James Abourezk’s Hidden Connection To American Indian Movement Murders Gets Obama Elected

Read this article in Israel National news which confirms former South Dakota Senator James Abourezk “dots” originating from the throne of hell itself where the King Of Darkness, Liar, and Murderer from the beginning reigns and is further documented in the history of Abourezk and son Charley’s direct connection to the rapes, murders and pedophile crimes as “acted out” in real life by his “HIT SQUAD” known among the beguiled, brainwashed and wannabe’s as the American Indian Movement.

James George Abourezk is NOT a “Arab Christian” but in fact is a Islamic Nazi who hates Real Jews, Real Christians, Real American Indians and this country as evidenced in this article in Israel National News dated Dec. 21, 2010. In this article it is documented that Abourezk has been under Sodom Obama’s desk from the git go advising him and influencing any and all decisions that represent the very “spirit” of Adolph Hitler in his work to destroy Israel, Real Jews, and through his direct control of the Communist elements in the US Government, the American Indian Movement. Abourezk’s Anti-Creator destruction of all things spiritual and temporal that represent the Creator’s Indigenous Peoples represents the dark murderous spirit of Islam and Allah as expressed by Obama’s hate of Israel.

Abourezk through his relationships with AIM’S Trudell, Banks, Means, and the Bellecourt’s and who’s crimes have been hidden to this day because of the “eternal” protection provided by the Justice Department, JewlyWood and the Synagogue of Satan Jewish controlled media which allowed for the Communist/IslamoNazi Sodomite to be elected POUS. Witnesses put James Abourezk’s son Charile present to witness First Nations Warrior Woman Annie Mae Aquash being prepared for her cold blooded murder by Abourezk’s hit squad AIM and in my opinion…because his father was the one who gave the order to take her out by Graham…as well as giving him the “green light” to first brutally rape her.

Add to her murder is up to 12 other’s at Wounded Knee…raped, crucified and murdered including the cold blooded murder of Black Civil Rights worker Perry Ray Robinson Jr. by AIM. This planned coverup and protection of Abourezk’s connection to AIM saved Obama’s ass. I can assure you that Obama was in the know given the relationship he and Abourezk had which is why when the FBI finally admitted that AIM might be involved in Robertson’s murder…that it did so to bury alive Abourezk’s and Obama’s direct connection to their complicity.

What Annie Mae knew and saw ravaged her heart and spirit because she was a first hand on site wintess to the most egregious spiritual and temporal crimes against her people in the rape and murder of as well as the Creator Himself being blasphemed and defiled in the acts of by members of the American Indian Movement at Wounded Knee and elsewhere. In her “confiding” with Banks and Trudell…trusting them to be “Warriors” who would align themselves with her and protect her…she failed to discern that she was in in fact talking to the Devils very own henchmen who in turn shared with Abourezk what she said as a “whistle-blower” who if she was allowed to live…would expose…namely their works of darkness and rape and murder of innocent men, women, and children..

Abourezk’s response was own “IslamoNaziCoEntelPro” plan working with the AIM hierarchy to “jacket her as a snitch” working for the FBI (with the FBI’s knowledge of course!). Abourezk also used his Synagogue of Satan Jew attorney’s with the prime mover among being Bruce Ellison who “confirmed” Annie was a snitch and then through one of his peers after her last arrest, had her released direct (by a “unknown judge” to this day) right into the her AIM ASSASSINS hands who finalized her her being set up for the kill. All the AIM boys… Banks, Trudell, Ted Means, and Bellcourt were in the know with some being at Ted Means home where Annie was brought and WHY his son Charley was their to both confirm and witness his father’s plan of eliminating the ONLY REAL INDIAN who was a threat in exposing them because of what she witnessed.

Just think if this information about Obama’s most favored Anti-Israel hater of Hashem adviser was known and how that would of affected him being elected. Now anyone…tell me what about James Abourezk is “Christian”, “Native” or represents the Creator in any way or Obama for that matter? Just remember the Nazi’s were supported by the Islamic Brotherhood…the same “Satanic Brotherhood” that made up AIM and is running this country today using their Communist template.

And to think that on July 25,  2011 Obama sent US Attorney General Eric Holder to Wounded Knee to “honor the dead buried there” and to announced his plan to END VIOLENCE AGAINST NATIVE INDIGENOUS WOMEN when the real reason was to divert attention from the 7-12 MURDERED AND RAPED BY AIM WOMEN buried there at Wounded Knee as well as Black Civil Rights worker Perry Ray Robinson. Can you say UNCLE TOM…or “Buffalo Soldiers” representing the genocidal “pogrom” of AIM!

In March 2014 the complicit in the murder of Perry Ray Robertson said they “believe” AIM was directly connected to his murder. Really? Having FBI informants at Wounded Knee with one being Doug Durham and with the FBI cover-up representative at the time…Agent in Charge Joseph Trimbach who made sure the shooter of Robinson…David Hill…wound not be arrested or even found after! The FBI knew who killed Annie and the other’s at Wounded Knee…they WERE THERE!

I again must say…that no matter what YOU think or believe or no…there is a HELL prepared for the likes of these liars and murderers and that is G-d’s promise as the FIRST SUN DANCER written in HIS BLOOD!



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