FBI Protects American Indian Pedophiles Who Rape and Murder American Indian Children

On American Indian Reservations with this case as a blatant example, the FBI has a “systematic in place” evidence destroying/protect the beast policy used to “delete” dozens of cases of sexual abuse of Native American children by Native American pedophiles in “Indian Country”.

This is a time of reckoning. This is where the Roads Cross. This is where we know if we are doing good things in this world, or if we are abandoning those we know are mistreated, neglected, tormented. This is where we decide that we have the power to do something that will make a difference to all generations now and next, and it doesn’t cost us a dime.

This is not a plea for donations but it’s going to cost you, many, many troubled nights, and days when your mind wanders back and you remember, Two Children Murdered and no one has done anything about it.

Take a look: Meet Destiny. She was 9. And her little brother, “Baby Travis” who was 7: WORD PRESS WOULD ONLY ALLOW ME TO POST ONE PHOTO SO I POSTED DESTINY’S.

They were viciously raped, mutilated while they were still alive, and murdered. Their bodies were found stuffed between the mattress and box spring of their father’s bed. He was a known meth addict who bought a drug screening pass from Chuck Trottier, as so many others have before him and since. The mother was given no choice, but had to leave her children with their father, for ‘visits’ despite reports of molest and rape because the Tribal Court thought they were whiners.

No one has been held accountable in the brutal violation and murder of these two children, nor is it likely they ever will, despite the witnesses who came forward, the amount of evidence that was available.

Why? Because, in Spirit Lake, where the most evil violations of children are ignored, and those who commit murders, rapes and who routinely raid the funds to fill their own lavish lifestyles, this is just another sad story, with no intention of finding Justice, nor any attempt even being made, by those whom you would think would themselves, be held accountable.

The reports have been numerous and graphic about the abuses of children, pre-teens, toddlers and infants, and yet, not one move by those in government. Reports have been filed. Mandatory reporting has been done… but not one arrest, not one child rescued. And this goes all the way up the line. All. The. Way.

The BIA, in Washington, DC, has a report on their desk, sitting there, for over a week. If I get my hands on it, I am posting it here.

Murder Scene

The FBI, and the US Attorney General’s who have been in charge of Indian Country territories, such as Spirit Lake and Fort Berthold, Standing Rock, etc… seem to have a knack for ignoring violent crimes against women and children. Harper’s Magazine did an amazing, detailed article on Standing Rock, back in February 2011.

One would think that it would be different when it involves crimes against children. Given the uproar over the Penn State pedophile scandal, and so many with the University, and in Law Enforcement, were all involved with concealing and abetting Sandusky’s pedophilia. There has even been speculation that one District Attorney, Ray Gricar, may have been investigating the crimes when he suddenly disappeared from the face of the map, along with his laptop.

It is assumed he was murdered, but even before his disappearance could be investigated, a smear campaign on him alluding to supposed homosexuality on his part (saying he was ‘maybe’ meeting a male prostitute). I can think of no reason for them to bring that kind of conjecture to a case, based on nothing, unless they wanted, in advance, to discredit anyone who may know anything about whom he was investigating or for what.

From what I have seen of the FBI, especially in cases involving crimes against children where the suspects are either high profile or politically well connected, they will move mountains to destroy credibility and evidence in order to protect the powerful, at the cost of young lives. It would not surprise me to find that they, FBI, had something to with both his disappearance and the smear campaign to discredit him. Why? Because it’s what they do, in high profile pedophile cases. They make it go away.

Again, I remind you all about Steven Bruce Cartier, caught with over 1 Million child porn images on his computer, and the USAG never once investigated his family, which had several pedophiles and registered sex offenders, nor any of the people he worked for or with, at least 6 of which are Level 3 Sex Offenders. They concluded, despite all odds, that he acted alone, and did not even share files (which is what pedos do, they swap images because no one can get 1 Million images of children, most of whom they had never encountered, without trading and swapping). But the FBI and the USAG at that time, wanted to make sure that a wider investigation, even 1º of separation, were thwarted at the outset. They even sold his computers at auction. Imagine.

So, we come to the murder scene of these two little children. The mother and her surviving son, having just found the two bodies, butchered, mutilated and worse, covered in blood, and the FBI is on the scene. All is well?

Something Fishy FBI Style


It’s already known who the father of the murdered children is. And it is already known who his best friends are, including child rapist, Junior Herman, who lives just a stone’s throw from the house and who spent a lot of time at that house, with those children, supervised and unsupervised.

Witness were horrified at the crime scene, in fact, many were allowed to walk through it. Nothing was ‘secured’.

By now, I am sure that the FBI already knew that Junior Herman was involved. I’m sure the phone calls were made to Poopsie, soon as the call came in, “Homicide, Spirit Lake, children..” Because the FBI makes no move without consulting with Poopsie in order to be sure no one, politically well connected, gets their toes stepped on.

Example: When the SMC Plant was raided, the FBI set up a war room in the Blue Building, maps and documents spread out on tables, and who was directing them as to where they could go and could not go? The BIA Captain? No. Poopsie. He was not even in Law Enforcement, but they were taking directions on the limit and scope of their raid, from him. Why?

The FBI does not make a move on that rez without consulting Poopsie. Just in case, such as in the case of those two murdered children, a call went in, and they knew what they had to do. Destroy the evidence, botch the investigation so that it can never be brought to court.

Derek Trout, seems to be the FBI Agent of choice for such missions. At least, if there is a case that needs to be mishandled, he is the go-to man to see to it that it never sees court. It was Derek Trout who gave the order for the Social Worker on the scene, to take the mother, the surviving child, to go get them cleaned up. They were never tested or swabbed for DNA at the scene, nor ever. They weren’t even photographed. In fact, no one remembers seeing any photographing of the scene. Seems fundamental, doesn’t it?

The Social Worker had carefully bagged the clothing so that it could be used for evidence (despite Chain of Custody being broken.) She handed the individual bags to FBI Agent Trout, who then handed them to an auntie, and told her to launder them. She did.

People held onto this information for over a year. They were afraid that if it got out, then there could never be a trial and there would never be any justice. They were sure the FBI and the USAG– Tim Purdon, were going to somehow, magically build a case, so they stayed quiet on this. One said that they were told that if they told anyone, it would be “Their Fault” that the case against the Father of the murdered children fell apart. “Their Fault” if Junior Herman was never brought to trial. “Their Fault,” mind you, not the FBI.

The name Derek Trout has surfaced, time and time again, in cases I hear about. Always along the same lines. Always, the case is somehow ‘ruined’ and nothing gets done. Trout is a serial screw up. But a screw up with a mission: Protect the Turdclan. Why? Because if anyone in the Turdclan goes down for a big crime, they might talk about what they know about other crimes committed, say Murders, and specifically the Murder of Eddie Peltier. Junior Herman is surely one of those protected Turdlings. His mother, Celeste Pisster Herman is the one who hit Eddie in the side of his head with a cast iron frying pan… knocking him to the floor, where her brothers kicked and stomped, James “Poopsie” Yankton, finishing him off with an aluminum baseball bat. Thud! Thud! Thud! “Stop hitting him James! You’ve already killed him!” the woman screamed… the whole neighborhood heard that blood chilling yell in the small hours of that morning…

Poopsie and his family, already had the FBI Agent, Helleckson, a falling down drunken disgrace, exiled to the rez to finish his career, co opted and in their pocket. US Attorney General, Lynn Crooks, came on board easily enough, and Dennis Fischer, another USAG, more than happy to help frame the innocent. The FBI assisted with beatings and threats to witnesses…

Well, you get the picture. Poopsie had them all jumping to protect his family because he promised them, long ago: “If I go down, I’m taking everyone with me.” That sent chills all the way to Washington, DC. He can, and he will.

So, when Poopsie’s nephew is involved in child rape, mutilation, murder, Poopsie knows he can count on the FBI. And it appears, in the person of Derek Trout, SAC, they have what they need. Evidence Destroyed √. No DNA swabs √, no photographs √, launder the bloody clothes √. √Done

I am not harming the case by pointing this out. It was never going to go to trial. The minute the Defense filed for discovery, it would become apparent that the case was hollowed out on the inside, by those who were on the inside.

Junior Herman went on to rape another young girl, a 6 or 7 yr. Old neighbor girl. Bentley Grey Bear, the local Go-To-Man for the Turdclan, made sure he mucked up the scene, and Janis Morley, the joke of a AUSA on site, failed to preserve, protect evidence and statements … was able to throw the case away in court, and Junior got off, scot free, despite having written a letter of apology to the family of the girl he raped.

Good news, Justice Junkies! Junior Herman was found guilty on a charge: “Lying to the Judge”. Yup, we call it perjury, that he lied about his whereabouts on the day the child was raped, but Perjury carries such harsh sentences… so the judge, in order to make a point, had him charged for lying. He was given a 1 yr sentence, mostly suspended, with only 6 months of ‘monitoring’. Well, that’ll teach him!

So, you have all you need out there: Children trafficked for sex, funds intended for their care & treatment raided, Their educational scholarships stolen from them… and even murder, nothing really rising to the level of investigation by the USAG out there.

Reports are in, and Purdon’s office responds by patting himself on the back for all the successful prosecutions they’ve had (the laughable sentences for the Fuel Oil scams) (and now, that biggy for “Lying”)… So it was clear that Purdon’s main concern was not the reports of children being abused, neglected, raped, murdered, but rather, his own ‘shiny’ reputation. I about threw up.

Of course, now, he is stating, publicly, that it is ‘troubling’.

Really?”Troubling?” like a riddle or a difficult math problem? Not Critical. Not Urgent. “Troubling”. Was he trying to say: “Mystifying”? Because he seems to have no sense that there is anything he, nor his office need to do about this, except observe it from afar, & ponder it, like a balloon carried aloft, disappearing into the bright blue sky. Gee.


I remind you, not that I need to, about the outrage over those who knew about Sandusky’s indignities upon young children, who did nothing and who protected him, rather than protecting the children, by doing nothing. Nothing.

Now, there are people in position to know who have made detailed reports, declared the emergency, and those in the USAG who are supposed to be protecting the victims, are doing NOTHING.

They have a murderer in jail on a misdemeanor, and another child rapist, accomplice in those murders, getting his wrist slapped for ‘lying’. No one is protecting the children. They are protecting the pedophiles. They are protecting the guilty. They are protecting the corrupt.

Where’s the outrage?

This is where The Good Road and the Road of Difficulties Cross. This is Our Holy Place. What we do here, and now, about this, will determine our worthiness to exist in any comforts, or to have any value in our lives. Do we gain value? Or do we just exist to protect the corrupt? The Pedophiles? Do we, as they do, just do “Nothing”? Does that absolve them? Us?

The Snake Pit that is that Rez, out there, has Innocents trying to survive. There are Good People trying to save the Innocents and rid their community of the Evil that runs the place, but they are surrounded by the Greater Evil: Apathy and Arrogance of Federal and State Government, their agents and agencies who will allow these children, in this critically urgent situation, to perish or bear unthinkable indignities, while they chat over coffee and pastries, as to who, exactly, they can pass it all off on. So far, every Agency has said it wasn’t their responsibility. Every Single One.

Children are being raped, abused and murdered. Let me know when you think you might have a clue as to whose table it is.

This is your Holy Place.

“The trouble is that once you see injustice, you can’t unsee it. And once you’ve seen it, keeping quiet becomes as political an act as speaking out.” –Arundhati Roy

What came to light with the Penn State pedophile trial was, or should be eye opening. People that were looked up to, even revered in social circles, and political circles, turned out to be the worst kinds of monsters walking the planet. Pedophiles, and those who enable them.

The acts committed against these young boys, being told in court, from the mouths of grown men, still damaged, unhealed wounds upon their spirit still festering, was sickening to all.

How many people now look at Jerry Sandusky, and the others involved in this, and instead of adulation, adoration, feel revulsion and want to vomit? Most, I would say, most feel like vomiting. Most feel betrayed by a man that was in a position of Trust.

Worse, look at the people in authority who were in a position of trust, and who, because they wanted to protect the pedophile, did NOTHING to save those boys, prevent more boys from being abused, raped, ruined. They are, in my book, and I am sure, in most people’s minds, just as guilty.

Not just the schools, but the police, the prosecutors, and everyone on up the chain of command at the university.

Now, we not only see Sandusky for what he always was, we see those around him, who protected him, for what they are.

Sandusky is a vile, slimy, degenerate. Those who protected him; weaklings who enabled a pedophile, who turned their backs on the children in order to keep their place, near the man of wealth and power.

Now, that is all gone, and the stain of his ugliness, covers them all.

“Why didn’t you do something to stop this!” is the question asked over and over again. “You knew and you did nothing!”

“It was reported to you and you did nothing!”

“Why did you not investigate? At least investigate?”

And the nation is outraged.

As we should be– at Sandusky, and at those who enabled him, for decades, to rape those children. Even his wife, (she knew) is no longer welcomed at the fundraisers, the country club, and the invitations to dine, mingle or party— vaporized, swept away by ugly, sooty smoke. Gone.

What Would You Do If You Knew?

That part of us that is human, cannot imagine, anyone who knew a child was being raped or hurt, neglected, abused, would not, for all they are worth, do something to stop it.

As bad as Sandusky is, and as vile as what he did, for as long as he did it, was– it pales in comparison to what more than 100 children on the Spirit Lake Rez are enduring, and have endured, for almost 2 generations. Likely, much longer.

They are being forced to live with known pedophiles, registered sex offenders, abusers, and under circumstances of neglect that would, if you knew, drop you to your knees, puking.

And it is known. It has been reported, it has been witnessed and it has been reported again, and again, and again… newborns, toddlers, teens… raped, often brutally, sometimes drugged and raped, and nothing is done.

Everyone that is in a mandatory reporting position, especially the police, do nothing. The State has had reports and they do nothing. Dr. Tilus’s letter has yet to receive any action from any agency, responsible for the safety of children.

The FBI Knows. US Attorney, Tim Purdon, Knows. Tara Mullhauser, Knows. The police in Devils Lake Know. Officer Bentley Greybear knows as does everyone who is a Tribal Cop, or works in the jail, or in the clinic, or in the school, or in any position of Tribal, State, Federal Government, including judges— they ALL KNOW. And they are doing NOTHING.

Children are becoming sick, getting diseases, being injured, suiciding and being murdered… and they all do NOTHING.

What do you think of these people? What do you think should be done to those people who have, all this time, known about these offenses, circumstances, and who have seen the children, and done nothing?

Now, you all know. You know it is going on. You know they know. Start phoning. Start demanding that they DO THEIR JOBS and they REMOVE those children from danger, and get them into SAFE KEEPING NOW.

Tara Mullhauser, the chronic coffee breaker, just rolls her eyes and says that because of ‘sovereignty’ the Tribe can, essentially do whatever they want, even to the children. Really? Pedophiles can roam freely, dragging their victims around, as long as it is on the rez? Registered sex offenders can do whatever they want and Ms. Mullhauser just shrugs her shoulders?

People, it is up to us, all of us, to stand up for these children. It is up to us to speak out and demand something be done NOW. Because those we thought were doing their jobs, protecting the children, are instead, covering for the pedophiles, enabling them, and many, I suspect, are sharing in the indulgences.

We must see them for what they are– All of them.

And we must demand, and demand, and demand, until everywhere they turn, they see us, hear us, and have no place to run, no place to hide. Because, until they act, those children, those babies, have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and are dreading every minute of their existence.

It is OUR TURN to stop the ugliness. We would have done it if we had known about what was going on at Penn State, wouldn’t we?

And Robbing Them…

Not only was Kevin Dauphinais, aka “Brownshield” robbing these children of the monthly stipends that were supposed to go to their care, and making himself very rich, he was also given signing authority over the Individual Indian Money Account, IIMA, which is supposed to be accruing royalty payments and interest during the lifetime of Indian Children on the Rez, and then, when they turn 18, that money is supposed to be given to them in a lump sum (and typically, the Yanktons would rob them of it that day or the next), in amounts that were $20K+ on average. It was supposed to help them with whatever they wanted in life: Education, a job, starting a business, buying a house, a vehicle… anything.

But Kevin was given Signing Authority by Myra Pearson, and suddenly, those kids got less and less money, to the point that if they were receiving now, only about a hundred dollars or so, each. Sometime ago I remember reporting that they were told the IIMA was ‘broke’ and they received, several, of them– Nothing.

Where did the money go?

So, typically, children on the rez are raped and robbed, and no one does anything about it. No one.

It’s OUR TURN. All we have to do is phone, email, and fax, and demand, demand, demand. Start with Tim Purdon’s office. And go UP from there. I mean all the way up. Go to the heads of every Agency. Go to Eric Holder’s Office. Go to the Head of the BIA.

And don’t stop until we know that those children are safe.

It’s what we expected them to do at Penn State, right? Once they knew?

Only our silence will enable these monsters to keep gnawing on the bones of the children.

When the story is told, will we be one of those slamming our doors and not wanting to talk to anyone? Or will we know that something we did, some action we took, brought the monsters down. Will we be able to hold our heads up? I hope so. I hope so. I really hope so.

They don’t look like monsters right now. Neither did Sandusky. They look like police, USAGs, Judges, Senators, Governors, Congressmen, Tribal Councilors, … they look like you and I, right now. But we know what they really are. And they are not like us. They are monsters, and they will cower and shrivel from the light of truth when you bring them down…

And so will everyone that enabled them.

This is what separates us from the monsters. Our courage to do the right thing, for the children.

I promise you, this will be the ugliest fight you have ever engaged in. It will sicken you, and it will make you angry beyond anything you thought you could feel inside towards another person. But, if you do this, you will have done at least one thing in your life that made a hundred lives better.

It’s what we thought they should have done at Penn State. It’s what we know we must do.

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