FBI/DOJ Working with Drug Dealers/Pedophiles Kent Duane Greve and Don Dicky To Kill Native American Woman

Attention Greve, Dicky, Allen, and the FBI and their supporting crew i.e Homeland Security, Border Patrol, DEA and any and all Steven’s County Washington State Government parties “in the know”…READ MY LIPS…THIS BLOG IS GOING “NATIONAL”…ALREADY ON THE DOJ SITE, FBI SITE AND MORE…
IF anything happens to Native American woman Suzanne Dupree and her husband using your “CIA/FBI” provided Directed Energy Weapon and in Greves home…then know you shall be held accountable for murder and all will know in the realms of time and more so in the realms of eternity because God knows who you are and what you are about…He being a witness to what you are doing now as well as the other 4 attempts to murder her!
And for the readers of this post…let it be known that on my blog I document the FBI being complicit in the rape and murder of another First Nations/Native woman…Annie Mae Aquash by their favorite “Protect Murdering Raping Pedophile Group”…the American Indian Movement…who also murdered 12 at Wounded Knee in 1973 including Black Civil Rights Worker Perry Ray Robinson Jr.
The last paragraphs in this post are “God Inspired Words” that define the existence in the “realms of eternity” for “liars and murderers” when their body dies and their spirit comes before Jesus Christ to be judged a “righteous judgment”. No matter you may escape in the realms of time. As Jesus said…”But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. “Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops”! The movie “Ghost” is a minuscule sample of what “murderers” experience upon death of their body! Are you ready?

Yes…you read right! A rogue diabolical “brotherhood” is working AS I TYPE to murder Native American woman Belva Schuldt – Suzanne Dupree – “Looking Back Woman”…in Stevens County, Washington State.

WHY? Because she has exposed and identified MAJOR Pedophile/Child Porn and drug activity in her area! And historically speaking…we all should know that the FBI has had those within their organization who worked with CARTELS and PEDOPHILE/CHILD PORN folks and protected them! (SEE BELOW DOCUMENTATION!) AND…you need to know that EVERY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY has been seen on the perps property talking with the them…the DOJ, DEA, HOMELAND SECURITY, and BORDER PATROL…their SUV’s with GOV MARKINGS! ”

This Electro Magnetic Weapon in Kent Duane Greve’s home is located in Orient Washington.

His dwellings are:
3277 D and 3277 C with a Illegal Dwelling next door. The FBI/Justice Dept Wired the ELM Weapon into the illegal house. City is Orient Washington and zip is 99160!

They are right above Suzanne’s home.


CLICK HERE and HERE to understand what this weapon does and WHO…CIA/FBI and THE US GOV. using “criminals” to take out those like Suzanne Dupree who expose their works of EVIL!  Electronic torture, Electromagnetic torture, Microwave torture, Electronic murder, Electromagnetic murder, Microwave murder, Organized murder, Cooked alive, Electronic mind control, Electronic mind reading, Brain zapping, People zapper, People cooker.


“This is it…killed my Robin in bedroom cooked alive on perch…when I picked him up he was hot, as if he came out of oven….
Last night I got really hot, sick to stomach, immediate headache, racing heart, had a hard time focusing on task…etc
Dogs barking, like right now…
They have since last night 2 am knocked out my tablet key board..”


What is electronic harassment/electronic torture/electronic murder? CLICK HERE!

KENDALL ALLEN…Washington State Stevens County Sheriff and his deputies run cover for and working with the DOJ/FBI to protect the drug dealers/meth makers and pedophiles in the local Seventh Day Adventist Church with the ELDER being a pedophile. Allen and his “Posse” have been working to poison Suzanne Dupree’s water, destroy her water purification system to blow out the pump, and most importantly…four attempts on her life have been made and in the last week, her home has been entered at night while asleep 3 times (using the EM. She also found that “3 drinking water bottles” were ADDED to what she had before!

Here is one of her BLOG reports about her experiences with the “criminals”!

I don’t have time to link all her blogs but I have posted EMAILS BELOW that were sent to me and Gary Fields of the Wall Street Journal. WILL ADD LATER but here are some emails that contain information also found in her blogs.


Deputy Paul Murray took early retirement/Sarg Gilmore said
Went to Prosecuting attorneys office Rassmussen when Don Dickey broke in, said wasn’t enough evidence: part of Status Quo/Kettle Falls 5 Drug Cartel, on videos Protecting Peoples Property Rights.

Deputy Hoover spring 2015 when threatened by Avista Supervisor over coming in when AW wasn’t home with Stevens County Sheriff, Hoover said SCSO doesn’t do that w/o Court Order, over 1984 leaking transformer PCB contamination.
File # 1505021

Sargent Gilmore (who laughed at investigation by Boyden/WSJ)….illegal/criminal tresspass/property damage by Gene & Sharon Pond’s cow herd while AW was away, me with broken tailbone/fractured pelvis yrly occurance though have asked Ponds over & over again to keep herd off our property. Gilmore took report, reluntantly gave file# said he’d get back to me twice about cut fences county rd top of our property by Pond/Greve, never did. Last time we spoke I mentioned the videos by Property Rights group over elected officials not paying fees, waiving fees themselves so they didn’t have to take their oath of office, & not recorded into county auditors book history, all part of Status Quo/Kettle Falls 5 drug cartel, including Sheriff Kendal Allen.

Called Stevens County Sheriffs office over Stevens County Road maintenence snowplowing county rd in front of mailbox/gate entrance creating berm so no mail delivery of necessary medical supplies for my injury, no response even though gate entrance was blocking me in in case of medical emergency no one could get to me, still no response.

Called Road maintenence asking they plow berm 7 mailbox on county rd out, said they’d get back no response, pleaded I needed mail for medical supplies/& access for medical emergency…no response.

Called County Commissioner District 7 our area pleaded with them, said I’d get call back, never did….gave the same info, I needed the medical supplies/access for medical emergency…nothing.

Same with Kettle Falls Post Office/said I’d walk out to county rd/mailbox, refused delivery.

Called Senator District 7 Brian Danzel about drug cartel/pedofiles/hacker/cyber stalker Greve/Wilder 7Day Adventist Church Elders/no response though he said he’d do something.

Commissioner McCart the same about poisoned water source.

Same with Allen Reichman, legal council Dept of Ecology water rights theft by Dickey/Greve. Reichman asst Attorney General Washington State. Records with Criminal attorney Barry Bachrach, Reichman closed investigation when we had water tested showed high levels of Uranium, arsnic, thalium nitrate, orderless, tasteless poison meth cookers use to manufacture meth/Wilder/Greve/Dickeys/Crack Shack Stanleys all cook, manufacture/distribute heron, meth, crack coke.

DOJ up to Greve/Stanleys last yr, black chev tahoe with DOJ insignia on doors, in business together…yarded duffle bags of something out of Greves, at Malmedes both owned by Greve for hours…no one went to jail, on & on & on for 5 yrs of harassment, death threats, running my livestock, hacking, stalking, “FBI June Mail,” electronic surveilance, phone tap/via old Centurylink/Quest party line/split amplified line, mail opening, break ins/home invasions by perps.

No help from anyone when the perps attempted to murder me 4 times…
This is my 5 yrs here, no matter if Reuben McMichael or AW spoke with SCSO, no file# after Dept Murrays 1009450 file # until 2015 with Hoover & Sargent Gilmore

I have photos, daily journals, eyewitnesses….spoke with Seattle FBI/DEA/Homeland Security, Border Patrol, Port Commander McKay about Dickeys harassment/real estate fraud, June 2013, first murder attempt on Oct 2, 2013, Dickey moved two weeks after call to McKay, said he was moving to Nevada, but continued working as a manager/director Metaline Falls, Washington Port of entry…both Laurier, Wash & Metaline Falls Port of entry is where drug cartel sends drugs across….vetted, same California retired cops that run drug cartel in Colville, are in Grand Forks, BC working with Hells Angels across CANADA!

Statement date Feb 3/2016 6:42 pm
Belva June Suzanne Schuldt/Suzanne Dupree/Looking Back Woman
3285 Orient Cutoff Road
Kettle Falls, Washington
/physical property location/Orient, Washington 99160


Reuben McMichael’s murder, no death certificate from Stevens County, he died May 16, 2014, in Colville hospital….GT & I have been monitoring for the death certificate for almost two yrs now…NONE!

Reuben McMichael was my protector/friend, like a second father to me, looked after me while AW was away at work, could call him day or nite, he’d be here…
The perps murdered him & I can prove it, but not in any court in this state with corruption all the way to the top!


NEWSPAPER ARTICLE AUG 27, 2014 15 million $$$ child sex abuse lawsuit filed against Greve/Wilders 7 Day Adventist Chapter, Oregon Chapter & Maryland Chapter abuse, two boys now men, church elders knew did nothing…20 yrs of abuse.

I told the Dept. I would sign a deposition had tons of photos/evidence…they never followed up, AW was home witnessed it. They were up here for a illegal trespass campsite across the rd from our property, a guy LJ was camped in a tent whre they cook the drugs, there was a warrent out for his arrest, beating up his girlfriend, Lori, emptying her bank acct, after beating her, his buddy raped her repeatedly…Swim left his business card where the tent/LJ was camped, but refused to give me one. He was the dept. who came here Nov 3/2010 w/Black dept & spoke with us, John Trimbach, AW & I about Dickey breaking in, Crack Shack Stanley’s two men hassled me at the Orient store, wouldn’t let me get in my truck to leave, I just pushed 1 out of the way, opened the heavy truck door which knocked him out of the way long enough for me to get in.

I pulled behind their car blocking them & took their license down.
Dickey sicked them on me to intimidate me, they came in property after incident & pull wires off engine off my Pathfinder right outside my bedroom window.

Nov 10th, 2010 Sheriff Bitton was seen across from Orient store talking with Don Dickey during an open investigation Dickey breaking in our house stealing sales contract, home inspection & tried to find former victims legal docs against him they left for us….
Paul Murray called Bitton from cop shop while I was on the phone w/Murray…asking Bitton about their conversation, he lied, said unknown male came up & asked if he was Swim Or Murray, Bitton said no…that was end of conversation, but the eyewitness said Bitton/Dickey talked for 20 minutes/signed a statement which went to Prosecutor Rassmussen, he back dated a letter Oct. 20, 2009 to me, stating not enough evidence to charge Dickey. We did not arrive until July 22, 2010…at that point I understood all were in collusion/conspiracy with Dickey…just didn’t have all the players or their roles, do now all documented, after 6 winters & Protecting Peoples Rights videos.
Did it now, one go for the record…if anything does happen to me, murdering me after 4 tries is not out of the question.
Spokane Attorney Bob Dunn told me to file corruption, rackteering, money laundering, real estate fraud, drug manufacturing/distribution, child sex abuse, hacking, cyber stalking threats….phone tap/stalking against Dickey/Greve/Wilder & Colville Status Quo, but other than a deposition to Barry…where do I go to do it? Perps have motive, intent, access & opportunity to murder me & get away with it…I even have a deathbed deposition from Reuben the last time I saw him, right under Dan Bryants nose his murderer/POA!


Deputy Paul Murray took early retirement/Sarg Gilmore said
Went to Prosecuting attorneys office Rassmussen when Don Dickey broke in, said wasn’t enough evidence: part of Status Quo/Kettle Falls 5 Drug Cartel, on videos Protecting Peoples Property Rights.

Deputy Hoover spring 2015 when threatened by Avista Supervisor over coming in when AW wasn’t home with Stevens County Sheriff, Hoover said SCSO doesn’t do that w/o Court Order, over 1984 leaking transformer PCB contamination.
File # 1505021

Sargent Gilmore (who laughed at investigation by Boyden/WSJ)….illegal/criminal tresspass/property damage by Gene & Sharon Pond’s cow herd while AW was away, me with broken tailbone/fractured pelvis yrly occurance though have asked Ponds over & over again to keep herd off our property. Gilmore took report, reluntantly gave file# said he’d get back to me twice about cut fences county rd top of our property by Pond/Greve, never did. Last time we spoke I mentioned the videos by Property Rights group over elected officials not paying fees, waiving fees themselves so they didn’t have to take their oath of office, & not recorded into county auditors book history, all part of Status Quo/Kettle Falls 5 drug cartel, including Sheriff Kendal Allen.

Called Stevens County Sheriffs office over Stevens County Road maintenance snowplowing county rd in front of mailbox/gate entrance creating berm so no mail delivery of necessary medical supplies for my injury, no response even though gate entrance was blocking me in in case of medical emergency no one could get to me, still no response.

Called Road maintenance asking they plow berm 7 mailbox on county rd out, said they’d get back no response, pleaded I needed mail for medical supplies/& access for medical emergency…no response.

Called County Commissioner District 7 our area pleaded with them, said I’d get call back, never did….gave the same info, I needed the medical supplies/access for medical emergency…nothing.

Same with Kettle Falls Post Office/said I’d walk out to county rd/mailbox, refused delivery.

Called Senator District 7 Brian Danzel about drug cartel/pedofiles/hacker/cyber stalker Greve/Wilder 7Day Adventist Church Elders/no response though he said he’d do something.

Commissioner McCart the same about poisoned water source.

Same with Allen Reichman, legal council Dept of Ecology water rights theft by Dickey/Greve. Reichman asst Attorney General Washington State. Records with Criminal attorney Barry Bachrach, Reichman closed investigation when we had water tested showed high levels of Uranium, arsnic, thalium nitrate, orderless, tasteless poison meth cookers use to manufacture meth/Wilder/Greve/Dickeys/Crack Shack Stanleys all cook, manufacture/distribute heron, meth, crack coke.

DOJ up to Greve/Stanleys last yr, black chev tahoe with DOJ insignia on doors, in business together…yarded duffle bags of something out of Greves, at Malmedes both owned by Greve for hours…no one went to jail, on & on & on for 5 yrs of harassment, death threats, running my livestock, hacking, stalking, “FBI June Mail,” electronic surveilance, phone tap/via old Centurylink/Quest party line/split amplified line, mail opening, break ins/home invasions by perps.

No help from anyone when the perps attempted to murder me 4 times…
This is my 5 yrs here, no matter if Reuben McMichael or AW spoke with SCSO, no file# after Dept Murrays 1009450 file # until 2015 with Hoover & Sargent Gilmore

I have photos, daily journals, eyewitnesses….spoke with Seattle FBI/DEA/Homeland Security, Border Patrol, Port Commander McKay about Dickeys harassment/real estate fraud, June 2013, first murder attempt on Oct 2, 2013, Dickey moved two weeks after call to McKay, said he was moving to Nevada, but continued working as a manager/director Metaline Falls, Washington Port of entry…both Laurier, Wash & Metaline Falls Port of entry is where drug cartel sends drugs across….vetted, same California retired cops that run drug cartel in Colville, are in Grand Forks, BC working with Hells Angels across CANADA!

Statement date Feb 3/2016 6:42 pm
Belva June Suzanne Schuldt/Suzanne Dupree/Looking Back Woman
3285 Orient Cutoff Road
Kettle Falls, Washington
/physical property location/Orient, Washington 99160


Here is the exact same “Drug Template” that Suzanne has exposed and reported to ALL LEVELS of National, State, and Local government and who are operative in Stevens County Washington State by the same “perps” down the road in Montana with the Federal Bureau of Investigation – FBI and the United States Justice Department protecting their own who are working with the cartel folks while fabricating charges against those exposing them or outright murdering them.

Yes…this is what Suzanne is exposing and why she is being targeted with death by the FBI and their “workers”. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140901225855-29817943-montana-drug-smuggling-and-fbi-complicity

I interviewed Melissa Buckles from the Assiniboine-Sioux tribe on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana. During this interview, she described the many drug airplanes and helicopters landing at night at the remote Indian reservation, the many drug-related killings occurring on the reservation, and her charge that FBI agents in the Glasgow, Montana office were involved with protecting the drug operations. She described the cover-ups by the Billings Bureau of Indian Affairs office, and similar drug activities at other Montana Indian reservations including Fort Belknap. She described a letter Gold sent to FBI Director Louis Freeh on December 15, 1997, and never answered. That letter stated in part:

1. South Florida FBI Agent Terry Nelson is a target of an internal agency investigation involving the drug operation….The drug smuggling operation occurred in flight routes to Nova Scotia and Chapeau Airfield in Quebec; then over to Weyburn, Saskatchewan and down into North Dakota and Montana. The major shipping zones in Montana were Sidney, Chinook, Havre and clandestine airstrips on the Fort Peck Tribal Lands. Alternative routes into Eureka, Libby, Whitefish, and Shelby may also have been used.

3. Corrupt Montana authorities in Chinook, Sidney and the Fort Peck tribal lands coordinated protection of the smuggling operations. A prominent Montana state official received payments into accounts in the Helena Norwest Bank branch in conjunction with the multi-ton shipments of Colombian Cali-cartel heroin and cocaine.

6. FBI agents operating out of the Glasgow office assisted the Nelson smuggling operations and involved Fort Peck tribal police as well as other tribal members in illicit activities.

10. Two Glasgow FBI agents involved in the drug operation likely compromised dozens of investigations on the Fort Peck and Fort Belknap tribal lands. Witnesses are available and have information directly linking the Glasgow FBI agents and other officials to drug related activities and violent civil rights abuses.

In other parts of her letter, she described the many murders of people exposing the drug-related activities, including forty people murdered on one reservation alone. She added, “There are people in Montana who are clearly scared and are begging for help.” Freeh never responded to her letter and none of the witnesses were contacted.

FBI Director Cover-up: What Else Is New!

Buckles wrote a letter to U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, making reference to Gold’s letter to Freeh, the failure of the FBI Director to respond, and then gave details of the serious drug smuggling problems and the involvement of Montana and FBI agents in the trafficking. She never received a response.


Kendall Allen Again! 

Allen was involved in the cover-up of a MURDER. He is a liar and his deputies are cloned from his Satan owned spirit. Read HERE is what Suzanne experienced complements of KENDALL and the local drug/meth making pedophile infested Stevens County collective including being POISONED with the intent to KILL HER!


Threat Basis

Comment: This is why I took the threat by Colville Avista supervisor seriously and took action to protect myself, my husband, my home and animals exposing corruption is the only way to protect yourself. (Stevens County Sheriff’s Office file #1505021):

In April 2002, a deputy and reserve deputy of the Stevens County (Washington) Sheriff’s Office, and a corrections officer for a local corrections facility were involved in an incident in which an Austrian-made Steyr machine gun was used to shoot up a neighborhood in southern Stevens County. At the time of the incident, the deputy, reserve deputy, corrections officer and others involved had consumed alcohol at the home rented by the deputy and corrections officer. Bullets from the gun pierced walls of surrounding homes, punched holes in vehicles, and lodged in trees and other obstacles in the path of the barrage. Luckily no one was injured or killed although a bullet missed one sleeping man by a mere five feet. Numerous complaints had been lodged with the Stevens County Sheriff by neighbors of this deputy prior to this incident. Those complaints ranged from loud parties to underage girls frequenting the residence. Those complaints fell on deaf ears. After the fact, it would come to light that the deputy did not have the license required to own or have in his possession the Steyr machine gun which actually belonged to the Kettle Falls, Washington, police department and had ended up in the deputies hands via a string of transactions all violating the law.

On May 19, 2006, in Chewelah, Washington, a man was shot dead by a Stevens County Sheriff’s Deputy and a Chewelah Police Officer. The initial reports surrounding the incident and later reports do not jibe; and in total, the incident smells rank of police misconduct, unjustified use of force, and excessive force. The Sheriff of Stevens County, facing re-election in November, has made sure his face appeared on the local media. The Sheriff’s deputy involved is known for his aggressive use of his badge and gun; his swat team mentality. His superiors cannot claim ignorance of either his mentality or his actions. The incident is being investigated by the Spokane Sheriff’s Department. There is no doubt that the incident will be classified as “justified” and a cop who should not be a cop will be given license to kill someone else “in the line of duty.”

In each of these instances, initial police reaction has been to justify the actions of police officers. After long periods of stalling, details then trickle forth pointing to police misconduct to include police brutality, excessive use of force, and misuse of the badge. And these incidents are but a representative sampling of incidents that have occurred; they are by no means the majority of incidents or isolated incidents in scope or nature.

There is more of course and the PEDOPHILES and DRUG DEALERS can be found on her blog. I just wanted to let the FBI/DOJ, KENT DUANE GREVE, DON DICKY, KENDALL ALLEN AND HIS PARTNERS IN CRIME KNOW THAT THE BRAND OF UNDERWEAR THEY WEAR IS NOW PUBLIC INFORMATION…”MADE BY SATAN”…and no matter what you do and get away with in the realms of time…once your spirit leaves your body upon DEATH OF…then YOU WILL be subject to the JUSTICE OF GOD and His punishment…say HELL!


And wo unto the deaf, that will not hear: for they shall perish.

Wo unto the blind, that will not see: for they shall perish also.

Wo unto the uncircumcised of heart: for a knowledge of their iniquities shall smite them at the last day.

Wo unto the liar: for he shall be thrust down to hell.

Wo unto the murderer, who deliberately killeth: for he shall die.

Wo unto them who commit whoredoms: for they shall be thrust down to hell.

Yea, wo unto those that worship idols: for the devil of all devils delighteth in them.
And, in fine, wo unto all those who die in their sins: for they shall return to God, and behold his face, and remain in their sins.

O, my beloved brethren, remember the awfulness in transgressing against that Holy God, and also the awfulness of yielding to the enticings of that cunning one.

I say unto you, Can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear the voice of the Lord, saying unto you, in that day, Come unto me ye blessed, for behold, your works have been the works of righteousness upon the face of the earth?

Or do ye imagine to yourselves that ye can lie unto the Lord in that day, and say, Lord, our works have been righteous works upon the face of the earth, and that he will save you?

Or otherwise, can ye imagine yourselves brought before the tribunal of God, with your souls filled with guilt and remorse; having a remembrance of all your guilt; Yea, a perfect remembrance of all your wickedness; yea, a remembrance that ye have set at defiance the commandments of God?

I say unto you, Can ye look up to God at that day with a pure heart and clean hands?
I say unto you, Can you look up, having the image of God engraven upon your countenances? I say unto you, Can ye think of being saved when you have yielded yourselves to become subjects to the devil?

I say unto you, Ye will know at that day, that ye can not be saved: for there can no man be saved except his garments are washed white: Yea, his garments must be purified until they are cleansed from all stain, through the blood of him of whom it has been spoken by our fathers who should come to redeem his people from their sins.

And now I ask of you, my brethren, How will any of you feel, if ye shall stand before the bar of God, having your garments stained with blood, and all manner of filthiness?
Behold, what will these things testify against you?

Behold, will they not testify that ye are murderers, yea, and also that ye are guilty of all manner of wickedness?

And now, I have spoken the words which the Lord God hath commanded me.

And thus saith the Lord: They shall stand as a bright testimony against this people, at the judgment day; Whereof, they shall be judged, every man, according to his works, whether they be good, or whether they be evil; 

And if they be evil, they are consigned to an awful view of their own guilt and abominations, which doth cause them to shrink from the presence of the Lord, into a state of misery and endless torment, from whence they can no more return: therefore, they have drunk damnation to their own souls.

Therefore, they have drunk out of the cup of the wrath of God, which justice could no more deny unto them than it could deny that Adam should fall, because of his partaking of the forbidden fruit; therefore, mercy could have claim on them no more for ever.

And their torment is as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flames are unquenchable, and whose smoke ascendeth up for ever and ever.


And now behold I say unto you, then cometh a death, even a second death, which is a spiritual death;

Then is a time that whosoever dieth in his sins, as to a temporal death, shall also die a spiritual death: yea, he shall die as to things pertaining unto righteousness;

Then is the time when their torments shall be as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flames ascendeth up for ever and ever; And then is the time that they shall be chained down to an everlasting destruction, according to the power and captivity of Satan: he having subjected them according to his will.

Then I say unto you, They shall be as though there had been no redemption made; for they can not be redeemed according to God’s justice; and they can not die, seeing there is no more corruption.

Even so…AMEN

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