We are now the United Nazi States of Sodom and Gomorrah thanks to the secret combinations of Satanic Illuminati Darkness and the “tunnel” of SODOMY working directly through and with Free Masonry. AIM is Satan’s genocidal agent targeting Indian Country for eternal spiritual death.

The vile wickedness of this land is soon to be removed by the most horrendous judgment ever in the realms of time as recorded and spoken by Jesus Himself to His people here and found on my blogs.

Read and learn and credit this information to the author of as found below. Thanks to him for being led by Jesus in what he shared.


The PRIMARY, FOREMOST thing is to read, study, reread and study more of the King James Bible.

The answer is in there, e.g, the references to devils, sons of Belial, man of sin, son of perdition that are taken out in the versions.  In the search as to why the sodomites scream so much, demand that Christians be denied free speech in the pulpit, demand acceptance for their perversion as normal, this article may be of some help.  They are NOT accepted by the LORD ~  why and how would and could we accept them?!   Likewise, this diatribe will likely be of considerable lucidity as to why the socialist worker bureaucracy fights so  fiercely to  keep the  children that they illegally,  immorally and  unConstitutionally kidnap.   It is further obvious that there has to be ambient evil, e.g, the criminal “workers” know that they can get away with it because there are evil workers in the police depart-ments.   Some of his statements are definitely challengeable, e.g, forcing three year old children to fast for several days.   That is extremely unlikely.  More likely would be denial for a day, then feeding – a cycle for a week to ten days, perhaps.   Since the socialist service agencies are immune from police search and from legal prosecution, it is VERY likely that the cps and dcfs are kidnaping our youth for this exact purpose:  sacrifice to satan.  We know that, down through all ages, there have been babies cut up with knives, tortured, thrown in to deep pits, ad nauseum.   Murder {abortion}  is sacrifice to satan.  That is why we haven’t been able to be rid of it, even though 60% or more of the American people are opposed to murder and repulsed by murder.   Sodomite devils are not going to want to give up what they have won.   If they have the children, they know that, when you get your children back, you will attempt to deprogram and heal them.  The devil will fight that.   Many of the children kidnapped by socialist workers, hhs, court, cps and dcfs are not seen again.   This in itself is proof that there should be no occultist  { sorcerer psychologists} and no guaridan ad litems.  The Bible says the parents are the parents:  not the state, nor any shrink, nor any judge.   And there are horrific, ghastly abuses done by sodomite sex perverts who torture through an unimaginable number of means {nazis }  such as hypothermia, rape, left to bake in a car, killed by car attempting to escape,  bitten by animals, injected with untreated diseases, untreated viri, strangulation, drowning, fire and disappearances, primarily done to those under five years of age.  Some are murdered and thrown in to garbage cans.    We do not understand all of this.   We know that satan wants to destroy the conscience of the youth and have them grow up reprobate and to lead souls to Hell.   We all influence other people by what they see in our lives.   But we also know that satan sacrifices babies.  This has been done in every pagan society known to archaeology and historians.   Murder is sacrifice to satan, frequently.   And all the while feminazi communist workers will, without any twinge of conscience, say to mothers “battering does not consist of hitting alone”,  “he holds the checkbook to have power over you”,  knowing that when they kidnap your child, he/she will be battered AND you are likely NEVER to see your child again.   Feminazi  shrinks, “counselors”, socialist wreckers hate God.   They are devils and fight with all their strength fighting to destroy the family.   They ignore God’s control of history.   We do not know all of the answers.   The LORD Jesus hath given us the answers.  It is in HIS Word.  The humanist commies  hate the family.  That’s why the socialist workers kidnap very few children given to them by evil judges.  The humanists know that  sodomites only proselytize.  There is no family there.   Born again Christians are to come together, fast and pray as to what we are to do:     But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.   … better to pluck out your eye than to be cast in to Hell.   In other words, whatever idol is keeping you from repenting and receiving the LORD JESUS CHRIST as your personal Savior, get rid of that idol!   Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:41-48
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 18:10                                 Sex  MC Quotes  Psychopaths
THE MASTER PLAN OF THE { so-called -Rocky  https://nextaxpro.wordpress.com } ILLUMINATED ROTHSCHILDS:  Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox     
 The Pink Swastika
The US government has videotapes of boys being sodomized at Abu Ghraib.
Well, every darksider I ever met was either gay or lesbian, at the highest levels or in government. When you choose anti-life, everything becomes backward. A donkey boy is a person who has sex with other men, for the sole purpose of destroying the inner spirit of the victim. A dooker, or donkey boy. Most catholic priests are donkey boys. CIA, is the creation center of these types. Top of Hollywood?   Cruise, Kidman, and all the rest?   “gays” {sodomites -Rocky}  and lesbians, CIA them all.   Illuminist, all. Mulholland Drive      Those who have been programmed have a locked-in three-year-old mindset which is the core of the programming. Say they’re eighteen or twenty years old and somebody comes up and knows the signal or says the code word to call out the three-year-old core. The person then goes into the three-year-gram in, and when that person wakes up they probably don’t even remember that anything happened. Basically, a person reverts back to the three year old to be a total victim to the sodomy.    I say that Monarch programming is basically sodomy programming.      You {will}  remember Aleister Crowley.   He was a 33rd degree Mason.    I talked to Bill schnoebelen one time and asked him, “Where did the masons get the sodomyAnd he said, “It came by Aleister crowley from black magic Hinduism”.    Well, that isn’t the only place it came from.     I can’t imagine they haven’t.   What is Skull and Bones anyway but the order of death?  Why are they doing things connected with the dead? Sodomy is the biggest occult power source there is, so how did they get their power without it?   I was not there, I was never invited to go there, I could not have gone there because I was never a victim of sodomy as a child.  Now, the Masons do recruit people who are innocent bystanders just for the image and the dues. But the real driving force of the Masons are the sodomites, just check the deMolay thing.   sodomy has a spiri-tual component that is far more sinister than anybody recognizes. It is the most underrated evil power to the general public.    But to the people who are in the know, they know that this is the ultimate rebellion against God Himself. This is what they hope to use to gain the whole human race for their side and defeat God Himself.   When a man sodomizes a child at three, the child bonds to that man as if he were their father, and when he’s a man of the cloth, of the Church, the child bonds to the Church, too.   The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power.  You become as gods  [Genesis 3:5!!!]  {through sodomy!! -Rocky}.   alexander “the great”,  sodomizer and his Greek army were the most fierce.   hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy.  When you put that all together, the “civilizations” that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy.  Sodomy puts them into a trance where you can program in directly to the subcon-scious memory file without any interference of the conscious mind. Sodomy is what puts the person into that state where you can do it. They might even get them so highly programmed that they can just say the word or repeat the code.   A perpetrator with an amnesiac barrier is a sad, sad case because they can switch into that compart-ment and go out and molest, then switch out and not remember.  This is the kind of person they use in Special Forces for their assassination teams because they can activate the hidden compart-ment that has been programmed for assassination and send them out on a mission.   A man who claimed to have been in the South African Special Forces told me of two cases where he was sent to assassinate, one in a national park in South Africa, and another in London.  The nazis were  {NOT NOT NOT socialist!  They were and are communists! -Rocky  https://nextaxpro.wordpress.com }   NOT Right-Wing Conservative Creationists  {who on earth would be so evil as to believe that?  Only a brainwashed sodomite -Rocky};  they were left wing!   -Rocky  https://nextaxpro.wordpress.com }.   As a principle, an increase in pederasty and homosexualism parallels a militaristic Hellenic revival.  History discloses that the most warlike nations are those whose male leaders were the most addicted to sexual relations with young boys.…. The Pink Swastika documents how, from their beginning, the National Socialist revolution and the Nazi party were animated and dominated by militaristic homosexuals, pederasts, pornographers and sado-masochists.….  As Igra explains in Germany’s national vice, “the criminals who wreaked such astounding horrors on innocent civilian populations were not acting as soldiers drunk with the fury of battle, nor as patriotic fanatics, but as chosen instruments of a satanic religion to the service of which they had been dedicated by the systematic teaching and practice of unnatural vice.
A pederast is defined as a physically mature man who engages in or desires to engage in sex with boys around the age of puberty,….. Self-defined “boy-lovers” who have formed “children’s rights” organizations such as the North American man/boy Love {lust} association  {devil’s clique!}   {nambla} in this country, and who formed the Gemeinschaft der Eigenen in Germany, generally seem to focus their sexual attention on boys roughly between the ages of 8 and 18 years, with an apparent preference for boys about 12 years old.   The Pink Swastika   Sodomy is a spiritual thing.    Let’s say Ben sodomizes either a man or woman.  When he does that, that person has a spirit by the name of Ben that changes the way that person relates to things.  This can even be as an adult. You can’t put the legion mindset in when they’re 40 years old, but you can put Ben in when they’re 40 years old and it will change the way that person thinks.    I’ve had different women who separated from abusive husbands and for some reason couldn’t break loose of the soul tie to their husband, but when we cast out the sodomy spirit { can’t  be done except by the LORD:  ROCKY } by their husband’s name, their feelings about their ex-husbands changed.  The most classic example is the lady who had slept with her husband before they were married, committed adultery at 40 years of age, and when I commanded the Strong Man to give its name it was her husband’s name that entered at 40 when he sodomized her. That spirit of sodomy was more damaging to her than the spirit of adultery or fornication.   When a man sodomizes a child at three, the child bonds to that man as if he were their father, and when of years {sic -Rocky}.   Ignatius Loyola, founder of the jesuits, was a catholic mystic;  he had to have been a sodomized one.   He was the guy who headed up the inquisition to persecute those who didn’t adhere to the tenets of the catholic faith.  Terribly cruel!  How could you be that cruel if you didn’16}     I haven’t found anybody who was just sexually fondled and became multiple, and I’ve never found anybody who went through occult rituals without sodomy.  So I can’t tell you whether being put through a sacrifice ritual without sodomy makes a multiple. People are trying to say that would be the case — that the ritual murders and sacrifices are traumatic enough to produce MPD — but I’ve never found a case out there that only had sacrifice.  They’ve always had the sodomy.  They don’t always remember it, but when push comes to shove, they’ve got the symptoms. The occult groups know — and they think all Christians are stupid and can’t catch on — they know that sodomy is required to achieve what they want to achieve.    One guy I know knew a Saudi who said that over there women are for children and men are for love.  The violence and hatred in that kind of stuff is produced by sodomy;  it produces the internal rage. The perpetra-tor’s goal is to gain power. They believe that the devil has the most power, and the most powerful component in the rituals is the blood sacrifices in blasphemy of Christ’s Atonement.  Another very important component is the act of sodomy which is the opposite of the “new birth” we have in Christ. The ritual abuse system is normally built around a three year old child, because this usually is the optimal time to create dissociation or MPD.  This system is actually a mirror image or reflection of what appears to be a shattering of the core personality.        They take a child at approximately three years of age and make the child fast for several days, force the child to witness human sacrifices, and to participate in a cannibalistic communion service. In some instances, they physically abuse the child and then place he or she in a cage or coffin to further the trauma. The child is sometimes drowned in a baptis-mal ceremony and brought back to life. In the process of all this blasphemy, the child’s mind is reversed or shattered into multiplicity. The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the victim’s “third eye” which is suppose to enhance psychic ability  {that’s on our dollar bill.  Our Constitution had masonic influences.  It’s an evil world:  we Christians couldn’t get our way entirely even here in the Philadelphia Age -Rocky }  https://nextaxpro.wordpress.com     During this vile act, a demonic system called “legion” is installed.   In the King James Bible, legion is referred to as an, “unclean spirit”.  This is systematically done to have complete control over the child, like creating a programmed robot.   The illuminati belief system says that freedom is only obtained through the entrance of true or pure light (sodomy) and life (sacrifice) is only obtained through death.  Now these survivors have told me that the, “Key of David” is the Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes of light in the brain. They do this on a regular basis — sort of maintenance program to keep everything intact.  As a side note, there are catholic black masses where they sodomize children with a crucifix calling it the, “Peace of Mary” because once the dissociation occurs, it almost produces a calming affect;  sort of a peaceful feeling  {backed by Alberto Rivera, ex-jesuit priest of the highest order.  Read his works onwww.chick.com        Another way of using electricity for torture is to use directed energy (a new technology) on men’s genitals. With skillful use of directed energy they can simulate a rape of a man or woman. Artificial sodomy via directed energy was first tested in male prisons. ELF waves will place thoughts into the men’s mind as the directed energy make them feel sodomized.  The Illuminati Formula

6. The Use of Electricity & Electronic  {…}  { rear -Rocky} —-  is the tantric equivalent of such hatha yoga practices as mulabandha (anal sphincter lock), and asvini mudra alternating relaxation and contraction of the anus).
The secret tradition of magical tantra teaches that the anus is an ultra sensitive erogenic and psychic zone directly linked the muladhara, the basal chakra. -hidden within mladhara, boiled and compressed like a spring, lies the primal power of the nervous system manifest as the snake goddess, kundalini.   The terminus for the “pipe of flesh” is the anus, composed of an internal anal external sphincter, rings of muscle surrounding a body orifice.  The word “sphincter” means a “knot” or a “band” and is derived from the same greek base as “sphinx,” the mythological beast epitomizing occult mysteries. The master of tantric sex magic opens the anal sphincters of his shakti, thus solving the riddle of the sphinx.   Anal intercourse is a specific kundalini arousal method.  Reference to Gray’s Anatomy  {occultic people are dark and have a morbid sense of humour.  They love to laugh at us}   reveals the existance of an irregular, oval-nomic nervous system. These two branches, terminating in the anus and rectum, are the parasympathetic (ida, or braking influence) and the sympathetic (pingala, or accelerating influence).   As well as altering the state of the involuntary nervous system, anal intercourse, according to traditional belief, results in the ejaculation of semen into the rectum, which nourishes the “kundalini gland” much as the white of an egg feeds the fertilized yolk or embryo. The tantrist, sustain­ing his shakti or goddess with anal intercourse, facilitates the arousal of her internal fire.   The Occidental mentality is conditioned to look upon the anus as unclean.  The hindu, on the other hand, is scrupulous in hygiene at both ends of the “pipe of flesh,” having a firm tradition of rinsing the anus after bowel activity, using copious quantities of water and the left hand (the right hand being reserved for handling food when eat­ing!).  Certain schools of hatha yoga consider washing the bowel daily with water through a system of natural enemas (basti) as much a necessity as cleaning the mouth and teeth.  tantric practices may be viewed by some as “pervert” or “deviate,”  and in terms of the inner meaning of words, they are. “Pervert” means “to overthrow,” “to turn around,” while “deviate” (de and via, the way or path) suggests  “off the road,” “out of the way.” (ecstasy through tantra by Dr. Jonn Mumford p61)   The initiation into the light of lucifer is achieved by sodomy of the three year old. However, if that person does not follow through, he can become a dud — he doesn’t go anywhere, so he hasn’t really risen to any rank within the movement of the body of the illuminati. They have certain degrees associated with being a high-level illuminati — you wouldn’t get there simply by being initiated as a three year old.  The initiation of the three year old is the beginning requirement of someday rising up into the ranks of a group that is considered to be the illuminati. A lot of people think of the illuminati as being a political group of people, but in another sense it’s a brotherhood of sodomites that’s like family.  “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed”   Luke 17:28-30.

      Censorship by yahoo!!   Even the contact was taken from me!  Yahoo is to repent and to donate 5 billion for education as to what sodomy really means and yahoo is to dedicate every ounce of energy toward the destruction of evil sodomy and to protect the youth for censoring out the truth!!   My answer that was censored by abominable, devil worshipping, sodomite, sacrifice to satan yahoo:

         Very clearly and very loudly, sodomites do NOT believe that any one has the right to breathe any thing that exposes the sodomite death style.  Sodomite child molesters can tolerate no criticism, no light and no truth.  Born again Christians get persecuted, smeared and defamed everywhere throughout history since the beginning of the NT.  The Word of God says they were hewed;  they were sawed asunder; they wandered in dens and caves.  But you better not criticize the sodomite lobby in any way, otherwise they will target you, threaten you, attempt to intimidate you, scream obscenities at you, even kill you.  Their white hot hate is devilish.  See documentation I have collected.    I will get censored because they can tolerate no truth.  But no born again Christian is thin skinned.  We know we will be lied about, persecuted, murdered – look what the roman church did to us in the Middle Ages.  In summation, you are entitled to express your opinions and no one has the right to stamp all over the Constitution of the United States by attempting to muzzle your free speech via “hate crime” legislation.  All sodomites feel that you are not entitled and frequently say so, and very loudly.  It is truly amazing that sodomites are so totally depraved that want to be a special class of people.  Sodomites have said horrific things about me and hate all conservative and born again Christians, but do I prosecute them for hate crimes?  No.  But they wish to think they have license to do anything to your children.   Genesis 19 is true.  They want to say “open unto us.  Where are the men that came to your house”.   They stop at nothing.  They even intimidated the Surgeon General when he came out with findings of how sodomy shortens life spans and vastly contributes to disease.  As I say, sodomites can tolerate no criticism, no light and no truth.  I’ll put up a few websites to show what the sodomites do to intimidate you in to silence.  Was America founded by keeping quiet with regard to abomination?  Not a ghost of a chance.   I’m a street preacher and usually the sodomites don’t dare try to do anything to me.  But I have had two confrontations where they made known their displeasure and they threatened me.  That won’t work with a street preacher.  Born again Christians get a higher reward if they are murdered for their faith.  Thank the LORD for the few that get saved.  But in such a horrible deathstyle, most are reprobate and make up lies.  A child molesting, chicken hawking sodomite is not “born that way”any more than a liar, cheater, drunkard, wife beater or thief is born that way.    Most sodomites will not admit as to how they became sodomites.  Most were seduced;  many were forced in to the abomination at a very young age and bonded to their molester.    ALL behavior comes from the heart:  -Jeremiah 17:9, Mark 7:21-23.    I’ll put a few websites up on my profile as this will be taken down.   As I say, sodomites can tolerate no truth.   As little as nine-tenths of one percent are sodomites, HOWEVER  60% of child abuse is done by sodomites!  As little as nine-tenths of one percent are sodomites but 90% or more of serial murders are done by sodomites.    That is the answer that sodomite yahoo censored and further cut off the questioner, whom was one of my contacts!!   Yahoo breaks their own rules!!HITLER’S SODOMITE ROOTS:   Hitler was a sodomite, as you can reasonably expect.  ALL sodomites are PERVERTS, and ALL mass murderers are perverts.  In 1945, a Jewish historian by the name of Samuel Igra published Germany’s National Vice, which called homosexuality the “poisoned stream” that ran through the heart of Nazism. (In the 1920s and 30s, homosexuality was known as “the German vice” across Europe because of the debaucheries of the Weimar period.)  Igra, who escaped Germany in 1939, claims that hitler “had been a male prostitute in Vienna at the time of his sojourn there, from 1907 to 1912, and that he practiced the same calling in Munich from 1912 to 1914” (Igra:67). Desmond Seward, inNapoleon and hitler, says hitler is listed as a homosexual {sodomite abominable }  in Viennese police records (Seward:299).   Lending credence to this is the fact, noted by Walter langer, that during several of those years Hitler “chose to live in a Vienna flophouse known to be inhabited by many homosexuals” (Langer:192).  Rector writes that, as a young man, hitler was often called “der Schoen Adolf” (the handsome adolf) a nd that later his looks “were also to some extent helpful in gaining big-money support from Ernst Ro[e]hm’s circle of wealthy sodomite friends” (Rector:52).   The Pink Swastika

      langer, a psychiatrist, was commissioned by the Allies in 1943 to prepare a thorough psychological study of hitler. His report, kept under wraps for 29 years, was published in book form in 1972 as The mind of adolf hitler. langer writes that hitler was certainly a coprophile (a person who is sexually aroused by human excrement) and may have practiced homosexuality as an adult. He cites the testimony of Hermann rauschning, a former hitler confidante who “reports that he has met two boys who claimed that they were hitler’s homosexual partners, but their testimony can hardly be taken at face value. More condemning,” adds langer, “would be the remarks dropped by [Albert] foerster, the Danzig gauleiter, in conversation with rauschning.  Even here, however, the remarks deal only with hitler’s impotence as far as heterosexual relationships go, without actually implying that he indulges in homosexuality. It is probably true that Hitler calls foerster ‘bubi,’ which is a common nickname employed by homosexuals in addressing their partners. This alone is not adequate proof that he has actually indulged in homosexual practices with foerster, who is known to be a homosexual” ( langer:178 ) However, writes langer, “Even today, Hitler derives sexual pleasure from looking at men’s bodies and associating with homosexuals” ( langer:179). Too, Hitler’s greatest hero was frederick the Great {?!}, a well-known homosexual (Garde:44).   Like langer, Waite also hesitates to label hitler a homosexual but cites substantial circumstantial evidence that he was.

      It is true that hitler was closely associated with Ernst Ro[e]hm and Rudolf Hess, two homosexuals who were among the very few people with whom he used the familiar du. But one cannot conclude that he therefore shared his friend’s sexual tastes. Still, during the months he was with Hess in Landsberg, their relationship must have become very close. When Hitler left the prison he fretted about his friend who languished there, and spoke of him tenderly, using Austrian diminutives: ‘Ach mein Rudy, mein Hesserl, isn’t it appalling to think that he’s still there.’ One of Hitler’s valets, Schneider, made no explicit statement about the relationship, but he did find it strange that whenever Hitler got a present he liked or drew an architectural sketch that particularly pleased him, he would run to Hess- who was known in homosexual circles as “Fraulein Anna”-as a little boy would run to his mother to show his prize to her…Finally there is the nonconclusive but interesting fact that one of Hitler’s prized possessions was a handwritten love letter which King Ludwig II had written to a manservant” (Waite, 1977:283f).   hitler, if { no “if” about it! -Rockyhttps://nextaxpro.wordpress.com     homosexual, was certainly not exclusively so.  {Soooo?   There is no such thing as “bi”!!!    All are attracted to the opposite sex and it comes out.  Why do you think souls contract SRID {sodomite related immunity deficiency?   -Rocky https://nextaxpro.wordpress.com }   There are at least four women, including his own niece, with whom Hitler had sexual relationships, although these relationships were not normal. Both Waite and Langer suggest that his sexual encounters with women included expressions of his coprophilic perversion as well as other extremely degrading forms of masochism. It is interesting to note that all four women attempted suicide after becoming sexually involved with Hitler. Two succeeded (Langer:175f).  The homoerotic brotherhood. Whether or not hitler was personally involved in homosexual relationships, the evidence is clear that he knowingly and intentionally surrounded himself with practicing homosexuals from his youth. Like Roehm, Hitler seemed to prefer homosexual companions and co-workers. In addition to roehm and hess, two of his closest friends, hitler filled key positions with known or suspected homosexuals. rector, himself a “gay Holocaust” revisionist, attempts to dismiss sources that attribute homosexuality to leading nazis, but nevertheless writes that…  Reportedly, hitler Youth leader, Baldur von schirach was bisexual; hitler’s private attorney, Reich Legal Director, Minister of Justice, butcher Governor- General of Poland, and public gay-hater {?} Hans Frank was said to be a homosexual; hitler’s adjutant Wilhelm bruckner was said to be bisexual;…Walter funk, Reich Minister of Economics [and Hitler’s personal financial advisor] has frequently been called a “notorious” homosexual …or as a jealous predecessor in funk’s post, Hjalmar Schacht, contemptuously claimed, Funk was a “harmless homosexual and alcoholic;” …[ hitler’s second in command] Hermann goering liked to dress up in drag and wear campy make-up; and so on and so forth (Rector:57).   hitler, if homosexual, was certainly not exclusively so.  {Soooo?   There is no such thing as “bi”!!!    All are attracted to the opposite sex and it comes out.  Why do you think souls contract SRID {sodomite related immunity deficiency?   -Rocky  https://nextaxpro.wordpress.com }   There are at least four women, including his own niece, with whom hitler had sexual relationships, although these relationships were not normal.  Both Waite and langer suggest that his sexual encounters with women included expressions of his coprophilic perversion as well as other extremely degrading forms of masochism. It is interesting to note that all four women attempted suicide after becoming sexually involved with hitler.   Two succeeded (Langer:175f).   the homoerotic brotherhood  Whether or not hitler was personally involved in homosexual relationships, the evidence is clear that he knowingly and intentionally surrounded himself with practicing homosexuals from his youth. Like roehm, hitler seemed to prefer homosexual companions and co-workers. In addition to roehm and hess, two of his closest friends, Hitler filled key positions with known or suspected homosexuals. rector, himself a “gay Holocaust” revisionist, attempts to dismiss sources that attribute homosexuality to leading nazis, but nevertheless writes that…  Reportedly, hitler Youth leader, Baldur von Schirach was bisexual; Hitler’s private attorney, Reich Legal Director, Minister of Justice, butcher Governor- General of Poland, and public gay-hater Hans Frank was said to be a homosexual; hitler’s adjutant Wilhelm bruckner was said to be bisexual;…Walter funk, Reich Minister of Economics [and hitler’s personal financial advisor] has frequently been called a “notorious” homosexual …or as a jealous predecessor in Funk’s post, Hjalmar Schacht, contemptuously claimed, Funk was a “harmless homosexual and alcoholic;” …[Hitler’s second in command] Hermann goering liked to dress up in drag and wear campy make-up; and so on and so forth (Rector:57).

        Igra, who confidently asserts that the above men were homosexuals, cites still other Hitler aides and close friends who were known homosexuals as well. He states that Hitler’s chauffeur and one-time personal secretary, Emile Maurice, for example, was homosexual, as well as the pornographer Julius Streicher, who “was originally a school teacher, but was dismissed by the Nuremberg School Authorities, following numerous charges of pederasty brought against him” (Igra:72f). SS Chief Heinrich Himmler’s “pederastic proclivities [were] captured on film” by Nazi filmmaker Walter Frenz (Washington City Paper, April 4, 1995). Reinhard Heydrich, mastermind of the first pogrom, Kristallnacht, and of the death camps, was homosexual (Calic:64). In The Twelve Year Reich, Richard Grunberger tells of a party given by Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, which degenerated into a homosexual orgy (Grunberger:70). A recent biography of Albert Speer by Gitta Sereny speaks of a “homo-erotic (not sexual) relationship” between Speer and Hitler (Newsweek, Oct. 30, 1995).  Langer notes that

Hitler’s personal bodyguards were “almost always 100 percent homosexuals”   (Langer:179).   Hitler’s later public pronouncements against homosexuality never quite fit with the lifelong intimacy-sexual or otherwise-which he maintained with men he knew and accepted as homosexuals.     In light of the above it is not surprising that many of those whose ideas influenced Hitler were also homo-sexual. Chief among those were occultists Jorg Lanz Von Liebenfels and Guido von List. In 1958, Austrian psychologist Wilhelm Daim published Der Mann der Hitler die Ideen gab (“The Man Who Gave Hitler His Ideas”) in which he called Lanz the true “father” of National Socialism {communism -Rocky }     Lanz was a former Cistercian monk who had been excommunicated for homosexuality (Sklar:19). After being expelled from the monastery, Lanz formed an occultic order called the Ordo Novi Templi or The Order of the New Temple (ONT). The ONT was an offshoot of the Ordo Templi Orientis which practiced tantric sex rituals (Howard:91). On Christmas day, 1907, many years before it would become the symbol of the Third Reich, Lanz and other members of the ONT raised the swastika flag over the castle which Lanz had purchased to house the order (Goodrick-Clarke:109). Lanz chose the swastika, he said, because it was the ancient pagan symbol of Wotan, the god of storms (Cavendish:1983). (Wotan, the inspiration for “Storm Troopers,” was the Teutonic equivalent of Baal in the Old Testament and Zeus in Greek culture). Waite notes that it was through Lanz that Hitler would learn that most of his heroes of history were also “practicing homosexuals” (Waite, 1977:94f). Refuting “Gay Holocaust” revisionism      “Gay Holocaust” revisionists assert that Hitler’s ascension to the Chancellorship marked the beginning of a homosexual Holocaust in Germany. For example, in The Pink Triangle, Richard Plant writes, “After years of frustration…Hitler’s storm troopers now had the opportunity to smash their enemies: the lame, the mute, the feebleminded, the epileptic, the homosexual, the Jew, the Gypsy, the communist. These were the scapegoats singled out for persecution. These were the ‘contragenics’ who were to be ruthlessly eliminated to ensure the purity of the ‘Aryan race.’” (Plant:51). Rector, another revisionist, makes a similar statement: “Hitler’s homophobia did not surface until 1933-1934, when gays had come to affect adversely his New Order designs-out of which grew the simple solution of murdering them en masse” (Rector:24). The fact is that homosexuals were never murdered “en masse” or “ruthlessly eliminated” by the Nazis. Yet many homosexuals were persecuted and some did die in Nazi work camps. What is the truth about Nazi persecution of homosexuals? There are several incidents in Nazi history which are most often cited as evidence of a “gay Holocaust.” This list includes a series of increasingly harsh public pronouncements and policies against homosexuality by Hitler and Himmler, the sacking of the Sex Research Institute of Berlin, “the Roehm Purge” (also known as “the Night of the Long Knives”), and the internment of homosexuals in work camps.    The law against homosexual conduct had existed in Germany for many years prior to the Nazi regime as Paragraph 175 of the Reich Criminal Code, to wit: “A male who indulges in criminally indecent activity with another male, or who allows himself to participate in such activity, will be punished with imprisonment” (Burleigh and Wipperman:188). When Hitler came to power he used this law as a means of tracking down and punishing those homosexuals who, in the words of one victim, “had defended the Weimar Republic, and who had tried to forestall the Nazi threat” (ibid.:183). Later he expanded the law and used it as a convenient tool to detain other enemies of the regime.

In February of 1933, Hitler banned pornography, homosexual bars and bath-houses, and groups which promoted “gay rights”   (Plant:50). Ostensibly, this decree was a blanket condemnation of all homosexual activity in Germany, but in practice it served as just another means to find and destroy anti-Nazi groups and individuals. “Hitler,” admit Oosterhuis and Kennedy, “employed the charge of homosexuality primarily as a means to eliminate political opponents, both inside his party and out” (Oosterhuis and Kennedy: 248).   The masculine homosexuals.

{sodomites} in the Nazi leadership selectively enforced this policy only against their enemies and not against all homosexuals. Even Rector lends credence to this perspective, citing the fact that the decree “was not enforced in all cases” (Rector:66). Another indication is that the pro-Nazi Society for Human Rights (SHR) continued to participate in German society for several years after the decree. In The Racial State, Michael Burleigh and Wolfgang Wippermann remind us that Roehm was a leading member of the SHR; and we know from Anthony Read and David Fisher that the SHR was still active in Germany as late as 1940 (Read and Fisher:245). Furthermore, Oosterhuis and Kennedy write that “although he was well known as a gay-activist, [Adolf] Brand was not arrested by the Nazis” (Oosterhuis and Kennedy:7). Some of Brand’s files were confiscated by the Nazis in their attempt to gather all potentially self-incriminating evidence.   In 1935, Paragraph 175 was amended with Paragraph 175a which criminalized any type of behavior that could be construed as indicating a homosexual inclination or desire (Burleigh and Wipperman: 190). (Interestingly, the new criminal code addressing homosexuality deleted the word “unnatural” from the definition-Reisman, 1994:3.) This new law provided the Nazis with an especially potent legal weapon against their enemies. It will never be known how many non-homosexuals were charged under this law, but it is indisputable that the Nazis used false accusations of homosexuality to justify the detainment and imprisonment of many of their opponents. “The law was so loosely formulated,” writes Steakley, “that it could be, and was, applied against heterosexuals that the Nazis wanted to eliminate…the law was also used repeatedly against Catholic clergymen” (Steakley:111). Kogon writes that “The Gestapo readily had recourse to the charge of homosexuality if it was unable to find any pretext for proceeding against Catholic priests or irksome critics” (Kogon:44).The charge of homosexuality  {sodomy} was convenient for the Nazis to use against their political enemies because it was so difficult to defend against and so easy to justify to the populace. Since long before the Nazis, homosexuals had generally lived clandestine lives, so it was not unusual for revelations of their conduct to come as a surprise to their communities when it became a police matter. This is not to say that actual homosexuals were not prosecuted under the law. Many were. But the law was used selectively against the “Femmes.” And even when they were threatened, many effeminate homosexuals, especially those in the arts community, were given protection by certain Nazi leaders (Oosterhuis and Kennedy:248). Plant writes:  The most famous example is that of the actor Gustaf Grundgens…Despite the fact that his homosexual affairs were as notorious as those of Roehm’s, Goering appointed him director of the State Theater…[And] On October 29, 1937 …Himmler advised that actors and other artists could be arrested for offenses against paragraph 175 only with his personal consent, unless the police caught them in flagrante (Plant:116).

There is one additional reason why the Nazis arrested homosexuals and raided even the homes of their supporters. They were looking for incriminating evidence against themselves (the Nazi leaders). Blackmail of homosexuals by estranged partners and prostitutes was a simple fact of life in Germany. “[H]omosexuals were particularly vulnerable to blackmailers, known as Chanteure on the homosexual scene,” write Burleigh and Wippermann. “Blackmail, and the threat of public exposure, resulted in frequent suicides or suicide attempts” (Burleigh and Wipperman:184). The Nazi leaders were quite familiar with this phenomenon. Igra reports that Heinrich Hoffman, the official Nazi photographer, gained his position by using information about Hitler’s perverse abuse of his (Hoffman’s) daughter to blackmail the future Fuehrer (Igra:74). Heiden relates another story in which Hitler bought an entire collection of rare political writings to regain possession of a letter to his niece in which he openly revealed his “masochistic- coprophil inclinations” (Heiden:385).   Once he was in power he had other ways to solve these kinds of problems. http://www.lifeandlibertyministries.com/archives/000278.php

MORE PINK SWASTIKA:  The probable reason for Hitler’s attack on Christianity was his perception that it alone had the moral authority to stop the Nazi movement. But Christians stumbled before the flood of evil. As Poliakov notes, “[W]hen moral barriers collapsed under the impact of Nazi preaching…the same anti-Semitic movement that led to the slaughter of the Jews gave scope and license to an obscene revolt against God and the moral law. An open and implacable war was declared on the Christian tradition…[which unleashed] a frenzied and unavowed hatred of Christ and the Ten Commandments” (Poliakov:300).

There is no question that homosexuality figures prominently in the history of the Holocaust. As we have noted, the ideas for disposing of the Jews originated with Lanz von Leibenfels. The first years of terrorism against the Jews were carried out by the homosexuals of the SA. The first concentration camp, as well as the system for training its brutal guards, was the work of Ernst Roehm. The first pogrom, Kristallnacht, was orchestrated in 1938 by the homosexual Reinhard Heydrich. And it was the transvestite Goering who started the “evolution of the Final Solution…[with an] order to Heydrich (Jan. 24, 1939) concerning the solution of the Jewish question by ’emigration’ and ‘evacuation’” (Robinson:25). Still, despite their disproportionate role, homosexuals did not cause the Holocaust. They, along with so many others who had lost their moral bearings, were merely instruments in its enactment. The Holocaust must be blamed on the one whom the Bible compares to “a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” ( 1Peter 5:8)    {USE ONLY A.V. 1611}    http://nextaxpro.spaces.live.comhttp://www.lifeandlibertyministries.com/archives   THE PINK SWASTIKA:   hitler’s sodomite roots roots      http://www.allabouttheoccult.org/satan-worship.htm  {use only A.V. 1611}              http://virginiachildabuse.com/http://virginiachildabuse.com/jerry.html     “I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.” -Billy Sunday
“Whiskey and beer are all right in their place, but their place is in hell.”  -Billy Sunday
“Listen!  Seventy-five per cent of our idiots come from intemperate parents, 80 per cent of the paupers, 82 per cent of the crime is committed by men under the influence of liquor, 90 per cent of the adult criminals are whiskey made. The Chicago Tribune kept track for 10-years and found that 53,438 murders were committed in the saloons.” -Billy Sunday
And the abominable shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death -Revelation 21:8
“The inconsistency is not in the Bible, but in your life. ”  – Billy Sunday
“The reason you don’t like the Bible, you old sinner, is because it knows all about you.”  -Billy Sunday
“I believe that a long step toward public morality will have been taken when sins are called by their right names.” -Billy Sunday
“The normal way to get rid of drunkards is to quit raising drunkards — to put the business that makes drunkards out of business.”  -Billy Sunday

Are sodomites devil possessed? The answer may shock you!sodomitesare2.3%orlessofthepopulationyetresponsbilefor56%orworseofthechildabuseandover90%ofthemurdersofchildren!!!!!!sodomyisanabomination!!!
(“Holocaust Survivor:  molested by Guards,”The Massachusetts News, April 5, 2000 http://www.abidingtruth.com/pfrc/books/pinkswastika

You mean sodomite abominable mockery of marriage and sex perverts whom will be petrified beyond words when they have to face the Lord Jesus Christ at the Great White Throne Judgement.

  ROCKY      Say what’s my blog address on Digg?
Among them are knowing all the lies that sodomites tell to justify their evil courses of action.  They are devil possessed, devil controlled.  They serve satan with all their strength and perverted minds by attempting to make impressionable children reprobate.  If a child is inculcated into satanic, sodomite rituals, it is easier for the child to reject the Truth, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Mercy, soul cleansing, Love and Eternal Salvation that the LORD JESUS CHRIST brings to the lost:  Luke 19:10.  The LORD cast out devils from sinners for reasons.  One of HIS Reasons is to prove that ALL sodomites are devil possessed and ALL sodomites can be saved.  From this statement, one can derive that:
      1)  Sodomites are devil possessed:  Genesis 6:5, 13:13, 19:1-29, Isaiah 1:18, 3:9, 5:20-23; Proverbs 1:22-33, 13:13, 19:3, 28:4-5;  Romans 1:16-2:6 especially 1:25-28, 31-32;  Leviticus 20, especially Verses 9, 13, 15;  1Corinthians 6:9-11, 1Timothy 1:9-10, Jude, 2Peter 2:1-19;  2Timothy 3, especially Verses 1, 2, 12-13;  2Timothy 4:3-4, Revelation 13:8, 14:9-11, 21:8, 22:15;  Daniel 11:37, etc.   The fact that sodomites would stalk showers and speakers of the Pink Swastika:  sodomy in the nazi party, then show at the churches, rattle and shake trash can lids, scream obscenities, break in to the church basement, urinate and defocate in the church basement, threaten and sometimes even carry out violence against the speakers and parishioners is convincing proof enough that sodomites are devil possessed and serve their roaring lion, perverted boss of darkness, god of this world, prince of the power of the air with all of their might and all of their soul.  They have totally sold their soul out to satan.
2)   As ALL sodomites which includes “Christian” sodomites are LIARS continually and constantly, they can ONLY BE of the king over the children of pride – satan.  The devil is a LIAR and the FATHER OF LIES:  JOHN 8:43-45.  GOD is LIGHT, and in HIM is NO DARKNESS AT ALL.  NO DARKNESS AT ALL:  1JOHN 1:5.  What happens when turn on the light?  Roaches and all life that hate the light scatter.  What did the LORD JESUS Say in John 3:19?  Christians that are right with the LORD JESUS CHRIST love
the LIGHT OF THE WORD OF THE WORD OF GOD WHO IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST:  JOHN 8:12, PSALM 138:2..  Sodomites HATE the LIGHT OF THE WORD OF GOD, WHO IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND DESPISE HIS PEOPLE.  Now study Psalm 138:2, 119:105, 130, Isaiah 59 etc.  This is an evil world:  Galatians 1:4.  This is a world filled with DARKNESS.  Look up “dark”, “darkness”, “darkened”, “darkening”, “darkeneth” in your concordance of the King James Bible.  You will be surprised.  A real Bible has a great deal to say regarding darkness.
3)   Born again Christians LOVE Jewish people.   “Orthodox” Jews are presently in disbelief.  Nevertheless, GOD still loves them and they, of course, remain HIS chosen people.  Sodomites HATE FIERCELY the LORD JESUS CHRIST, born again Christians,  HIS WORD, HIS COMMANDMENTS and his people.   There is only truth and falsehood, light and darkness.  Sodomites are the OPPOSITE from born again Christians are they serve satan, not the LORD.   Hence, sodomites are anti-Semitic.
4) The nazi party represented EVERYTHING EVIL about man in his most darkened; run from the LORD; challenge the Truth of the Word of GOD.  There was no sodomite holocaust, nor could there be.  The devil is behind it child molestation, unnatural acts, murder, serial murder, genocide, obviously.  It certainly should be obvious.  If you’re a believer, you are guilty and remember what the LORD JESUS CHRIST Said:  can Beelzebub be divided against himself?  No, the devil is not divided against himself.  This is proven throughout human history and in everyday life.  Good examples would be those deceived into thinking that there is anything good about satanic “holy days” – Christmas, Halloween, Ishtar, etc.  Many people believe that these satanic holidays were originally good and gradually became corrupt.  But that is not true.  There have always been sacrifices to satan on these days and even in the days leading up to these days.   Adolf hitler was a sodomite, as were the majority of members of the nazi party and  ALL within Hitler’s inner circle.   Hitler’s murder of a few sodomites was to prevent he and members of his inner circle from being blackmailed.   Some of his fellow sodomites knew too much.  See Lively, Abrams, The Pink Swastika:  homosexuality within the Nazi Party.  Plus “butch” sodomites and “tiny tim” sodomites hate each other.  The press never touches this as they want to present to you that sodomites are holy, just as Plato thought.  What an obscene, blatant, hateful, blasphemous lie.  THERE WAS NO HOLOCAUST OF SODOMITES!!!!!!!!!   There was a holocaust of Jews.  Hitler and his inner circle were sodomites.  Sodomites despise GOD’s people, the Jews.   Satan despises Jews because they are God’s people and there had to be a Jewish line in order for Messiah to come.  The devil attempted to wipe out the LINE of people which begat and begat until a virgin gave birth to the LORD JESUS.  If satan could wipe out the LINE, he could have prevented the SAVIOR of the world from coming.  Of course, the devil failed.
5)   THERE WAS NO HOLOCAUST OF SODOMITES!!!!!!!!!  There is no “united front” of sodomites!!  Sodomite abominables ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS BEAR FALSE WITNESS AND ARE ALWAYS DECEITFUL:  JEREMIAH 17:9, PROVERBS 12:5.   The Word of GOD talks a great deal about the deceit of man.  When a man becomes reprobate, he LIES and is not even aware that he is LYING.  We all know souls that are in this horrible state.  Many, if not most, have become reprobate.  Reprobate means insensitive to sin.  Insensitive to sin means that that man has seared his conscience.  This describes the sodomite.  His brain cells have died and he is HELPLESS to perceive what is wrong.  He has hated the LORD for so long, rejected the Salvation Message of the GOSPEL of our LORD JESUS CHRIST for so long that he has become REPROBATE.  He may as well be in Hellfire already.  He has passed the point of no return – Hosea gives a clear illustration – and is incapable of comprehending the Gospel Message.  He cannot be saved.  He is “over the cliff”  and gone.   I have discussed reprobacy before.  THERE WAS NO HOLOCAUST OF SODOMITES!!   Use your GOD given common sense.  Sex perverts are going to be mass murderers, NOT born again Christians nor souls who keep their conscience, i.e, most conservatives which would include patriots, those who work for the good of society.  Advances in medicine, rescue squads, Christian organizations and clubs, the “Era of good feeling” of the 1800s, breakaway from the dark, witchcraft roman church, were done, financed and prayed for by born again Christians, NOT catholics, leftists, globalists, environmental mass murderers, sodomites, pornographers, one worlders, evilutionists, sorcerer shrinks, sociologists, occultists, inventors of evil things, fixers of sporting events, advocates of the lottery, deceived followers of satan wanting big government with all the accompanying evils such as “war on poverty wherewith souls with no business being there apply for food stamps, aid to dependent children, disability, handicapped benefits, unemployment checks, welfare checks for those who have children out of wedlock,help for single mothers, the irresponsible receiving loans from the SBA, a graduated income tax structure and on and on and on and on.  Evil people want help for the derelict and lazy – NOT born agains, conservatives and patriots.   These bleeding heart liberals for the poor are of satan;  NOT of the LORD.  Genuine help for the poor comes from Christians who founded the Salvation Army, Red Cross, SPCA, Good Will and a few others.   peta is a perverted, sinsick pagan conspiracy.   “Ethical” is what evil left wingers say it is.  It is not moral.   peta a couple years did not know what to do with a lot of animals that they were caring for”.   So they destroyed the animals.  That’s fact.   See www.samgipp.org.   The evil sodomite, “animal rights”, liberal mainstream press covered it up, just as they cover up everything that they do not wish you to know.  It will all come to light and be proclaimed from the rooftops at the Great White Throne Judgement.  For further details, see Luke 12:1-5, Revelation 20:11-15, etc.   Who wins this thing?   Read Revelation 19:3- 22:21.  We born again Christians win.  We win!   I am sorry that those who reject the LORD JESUS CHRIST as their Savior.   It is NOT the LORD’S Will that man go to Hell.  It is the Christ rejecting man’s pride.  Pride goeth before destruction:  Proverbs 16:18,1:22-33  Revelation 6:14-17, Ezekiel 8:18, etc.   If you have been rejecting the LORD JESUS CHRIST up through this point in time, I plead with you to get saved right now:  Proverbs 27:1, Ecclesiastes 11:1, 2Corinthians 6:2, John 3:18, 36.   Meantime, look around on my blogs.  “Butch” sodomites – the nazi “jack booted” type and “tiny tim” sodomites the effeminate do not like each other.  Both types of sodomites are identified in 1Corinthians 6:9.  effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind.  Some combine these types of sodomite to say that there are three, four or more types of abominables.   The two basic different types of sodomites HATE EACH OTHER.  DO NOT ALLOW ANY ONE TO DECEIVE YOU.  THE “TINY TIM” TYPE AND THE “CAPE COD MEAN QUEERS” – THE “BUTCH” JACKBOOTED NAZI TYPE OF SODOMITE – HATE EACH OTHER.  THE NAZI SODOMITE IS DESCRIBED VERY ACCURATELY AND VERY DETAILED AND VERY TRUTHFULLY IN LIVELY, ABRAMS, THE PINK SWASTIKA.  THE EVIL LYING SODOMITES DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW PROVEN, RECORED HISTORY.  THE NAZIS WERE PERVERTS AND SODOMITES AND LOATHESOME, ABOMINABLE PERVERTS.  YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THIS TRUTH.  THERE WAS NO HOLOCAUST OF SODOMITES!!  Just use commonsense.  Had there been a holocaust of wicked sodomites, whom was pulling the trigger?  born again Christians??   Obviously an evil, vile LIE.  We born again Christians do not mass murder sodomites.  We witness to them, pulling the spotted garment out of the fire:  Jude.  The Holy Spirit within us would not allow us to commit murder.  For the pagan unbeliever, this is confirmed true by recorded history.  Millions of born again Christians have been burned at the stake, but there is no recorded history of Christians murdering the unsaved.  The Holy Spirit beareth witness that what I am saying is true.  While rock noise is responsible for evil thoughts, satan worship, satan following and many Christians listen to rock noise and even defend it, these Christians are sickening – Rev 3:16 – ’tis true, but these Christians have never murdered any of the unsaved.  Even though they have allowed themselves to be deceived and pretend that following the world will help them, they do NOT commit murder.  You say “what about Calvin?”.   I say “do you think he was born again?  Biblically?  If so, where’s the proof?”.
6)  Sodomites are anti-Semitic.  I have charged this for years.  Obviously anti-Semitism is raunchy, perverted, sickeningly evil, criminal, very abominable, hence satanic and, in light of Psalm 7:15-16, 58:10, 62:3;  Proverbs 1-:27, 31;  13:13, Genesis 12:1-3, etc, anti-Semites and countries that turn anti-Semitic fall and become forgotten.  Examples of this would be the Ottoman empire, Poland, Spain, nazi Germany, fascist Italy, Hirohito Japan, the countries of eastern Europe, the countries in n6rth central Africa, the muslem countries that attack Israel, the former Soviet Union, the Austrian-Hungarian empire and the British empire.  There are many more.  I am not going to give history lessons in this space.  Many of you know what happened to some of these countries.   Doubtless, many empires declined and fell due to anti-Semitism.  If you do not know, or rather, attempt to say you did not know, you are GUILTY!!  LEVITICUS 27.   Ignorance of the law will never be an excuse for breaking the law.   You may attempt to say to the LORD that you did not know that acting foolish, e.g, “I’m gay, aaahh, ha ha” helped take innocent children to Hell.   I do not say “I’m normal and my wife is normal”.   This particular example should be very easy.  We all know that children are the best imitators in the world.  Your life influences others.  If you have the devil’s juice in your house, your children and the children of your neighbors will think that having booze in your house and imbibing in booze is all right.  They will see nothing wrong with drinking satan’s poison.  Likewise, if you crack jokes are being a sodmite, children, INCLUDING YOURS, will act like the devil and subtly encourage their friends and peers to be satanically criminal abominable sodomites!  IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE!!. You are what you think about:  Proverbs 23:7, Galatians 6:6-7.  And, your life affects others.  Read Luke 16.   The rich man now screaming in Hell KNEW that his brethren strove to become what he had become.  He had not repented.  He had not been an example.  He did not get right with GOD.   Hence he knew his brethren would come in to this place of torment as well.  He cried for mercy, but he did not repent!   He begged Abraham to tell his brethen, lest they come in to this place of torment, but it was too late.  Your life affects others, and don’t you ever forget that.  Therefore, be willing to suffer the persecution of not being a sodomite and rebuking sodomy as every turn.   Many sodomites are still afraid to flaunt their deep deep depravity, abomination and criminal, evil, evil, evil misbehavior and raunchiness in the Eyes of the LORD.   Be ye not a Proverbs 28:5!!  Be a Proverbs 28:4.  You will suffer intense ostracism and persecution:  2Timothy 3:12-13.  But you will be smiling widely in Heaven when the LORD gives the great fire test of 1Corinthians 3.  Remember that.  Luke 6:22!!!  Remember that.   SODOMITES DESPISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND DESPISE HIS PEOPLE:  THE JEWS AND BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS.
7)   Sodomites are only evil continually:  Genesis 6:5.   They’ve always pretended they are a higher class than normal, anti- sex perverted souls.   Hate crime laws continue this irrational, devil possessed, devil controlled uncontrollable, all-consuming, very abominable evil.  They pretend that they are better than decent people, hence, there must be more severe punishment meted out if a crime [usually imagined ] is committed against them.    Obviously, in at least 99% of instances, it is the sodomite sex pervert who is committing the crime against decent, law abiding citizens.    It’s higher than that, because so many crimes committed by sodomites go unreported.  E.g:    A} “want a … ?   I’ll give you a dollar.”     B} Groping in rest areas and other secluded places    C}  exhibitionism – sometimes allowed;  even required!!!   i.e, in San Francisco!
8)   Sodomites are not clever.  No evil soul is clever.   This is yet another proof that they are devil possessed, devil contolled.  The devil knows that we normal souls will have to watch helplessly while sodomites molest, destroy and even MURDER our children if sodomites take over the police departments.  This is why the sodomites fight so hard to be allowed and accepted in the police departments,our military, the FBI, positions of authority, positions of status, admired organizations such as the catholic church and the Boy Scouts.  It explains the withering attacks by the sodomite press against the Boy Scouts and why sodomites work overtime to infiltrate.   There have been reports of Boy Scout leaders approaching;  even sodomizing youth in the Boy Scouts.   For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the Sight of GOD:  Luke 16:15.   Hollywood is abomination;  a stench in the Nostrils of the LORD.   However, because ungodly actors, actresses;  sickeningly satanic movies and shows are highly esteemed among men, the devil inspires his slaves, the sodomites to infiltrate Hellywood.   I suspect  they were always there as many know that television has an evil, satanic, occultic effect on souls.   Anton LeVey, satanist said ” Those who do not realize that the theatre is entirely dedicated to the occult are truiy ignorant indeed.”
9)  Sodomites are NOT conservative, especially those who pretend to be.  They are LEFTIST in their hearts as they are lawless, law breakers and despise decency and enforcement of the order of society:  1Timothy 1:9-10.  Their hearts think ONLY EVIL CONTINUALLY:  GENESIS 6:5, 13:13, 19:1-29, ETC.  Conservatives do not CONTINUALLY think evil thoughts.  You are what you think about:  Proverbs 23:7, Matthew 12:34, etc.  GOD looks at your heart;  your thought life:  1Samuel 16:7.  Do not become angry with me.  If you are angry, it is because you are angry with the LORD and HIS Holy, Forever Perfect Unchangeable Word:  Psalm 119:89, 160, etc.  YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN:  JOHN 3:3-7!  REPENTANCE  TOWARD GOD, AND FAITH TOWARD OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST:  ACTS 20:21.  FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD:  ROMANS 6:23.  PORQUE LA PAGA DEL PECADO ES MUERTE, MAS LA DADIVA DE DIOS ES VIDA ETERNA EN        CRISTO JESUS SENOR NUESTRO:  ROMANOS SEIS VEINTE TRES.
10)  When the LORD JESUS CHRIST Returns, satan will be consigned to the bottomless pit and THE LORD JESUS CHRIST will Govern:  I can’t wait.  The Plan of Salvation will be to keep the Commandments.  All who do not will be punished and made to do right.   How liberals hate that.  But liberals in the millennium will be forced to do right.   Evil leftists call that “theocracy”, “imposing your beliefs”, ” violating the wall between chruch and state”.  All their name calling will never change the LORD.  Let GOD be True but every man a liar:  Romans 3:4.  See also Numbers 23:19.  ‘Nuf said!   All who break the Ten Commandments will be stoned.  All sodomites covet and lust to exploit and damn souls to Hell by making them reprobate through their satanic rituals.  Make no mistake, becoming a sodomite is a satanic ritual.  You are either forced into being an abominable or seduced in to being a lust-crazed, satanic, sodomite sex pervert abominable.  There is nothing normal about being a sodomite and there can be no such  thing as a marriage between sodomites, any more than there can or could be a “marriage” between a man or a woman with an animal.   A marriage is a GOD ordained union between a man and a woman.   Neither two men nor two women can become one flesh.   Marriage is spiritual;  instituted by GOD.   GOD maintained the Holy Institution of Marriage after the fall of man.  Sodomites cannot be married because they do not fit.  They cannot have children.  They depend upon reprobate, incurably evil, abominable, criminal judges to steal children and give to sodomites to “adopt” { kidnap and dedicate to satan in actuality and truth}.
11)   Sodomites are MURDERERS!  MURDERERS!  THIS IS ROCK-RIBBED FACT AND CANNOT BE ARGUED WITH.  Hitler molested four of his nieces and all four attempted suicide.  This highlights glaringly the fact that sodomites are MURDERERS.  Sodomites cause despair, hopelessness and deep, deep depression.  Many sodomites commit suicide.  Many more attempt suicide.   This is due to satan telling them that they were BORN THAT WAY and cannot change.  Sodomites spue forth what satan whispers in their ears:  that the New Birth is a lie and you cannot change.  Of course, one cannot argue with a changed life.   When confronting sodomites, we are not dealing with something that can be explained in natural, physical, “can be seen” thinking.  We are dealing with satan:  Job 1,41;  Acts 26:18, Romans 8:6-8,Ephesians 2:2, 6, 1Corinthians 2:12-15, 2Corinthians 2:17, 4:2-5,1Peter 2:9,1John 2:21-23, etc.  Sodomites tell their fellow sodomites in abomination that they cannot change.  Therefore, the sodomite, believing the DEVILISH LIE  that he will always be a lust-crazed, foaming at the mouth child molester sex pervert, with constant, obsessive, obsequious evil thoughts, lusting, evilly continually to commit unnatural acts, be sickly, always depressed, and on and on and on and on believes the LIE of satan that there is no way out.  It is ALWAYS darkness;  the same darkness that leads teenagers to commit suicide, believing the LIE that Hell Fire is a contiual party.   Read your King James 1611 Bible.  Quenchable fire.  A lake of fire.   No rest, day nor night.   Unending torment, burning and pain.  A place of terror where men plead with the LORD for relief.  Eternal hopelessness.  It is no coincidence that a large minority of rock noise and rap noise “singers” are sodomites – trapped in that horrible deathstyle that ends in death , Hell Fire, the Great White Throne and the Lake Which burneth with fire and brimstone, Which is the second death:  Revelation 21:8.
When a sinner repents and believes – 2Corinthians 7:10 – everything changes: 2Corinthians 5:17-21.  Sodomites become clean and free from the devil worship, deep depression of child molestation, unspeakable acts, constant lies, blasphemy, darkness, hatred of the Lord Jesus, His Word, His people, His Righteousness. His Perfect Will and ALL that is good, clean, lovely, pure, right, light,decent and law-abiding.   He confesses his past abominations and witnesses to the lost, which, of course, includes his former partners in abomination.  That means those who are still alive since the years of the wicked shall be shortened:  Proverbs 10:27.  The drunkard becomes sober.   The wife beater repents and the marriage is renewed and the romance comes back.  Marijuana users cease using their brain eating poison.  Fighters cease fighting.  Those in catholicism, islam, hare krishna, jehovah’s false witnesses, morons and any cult come out of the cult.  Thieves cease their perverted philosophy of “what’s yours is mine;    I’ll take it.  They ask the LORD to help make restitution to all of their victims.  ALL witness as we all do not want any one to go to Hell.   We have all seen changed lives.   Some are artificial.  Those cannot last.  Those Biblically born again are changed and saved from Hellfire forever.   GOD knoweth the heart.    Some born again believers backslide for decades.    GOD knoweth those that are HIS:  Romans 8:9, 1John, etc.   1John is the “know” Book.     If you are born again, you know you are born again.  If you are married, you know it.   When someone moves in, you know it.   When a man is born again, the LORD moved in.  Thieves cease their thieving.   They pray to the LORD JESUS CHRIST to be able to make restitution to their victims.  The born again believer knows it.   No lie is of the Truth:  1John 2:21.   Sodomites cannot get married.   They continue to have partners in abomination;  some over one thousand.  No wonder they are so disease ridden.  When you’re married, you have one mate.  When you are born again, you are married to the LORD:  Ephesians 5:30, Revelation 19:7-9.   You cannot ever become married to satan.  The prince of the power of the air will never marry an unsaved man.  He will laugh at those he deceived when they are all in the Lake of Fire:  Ezekiel 32.  The Holy Spirit never leaves the born again believer:  John 1:12, 3:16;
5:24, Hebrews 13:4-5, Romans 5:1-9, 8:1;  1John 2:25, 27, 3:9, 4:1-6, 13, 15, 5:10-14, etc.   And, oh yes, there are Verses in the Old regarding the New Birth.  These are prophecies, e.g:  Joel 2:28, Psalm 16:11, 17:15, 40:1-3, 78:51, 119:97-104:  Exodus 14-15,  etc.
There is no fear of GOD before their eyes -Romans 3:18.     GOD looked down from Heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek GOD. Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one -Psalm 53:2-3. He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool. -Proverbs 28:26     Also John 3:18-21, 1Cor 2:14, 2Cor 4:3-4, etc.  That sums up pbs, history channel and all the pagans and infidelic unbelievers of hellyweird and their allies who serve the devil with all of their might in abomination. -Rocky
But HE  {GOD Almighty, the LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF} was wounded for our transgressions;  HE was brusied for our iniquities. he chastisement of our peace was upon HIM, and with HIS Stripes we are healed.  -Isaiah 53:5        But GOD Commendeth HIS Love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us.  Much more then, being now justified by HIS Blood, we shall be saved from Wrath through HIM. -Romans 5:8-9.           Repentance toward GOD, and faith toward our LORD JESUS CHRIST. -Acts 20:21        Please study Isaiah 53.   For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of, but the sorrow os the world worketh death. -2Corinthians 7:10.          I tell you Nay, but except ye repent, ye shal all likewise perish -Luke 13:3.
Verily, verily, I say unto thee:  he that heareth MY Word, and believeth on HIM that sent ME, hath everlasting Life:  and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life. -John 5:24.
– E R ROCKY Nextaxpro
For my students and friends who prefer a language other than English:
overpopulation?  http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20Government/AIDS%20and%20Population%20Elimination/holocaust_wish.htm
unions!!    http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=253645
WWW.Washingonexaminer.com      you must pay union dues whether you choose to join or not in some states now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forty-three states have a lottery and Nevada has their own sewer den of iniquity, which supplants the lottery, apparently.   So only 6 states are free from the numbers racket:  Alaska, Alabama, Mississippi, Wyoming and 2 others.  With all the abominations of the sodomites, unions, pressurers to legalize narcotics, drunkenness, thieveries, cruelty, corrupt judges, corrupt Democrats, corrupt Republicans, evil lawyer, evil bankers, fighting, fraud, shysterism, gambling, fornication, adultery, lies to get your kid vaccinated, lies by the enviro eco-terrorists, lies by the genocide “population control” fanatics;  lies by advocates of the fifth column United Nations;  lies by the “global warming” destroy America advocates, sodomites lying every time they open their mouth, teachers making lust to 9 year old boys and girls;  lies by the left wingers who hate our military, the “christians” who try to disbelieve that the King James Bible is the Word of God;  “xian” rockers, “xian” sodomites;  college and university  dormitories whorehouses and pregnancy centers;    Planned murderhood making money from murdering real live humans;   the mob;  cps gestapo;  corruption in our police departments;  drunkard judges;  all media with the exception of “hate radio” {sure!!!!!!!!!} spewing lies and deteriorating at the speed of light – it is extremely easy to forget to attack gambling.  One of the most repulsive evils of gambling {lottery, etc} is the hope to profit at the expense of other human beings:  Habakkuk 2:15, Proverbs 14:34, et cetera.    For the poor always ye have with you, but ME ye have not always:  John 12:8.  Infinitely better to look at the matter in that manner.   The PLAIN INESCAPABLE INCONTROVERTIBLE FACT is that, 60 – 80 years ago, you WENT TO JAIL if you attempted to execute a numbers racket.  The A.V. 1611 uses the Word “fraud”, “deceive”, “defraud” several hundred times, if not wordThat’s precisely what a lottery is, whether you want to face it as fact or not.  You WENT TO PRISON for such criminal, fraudulent, thieving, PSALM TEN blesseth the covetous, persecute the poor evil behavior.  His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud:  under his tongue is mischief and vanity.  …in the secret places doth he murder the innocent:  his eyes are privily set against the poor.   He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den:  he lieth in wait to catch the poor:  he doth catch the poor, when he draweth them into his net.   He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones. -Psalm 10.  The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after GOD:  GOD is not in all his thoughts.   Now, all States save six have a lottery or some evilconception designed to make potential evangelists, pastors, missionaries, teachers and godly mothers so pennilless as to not be able to feed their children.    Thus laying the background, I have learned that ALL LOTTERIES ARE FIXED!!!  YOU DID NOT READ THAT WRONG!!  A fraudster in Massachusetts ‘fessed up.   He said “I cannot do this any longer”.   The lottery is FIXED!!!!!!!!   The politicians know whom is going to win the next drawing!!!   The municipalities are all full of lawyer thieves, banker thieves, architect thieves, government employee thieves, contractor thieves, How vile;  how evil is gambling and the crouching to seduce souls into gambling.  accountant thieves, auditor thieves, treasurer thieves.    Therefore, cities, towns, townships, villages, counties, boroughs are strapped for cash.    Those who “win” this UNtrustworthy lottery must turn their winnings over to the municipalities to pay the police, firefighters, ambulance workers, pilots, snow removal and others who work in public safety and city  managing – if you can call it that -planners and so on.  There’s no money to pay these people.  I’m not surprised.  Think about it.  You can triple the taxes.  You can triple again.  It is never enough.  Federal, State and local taxes are ALL much, much higher than 1960.  And we have much less service, much worse roads;  firemen and police frequently have to buy equipment they need, etc.  The taxes are higher;  we have the evil lottery that appeals to the basest depravity of man – NOT doing an honest day’s work and yet getting paid – and we are much worse off than in 1960.
         Do sorcerer shrinks attempt to eradicate gambling?  Matthew 7:16-20.   You know the answer.  They love their money:  “counseling”, “gambling addiction” ~  all lies.  Woe unto him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity! Hababkuk 2:12.   Also, Proverbs 1:19, 14:34, 19:3;  1Timothy 6:3-11.  Note that every Word in the King James Bible is important.  We see the Word “gain” used in 1Timothy 6:5 and Proverbs 1:19.  “Privily” is in Psalm 10:8 and Proverbs 1:11 and 18.  Also, obviously Proverbs 10:27, 29:1 comes quickly and heavily in to play.  Proverbs One is really good to read.  Who is the king over all the children of pride mentioned in Psalm Ten.  See Job 41:34 for the answer.  It is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living GOD -Hebrews 10:31.  It is a FEARFUL thing to fall into the Hands of the Living GOD.  But the FEARFUL…shall have their part in the Lake Which burneth with fire and brimstone, Which is the second death -Revelation 21:8.
       For years, I have told my income tax clients never to play the lottery.   You will not win.  You ask “Why?”.   You are telling me you do not know!!   The lottery is this:   First, first, first you give me $20000, then I give you one penny.  You give me another $20000.  I  give you one penny.  That’s you and your companions in sin odds of winning the lottery.  Be sure your sin will find you out:  Number 32:23.  Such an evil, shameful waste of GOD’s money entrusted to you to lead souls to the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  You have no shame.   For our GOD is a consuming Fire:  Hebrews 12:29.   GOD judgeth the righteous, and GOD is Angry with the wicked every day:  Psalm 7:11.  EVERY DAY.   And then shall that Wicked be revealed, who the LORD shall destroy with the Spirit of His Mouth and the Brightness of His Coming:  2Thessalonians 2:8.  Again, a cross reference.   The nadir of depravity is to become as wicked as satan.   Being covetous will make you deteriorate mentally, spiritually, and frequently rapidly.  He that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days:  Proverbs 28:16.   Treasures of wickedness profit nothing:  Proverbs 10:2.   Covetousness is in Romans One and 2Timothy 3.  Beware of covetousness, which is idolatry:  Colossians 3:5.  Where do the idolaters go?  See Revelation 21:8, 22:15.  Repent and be saved now! 2Corinthians 6:2.  And the IRS has a morbid sense of humor.  You may deduct your expenses, not subject to the two percent of adjusted gross income limit, up to your winnings!!  You spent $5000 and won $4?  You get to deduct $4 on your taxes.  And don’t think your income tax forms are private.  The government loves to laugh in our faces.  All the bureaucrats do what they want and share what they want and stomp all over the Privacy Act.  You just found that out.  Those poor women who were told their physical privacy would be respected just found out it has not been.   Thus, there has to be a mafia type contract.  The so-called winner has to turn in his “winnings”.   He probably receives a tiny stipend as a perverted reward {and an incentive!} to keep his or her mouth shut.  Knowing the corruption of man, and the extremely clear fact that such who would supervise such depraved, forced depraved and inducing to be depraved activities are obviously VERY corrupt and crooked as a snake, I would be VERY taken aback to learn that this monumental scandal and fraud were not true. THAT would surprise me:  John 6:63, Romans 3:10-23, Mark 7:21-23, Galatians 5:19-21 and at least 10000 other Verses.  Man in rebellion vs. the Authority of the LORD JESUS CHRIST always drifts downward.  Only the New Birth can take the limitless, depressing, loathesome depravity out a man:  John 3:3, 1Peter 1, James 1:18, 2Corinthians 5:17-21, Acts 20:21, 26:18, 1Thessalonians 1:9, 2Corinthians 5:17-21, etc.  And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in ME, it were better for him  that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea:  Mark 9:42.  Repentance toward GOD, and faith toward our LORD JESUS CHRIST:  Acts 20:21.  For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved:  Romans 10:13.  Whosoever will, let him take of the water of Life freely:  Revelation 22:17.  Water:  John 4:13-14.  Four times “water” in those two Verses.  DON’T EVER PLAY THE LOTTERY!!!!!!!!!!!!
   – E R ROCKY  Nextaxpro
http://Nextaxpro.spaces.live.com       http://twitter.com/Nextaxpro


Acts 4:29-31, Galatians 4:16. If you’re born again, don’t be afraid to speak out vs. evil. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST will take care of you, as HE has I. If you’re not born again, repent and believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST now, before it is forever too late! Isaiah 53, Romans 5:8-9, Luke 13:3,5; 2Corinthians 7:10, Acts 20:21, John 5:24, Romans 10:9-10. Use only Authorized Version King James 1611. ALL OTHER “bibles” are Jesuit, hence false. E.g, the niv DENIES the Deity of the LORD JESUS CHRIST in at least 160 places. Even the new king james DENIES the Deity of the LORD JESUS CHRIST in at least nine locales.



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    Liked by 1 person

  5. nextaxpro says:

    What! Sodomy is an abomination: Gen 19, Lev 20, Rom 1, Rev 21:8, etc. Sodomy is the MOST EVIL of abominations because sodomites can’t reproduce. They proselytize and get evil sodomite judges to soul destroy children via adoption. Sickening, raunchy, fecal eating sodomites.

    Liked by 1 person

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