American Indian Movement’s Russell Means Exposed As Rapist and Murderer

A Few Unknown Factoids About AIMSTER Russell Means

Born on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation in 1939, Russell Means has dedicated his life to American Indian activism and constitutional rights for over three decades. He is widely regarded as the most influential Indian activist and political leader of the later part of the twentieth and into the twenty – first century.

A few of the many “first” and “hidden” accomplishments which can be attributed to Russell Means include the following:

Russell Means’s real linage was Crow, White, and Dakota…not Lakota blood at all. Is was a womanizer and abuser or, a documented rapist, murderer, pedophile, spin doctor, propagandist and never took care of his children. He threatened volunteers who collected the American Indian Movement telling them that he and Dennis Banks would kill them if they did not turn over all the donation monies.

Russell Means raped Suzanne Dupree, a 17 year old Lakota girl at a Sun Dance and which was witnessed by 18 members of the American Indian Movement at the Frank Fools Crows arbor in 1972 in the gym of her Catholic Girls school. She had gotten AIM lodging on the Trail of Broken Treaties. The 18 AIM witnessing AIM members did nothing to stop him.  Means was acting long before he ever reached Hollyweird. He also raped with 8 others the sister of Doris Repects Nothing on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

I personally know of another woman Means raped…GANG raped he and 8 others on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. She was the sister of Doris Respects nothing. Her life was destroyed and her spirit murdered.

In the early time of his life, Means was pardoned for his AIM crimes by South Dakota Governor William Janklow because Means and AIM got rid of a young Lakota girl named Jancita Eagle Deer who was raped by Janklow when he was her guardian and she his babysitter. Means and this young attorney, before becoming Governor of South Dakota. When her case for rape against Janklow was nearing, she was hit by a car along side of the road and said to be drunk. Her mother Daphine tried to open an investigation knowing the truth of what happened to her daughter. She was found mysteriously dead too!

Yes, be assured there was FBI complicity in this and still continues to this day protecting the murdering American Indian Movement “leaders” and with Jew Attorney’s working hand in hand to hide the truth…say Bruce Ellison…about ALL the crimes of AIMSTERS..

The pardon was so Means could write his book  “Where White Men Fear to Tread”. There was never any Lakota total immersion school on Pine Ridge as promised by Means…never using any of the monies he made from being in movies or on his book to help relieve the conditions of poverty among the grass roots Lakota Oyate poor. So much for his “Lakota Nation”!

This man should of been sent to prison but when you have the goods on the Governor and Senators and son of South Dakota…but that was never going to happen! But it can truly be said the Creator administered a minuscule pre-eternity taste of His justice…say “Lying Throat Karma Kancer”… just like his fellow murderer John Trudell who was directly involved the in the murder and cover up of Annie Mae Aquash as well as the other 12 buried at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation including Black Civil Right’s worker Perry Ray Robinson who was murdered be David Hill and who was buried with the supervision of Dennis Banks! Say “Karma Kancer” again and for John Trudell!

Both are now in HELL!

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