John Trudell, Consummate Protector of American Indian Movement Murderers and Rapists

John Trudell has a mysterious past since his “alleged espanic mother” died, his Santee father didn’t claim him and he surfaced out of nowhere at the Alcatraz Island occupation. Did he ever claim to be a full blood Indian? What is he really?

After questioning he revealed he was part Indian and espanic. He does have a street gang he runs with and its still running with him today. His wife, children and mother-in-law were all killed by alleged “federal forces hit man-Chris Richards”. Every where John Trudell goes, follows him an environment of sudden death and paranoia someone is out gunning for him. Why?

The man is mysteriously paranoid and probably has done a few acts that would make him precipitate death to be his running destiny. No one is completely safe around John Trudell and yet, he draws all the new age people to him and his re-organized style of bad boy lobo “Johnny Trudell”.

John Trudell was appointed AIM co-leader, by none other then Vernon Bellecourt, during all the “inner circle” murders and silent acts of internal sabotage of the AIM. John Trudell ran with the West Coast AIM crew that hated and wanted dead all acknowledged or suspected Federal Informants and Operatives within AIM.

In recent years, John Trudell has developed a strange story about “his now friend” Anna Mae Aquash  that he helped interrogate as a suspected Federal Informant. John Trudells’ lame amnesiac acknowledgment of Dennis Banks and the Minneapolis crew is equally as strange since he now doesn’t know where they were at during the “inner circle” murders.

The AIM local chapters had ousted the drugged-out sycophantic Bellecourt brothers (Vernon and Clyde) and (pedophile) Dennis Banks from AIM Leadership. No one in lower AIM chapters knew of several hundred million dollar off-shore AIM-IITC bank accounts except the AIM “inner circle” crew. They had lost the keys to their money wagon and wanted it back in their control.

John Trudell was quickly placed as AIM Co-National Chairman with Carter Camp during this time since Carter Camp was elected from grass roots AIM chapters. William Means was given exclusive authority over IITC (International Indian Treaty Council). Why? Because he was Russell means little brother. No other qualifications were necessary. (Like Vernon and Clyde). Vernon Bellecourt neutralized George Michel and Eddie Banai’s share of the original Franklin Street AIM patrol authority.

Dennis Banks was given the task of neutralizing Russell Means and resulted in Dennis slapping him up a little bit. Clyde Bellecourt neutralized Carter Camp’s AIM influence and leadership by staging a direct physical conflict with Carter Camp where Clyde Bellecourt first assaulted Carter Camps younger brother. Carter Camp had no choice but to retaliate and actually shot Clyde in the buttocks as he was running away from carters vicious assault.

Some place in this time line, John Trudell’s family were assassinated. June 1979 he burned the united states flag on the steps of the FBI headquarters. He states he was AIM-IITC national chairman 1972-1979. His explanation that he quit when Carter Camp went to prison but not that his family had been murdered. Anna Mae Aquash was already listed as dead back in 1975. No worries, man!

Which gave John Trudell 100 % authority to any and all AIM leadership. This wholly orchestrated lone-AIM-chairmanship political move went into immediate withdrawal phase to initiated the AIM policy of never selecting and electing AIM leaders from the rank and file membership. Dismantling and omitting the very powerful “AIM National Chairman” title entirely to never ever be used again. WHY?

It gave the grass roots people control over the AIM-IITC and would quickly phase out the OLD_AIMSTER_GANGSTERS and subsequently, expose their “hidden multimillion dollars donation” secret. It also prevented any national AIM chairman from being held liable for any actions AIM-IITC did in the course of any criminal acts as epitomized within the Frame of reference of the United States Federal Government’s laws and statues, but it was certainly OK to allow a singular AIM-IITC supporter or helper to be prosecuted for their involvement of any AIM-IITC events.

All ordered under the authority of 15-day National AIM Chairman appointee John Trudell and his secretive conspiring Minneapolis co-horts. Today he claims to have been AIM National chairman for 7 years.

In the background, Vernon Bellecourt went into high gear in his “black ninja panty hose” and “incorporated AIM” into the National American Indian Movement (NAIM). Thereby eliminating any selected and elected AIM leadership from the grass roots people’s AIM chapters never ever happened again. Dennis Banks and Clyde Bellecourt were both instrumental in this secret phase as they prevented any sub-political associations of NAIM to local AIM chapters by making physical threats and actual secret memo contacts to trusted “AIM allies” in the grass root AIM chapters.

“Bad jacketing” anyone who spoke out against their coup-de-gra of the AIM organization they founded and subsequently lost to the grass roots Indian activists and members. Those “secret AIM-IITC allies” have been surfacing as the new “selected leaders” in the AIM-IITC NAIM home office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Usually held under a tight rein by both Vernon and Clyde Bellecourt. It was the hidden millions in off-shore bank accounts they were after.

Since John Trudell was now running with the Minneapolis crew, the Bellecourts and Dennis Banks were suddenly back in control of the National AIM leadership and the secret off-shore bank accounts of the donated millions of dollars to AIM-IITC by foreign countries and foreign leaders who hated America. They donated millions of dirty bucks to finance the AIM terrorization of the globally hated United States American Government.

Which brought into focus, many AIM members never suspected what they thought they were making a stand for in behalf of the American, or Canadian Indian people, was also actually a bid of extended “mercenary services” contracted out by the AIM-IITC from those foreign countries financial “considerations” to AIM-IITC. Why do you think Russell means claimed to mobilize a AIM-IITC special forces group to south America and at the same time, was in “collusion” with his chums, the Bellecourt boys? (Always wanted to use that Russell means vocabulary
word just once.)

Read Vernon Bellecourt’s many interviews concerning all the speeches he has made about representing AIM-IITC as a catalyst that all American and Canadian Indians were openly attacking “the united states government” and he was the leader. You will see where Vernon Bellecourt has been to give his speeches at many subversive organizations that openly use “terrorist tactics” against the United States government. Why the United States government hasn’t arrested him is a big mystery.

Many AIM members never knew of the hundreds of millions of dollars bank accounts the AIM-IITC had in off-shore bank accounts setup by Vernon bellecourt and Russell Means. Vernon Bellecourt needed a team player and someone who would play ball the Bellecourt way.

John Trudell was such a team player for the Minneapolis AIM crew and John Trudell has suddenly developed an awful case of “Minneapolis AIM amnesia” in these later days. Its really strange realizing all the people that are killed around this man and he always has a ready made alibi of his where abouts. He has all the bases covered and there are no witnesses to his paranoia.

It is said in Indian country, when someone murders another tribal or family member? The murderer wears a stench and paranoia around them where ever they go. They have the control over the “spirit” to the person they killed and as such, must wear and feed that “spirit”. It eats away their karma and their own dharma eventually Kills them. Two spirits can not live in one body without normalcy being disrupted.

Perhaps John Trudell is of this nature and his reason for paranoia is a matter of survival. However, watch John Trudell, should he decide to turn his back on the Bellecourt brothers. We will surely see what he “shares” as to his innocence in all hidden AIM-IITC matters of embezzlement, murder, rape and child sex abuse.

NO SIR, John Trudell was no safety refuge for Anna Mae Aquash. He was a main player in the AIM secret subversive agenda to the real American Indian Movement Leadership of America. Many west coast AIM members say they could have saved Anna Mae Aquash but didn’t? They were the ground level zero special AIM_IITC task force that existed at that time and there job was simple.

Eliminate informants and federal government operatives. why? I often wonder exactly how much money Vernon, Dennis and Clyde gave to ole Johnny for his services in all this inner circle murder period?

Today, Johnny Trudell is down in tinsel town rubbing elbows with movie stars and other very drugged out “in-vogue” actors and actresses. He is heralded as “speaker of the Indian poets truths”. Hollywood awarded him a “living legend award” back in August 22, 1998. An ex-navy man!

If all these “allegations” John trudell was part of the killing team that murdered Anna Mae Aquash are true? Will Hollywood die of shame? Leonard Peltier is a very common smallish thug character you find at any Indian bar-room gathering. They are part Indian but will go to any length to prove they are as Indian as anyone there. They will not be left out of the “inner circle”.

Vernon Bellecourt personally appointed Leonard Peltier as “Informant Locator and Interrogator”.

Leonard Peltier developed a running crew the likes of any mobster boss in the inner urban city environment. Leonard Peltier selected no rookies but all seasoned tough and equally capable killing men as himself to do the job.

John “lobo” Trudell, Dino “psycho” Butler and Robert “razor” Robideau were his main crew.

So it is not strange they would all be there at many of the AIM most controversial situations within its inner infrastructure conflicts and situations. When you watched Leonard Peltier and his crew operated? You were going to find many fights and violent situations because Leonard Peltier was a thug and had very little intelligence. Leonard Peltier believed he could read a persons psychic aura and know if they were federal informants or if a woman wanted to make love with him. The boy was strange. It bordered on the edge of insanity but the real fact was, Leonard Peltier could hit you or let you stay in AIM depended largely on whether you recognized him as a full blood Indian, or not, and if Vernon Bellecourt thought you were subversive to the AIM.

Leonard Peltiers association with many of the legendary AIM tough guy crews only strengthened his resolve to also hide behind the “sacred pipe” for his acts in the “brotherhoods murderous history”.

Taking your criminal acts into the sacred Sundance and hiding them there under its cloak of secrecy and sacred acknowledgment is a common practice of the AIM-IITC. Leonard Peltier did it. John Graham did it. Clyde Bellecourt did it!! Russell means did it!! Who else can you name?

Sealed with a “vow” over the “sacred pipe”. Now we all know why Leonard Peltier keeps saying my Sundance brothers are jealous of my fame and have left me here in prison to die, but we made a sacred vow on the sacred pipe.


In this time and era, we are realizing them warrior acts as deceptions of cowardice or disinformation. We now know he killed the federal Agents and several other people inside the AIM group but he will never admit it. why? He’s a natural born liar with no respect for the “sacred pipe” and we know he believes if he “snitch’s on telling the truth? He’s a twelve time loser and will get himself killed by ex-felons that play for keeps. That is the laws them boys play by.

However, many AIM members were openly afraid he would beat the hell out of  them, or kill them, if they told. Or? One of “his boys” would do the job for him. Which is why his statement, “we will take care of our own”, is no mere idle threat but a guaranteed promise.

Ever wonder how many people were involved when Anna Mae Aquash was actually killed? We now know its a massive conspiracy involving Leonard Peltier, Dennis banks, Russell Means, Clyde Bellecourt, William means, John Trudell, Ted Means, Dino butler, Charlie Hill, Vernon Bellecourts, certain Lakota AIM women, secretive white Jewish attorneys and some special recruited allies from south and central America. MS13? Maybe? Its a beautiful lie of deception they have been telling us.

It is highly doubtful if Leonard Peltier will ever tell any truths concerning the AIM. He is into lying about his acts too deep he cant back out now. No one believes him anymore. He has rotted in prison and will die incarcerated as a prison homosexual. Leonard Peltier doesn’t know any thing about how certain AIM Leaders used him to do the dirty deeds they wanted done to cover their acts of betrayal to the American Indian Movement. ALL FOR MONEY OR CHILD SEX ACTS.

He was played, punked and he didn’t even suspect a thing. He’s too egocentric about his own sense of value for decency and still so dense in the head to know the Minneapolis crew ordered and played him for a dumb fool. They left him to rot in there forever now. Even Jesus couldn’t get Leonard Peltier out of prison.

So, that brings out some little questions about who, or what, was the dark and sinister invisible mind force behind AIM’s most disastrous era when killing “AIM members” was not an option but a reality? Who is sneaky enough to stage all the acts of the AIM as attributed to certain people and never to themselves? Who would think they could use the AIM activities to mask and hide their personal agendas? How much of the “secret hidden off-shore bank accounts” did the referenced “former Federal Agent” routinely get a percentage of? Why the big AIM agenda about Federal Informants and Operatives? Could those federal informants and operatives recognize the “former Federal agent”? What did the AIM have to hide, or who in the AIM leadership had some thing to hide?

If you’re a American Indian leader, you’re obligated to be of good content of character and able to meet with other sovereign nation leaders. Including leaders of the United States government and people. We have treaties and legal agreements with them people, you know what i mean? Why try to undermine the very basis of our existence as a people by disavowing our ancestors agreements and testament of their passage thru time of the invasion of other people onto our lands? It doesn’t make sense.

Vernon Bellecourt! Ask Vernon Bellecourt! He knows!..Arlo Lookingcloud-2000

He did hide the AIM-IITC millions in off shore bank accounts in Panama, Spain and Geneva, Switzerland. Or perhaps after the disagreement with Russell means, he has switched locations and account names. Some one mentioned they have always had them accounts but were now in Germany and Italy. one thing is certain, he would have some problems bringing that much money into American banking services without reporting it or finding a legal operation to do such a venture.

Which is why he was always traveling out of country when ever AIM had a direct armed confrontational occupation going in the United States or Canada. His famous habit of calling the AIM security and saying, “I cant be with you, brothers, but I am there with you in spirit! hoka hey! its a good day to die!”. “I got you all some donations, here’s where to pick them up at or so-n-so will be arriving to hand them to you.” “Hoka Hey!”. Yeee haww! Yeee haww!!..Click!

Then dear old Vernon Bellecourt would go out soliciting more financial contributions supposedly for the current American  Indian conflict but if any came in? they went directly into the AIM-IITC secret bank accounts and those donations were never mentioned or held accountable since he lied so beautifully about any such donations ever happening. while the American Indian people were defending the American land and people, Vernon was in another country soliciting millions of donated dollars to the AIM-IITC American Indian activism cause. Figure that and say, no way!!! Windigo monies “for the Indian cause”.

Recruiting, grooming and mentally challenging lesser intelligent, “I want to belong to AIM” candidates, to kill the person who would reveal how, and when, he stole the AIM-IITC donated hundreds of millions of dollar funds was easy. Money was a strong enough reason for Vernon Bellecourt to sabotage the AIM. It never was about Anna Mae Aquash revealing Leonard Peltier as the premiere AIM hit man or the notion of “Informants or Operatives” inside the AIM.

Yes, its true Leonard Peltier feared Anna Mae Aquash would tell how he bragged about killing the FBI agents. He was instructed to kill Anna Mae1 Aquash where she stands in Farmington, New Mexico but that was never revealed till later.

Then “another Anna mae2 Aquash” surfaced after the Farmington “anna mae1 aquash”
incident and they were back to square 1 and who was this “anna mae2 aquash”?

Only after Vernon bellecourt commanded John Graham to do some thing about the “Anna Mae aquash2 problem” was “AnnaMmae2 Aquash” addressed. John graham had always worked for Vernon bellecourt and got paid very well for his efforts and successes. Then the “works” were in the making and it was going to be over in a few days.

Its not too “stupid” to think Leonard Peltier and karate expert, Charlie hill, were the men that knocked out Anna Mae Aquash’s teeth. Why? think about it. Anna Mae Aquash was a Canadian woman who knew nothing about American prison ethics and how ex-convicts operate after being released.

There are many AIM warriors Vernon has approached and asked to murder someone he hates or had problems with. In the near future we will meet his, and Dennis Bank’s, “secretive California espanic-indian killing bad boys”. ALL RECRUITED AND GROOMED DURING THE D-Q SUNDANCE CEREMONIES IN DAVIS CALIFORNIA. The great Wanka Tanka is on their side. A mini version of “Wanna Bee Indian” jihad. A holy war with the Europeans. Unless they escape back south to Mexico, the central or south Americas.

How do we know Clyde Bellecourt in not doing the same recruiting and grooming an entirely new AIM-IITC hit squad at the Pipestone Sndance he states that he started because he had a vision? Maybe too much LSD since he was found guilty of selling 5000 hits of LSD to Indian kids. Maybe the United states government can find several of them to question and detain.

Its likely both Clyde and Vernon will either commit suicide or fall down crying about the hidden hundreds of millions of stolen dollars being exposed. Its quite possible they are as smart as john graham and probably have rehearsed a course of action over the 32 years since Anna Mae Aquash’s killing. Then when that actual moment happens they’ve been dreading and planning for? They don’t remember what they had planned and reveal themselves as the idiots they are.

Vernon, Dennis and Clyde used thousands of donated dollars and drugs to post-released ex-felons recruited AIMSTER hit men to do their dirty work. The United States prisons systems is still full of the AIMSTER warriors they used and left to rot in prison. They may be in serious danger if them lifers ever get a hold of their old asses in prison at this stage of their game.

Their conspiracy lies are all falling apart.

Vernon Bellecourt is a thief.

His baby brother, Clyde Bellecourt, is a thug and a thief.

Dennis Banks is into denial and an inspiring lying-walking-running pedophile. A walking dream of insanity and always planning “hits” against people who say he’s a pedophile. Think i am lying? Look at the court records of what kamook said and what Dennis remembers. CHILD ABUSE! Time line is the clue.

Ego-maniac Russell Means still has no clue about integrity but trained as an accountant. The boy lost his brains and still cant understand lying is not a content of character for an American Indian leader or maybe his accountant
training is more powerful then he believes.
Lobo Johnny Trudell is a drug-fried “paranoid” can of spam. His buddies “Quiltman” and Dino Butler seem to be his only touch of reality with the 21st century.

NOTE AND CREDIT TO: Susan Dupree “LookBack Woman.

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