This blog is dedicated to my stalking faggot queer butt plug sodomite Bill Bunting and Karen Sue Andras who have been Satanically inspired and possessed to both spawn lies about me for 5 years, Bunting’s manhood was violated when a “child” because he was a victim of “STDS” or…“Sexually Transmitted Demons” which my ex brought into my life in and also suffered from to this day. Their common connection to the “demons and Satan” if through the raping of, murder of and cannibalization of children demon Aleister Crowley who Andras said appeared to her and said “I own you” and who Bunting is the “disciple” of.



I interviewed Devvy Kidd a number of times. A Warrior Woman to the Max!


By: Devvy
September 27, 2011


On September 20, 2011, the final nail in the coffin to destroy our military was shoved in America’s face. Male sexual deviants will now openly flaunt their preference for bowel movement sex. Butch dykes and “feminine” lesbians will now be allowed to flaunt their perversions. Many may not realize it, but “bi-sexuals” will also now sully the uniform of our armed forces. How long before they demand “constitutional rights” to dress like Corporal Klinger on the old tv show, Mash, because it’s “part of their sexual orientation”? Unless you’re on a military base, it will be out of sight, out of mind for the majority of Americans. Go back to your sports or porn or the bar and let someone else take care of the mess.

Yes, I am aware of the growing numbers of sexual deviants in the military since the morally bankrupt, Bill Clinton, rammed DADT down our throats with the blessing of a morally bankrupt Congress. Sexual deviants should not be allowed to serve in the U.S. military, period. Of course, I will get the usual e-mails from libertarians who confuse licentiousness with liberty, as well as incredibily profane laced hate mail and death threats from sodomites for this column. Nothing new. Hit delete key.

The immoral, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, policy was the first step in forcing social experimentation into the U.S. military. Repealing DADT will destroy it. The U.S. military is a completely different institution than any other in this country. Regardless of which branch, our military is supposed to be battle ready, not spending time and money fighting through the sludge of what will now happen because sexual deviants will be allowed to shove their sexual preferences in everyone’s face. Military bases are full of family housing and elementary schools. Kids will now see what children should never be exposed to, never mind brainwashing them into believing it’s “normal and healthy.”

Serving in the U.S. military is NOT a constitutional right. Our military is 100% voluntary. No one’s constitutional rights were being violated because they want to volunteer into an organization that prohibits their sexual preferences.

There is no such thing as a “gay” gene. That bogus “scientific” fact put forth by queer scientists to further acceptance of sodomy has been discredited repeatedly. The rancid media in this country has simply ignored science in favor of promoting deviant, dangerous sex. Since many of them are sodomites (Anderson Cooper/CNN and Shepard Smith/FOX), they have their own agenda. Sexual orientation is another clever marketing term that is also bogus. Since there is no “gay” gene, practicing sodomy is not some sort of orientation. It’s a choice, not an accident of birth.

This is the Way God Made Me”- A Scientific Examination of Homosexuality and the “Gay Gene

Ten days before the lifting the ban, a couple members of the Outlaw Congress (who could have stopped this dead in the Republican controlled House months ago), submitted a letter to the incompetent political animal, Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense, advising him that new regulations weren’t even ready:

Where are regs for ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal?

“Just days after homosexuals announced plans to hold parties on military bases across the U.S. to celebrate the repeal of the nation’s longstanding “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy of mandatory privacy for sexual preferences among military members, a letter has surfaced from two members of Congress pointing out that the Department of Defense still hasn’t fulfilled its obligations to prepare for the change.”

There will be more chaos, but feel comforted. There is a new queer magazine now on the stands in military exchange stores commonly referred to as the BX (Base Exchange). A propaganda rag to promote the filth of fecal sex.

On September 20, 2011, the media gleefully filled Internet sites with celebrations by sexual deviants. Here’s a nice example:

Navy Officer Weds Partner in Vermont as Ban Ends

Of course, there is no such thing as “same sex marriage” regardless of what activist judges or immoral lawmakers want to force us to accept. Will the military, paid for by the sweat of your labor, be forced to pay “spousal” benefits for bogus “marriages”? Oh, it’s coming.

Sexual assault in the military

Have you ever read blogs written by sexual deviants and their audiences about those of us who oppose their sexual preferences? The hate and profanity is off the charts. If people could see how hateful and vulgar sexual deviants are when you disagree with them, what do you suppose is going to happen now that sodomites will be out in the open in the military? Think pay back. Think sexual deviants at the officer level or even NCO’s at a higher grade level than a Christian serving in the military won’t sexually harass them or make sure they don’t advance in their military career? Don’t be so naive:

Obama’s new ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy

Pentagon prepares to welcome recruits to the New Gay Army

“Soldiers offended by the sight of two male Marines kissing in public better not mention that fact to their superiors. Under President Obama, the new “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” rules turn the Clinton-era policy on its head. Now those who embrace traditional moral values are the ones being told to stay in the closet.”

No opt-out for opponents of gays in military

Does anyone think Christian members of our military won’t be singled out or will be drummed out because they refuse to slap God in the face?

Staff sergeant may lose career over ‘gay’ indoctrination

Army: court-martial Chaplains for “religious, conscience” objection to homosexuality

Homosexual rape in the military

“Homosexual activist groups themselves have admitted that less than three percent of Americans are homosexual or bisexual. FRC has reviewed the “case synopses” of all 1,643 reports of sexual assault reported by the four branches of the military for Fiscal Year 2009 (October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009). Our startling finding was that over eight percent (8.2%) of all military sexual assault cases were homosexual in nature. This suggests that homosexuals in the military are about three times more likely to commit sexual assaults than heterosexuals are, relative to their numbers.


“Many Discharges of Homosexuals are for Sexual Assault

“Advocates of open homosexuality in the military often lament the fact that several thousand members of the military have been discharged under the 1993 law since its enactment. However, what they fail to note is that many of those discharges are actually for sexual assaults.

Court Records Reveal Shocking Cases of Homosexual Assault.

“Published decisions of military courts (available on the legal search engine Lexis) give even more detail about homosexual assaults in the military. For example:

“• 36-year-old Marine Sgt. Sean D. Habian used both alcohol and homosexual pornography in the course of assaulting a 21-year-old Lance Corporal.

“• Homosexual activists are fond of saying that the military cannot afford to lose the specialized skills that some homosexual service members have—such as translators and linguists. Air Force Sgt. Eric P. Marcum was a Persian-Farsi linguist—but also was charged with forcible sodomy against a male Senior Airman who “testified that Appellant’s actions made him scared, angry, and uncomfortable.”

“• Air Force Major Rickie J. Bellanger was charged with sexually abusing two minor boys—one of whom had begun corresponding with Maj. Bellanger when he was in the fifth grade.”

The U.S. government has taken another massive step in promoting contracting AIDS and sticking you and me with the medical bills for a preventable disease because our new pink military will become a magnet for sexual deviants:

AIDS Rate 50 Times Higher in Homosexual Men: Center for Disease Control

For every soldier raped by a sodomite, they are potentially exposed to AIDS:

5. How long does it take to develop signs of HIV?

“Persons with HIV can develop signs of infection anywhere from months to years after being infected. About half of the people with HIV develop AIDS within 10 years, but the time between infection with HIV and the onset of AIDS can vary greatly.”

It doesn’t matter if a sodomite tests negative for HIV/AIDS before being deployed to the Middle East or anywhere else. He could already have the disease. Now, what do you about blood transfusions in the theater of battle? How do you think that’s going to affect troop morale?

The Outlaw Congress and the bi-sexual in the White House have unleashed a monster.

One of the more nauseating headlines last week:

Marines Hit the Ground Running in Seeking Recruits at Gay Center

“With the law now changed, the Marines appear determined to prove that they will be better than the Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard in recruiting gay, lesbian and bisexual service members.”

Well, isn’t that just “gay.”

THIS is what the U.S. government now condones and promotes:

ORAL SEX – Homosexuals fellate almost all of their sexual contacts (and ingest semen from about half of these). Semen contains many of the germs carried in the blood. Because of this, gays who practice oral sex verge on consuming raw human blood, with all its medical risks. Since the penis often has tiny lesions (and often will have been in unsanitary places such as a rectum), individuals so involved may become infected with hepatitis A or gonorrhea (and even HIV and hepatitis B). Since many contacts occur between strangers (70% of gays estimated that they had had sex only once with over half of their partners), and gays average somewhere between 106 and 1105 different partners/year, the potential for infection is considerable.

RECTAL SEX – Surveys indicate that about 90% of gays have engaged in rectal intercourse, and about two-thirds do it regularly. In a 6-month long study of daily sexual diaries, gays averaged 110 sex partners and 68 rectal encounters a year.

Rectal sex is dangerous. During rectal intercourse the rectum becomes a mixing bowl for 1) saliva and its germs and/or an artificial lubricant, 2) the recipient’s own feces, 3) whatever germs, infections or substances the penis has on it, and 4) the seminal fluid of the inserter. Since sperm readily penetrate the rectal wall (which is only one cell thick) causing immunologic damage, and tearing or bruising of the anal wall is very common during anal/penile sex, these substances gain almost direct access to the blood stream. Unlike heterosexual intercourse (in which sperm cannot penetrate the multilayered vagina and no feces are present),7 rectal intercourse is probably the most sexually efficient way to spread hepatitis B, HIV syphilis and a host of other blood-borne diseases.

Tearing or ripping of the anal wall is especially likely with “fisting,” where the hand and arm is inserted into the rectum. It is also common when “toys” are employed (homosexual lingo for objects which are inserted into the rectum–bottles, carrots, even gerbils). The risk of contamination and/or having to wear a colostomy bag from such “sport” is very real. Fisting was apparently so rare in Kinsey’s time that he didn’t think to talk about it. By 1977, well over a third of gays admitted to doing it. The rectum was not designed to accommodate the fist, and those who do so can find themselves consigned to diapers for life.

FECAL SEX – About 80% of gays (see Table) admit to licking and/or inserting their tongues into the anus of partners and thus ingesting medically significant amounts of feces. Those who eat or wallow in it are probably at even greater risk. In the diary study, 70% of the gays had engaged in this activity–half regularly over 6 months. Result? –the “annual incidence of hepatitis A in…homosexual men was 22 percent, whereas no heterosexual men acquired hepatitis A.” In 1992, it was noted that the proportion of London gays engaging in oral/anal sex had not declined since 1984.


While the body has defenses against fecal germs, exposure to the fecal discharge of dozens of strangers each year is extremely unhealthy. Ingestion of human waste is the major route of contracting hepatitis A and the enteric parasites collectively known as the Gay Bowel Syndrome. Consumption of feces has also been implicated in the transmission of typhoid fever, herpes, and cancer. About 10% of gays have eaten or played with [e.g., enemas, wallowing in feces]. The San Francisco Department of Public Health saw 75,000 patients per year, of whom 70 to 80 per cent are homosexual men….An average of 10 per cent of all patients and asymptomatic contacts reported…because of positive fecal samples or cultures for amoeba, giardia, and shigella infections were employed as food handlers in public establishments; almost 5 per cent of those with hepatitis A were similarly employed.” In 1976, a rare airborne scarlet fever broke out among gays and just missed sweeping through San Francisco. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that 29% of the hepatitis A cases in Denver, 66% in New York, 50% in San Francisco, 56% in Toronto, 42% in Montreal and 26% in Melbourne in the first six months of 1991 were among gays. A 1982 study “suggested that some transmission from the homosexual group to the general population may have occurred.”

URINE SEX – About 10% of Kinsey’s gays reported having engaged in “golden showers” [drinking or being splashed with urine]. In the largest survey of gays ever conducted,13 23% admitted to urine-sex. In the largest random survey of gays, 29% reported urine-sex. In a San Francisco study of 655 gays, only 24% claimed to have been monogamous in the past year. Of these monogamous gays, 5% drank urine, 7% practiced “fisting,” 33% ingested feces via anal/oral contact, 53% swallowed semen, and 59% received semen in their rectum during the previous month.

I wrote, “Wait up, gunny, I have to change my diaper” for a reason. Men who engage in sodomy for years lose control of their bowels and end up wearing diapers the rest of their lives. Since the Marine Corps is so giddy about recruiting more homosexuals, they should also put in new requisitions for box cars of Depends. Won’t that just make for good morale among the troops?

Let’s not forget all the other diseases homosexual men voluntarily contract through their own behavior:

(Anal) Douches, Lubricants: Allergic reactions, Rectal fatty tumors Active Fellatio: Physical abrasions, Oral gonorrhea, Herpes progenitalis I and II, Nongonococcal pharyngitis (Chlamidia and others), Oral condyloma acuminatum, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Enteric diseases, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inquinale, Chancroid Passive Fellatio: Herpes type 1 and 2, Nongonococcol urethritis (Chlamidia and others), Gonorrhea, Neisseria meningitidis. Anal Intercouse, Active: Nongonococcol urethritis, Escherichia coli, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A, B, non-A/non-B, Herpes, Warts -molluscum and condyloma, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis, Epididymitis/prostatitis, Fungal infections, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inguinale, Chancroid, Cytomegalovirus. Anal Intercouse, Passive: Physical protitis, Rectal gonorrhea, Warts -condyloma and molluscum (rare), Nonspecific proctitis (Chlamidia and others), Herpes, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Trichomoniasis, Corynebacterium, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inguinale, Chancroid, Cytomegalovirus, Candidiasis. Analinction (dung-eating, “rimming”): Enteric diseases: Gay bowel syndrome (explained below) PLUS Escherichia coli and Helminthic parasites, Oral warts, Oral gonorrhea, Syphilis, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inguinale, Chancroid. Fist/Finger Insertion, Passive: Internal scrapes, Anal sphincter tears, Perforations of the colon, Acute abdomen, having to wear a diaper. Toys/Apparatus: Allergic reactions, Friction dermatitis, Physical torsions, Varicoceles, Peyronie’s disease, Fungal infections, Lost rectal objects, Testicular strangulation (“cock rings”). Gay Bowel Syndrome is a collection of bowel diseases which lead to dysfunction of the lower bowel tract and is prevalent throughout the “gay” community. GBS requires one wear a colostomy bag. Shigellosis is an acute bacteria infection like salmonellosis, it can lead to a diarrhea-induced dehydration death in infants and the elderly. Infected individuals [HIV] should never handle food, yet how many “gays” work in restaurants and handle food?

“Hepatitus A and B – a viral liver disease spread by fecal contamination (A), or by blood (B). The latter type is considered to be transmitted “by ‘parenteral injection’ of saliva or semen positive for B antigen through breaks in anal or oral mucosa during anilingual (tongue/anus) contact or proctogenital intercouse (penile/rectal sodomy)” (New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, p.302.)”

That is normal, natural and healthy? When God created man and woman, do you really think He would have intentionally programmed humans to engage in behavior that brings such pain, misery and death? Oh, heck, who cares? God is so, like, out of date. How about saving lives instead of promoting death?

At a time when military benefits for veterans is on the chopping block, what Congressman Ron Paul and the others who voted for this morally offensive policy did will run up medical bills in the military by the millions. The cost for treating HIV/AIDS can run as high as $10,000 per month per person. When the statistics start coming out, we’ll see how much it’s costing you and me. As a Christian, it sickens me that I am forced to pay the salary of sexual deviants in the military. They volunteer into the military; the IRS is a gun to your head. Thomas Jefferson said it best: “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.”

Sodomy and female sexual deviancy is a sin. God called sodomy an abomination. Oh, I know that doesn’t matter to politicians and too many Christians who have been seduced by the “tolerance” propaganda and simply ignore what Almighty God said (King James Bible):

“You shall not lie with a male as those who lie with a female; it is an abomination.” — Leviticus 18:22:

“If a man lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and they shall surely be put to death.” — Leviticus 20:13

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“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” -Romans 1:26-27.

Eternity is a long time when you spit in God’s face.

Shame on the U.S. Congress for promoting and condoning sin and disease. Shame on the U.S. Congress for causing more problems for our military, which they don’t need. You can thank Congressman Ron Paul and the others in Congress who voted for all the above.

Facts and truth:

1 – Center for Military Readiness: Problems with Gays in the Military

Gag factor of ten:

2 – Military indoctrinated on gays kissing, behavior
3 – LEAKED: U.S. defense officials deliberately skewed survey results to sway ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal
4 – Feds find fix was in on ‘study’ of homosexuality in ranks
5 – Homosexual Assault in the military
6 – The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party
7 – New military policy a ‘disgrace,’ says Land
8 – Sham (queer) Marriages Got Marines Housing Money
9 – Sen. Scott Brown getting “highest award” from Log Cabin Republicans for voting to repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
10 – The Queering of our military and God’s wrath
11 – Not born this way: Facts and help

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