Complicit In The Murder Of Perry Ray Robinson Jr.


Here are more “dot connections” to who murdered and covered up the murder of Perry Ray Robinson Jr. by members of the American Indian Movement at Wounded Knee in 1973. Former SD Senator…Hate America ARAB/MUSLIM…James Abourezk worked directly with OBAMA as his “Middle East Advisor”. Obama issued and EXECUTIVE ORDER to have Brandon Johnson STOP any further investigations of what happened to ROBINSON! Result? Guess who would NOT have gotten elected if BLACK AMERICA knew this?!

Ironically though…since then…Black America has been “emasculated”…NOT ONE in this country has said one word about Perry Ray Robinson Jr.! NOT ONE!

Want to read some documentation? Facebook page for Robinson. Witnesses etc. What is left out is that the FBI knew EVERYTHING that happened to Robinson when it happened and is was ABOUREZK that shut them up then…and through Obama’s Executive Order TO THIS DAY prevents any Justice for Perry Ray Robinson Jr.!



The Lakota Peoples Law Project advisers page : Former United States Senator James Abourezk

James Abourezk    represented South Dakota’s 2nd Congressional District in the House of Representatives from 1971–1973 and was the first Arab-American elected to the United States Senate, serving there from 1973 until 1979. His son Charlie was at the home of Bill Means (Russell’s brother) the night before Annie Mae Pictou Aquash was executed and did nothing to stop AIM members who took her the following morning as ordered by AIM leadership.


Madonna Thunder HawkRussell Means Relative – another AIM Affiliate . The Money Grab Expands , Can the world expect to see this crowd “publicly” supported by the Lakota Tribal Councils for Pe Sla fund raising. If you do , it says unmeasurable truths of the Councils.

How will this fund raising money be accounted for?

It should be noted that. Madonna Thunder Hawkslapped Annie Mae around during interrogations. Thunder Hawk was overseer of the the wk2 clinic wherePerry Ray Robinson , the Civil Rights Activist that walked with Martin Luther King,  was last seen after he was shot was shoved into a closet and bled to death.

Madonna  lied to 1st nations and everyone for years about Annie Mae, Perry Ray Robinson and other innocents that were murdered at wk2.

There were 3 nurses working with Thunder Hawk in the infirmary when Robinson was brought in before he was allowed by AIM leadership to bleed to death…where are these women, are they 3 or the 12 buried along the parameter of Wounded Knee township”

They were white nurses…who saw what actually happened to Ray Robinson….what happened to them, ask Madonna Thunder Hawk, I am sure she will tell you….those with inquiring minds!


“Amongst those who attended the clinic at Wounded Knee 1973 when Perry Ray Robinson was brought into the clinic and Madonna Gilbert saw him pushed into a closet to bleed to death were Dr. Mike Silverstein, Dr. Anne Hirschman, Mary Ann Maul, Owen Craig Luck who came in with Mark Lane on April 13th, 1973. Two other clinic personal who came and went as well during this period are Dr. Fred Gianola and Fred Basford who leave on the same day (April 27th) that Buddy LaMont’s body is removed from the Knee which is a day or two after Ray Robinson is seen lying outside the house that Dennis Banks occupied. Finally 3 other medics leave on May 4, 1973: Tom Arons, Geraldine Olivia and Patricia Kennu. These names from the WKLDOC transcriptions of FBI/Marshal intercepts, and names my be spelled phonetically.”

“May 13, 1973: Matthew King, an Oglala elder and interpreter for Chief Frank Fools Crow, who spent time inside Wounded Knee and as a negotiator reports to the FBI that there is as many as “12” graves containing the bodies of several unidentified female corpses “just outside the perimeter of Wounded Knee.” (FBI Airtel 5/14/73 – FOI)”

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