THE VACCINE POISONING RACKET 1 Human Abuse Home Allopathic Rackets
“Vaccination is child abuse and a crime against humanity.” ~ Dr. Buchwald MD “To teach the Rockefeller drug ideology, it is necessary to teach that Nature didn’t know what she was doing when she made the human body.”~ Hans Ruesch “The further I looked the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax.” ~ Dr Archie Kalokerinos MBBS PhD FAPM
[Satanic Psychopathy. For quick expose: VACCINATION IS CHILD ABUSE . They knew in the 17th century how to cure Smallpox (Sydenham had a 98% cure rate, see Case mortality for 19th century : 0-2%), while it was considered an ‘established fact’ (1877) that Apple Cider Vinegar was protective against smallpox. If you can cure you know the true cause (the Vaccinators/Allopaths campaigned against sanitation reform! 1 ), so for 200 years now they have been deliberately 1) inducing (Autism ) and spreading disease (Smallpox Leprosy ), 2) killing 3) sterilising 4) & robbing for vast profit , mostly in treating vaccine disease , as part of the longstanding Psychopath human Depopulation programme. Further cast iron proof it’s a racket is the fact they could cure viral disease before 1949 with Vitamin C , and prevent it with diet (Benjamin P. Sandler, M.D. ), not to mention all the other well proven Allopathic Rackets such as the longstanding Cancer Racket genocide. See Why Vaccination Continues & Disease Protection Racket ]
The Vaccines (own page here ):
DPT vaccine racket (own page here )
Flu and the Flu vaccine racket (own page here )
Gardasil [Own page ]
MMR vaccines (own page here ):
Hepatitis vaccines (own page here )
Polio & polio vaccine racket (own page here ):
Articles Articles (Vitamin C) Media stories (vaccines) Provocation polio Iron lungs Images of polio POLIO IS NOT CONTAGIOUS Treatments, doctors Cathcart, M.D. Klenner MD Treatment & prevention Polio poster girl cured Chiropractic & polio case Benjamin P. Sandler, M.D. Vitamin C cure Levy, MD, JD, Thomas E. Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D..Stephen C. Vaccine genocide Covert genocide via OPV vaccination Kihura Nkuba Hooper, Ed Causes DDT Tonsillectomies Provocation polio (drugs) QuotesQuote banners Hiding polio (Acute flaccid paralysis) Causes Quotes Nutrition & infection Vaccination Poison DDT researchers Jim West Ralph R. Scobey, M.D. Morton S. Biskind, M.D. Dr. Herbert Ratner, MD Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Stephen C. Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D. Books [2008] Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts Virus Mania DIET PREVENTS POLIO Benjamin P. Sandler, M.D. Vaccination Sabin OPV vaccines Salk IPV vaccines Citations (adverse reactions) Litigation Media stories (vaccines) Provocation polio Vaccine damage Vaccine contamination SV40 SV40 quotes CJD, BSE risk AIDS The Cutter incident, 1955 Citations for vaccine associated polio (VAPP) Testimonies Vaccine contamination (AIDS, cancer)
Polio & polio vaccine racket (A-Z)
A-Z Acute flaccid paralysis (Hiding Polio) AIDS and Polio vaccines Articles Articles (Vitamin C) Biskind, M.D, .Morton S. Causes (quotes) Cathcart, M.D. Chiropractic & polio case Chiropractic cure Citations (adverse reactions) CJD, BSE risk (vaccine contaminants) Contagious (not) Contamination (vaccine) Cutter incident, 1955 Citations for vaccine associated polio (VAPP) DIET PREVENTS POLIO (Book) DDT Fear of the Invisible (Book) Genocide via OPV vaccination Hiding polio (Acute flaccid paralysis) quotes Hooper, Ed Images of polio Iron lungs Klenner MD Kumm, Dr (DDT man) Litigation Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D..Stephen C. Media stories (vaccines) Nkuba, Kihura Nutrition & infection (quotes) Provocation polio Quotes (Polio) Quote banners Quotes (Vaccination) Ratner, MD, Dr. Herbert Roosevelt (FDR) Sabin OPV vaccines Salk IPV vaccines Sandler, M.D. Benjamin P. Scobey, M.D, Ralph R. SV40 (vaccine contaminant) SV40 quotes Testimonies Tonsillectomies Treatment & prevention Virus Mania (Book) Vitamin C cure West, Jim
Smallpox vaccination (own page here ):
The Smallpox Hoax (analysis in depth) Smallpox Banners (brief analysis) Great Smallpox Lie Articles Banners Books Critics (vaccine) Apple cider vinegar Arm to arm vaccination quotes Case mortality/Dangers of Smallpox quotes Damage (vaccine) Failure (vaccine) statistics F ailure (vaccine) quotes General (vaccination) quotes General (vaccine damage) quotes General mortality quotes Glycerine quotes Horse grease quotes Hospitals (smallpox) quotes Images Infectiousness of smallpox (hype) Jenner (vaccinator) Jenner (vaccinator) quotes Jenner banners S purious cowpox Lancet Lancet Journal Leicester Leicester quotes Leicester Method” by J.T. Biggs quotes Lies (smallpox vaccination) Lies and statistics quotes Lymph Lymph quotes Media stories Pock-marked faces Sanitation Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes Leicester Method” by J.T. Biggs quotes Smallpox on decline before vaccination Smallpox scare (c. 2002) Terminology Timeline Vaccine damage Variolation Medical ploys [Medical Mind Control ]Anti-Vaccination (ad hominem) Dangers of smallpox/Case mortality quotes (hype) Hiding smallpox Hiding smallpox vaccine deaths Infectiousness of smallpox (hype) Lies (vaccinators) Preserve vaccination from reproach ‘Spurious’ cowpox quotes ‘Unvaccinated’ lie Quote Banners Smallpox vaccination Bayly, Beddow Biggs, JT Creighton Charles MD Hadwen, MD Hay, Dr William Jenner Kalokerinos, Archie Tilden MD banners Wallace, Alfred Vaccine damage [Vaccine damage ]Citations 1966-1974 1975-1979 1980-1999 Encephalomyelitis Leprosy Leprosy (vaccine) quotes Smallpox spread by vaccine (vaccine damage) quotes Vaccine “lymph” and disease spread Deaths (vaccine damage) Death (vaccine damage) quotes General (vaccine damage) quotes Erysipelas (vaccine damage) Erysipelas (vaccine) quotes Lockjaw /tetanus (vaccine damage) Lymph Lymph quotes Spread of Smallpox via vaccination quotes Syphilis (vaccine damage) Syphilis (vaccine damage) quotes Tuberculosis (vaccine damage) Tuberculosis/TB/Consumption (vaccine damage) quotes TB quotes Vaccine damage (general) quotes Smallpox conditions, prevention quotes: Bedbugs (inc quotes) Diet/nutrition quotes Overcrowding (inc quotes) Water (inc quotes) Sanitation Biggs, JT banners Leicester Leicester quotes Leicester Method by J.T. Biggs quotes Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes Vaccination critics (quotes & banners) [Vaccine critics :] Smallpox vaccination banners Bayly, Beddow quotes Bayly, Beddow (banners) Biggs JT (quotes) Biggs, JT banners Campbell, Charles MD (quotes) Collins, W. J. M.D. (quotes) Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes Creighton Charles MD banners Hadwen MD (quotes) Hadwen, MD (banners) Hay, Dr William (banners) Higgins, Chas (quotes) Kalokerinos quotes Kalokerinos, Archie (banners) Shaw, Bernard (banners) Shaw, Bernard (quotes) Tebb, William banners Wallace, Alfred quotes Wallace, Alfred banners Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes The National Anti-Vaccination League Creighton Charles MD banners Lupton quotes Tebb, William (quotes) White, William (quotes) Shaw, Bernard (banners) Shaw, Bernard (quotes) Pearce, Dr. Charles T. M.D (quotes) NAVL quotes Osler, William Causes & prevention: Bedbugs (inc quotes) Sanitation Diet/nutrition quotes Overcrowding Poverty Dirty water Therapies: Allopathy quotes Apple cider vinegar Naturopathy quotes Homeopathy quotes Sydenham, Sir Thomas quotes Vaccinators Jenner (vaccinator) Jenner (vaccinator) quotes Playfair, Sir Lyon (vaccinator) Rosenau, Dr. Milton J (vaccinator) Copeman, Dr. S. Monckton (vaccinator)
a) Smallpox vaccination A-Z
A-Z Allopathy quotes Anti-Vaccination (ad hominem) Apple cider vinegar Articles Arm to arm vaccination quotes Austin, MRCS, LRCP, Major R. F. E (vaccine critic) ALLINSON (1883),.DR. T. B (vaccine critic) Banner quotes Bayly, Beddow (vaccine critic UK) Bayly, Beddow quotes Bayly, Beddow (banners) Bedbugs (inc quotes) Biggs (vaccine critic UK) Biggs quotes Biggs, JT banners Books Birch, John (vaccine critic UK) Buchwald, M.D (vaccine critic GER) Buchwald quotes Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA) Campbell, Charles MD (quotes) Case mortality/Dangers of Smallpox quotes Citations (vaccine damage) 1966-1974 1975-1979 1980-1999 Collins MD (1883), Dr (vaccine critic UK) Collins, W. J. M.D. (quotes) Copeman, Dr. S. Monckton (vaccinator) Creighton,Dr (vaccine critic UK) Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes Creighton Charles MD banners Critics (vaccine) Crookshank, Prof (vaccine critic UK) Dangers of smallpox Deane, Dr. Tennison (vaccine critic USA) Deaths (vaccine damage) Death (vaccine damage) quotes Death rate/Case mortality/Dangers of Smallpox quotes Dick, Prof (vaccine critic UK) Disease spread by Vaccine ‘Lymph’ Dole, Lionel (vaccine critic UK) Dettman, Dr Glen (vaccine critic AUS) Diet/nutrition quotes Dudgeon, Henry Dalby (vaccine critic) Encephalomyelitis (vaccine damage) Erysipelas (vaccine damage) Erysipelas (vaccine) quotes F ailure (vaccine) quotes Failure (vaccine) statistics General (smallpox vaccination) quotes General vaccine damage quotes General mortality quotes General (vaccine damage) quotes Glycerine quotes Hadwen MD (vaccine critic UK) Hadwen MD quotes Hadwen, MD (banners) Hale, Annie Riley (vaccine critic USA) Hay, 1937, Dr. William Howard (vaccine critic USA) Hay, Dr William (banners) Hiding smallpox Hiding smallpox vaccine deaths Higgins, Chas (vaccine critic USA) Higgins, Chas (quotes) Hodge, John W (vaccine critic USA) Hoggan M.B., George (vaccine critic UK) Hoggan, MD (1883), Elizabeth (vaccine critic UK) Horse grease quotes Hospitals (smallpox) quotes Hiding smallpox quotes Hiding smallpox deaths quotes Homeopathy quotes Hume-Rothery, Mary C (vaccine critic UK) Hutton, Arthur (vaccine critic UK) Images Infectiousness of smallpox quotes Jenner (vaccinator) Jenner (vaccinator) quotes Jenner banners S purious cowpox Kalokerinos, M.D (vaccine critic AUS) Kalokerinos quotes Kalokerinos, Archie (banners) Keller, Dr Leander Joseph (vaccine critic UK) Knaggs., H Valentine (vaccine critic UK) Lancet Lancet Journal Leicester Anti-Vaccination League Leicester Leicester quotes Leicester Method by J.T. Biggs quotes Sanitation Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes Leprosy (vaccine damage) Leprosy (vaccine) quotes Lies (vaccinators) Loat, Lily (vaccine critic UK) Lockjaw /tetanus (vaccine damage) Lupton, Arnold, M.P (vaccine critic UK) Lupton quotes Lymph Lymph quotes Mendelsohn, MD (vaccine heretic USA) Mendelsohn MD quotes Marchini, M.D., Daniel (vaccine critic FRANCE) McBean, Eleanor (vaccine critic USA) McBean, Eleanor quotes Media stories Monkeypox (Hiding smallpox) Naturopathy quotes (smallpox) National Anti-Vaccination League (NAVL) NAVL quotes Newman (1883), Professor F. W (vaccine critic) Nightingale, Florence Nightingale, Michael (vaccine critic UK) Nutrition/diet quotes Obomsawin PhD, Raymond (vaccine critic CAN) Obomsawin quotes Osler, William Overcrowding (inc quotes) Pearce, M.D., Dr. Charles T (vaccine critic UK) Pearce, Dr. Charles T. M.D (quotes) Pickering, Mr. John (vaccine critic UK) Pitcairn (1911), John (vaccine critic USA) Playfair, Sir Lyon (vaccinator) Pock-marked faces quotes Preserve vaccination from reproach Rosenau, Dr. Milton J (vaccinator) Rodermund, Dr (vaccine critic USA) Ruata, Carlo, M.D (vaccine critic ITALY) Sanitation Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes Leicester Leicester quotes Leicester Method” by J.T. Biggs quotes Schieferdecker M.D, Chr. Charles (vaccine critic GER) Sidhwa ND, Keki (vaccine critic UK) Sinclair, N.D., Ian (vaccine critic AUS) Shaw, George Bernard (vaccine critic UK) Shaw, Bernard (banners) Shaw, Bernard (quotes) Shelton DC, Herbert (vaccine critic USA) Smallpox decline before vaccination quotes Smallpox scare (c. 2002) Smallpox spread by vaccine quotes (vaccine damage) Smallpox vaccination banners Spread of Smallpox by vaccine quotes ‘Spurious’ cowpox quotes Sydenham, Sir Thomas quotes Syphilis (vaccine damage) Syphilis (vaccine damage) quotes Statistics S purious cowpox quotes Taylor, P.A MP (vaccine critic UK) Tebb, Dr Scott (vaccine critic UK) Tebb, William (vaccine critic UK) Tebb, William (quotes) Tebb, William banners Terminology Tuberculosis/TB/Consumption (vaccine damage) Tuberculosis/TB/Consumption (vaccine damage) quotes TB quotes Tilden MD (1851-1940), John (vaccine critic USA) Tilden MD quotes Tilden MD banners Trall MD (vaccine critic USA) ‘Unvaccinated’ lie quotes Vetrano, Dr. Vivian Virginia (vaccine critic USA) Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898, Alfred R (vaccine critic) Wallace, Alfred quotes Wallace, Alfred banners Water (inc quotes) White, William (vaccine critic UK) White, William (quotes) Wilkinson (1883), Dr Garth (vaccine critic UK) Vaccination Liberation (vaccine critic USA) Vaccinia (vaccine damage) Variolation quotes Vaccine damage Vaccine damage (general) quotes Vaccine “Lymph” Vaccine L ymph quotes V accine failure quotes Vaccine failure (statistics)Vaccine failure statistics
b) Smallpox vaccine critics (also has own page ):
Medical Testimonies Anti-Vaccination League of America Leicester Anti-Vaccination League National Anti-Vaccination League (NAVL) NAVL quotes Quote Banners Smallpox vaccination Bayly, Beddow Biggs, JT banners Creighton Charles MD Shaw, Bernard Hadwen, Dr Walter Kalokerinos, Archie Tilden MD Wallace, Alfred A-Z Austin, MRCS, LRCP, Major R. F. E (vaccine critic UK) ALLINSON (1883),.DR. T. B (vaccine critic UK) Bayly, Beddow (vaccine critic UK) Bayly, Beddow quotes Bayly, Beddow (banners) Beale, Morris (vaccine critic USA) Biggs (vaccine critic UK) Biggs, JT banners Biggs quotes Birch, John (vaccine critic UK) Buchwald, M.D (vaccine critic GER) Buchwald MD quotes Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA) Campbell, Charles MD (quotes) Collins MD (1883), Dr (vaccine critic UK) Collins MD quotes Creighton,Dr (vaccine critic UK) Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes Creighton Charles MD banners Crookshank, Prof (vaccine critic UK) Deane, Dr. Tennison (vaccine critic USA) Dick, Prof (vaccine critic UK) Dole, Lionel (vaccine critic UK) Dettman, Dr Glen (vaccine critic AUS) Dudgeon, Henry Dalby (vaccine critic) Hale, Annie Riley (vaccine critic USA) Hoggan M.B., George (vaccine critic UK) Hoggan, MD (1883), Elizabeth (vaccine critic UK) Hadwen MD (vaccine critic UK) Hadwen MD quotes Hadwen, MD (banners) Hay, 1937, Dr. William Howard (vaccine critic USA) Hay, Dr William (banners) Higgins, Chas (vaccine critic USA) Higgins quotes Hodge, John W (vaccine critic USA) Hume-Rothery, Mary C (vaccine critic UK) Hutton, Arthur (vaccine critic UK) Kalokerinos, M.D (vaccine critic AUS) Kalokerinos quotes Kalokerinos, Archie (banners) Knaggs., H Valentine (vaccine critic UK) Keller, Dr Leander Joseph (vaccine critic UK) Loat, Lily (vaccine critic UK) Loat, Lily quotes Lupton, Arnold, M.P (vaccine critic UK) Lupton quotes Marchini, M.D., Daniel (vaccine critic UK) McBean, Eleanor (vaccine critic USA) McBean, Eleanor quotes Mendelsohn, MD (vaccine heretic USA) Mendelsohn MD quotes Newman (1883), Professor F. W (vaccine critic) Nightingale, Florence Nightingale, Michael (vaccine critic UK) Obomsawin PhD, Raymond (vaccine critic CAN) Obomsawin quotes Pitcairn (1911), John (vaccine critic USA) Pearce, M.D., Dr. Charles T (vaccine critic UK) Pearce quotes Pickering, Mr. Johh (vaccine critic UK) Rodermund, Dr (vaccine critic USA) Ruata, Carlo, M.D (vaccine critic ITALY) Schieferdecker M.D, Chr. Charles (vaccine critic GER) Sidhwa ND, Keki (vaccine critic UK) Sinclair, N.D., Ian (vaccine critic AUS) Shaw, George Bernard (vaccine critic UK) Shaw, Bernard (banners) Shaw, Bernard (quotes) Shelton DC, Herbert (vaccine critic USA) Shelton quotes Taylor, P.A MP (vaccine critic UK) Tebb, Dr Scott (vaccine critic UK) Tebb, William (vaccine critic UK) Tebb, William quotes Tilden MD (1851-1940), John (vaccine critic USA) Tilden MD quotes Tilden MD banners Trall MD (vaccine critic USA) Vetrano, Dr. Vivian Virginia (vaccine critic USA) Vaccination Liberation (vaccine critic USA) Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898, Alfred R (vaccine critic) Wallace, Alfred quotes Wallace, Alfred banners White, William (vaccine critic UK) White, William (quotes) Wilkinson (1883), Dr Garth (vaccine critic UK) USA Beale, Morris Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA) Campbell, Charles MD (quotes) Deane, Dr. Tenison Hale, Annie Riley Hay, 1937, Dr. William Howard Hay, Dr William (banners) Higgins, Chas Hodge, John W. Mendelsohn, M.D Pitcairn (1911), John Rodermund, Dr Shelton DC, Herbert Tilden MD (1851-1940), John (vaccine critic) Tilden MD quotes Tilden MD banners Vaccination Liberation Vetrano, Dr. Vivian Virginia Vaccinators Jenner (vaccinator) Jenner (vaccinator) quotes Jenner banners Playfair, Sir Lyon (vaccinator) Rosenau, Dr. Milton J (vaccinator) Copeman, Dr. S. Monckton (vaccinator)
Vaccine critics (also has own page here ):
Smallpox vaccine critics (from 19 cent) Nurses on vaccination A-Z Aitken, Dr Kenneth Awadu, Keidi Obi Ayoub, David Bachmair, Andreas Baratosy, M.B, Peter * Bark, MD, Dr. Toni Al-Bayati, Mohammed Bayly, Beddow (vaccine critic UK) * Bayly, Beddow quotes Bayly, Beddow (banners) Bealle, Morris Beattie, Greg * Belkin, Michael Bernard, Sallie Berthoud, Françoise MD Binstock, Teresa Biggs (smallpox vax UK) Biggs, JT banners Blanco, Kathy Blakemore-Brown, Lisa C Blaylock, M.D, Russell . Quotes Banners Articles Blaxill, Mark Borraccia, Paul Brogan, MD, Kelly Brouwer, M.D., Louis de Buchwald, M.D (vaccine critic GER) * Buchwald MD quotes . Buchwald M.D., Dr. Gerhard banners Burton, Dan Butler, Hilary Buttram, MD, Harold * Buttar, Dr. Rashid DO Bystrianyk, Roman Carlshamre, Maria Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA) Campbell, Charles MD (quotes) Campbell, Joan Cantwell, M.D. * Carley, MD, Dr. Rebecca Cantekin Ph.D., Dr. Erdem Cassel, Ingri Catalano, Bob Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., Chatterjee, Jagannath Claridge, Sue Classen Coleman, Dr Vernon Collins MD (1883), Dr (smallpox vax UK) Collins MD quotes Creighton,Dr (smallpox vax UK) Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes Creighton Charles MD banners Coulter, Harris* Converse, MPH, Judy Cournoyer, Cynthia * Cost, Curtis * Craig, Jennifer PhD * Crookshank, Prof (smallpox vax UK) Dannemann, Eileen Day, Lorraine Dr Deal, Ph.D.Dr. Grady A. D.C. Deth, Dr. Richard Duffy DC, Dr Dan DeSimone, Susan DeLatte, Yves * Dettman Ph.D, Glen . * Diodati, Catherine * Dodds, Jean DVM Dole, Lionel Donegan, MB, Dr Jayne Donohoe MB, Dr Mark Dorman MD, Thomas Dorey, Meryl W. * Douglass, MD, William * Doubleday, Jock Duffy DC Dunbar, Dr Bonnie Eddy Edwards, Allison Eisenstein, Dr. Mayer Elice, Michael M.D. Elkordy, Sallie: Ellison, Bryan Elmiger MD, Dr Jean England, Christina Fanu, Dr James Le Ferguson, D.C., David Fisher, Barbara Loe * Fletcher, Peter Dr Fox, Rosemary Fraser, Heather Fudenburg, Dr Gale, Richard Gallup, Raymond Gaublomme, MD, Kris Girard M.D., Dr Marc Golding, Alan Goldstein, D.V.M, Martin Goldman, Ph.D, Gary S. Gordon MD, FAAP, IBCLC, Dr Jay Gostaldo DC, Todd Gottstein, Sandy Grant, Marge Gunn BSc, Trevor Gupta, Chris Greenberg, Bernard Greier, MR and Greier, DA Handley, J.B. Haley PhD, Boyd Halvorsen, Dr Richard MB Hadwen MD (smallpox vax UK) Hadwen MD quotes Hadwen, MD (banners) HALE, ANNIE RILEY Hancock, Bronwyn * Harkins, Don Hay, 1937, Dr. William Howard (vaccine critic USA) Hay, Dr William (banners) Haley Ph.D.,Boyd Haley quotes Quote banners Head MCH Rs. Hon, Christina J * Healy, Justin Heptonstall, John P Hickman, Maureen * Higgins, Chas (smallpox vax USA) Higgins quotes Hodge, John W (smallpox vax USA) * Hume-Rothery, Mary C (smallpox vax UK) Hutton, Arthur (smallpox vax UK) Hoffman, Rita Holdsworth, Patrick Hooker, Brian Hooper, Ed Horowitz DM.D.,M.A, Leonard . * Horwin, Michael & Raphaele Howenstine, MD, Dr. James Hume, Ethel Douglas Humphries, MD (USA), Suzanne Hyde MD, Dr. Byron Incao, M.D., Philip Innis, Michael D James, Walene * Janak, Cynthia A. Jefferson, Dr. Tom Jillani, Lisa and A.A. Jones, Allison Kalokerinos, M.D (vaccine critic AUS) * Kalokerinos quotes Kalokerinos, Archie (banners) Katme, Dr. A. Majid Keller, Dr Leander Joseph (smallpox vax UK) Kennedy, Ronald Kennedy Jr., Robert F. Keske, Tom Kessick, Rosemary King, PhD, Paul G. Kinsbourne MD, Marcel Kirby, David Knaggs., H Valentine (smallpox vax UK) Kops , Stanley P. Koren DC, Tedd Kreider, Susan Kupsinel MD, Dr. Roy Krasner, Gary Lanctot, M.D, Guylain . * Lanka, Dr Stefan Larsen, LM, Kelly Latto, MB, ChB, Gordon Levy, M.D.,F.A.C.C, Thomas Lindlahr, M.D, Henry * Lisa, P. Joseph Loat, Lily (UK) * Loat, Lily quotes Lunoe, Sandy Lupton, Arnold, M.P (smallpox vax UK) * Lupton quotes LYDALL, WENDY * Mansfield, Dr Peter Martin, M.D., Ph.D , W. John Marini, MS., D.C., Stephen C. Marchini, M.D., Daniel Marston, Sue Matsumoto, Gary * McCarthy, Jenny McBean, Eleanor (USA) * McBean, Eleanor quotes McTaggart, Lynne * Mendelsohn, MD (USA) ** Mendelsohn MD quotes Mercola D.O., Dr Megsen, Dr Méndez, MD, Juan Manuel Martínez Newman (1883), Professor F. W (smallpox vax UK) Moskowitz, M.D., Richard * McCandless, M.D, Jaquelyn Mihalovic, Dave ND Miller, Clifford G. Miller, Neil * Mintz, Sandy Morrell, Peter Morris, Dr Anthony J. Moulden, Andrew Muhammad , Kevin A. Mullins, Eustace Murphy, Jamie * Nass, Meryl M.D, Dr. . Nakken, R.N., MA, Sheri Nicholson, Dr Richard Null, Ph.D., Gary * Neustaedter, OMD, L.Ac, Randall .* Nicolson Ph.D., Dr Nightingale, Michael Nkuba, Kihura Obukhanych, Dr Tetyana Odent MD, Dr Michel O’Driscoll, Catherine * Obomsawin PhD, Raymond (CAN) * Obomsawin quotes O’Kelly Orient MD, Jane O’Shea, DC, Tim Olmsted, Dan Ott, PhD, ND, A. True O’Leary, Professor John Overell, Bette * Palevsky, Lawrence Phillips, Alan * Pitcairn, D.V.M., Richard H. Pitcairn (1911), John (smallpox vax USA) Pearce, M.D., Dr. Charles T (smallpox vax UK) * Pearce quotes Petek-Dimmer, Anita Pickering, Mr. Johh (smallpox vax UK) Pragnell, Charles Pringle, Evelyn Quanten MD, Dr Patrick Rappoport, Jon * Ratner, MD, Dr. Herbert Rattigan ND, Pat * Reagan, Lisa Redwood, R.N., Lyn Rees, Alan Regush, Nicholas Renee, April Dr Robert Reisinger Richardson, Dawn Rimland Ph.D., Dr Roberts, Janine Rodermund, Dr (smallpox USA) Rollens, Rick Ruata, Carlo, M.D (smallpox vax ITALY) Ruesch, Hans Ruede, Laura Saul, Dr Schlafly, Roger Scheibner, Ph.D.Viera ** Schieferdecker M.D, Chr. Charles (smallpox vax GER) Schumacher, Karin Scott, M.A. M.Sc, Prof Sears, Robert W. MD * Severo, Julio Shaw, Chris Shaw, George Bernard (smallpox vax UK) Shaw, Bernard (banners) Shaw, Bernard (quotes) Shattock, Paul Shelton DC, Herbert (USA) * Shelton quotes Shepherd, Charles Shulze,Dr Richard Sidhwa ND, Keki (UK) Sinclair, N.D., Ian * Sircus Ac, OMD, Mark Smits, Dr. Tinus Simon, Sylvie Singh, Vijendra K. Smith, M.D., Lendon H. * Smith, Thomas Snead, M.D., Eva * Snead quotes Steenis, Dr Dick van Stevenson, Heidi Stewart, Prof Gordon Stone, John Strecker, M.D., Robert Stoller MD Taylor, Magda Tebb, Dr Scott (smallpox vax UK) Tebb, William (smallpox vax UK) Tebb, William quotes Tenpenny, Sherri DO Tetrault, M. D. Gregory Thomas , Isabella Thomas, Dr Paul Thrower, David Tilden MD (1851-1940), John (USA) Tilden MD quotes Tilden MD banners * Tocco, Mary Tolzin, Hans (Germany) Tomljenovic, Lucija Tommey, Polly Topp, Beth Trall MD (USA) Ullman, Dana Urnovitz Vetrano, Dr. Vivian Virginia (USA) Wagnitz, Michael F. Waisbren, Burton, M.D. Walker MA, Martin Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898, Alfred R (smallpox vax) * Wallace, Alfred quotes Wallace, Alfred banners Wilkinson (1883), Dr Garth (vaccine critic UK) Wakefield, Dr. Andy Quotes Banners Wain BEM, Wm. H Watson, Anna Welsh, Bill West, Edda West, Jim West Ph.D., John * White, William (smallpox vax UK) * White, William (quotes) Winkler, Dawn Yazbak MD, F. Edward Yuryev, Dmitriy K. Yurko, Alan
Groups (most antivaccine). Own page here :
No longer active The National Anti-Vaccination League International Anti-Vaccination League Facebook [Facebook sites (whale approved) ]Peer-Reviewed Vaccine Information A Shot of Truth Proud Parents Of Unvaccinated Children Say NO to the Vaccine TheRefusers Belkin, Michael Educate4theinjured Vaccination Information Network (VINE) Argentina Axel Makaroff Australia & New ZealandAustralian Vaccination Network (AVN) *Immunisation Awareness Society (IAS) VISA Vaccine Information Vaccination Information Service Canada Eagle Foundation Vaccine Risk Awareness Network (VRAN) UK UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID) The Informed Parent Vaccine Awareness Network (VAN) *JABS The Arnica Network Vaccine Victim Support Group Hepatitis B Victim Support Group Ass. of Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children Campaign for Justice for all Vaccine Damaged Children Canine Health Concern *Vaccine Information What Doctors Don’t Tell You *Parents For Vaccine Education UK Ireland Irish Vaccine Informed Parents group USA International Medical Council on Vaccination The World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE) VIC (Vaccine Injured Children) Health Advocacy in the Public Interest National Vaccine Information Centre(NVIC) Vaccine Information & Awareness(VIA) Coalition For Informed Choice Vaccination Liberation (North Idaho) People Advocating Vaccine Education (PAVE) The Connecticut Vaccine Information Alliance NJ Alliance for Informed Choice in Vaccination (NJ-AICV) Long Island Vaccination Information Networking Group Global Vaccine Awareness League (GVAL) Concerned Parents For Vaccine Safety New Yorkers for Vaccination Information & Choice Informed Parents Vaccination Homepage Arizona Vaccine Information Network MISSOURI CITIZENS COALITION FOR FREEDOM IN HEALTH CARE Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE–Texas) PENNSYLVANIA PARENTS for VACCINE AWARENESS V.I.A.M (Vaccine Infromation and Action in Maryland) or .V.O.I.C.E. New Hampshire Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition Eagle Forum of Illinois FVIC,Virginia Wisconsin Citizens For Free Choice In Immunization France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Denmark,Japan,Spain Dr Kris Gaublomme: Else Jenson www.vaccinationforum.du/link.htm Sylvie Simon FRENCH NATIONAL LEAGUE FOR LIBERTY IN VACCINATION Dutch site Homeopathy and Vaccination site by Dr. Tinus Smits Italian site International Vaccination Newsletter Federazione del COMILVA Vaccinationsforum Japan Spain Germany, Switzerland Klein-Klein-Aktion Aegis Bayern Aegis Schweiz Impfportal Impfkritik (Hans Tolzin) (printed antivaccinaton-magazine since 2005) (new Website from Angelika Kögel-Schauz and Sonja Houzer) (old Website from Angelika Kö Organisation of Parents from vaccinationhandicaped ChildrenRussia 1796 – Homeopathy and Vaccinations Ukrainian anti-vaccine public organization: and India People for Economical and Effective Medicare Brazil : Dr Veronica Carstens: Thailand Vaccines and the Akha People of Thailand. Tetanus Toxoid and spontaneous abortions Independent groups researching mercury, and vaccines Generation Rescue No Mercury Health Advocacy in the Public Interest Safe Minds MomsAgainstMercury Autism Research Institute (Dr Rimland) ALT Inc (Boyd Haley Ph.D.) Geier, MR and Geier, DA Autism One The Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD) Allergy Induced Autism/AiA FAIR Autism Media One Click Cry Shame
Vaccine created disease (own page here )
Vaccine deaths/genocide (own page here ):
Articles Vaccine death banners Vaccine genocide articles Media stories Testimonies Video Dirty needles The Missing Vial Alaska Litigation Citations National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program USA Withdrawn vaccines Hot lots Vaccine Disasters Gates Articles Quotes Quotes Vaccine death banners Death Crib death Shaken Baby Syndrome Biowarfare Gulf War Syndrome Genocide & vaccination Smallpox vaccination (from 1800’s) Africa: drugs, malnutrion, clean water, sanitation Vaccine associated deaths Gulf War Syndrome Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy Shaken Baby Syndrome Cot death Vaccine deaths Hiding smallpox vaccine deaths Smallpox vaccine Diptheria vaccine 1919-1948 MMR vaccine VAERS deaths Gardasil deaths Swine flu vaccine deaths DPT Flu vaccine Coroners hiding vaccine deaths AIDS Hepatitis B vaccine & AIDS (USA)AIDS & THE POLIO VACCINE OPV vaccine in Africa Kihura Nkuba (Uganda)Edward Hooper Genocide via Oral Polio Vaccine GULF WAR SYNDROME Anthrax vaccine Gulf War Syndrome Quackwatch vaccine information (vaccine deaths) Awadu, Keidi Obi Brink, Anthony Dr Alan Cantwell, M.D. Robert Strecker, M.D. Leonard Horowitz DM.D.,M.A. Edward Hooper Tom Keske Dr Nicolson Ph.D. Prof Scott, M.A. M.Sc Terry Wycuff Boyd Ed Graves, J.D Kihura Nkuba Kalokerinos M.D., Archie
Vaccine autism (own page here , also see Vaccine autism proven )
Vaccine Contaminants (own page here ):
Vaccine ingredients (own page here ):
Thimerosal (mercury vaccine ingredient) own page here :
Vaccine articles (own page here )
Vaccination quotes (own page here )
Quote banners D octors on vaccination Advertising Africa Aluminium Allopathy Antibody Theory Blood brain barrier Changing age of disease onset Drugs in pregnancy Drugs depleting nutrients Glutathione Herd Immunity Homeopathy General Main reason for high vaccination drive Vaccine Profits vs Safety Klenner MD Classics Reisinger, Dr Robert Sandler MD Safety studies Smallpox & vaccination Unvaccinated children healthier Child immune system and development re vaccination Synergistic toxicity Thimerosal Vaccine failure Vaccine reaction time lag Vaccine Disease Racket Vaccine critics: Beddow Bayly Blaylock MD Teresa Binstock Buttram, Harold MD Buchwald MD Hadwen M.D, Walter R. Butler, Hilary Cantwell MD Coulter, Harris L. , Ph.D. Collins, M.D. (1883) Coleman, Dr Vernon MB Donegan, Jayne MB Douglass, William MD Duffy, Dr. Dan Sr. DC Elmigar, Dr Jean Gunn BSc, Trevor Haley, Boyd Horowitz, Leonard Incao, M.D., Philip Kalokerinos MD Loat, Lily Loe Fisher, Barbara Yazbak MD Koren DC, Ted Martin MD McBean Ph.D, Eleanor Mendelsohn MD Nkuba, Kihura Obomsawin Ph.D ., Raymond Rappoport, Jon Rimland Ph Ruesch, Hans Scheibner PhD, Viera Snead, Eva MD Scott MA, MSc., Donald W. Shaw, George Bernard Tebb Thrower, David Wallace, Alfred West, Jim The vaccines: SV40 Animal Anthrax BCG vaccine & TB Contamination Diphtheria DPT Flu Gardasil (HPV) Hepatitis B Hib Ingredients MMR EZ measles Package inserts Polio Smallpox Tetanus Thimerosal (vaccine ingredient) Urabe MMR Nutritional med/doctors Apple cider vinegar Dr Kalokerinos MD Dr Klenner MD Dr Rimland Ph Dr Sandler MD Medical doctors on smallpox vaccination: Campbell MD Collins, M.D. Hadwen MD Creighton M.A., M.D. Pearce, M.D Smallpox vax critics (non-medical) Wallace Biggs Loat, Lily Lupton McBean Ph.D, Eleanor Shaw Tebb White, William Medical doctors Beddow Bayly Blaylock MD Harold Buttram MD Dr. Buchwald MD Dr Alan Cantwell MD Coleman MB, Vernon William Douglass MD Dr Jayne Donegan MB Dr Jean Elmigar Philip Incao, M.D. Lanctot, M.D., Guylaine Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD Dr Kalokerinos MD Levy, M.D.,F.A.C.C, Thomas Nass, Meryl M.D, Dr. . Eva Snead MD Wakefield Yazbak MD Homeopathic medical doctorsDr Jean Elmigar Homeopaths Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D. Trevor Gunn BSc Doctors (non-medical) Dr. Dan Duffy Sr. DC Trevor Gunn BSc Ted Koren DC O’Shea, DC, Tim Herbert Shelton DC Diseases, death: VAERS VICP payments Autism Autism & vaccination–parents Cancer Crib death Chickenpox/varicella Death Diabetes Diptheria Disease theory Immune suppression Vaccine disease decline Disease increase Ear problems Gulf War Syndrome LeprosyMeasles Meningitis Mumps Mycoplasma Polio Rubella SARS Shaken Baby syndrome Smallpox & vaccination Spanish Flu TB & BCG vaccine Tetanus Typhoid Vaccine Disease Politics: Advertising Africa Allopathy Biowarfare CDC Chiropractors on vaccination Diagnosis ploy Doctor control Drugs in pregnancy Epidemiology Fearmongering Fluoride Genocide via vaccination Government “Highly infectious” Herd Immunity Junk science Journal article & peer review Lies & statistics D octors on vaccination Media Medical Monopoly Modern Medicine Money incentive Nurses Statistics re vaccinated or unvaccinated Truth Thimerosal Unhealthy charities Vaccine Conflict of Interest Vaccine law Vaccine politics Medical Monopoly Vaccine production World Health Organisation (WHO) Overlooked disease cause: Infections & poisons Infection & nutrition Earth Energy disease Drugs depleting nutrients TETRA & GSM (cell phone) Synergistic toxicity Vaccine companies: Wyeth Glaxo SmithKline Merck
Medical mind control (own page here )
Medical study ploys (own page here )
Medical lies (own page here )
Vaccine package inserts (own page here ):
See : Package Inserts and Manufacturers for some US Licensed Vaccines and Immunoglobulins
The diseases (own page here ):
Medical citations (vaccine damage mostly) own page here
Disease theory (own page here )
Articles A-ZAcid and alkaline American food pyramid Antibody Theory Apple cider vinegar Autism increase Bad breath Bechamp Blood Blood type diet Bonding (attachment) Books (metals & junk food)Bowel disease Breast feeding Cancer Microbe CD4 test Cleansing Diagnosis lies Diets Dirty water Disease decline Disease incidence Diseases Drugs depleting nutrients E coli Energy (human) Fever Food combining Food pyramid Gallstones Germs vs toxins G erm theory GERM THEORY vs. CELLULAR THEORY Gut flora Healing crisis Herd Immunity Health Hazards Hering’s Law of Cure Herpes “Highly infectious” Hype Disease risk Iatrogenic Infectious scares Jenner Juicing Kidney Koch Liver Liver/gallbladder cleanse Medical tests Mycoplasma Natural Healing Nutrition (citations) Nutritional doctors Natural Healers Nightingale, Florence Orthomolecular & Nutritional Measles (Positive effect of) Measles ( Homeopathy) Measles ( Naturopathy) Measles ( Nutritional medicine) Pasteur Pasteurization Pellagra Pineal Pleomorphism Positive effect of childhood diseases Poverty RDA Raw food Raw meat diet Sanitation Statistics Sugar wound remedy Virus hunters Vitamin A Vitamin C Water cure Well being Books Disease cause (metals & junk food) Disease theory books Quotes: Disease theory Disease decline Infections & poisons Infection & nutrition Herbal Naturopathy Pesticides & disease Organs Bowel disease Kidney Liver Pineal Brain Measles Homeopathy Naturopathy Nutritional medicine Positive effect of measles citations Disease cause Health Hazards Poverty Infections & poisons Infection & nutrition Disease protection, curing Positive effect of measles Breast feeding Cleansing Juicing Fever Natural Healing Nutrition (citations) Sanitation Sugar wound remedy Politics The Virus hunters Homeopathy Natural Healing Nutritional Medicine Healing systems Allopathy Apple cider vinegar Chiropractic Keys to health Acid and alkaline Bonding (attachment) Breast feeding Cleansing Liver/gallbladder cleanse Raw food Water cure Diets Cancer Microbe [Cancer Microbe ]Livingstone Alan Cantwell Hype disease risk Chickenpox Measles Rubella D angers of smallpox lie Infectiousness of smallpox TheoryAntibody Theory Fever Germs vs toxins GERM THEORY vs. CELLULAR THEORY Herd Immunity Pasteur Pleomorphism Disease theory doctors, scientists Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D. Naessens, Gaston Rife Wilhelm Reich Bechamp Cantwell, M.D, Alan EnderleinKalokerinos MD. Livingstone Tilden MD, John Lanka Crowe Köhnlein Ellison Duesberg Levy, MD, JD, Thomas E. Jim West Biskind Scobey Doctors Nutritional Natural Healers Homeopathic HOMEOPATHY & VACCINATION CHIROPRACTIC & VACCINATION Orthomolecular & Nutritional Medicine Alternative Viewpoint (vaccination) Disease statistics Positive effect of childhood diseases Poison diseases made out to be ‘Infectious’ AIDS Pharmaceutical AIDS Legionnaires Disease Polio SMON Spanish Flu Toxic Oil Syndrome Meningitis Vaccine contaminants Acanthamoeba Bird viruses CJD, BSE DNA, RNA Mycoplasma Simian cytomegalovirus Nanobacteria Poison researchers David Crowe Jim West (Polio— DDT)Ralph R. Scobey, M.D. (eg DDT)Morton S. Biskind, M.D. (eg DDT)Mark Purdey (BSE) Lanka, Dr Stefan Bonnie Bassler (bacteria) Child health George M. Morley, M.B., Ch. B., FACOG (cord clamping)Dr Robert Reisinger (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)Hilary Butler (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)Archie Kalokerinos MD. Psychology Bert Hellinger Michael Gurian Miller, Alice James W. Prescott, Ph.D. John Bowlby Michael Mendizza Virginia Satir Ashley Montagu Joseph Chilton Pearce
Nutritional medicine (own page here ):
Vitamin C (own page here ):
Nutritional doctors (own page here ):
Natural Healers A-Z Beres, Dr Jozsef Bieler, M.D., Henry G. Binzel, Jr., M.D.,Philip E. Budwig, Johanna Bush, Dr. Sydney Campbell-McBride, Natasha Cannell, John , MD Cathcart, M.D. Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D.1 Clapp, Larry Clemetson, Dr. C.A.B. Cowan, M.D.,Thomas S. Day, Phillip Dettman, Glen DOMmisse, MD, FRCPC, John V E rasmus, Udo Fonorow PhD, MS, MBA, Owen R. Gaby, MD, Alan R. Gerson Glidden, Peter Griesz-Brisson, Dr Margarita (UK) Hay, Dr William Hemilä, Harri Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. , Abram Holford, Patrick Kalokerinos M.D., Archie Quotes Banner quotes Kelley Kingsley, Dr Patrick Klenner MD Klenner quotes Krebs, Ernst T. Kushi, Michio Lee, Dr Royal Levy, MD, JD, Thomas E. Lonsdale, M.D., F.A.C.A.M., Derrick Manner Melamede, Dr Bob Mellanby, Edward M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. Moerman Scott-Mumby, MD, BCh, Keith O’Shea, DC, Tim Passwater, Ph.D, Richard Pauling, Linus Pallares, Dr Sodi Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.,Carl C. Quillan, M.D., Patrick Rath MD Reams Revici Richards M.B, B Ch. Saul PhD. Sandler, M.D., Benjamin P. Shute, M.D Wilfrid, and Evan Shute, M.D. Smith, Lendon M.D. Stone, Dr. Irwin Szent-Györgyi, Ph.D., Albert von Vonderplanitz, Aajonus Wallach, Joel Whitaker, Julian M.D. Wigmore, Ann Willner, M.D. Wilson, MD, FICB, Lawrence Wilson, William Griffin Wright, M.D. Raw food Advocates : Ann Wigmore Ehret Rabbi Gabriel Cousens M.D. David Wolfe Victoria Boutenko Victor Kulvinskas Kristine Nolfi Brian Clement, C.N., N.M.D., Ph.D Normon Walker Stanley S. Bass Vinny Pinto Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Child health (own page here ):
Interviews Quote banners Books (psychological, child rearing) Child abuse Family Abuse Human Abuse Abortion Acetaminophen (Paracetamol, Tylenol, Panadol, Calpol, Salzone, ) American Academy of Pediatrics Anti D Baby sleeping position Bed sharing Benzodiazepine babies Birth defects Blood brain barrier B oarding schools Bonding (attachment) Breastfeeding & Bottle-feeding Brittle bones and child abuse Calpol Caesarean Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) Childbirth Child abuse Child ‘Protective’ Services Circumcision (male) Communication Cord Clamping C orporal punishment / spanking Cot death, crib-death, SIDS Court Abuse of Children Crying It Out Day care (under 5) Desensitise Dirty water Drugs in pregnancy Drugs Ear infections E coli Family Courts Family Abuse Family Courts Fathering F emale genital mutilation Feminism Femininity Fever Foetus hazard quotes Glutathione Gut flora Junk food Marriage Masculinity and Femininity Milk Miller, Alice Missing children Monogamy & polygamy Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB/GYN) Oxytocin Pasteurization Pedophilia Pesticides Poisonous pedagogy Positive effect of childhood diseases Poverty Pregnancy Premarital sex Promiscuity Question a doctor and lose your child RHOGAM Sexuality Sleeping position Suppression of child health knowledge Suppressing sexuality Teething Tonsillectomy Ultrasound Unsound? (Collection of info) Vaccines Violence Vitamin K Weaning age Well being Quotes Quote banners Circumcision Infections & poisons Infection & nutrition Drugs depleting nutrients Breast and bottlefeeding Parenting James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Hilary Butler Archie Kalokerinos MD. Foetus & Child Health Hazard Third World export of baby milk The Family Bed The Magical Child The Diseases Shaken Baby Syndrome Cot death, crib-death, SIDS Meningitis prevention Polio Causes Researchers George M. Morley, M.B., Ch. B., FACOG (cord clamping)Dr Robert Reisinger (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)Hilary Butler (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)Catharina Svanborg (breastmilk)Archie Kalokerinos MD. (Cot-death) The Osteopathic Centre for Children Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC. (Breastfeeding)Veronika Sophia Robinson (Breastfeeding) Dr Benjamin Spock Websites Touch The Future The Origins of Peace and Violence Psychology [Psychology ] Bert Hellinger Michael Gurian Miller, Alice James W. Prescott, Ph.D. John Bowlby Michael Mendizza Virginia Satir Ashley Montagu Joseph Chilton Pearce Dr. Lynne Wrennall Bruno Bettelheim Freud, Sigmund Intelligence Shaken Baby Syndrome Michael D Innis Mohammed A. Al-Bayati F. Edward Yazbak MD Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. Charles Pragnell Gina Ford
The Allopathic medical industry (own page here ):
Allopathy Inc Experts (Inc media, politics) , own page here ):
‘Revolving door’ A-Z Allen, Frances Anderson of FMD scam fameAaronovitch, David Armstrong, Mac Aston, CCDC, Robert Atwood, IV, MD Baum, Michael Barrett Baron-Cohen Bartlett, Jamie Beard, Dr Nick Bedford, Helen Biederman, Dr. Joseph Blakemore, Colin Borland, Sophie Boseley, Sarah Campbell, Nicky Chan, Margaret Cherry Chopra, Deepak Cockburn, Andrew Cohen, Nick Colquhoun, David Connor, Steve Cooper, Louis Z Cooper, Anderson , CNN Coroners Cox, Anthony Creagh, Mary Davis, Nigel & Sir Crispin Dawkins, Richard DeMeo, Ph.D., James Deer, Brian Dixon, Dr. Patrick Doll, Richard Donaldson, Liam Dr Oz Elliman, David Emond, Alan Ernst, Edzard Evans, Stephen Faine, Jon Finn, Adam Fink, Aaron J. Fitzpatrick, Michael Flegg, Peter J Fombonne, Eric Fowler, Norman Fumento, Michael French, Professor Christopher Frist, Bill Gallo, Robert Gates Articles Quotes Gerberding, Julie Giannangeli, Marco Gill, AA Gillberg, Christoper Gibson MP Goldacre, Ben Gornall, Jonathan Gorski, MD, PhD, David H. Godlee, Dr Fiona FRCP Gottlieb, Scott Green, Saul Gupta, Dr. Sanjay Hall, Andrew Halsey MD, Neil Hammond, Dr Phil Hari , Johann Harris, Evan Harris, Gardiner Healey, John Hart, Alan Hemming, John Henderson, Mark Herbert Hilleman Ph.D, Maurice R. Hitchens , Peter Hope, Jenny Horton, Dr Richard HULL, DAVID Jarvis Jarvis, Sarah Jakab, Zsuzsanna Jennings, Lance Johnson, Tim Kassianos, Dr George Katz, Samuel Kay, Jonathan Kilmeade, Brian King, David Krebs, Sir John Kumar, Dr Surendra Lachmann, Sir Peter Langman, Professor Michael Lansley, Andrew Laurance, Jeremy Leitch Leonard, Rosemary Leventhal, Dr. Bennet Liddle, Rod Lindsey, Kimberly Quinlan Lipstadt, Deborah Lord, Dr. Catherine Lovelock Macara Madsen, Kreesten Marcovitch, Harvey Marks, Vincent McDevitt McKie, Robin McSweegan, Edward Meadow, Roy Miller, Elizabeth Montagnier, Luc Morgan, Piers Mortimer, Edward Midgley Miller, Elizabeth Mnookin, Seth Morgan, Piers Murdoch Novella, Steven Nuki, Professor George Nuki, Paul Orac Osterhaus, Albert Offit, Paul A. Oxford, John Oz, Dr Park, Alice Parry, Vivienne Paterson, Owen Pennington,Hugh Phillips, Melanie Plotkin. Pichichero Poland, Dr. Greg Rake, Dr Katherine Randerson, James Randi, James Richmond, Caroline Rooker, Jeffrey William Ross, Gilbert Rotblat, Dr F Rumsfeld, Donald Rutter, Professor Sir Michael Sainsbury, Lord David Salisbury, David Sanders , Tom Sasieni, Professor Peter Saunders, Richard Sargant Schreibman, Laura Schwarcz, Dr. Joe Scurr, Dr Martin Sebelius, Dr. Kathleen Segal, Jakob Shermer, Michael Sikora, Karol Singh, Simon Smith, Dick Smith, Tara C. Southall, Professor David Specter, Michael Spelman, Caroline Stern Stoppard, Dr Miriam Snyderman,Dr. Nancy Taverne, Lord Dick Thompson, Damian Thompson, Mark Thorsen, Poul Taylor, Brent Tayloe, David Taylor, Michael Trevor-Roper, Hugh Turner, Nikki Vilsack, Tom Wainberg, Mark Waxman Wessely, Simon Wheen, Francis WIZNITZER,DR. MAX : Woods, Professor Kent Yeo, Tim Zuckerman Independent Times group HealthWatch Vaccine advocates Putz the pharma shill Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Noam Chomsky Amy Goodman Bill Gates Tim Berners-Lee The Very Reverend Graham Forbes Edward Bernays
Vaccine statistics (own page here ):