The FBI Loves “Dead Native Americans” Because That Is The FBI!

I remember my first “information feed” to FBI Agent in Charge…Rapid City…Bob Perry about Delema Sits Poor. She mysteriously vanished from a Two Bulls home in Oglala. The story from the Two Bulls family was that she “walked off on her own” down a back road leading from Oglala to Manderson and in BELOW ZERO weather! Of course the didn’t know anyone in Manderson nor had she ever done something like this ever. Her sister always picked her up after work at this Two Bulls home…but not on this day.

The Two Bulls…one of the most corrupt families on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation…spearheaded the unbiased objective investigation with the FBI no less…who launched an extensive search for a week and of course came up with nothing in the brutal below zero weather. The reason why? Because Delema was not anywhere near or on the dirt hilly dark road leading to Manderson. Instead she had been raped in the Two Bulls home or was taken out of and raped…either or…not that it made a difference because after that she was murdered and buried in Oglala. Perps included a White man and friend of the Two Bulls family and others during this drinking binge that included targeting Delema for rape.

Delema’s sister Rose confided in me when I was at a friends home near Loneman School in Ogalal. I was asked to listen to her story and of course…realized immediately that her death was FBI covered up because that is what they do in coordination with the BIA and the then Tribal Police Two Bulls family and friends. After all…who was Delema Sits Poor to them?

In hearing this story, I contacted FBI Perry and informed him…as if he did not know already…that during a utility company dig of sorts in Oglala…not far from the Two Bulls home where Delema was last seen alive…that there were found remains/body parts and that some local Oglala residents indicated they felt those dug up body parts could very well be Sits Poors. When remains were found and not identified…the FBI would ship those remains to the “Bone Yard” in Kentucky or Tennessee where unidentified body remains were stored.

I told Perry that Rose wanted to submit her DNA to see if her sisters matched the unidentified DNA of who was found buried in Oglala. The response was would you believe…no response…no interest…end of another FBI “dodge the bullet” that would expose their deliberate cover-up of the murder of Delema Sits Poor. Perry and the FBI would never follow up and now you know why!

Sound familiar? It should. Say Annie Mae Aquash…murdered on orders from then Senator James Abourezk through his “HIT TEAM” of assassins John Trudell, Dennis Banks, Russell Means, and Clyde and Vern Bellecourt. Trudell had called the “Syrian Sioux” about a meeting he just had with Aquash in Sept. 75 in San Francisco during which she shared ALL about what she knew in terms of the RAPES and MURDERS by AIMSTERS at Wounded Knee and where the at least 12 where buried there in unmarked graves…the confession of pedophile Peltier about his murdering the 2 FBI agents, about all the MILLIONS that AIM was stashing in foreign bank accounts rather then being used for the grass roots poor Lakota, and who the FBI operatives were in AIM and last but not least…who murdered on orders of Dennis Banks…Black Civil Rights worker Perry Ray Robinson Jr. (say David Hill)…who Aquash knew also the FBI gave a free pass too compliments of FBI Agent in Charge at the time…Joseph Trimbach Sr. (His son…John…wrote a book to make $$$ off this withheld information and to cover his dad’s and the FBI’s ass called “The American Indian Mafia”)

Of course Trudell couldn’t call his MOB BOSS Abourezk fast enough after Aquash left…and after he also promised her that when she sent the letter and ring she said she would send to him because she feared for her life…believing that her “friend” John would come to her aid and counter the lies about her working for the FBI…with JEW ATTORNEY and FRIEND OF TRUDELL…Bruce Ellison leading the way! Trudell the great Warrior all the beguiled remember him as being and who freely used…no DEFILED the name of Crazy Horse when spoken in one of his “puke poems” heard what Aquash shared…and told them in no uncertain terms, first to Abourezk and then in calls to the others…that Annie had to go! From that moment on, they collectively worked to take her out with their MOB BOSS informing his FBI BUDDIES know and work in concert with the plan to kill her. By the way…Mr. “Coyote Poet” did get the call…and the ring and letter…this great WARRIOR!

So with the FBI assisting AIM in full knowledge of the setting up by AIM of the the murder of Aquash…she was taken to Ted Means house on the Rosebud Rez…where Absourezk’s son Charlie was there to help facilitate her cold blooded murder…along with JEW Bruce Ellsion…and Clyde Bellcourt…and David Hill…and other AIM WARRIORS….and where she was brutally beaten and GANG raped (a AIM trademark…RAPE!) and then thrown in a Pinto…driven to Wanblee …walked over to a cliff in freezing weather and while kneeling praying for her children…begging them and saying…”You don’t have to do THIS…!”…BANG! A bullet in the head…pushed off the cliff where she slowly bled out and froze at the same time compliments of this collective of diabolical spawned by Satan cold blooded murderers with her shooter and one of the rapists being John Graham.

Enter the FBI who upon the discovery of Aquash’s body…produced and directed their specialty “act of extreme measures reality show” cover-up series. Say “body found”…hmmmm…oh oh…now what? Oh…ok…lets just say “we don’t know who this body is” LIE and and have a “hired” expert perform a autopsy that misses the bullet in her head…can’t identify her…and then to find out who she is…cut off Aquash’s hands and send them to DC to be “identified”.

Yes, if anyone reading this does not believe in a “Devil”…well…here are two stories that indicate he does exist because only EVIL SPIRITS inspired by the same could and would do what I shared.

There is more of course to Annie’s story of being murdered and the MURDERERS being protected to this day with Arlo and John being public “collateral protection” of the MAIN PLAYERS and who their GOVERNMENT protectors are…say James Abourezk, the United Sates Government/Justice Department…FBI! Which is why Obama through Branden Johnson called off reopening the cases about Annie and Ray in 20111 so that Obama could win the election. After all, how would the American People react to the knowledge that one of his main advisers on the Middle East and Friend was a “Syrian Sioux”!

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