in Arkansas placed some of the most promising young people (17 year olds) in their State in an essentially secluded environment from their parents while presenting programs which undermined the authority and traditional moral standards of the parents. An elitist world view was fostered, and in reference to the video documentary

The Guiding Hand: The Clinton Influence on Arkansas Education, 1992, students were evidently taught to divorce themselves from their bodies. Occult, mystical techniques which do just that, spiritistically, is part of the continuing exposé which follows in this book. It is a very important, even critical, issue because students and adults today need to be alerted to the dangers of such practices and what diabolical forces are involved. Many aspects of Clinton’s Governor’s School conform with the Masonic agenda, the Weishauptian agenda to de-Christianize the masses.

Targeting those young people who already had exhibited great potentials to play leading roles in society represents quite a strategic move. “Celebrating diversity” in the context of undermining traditional moral values is something which no doubt would have made Adam Weishaupt gleeful.

DeMolay Clinton is also known for an agenda in which he “hit the ground running” upon securing the Presidency by driving hard to the remove homosexual restriction in the U.S. military, for which he received a great deal of successful opposition.

Would the Alta Vendita have been proud of Bill Clinton’s Cabinet selection for Surgeon General, the chief health proponent for the nation, when she publicly considered the idea of legalizing harmful illegal drugs in America ? The physical, moral, and spiritual debilitative capacity and destructiveness of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and many other illegal drugs in America does not represent the path to a healthful and sound society.

It does, however, further what America’s counterculture has discovered, that mind-altering drugs represent one of the paths to spiritistic “illumination.” As Schnoebelen has testified, the witchcraft community has contributed to the drug culture in America. The occult connection to drugs was also noted by Richard Kyle.

This is not helped by the fact that many parapsychologists in the 1960s were occultists who came out of the closet and turned to “drugs, astral projection, reincarnation, and Eastern forms of meditation — all in the name of tracking psi phenomena.” {footnote} Furthermore, as Robert Wuthnow demonstrates, followers of the new and quasi-religious movements of the 1960s and 1970s have a higher tendency to be involved in ESP than members of conventional religion

p. 281 The Religious Fringe: A History of Alternative Religions in America,

Richard Kyle, 1993
{footnote: Moore, In Search of White Crows, pps. 221-22}
{footnote: Wuthnow, Experimentation in American Religion, pps. 66, 76}

The “inner machinery” of Masonry involves the “dark arts of espionage.” It involves forms of human rights violations whose techniques are facilitated by drugs and other occult methods. The proliferation of the New Age movement has been heavily fostered not only by Masonry, but has obtained great impetus within America’s counter-culture, the drug culture. It is not suggested that all Masons who swear criminal oaths take illegal drugs. Indeed, not all Masons are aware of the full scope of the Masonic agenda.

The Masonic agenda is multi-faceted. Included among 33rd degree Masons who are prominent political leaders are Jack Kemp, Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole. Masonry is seemingly ubiquitous. There are corporations and individuals which are known to contribute to competing candidates and competing political parties in order to obtain access and possible influence whichever candidate or party wins an election. The issue is one of influence whether a politician understands the objectives of Masonry or not.

“De-Christianizing the masses” is one goal of the Illuminati. Consolidating power in the hands of an occult “oligarchy” is another part of the “Plan.” The acquisition of influence, wealth, and to intrigue comprised major tenets of the Knights Templar which they had achieved before the dismantling of their wealth and station in the public domain. The acquisition of influence, wealth, and to intrigue describes the “heritage of the Temple” which Freemasonry re-established, and that those principles are ensconced within Freemasonry was revealed by the 1829 New York State Senate’s investigation.

The Templar tradition involved more than sex magic or kundalini serpent bites to the brain by the “great snake” “passing through” the initiate.

“Thus the Order of Knights of the Temple …

“The tendencies and tenets of the Order were enveloped in profound mystery, and it externally professed the most perfect orthodoxy. The Chiefs alone knew the aim of the Order : the Subalterns followed them without distrust.

“To acquire influence and wealth, then to intrigue, and at need to fight, to establish the Johannite or Gnostic and Kabalistic dogma, were the object and means proposed to the initiated Brethren. …

All that will become the heritage of the Temple : the World will soon come to us for its Sovereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium of the Universe, and be rulers over the Masters of the World.

“The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant.

pps. 817, 818 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

What the Bilderberger Group seeks to “supplant” is national sovereignty, and the design is to put in it’s place a “supranational sovereignty” of an “intellectual elite and world bankers,” as David Rockefeller described it in 1991 when praising collusive media principals. The Bilderberger Group encompasses a duplicitous collusion between financial, political and media principals.

… President Clinton is a Bilderberger, a Senior DeMolay (Freemason), and a member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.

p. 41 Circle of Intrigue: The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy,
Texe Marrs, 1995

Bill Clinton’s credential’s read like the organizational roster associated with the indictments inherent in Jesse Helms wake-up call to Congress. President Clinton’s mentor Professor Carrol Quigley known for supporting the globalist conspiracy wrote in his 1966 book Tragedy and Hope,

Their aim is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”

Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carrol Quigley, 1966

The Masonic and Bilderberger initiative is well described by the Templar heritage.

“The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters … ; the other public … . Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant.

pps. 817, 818 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Satan, whom the Bible identifies as “transforming himself into an angel of light,” often puts on good appearances and takes on various names, but he also embodies himself as that which he really is, the evil spirit bent on humankind’s corruption and destruction.

The method of Freemasonry is to corrupt degree by degree, stage by stage, “sowing poison” while often maintaining good exoteric appearances. The Pharisees whom Jesus confronted were known for their good and charitable works, but were woefully indicted for perverting truth and justice.

It is not a comforting thought that there are high ranking governmental and religious officials in America and abroad whose “smiling faces” disarm the unwary, who charm their audiences into credulity, and who have secretly taken oaths which pledge to obstruct and subvert justice, not excepting murder and treason, and who have pledged their highest allegiance to a Supreme Council dedicated to the worship of Lucifer and to the achievement of the goals of diabolical ancient mystery religion.

Freemasonry is presided over by Pike’s Palladian Priesthood and formidably extends it’s corrupting influence down through the degrees in a system for perpetrating and advancing the agenda of ancient mystery religion. Weishaupt declared the infiltration policy for the Illuminati as well as the policy of implementing the “pious fraud.”

Weishaupt’s Wish


Ominously, for the emerging Constitutional democracy, the United States of America, Adam Weishaupt officially inaugurated the diabolical Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, two months prior to America’s declaring it’s independence from Britain. The organization of Freemasonry, born on English soil in 1717, underwent a transformation in 1782, the year after the British surrendered to the Americans.

On July 16, 1782, the year after the British surrendered to the Americans, representatives of the world’s secret societies convened the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Europe and formally joined Masonry and the Illuminati. In the next four years the Order was able to secretly establish several lodges in America. In 1785, for example, the Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati was established in New York City. Its members included Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt … .

p.92 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

Freemasonry had grafted onto it a dominant Illuminati.

But it was not until the Congrès de Wilhelmsbad that the alliance between Illuminism and Freemasonry was finally sealed. This assembly, of which the importance to the subsequent history of the world has never been appreciated by historians, met for the first time on the 16th of July 1782, and included representatives of all the Secret Societies–Martiniste as well as Freemasons and Illuminati–which now numbered no less than three million members all over the world.

Amongst these different orders the Illuminati of Bavaria alone had formulated a definite plan of campaign, and it was they who henceforward took the lead. What passed at this terrible Congress will never be known to the outside world, for even those men who had been drawn unwittingly into the movement, and now heard for the first time the real designs of the leaders, were under oath to reveal nothing.

One such honest Freemason, the Comte de Viriey, a member of a Martiniste lodge at Lyons, returning from the Congrès de Wilhelmsbad could not conceal his alarm, and when questioned on the “tragic secrets” he had brought back with him, replied:

“I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape from it.”

From this time onwards, says his biographer, M. Costa de Beauregard, “the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror”.

p. 31 World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization, Nesta Webster, 1921, 1994

It should be remembered that Weishaupt’s plans included not only the destruction of “the Church.” Weishaupt, in his designs to “de-Christianize the masses” and to subvert civic authority had, as an ultimate objective, rulership by occult “intellectuals,” an elite Illuminati.

A principle objective was established, that of “procuring and training pupils.” It should be mentioned here that even among the Order of the Illuminati, not all members traditionally shared identical knowledge of all aspects of “the Plan.”

But we know that all the Bavarian Brethren were not equally illuminated, and it would be only copying their teachers if the cleverest of these their scholars should hold a sanctum sanctorum among themselves, without inviting all to the conference. Observe too that the chief lesson which they were now taking from the Germans was the method of doing business, of managing their correspondence, and of procuring and training pupils.

p. 232 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A. M., 1798

Similarly, not all Freemasons of equal level or degree share a common base of knowledge. As already established, an inner organization in Freemasonry is concealed, shielded within an outer organization. Nominal Masons having an excellent standing with the public enhance the image of Freemasonry.

Albert Pike placed in perspective how the Fraternity uses Masons who are nationally prominent public figures. He wrote: “Masons do not build monuments to [George] Washington, and plume themselves on the fact that he was a Mason merely on account of his Masonic virtues. It is because his civic reputation sheds glory upon the Order.”


p. 235 Behind The Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988, 1989, 1994

{footnote: Quoted by Charles S. Lobinger, The Supreme Council, the “ovvicial history of the Supreme Council” of the Southern Jurisdiction, The Standard Printing Company, Louisville, Kentucky, 1931, p. 244}

It is true that George Washington was a Mason, and the efforts by Masonry to “plume” itself with Washington’s image have been very zealous. Pike’s praise of Washington’s Masonic membership ignores the rapid escalation of events in America which led to the formation of the Anti-Masonic Party.

The second U.S. President, John Adams, joined George Washington and Congress in passing laws designed to protect the United States from the Illuminist “Jacobin conspiracy.”

In a letter to Reverend Snyder in October of 1798, America’s first President, George Washington, was compelled to acknowledge the actions of American Masons involving Illuminati agenda.

In a letter written to Rev. G.W. Snyder at Mount Vernon on October 24, 1798 he apologized for giving the impression previously that American Masons were not involved in the rebellion: {1793 in Philadelphia}

It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.


p.96 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: DeConde, Entangling Alliance, p. 306}

The Jacobins in France were responsible for the bloody Reign of Terror or en masse execution of political opponents during the French Revolution, establishing also a legacy of left-wing extremism. The revolution in France was used by the Illuminati staffed Jacobin Clubs to physically eliminate their political and religious opponents. Thousands were sent to the guillotine, including priests.

John Quincy Adams, America’s sixth President, spoke out against Masonic oaths, obligations and penalties and stated that they “cannot possibly be reconciled to the laws of morality.” He also pointed out that the so-called “Democratic Clubs” which arose in America were “perfectly affiliated” with the Jacobins of France. [see New World Order, William Still, p. 94]

In America, Jacobin Illuminist agents positioned themselves to violently overturn the U.S. Constitutional government, placing the very life of George Washington in jeopardy during a riotous rebellion in Philadelphia.

“. . . I did not believe that the Lodges of Freemasons in this country had, as societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first [the Illuminati], or the pernicious principles of the latter [Jacobins] (if they are susceptible of separation). That individuals of them [Masonic Lodges] may have done it, or that the founder or instrument employed to found the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.”


p. 32 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994

{footnote: The Writings of George Washington From Original Manuscript Sources, volume 36, John C. Fitzpatrick, editor, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1941, pp. 518-519}

Washington’s characterizations are quite significant considering that Freemasonry and the Illuminati had been officially joined by the world’s secret societies at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in 1782. Washington’s denunciation is further significant considering Weishaupt’s device of targeting the first three lower degrees of Freemasonry as a receptacle for Illuminati agents.

Washington acknowledged the operation of diabolical and pernicious forces in America, identified them, and recognized that such forces worked through the agency of individuals associated with Masonic Lodges.

“…The diabolical tenets of” ” the Illuminati”

“… the pernicious principles of” “the Jacobins”

Pike might have used Washington’s image and “his civic reputation” to “{shed} glory upon the Order,” but it seems unlikely that he would have used Washington’s words to shed “glory upon the Order” wherewith Washington denounced activities based upon the “diabolical” and “pernicious” tenets and principles of the Illuminati and of Jacobinism operating within Masonic Lodges.

The Jacobin Club was a device used by Weishaupt to achieve his designs against the Church and king. It was an instrument in the French Revolution.

Thus during the first two years of the Revolution Illuminism concealed itself under the guise of popular tumults, but with the formation of the Jacobin Clubs all over France its scheme of domination becomes more apparent.

These societies, Robison in his Proofs of a Conspiracy declares, were organized by the revolutionary committees under the direct inspiration of the Bavarian Illuminati, who taught them their “method of doing business, of managing their correspondence, and of procuring and training pupils”.

p. 46 World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization, Nesta Webster, 1921, 1994

Weishaupt’s wish in creating world revolution by means of the operation of secret societies under the control of the Illuminati had demonstrated it’s capacity through the Illuminati Jacobin Clubs. The Bavarian Illuminati had become “instructors in the art of overturning the world.”

The “link” between the two vehicles of Freemasonry and Jacobinism was “Illuminatism.” The pattern in France in converting Lodges “into a set of secret affiliated societies” “to carry on the great work of overturning the state” proved ominous for America.

Thus were the stupid Bavarians (as the French were once pleased to call them) their instructors in the art of overturning the world. The French were indeed the first who put it in practice. These committees arose from the Illuminati in Bavaria, who had by no means given over working; and these committees produced the Jacobin Club.

There is surely no natural connection between Free Masonry and Jacobinism — but we see the link — Illuminatism. —

Thus were the Lodges of France converted in a very short time into a set of secret affiliated societies, corresponding with the mother Lodges of Paris, receiving from thence their principles and instructions, and ready to rise up at once when called upon, to carry on the great work of overturning the state.

And we see Weishaupt’s wish accomplished in an unexpected degree, and the debates in a club giving laws to solemn assemblies of the nation, and all France bending the neck to the city of Paris. The members of the club are Illuminati, and so are a great part of their correspondents.—Each operates in the state as a Minerval would do in the Order, and the whole goes on with systematic regularity.

The Famous Jacobin Club was just one of these Lodges, as has been already observed; and as, among individuals, one commonly takes the lead, and contrives for the rest, so it has happened on the present occasion, that this Lodge, supported by Orleans and Mirabeau, was the one that stepped forth and shewed itself to the world, and thus became the oracle of the party; and all the rest only echoed its discourses, and at last allowed it to give law to the whole, and even to rule the kingdom.

It is to be remarked too that the founders of the club at Mentz were Illuminati (Relig. Begebenh. 1793. p. 448) before the Revolution, and correspond with another Lodge at Strasburg; and these two produced mighty effects during the year 1790.

p. 233 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A. M., 1798

Weishaupt’s wish for fostering world revolution and for “de-Christianizing the masses” had a magnitude of proportions that one Mason was moved to exclaim,

I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape from it.” From this time onwards, says his biographer, M. Costa de Beauregard, “the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror”.

p. 31 World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization, Nesta Webster, 1921, 1994

Thus, Weishaupt engineered a variety of subversions and methods to accomplish his wishes.

Every move in the game devised by Weishaupt, every method for engineering disturbances and for spreading inflammatory propaganda, became part of its programme.

So just as the Jacobin Club had openly executed the hidden plan of the Illuminati, the Internationale, holding within it the same terrible secrets, carried on the work of World Revolution in the full light of day.

p. 195 World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization, Nesta Webster, 1921, 1994

“de-Christianizing the masses”


The “Jacobin Club had openly executed the hidden plan of the Illuminati.” The formation of the Jacobin Clubs “were organized by the revolutionary committees under the direct inspiration of the Bavarian Illuminati, who taught them their method … of procuring and training pupils.”

The Jacobin Club was staffed by Illuminati. The goal of “de-Christianizing the masses” had obtained a large measure of success during the French Revolution. How would the English “Revolution” proceed ?

We have already seen in Chapter One that the objectives of the French Revolution were to rid society of church and king, at the root of which stood the Bible, which they ceremonially burned while proclaiming reason the goddess of the new republic. With a strong Bible-believing community in England, there was little hope of driving the people to revolution against God and king; however, it may be argued that those who wished to see an English Utopia attempted to bring about the social change in a more subtle way.

p. 57 In The Minds Of Men: Darwin and the New World Order,

Ian T. Taylor, 1984 – 1991, third edition.

The British case, however required something “more subtle” to de-Christianize the masses due to conditions existing there. At this juncture the name of Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin, appears.

The Jacobin cause embodies more than the French Revolution. The Jacobin link represents the Illuminist link. The Jacobin cause was “directly inspired” by the Bavarian (Weishaupt’s) Illuminati, and involved Illuminati as members and as “correspondents.”

Erasmus Darwin was an active supporter of the Jacobin cause.

{footnote, ref}

p. 56 In The Minds Of Men: Darwin and the New World Order,

Ian T. Taylor, 1984 – 1991, third edition.

The Jacobin cause included targeting the Church for destruction. The Jacobins represented the agency through which priests were decapitated in France. Jacobins had further conspired to take the revolution to England.

Not only was Erasmus Darwin an “active supporter of the Jacobin cause” which was inspired directly by the Illuminati, but Erasmus Darwin had been the founder of Britain’s Lunar Society.

In those days, attacks on religion and the church were not only blasphemous and immoral, but socially dangerous as well. Yet by the late 1700’s, seeds of discontent within the British intellectual community were beginning to take root. One group of heretical thinkers belonged to an organization called the Lunar Society of Birmingham, which met once a month at the time of the full moon. This aristocratic group of men sought social change and the advancement of a secular society. Active from 1764 to 1800, the group never included more than 14 members.

p. 58 The Evolution Conspiracy, Caryl Matrisciana & Roger Oakland, 1991

The primary obstacle to “social change” in Europe has often been seen in the context of traditional moral values imparted by the Bible. Subsequent to the Illuminization of Freemasonry, Erasmus Darwin wrote a two-volume work subverting the most fundamental teaching of the Bible, that of creation of mankind by God.

The founder of the Lunar Society was a man named Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), grandfather of Charles Darwin. Erasmus Darwin’s contribution to the emerging view of evolution was a two-volume work written in 1794-96 called the Zoonomia. Although Charles Darwin was born seven years after his grandfather died, the ideas of Erasmus Darwin deeply influenced his life. Zoonomia expressed the essence of the theory that his grandson announced to the world five decades later.


p. 59 The Evolution Conspiracy, Caryl Matrisciana & Roger Oakland, 1991

Erasmus Darwin provided his grandson Charles Darwin with foundation writings for the theory or doctrine of evolution.

The founder of the Lunar Society, Erasmus Darwin, had in 1794 written a book called Zoönomia in which he outlined his theory of evolution, anticipating not only Lamarck’s ideas but even the theory of natural selection …

p. 58 In The Minds Of Men: Darwin and the New World Order,

Ian T. Taylor, 1984 – 1991, third edition.

Lamarck’s idea involved the theory of “acquired characteristics,” or giraffe neck stretching theory, which was adopted by Charles Darwin and which was later scientifically disproved. Genetics determines the foundations of characteristics. Genetics, genes, the codes of DNA provide for diversity, not for fundamentally new life forms. So called “natural selection” of surviving species selects from what is available, and does not produce fundamental genetic changes which would be necessary for the emergence of new life forms.

It was Erasmus’ grandson, who would popularize the evolutionary theory a half century later.

However, the liberal and evolutionary ideas of Erasmus undoubtedly influenced the young Darwin.

Erasmus was a physician, something of a poet, an instrument of the Industrial Revolution, and author of a massive two-volume work Zoönomia (1794-96); this work contained within it the essence of the theory that his grandson would announce to the world half a century later.


p. 58 In The Minds Of Men: Darwin and the New World Order,

Ian T. Taylor, 1984 – 1991, third edition.

Masonry, as this book goes on to show, teaches evolution to so-called “godhood” by occult, spiritistic means which the Bible and body of evidence identify as associated with evil. The writings of New Age leaders in the occult conspiracy themselves enable the same conclusion that evil forces are behind the movement.

Charles Darwin produced The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859. By 1867 he is noted for having attained to the 21st degree level in Freemasonry.

Another insight into Darwin’s thinking is reflected in his involvement with Freemasonry, an occultic philosophy that is incompatible with basic biblical tenets. In 1867 he was made a Knight of the Prussian Order, “Pour le Merite.” This was considered a weighty achievement in Freemason circles.

A Prussian Knight is known to have reached the twenty-first degree of the Scottish Rite. In Darwin’s day, to be a twenty-first degree Mason was no mean feat. …

p. 64 The Evolution Conspiracy, Caryl Matrisciana & Roger Oakland, 1991

Senator Jesse Helms’ assessment of those who wield the reigns of power includes the dissemination and coordination of plans affecting “academic” circles.

Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations … the Trilateral Commission … and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles …

p. 48 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Congressional Record — Senate, 15, December 1987, p. S18146}

The academic targeting which Freemasonry is implicated in rests not only in the development of the theory of evolution, but in the theory’s implementation in America’s public school system curriculum. The Masonic spin on propounding it’s philosophies is seen in the words of Manly P. Hall (33rd degree).

” … Master Masons … are seeking to dispel the darkness … with the … light of the Masonic Lodge.”

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Education aligned or in conformance with the Masonic agenda has made far-reaching strides in public schools. Evolutionary philosophy, naturalism and humanism have heavily impacted the public school agenda and the moral fiber of society.

Additional victories by the Craft occurred when former California Governor Earl Warren, a 33rd Degree Mason, became Chief Justice in 1953.

Two years after Brother Warren assumed his exalted position on the high bench, Brother Henry C. Clausen of California, 33rd Degree Mason (who later became Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite), reminded the Fraternity of Brother Warren’s philosophy toward education. He recalled a 1936 annual message made to the Brethren by then Grand Master Warren of the Grand Lodge of California. At that time, Earl Warren had said:

“. . . the education of our youth . . . can best be done, indeed it can only be done, by a system of free public education. It is for this reason that the Grand Lodge of California, ever striving as it does to replace darkness with light, is so vitally interested in the public schools of our state . . .

“By destroying prejudice and planting reason it its place it prepares the foundation of a liberty-loving people for free government . . . ”


“Darkness” and “Light” are old Masonic code words for the beliefs of conventional religious groups, particularly teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, as opposed to the beliefs of Freemasonry and Naturalism. The “prejudice” to be destroyed is … conventional faith and belief.

p. 176 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994

{footnote: New Age, October, 1955, Henry C. Clausen, “Report of Conference of Grand Masters In North America,” p. 589 }

Earl Warren’s address was given three years after the Humanist Manifesto was issued in the U.S. by John Dewey, representing an agenda of naturalism and essentially comprising a declaration of man’s independence from the God of the Bible. The use of the public school system to “replace darkness” with Masonic “light,” and replacing the Ten Commandments with New Age curriculum (including evolution doctrine) qualifies 33º Earl Warren as a Masonic godfather of New Age education.

Eventually, the theory of evolution would replace that of teaching creation in the public schools, and specifically, under the Warren Court, prayer to God was removed from the public schools in the 1960’s under the pretense of separation of church and state, whereas the Founding Fathers opened their assemblies with prayer, and assemblies of Congress have continued to open with prayer. America’s youth has been targeted for “evolutionary” subversion.

The teaching of evolution and completely disenfranchising God from the education of young people has prepared the foundation for corroding the moral fabric in America and dismantling of the traditional family structure. The U.S. Supreme Court has gone on to disenfranchise the most fundamental rights of the most vulnerable, the pre-born, subverting the right to life itself. Weishaupt’s wish to de-Christianize the masses has gained tremendous strides through the agency of Freemasonry, as well as through institutions which it has impacted.

Earl Warren was also a member of the Ancient Order of the Mystic Shrine, available to 32nd degree Masons or Knights Templar. Members of the “Shrine” are noted for wearing the red Fez, historically derived from being drenched in the blood of slaughtered Christians. The de-Christianization agenda of “Illuminized” Freemasonry has heavily impacted American society to the detriment of it’s people.

The Masonic Machine


FREEMASONRY is implicated in operating an Unconstitutional Authority behind the scenes, swearing men to conceal murder and treason and binding obedience therewith in conjunction with a Supreme Council for which 33º Freemasons swear their highest allegiance, involving a body of oaths incorporating and swearing to acts of retribution embracing brutal murder for violation of the secrecy of criminal and Unconstitutional oaths, and for violation of secrecy of murder and treason.

Furthermore, the corrupt force of Freemasonry operating behind the scenes has manifestly represented a certified criminal force with a sinister agenda which together with the major media is implicated in subverting the U.S. Constitution and in presenting a platform for “smiling faces” and “pious fraud{s}”.

The press in America represents a preponderant force having the demonstrated capacity to manipulate public opinion, “taking in hand the public,” and which at the highest levels is implicated by David Rockefeller in a treasonous work of subverting America’s national sovereignty.

The First Amendment was not intended to empower the press to be free to collude in treason to bring about the destruction of America’s sovereignty. It was not empowered to contravene it’s function as watchman to preserve Constitutional process, not empowered to collude in treason domestically to overturn America’s sovereignty nor to act as an agency of foreign organizations to overturn America’s sovereignty.

Pagan mystery religion has been instrumental in corrupting Christian congregations. Corruption has continued to be sown in America through the agency of Freemasonry and it’s criminal oath system, and it’s “inner brotherhood.” The goal of establishing an occult oligarchical rulership, overtly, over Americans, over mankind, represents an agenda for a ruling “intellectual” elite, and comprises a definite threat to all who would find themselves as subjects to it. Spiritistic initiation is a fundamental principle of the New Age movement.

Lucifer is sometimes referred to as Christ in the New Age movement. Luciferic initiation, degrees of it, represents spiritistic “illumination” such as related by Schnoebelen. It represents the ultimate objective of the sex magic Rites of the Templars, it represents the so-called “redemption” of having the “serpent” bite a person metaphysically at the base of the brain in Tantric sex, it represents the ultimate objective of the New Age movement for every individual, whether the later methods are employed, or whether drugs, or other means, ceremonies or personal “hands on” initiation is involved.

David Spangler, for instance, has stated:

Christ is the same force as Lucifer. . . . Lucifer prepares man for the experience of Christhood. (He is) the great initiator.

… Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age . . . each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation . . . for it is an invitation into the New Age.

p. 239 Mystery Mark of The New Age:

Satan’s Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs, 1988, {quoted from David Spangler, Reflections on the Christ (Findhorn, Scotland: 1978), pp. 44. 45/}

Lucifer is identified as the New Age “great initiator.” Evolution to “godhood” was the doctrine spoken to Eve by the Serpent facilitated by Lucifer in the Garden of Eden. Evolution is a fundamental doctrine of mystery religion, it is a fundamental doctrine of Freemasonry as this book goes on to show as it further develops the subject. Evolution is a fundamental philosophical or dogmatic tool of Freemasonry to alienate people from the God of the Bible and to ultimately steer persons into the jaws of the New Age.

The Lord of the World, the One Initiator …

{Bailey blasphemously connects Christ to Satan, the Lord of the sinful World}

He, Sanat Kumara it is, Who from His throne at Shamballa … presides over the Lodge of Masters, and holds in His hands the reins of government in all the three departments.

He has chosen to watch over the evolution of men and devas until all have been occultly “saved.” He it is Who decides upon the “advancements” in the different departments, and Who settles who shall fill the vacant posts; He it is Who … authorises what shall be done to further the ends of evolution.

p. 106 Initiation Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey, 1922

Lucifer, the “great Initiator” “has chosen to watch over the evolution of men and devas until all have been occultly “saved.” The “illumination,” “initiation,” or spiritistic operation of a human’s brain by Luciferian entities represents the occult version of salvation, as Alice Bailey noted. It represents a spiritistic “mark” in the forehead, the so-called ajna chakra of co-consciousness with Luciferian entities. “All have been” targeted.

The fundamental root of the “Philosophical Empire” is based on the “lie.” Jesus identified Lucifer, or the Devil, as “the father of the lie” and as a “murderer.” The war which Lucifer has waged against the human family began with the first human pair. It is a diabolical war carried on in the echelons of mystery religion, perpetrated by secret societies such as Freemasonry, harboring an elite brotherhood of spiritistically “illuminated” beings intent on corrupting the entire human family.

The plan for creating not only revolutions but world wars to reconfigure the world’s political, religious and social structures was detailed in writing just a few years prior to Freemasonry’s “godfathers,” Mazzini and Pike, completing the organization of Freemasonry for the world. Mazzini drew the plans for three world wars in 1871, two of which the world has experienced.

Authors such as former counter-intelligence agent and OSS agent Paul A. Fisher, Commander William Guy Carr and historian Nesta Webster have exposed Masonic and Illuminati intrigue in the formation and influence of the Communist State, and revolutions around the globe, including a host of subversions in the United States. Subversions in America include the precipitation of the Stock Market crash and the Great Depression (New World Order: Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still).

The third world war which the Illuminati have planned involves a religious conflict. Specifically, the middle-east has been targeted. New Age spirit guide inspired Alice Bailey revealed the intent of the Luciferian Hierarchy to use religious conflict.

In the next great strife the department of religions will be involved … And yet withal there is the closest co-operation in all departments, … what transpires in one department is known in the others.

p. 106 Initiation Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey, 1922

Reminiscent of America’s Civil War in which the Anti-Masonic opposition appears to have been substantially impacted in the institution of the pre-War Anti-Masonic press, a religious or racial conflict in America could present a similar scenario. Unenunciated aims could target Masonic opponents or New Age opponents tangentially. The Jacobin actions, on the other hand, were more overtly designated.

Following chapters in this book document the “New Age Warrior” movement specifically targeting those who will not or cannot allow New Age principles or practices to be imposed upon them. New Age spirit guides specifically describe an agenda which includes conflicts in which New Age opponents are targeted for elimination. Whether the conflicts target New Age opposition clandestinely or overtly, the New Age agenda is a violent one.

Yet, New Age conflicts have not been limited to be directed against those who oppose the new Age agenda. It has been abundantly demonstrated throughout history that Freemasonry and the Illuminist movement have sponsored what appear to be diametrically opposed groups to create upheaval which could be used as a lever to aid in bringing about tactical or strategic changes to benefit the New Age / Masonic / Illuminati “Plan.”

Although the white supremacist movement is most often looked at as fundamentally racial, it has a New Age religious and mystical base in the writings of Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society and contributor to the Aryan doctrines of Hitler’s Third Reich, as well as having a Masonic base. On the other hand, the black separatist movement in America also has a New Age base. Such movements which appear to fundamentally represent a racial conflict of interests embrace philosophies which can be traced to New Age religious perceptions and differences at the base, with both espousing New Age principles and influence.

There are a number of groups which have serious concerns about America relinquishing it’s sovereignty to International bodies such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. Such developments have given the liberal media the opportunity to obfuscate otherwise legitimate issues regarding a Bilderberger sponsored emerging world government aided through the agencies of the United Nations.

By publicly linking white supremacist “hate” groups with resistance to United Nations agenda, the media has been able to divert legitimate discussions and concerns into the arena of white supremacist groups and frame the issues in terms of intolerance and extremism. The fact remains that the white supremacist doctrine has historically been linked with New Age teachings of Helena Blavatsky if not also Albert Pike’s Klu Klux Klan.

Whatever the rationale presented for racism, the media has virtually portrayed opposition to the “New World Order” as the exclusive domain of white supremacist groups. At the same time, the media as a whole has covered-up the one-world-government plan as to it’s true intent (see David Rockefeller’s media collusion speech).

The Outer Form


It is known that the FBI operated a radical journal in the 1960’s in the United States to obtain the names and addresses of persons who would subscribe, in an effort to identify potential subversives. The example is used, not to demonstrate abuse of power, but as an example of clandestine methods and the fact that a group or organization which publicly represents a particular political or religious position could be founded or operated by interests having an opposite or conflicting point of view or interest for the purpose of identifying or even exercising influence, oversight or control over persons who might otherwise take up the issues in another format or in another more moderate organization which actually represents enunciated positions.

Legitimate questions are raised as to the infiltration of non-governmental persons who might exercise inimical influence, inciting others to engage in evil acts, which in turn could inspire executive or legislative wrath which could negatively impact the rights of persons who have legitimate concerns about America’s course, infringing upon persons who have conducted themselves responsibly.

One ultimate tactic to direct actions against groups or individuals who are opposed to the occult New Age is obviously to infiltrate such groups with non-governmental personnel and to instigate or personally perform outrageous acts which might reflect upon the infiltrated group, subsequently instigating measures under government auspices which could damage the legitimate rights of many who speak and act responsibly. Behind-the-scenes activities of the Illuminati to subvert groups with grievances represents scenarios which should be taken seriously.

Enunciated methods of subversion by Mazzini’s Masonic Machine include the creation of organizations or networks of organizations which target the unsuspecting, and infiltration by inimical forces which portray themselves as sincere advocates. The principle applies to political subversion as it does to religious subversion.

Organizations were to be formed that had nothing to do with Masonry on the surface, but which would be under its control:

Create by yourselves, or, better yet, cause to be created by others, associations, having commerce, industry, music, the fine arts, etc., for object. Reunite in one place or another … these tribes of yours as yet ignorant: put them under the pastoral staff of some virtuous priest, well known, but credulous and easy to be deceived. Then infiltrate the poison into those chosen hearts; infiltrate it in little doses….Afterwards, upon reflection, you will yourselves be astonished at your success.


p.120 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism, (Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty revised edition 1950; original edition New York: Burns and Oats, 1885), p. 58, 59}

The strategies and tactics of the occult conspiracy include :

… adopting the outward form … and operating within them …

p. 1 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History, Michael Howard, 1989 

The Illuminati, which have planned three world wars and numerous revolutions, and which have founded the Mafia, are experts in crisis creation.

Crisis Creation


The Jacobinist inspired revolution in Philadelphia in 1793 which almost cost George Washington his life, represented an overt rebellion against America’s Constitutional government. Covertly, the Illuminati had been formally joined to Freemasonry in 1782 at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Europe, and Illuminist agents had founded several lodges in America during the following four years. Thus the organizational stage was set for the Jacobinist rebellion.

As subsequent investigations by three state legislatures in the 1800’s have revealed, the Masonic enemy would infiltrate, recruit, and operate within structures of America’s institutions. America’s judicial process, extending from the Supreme Court of the United States down to the jury level, would be Masonically compromised.

Potentials for violent conflict in American society have been sown by subversion of the Constitution over the decades. The civil rights movement of the 1960’s represented a dramatic case of conflict, reacting to disenfranchisement of civil rights.

The disenfranchisement of the most fundamental rights of the pre-born has also subverted the U.S. Constitution. Violence perpetrated against the pre-born by means of abortion practices in America needs to be properly addressed through the protections which are insured by the Constitution. Seeking to bring about changes in the application of Constitutional law by engaging in violent acts against the abortion community is a tactic which infiltrators bent on creating violent conflict might seek to employ or influence others to employ.

Christian communities in America, along with others who oppose the abortion of the pre-born, as well as those who reject the imposition of New Age initiation and other occult agenda upon themselves, need to be careful not to allow themselves to be clandestinely influenced to commit wrong acts, not to resort to terrorist acts or even threats of violence.

Groups which feel they have legitimate grievances in society need to be aware of infiltration by New Age operatives who might pose as supporters or even leaders of grievance movements or initiatives. Psychological or other maneuvering and manipulation of persons who may be well-intentioned but who are easily excitable has the capacity to do much harm to what otherwise might constitute legitimate expression of grievances in accord with the First Amendment.

When people are educated as to the real agenda of New Age leaders and their methods, and educated about the Plan for an elite occult oligarchy to exploit and subvert the human family, many Americans could come to realize that it is not the fundamental principles of Masonry and the New Age which are in their best interests. Knowledge of the traps to avoid comprises crucial means of self-protection.

A conflict of fundamental principles in America is being waged. By exposing the evil Masonic agenda and it’s perversion of justice, the protections of the U.S. Constitution could be strengthened, and the fabric of society could be reinforced against pernicious Illuminist principles and Masonic subversion of law.

There are a number of Christian groups, ministries and syndicated Christian radio station programs which have been addressing issues of anti-Christian and anti-Constitutional schemes sponsored by the United Nations or by State or national legislation or local or national Outcome Based Educational programs. Yet, the major media has demonstrated a penchant for associating public concerns about a United Nations conspiracy in the context of white supremacist groups, having the effect of discrediting opposition to an alleged one-world government plot.

Although there is here no expressed or implied endorsement for any particular ministry or radio program, organizations or individuals, the point is that the New Age issue has been distorted by the major media which frames the issues, if at all, with images of militia groups. One of the greatest disservices the major media has performed for the American people is to frame opposition to the New Age in terms of association with white supremacists.

The issues are thereby egregiously distorted. Adolph Hitler was a white supremacist and deep into the occult and New Age philosophy. Hitler ascended to power through the facility of occult secret societies in Germany. The regime of Adolph Hitler is not an example of opposition to occult / New Age methods, it is an example of many things which many Americans do not want repeated under the auspices of America’s New Age movement.

The media role of providing a platform for image purveyors has excelled. The views opposing the New Age movement or New World Order have gone either unspoken, inadequately represented or woefully misrepresented in the major news media. The expression “New World Order” is publicly expressed in the context of post-cold-war cooperation between the super-powers, whereas the behind-the-scenes schemes, as revealed in David Rockefeller’s speech in a Bilderberger meeting in 1991, are of a far more sinister content. The concealed issue is the establishment of an occult human-rights-disenfranchising rulership in America, and abroad.

Radicals are effectively lumped together as “anti-government” with rational opponents of the New Age / “New World Order,” such as William Still, who can appeal to reason arguing legitimate concerns in apprehension of the “New Age.” It is quite evident that it is the Masonic conspiracy which is “anti-government” respecting the duly constituted Constitutional government of the United States, and the “anti-government” character of Freemasonry has been well attested to, even by it’s own oaths and corresponding actions.

The media implicated conspiracy is deeply entrenched politically and within the occult-religious milieu of secret societies, such as the premier occult organization of Freemasonry. However, education of the public can do much to minimize the extent of spiritual subversion in the lives of individuals, families and groups.

If America cannot be turned by it’s own people from subversion of the fabric of society and from the “destiny” which the Illuminati seek to impose, that of an Overt Occult Oligarchy, the case for the human race is not lost.


Bill Clinton, a man of Masonic Principles ?


Little Rock, Arkansas, where Albert Pike ascended the Masonic ladder, is no stranger to the obstruction of justice and the cover-up of murder. In Saline county, Arkansas, the 1987 murder of two high school students for what they had witnessed, and apparently, for whom they had seen, has left a horrible trail of half a dozen deaths of potential witnesses, including among those, persons who were to testify before a grand jury.

Evident Cover-Up by the State of Arkansas Chief Medical Examiner of the two murders was reportedly “rewarded” by Governor Bill Clinton and Jocelyn Elders, the Arkansas State Medical Examiner Commission Chairman, not with dismissal, but, according to a controversial video documentary, with a $14,000, or 41%, raise, whereas outside experts have discovered evidence tampering and evidence of murder. When the Chief Medical Examiner later resigned under growing public pressure, Gov. Clinton created an even more lucrative position for him, paying at least $70,000.

Another young man, who had witnessed the two murders, was himself murdered two days after speaking to friends and family expressing concern for his life and that he knew he had been watched for two months. The young man reportedly related that law enforcement officials were responsible for the murder, and when he was subsequently chased after having his throat slashed, the police report officially excluded mention of that critical evidence, with no autopsy or investigation performed, although two police officers stated that his throat was slashed.

Cover-ups and obstruction of justice allegedly involving local police, the sheriff and Police Chief escalated. An astonishing chain of events has involved the judiciary, State Attorney General and the U.S. Attorney. FBI charges of obstruction of justice against the U.S. Attorney in Little Rock, Arkansas, have not been acted upon by the Justice Dept.. Governor Bill Clinton‘s personally appointed “drug czar” in Arkansas has also been implicated in obstructing investigations.

Have the Masonic principles of concealment of murder been evident in Arkansas during the 1980’s and 1990’s ? If one considers the 1996 video documentary entitled “Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection,” by Integrity Films, upon which the foregoing sketch is based, the answer is resounding. The horrible trail of murder, cover-ups and complicity connected with Mena, Arkansas, has demonstrated levels of culpability leading to the Governor’s Mansion.

Bill Clinton’s words that he wanted Jocelyn Elders to do for America what she did in Arkansas has obtained far-reaching implications in view of the information presented in the documentary. Consummate corruption exceeding that of the murder of Captain Morgan is at issue in Arkansas, is at issue in America.

The operation of Arkansas government during the governorships of Bill Clinton and Jim Guy Tucker have read like the findings of the Joint Committee of the Legislature of the Massachusetts House of Representatives into Freemasonry,

“a distinct Independent Government within our own Government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land”

{footnote 71}

The abuse of power, alone, under the presiding Governor, Bill Clinton, has the appearance of  a “moral evil,” a “pecuniary evil,” and a “political evil.”

p. 35 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994

footnote 71: Investigation Into Freemasonry by a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House of

Representatives, March, 1834, pp. 9-10.

footnote 72: p. 11

Evils manifestly circulating in the Arkansas government under the governorship of Bill Clinton have also been exposed in the video documentary “The Clinton Chronicles” of 1994, which has raised very serious questions, to say the least, based on evidence, testimony and documentation. An analysis presented by former Arkansas State Supreme Court Justice Jim Johnson included in the video documentary is indicting not only of Bill Clinton, but of the media.

The material in the documentary “Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection” further implicates a newspaper campaign in a sinister entrenched effort to stifle an official undercover team headed by a prosecutor who followed an investigative trail of murder and drug dealing to governmental officials, eventually resulting in the prosecutor fleeing Arkansas in fear for her life when she faced being thrown into jail for refusal to compromise the investigations.

According to the documentary, at the outset of her assignment she was specifically told by her superior not to pursue public figures in her criminal investigations. That the obstruction of justice has included the murder of several potential grand jury witnesses and destruction of evidence by the Arkansas State Medical Examiner comprises only part of the evidence presented in the video documentary.

No one should be so naive to believe that an organization which has men swear to conceal murder and treason does so out of regard for the U.S. Constitution. Masonic principles have been at work in Arkansas, under the “watch” of a Senior Internationally acclaimed Mason.

Arkansas’ “pecuniary evil” ?


The “Mena” (Arkansas) connection has obtained official and public notoriety as a cocaine conduit which makes the Congressional Whitewater hearings appear like a diversion from preponderant criminal wrongdoing and abuse of power which rewards the same.

Why has not the Republican Party vigorously pursued the horrible trail of murder of U.S. citizens and associated government cover-ups in Arkansas ? Brace yourself.

Twenty-five year veteran of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and “Drug Bureau Director for Cape Cod, MA. Michael Levine authored The Big White Lie: The CIA And The Cocaine/Crack Epidemic. [1993].

“According to author Michael Levine, the war on drugs is the “biggest, whitest, and deadliest” lie ever perpetrated on U.S. citizens by their government. … He tells … how the CIA created La Corporacion, the “General Motors of cocaine,” which led directly to the current cocaine/crack epidemic.”

[Inside cover]

Former Arkansas “insider” Larry Nichols has not been the only one exposing the Arkansas cocaine connection and government institution involvement.

Terry Reed “who performed intelligence services for the US Air Force, FBI, and CIA” and “former prize-winning investigative reporter” John Cummings authored the book COMPROMISED: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. [1994].

“Terry Reed is a former Air Force Intelligence operative who served with the most secret project of the Vietnam War. … This was the most sophisticated and highly classified intelligence gathering unit of that period. At the age of 21, armed with a top-secret security clearance provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency, … he was entrusted with America’s dirtiest secrets. As a civilian intelligence asset, he later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had barred these agencies from undertaking. His problems began when the CIA found he had more patriotism than it had bargained for.” COMPROMISED: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. [1994].


The punch line is delivered by the information presented which claims to prove that:

“This Arkansas-CIA connection became Clinton’s darkest secret — a secret shared by then Vice-President Bush, who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal. Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 Presidential election with neither mentioning Iran-Contra.”

“The Justice Departments of Reagan, Bush — and now Clinton — have orchestrated an ongoing cover-up of the Arkansas-CIA connection which has gone undetected for eight years with Bill Clinton its major beneficiary. …”

“Reed puts Clinton directly in the “Iran-Contra loop”. Both attended a secret meeting where CIA arms arrangements, illegal Contra training and money laundering were discussed. …”

“When the CIA learned Reed had more patriotism than they bargained for, forces within President Bush’s Justice Department, the CIA and the State of Arkansas decided he had to be neutralized. People close to Clinton conspired to set Reed up on false federal criminal charges, forcing him and his family into hiding. But Reed was acquitted, and now wages a one-man legal war to bring those who framed him to justice.”

“Found innocent by a court of law, Reed was then convicted by TIME Magazine which aligned itself with a Clinton campaign consumed with protecting its candidate from sandals.”

“Compromised reveals one of the most clandestine operations in recent U.S. history. It also offers behind-the-scenes insights into the sordid world of intelligence, where things are seldom what they seem and powerful people disguise greed and ambition behind the convenient mask of national security.”

[the foregoing excerpts from the publisher’s comments, inside cover, COMPROMISED: Clinton, Bush and the CIA].

The book alleges that it is not simply for Iran-Contra purposes that illegal events in Arkansas were performed.

Institutions of state and federal government have been implicated in a “pecuniary evil” supported on the corpses of U.S. citizens, including those seeking to perform their lawful and courageous duty to testify to criminal wrongdoing including murder. Indeed, Masonic principles of concealment of murder (and treason) have evidently been at work in Arkansas. If anyone is inclined to doubt that …

“The Justice Departments of Reagan, Bush — and now Clinton — have orchestrated an ongoing cover-up of the Arkansas-CIA connection …”

one can consider the case of the Clinton “machine” presented in the documentary “The Clinton Chronicles.”

Massive Cover-up


The 1994 video documentary/exposé “The Clinton Chronicles” [83 min], which has been the object of wrath by the Clinton White House and the major media, has exposed the CBS “60 Minutes” interview with the Clintons on the marital infidelity issue as an orchestrated cover-up and lie to the American people, that the “60 Minutes” interview was purposely staged and edited to manipulate public opinion to facilitate a “New Hampshire” boost in the primary presidential elections. The video interview with the CBS principal is astonishing.

The documentary relates several media/news blackouts in conjunction with the manner of protecting the image of the Clintons as well as media attacks against Larry Nichols, a former Arkansas Clinton “insider” who discovered, while working at the ADFA as newly appointed Director of Marketing and as a friend of Clinton’s, that the government loan agency which was formulated by Webb Hubbell and promoted by Governor Bill Clinton to provide insured low cost loans for churches, schools, colleges and job enhancement, was being used for political purposes and for laundering incredible sums of drug money.

Huge loans were made which obtained or generated generous political contributions. Each loan had to be signed by Governor Bill Clinton. Loans were made which cost the tax payers $60 million. Such activity, according to “The Clinton Chronicles,” has with the aid of media cover-ups and news black-outs aided the ascension of Bill Clinton to the White House.

It has been revealed in the documentary that ADFA loan applications were channelled exclusively through the Rose Law Firm, with Vincent Foster playing a prominent role in the applications process, involving extravagant fees. The money laundering trail was traced out-of-state to banks associated with the infamous BCCI, or ‘Bank of Crooks and Criminals International,’ for whom Robert Fiske has served as an attorney, the same Robert Fiske who was later appointed by White House / Justice Dept.

Attorney General Janet Reno to head an investigation into “Whitewater,” due to threats of a Congressional investigation. Yet, there are those who would still prefer Robert Fiske to conduct the “independent counsel” investigations of Bill Clinton while Kenneth Starr is accused of being politically compromised.

Vincent Foster who had been discovered deceased under suspicious circumstances was surrounded by contradicting evidence and testimony. Vincent Foster’s files were shredded by the Rose Law Firm the week of Fiske’s appointment, and there was a fire which wiped out an entire floor of an office building with important related Whitewater files. Fiske’s subpoena actions suctioned up evidence which hadn’t been destroyed, rendering such out of reach from Congressional scrutiny.

The documentary also considers the brutal murder of private investigator and former head of security for Clinton’s presidential campaign, as well as the break-in and stealing of the victim’s files, which files had the alleged capacity to have ended Clinton’s bid for the presidency. The documentary also includes testimony of the severe beating and leaving for dead of an attorney for Larry Nichols and the related confiscation of video tapes which provided video documentation supporting Larry Nichols law suit against Bill Clinton, as well as contradicting, with visual proof, statements which Bill Clinton had made during the “60 Minutes” said interview.

“The Clinton Chronicles” considers media attacks against the State Police officers who came forward to confirm the veracity of Larry Nichol’s statements against Bill Clinton. Nichols’ law suit was quenched by a Clinton appointed judge, yet the media has sought out Kenneth Starr in his prosecutorial role due to an appearance of conflicts of interest. The modus operandi of the “Clinton Machine” in Arkansas, presented in the two video documentaries cited, has been revealed to reward “players” with lucrative or powerful jobs. Since, the “Jordon” Hubbell/Lewinski connection has provided grit for another special prosecutor investigation. The “Clinton Machine” has much more than embodied the term “insider,” it has “pushed the envelope.”

The ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance Authority), which Larry Nichols testifies was used for political purposes and to launder enormous amounts of drug (cocaine) money, was formulated by Webb Hubbell, who was later appointed to the position of Attorney General by President Bill Clinton and who after his resignation was replaced by Janet Reno, who appointed Robert Fiske. Jocelyn Elders, to whom the notorious Arkansas Chief Medical Examiner was accountable, was appointed to the position of Surgeon General for the United States, in which position she publicly considered legalizing drugs.

The video documentary which links the lucrative Mena, Arkansas, cocaine connection, the ADFA, the Rose Law Firm, the BCCI and the later pardon of a convicted cocaine distributor and personal friend of Bill Clinton by Governor Bill Clinton, is loaded with dovetailing components. It further establishes a link between a former top aide to an implicated principal in the cocaine money laundering operations, allegedly involving ADFA, as one of the persons who raided Vince Foster’s office under White House auspices after Mr. Foster’s highly suspicious death.

The implication of the judiciary, law enforcement and elected political leaders in the obstruction of justice in the murder of U.S. citizens and grand jury witnesses in Arkansas in connection with a lucrative cocaine trade raises the issue of fundamental principles, and dissolves the guise of national security.

The murder of the two teenagers in 1987 in Saline County was evidently triggered not necessarily simply by what they saw, but by whom they saw, based on converging information in the video documentary 1996 “Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection” and the 1994 video documentary “The Clinton Chronicles,” which conclusion is supported by at least one eye witness who was murdered two days after he told family and friends that law enforcement officers were responsible for the two murders, along with the revelations that the boys had encountered several men that night, one of whom has been specifically identified.

One can examine for oneself an astonishing trail of murder and government cover-up exposed in “Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection,” a documentary which places numerous related revelations into astonishing and horrifying context, the murder of teenage witnesses, the murder of a half-dozen witnesses, including grand jury witnesses, falsification and tampering of evidence by the Arkansas State Medical Examiner, cover-ups by law enforcement officers, obstruction of justice by high-ranking government officials; and the reprehensible actions and in-actions by Governor Bill Clinton and Jocelyn Elders in conjunction therewith.

As President, one of Bill Clinton’s first acts, by executive order, was to fire all federal prosecutors to appoint his own, which is particularly disturbing considering that the tentacles of the Mena-ADFA connection have been traced into other states such as Florida.

The description of intelligence agent Terry Reed “as a civilian intelligence asset, {who} later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had barred these agencies from undertaking” raises critical questions on the funding of such “illegal” operations and the Cocaine Cash Cow which has been made evident in “The Clinton Chronicles” documentary, which documentary and whose promoter, Rev. Jerry Falwell, have been virulently opposed by the White House and major media.

The murder of American citizens to obstruct criminal investigations, and acts of falsification and obstruction by government and law enforcement officials in the course of concealing Constitutionally criminal activities has, indeed, involved concealing crimes of murder, if not also treason.

The recognition which Bill Clinton received as DeMolay International Alumnus of the year, is not recognition of which a person who prolifically quotes Bible Scriptures should boast. Leading young people on a path which swears men to conceal crimes of murder and treason is not a leadership position of which anyone should boast. 1987 was sadly a pivotal year in which principles of murder and concealment of murder were made evident in Arkansas. 1987 was also the year in which Bill Clinton obtained international acclaim as a Masonic leader — for youth.

The impact of Masonic principles in America was not buried with the murderers of Captain Morgan, nor were the issues resolved in the conflagration of the American Civil War. That both the Democrat and Republican parties are presided over by prominent Masons raises legitimate questions whether Masonic principles of concealment of murder and treason are flourishing at the highest levels of government. Is Clinton doing for America, that which he has done for Arkansas ?

Bill Clinton can be noted for his role in the DeMolay Masonic Order for youth, for contributing to leading impressionable youth on a path of Masonry, a path of oaths and obligations which “cannot possibly be reconciled to the laws of morality,” a path of corruption which binds men to conceal crimes of murder and treason in an organization certified to be a “political evil” a “pecuniary evil” and a “moral evil,” supporting youth on a path which ultimately divorces them from fundamental principles of the Bill of Rights and which espouses them to tolerance and cover-up of evil, and sponsoring a Governor’s School inviting young people into an elitist world view embodying the rejection of traditional (Judeo-Christian) moral standards.

Rejecting Masonic Principles


In view of historical findings by State legislatures and warnings by numerous groups and individuals, including American Presidents, and in view of the current New Age momentum, it is legitimate and even necessary to ask,

  • Will the Luciferian New Age plot succeed ?
  • Will it succeed in your case ?
  • Where do the American people stand on the issues ?
  • Are “non-insiders” adequately informed ?
  • Where do the American people stand on the issue of their own membership in Freemasonry, and on the issue of whether a person taking oaths to conceal murder and treason can hold law enforcement or government office ?
  • Do the American people stand with John Quincy Adams who warned of the oaths, obligations and penalties of Freemasonry that they “cannot possibly be reconciled to the laws of morality” ?
  • Do the American people stand with George Washington in denouncing the “pernicious principles of the Jacobins” and the “diabolical tenets of the Illuminati” ? Will the left-wing extremist “Reign of Terror” against the pre-born end in America or will the Illuminati’s dismal view of human life prevail ?
  • Do the American people stand with Abraham Lincoln in voicing their alarm at the corrupting power of corporations upon the political process; and in concentrating power and wealth in the hands of an “intellectual elite” in America, while the American people on the whole are being systematically disenfranchised politically and economically ?
  • Do the American people stand with the descendant of Patrick Henry, William T. Still, in alerting others that a Luciferian New Age is coming and in exposing the inimical conspiracy by Secret Societies to replace America’s sovereignty with the rulership of an occult Hierarchy which has the fundamental principles of Adam Weishaupt who possessed a horrifying “spirituality” ?
  • Will Americans countenance the New Age agenda such as that of Masonic leaders such as Bill Clinton under whose Governor’s School auspices American young people have been taught to divorce themselves from their bodies ?
  • Will American educators teach fallen practices in place of elevated values ?
  • Will the New Age Outcome Based Education Reforms based on measuring what is euphemistically called “mainstream” liberal moral tenets and philosophical outcomes take Americans by force ?
  • Will the New Age agenda be adopted nation-wide, following the State of Oregon in dispensing with the High School diploma and replacing it with “certificates” and in “legally” prohibiting employment for those who have not obtained the requisite “certificate” as has been instituted by the State of Oregon ?

The remaining chapters of this book detail methods which the New Age movement often deceptively uses to facilitate induction into the “New Age” of Lucifer. Sinister and diabolical methods are exposed, and the forces which New Age groups “wield” are shown from their own written works to be identified with the goal of subverting the human will, with the ultimate objective of subverting the human identity.

The “inner machinery” of Masonry is described and is shown to be even more sinister than that which is embodied in the criminal oaths of Freemasonry. “Black arts of espionage” are exposed as are their applications in infiltrating or subverting political, religious and civic organizations as well as other groups, as well as individuals. What is the “Great Work” of Freemasonry and the New Age movement according to the inner, esoteric doctrine ?

The warnings of corruption, chronic corruption, in U.S. government in Washington D.C. have been voiced or otherwise declared through resignation of office by prominent politicians. The threats are real. Senator Jesse Helms stated before the U.S. Senate,

” … what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert … in order to create what some refer to as a new world order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations … the Trilateral Commission … and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic,

and official circles …

p. 48 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990

{footnote: Congressional Record — Senate, 15, December 1987, p. S18146}

Thus, David Rockefeller, while addressing powerful moguls of media, finance, and academia of the Bilderberger Group, extolled the “plan” for a new world order, praised the media and other powerful in society for their complicity and for acting in concert behind the scenes, in an effort which Freemasonry, the Templars, Rosicrucians, and the Illuminati have been working at for centuries.

What is Freemasonry’s “Great Work,” and what sinister danger does it pose to every man, woman and child in America, … in the world ?

Although there is no expressed or implied endorsement of any of the sources of research material cited in this book the referred to video documentaries can provide detailed substantiation of material herein presented and are listed with books in the end section.


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