9/11: The Shocking Truth Laid Bare…Say ISRAEL!

This article consists of key 9/11 quotations arranged in the form of a 6500-word dramatic collage so as to give the impression of a live “debate” — an imaginary debate in which the shocking Truth is finally laid bare.

WHO DID 9/11?


1.  Introduction

LASHA DARKMOON: I’d like to start by saying that every statement you read here is a 100 percent authentic quote. Nothing has been fabricated. You can check out every word and phrase on the internet. The only bits you won’t find already published are my own interconnecting comments. As the editor of the article, I have allowed myself the privilege of taking part in this imaginary “debate”.

If the overall effect is at times surrealistic, this is intentional. The entire 9/11 debate, after all, is an exercise in surrealism replete with the most bizarre Alice in Wonderland logic. The mere fact that the chief suspects of the 9/11 crime have been allowed to investigate themselves makes this only too clear.

The aim of the debate is to pose and answer the question: Who did 9/11? My own conclusion has already been stated elsewhere:

“Israel is the rogue state that is arguably responsible for the greatest mass murder in history: the catastrophe of 9-11. If scientific evidence and forensic logic are anything to go on, Israel has to be suspect number one here, given its unbroken record of terrorism and its endless breaches of international law. Any country that can orchestrate such a spectacular crime and get away with it—while somehow managing to pin the blame on nineteen Arabs with box cutters—is clearly a force to be reckoned with.”

Finally, I wish to apologize in advance for any offense given by this article. No offense is intended. My aim is simply to provide the reader with a wide variety of 9/11 quotes in a dramatic format that will, hopefully, have maximum emotional impact.

2876903_370Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”

— Comment about Mossad in a report issued by the US Army School of Advanced Military Studies, quoted in theWashington Times on September 10, 2001, the day before 9/11.

DR ALAN SABROSKY (former director of studies at the US Army War College) : What we need to stand up and say is that not only did they, the Israelis, attack the USS Liberty – they did 9/11 also. They did it!

I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period. The Zionists are playing this as an all-or-nothing exercise. Because if they lose this one, if the American people ever realize what really happened, they’re done!

LASHA DARKMOON: Mr President, I can see you are not very happy with this introduction. Would you like to make the opening statement for the defense?

BARACK OBAMA (lamely) : I’m aware that there’s still some who would question or even justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people on that day. The victims were innocent men, women and children from America and many other nations who had done nothing to harm anybody. And yet al-Qaeda chose to ruthlessly murder these people, claimed credit for the attack, and even now states their determination to kill on a massive scale. They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts.

TONY BLAIR: There have been the most terrible, shocking events taking place in the United States of America within the last hour or so, including two hi-jacked planes being flown deliberately into the World Trade Centre. I am afraid we can only imagine the terror and the carnage there and the many, many innocent people who will have lost their lives…. For the moment, let me say this: Saddam Hussein’s regime is despicable, he is developing weapons of mass destruction, and we cannot leave him doing so unchecked….

HUGO CHAVEZ: Don’t be shameless, Mr Blair! Don’t be immoral, Mr. Blair! You are one of those who have no morals. You are an imperialist pawn who attempts to curry favor with Bush-Hitler, the number one mass murderer and assassin there is on the planet! Go straight to hell, Mr. Blair!

FRANCESCO COSSIGA (former Prime Minister of Italy): All the intelligence services of America and Europe know well that the disastrous 9/11 attack was planned and realized by the CIA and Mossad, with the help of the Zionist world, in order to pin the blame on the Arab Countries and persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ABRAHAM FOXMAN (furious) :  These hateful conspiracy theories rationalize and fuel global anti-Semitism! . . . Perhaps the most notorious conspiracy theory of modern times suggested that 4,000 Jews were pre-emptively warned to stay away from the World Trade Center the day of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a myth that quickly morphed into the Big Lie that Israel and Jews were responsible for 9/11.

BRITISH HISTORIAN DAVID IRVING (sarcastically) : We are happy to report that the 4,000 figure dwindled eventually to three (not three thousand, but three), then two, then one: the unfortunate Daniel Lewin!

LASHA DARKMOON (explaining) : On September 12, the Jerusalem Postreported that the Israeli embassy in America was bombarded on 9/11 with calls from 4,000 worried Israeli families. This was a preemptive move. It was a sly attempt to deceive the public into thinking the Israelis were victims of 9/11 like everyone else. In fact, they were not.

Nearly 500 foreign nationals from over 80 different nations had been killed in the World Trade Center. A large number of Israelis had worked in the buildings and so a proportionately large number of Israelis could be expected to have died there. To give the impression that this was the case, President Bush, primed by his Jewish minders,  announced soon after the tragedy that 130 Israelis had died in the towers. To his subsequent  embarrassment, 129 of these Israelis were found to be alive and well. The number of Israelis who died in the Twin Towers turned out to be ridiculously small, in defiance of the law of averages — only one man! And he was a chance visitor who happened to be passing by.

It appears that hundreds of Israelis who ordinarily worked in the buildings, or had business there every day, had either been forewarned to stay away, or, by sheer good luck, had been kept away by mysterious forces.  In total, threeIsraelis died in the 9-11 attack: two on the ‘hijacked’ planes and one in the Twin Towers, a casual visitor. The rest had been warned to stay away by the Odigo messaging service.

Coincidentally, Odigo had a branch office only two blocks away from the World Trade Center. Even more coincidentally, Odigo’s headquarters were located in Herzliya, Israel, a town just north of Tel Aviv where — wonder of wonders! — Mossad is also headquartered.

ALEX DIAMANDIS (Odigo’s vice president, admitting Israeli foreknowledge) : The messages said something big was going to happen in a certain amount of time, and it did — almost to the minute!

LASHA DARKMOON:  Well, there you have it! A frank admission that Odigo, an Israeli company located a mere stone’s throw away from Mossad in a little town near Tel Aviv , knew that 9/11 was going to happen and warned Jews to stay away! There were many lucky Jews that morning. Consider this. An Israeli government run company called Zim Israel Navigational, the 9th largest shipping company in the world, had 200 employees working in the North tower. One week before 9/11, Zim moved out of its World Trade Center offices with its 200 workers. And they were so keen to get out quickly that they were ready to pay a $50,000 fine for breaking their lease!

Then there was ‘Lucky’ Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC buildings. He too had a miraculous escape. Every morning, as faithful as clockwork, Lucky Larry would enjoy breakfast at the Windows on the World restaurant atop the North Tower. His daughter Lisa would show up for breakfast too — a regular feature. On the morning of 9/11, both father and daughter (smilingly pictured here)  found excuses for staying away. Lucky Larry discovered he had a dermatologist’s appointment. Daughter Lisa was caught up in a convenient traffic jam.

Lucky Larry had a son. He too was expected in the building that morning. Like his sister Lisa, he too had the extraordinary good luck to be caught in a traffic jam — in a different part of the city.

Truly, God was smiling on his Chosen people that morning.


2.  They lie about everything

LASHA DARKMOON: How can so many Americans still believe in the outrageous lie that Al Qaeda did 9/11 when there are so many Jewish fingerprints all over this crime?

SEYMOUR HERSH:  We lie about everything.

FRANCESCO COSSIGA (former Prime Minister of Italy) : I have always said that the intelligence agencies of the leading nations of the world are certainly very well aware that the official version is a fraud. The largest media networks are also aware of the 9-11 hoax, primarily because of their fundamental role in perpetrating this fraud on the public. The people are always the last to know the truth.

ABRAHAM FOXMAN (angrily):  It is incumbent upon all good people who reject hateful conspiracy theories and anti-Semitism to stand up and speak out! — so that these unacceptable views remain marginalized and relegated to the far fringes of society and the darkest corners of cyberspace!

KEVIN BARRETT (ignoring Foxman) : Recently, Seymour Hersh, America’s top mainstream investigative reporter, broke the news that the US government’s claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden on May 2nd, 2011 was a big lie. “There’s not one word of truth in it,” he said. Hersh went on to harshly criticize his long-time employer, the New York Times, and other big media outlets. He said all big US media outlets should be shut down for lying to the American people.

SEYMOUR HERSH :  Lying has become the staple.

KEVIN BARRETT:  Other mainstream journalists agree that the US government’s story of Osama Bin Laden and 9/11 is a big lie. Sherwood Ross, an award-winning journalist who has worked for the City News Bureau of Chicago, the Chicago Daily News, and for Reuters and other wire services, told me this in a recent radio interview.

SHERWOOD ROSS:  It’s very doubtful that Muslims were behind 9/11. I don’t think 9/11 was an Arab conspiracy. I think it’s an American conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States and install what is becoming a police state.

KEVIN BARRETT:  Ross has explained that American journalists are no longer free to expose even the most outrageous falsehoods.

SHERWOOD ROSS:  You don’t see any serious questioning by the mainstream media. I thought one of the tip-offs that it was a put-up job was when a cameraman from a little weekly in Pennsylvania went to the site where this airliner had supposedly crashed on 9/11. And he said, “I didn’t see any airliner. I saw a hole in the ground. I didn’t see any bodies. I didn’t see any luggage.”There was no wreckage! Reporters who worked in the Press Room at the Pentagon went out there on the lawn, and they couldn’t see any airliner!

THIERRY MEYSSAN: (famous French author) : How does a plane 125 ft. wide and 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is only 60 ft. across?

KEVIN BARRETT:  I asked Ross whether he is allowed to express such views in his [mainstream] articles.

SHERWOOD ROSS:  Absolutely not! You won’t see me quoted nowadays by the Associated Press!

KEVIN BARRETT:  Another leading American journalist, Paul Craig Roberts, has also been banned from US mainstream media for telling the truth about 9/11.

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS (grimly) : Now seen universally as a lawless warmonger and a nuisance, Washington’s soft power has been squandered. With its influence on the wane, Washington has become more of a bully. In response, the rest of the world is isolating Washington.

KEVIN BARRETT:  Dr. Roberts served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, won the French Legion of Honor and other awards for his contributions to economics, and has been a regular columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and other mainstream publications. But since he spoke out about the controlled demolitions of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11, Paul Craig Roberts has been put on the mainstream media’s no-publish list.

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS:  One of the worst things that ever happened to America was when President Clinton allowed five companies to concentrate [= buy up] the American media. The so-called mainstream media is no longer the media. It doesn’t tell you anything. It’s a propaganda ministry—the Ministry of Propaganda.

KEVIN BARRETT:  Rather than writing for the mainstream media, Paul Craig Roberts is now exposing the fake killing of Osama Bin Laden.

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS:  The neoconservatives who advocate America’s hegemony over the world called for “a new Pearl Harbor” that would allow them to launch wars of conquest. No evidence exists that supports the government’s 9/11 story. It is unnecessary for me to report the voluminous evidence that conclusively proves that the official story is a lie! You can read it for yourself. It is available online. You can read what the architects and engineers for 9/11 truth have to say. You can read the scientists’ reports.

LASHA DARKMOON:  More than 200 senior military, intelligence, and law enforcement officials, including two generals, have now questioned the 9-11 Commission’s report. They have been joined by over 1500 top architects and engineers, 250 pilots and aviation experts, 400 university professors, and 250 survivors and their families.

KEVIN BARRETT:  Don’t bother reading the mainstream media! As Seymour Hersh, Sherwood Ross, Paul Craig Roberts, and a rapidly growing number of ordinary Americans realize, the mainstream media’s motto is now: “We lie about everything.”

OSAMA BIN LADEN:  As a Muslim, I do my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks.

PROF. DAVID RAY GRIFFIN (author of eleven books on 9-11) : All the proffered evidence that America was attacked by Muslims on 9-11 appears to have been fabricated.

LASHA DARKMOON: It’s hard to see how Muslim hijackers could have been involved, given that no CCTV pictures exist of the hijackers anywhere in the airports. Moreover, there are no Arab names on any flight lists. No boarding staff were prepared to testify to having seen any Arab-looking persons boarding the planes. Above all, there’s not a single post-mortem indicating any Arab dead bodies at the scene of the crime. On the other hand, the passport of one of the alleged terrorists, Satam Al Suqami, apparently came fluttering down to Ground Zero where the FBI found it intact. Amazing, isn’t it?

DAVID RAY GRIFFIN:   The FBI claimed that, while searching the streets after the destruction of the World Trade Center, they discovered the passport of Satam al-Suqami, one of the hijackers on American Flight 11. For this to be true, the passport would have had to survive the collapse of the North Tower, which evidently pulverized almost everything in the building into fine particles of dust — except the steel and al-Suqami’s passport. This claim is too absurd to pass the giggle test.

The passport of alleged Al-Qaeda mastermind Mohammed Atta was miraculously found intact among the ashes of the Twin Towers.
The passport of alleged Al-Qaeda mastermind Mohammed Atta was miraculously found intact among the ashes of the Twin Towers.

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS: How could a tiny undamaged passport be found in the rubble of two skyscrapers, each more than 100 stories tall, when bodies, office furniture and computers could not be found?

LASHA DARKMOON: Nothing that could have embarrassed the US government survived the explosions. Even the “indestructible” black boxes containing key flight information had been complete vaporized, contrary to the laws of physics. Even more miraculously and conveniently for the US government, two charred passports of alleged Al Qaeda terrorists, one of them ringleader Mohammed Atta(pictured), had been found intact in the ruins — almost as if someone had placed them there on purpose to be found.  (See here)

CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN:  What many people don’t understand about 9-11 is that there was no proper criminal investigation into 9/11. Although the World Trade Center was the scene of the greatest mass murder in U.S. history, the evidence from the crime scene, such as the structural steel, was treated like scrap; cut up into small pieces, mixed with other scrap metal, and shipped to China to be melted down. The public was given an utterly false story and incited to wage war in Afghanistan while the crucial evidence was being destroyed in two junkyards in New Jersey.

"I had no knowledge of these attacks!"
“I had no knowledge of these attacks!”

OSAMA BIN LADEN (pictured) :  I had no knowledge of these attacks!

CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN:  The FBI investigation of the events of 9-11 was being managed by Michael Chertoff, the Assistant Attorney General  who was the US official who was supposed to collect the evidence, find the guilty parties, and prosecute them. Under Chertoff, however, an Israeli-American dual national, there was no 9-11 investigation and no prosecution.

In the end there was not a single trial for any of the families who lost loved ones on 9-11. The US District Judge who oversaw the 9-11 litigation was Alvin K. Hellerstein, a dedicated Zionist in New York whose son lives in an illegal Israeli settlement on the occupied West Bank.

If a crime like 9-11 is not properly investigated and prosecuted, you can be sure there is something to hide.

BIOLOGIST RICHARD DAWKINS (fatuously) : Bin Laden has won! (After a jar of honey belonging to him was confiscated by airport security).

OSAMA BIN LADEN:  What is this? Is it not that there exists a government within the government in the United Sates? That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the US Government system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States.

This system is totally in control of the American Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is clear that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid down by the Jews.

3.  They kill people to silence them

KEVIN BARRETT:  One of the leading scientists challenging the US government’s version of 9/11, Dr. Crockett Grabbe, has gone on record charging 9/11 cover-up forces with a series of murders and attempted murders — including attempts on his own life.

LASHA DARKMOON:  They’re now actually killing people to silence them?

KEVIN BARRETT:  In a recent interview on my radio show, Dr. Grabbe, a physics professor with a Ph.D. from Cal Tech, described a series of attempts on his life that followed the publication of his 2011 book National Swindle of the World Trade Center.

DR CROCKETT GRABBE:  I’m not just referring to the murders that occurred on 9/11, but also the unexplained murders of both 9/11 witnesses and truth-seekers: Michael Doran, David Graham, Bertha Champagne. The interesting thing is, Bertha Champagne and Nancy Hamilton both had unexplained deaths from automobiles running over them.

LASHA DARKMOON:  I notice quite a few mysterious automobile accidents taking place nowadays. This seems to be the new way of disposing of government whistleblowers and high profile witnesses. I’m thinking here of the Franklin cover-up and the Gunderson case, both involving high-level witnesses to government involvement in pedophile crimes. These witnesses conveniently meet their deaths in car accidents—bumped off  before they can get to court.

DR GRABBE:  The thing that made me a believer is that when I published my first book in 2011, there were unexplained, strange attempts to hit me with an automobile. It was just unbelievable! I’m not a 9/11 witness or anything. I’m just a physicist showing that nothing supports the official version of 9/11.

LASHA DARKMOON:  How did they try to kill you?

DR GRABBE:  There were actually several cases. I’ll mention two from back in 2011. The first one was…one morning I went out for a walk on the street. And there was a pickup that went past me at very high speed…then quickly stopped and started backing up at high speed towards me. I felt he was trying to hit me with the vehicle, but I couldn’t be sure till later, when I was going out to get my mail in the evening.

LASHA DARKMOON: This guy tried to kill you twice on the same day?

DR CROCKETT GRABBE:  When I opened my mailbox, I heard an engine start up and saw a car come around the curve very rapidly about a hundred to two hundred feet away from me. My mailbox was full of mail … if I’d gotten the mail out, that pick-up, the way it was traveling close to sixty miles per hour and coming straight at me, it would have hit me!

KEVIN BARRETT:  Dr. Grabbe’s book, Anatomy of Mass Murders,discusses the suspicious deaths of nineteen 9/11 witnesses or truth-seekers: Barry Jennings, Beverly Eckart, Kenneth Johanneman, Christopher Landis, Paul Smith, Major General David Wherley, Salvatore Princiotta, Deborah Palfrey, Barbara Olson, Michael H Doran, David Graham, Bertha Champagne, Nancy Hamilton, Suzanne Jovin, Perry and Beth Ann Kucinich (Rep. Dennis Kucinich siblings), David Kelly, Presanna Kalahasthi, and Senator Paul Wellstone.

SENATOR WELLSTONE AND HIS FAMILY The senator asked too many awkward questions about 9/11. Soon he was dead, along with his wife and daughter, in a mysterious plane crash…
The senator asked too many awkward questions about 9/11. Soon he was dead, along with his wife and daughter, in a mysterious plane crash…

LASHA DARKMOON:  Senator Paul Wellstone (pictured), now that’s an interesting case. The Senator was a 9/11 Truther who had said, “There are so many things going on in relation to 9/11 that just don’t make sense.”

Inflammatory comments like that, coming from a US senator, are clearly incompatible with longevity. Soon after he said that the Senator was dead, in a plane crash: along with his wife, his daughter, three staff members and two professionally trained pilots.

The investigation of this mysterious multiple death was a farce, just as the investigation of what really happened on 9/11 was perhaps the ultimate farce — an “investigation” conducted by Israeli American citizen Michael Chertoff (pictured here with his Jewish accomplices) into a crime committed by Mossad in cahoots with American neoconservatives — most of them also Jewish.

The only plausible explanation for Senator Wellstone’s death is that he and his entourage were assassinated.

DR JIM FETZER:  Seymour Hirsch disclosed recently that Vice President Cheney was running an executive assassination ring from his office in the White House, where Wellstone appears to have been one of his targets.

LASHA DARKMOON: Why has no one investigated Cheney?

KEVIN BARRETT:  Despite all the murders, the truth continues to spread. As a huge billboard in Times Square trumpeted the “smoking gun of 9/11” — the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 – Americans rose up this fall to stop the planned bombing of Syria. Why? They simply did not believe government and media claims about the al-Ghouta chemical attack. Americans have been dragged into wars by false-flag attacks and government lies too many times.

GEORGE W. BUSH (butting in angrily) : Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists!

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS:  America is in the toilet, and the rest of the world knows it. But the neocons who rule in Washington and their Israeli ally are determined that Washington start yet more wars to create lebensraum for Israel.

SENATOR  JOHN  McCAIN (taking the high moral ground) : Blaming the US government for the events of 9/11 mars the memories of all those lost on that day! It shakes Americans’ faith in their government at a time when that faith is already near an all-time low! It traffics in ugly, unfounded accusations of extraordinary evil against fellow Americans!

IRANIAN EX-PRESIDENT MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD (tactlessly) : The majority of the American people believe some segments within the US  government orchestrated the 9/11 attack to reverse the declining US economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime.

BARACK OBAMA: For him to make a statement like that is inexcusable!

ANN COULTER: We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them all to Christianity!

AL GOLDSTEIN (Jewish pornographer) : Christ sucks!

SARAH SILVERMAN (Jewish comedienne, passing off hate speech as humor) : I hope the Jews did kill Christ! I’d fucking do it again — in a second!

KEVIN MACDONALD:  The Jewish elite fears an America that takes Christianity seriously.

SARAH SILVERMAN (insulting the relatives of 9/11 victims) : 9/11 widows give the best hand jobs!

LASHA DARKMOON: Despicable rat!

T.S. ELIOT (intervening tactlessly) : The rats are underneath the piles! The Jew isunderneath the lot!

LASHA DARKMOON:  Watch out, Mr Eliot, or you’ll ruin your reputation!… Suffice to say it’s quite true that there were lots of Jews lurking around “underneath the piles”, so to speak, both on 9/11 and before. There were many Jews in the Bush administration. They had close ties to the Israeli government.

Every one of the following kingpins of the Bush administration was also an Israeli citizen: Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Michael Chertoff, George Tenet (real name Cohen), Elliot Abrams, Donald Kagan, Richard Haas, Kenneth Adelman, Edward Luttwak, Robert Satloff, David Frum, David Wurmser, Steve Goldsmith, Marc Grossman, Ari Fleisher.

EHUD BARAK:  Let there be no illusions! This attack is an attack on everything that Western civilization holds dear!  And we know who the attackers are!

CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN:  Ehud Barak certainly knows “who the attackers are”.  He sees the chief architect of 9-11 every time he looks in the mirror!

DONALD RUMSFELD:  There are things we don’t know we don’t know.

GEORGE W. BUSH (pounding the table with his fist) : If you’re not with us, you’re against us!

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU (smirks) : We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon!


“9/11 was good for Israel!”

4.  The 9/11 war criminals should be rounded up and executed

LASHA DARKMOON:  The chief suspects of the 9/11 crime of the century have often been named. Here are the names of 39 individuals who should be taken into custody at once and closely questioned in a humane and civilized manner, preferably without waterboarding. Those with asterisks after their names are Jewish:

George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Benjamin Netanyahu*, Ehud Barak*, Shimon Peres*, Henry Kissinger*, George HW Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle*, Douglas Feith*, Dov Zakheim*, George Tenet (Cohen)*, Robert Mueller, John Ashcroft, Michael Chertoff*, Michael Mukasey*, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Richard Armitage, Philip Zelikow*, Ari Fleischer*, Karl Rove, Elliott Abrams*, Lewis “Scooter” Libby*, Jack Abramoff*, Rudolph Giuliani, Eliot Spitzer*, Richard Holbrooke, Michael Ledeen*, Larry Silverstein*, Frank Lowy*, David Rockefeller, Rupert Murdoch*, Maurice Greenberg*, Paul Bremer, William Kristol*,James Woolsey, Newt Gingrich.

Of these top 39 suspects, note that 22 (or more than half) are Jews, most of whom are also dual citizens with Israeli passports. If guilty of treason and mass murder, they should all be executed without mercy  — like the pathological liar Tony Blair, for example, whose sycophantic services to his Jewish masters have helped to make him a multimillionaire.

TONY BLAIR: Before people crow about the absence of Weapons of Mass Destruction, I suggest they wait a bit…. As I have said throughout, I have no doubt that they will find the clearest possible evidence of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction.

WILLIAM DALRYMPLE (British historian) : Like anyone else who knows anything about the Middle East, you just pray that this man will shut the fuck up.

"Lead me into war!"
“Lead me into war!”

ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Blair is a lightweight. I don’t like his political morals and how he’s been enriching himself since leaving office. He preaches high moral language but … I have a visceral contempt for Blair. Not dislike. Just contempt.

GEORGE W. BUSH: Yeah, Blair, what are you doin’?

TONY BLAIR (groveling at the feet of his Master): Lead me into war…you know I believe in you!

GEORGE W. BUSH (maniacally) :  We will rid the world of evildoers!

LASHA DARKMOON: Over a hundred co-conspirators have so far been accused of having been deeply implicated in 9-11, but undoubtedly there are many others whose complicity and silence have had to be bought by the only two means available: the carrot and the stick. The stick involves either the threat of blackmail or instant death if they dare to step out of line — as in the case of Senator Wellstone and Dr David Kelly. The carrot involves bribery and sweeteners: astronomical sums of money paid into secret bank accounts for the rest of their lives, guaranteeing total silence in anticipation of those enormous annual deposits.

Where will the money come from to pay out such stupendous sums?

Quite simple. The money was already stolen before 9/11 with the help of Israeli dual citizen, Rabbi Dov Zakheim. He somehow managed to “lose” at least  $2.3 trillion, or $3 trillion according to most other accounts. Antiwar activist and CIA whistleblower Susan Lindauer has given evidence that the money actually stolen from the American taxpayer amounts to a staggering  $9.1 trillion.

To get through even $1 trillion wouldn’t be easy. A trillion dollars would be enough to keep 1000 conspirators and their families in pig heaven for the rest of their lives. The other trillions have reportedly made their way into secret bank accounts, with the bulk ending up in Tel Aviv and Zurich.

See here for more on the missing trillions

KEVIN BARRETT:  So what happened to the Pentagon’s missing 2.3 trillion dollars—or $9.1 trillion if you believe Susan Lindauer? The one thing we know for sure is that it has never been found. At least not officially. Lindauer says insiders know it was embezzled by agents of Israel. Interestingly, the Comptroller of the Pentagon—the man who was running the Pentagon’s finances—was a known Israeli agent, Rabbi Dov Zakheim.

RABBI DOV ZAKHEIM How did a Jewish rabbi gain control over Pentagon finances and manage to lose $3 trillion in three months?
How did a Jewish rabbi gain control over Pentagon finances and manage to lose $3 trillion in three months?

LASHA  DARKMOON:  Rabbi Dov Zakheim (pictured), born 1948, dual American-Israeli citizen, was appointed Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. This put him in full charge of Pentagon finances. By September 2001, a mere three months later, he had managed to “lose” or misplace three trillion dollars — at the phenomenal rate of a trillion dollars a month.

That’s $1000 billion (or $1 million million) in 30 days! No one in recorded history has ever managed to “lose” such a colossal sum of money in so short a time.

In spite of this, the woefully incompetent — or shamelessly rapacious —  rabbi was allowed to continue in his post of Pentagon Comptroller until March 2004, almost another three years. With complete impunity.

Let  me give you a few fascinating statistics now that will allow you to view this vast hemmorhage of wealth in its proper perspective. The richest top ten Jewish American billionnaires in 2012, according to Forbes magazine, owned assets between them amounting to $203 billion. (See here). This is roughly one-fifteenthof the $3 trillion Rabbi Zakheim clawed away from the American taxpayer in three months.

The combined wealth of all the billionaires in the entire world in 2012 amounted to $4.6 trillion. (See here).  If Rabbi Zakheim actually stole $9.1 trillion, as alleged by CIA whistleblower Susan Lindauer, he would have gotten away with almost twice the total wealth of all the billionnaires in the world.

The missing trillions have reportedly found their way to Israel, resulting since 2001 in vast real estate acquisitions by Israeli interests in South America, Europe, the United States and other parts of the world. Much of the world’s surface today is probably owned by absentee Jewish landlords, with vast holdings under the stewardship of the Rothschild family.

KEVIN BARRETT:  The 9/11 attack on the Pentagon targeted the accountants who were on the trail of the missing trillions.

LASHA DARKMOON: How convenient. The crime can no longer be investigated because the investigators have been killed. And the relevant documents were destroyed. Accidentally.

PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER (sadly): The post-9/11 USA is no longer a beacon of human rights.

GEORGE W. BUSH:  Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists! We will find those who did this! We will smoke them out of their holes! We’ll get them running! We’ll bring them to justice! We will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail! We will rid the world of evildoers!

SENATOR ORRIN HATCH: We’re going to find out who did this and we’re going after the bastards!

JERRY FALWELL (late televangelist) :  I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians—I point the finger in their face and say — ‘You helped this happen!’

BAPTIST PASTOR FRED PHELPS: Thank God for 9/11! Thank God that five years ago the wrath of God was poured out on this evil nation—America, land of the Sodomite damned! The deadly events of 9/11 were direct outpourings of divine retribution, the immediate visitation of God’s wrath and vengeance and punishment for America’s horrendous sodomite sins!

LASHA DARKMOON (aside) : Watch out, Obama!

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS:  If Muslims were capable of pulling off 9/11, they are certainly capable of assassinating Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, Condi Rice, Kristol, Bolton, Goldberg, and scores of others during the same hour of the day. The argument is not believable that a government that was incapable of preventing 9/11 is so all-knowing that it can prevent assassination of unprotected neocons. Try to imagine the propaganda value of terrorists wiping out the neoconservatives in one fell swoop, followed by an announcement that every member of the federal government down to the lowest GS, every member of the House and Senate, and every governor was next in line to be bumped off.

LASHA DARKMOON: Excellent point. If Al Qaeda were so fiendishly clever and formidable that that it could carry out 9/11 so easily, how come it hasn’t assassinated George Bush, Tony Blair, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, and all its other implacable enemies? President Bush, would you like to sum up for the 9/11 orthodoxy?

PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH: You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.

LASHA DARKMOON:  Perfect!  A final question. When you were president, were you ever in control? Or were you just a puppet of the Jews?

ARIEL SHARON (from the Other Side) :  I want to tell you something very clear.  We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it!

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU (sneering contemptuously) : America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction….  Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.

ADMIRAL THOMAS MOORER (Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff under Ronald Reagan) : I’ve never seen a President stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on.

LASHA DARKMOON: Monsieur Voltaire, you have remained remarkably silent all this time … almost as if you were the ghost at the banquet. As one of the world’s most distinguished Enlightenment philosophers, perhaps you would like to give us your views on the Jewish Question. Whither Jewry?

VOLTAIRE (choking with rage) : Our masters and our enemies!… whom we detest!… the most abominable people in the world!… They are, all of them, born with a raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.

5.  Conclusion

LASHA  DARKMOON: Forbes magazine, which supplies us regularly with lists of the richest people in the world, makes a point of excluding the very richest: those whose wealth is either beyond computation or public scrutiny. These include the Queen of the Netherlands (the world’s richest woman), the Queen of England, the Queen of Denmark, the Queen of Spain, the Sultan of Brunei, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, and the kings of Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain.

Though the wealth of these few individuals, all of them non-Jewish, is enough to feed the starving planet, it is a mere fraction of the wealth of the Jews.

Most of the world’s wealth is concentrated in the hands of the House of Rothschild, with lesser but still vast (undisclosed) amounts in the secret vaults of a few elite Jewish families: the Schiffs, the Wallenbergs, the Oppenheimers, the Morgenthaus, the Goldman-Sachs, the Lehmans and the Guggenheims. The entire wealth of the world has been estimated as $990 trillion. Of this, the lion’s share, roughly $500 trillion, is reported to belong to one dynastic family alone: the Rothschilds.

The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers (the latter family rumored to be worth $100 trillion) own between them all the world’s major banks, big corporations, conglomerates and oil companies, apart from huge real estate holdings such as castles, palaces, stately mansions, luxury hotels,  race courses, casinos, exotic holiday resorts, and vast tracts of farm land and virgin forest.

Staggering amounts of gold bullion, diamonds, jewelry, rare art, antiquarian books, coins, precious metals and stones clog up their underground vaults. These people have never sight eyes on most of the things they possess. They have never set foot on the land they own. In spite of all their fantastic wealth, they feel desperately poor and insecure; nor can they rest easy in their beds until they own everything — and the rest of mankind is reduced to a condition of abject slavery.

9/11 was a catalyzing event for these emperors of opulence. It ushered in a new world order and precipitated a series of catastrophic new wars that would help to create new starving refugees, new impoverished immigrants, and new opportunities for endless exploitation by an essentially hostile Jewish elite.

KEVIN MACDONALD:  A new Jewish elite has seized all of the major choke points of American society: academia, the courts, and politics. It’s a hostile elite — hostile to the traditional people and culture of America.

LASHA  DARKMOON:  In 2000 the 70-year-old Sir Evelyn de Rothschild married affluent businesswoman Lynn Forrester (pictured here). They spent their wedding night at the White House in Washington DC, with Bill Clinton scuttling around serving them drinks and hors d’oeuvres. A year later, on September 11, 2001, the couple hired out the entire top two floors of a 5-star hotel in Manhattan. The hotel had a majestic view of New York.

At 9 am precisely on that fateful morning, September 11, 2001, the lucky couple stepped  out onto their balcony where breakfast was served.  They had ringside seats of the World Trade Center. They could see the Twin Towers glittering in the distance. They could see the first plane approaching through an azure blue sky … and then the fireworks … the explosions … the billowing smoke … and then the second plane approaching …. They could see men and women leaping from the towers … spiraling downward to their deaths on the concrete below.

As they sipped their coffees on the sunny balcony, musing on life and death and sex and shopping, they had the best seats in the house.

KEVIN MACDONALD (summing up) It all boils down to this. Today’s Jewish elite hates the nation it rules.


— Voltaire, 1771

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Dr Lasha Darkmoon (b.1978) is an Anglo-American ex-academic with higher degrees in Classics whose political articles and poems have been translated into several languages. Most of her political essays can be found at The Occidental Observer and The TruthSeeker. Her own website, Darkmoon.me, is now within the top 1 percent of websites in the world according to the Alexa ranking system.

222 thoughts on “9/11: The Shocking Truth Laid Bare”

  1. “Wait, I’m confused… Aren’t we supposed to not worry and be happy by going shopping?

    From the savage and brutal attack against the USS Liberty, where crew members trying to escape in lifeboats were machine-gunned, to the attack on the USS Cole, to throw the election to the Bush-Cheney Junta, to the 9/11 False Flag, there’s one common denominator…. Israel.

    A nation that machine guns survivors trying to escape a sinking boat and deliberately targets with bombs, missiles and shells hospitals and rehab centers and refugee compounds would have no qualms about attacking the USA on 9/11.

    Exclusive: Israel’s Video Justifying Destruction of a Gaza Hospital Was From 2009


    1. In addition to all the killing of Palestinians, and the destruction visited on Gaza, the sub humans occupying Palestine, have done a deal with Jordan, of the buying, and selling, of the gas, situated off the Gazan coast.. These global criminals make mafia hoods look almost harmless.. I have a suspicion that the puppets, and prostitutes, are plotting something huge, which can be blamed on Russia or Iran, all the recent rhetoric by Obama, and Rasmussen, in Newport, was designed to hammer home the consequences of any attack on NATO members.. (maybe I`m just a conspiracy theorist)..

  2. An excellent summary of 9/11, which was essentially a Jewish coup d’état not only of the US but of the whole planet.

    Some small corrections though :

    1) Richard Holbrooke was Jewish from both sides :

    “Holbrooke was born on April 24, 1941, in New York City, to Dan Holbrooke and Trudi Kearl (née Moos); his brother, Andrew, survives him.[7][8] Holbrooke’s mother, whose Jewish family fled Hamburg in 1933 for Buenos Aires before coming to New York, took him to Quaker meetings on Sundays. His mother, a potter, has stated: “I was an atheist, his father was an atheist… We never thought of giving Richard a Jewish upbringing. The Quaker meetings seemed interesting.”[9]

    Holbrooke’s father, a doctor who died of cancer when Richard was 15 years old,[7] was born of Polish Jewish parents in Warsaw and took the name Holbrooke after migrating to the United States in 1939. The original family name was Goldbrajch.[10]”. Source : Wikipedia.

    2) There is no direct information that Paul Bremer is Jewish. The name “Bremer” however occurs on the list of Jewish names in Consolidated Jewish Surname Index, avotaynu (quod vide). Names on “-er” derived from European cities such as Berliner, Prager etc. are mostly Jewish. “Bremer” is obviously derived from the German city of Bremen. Paul Bremer therefore is probably of assimilated Jewish descent.

    3) Beatrix van Oranje may be one of the richest women of the world, she is no more queen of the Netherlands since her son Willem-Alexander took over in 2013.

    4) The correct name of the Jewish diamond tycoon is Oppenheimer, not Oppenheim.

    For the rest, it is as former prime-minster of Malaysia Mahathir Mohammed said : “Jews rule the world by proxy.” That is true the more so after 9/11.
    (May God have mercy on our planet).

    1. Franklin: Many thanks for these corrections. These irritating errors are bound to occur when one relies on one’s sources without further checking.

      Also, as you know, in many cases there are disagreements about whether someone is Jewish or not. For example, so many people on the internet claim that Stalin was a Jew but the evidence for this is lacking. Most mainstream sources refuse to accept that Beria was Jewish and yet there is some evidence that he was — that his grandmother was Jewish and that Stalin had suspected him of being Jewish.

      Then of course there is Rupert Murdoch. Is this guy Jewish or not? I think he is. When I said so a a dinner party in Toronto, I was told to “shut up” by a Jew and to “get my facts right”!

      1. Xanadu –

        As for Rupert Murdock, now you can tell them you ‘know’ he is a Jew. Murdock is also a citizen of Israel through Law of Return.

        Rupert Murdock’s father Sir Keith Murdoch attained his prominent position in Australian society through a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family, née Elisabeth Joy Greene.
        And that, as I am sure you know, makes him a Jew according to the law of the Talmud, and indeed according to the present laws of Israel. The Law of Return.


  3. US & Israel are doing the same on World scale as Hitler and Nacy Germany did on European level. But they have learned from history and do it more cleverly.

  4. Just brilliant Lasha! As a 911 skeptic almost from day one I have read all these comments before, some many times, but your scholarly genius puts them into clear context. It goes without saying that you have chosen a dangerous path, take care, keep safe.

    (Posted also on Facebook and Veterans Today)

  5. 150 mossad agents were found to.be undercover working in the Twin tower companies, also as maitanance workers , a few were caught on top of an office building applauding what was happening that is too fishy they were detained because they had no authorization to work under cover, plus they didn’t give or say why they did it Cia came took them and released them according to us documents that in its self is too obvious even to a blind guy , what are mossad agents doing there, specially when all this is going on there, they always involved in some major crap That happens in america, mossad means israel so why are they always involved in everything somehow

  6. David Gordon · VT Commenter · Progenitor at Free State Agenda

    Great work above, Lasha! Thank-you for this heady, slightly deranged amalgamation of words and events. It reads like a bad dream, but real. Must be benevolent aliens and angels keeping the internet alive – cause there is no way the govermob wants this discussion to take place!

    1. Must be benevolent aliens and angels keeping the internet alive
      you may actually be onto something, see here

      quantum jitter guarantees that jew and his devil-god can never fully control the outcomes.
      which is why that fraud einstein complained so bitterly about quantum theory (g*d does not play dice – yes he does, jewboy and it is not in sheldon adelson’s casino)

      once these devices hit the market, we can talk real smack, unperturbed by mossad’s snooping effort.

      and there is no shutting down the internet, it is an idea, not a physical entity and can be quickly rebooted in china, russia and india if shut down in the states.

    2. The benevolent aliens are benevolent to Jew bankers. The angels work for agencies like the NSA, CIS and Mossad. The parent head of household of the internet is DARPA. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

      The internet gives private information on half of the world’s population… which could never have been gotten through written letters and boxes.

      Government agencies welcome these discussions. It gives them huge amounts of info unavailable in the past.


      1. Or look at it like this (with any alien factors aside):

        DARPA, by nature of its very reliance on gathering information, anticipated that there would come a day when it would be very important for them to gather said information.


        Because so much of the information represents Truth. “They” see how much TRUTH TO POWER (remember that term?) is being spoken, and obviously saw the immediate need to ramp up Con-troll-ed Opposition, modern technology style.

        In the past there was little need for info-gathering vehicles such as the internet because of the continuing prevalence of darkness. But with light shining through, and to be seen at the end of an ancient tunnel, comes their perceived need to be the cat to the goyum mice. As the mice slowly but surely gnaw away at the ropes that have bound the Truth for eons.

        Kind of like when you were a kid on the phone to your friends talking about embarrassing things about your parents, and maybe wondering if they were listening in. Remember those old party lines? Well, to that I say……

        HI MOM! 😉

      2. Brownhawk –

        We only had one phone, so whispering got’er dunn.

        Before the net all we really had for poor folks was the bulletin boards at the PO and laundromat.

        ARPANET started to share info between MIT and UCLA…etc, but the Jews got a-hold of it with Rand involved…. Off to the races.

  7. LC
    September 6, 2014 – 7:10 pm

    This is the pure evil we are up against….. Its completely beyond dimensions of reality humans can imagine!!!!

    Eyewitness To Bohemian Grove “Satanic” Sacrifice – Peter Chernoff – Anthony J Hilder


    Q;;; Have you talked to David Icke about these non-humans??? (if so can you please elaborate???)

    1. LC,

      They are the Anakim. Yes, my dear fellow soul, the Anakim are real and they are here.

      The truth about our world is an ugly, horrendous nightmare, the details of which will be made known very soon. It is going to be painful.

      Those without souls rule our planet and that’s why you see what you see.

  8. Informative, interesting, and grimly amusing. Very good work. Thanks for all the effort I’m sure you put into this.

  9. thanks lasha for the fantastic job on pasting disparate bits into a revealing symphony of evil.
    never knew this, for instance (is there a link to source?):
    In 2000 the 70-year-old Sir Evelyn de Rothschild married affluent businesswoman Lynn Forrester (pictured here). They spent their wedding night at the White House in Washington DC, with Bill Clinton scuttling around serving them drinks and hors d’oeuvres. A year later, on September 11, 2001, the couple hired out the entire top two floors of a 5-star hotel in Manhattan. The hotel had a majestic view of New York.

    At 9 am precisely on that fateful morning, September 11, 2001, the lucky couple stepped out onto their balcony where breakfast was served. They had ringside seats of the World Trade Center. They could see the Twin Towers glittering in the distance. They could see the first plane approaching through an azure blue sky … and then the fireworks … the explosions … the billowing smoke … and then the second plane approaching …. They could see men and women leaping from the towers … spiraling downward to their deaths on the concrete below.

    bon apetit, monsieur juif.

    how is it that no death squads are in operation to facilitate their descent to where they belong and are Chosen to spend eternity?

  10. Reposted from Veterans Today, September 6, 2014 – 10:03 pm:

    A good compilation, Lasha, but why risk sabotaging the veracity of it by making careless mistakes like saying Evelyn de Rothchild and wife stepped onto the balcony at precisely 9 am on 9/11 and saw the first plane approaching in the azure sky? In fact, the first plane hit at 8 46 and the second at 9 03. You leave room for any skeptic to feel justified that you’re playing fast and loose with the facts.

    Lasha Darkmoon replies on VT, September 7, 2014 – 2:48 am

    @ Rich Ryan

    I apologize for this error or ambiguity. There is admittedly some confusion here. The source I cited had said that the Rothschilds had stepped onto the balcony at “precisely 9 am”, in which casethey missed the first plane hit at 8.46 am but were in time to have “a ringside seat” for the second plane hit at 9.03 am.


  11. Reposted from Veterans Today , September 7, 2014 – 12:01 am :

    Only thing I’d pick you up on is the Rothschild post marriage breakfast.

    Rothschild is sophisticated. He wouldn’t have wanted to show his new bride just the destruction of the Towers. He would have said to her “Now darling, watch carefully the reality and now watch the TV I’ve had set up here on the balcony.”

    And watching the reality and the TV side by side, she would have said “Wow!” And he would have said “Yes. You can see, my darling, that in reality there were no planes. Yet I am able to mandate what the masses assume is reality! This rare gift of being able to see how the world really operates is my gift to you.”

    And she would say, “My god Evelyn, you really are a God – I am incredibly turned on by your power! I think we should fuck some more!”

    1. “in reality there were no planes”

      Correctamundo – they were holographic imagery of planes, whose projection were perfectly timed to the remote-controlled activation of EX-plosives planted well in advance. Eventually came the remote-control activation of planted IM-plosives bringing the buildings down

      1. Brownhawk – Are you sure?

        All this time I thought there were huge reddish yellow and orange fireballs indicating a relatively low temperature of combustion with huge clouds of billowing black smoke produced from the burning of thousands of gallons of hydrocarbon which was the kerosene JP fuel.

        Of course there were no such fireballs and smoke when there were visible explosives which were detonated just before and during the collapses.

        There were huge black carbon deposit residues on the outside surfaces of both towers after the kerosene was burned off. And after the kerosene burned away the smoke became gray due to the lack of hydrocarbon fuel inside the structures.

      2. No planes?!!! Yes there were!!! You are just trying to muddy the water to make 911 truthers look stupid. You are probably a government troll here to stir up trouble. Smart people are catching on to your lies and misinformation psyops.

      3. I’m pretty certain, Pat.

        You’ll note how every scrap of the downed buildings was methodically chopped up, put on trucks and carted off to the Jersey dumps, all the non-evidence (i.e. no plane remnants) relegated to the innumerable dustbins of history

        Simulating the burning to make it look like the residual footprint of jet fuel is a piece of cake for them. 9/11 was too important to screw up, and the technology needed to pull it off comes from a well-used bag of tricks going far back in time

        They don’t call ’em ancient aliens for nothing

      4. Brownhawk-

        By saying it was done by ancient aliens without the specifics will let Jews like Silverman and the Mossad connection off the hook. And if the Jews and Mossad assholes had control of that technology themselves, they would have used it again in other parts of the world, such as Tehran, Syria, Libya…Iraq… Australia…etc.

        “Pretty certain” means you are still guessing. Just as I am still guessing since I was not consulted.

        There were numerous part of airplane debris scattered for blocks at WTC. There was little debris at the Pentagon as the evidence points to a missile being used there. Even Rummy slipped on that one. And Shanksville is lacking the debris of a passenger plane.

        I ave been reading the ‘alien tech’ discussions for years. I am not convinced.

        I believe the most tragic cover-up is the few lives claimed. I believe there were more than 20,000 casualties.

        Why??? 100,000 body bags were hurriedly produced specifically for NYC attacks… AND delivered at the required time.

        If the true numbers were ever revealed the DC criminals would not have been able to hide the ‘milk-toast’ phony reports produced by the fraudulent Commission. Even important people world-wide would demand more answers if the number was admitted to be 20.000+.

        Here are some pieces of physical evidence to HELP support that claim.

        Company Sues Over Deal for Body Bags
        The Nation | IN BRIEF / NEW YORK
        July 11, 2003|From Times Wire Reports

        A New Jersey company that manufactures body bags filed suit against New York City, charging that the city has reneged on a deal to buy 100,000 specially manufactured bags after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
        Fordion Packaging Ltd. of Hackensack is suing the city for $203,388 it says the city still owes the company for making the body bags it manufactured on a rush basis in the days after the terrorist attacks.


        The suit was DISMISSED and settled out of court, instead of a jury trial as requested. That means there is NO RECORD!! ALL the attorneys were Jewish, and SO WAS THE JUDGE!!

        U.S. District Court
        Southern District of New York (Foley Square)
        CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:03-cv-05097-AKH

        Fordion Packaging v. City of New York
        Assigned to: Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein
        Demand: $0
        Cause: 28:1391 Personal Injury

        Date Filed: 07/10/2003
        Jury Demand: Plaintiff
        Nature of Suit: 190 Contract: Other
        Jurisdiction: Diversity

        STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL: this action is dismissed with prejudice, each party to bear its own costs pursuant to Rule 41(a) of the FRCP. (Signed by Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein on 2/4/05) (db, ) (Entered: 02/14/2005)

  12. how is it rabbi zakheim stayed on the job years after “losing” 3 trillion in 3 months? not getting rid of him wasnt an act of treason how? if the report it actually being 9 trillion, even more amazing he wasnt publically flogged (maybe even literally!). WTC-7 not hit by a plane, housed SEC financial fraud investigations that werent ever a threat to some bin laden guy, who might have enjoyed watching televised trials of fraudsters.

    criminals exempt from prosecution for “being semitic” is pretty outrageous, they might as well be openly luciferian saying “haha the devil made me do it” as they blame their victims and claim to BE the victim. is justice magically (apparantly) a “hate crime”? “dual citizen” izrahell firsters guilty of treason magically above the law, is disgusting, as are those who protect their freedom, who should also be prosecuted.

  13. Well, let me to be the first to say Thank You for all the hard work that went into this article. If there was any truth to the official story this movement would have died out long ago. Instead, it is evolving everyday.

  14. Reposterd from Veterans Today:

    Thanks for your excellent research work and creative collage, Lasha! Though I already knew much of the info gathered here, the way you organized it made it much more significant. The ending, with the description of the Rothschilds’ breakfast, is superb. And Voltaire was absolutely right…

  15. This is, truly, a very clever way to condense and distribute the big picture of circumstances/truth among a larger number of people. Who knows? Maybe, someday, Justice WILL be served against the perpetrators of this extreme crime…

    Thank you for your efforts, Dr. Darkmoon!

    1. It was a crime AGAINST THE WORLD – not just America! They have tried – and to a large degree, succeeded – in commandeering the most powerful military machine to do their bidding. But that command may be shorter-lived than they’d bargained for, due in large part to articles like this one.

  16. I have seen those comments on Veterans Today but I refuse to post on that crappy website! Why? Because it has antagonized the entire Jewish community not only by making the infamous Darkmoon a columnist there but by stating that 40% of its articles are disinfo!!!

    What does this mean, Mr Montecristo? Figure it out for yourself, you are an intelligent man! It means, logically, that 40% of everything Darkmon says in this article is DISINFO!

    It is FALSE! It is FABRICATED! It is a LIE!

    How do we know these quotes are authentic? We don’t! I don’t believe these are genuine quotes! I think this Darkmoon creature made them all up. Out of her EVIL imagination. I don’t trust her! NOT ONE INCH!

    Anyway, even if some of the quotes check out as authentic, it is quite wrong to quote all these people OUT OF CONTEXT!!! They may have said these things, but they certainly didn’t say them in a CRAZY DEBATE like this! No sir, there was NO SUCH DEBATE! Darkmoon is lying through her back teeth and distorting the truth by suggesting even the POSSIBILITY that such a debate could take place.

    Come, Mr Montecristo, be honest. You are now publishing FICTION on your site! This is a sad betrayal of your many readers, both Jewish and non-Jewish.

    I’ve had enough. This is the last time I will ever post on this site.

    Goodbye, scum!

    1. @ Seymour Zak,

      “…What does this mean, Mr Montecristo?….It means, logically, that 40% of everything Darkmon (sic) says in her articles is DISINFO!…”

      No it doesn’t mean “logically” that the 40% disinfo of Veterans Today isevenly spread among all its contributors. Some contributors may be 100% reliable, some 100% unreliable and some mixed. I reckon Lasha Darkmoon (together with Kevin Barrett and some others) to the 100% reliable contributors of VT. BTW, Veterans Today is pretty “anti-Semitic” both in its articles and its comments, so they must be doing something right.

    2. The truth hurts doesn’t it. A lot of name calling and emotional dumping does not make a counter argument. In spite of all your capital letters, only the uninformed and uneducated would listen to a hired mouth devoid of logic and argument. You basically come off as a shrieking hysteric.

    3. Is Seymour Zak ya name?
      Wot a fukka! …. Dumb as chicken shit!
      And ya say: “antagonized the entire Jewish community not only by making the infamous Darkmoon a columnist.”
      Who givs a fuckin stuff about your “entire JEWISH community”?
      Wot, 6 million JEWISH assholes in the USA?
      All JEWS are Satan on steroids! Look at Diane Feinstein! Janet Yellen!
      But I sort of like the TRUE Torah Jews Against Zionism, although they are absolute muther fuckas!
      Lets face it: JEWS are failed personalties and that is obvious!
      Ya JEW writers like Tyron Parsons are chik’n shit!
      Lasha, if legit, writes the BEST articles which make the Tyron Parsons and Gilby Huntly look like chick’n shit! Lasha, my lerv, has the SMARTS! I don’t know about this MONTECRISTO character, but he seems legit!

      1. Actually, I have ALL of Montecristos’ words on record!
        I have studied them.
        He is either gay or a sexual dilettante, A rake!
        “Rakes Progress”: – check out the painting!
        He could be a female!
        My students think he is gay!
        But what a great she-male!
        Lasha is a fair dinkum woman! I saw her pic on Vets Today and was turned on! Me who beds endless undergrads!
        Wife no 17 , from the Phillipines , got jealous and told me it was her turn to bedded!
        Thus another is on the way and “such is life,”

      2. Max!

        You are a classic. A greater legend in his own strange mind one would be hard-pressed to find.

        You remind me of when I was in the 8th grade. I got into a fight with a kid that lasted several days. We would fight before school, after school, during recess, at lunch breaks. Round after round of bare-knuckled fisticuffs. Word spread far and wide, and by the time the teachers got wind of it we had audiences of morbid curiosity like in the days of John L. Sullivan in the late 19th Century. At the end of it all we went off to class arm in arm like we were the best of buds

        Hey, maybe we’re destined to link up in the northern mountains after you battle your way from the southern borders in the guerrilla war to come?

        And when we do, me, you, Tyron and Gil will all have a brew together before goin off to kill us some hapless thugs doing the bidding of the synagogue! 😉

      3. YEAH!


        i can’t see how anyone can get really offended at our maxie, because serious or not, he says it like it is.

        i can see him surfing across rio grande, all tanned and bulging muscles, raybans and sombrero hung with corks or whatever aussies wear to the office, chased by a posse of screaming mexican putas to plant the jolly roger on us soil and tighten the well deserved noose on jew’s malodorous neck … up the yardarms with the lot, me mateys!

    4. See-more Zakariah!
      You are an absolute wanka!
      Jewish scum like you perpetrated 9/11!
      You await your destiny!
      ALL JEWS WILL BE ELIMINAted, for the sake of humanity!
      I await on the USA’s southern borders and have you on my computer; as I have Gilby Huntly and the infamous Tyron Parsons! I know their locations!
      SOON you will die and go to a macabre peace!
      The devil will shovel hot coals up ya asshole, endlessly!

  17. “…If guilty of treason and mass murder, they should all be executed without mercy.”

    In the words of that great pioneer of frontier justice, Judge Roy Bean, “First we give ’em a fair trial, then we hang ’em.”

    1. …I have been advocating this idea for years now…..we need to finance and construct a new National Monument…..The National Gallows for American Values…to be built at Ground Zero 911…constructed of thermite-tainted steel from the US / Israeli / UK Government sponsored implosion of the three WTC (3) buildings on 911…and the hit on The Pentagon….the Monument should flow with liquid, red-hot steel and steam rising from the site…24/7 for eternity….and when we begin to get treason convictions on the Bush/ Clinton/Bush/Clinton/Obama War-Crime/Treasonous Gang of mobsters, murders, torturers and perverts…we can start having public…very public hangings….asap…no appeals upon conviction…just hang them that day…oh, just to see a convicted GHW and GW Bush getting ready to be hanged…with their little dog Dick (5-Deferrments) Cheney looking on in fearful anticipation….what a waste of a new heart….the pathetic, treasonous animals should hang…and choke slowly…

      RJ O’Guillory
      Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

  18. Dear Darkmoon. I do appreciate your excellent effort in putting the “nonofficial” narrative of September 11, 2001 tragedy. As a Canadian Muslim, I would like to add….

    1. Even if the Zionist regime and Zionist cheerleaders, both Jews and Christians, accept their greatest crime against the very people who have been feeding those vultures for the last 66 years – cannot bring back over three million men, women and mostly children killed and over six million civilians displaced in Muslim lands by the Zionist-controlled western powers since 9/11 event. Therefore, I would say, Israel succeeded and the Muslim world and the western lost their freedom and Christian morality.

    2. The 9/11 may be the greatest tragedy for some Americans, but it’s less than peanut what Americans have done to tens of millions of innocent people in Asia, Asia, Middle East and even in the west during the last century in the name of “democracy”, “liberation of women” and “human justice”.

    3. Morally, people like Kevin McDonald are not in the position to point their racist finger towards a non-White “human being” – Christian, Jewish, Muslim or Hindu.

    Former US presidential candidate and long-time congressman, Ron Paul, who has been accused of loving Jews but hating Israel by the organized Jewry, has denied the “official story” of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

    Last week, in a breaking interview Ron Paul told Charles Goyette, host of podcast ‘Money and Markets’ that Bush administration had the pre-knowledge of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    “I believe if we ever get the full truth, we will find out that over government had it in the records exactly what the plan were, or at least close to it,” Ron Paul said.


  19. “KEVIN MACDONALD (summing up) : It all boils down to this. Today’s Jewish elite hates the nation it rules.”

    This is the fundamental difference in leadership between the German National Socialist and that of the Soviet Union, America and other Jew-led countries hosting these parasites. Hitler loved Germany and its people, he wanted to see the German nation advance and prosper. The Jews hate the people they rule and their Bible makes it perfectly clear what’s in store for the people they hate. Sodom and Gomorrah was an issue of water resources that used the moral imperative to justify their total immolation, mirroring the immolation of the trade towers that justified the moral imperative for America’s war against the Jew’s traditional enemy, Iraq. But beyond the wholesale destruction of a people, the story forever likes the term “sodomites” to the twisted inverted idea that these people were sexual perverts and evil sinners , but their only real sin was the denial of their precious water resources to Abram’s large herds, just part of the wealth gained through the extortion racket set up by the lord god of Israel. It stands to reason that the Jews would becomes as sick and twisted as the Bible stories that form the foundation of their culture.

  20. Lasha

    I think you out did yourself on this one. Excellent! Drives the reality of 911 home.

    Here is my favorite quote from above

    BRITISH HISTORIAN DAVID IRVING (sarcastically) : We are happy to report that the 4,000 figure dwindled eventually to three (not three thousand, but three), then two, then one: the unfortunate Daniel Lewin!

    LOL- leave it to Irving to draw the historical parallel concerning the “traditional enemies of the truth’s” fairytale 6 million “holocaust” and “Jewish victims” on 911.

    Sabroski said that for the Zionists (read Jews and their allies) “this is an all or nothing operation” and he is absolutely correct. The “Jews” are using 911 to kill two birds with one stone.

    1. Use America (Whites-Christians primarily) to invade the ME toward the expansion of “greater Israel” to coincide with their mimicking of authentic Israel’s land almost 3000 years ago and OT Prophesy. They twist prophesy to be interpreted as a justification for their deeds when in reality OT Prophesy tells of these impostors doing exactly the evil deeds they are doing.

    2. Using America, the UK- Colonies and Europe (whites Christians primarily) to do their dirty deeds the “Jews” who control every Corporation Government on the planet, hope to foster blind hatred for them and then garnish this hatred so it can be focused as the impetus toward the traditional allies of the truth’s genocide.

    What will this produce?

    By seizing this seething hatred of non whites-Christians of the world, the “Jews” intend on using the Governments they control (read all Gov except Syria and Iran as of today) to attack whites/Christians in their homelands (even using “their own” Governments) . The result of this two pronged strategy will be a canceling out of the “goy” super power nations leaving only “Israel” to rule the world.

    In Protocol #5 the Jewish Elders state:

    “We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate all the actions of our subjects by new laws.

    “These laws will withdraw one by one all of the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted by the Goyim.”

    Thus the reason the “Jews” are coming after our guns at home. The “Jew” knows that their power and control over our nations and the planet is coming to light and the last thing they need is whites/Christians awakening and using their guns to purge “Jew” control. They LAST thing they need is a well informed, well armed populace capable of critical thinking thus converting truth to power to action.

    Lasha’s article is truth. When peoples awaken to it they seek the power to correct this evil. They conclude that the only way to correct this evil is to use the power of the gun to enforce REAL change ( I would argue lawfully).


    Your logic is faulty as usual. Yes, VT puts out disinfo articles but that doesn’t mean that 40% of Lasha’s article is disinfo. It means that 4 out of 10 articles are disinfo with the 6 remaining being truthful you “Jewish” dolt!

  21. good work, the khazarian fraud jooz that infest the earth will someday rue the day they were pooped out of the alimentary canal’s of their jackal mothers they were defecated out of.

    what they have done is render the earth a ‘charnel house’ for their almighty fucking SHEKEL GRUB festival.

    someday they’ll all pay. and it’ll suck to be a khazarian fraud joo for sure.

  22. Very intresting summit – thank you very much!
    Already knew some statements but your article is helping to get closer to the bigger picture.
    I have no doubt that the mossad is one the worlds buggest dangers to all live on our planet!
    I am not antisemitic – even if i would be muslim but i am anti desception and desception is their big tool and motto and as also mention in the comments; they have learned from history and doing now the cleverly way.
    Switzerland was one of the most important finicial hotspots in the world but we had to knee down, in front of the “masters” and thats why the proper “swiss bank secrecy” is already gone but our bankster here, have long ago made their fortune, ww2 in example – their learnings starter already the.
    …what do you think? Are they 70 years later no a bit smarter?
    We should treat all the key players as like they treat our liberty and wage war against free countries, whitout the scrpy central banks – if we loose this countries and let them go on with their plan, we will loose not only our lives….we will loose everything we achieved as a human race under faith in god – our children and all of their fellowers will be their slaves!

    Trust in humanity and respect our history – this is the key to succsess!
    Best regards from the small island in Europe, we are not part of t but we are.

  23. Without violent, implacable opposition to and hatred of all Jewish persons, including law-abiding ones of good will, the rabbinic work cannot advance.

  24. back to the present – shocking lie laid bare.

    so everyone drooled in rapture while watching the beheading of sotloff, right? i certainly did.

    except that sadly, it was all scripted and choreographed by steven spielberg … i better go back to some reality show for entertainment, like reruns of sesame street.

    take a look at this jew article, Sotloff, who grew up in Miami, made aliyah in 2005 and studied foreign relations at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya.
    herzliya is the headquarters of mossad, their interdenominational university campus is obviously there as well.

    further on in the jew article:
    … he managed to sneak in prayers and to fast on Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement …
    lies thrice blessed by yahweh, aren’t they talking about kol nidre?

    and the mother of all questions is how the f would they know that while held in captivity by the organ grinders of isis-isil ogres, he managed to sneak in prayers and to fast on Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement???

    my morning poetic muse whispered the following stances in my left ear:
    aliya, aliya,
    i studied foreign relations in herzliya,
    i ain’t mossad, said me kol nidre,
    would i ever lie to ya?

  25. Reposted from Veterans Today
    John B Lucas II · Top Commenter · Brick Computer Science Institute

    So the anonymous coward squats down and squeezes out another “article”. The same pathetic chuckleheads heap praise on it as if they’re anything but semi-literate sub-morons. Same crap, different day, same chuckleheads.

    1. here is what the hero of originality has to say on his facebook page about ellie’s article (the death camps to come)

      Truly, this anonymous coward has really scraped bottom. The nerve of this gutless piece of crap to use actual concentration camp art, drawings that came from the haunted memories of survivors

      why don’t you submit an original holocaust tearjerker article, say about the barbers of shoah or about horrors your father witnessed in the newly liberated the lampshade factory?

      ruthie, link us again to that piece about mossad trolls.

    2. that facebook page looks curiously robotic, short on personal details.

      was it designed to present this military hero, davy-crockett-the-fourth-of-july as an intrepid original defender of american values, unafraid to step up to the plate, war medals glinting, as opposed to “anonymous coward” lasha darkmoon, cowering behind her facemask lest she get a midnight visit from 40 nazi hunters with canadian passports, fresh from a dubai job?

      after all, what is facebook but a mossad dragnet operation?

    3. in fact, this confirms that ellie is the real deal, do you think they would sic their guard dog on one of their own?

  26. An outstanding article! Finally, by virtue of industry, knowledge and courage, we leave behind those childish games and no longer engage in wasteful speculations as to who it was that did 9/11. Darkmoon reaches where elevation cannot, and if we are to go by the rising numbers which its readership suggests, we may be confident of the final success.

    Ruth, many things and many people embitter our happiness, but if anything can set itself higher than all other things, it is others’ lies and malevolence. If you consider for a moment the glaring lies, not to say neglect, with which you write, and then, by quick juxtaposition, observe the truthful and respectful care with which I do, the only argument on your part worthy of being validated, is the fact that you believe in your Jewish lies too much; since the Mossad way of deception which you are here trying to instil, with the Judaic hope that it passes for truth, can only have an effect in the minds of the lower classes, to which, quite frankly, I think you belong, since nothing that I have ever said about the flagitious Jews, or that I intend to say about the same, could ever bring this site to disgrace, let alone injure those who own it, for what use is there to a good mind in wanting to see disappear something which is so terribly good?

    Therefore, Ruth, Judeo Jew Jew Bernstein, you who belong to that species of … humans who have arrogated to themselves the most spectacular and singular otherworldly distinctions, do me a favour, won’t you? Take your Mossad tricks elsewhere, you little Jewish darling, and try to soften those whom the Jews have already softened, for when a man enters the fight against your race, as most of us have, he considers no statement against them ferocious enough, nor injunction illegal too much, that would not in and by itself earn a consciousness of merit, or at least the secret pleasure of little praise, since it is a fact well known though seldom discussed, that when grievous threats are not openly discoursed, the only success we may hope to attain, is the fact that we never attain much; for if the spires and turrets have been brought down, as this article itself shows they have, by the minds and hands of those well trained to only bring things down, it is specious, as well as pointless, to suggest that those who call for the removal of them, like I do, are themselves no good. The dark transition from honesty to dishonesty, which you to me have ever-so-Judaically imputed, is not so easily attained, my little Jewish darling, unless of course one is a Jew, since such a heavy leap first requires the dissipation of character, and then the diminution of faith, and since I possess both in their fullest vigour, from here on in each and every time you vilify me, I intend to dismantle your Judaic mangled phrases with some literary violence, not entirely unaccustomed, and retard your Jewish hope of triumph, and then, having clouded it with some good and hardy English smoke, intend to make it disappear, just like your lovely old Jewish race. You may try to hinder those who read me, and reverse the incremental gains we here together make, but one thing you can never do is win, since I have the force of the pen on my side, and daily dance around the home with happy tears and knowledge that soon you will lose. English civilities over, I hope I have embittered your day, Jew.

    A darker creature was never known,
    Nor did lies extend to any the more,
    What crimes! what deeds has the Jew not shown!,
    Him whom death and vices hourly bore.

    He points to excellence, he points to distinctions,
    He whom fraud and terror hourly becomes,
    Show me a good Jew and I’ll seek my own extinction,
    But, alas, do not try, for such a Jew never comes.

    Awful to friends, and awfuller still to strangers,
    What corruption does the Jew not play?,
    In him are the follies, in him the dangers,
    Let us therefore pray for Lord’s Day.

    Bye Ruth. May we live in interesting times.
    Alan Merc

    1. Mr Merc,

      You’ve fallen into the trap so many fall into on this website: the easy inference that Ruth Bernstein is Jewish because she uses a Jewish pen name. Only newcomers to this site think Ruthie is Jewish. The cognoscenti know she is not. A more sincere anti-Zionist shiksa it is impossible to find.

      If Ruthie attacked you indirectly by suggesting you were a “slippery” character, a Jew posing as a Jew hater, it’s because she had been reading an article on another website called Common Dreams about Zionist trolls. Your extreme *apparent* anti-Semitism suggested to her that you could be a Jew, for it turns out that the most virulent anti-Semitic comments on websites like this are not written by anti-Semites themselves but by JEWS PRETENDING TO BE ANTI-SEMITES!

      The website “Common Dreams” was plagued by a spate of vicious anti-Semitic comments all written under different names . A nice Jew, a Harvard graduate, drew attention to these vicious comments on the site and deplored them, shaking his head in sorrow at the surge of anti-Semitism in the world. Further investigation revealed that the nice Harvard Jew was also responsible for writing all the vicious anti-Semitic comments under a dozen different names! 🙂

      That is why, Mr Merc, you fell under suspicion of being a Jew yourself, because of the extremism of your anti-Jewish animus. Jews tend to do this to get sites into trouble and make out they are hotbeds of anti-Semitism and extremism. Also, incitement to violence — “KILL ALL THE KIKES! — is a favorite ploy of Jews like this Harvard graduate.

      1. Sardonicus

        May I ask if you know Ruth? What I mean is- have you met her in person? Have you checked her lineage? If no, why do you testify to something that you have no personal knowledge of? That is called baring false witness. Now, you can say “I don’t think she is Jewish” or something alike, but to make statements in fact concerning physical attributes toward people you don’t even know first hand, is more than dishonest.

        Having said that people know that I have had my round abouts with Ruthie and I too believe her a “Jew”. Could I prove it here? Probably not but rest assured the “Jew” always loves to act as if white as they go about pissing and moaning against those who call for the “Jews” to be held accountable individually and collectively.

        I for one want to the elite, their leaders held accountable and when the time comes the whole “tribe” for their collective identity theft of whites- Christians. A “Jew” can be “anti Zionist” and still be working for their collective. How you say?

        As Lenin said “the best way to destroy your enemy is to lead it” and this is what they do masqurading as both “Jew” and non “jew alike. Look at the “anti Zionist” religious Jews. Do they claim the land as theirs? Yes. Do they claim the true messiah is “Jewish”? Yes. Do they believe they are the chosen of Jacob? Yes. Do they constantly run interference against those who want to hold the “Jew” accountable (in different degrees often) based on their race, their belief system (talmud) and or cultural programmings against us? Yes.

        They talk a good game but when you get to the basics, they always stick with the collective will of their tribe which is NEVER ONCE being a good thing.

        I do believe in mass murders. I don’t believe in giving all of them the same punishment. I don’t believe in genocide (unless perscribed by law). But I DO believe they ALL stand guilty on varying degrees as of today.

        So while Merc and I disagree on some methods, we agree they all need to be held accountable. In my book, as long as they keep up their identity theft, they will always be GUILTY as a collective because the identity theft has been KEY to disarming the most lethal force know to the world that opposed them- the most dangerous enemy the “Jews” have ever known- the one’s who ALWAYS stood in their way (whites/Europeans-authentic Christians).

        Once my people awaken as to their true identity you can rest assured public opinion will change in favor of whites/Christians as collective punishment advocators become known as prophets- those people should have listened to.

      2. What about an anti-Zionist appearing criticising this site?


        I think Lobro used the term once a while back regarding Makow… “a deep disinformation agent”.
        Makow’s ramblings about Zionist Masonic Illuminati Frankist Sabbataean Satanists “ZMIFSS” are a complex (but NOT unique) blend of known facts and deliberate errors to try and discredit the whole narrative.

  27. John B. Lucas II,

    When the scene of action is finally announced and delineated, and when we come after Judaic scum like you, I
    shall never carve anyone more handsomely than you, and shall disperse your limbs around all the Jewish parliaments with glee, limbs to which I shall append the following prudential lesson for all the future traitorous creatures like you:
    A. Merc

  28. I think the article would read better if it just contained the quotes from the villains themselves.

    As for 9/11, it’s like the JFK assassination; we’ll probably never know the full truth.

  29. we don’t really need to know the full truth, just that it was another jew false flag event, neither first nor last.

    of that, there can be no doubt.

    and also … no need to get bogged down with scenarios and alternative theories.
    we didn’t do it but are the victims, of 9/11 and its pre-planned aftermath of global mass murder and destruction of nations.

    worrying and fighting over whether it was a hologram show, mini-nukes, shin bet or mossad is pointless, counterproductive and gives the snake time to escape.
    we must keep the eye on the ball and so long as there is even one detail that contradicts their scripted response, they are on the hook, clear and present liars, past and future danger until completely eliminated.

    we can indulge likely scenarios but without grudge and rancor against someone believing in connecting dots differently.
    personally, i think those planes were full of murdered victims, droned remotely into the buildings (except #7, of course), timed to coincide with interior detonations, quite possibly involving mini and micro-nukes, which is why the steel glowed white days after the perfect crash.
    plus, pentagon was hit by a missile, like that baghdad shelter where children were incinerated so badly that their horrified faces ended up blasted and etched into the walls of the bunker.

    that is the eerie afterimage to remember.

    bottom line: JEWS.

    1. Lobro –

      You are correct about the bottom line being Jews. This evidence points to them again….still.

      I called Fordion about this in 2003 until they stopped taking my calls.

      The importance of the Jew judge and passel of Jew lawyers getting this DISMISSED is that there is NO paper trail, no invoice or checks for NYC City Council to explain away.

      Company Sues Over Deal for Body Bags
      The Nation | IN BRIEF / NEW YORK
      July 11, 2003|From Times Wire Reports

      A New Jersey company that manufactures body bags filed suit against New York City, charging that the city has reneged on a deal to buy 100,000 specially manufactured bags after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
      Fordion Packaging Ltd. of Hackensack is suing the city for $203,388 it says the city still owes the company for making the body bags it manufactured on a rush basis in the days after the terrorist attacks.


      The suit was DISMISSED and settled out of court, instead of a jury trial as requested. That means there is NO RECORD!! ALL the attorneys were Jewish, and SO WAS THE JUDGE!!

      U.S. District Court
      Southern District of New York (Foley Square)
      CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:03-cv-05097-AKH

      Fordion Packaging Ltd.
      represented by
      Joseph Michael Heppt
      521 Fifth Avenue
      Suite 1805
      New York, NY 10175
      City of New York
      represented by
      Gary P. Rosenthal
      Corporation Counsel of the City of New York
      100 Church Street
      Room 3-125
      New York, NY 10007

      Fordion Packaging v. City of New York
      Assigned to: Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein
      Demand: $0
      Cause: 28:1391 Personal Injury

      Date Filed: 07/10/2003
      Jury Demand: Plaintiff
      Nature of Suit: 190 Contract: Other
      Jurisdiction: Diversity

      STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL: this action is dismissed with prejudice, each party to bear its own costs pursuant to Rule 41(a) of the FRCP. (Signed by Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein on 2/4/05) (db, ) (Entered: 02/14/2005)

      1. good stuff, pat, thanks.

        alvin hellerstein.
        he is the hell’s emissary, tasked for handling the puppeteer’s strings.
        can anyone explain why he handled every single suit connected to 9/11 and who had the power to assign him to these cases?
        the answer to the 2nd question is michael chertoff, whose satanic dna is evident in his looks alone and who should be squeezed for information, both high level and details.

        put them to inquisition’s star chamber and they would have all the fine details.

    2. Yes it’s obvious that Jews were involved in some way. I was referring to how exactly they pulled it off and who was complicit in the US government.

  30. i am very happy the us and/or israel get blamed for september eleven. i hate them both since i am a palestinian whose country was stolen by the wasp/jew eternal satanic parternship.
    But the truth as i explained in other forums where this essay was also posted, is different.

    The above article just isnt true. What proof do you have? The truth was told to me by a one eyed mujahed in the dark streets of old donwtown amman over turkish coffe and argilleh. This is what he said
    the truth is the following; The attack on New York on September eleven 2001 was planned, financed and carried out by the group known as al Qaeda, Its leader; may he rest in peace forever, and may allah have him in his glory, Sheikh Usama Bin Laden wanted to do the attack because of what the jews who today occupy palestine -and call themselves “Israel”- did to Beirut in 1982. Over 190 thousand bombs fell on beirut on a single day; more than any bombing carried by the so called alies in ww2, dresden included. He, the emir, was also a Little jealous of the shia group “amal” who kicked the american slaves ass in the Beirut barracks suicide attack -martyr ahmed kasir- in 1983. The death toll was 241 American servicemen: 220 Marines, 18 sailors, and three soldiers, making this incident the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States Marine Corps since World War II’s Battle of Iwo Jima, I was there at the time and i tell you, the attack can only be described as “healing” in all terms because of the barbarities commited by the jews in the massacres of sabra and shatilla.
    Back to topic, i often digress, i know- It doesnt matter if the shaheed and martyr Ziad Jarrah –the only lebanese in the four groups that made the september eleven crew was completely into the jihadist cause. His tongue slipped and gave an uncle all details of the operation. his uncle was by coincidence, a mossad snitch in southern lebanon!. (what are the friking odds!) He went and informed the mossad who right away got rid of the snitch, locked the info, and took it to superiors who then took it to the pentagon -which was run by a jewish boy at the time- he contacted washigton with the good news;-“Who else knows this”? DICK CHENEY ASKED.
    – He soon had a meeting with the guys who measuring all options and the pros and cons decided to LET it happen BECAUSE IT SERVED THEIR PURPOSES and actually helped the mujahedeen -without their knowlwdge- by removing or placing obstacles!. my guess is that a maximum of 30 people were in on it. George Bush the moron president is absent from this list. believe it.
    isnt this worse than treason?
    And You expect us muslims, to deny heroism to the geronimo of islam?
    No, we praise the sheikh.
    More will come and the proliferation of the nuclear age is coming, the sky will one day open on our heads and the sun will come down and burn the whole land, and you, wasp/jews wont enjoy what you took from us.
    Not you, not your grandchildren.
    And i am the Avatar

      1. ” thank you for warning away any jews from the site,”
        One early morning at 3 AM, Norma Goldstein received a lonely phone call. After 20 consecutive rings she finally answered:

        NG: Hello?

        AF: Norma, this is Ari Fleischer of the Mossad (or al qaeda). We are coordinating an attack on your workplace tomorrow morning.
        So, it would be best if you took a personal day or something.

        NG: Okay, thanks. [goes back to bed, confidant that she still has enough personal days for terrorist attacks *and* spa visitations]
        Lobro, it’s ridiculous to believe ‘jews’ were warned in advance
        On a typical day, at least 50,000 people worked there, plus approximately 200,000 visitors passed through. If Jews comprised a mere 15% of those that worked at the WTC, then most of the 7,500 of them would have to have been in on the conspiracy. Furthermore, in order for the conspiracy to be successful, those participating in it would have to carry that secret information to the grave.

        Human nature being what it is—hyper Jewish community cohesion notwithstanding—informs us such a massive conspiracy and its successful cover-up is not possible.
        Lobro i bet you are the kind that also believes isis is run by the u.s.? so they get bombed by their employer who after bombing them and killing hundreds of them winks at them an says “here is a paycheck, stay put?”
        are you guys out of your fucking minds?

      2. avatar, i hardly know where to begin, the evidence is so overwhelming, i could keep writing all night, which i am indisposed to do.

        as for the dead jews, they are the world’s most elusive mythical creature, whether we are talking holocaust, al-qaeda/isis/isil and all the faux-jihadis put together, with honorable exception of those supported by iran (which incidentally you seem to seriously hate), namely, hezbollah and now hamas.
        apart from those worthy exceptions, all the world’s sunni “terrorists” have been nothing but judaic shills, dupes and stage props … although i believe that bin laden was the real deal and moreover believe his denial of involvement in 9/11, citing qu’ranic prohibitions against taking of innocent lives.

        let’s see you plausibly deny the following, taken from the “voice of bahrain”, Gulf Daily News

        this is so powerful and significant that i will quote it in full.

        World News
        Baghdadi ‘Mossad trained’
        Posted on » Tuesday, July 15, 2014

        WASHINGTON: The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

        Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

        NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.

        According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”.

        Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech

        this is just the first reply to that
        And You expect us muslims, to deny heroism to the geronimo of islam?

      3. AF: Norma, this is Ari Fleischer of the Mossad (or al qaeda). We are coordinating an attack on your workplace tomorrow morning. So, it would be best if you took a personal day or something.

        so here is from snopes, a thoroughly jew operation:
        Hello, David Rosenberg? This is the Mossad. Listen, don’t go to work on Tuesday. Yeah, another terrorist attack on the U.S. … call in sick

        snopes goes on in the more “serious” vein:
        Why would Israel follow such a course of action, betray its staunchest ally, and doom thousands of innocent Americans to death? There are no rational answers to that question, only ugly propagandistic ones.

        And elsewhere …
        in this case, there are plenty of anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, and anti-Israli groups eager to use the horrors of September 11 as fodder for propaganda to serve their own political ends

        need more proof what purpose snopes.com serves?

        end of second rebuttal, let’s do it in discrete chunks.

      4. let’s keep going / rebuttal 3

        how many jews died is a fairly hot topic, maybe i am wrong on that, time enough to look into the question.
        but, the odigo story connects directly to israeli jews, many of whom may have tipped off their fellow new york jews.
        it seems that around 4000 israeli jews worked in wtc and only 5 died on that day.


        Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting. This warning was NOT passed on to the authorities.
        Odigo had a feature on its service that allowed the passing on of messages through a search feature based on nationality. Knowing these two particular Israelis were forewarned, it is possible – even likely – that they passed the message on to other Israelis. This is especially so considering that, out of the 4000 Israelis believed to have worked in and around the WTC and the Pentagon only FIVE died.
        5/4000 Israelis.
        Statistically, with no forewarning about 10% (ie 400 of 4000) would have died; a toll as low as 200-300/4000 would not convincingly indicate foreknowledge. But only FIVE Israelis died and two of the five were aboard the allegedly hijacked flights; thus only three Israelis died in the WTC itself on 9/11 – An astonishing statistic!. NB – this applies to Israeli nationals, NOT American Jews. Many Jews died in the WTC on 9/11.
        Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya also happens to be the home of the Mossad Headquarters.
        Odigo was later acquired by another Israeli company called Comverse. The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, “dual” Israeli-US citizen, with connections to Mossad. He has been charged on several counts of fraud.

        if pressed, i could calculate the odds that with the underlying mortality risk of 10%, only 5 out of 4000 died.
        i can tell you that the odds are astronomical (use something called chi-square test).
        or maybe al-qaeda warned them, what do you think?

        anyway, think whatever you want, say whatever you want, let people draw their own conclusions.
        i have drawn mine, end of transmission.

  31. haha, i always knew him for a fetid douchebag, bosom buddies with leonard cohen and other transcendental yids.

    Dalai Lama slams ‘self-centred’ Vladimir Putin

    our holiness-shmoliness will look into the question of gaza children another time, right now we must shellac our butts shiny and prepare for lord and lady de rothschild’s annual masked (canni)ball.

    1. Dalai Lama:

      “Among Tibetan refugees we are always saying to ourselves that we must learn the Jewish secret to keep up our traditions, in some cases under hostile circumstances,”

      “I’m very much impressed that in Jerusalem where the Jewish community there, their land is much greener and they use every technique, water, trees and grass is much greener. Whereas on the Palestinian side it still remains dry like the desert.”

      If unable to see text and comments do ‘Select All’ by ‘Ctrl+A’ on the page

  32. George Tenet is George Cohen, a Jew?

    That lie right there tells the world this whole article is a lie. Tenet is Greek Orthodox. His parents were Greek immigrants.

    Why is no one taking note that virtually none of the “factual allegations” this Darkmoon demagogue spews has no link or sources? How gullible are you people?

    1. so what, out of the whole article you pick on a little insignificant detail to justify denying the thrust of the entire work.

      whether tenet is a jew or not is totally immaterial … and for all i know, he may well be a jew, can be looked up.

      how about trashing the article on some punctuation error?

    2. @ Denis

      George Tenet is George Cohen, a Jew? That lie right there tells the world this whole article is a lie.

      As my sister’s research assistant, it was I who handed Lasha the printed article that gave a long list of names associated with 9/11. George Tenet was definitely named here as “Cohen” and identified as a “Jew”. Here is the passage in full:

      “Another Jewish neocon czar-type is Paul Wolfowitz, who monitors the work of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Michael Chertoff tells his lackey, John Ashcroft, what to do in the Justice Department. George Tenet (real name: Cohen) heads the CIA and takes orders from the Israeli Mossad. There is also Elliot Abrams, running the show in the stead of Secretary of State Colin Powell; others include Donald Kagan, Douglas Feith, Don Zakheim, Richard Haas, Kenneth Adelman, Steve Goldsmith, Edward Luttwak, Robert Satloff, David Frum, Marc Grossman and David Wurmser.

      All these men are Jews. All are Zionist warmongers who adore and obey Israel and who view America chiefly as Israel’s financial sugardaddy and mercenary slave.”



      Lasha does not lie. At the most, the source she relied upon is in error.

      1. @Lucy
        No, ma’am, I am not satisfied at all.

        Tenet is Greek Orthodox, quit spewing nonsense. The site you link to “propagandamatrix” is just that — a bunch of propaganda. You have no valid evidence or valid source saying that Tenet is a Jew. Go to Wiki and get your facts sorted out.

        The other piece of garbage in this post is that:

        Every one of the following kingpins of the Bush administration was also an Israeli citizen: Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Michael Chertoff, George Tenet (real name Cohen), Elliot Abrams, Donald Kagan, Richard Haas, Kenneth Adelman, Edward Luttwak, Robert Satloff, David Frum, David Wurmser, Steve Goldsmith, Marc Grossman, Ari Fleisher.

        Chertoff, sure, everybody knows that. But all of them are Isareli citizens? — bullshit. If you need lies to make your story float, you got no story. Makes you look bad.

      2. @ Denis

        No, ma’am, I am not satisfied at all. Tenet is Greek Orthodox, quit spewing nonsense. The site you link to “propagandamatrix” is just that — a bunch of propaganda. You have no valid evidence or valid source saying that Tenet is a Jew. Go to Wiki and get your facts sorted out.

        You regard WIKIPEDIA (!!!), a Jew-owned website, as a reliable source on Jewish matters?!? 🙂

        In that case, you would have to believe that Elie Wiesel is a genuine Holocaust survivor and that 6 million Jews died in gas chambers on Hitler’s orders. Do you believe that? Please let us have your opinion on that.

        If Wikipedia is to be trusted, morevover, as you seem to believe, Osama bin Laden and 19 Arabs with box cutters did 9/11. Do you believe that? Please let us have your opinion on that.

        Failure to answer these questions, “Denis”, will show you up what you probably are: an angry Jew or an ass licker of the Jews.

        In any case, you were wrong about Lasha Darkmoon “lying”. She DID NOT LIE! She quoted what seems to be an impressive and authoritative source! — a source you happen to personally dislike and regard as “propaganda”!

        So Wikipedia is the gospel Truth, is it? Wikipedia, the Jew’s organ of propaganda, is recommended by “Denis”, right? Does Wikipedia identify Rupert Murdoch as a Jew? No, it does not! It HIDES the truth when the Truth is inconvenient.

        I suggest you go away to another website where Zionist trolls are more welcome and peddle your love of Wikipedia there. 🙂

      3. Chertoff, sure, everybody knows that. But all of them are Isareli citizens? — bullshit.

        Israeli nationality law / Citizenship acquisition
        The Law of Return defines that all Jews possessing an Oleh’s certificate shall become Israel nationals and be allowed to immigrate to Israel. Such a certificate would almost automatically turn into Israeli citizenship upon arrival in Israel if so desired.

        Aliyah Etymology
        Aliyah in Hebrew means “ascent” or “going up”. Jewish tradition views traveling to the land of Israel as an ascent, both geographically and metaphysically. Anyone traveling to Eretz Israel from Egypt, Babylonia or the Mediterranean basin, where many Jews lived in early rabbinic times, climbed to a higher altitude. Visiting Jerusalem, situated 2,700 feet above sea level, also involved an “ascent”.

        therefore, every single jew is automatically an israeli citizen as soon as landing in israel.
        citizenship is a mere formality for any jew on earth, involves as much effort as writing a postcard, provided they set foot in squatland.

        care to ask your precious hasbarapedia how many of the listed jews have never been to israel?
        care to wager some shekels on my assertion that every single one of them has been to israel multiple times?
        care to consider the proposition that they all have israeli passports that they don’t care to display publicly?
        care to take into account that to jew, lying is a more natural, involuntary reflex action than breathing?

        i call bullshit on you for change.

        and why are you so stuck on defending jews on such insignificant matters (“no, his socks were brown, not grey and therefore your entire article is nothing but 100% bullshit”).

        you don’t pass the ordinary nose test, it’s gotta be an oversized, fleshy hooknose, somewhat reminiscent of swastika.

      4. @Dr David Green

        So it’s “Dr”, is it? I’ll bet. “Dr. David Green” sounds Jewish to me. And the reason I say it because the use of the upper-case “Holocaust.” It’s mostly Jews who do that in order to signify that there was only one holocaust — theirs. As if Cambodia wasn’t a holocaust, or Ukraine, or Armenia. Shalom, dude.

        As far as your rant re: Wiki — at least it provides external links to sources so one can evaluate facts being asserted. I’m still waiting for someone to provide a reliable source that Tenet is a Jew. As a “Dr.” one would presume you would have enough education to know the difference between crap and sourced-based allegations.

        Your allegations are almost too brain-ded to spend any time on. No, an American Jew does not become an Israeli citizen — and hence a dual citizen — merely by going to Israel.

        An American who becomes a dual citizen of any other country has to apply to US Dept of State, which determines whether the person is giving up their US citizenship. There are public records of these proceedings. If Tenet or Wolfowitz or any of the others were dual citizens, it wouldn’t be a secret and we wouldn’t be reading it here for the first time. You, like Darkmoon, are talking complete bullshit. Educate yourself before your launch into your rants.

        My comments do not support any Jews. My comments are calling out “Darkmoon” on her lies that Tenet is a Jew and that he and 15 other of Bush’s “kingpins” are US-Israeli citizens. Unsourced horseshit.

      5. @ Denis, September 9, 2014 at 10:20 pm

        Give it a rest, you tiresome bore. You overreached yourself when you said that Lasha “lied” about Tenet being a Jew. Her source for that statement was clearly given. At that point, had you been a gentleman possessed of even mediocre intelligence, you would have apologized for calling her a liar. You would then have pointed out courteously that her source was an unreliable one and referred her helpfully to Wikipedia — the fount of wisdom on all things Jewish.

        You are no more than a cheap little boor, sir. How can your questioning the “Dr” in front of Dr David Green’s name in any way strengthen your arguments? Are you a fool? It would appear so.

        Friend Lobro, I wouldn’t waste your formidable eloquence on this moronic cyber thug.

        Begone, dunderhead Denis, vile slug of Hades! Back to your dungheap of death!

      6. Denis –

        For what it’s worth, I believe Tenet to be Greek Orthodox from childhood.

        You might want to consider the fact that Jews are AUTOMATICALLY citizens of Israel, even down to the grandchildren of Jews due to the Right of Return, the Law of Return.

        It is interesting to note that Israel’s “Law of Return” (under which any Jew may immigrate to and become a citizen of Israel) confers Israeli citizenship AUTOMATICALLY, without the immigrant having to apply for it, attend any ceremony, or swear any oath of allegiance. The Israeli law may originally have been written this way to encourage American Jews to move to Israel; they could, in theory, argue that they had not explicitly requested Israeli citizenship and were thus still entitled to keep their US citizenship.

        In 1997 – Samuel Sheinbein fled to Israel, where he was eligible for citizenship and Israeli law …. and as the son of an Israeli national, he was eligible for AUTOMATIC Israeli citizenship.

  33. Only the mostly deeply ignorant and abjectly STUPID would promote and display that ancient symbol (that was later used as a basis of the Blutfahne) inside and as a motif of that vile trash called the ‘Star of David.”

    But such is the self-indulgent rubbish that sometimes spews from the “Dr.”


  34. How many of you saw Silverstein on PTV admit that he told the NYFD to “pull it” building # 7. Then a few minuets later it fell at the speed of gravity? I DID. It takes weeks to prep a building this size with thousands of feet of wire going to the timers and explosives? The towers were brought down with pre- placed various types of explosives.

  35. If for nothing else, Joseph Goebbels had this one dead on:

    “The Jew is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat.  But call him a ‘Jew’ and you will be atonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: ‘I’ve been found out’.”

  36. Enough with this “Khazar” crap (as someone parroted above).http://theforbiddentruth.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=113

    (Ashkenazi) Jews are “White”?

    or so the parrots say, but their DNA and I beg to differ:

    Ashkenazi Jews did not originate in Europe anymore than a mulatto, a mestizo, or a Eurasian did. These people are all part European, by definition, but what distinguishes them from the rest of us is their African, Indian, Asian, and yes, their Jewish DNA. Thus, the term “Ashkenazi” should now become synonymous with mulatto, mestizo, Eurasian or mongrel, but “White” they are NOT.

    Ashkenazis are mostly Jewish, a race which originated in the Middle East. In other words, the Ashkenazis are not the original Jews. They were spawned from them, and these founder Jews spread their seed so as to better blend in with their European hosts.

    In fact, the Ashkenazis are hardly “White” at all.

    Jews are the closest relatives of the Palestinians, not the Europeans:
    A study of haplotypes of the Y chromosome, published in 2000, addressed the paternal origins of Ashkenazi Jews. Hammer et al.[13] confirmed that the Y chromosome of some Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews contained mutations that are also common among Middle Eastern peoples, but uncommon in the general European population. This suggested that the male ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews could be traced mostly to the Middle East.

    Moreover, given that haplogroup R1b1 is particularly abundant in populations of Western Europe, studies of Nebel et al. (2001) and Behar et al. (2004)[14] suggest a contribution of (ONLY) about 10% of Western European tradition among Ashkenazim. For G. Lucotte et al.,[15] the West-European contribution is about 11%.[Note 4] In 2004, the largest study made on Ashkenazi Jews, Behar et al. (2004) gives a percentage of European contribution of 8.1 % ± 11.4%.[Note 5] When the calculation is made excluding Jews from Netherlands the admixture is 5% ± 11.6%.

    (ONLY) “about 10% of Western European tradition among Ashkenazim”

    Two studies by Nebel et al. in 2001 and 2005, based on Y chromosome polymorphic markers, showed that Ashkenazi Jews are more closely related to other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than to their host populations in Europe (defined in the using Eastern European, German, and French Rhine Valley populations).

    Hammer et al. add:
    “Diaspora Jews from Europe, Northwest Africa, and the Near East resemble each other more closely than they resemble their non-Jewish neighbors”

    All relevant Y DNA studies have concluded that the majority of the paternal genetic heritage among Ashkenazim and other Jewish communities is similar to those found dominating Middle Eastern populations, and probably originated there.

    Other studies:
    Reflecting on previous mtDNA studies, carried out by Behar, Atzmon and al concludes that all major Jewish population groups are showing evidence for founder females of Middle Eastern origin with coalescence times >2000 years[6]

    In 1992 G. Lucotte and F. David were the first genetic researchers to have documented a common genetic heritage between Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews.[20][21]

    Sephardi Jews (of Spain and Portugal) and the Askhenazi Jews (“The Jews of Germania”) share a common heritage (spawned from male Jews, who were simply spreading their seed), whereas the “pureness” of upper-echelon Jews was maintained through their women (as we have all heard by now, a Jew is not “Jewish” enough UNLESS his mother is a Jew…so this is an age old policy, meant to preserve the racial purity of the shot-calling Jews).

    A 2006 study by Seldin et al. used over five thousand autosomal SNPs to demonstrate European genetic substructure. The results showed “a consistent and reproducible distinction between ‘northern’ and ‘southern’ European population groups”. Most northern, central, and eastern Europeans (Finns, Swedes, English, Irish, Germans, and Ukrainians) showed >90% in the ‘northern’ population group, while most individual participants with southern European ancestry (Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Spaniards) showed >85% in the ‘southern’ group. Both Ashkenazi Jews as well as Sephardic Jews showed >85% membership in the “southern” group. Referring to the Jews clustering with southern Europeans, the authors state the results were “consistent with a later Mediterranean origin of these ethnic groups”.[57]

    In other words, Jews have even less in common (greater genetic divergence) with Northern Europeans than Southern Europeans.

    In 1993, A. S. Santachiara Benerecetti, et al. have suggested the Middle Eastern origin of Jewish paternal lineages.[22]

    Once more, their ORIGIN was the Middle East, and the fact that Jewish men spread their seed among their European hosts does not make Jews “White”. It simply means there are some PARTIAL Jews who were made to look as “White” as possible, to SERVE as a bridge between a parasite and its host (viewtopic.php?t=1167).

    All Jews share common ancestry, but they keep their race pure (at the top) through their women:
    In 2000, M. Hammer, et al. conducted a study and definitively established that part of the paternal gene pool of Jewish communities in Europe, North Africa and Middle East came from a common Middle East ancestral population. They suggested that most Jewish communities in the Diaspora remained relatively isolated and endogamous compared to non-Jewish neighbor populations.[1][7][23]

    Key point: Jews in the Middle East, N. Africa, Europe, and all across the globe share a common ancestry..and other than the men spreading their seed, Jewish women remained mostly endogamous.

    A 2004 study by Shen et al. compared the Y-DNA and DNA-mt Samaritans of 12 men with those of 158 men who were not Samaritans, divided between 6 Jewish populations (Ashkenazi origin, Moroccan, Libyan, Ethiopian, Iraqi and Yemeni) and 2 non-Jewish populations from Israel (Druze and Arab). The study concludes that significant similarities exist between paternal lines of Jews and Samaritans, but the maternal lines differ between the two populations.

    According to M.G. Thomas, et al. in 2002, a number of Jewish communities reveal direct-line maternal ancestry originating from a few women. This was seen in independently founded communities in different geographic areas. What they shared was limited genetic additions later on the female side. Together, this is described as the founder effect. Those same communities had diversity in the male lines that was similar to the non-Jewish population.[49]

    Once more, as we all know, the purest of Jews would never truly consider a person to be Jewish UNLESS his/her mother was a Jew. There was good reason for this, as it allowed them to both bridge that gap with their hosts WHILE simultaneously maintaining the “purity” of their bloodline (the very essence of who they are).

    The maternal lines were kept pure, whether these Jews were living in Africa, Europe, or Asia. Which is why Jews share more in common with each other than their hosts, regardless of where they have lived or how long they have lived there.

    More on Jew-ISH people:
    A 2006 study by Behar et al.,[50] based on high-resolution analysis of Haplogroup K(mtDNA), suggested that about 40% of the current Ashkenazi population is descended matrilineally from just four women, or “founder lineages”, that were “likely from a Hebrew/Levantine mtDNA pool” originating in the Middle East in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. Moreover, a maternal line “sister” was found among the Jews of Portugal, North Africa, France, and Italy. They wrote: Both the extent and location of the maternal ancestral deme from which the Ashkenazi Jewry arose remain obscure. Here, using complete sequences of the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), we show that close to one-half of Ashkenazi Jews, estimated at 8,000,000 people, can be traced back to only four women carrying distinct mtDNAs that are virtually absent in other populations, with the important exception of low frequencies among non-Ashkenazi Jews. We conclude that four founding mtDNAs, likely of Near Eastern ancestry, underwent major expansion(s) in Europe within the past millennium…[50]

    Nearly half of the Ashkenazis inherited their Jewish DNA matrilineally, thereby linking them directly to their Middle Eastern founders (making them less Jewish than those founders, but more Jewish than the other 60% of Ashkenazis).

    And how did that “major expansion” occur? Well, it was a deliberate effort by the Jews to spread their seed and to better blend in. A clear survival tactic. Otherwise, they would have simply mated with their own and stuck out like a sore (and mighty ugly) thumb.

    A 2007 study by J. Feder et al.[51] confirms the hypothesis of the founding of non-local origin among the maternal lines. Their study did not address the geographical origin of Ashkenazim and therefore does not explicitly confirm the origin “Levantine” of these founders. This study revealed a significant divergence in total haplogroup distribution between the Ashkenazi Jewish populations and their European host populations, namely Russians, Poles and Germans. They concluded that, regarding mtDNAs, the differences between Jews and non-Jews are far larger than those observed among the Jewish communities. The study also found that “the differences between the Jewish communities can be overlooked when non-Jews are included in the comparisons.” It supported previous interpretations of “little or no gene flow from the local non-Jewish communities in Poland and Russia to the Jewish communities in these countries.”[52]

    “NON local origin among the maternal lines.” The racially “pure” Jews dispersed all throughout Europe (and beyond), yet there was a “significant divergence in total haplogroup distribution between these Jews and their hosts”. i.e. Jews had more common DNA with each other than with their Gentile hosts, regardless of time and distance apart.

    Note: “little or no gene flow FROM the local non-Jewish communities into the Jewish communities”, but that does NOT mean Jewish genes did not flow INTO the local communities (because it clearly did, via the males).

    Considering Ashkenazi Jews, Atzmon (citing Behar above) states that beyond four founder mitochondrial haplogroups of Middle Eastern origins which comprise approximately 40% of Ashkenazi Jewish mtDNA, the remainder of the mtDNA falls into other haplogroups, many of European origin. He further noticed that beyond Ashkenazi Jews, “Evidence for founder females of Middle Eastern origin has been observed in other Jewish populations based on non overlapping mitochondrial haplotypes with coalescence times >2000 years”[6]

    In other words, some of the Jewish DNA was introduced among the Ashkenazis by male “founders” (founders of the “Ashkenazis”, not of the Jewish race as a whole), while some of the so called “Ashkenazi Jews” are not Jewish at all (useful idiot converts).

    Jews have been keeping their maternal lines pure for thousands of years. Thus, the “real Jews” (as I call them) are a reality, in that they are more pure than their Jew-ISH counterparts (and are clearly and measurably different from their Gentile hosts), even though they are greatly outnumbered by them. But that only stands to reason, since a male can spread his seed to thousands, whereas a female is limited as to how many offspring she can have. So one would expect there to be a great many more partial Jews than pure Jews running around out there. But even if the real Jews were outnumbered 10,000 to 1, that doesn’t mean they are a “myth” in the mind of a “conspiracy theorist”.

    All Jews share common DNA/ancestry:
    A genome-wide genetic study carried out by Need et al. and published in 2009 showed that “individuals with full Jewish ancestry formed a clearly distinct cluster from those individuals with no Jewish ancestry.” Reflecting on this findings the authors concluded that “It is clear that the genomes of individuals with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry carry an unambiguous signature of their Jewish heritage, and this seems more likely to be due to their specific Middle Eastern ancestry than to inbreeding.”[62]

    Jews with “full Jewish ancestry formed a clearly distinct cluster” from non-Jews. i.e. they are not only measurably different than their European hosts, but they are themselves anything but a “mixed blooded” people. Unless of course we are talking about the partial Jews, but the same could be said of mulattoes, mestizos, or Eurasians as well. Meaning, the existence of mixed raced people with varying degrees of European ancestry, does not make the true Europeans less “White”/real. To further this point, Halle Berry is in fact a mulatto, but there are racially pure Whites out there as well, and they would still be classified as a “race” even if mulattoes outnumbered them by a million to one. With that obvious truth in mind, the existence of Jew-ISH people with varying degrees of Jewish blood, does not make the real Jews any less of a distinct and measurably different race.

    The genomes of the purest (“full Jewish ancestry”) Jews AND the Ashkanazis both carry an unmistakable signature of their JEWISH heritage/DNA. These are the racially “pure” Jews I speak of, the swarthy Arabic looking “Hebrews”. Whatever they choose to call themselves is inconsequential (what’s in a name?), because the only thing that matters here is that the so called “Jews” are a distinct and measurably different (non-European) race.

    Their Jewish DNA is a direct result of their Middle Eastern origins (DNA passed down to them from the founder Jews) and has nothing at all to do with this “mixed blooded” hypothesis so many of you love to parrot (as you claim: “Jews are not a race, they are just a mixed blooded mongrelized people”). Psychopaths from any race, including the real “mixed blooded mongrels”, have only their mental illness in common. Jews, on the other hand, have their destructive-psychopathic illness AND their DNA in common with all other Jews (a genetic link that makes this pathology far more prevalent in Jews than in any other race of people). Thus, this psychopathy is the norm for the Jewish RACE, whereas it is a rare anomaly in the White race.

    In June 2010, Behar et al. “shows that most Jewish samples form a remarkably tight subcluster with common genetic origin, that overlies Druze and Cypriot samples but not samples from other Levantine populations or paired Diaspora host populations.

    In conclusion the authors are stating that the genetic results are concordant “with the dispersion of the people of ancient Israel throughout the Old World”. Regarding the samples he used Behar points out that “Our conclusion favoring common ancestry (of Jewish people) over recent admixture is further supported by the fact that our sample contains individuals that are known not to be admixed in the most recent one or two generations.”

    “Common genetic origin” (ancestry), having nothing to do with the -relatively- recent race mixing or the strategy of hiding behind these useful idiot (Jew-ISH) front-men, which has led some of you to erroneously conclude that all Jews are a “mixed blooded mongrelized people”. How easily we are confused.

    Analysis of mitochondrial DNA of the Jewish populations of North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Libya) has been the subject of further detailed study in 2008 by Doron Behar et al.[48] It shows that Jews from this region do not share the haplogroups of the mitochondrial DNA haplogroups (M1 and U6), which are typical of the North African of Berber and Arab populations. Similarly, while the frequency of haplogroups L, associated with sub-Saharan Africa, are around an average of 20–25% at the Berber populations studied, it is only 1.3%, 2.7% and 3.6% respectively among Jews from Morocco, Tunisia and Libya.[4]

    According to the study of G. Thomas et al., 51% of Georgian Jews are descended from a single female.[49]

    Once more (the various studies and their results are redundant, but compelling and bear repeating), Jews have far more in common with each other than with their Gentile hosts, even when comparing across continents

    The Jewish population of Yemen also reveals a founder effect. 42% of the direct maternal lines are traced to five women, four originating in western Asia, and one in sub-Saharan Africa.[48]

    It appears as though a small population of Jews set up shop in various locations around the globe and proceeded to spread like a virus.

    According to the study of 2008 b D. Behar et al., the maternal lineage of the Jews of India has a local origin for the vast majority of the community. The maternal gene pool also includes some minor maternal lineage originating in the area of Iraq/Iran or Italy.[48] However, for the Bene Israel, their paternal lineage indicates Middle Eastern ancestry.[13] Black Cochin Jews also have genetic similarities with other Jews, in particular with Yemenite Jews, along with the indigenous populations of India.[55]

    The Jews spread their seed even among the populations of India and Africa as well, but their DNA can still be traced back to the Middle East.

    Jews and the “founder effect” (the birth of a new race/species: The Jew):
    In population genetics, the founder effect is the loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new population is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population. It was first fully outlined by Ernst Mayr in 1942,[1] using existing theoretical work by those such as Sewall Wright.[2]As a result of the loss of genetic variation, the new population may be distinctively different, both genotypically and phenotypically, from the parent population from which it is derived. In extreme cases, the founder effect is thought to lead to the speciation and subsequent evolution of new species.

    i.e. the racially “pure” Jews diverged from their Arab cousins to become their own race.

    The Birth of the false Jews/partial Jews:
    Despite Ashkenazi Jews representing a recently founded population in Europe, founding effects suggest that they probably derived from a large and diverse ancestral source population in the Middle East, who may have been larger than the source population from which the indigenous Europeans derived.[29]

    i.e. these Jew-ISH Ashkanazis were spawned from the “pure” Jews of the Middle East, even though these “Ashkenazis” are now mistakenly viewed as being “just as Jewish” as their Middle Eastern forefathers. In fact, most people accept the Ashkenazi as being the “real Jews”, since their Middle Eastern “fathers” make it a point to hide behind them. That way all of the sheeple just conclude that it’s “Whites” or “White Jews” doing all the damage; never quite understanding why these “White Jews” would want to commit genocide against “other” (the real) Whites.

    More on the Jewish Race:
    Another study of L. Hao et al. (October 2009)[60] studied seven groups of Jewish populations with different geographic origin (Ashkenazi, Italians, Greeks, Turks, Iranians, Iraqis and Syrians) and showed that the individuals all shared a Middle Eastern background in common, although they were also genetically distinguishable from each other. In public comments, Harry Ostrer, the director of the Human Genetics Program at NYU Langone Medical Center, and one of the author of this study, concluded “We have shown that Jewishness can be identified through genetic analysis, so the notion of a Jewish people is plausible.”[61]

    Jews have more common DNA with “Turks, Italians, Greeks, Iranians, Iraqis, and Syrians” than Northern Europeans, and they are “genetically distinguishable” from each other as well, yet they all still share common ancestry, wherever they may be and regardless of who they mixed with.

    Key Point: “Jewishness can be identified through genetic analysis. Thus, the notion of a Jewish race is not merely plausible, it is in fact a reality. A simple reality at that, but they have done a very effective job of confusing the hell out of their hosts.

    Are Jews truly a “race”?

    They certainly qualify as a race (under which definition do they not?).

    Race 1 (rs)
    1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
    2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
    3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
    4. Humans considered as a group.
    5. Biology
    a. An interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms differing from other populations of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits. A race that has been given formal taxonomic recognition is known as a subspecies.

    They are clearly and measurably different (Jewishness and even degrees of Jewishness can be identified through genetic analysis), and they have spent countless generations inbreeding so the differences have been strengthened and the gap between (the real) Jews and Gentiles has widened (aside from the mixed raced mutts they have spawned in an effort to spread their filthy seed and bridge the gap between the parasite and its host).

    The Jewish race is in fact a real race by the very definition of the word. Maybe not an “original” race, but they have sprung up from the seed of “Satan” (some psychopathic founder[s] from the Middle East), then kept their race pure (at the top, through their women), while tainting ours with their demon seed.

    All Jews have a direct-line maternal ancestry originating from just a few women, and a large percentage of the Ashkenazi population is descended matrilineally from just four women (their “founder lineages” can be traced).

    They are predisposed to this kind of behavior, because they share DNA and common ancestry that sets them apart. i.e. their distinct and measurable differences qualify them as a race.

    They also fit the definition of “psychopathic” as well. Lacking empathy, remorse and everything else that makes a human being “humane”.

    In summation:

    It’s simple. Jews are a race, who are clearly and measurably different, and they all share common ancestry. Jew-ISH people are simply the result of Jews mixing with other races. Ashkenazis belong in the same classification as mulattoes, mestizos, etc… Jews are not “White”, they are the antithesis of the noble Aryan man.

    FFS, what’s so hard to understand? Some of you have been around far too long to not comprehend this critically important biological reality.

    Even worse, I cringe every time I hear one of you parroting the “Jews are not a race” drivel, the “Jews are a mixed-breed mongerlized people” misnomer, and worst of all the “Jews are White” whopper (of a lie). Get it right, shut up (parroting is a fk’in disease!), or simply show me how I am wrong.

    1. Scott Roberts –

      This is well written. Your claim is:
      “All Jews have a direct-line maternal ancestry originating from just a few women, and a large percentage of the Ashkenazi population is descended matrilineally from just four women (their “founder lineages” can be traced).”

      Please name the four women and where they resided and who they mated… and the names of their offspring, so they can be traced, as you stated could be done. I am sure you have done this before you made this claim.

      I will not require you to shut up if you cannot prove your claims.

      1. Their DNA is their “name”. It is self-evident anyway, once you look at it with the right eyes. Something the blind will never do.

        “Pat” could be a male… “Pat” could also be a female… but “Pat” is most certainly a Jew.

      2. Scott Roberts –

        Really weak answer.

        If that’s all ya got… it is ‘self-evident anyway’ that the whole comment may be a spoof.

        The burden of proof to establish the truth of the claims – by showing the evidence – rests upon the guy asserting the claims. That is you…and…you totally failed there.

        And you join a lengthening list of people calling everyone a Jew if they ask for more than ‘self-evidence’ in any matter.

        To make statements in fact concerning physical attributes toward people you don’t even know first hand, is more than dishonest.

        Again…. The burden of proof to establish the truth of the claims – by showing the evidence – rests upon the guy asserting the claims.

        Since you do not even know my sex…you lose…again.

      3. Scott

        You are SPOT ON!!!! EXACTLY! Well put!

        Folks, Scott nailed it and you should know it too. This is the “Jews” Achilles heal and proof of our (whites/Europeans-authentic Christians) redemption. The so called Jews are mongrels. The Sephardic “Jews” are a mixed lot coming from Esau-Edom. These are those who opposed and MURDERED OUR KIN- OUR LORD- Jesus Christ- The WHITE MAN! These impostors who called themselves “Jews” falsely (as in ethnic members of the tribes of Judah-Benjamin-Levi) were DESTROYED by the Romans in a mass slaughter they WELL deserved- all Esau men dying and all Esau women raped.

        This cut their paternal link forever to Isaac leaving ONLY a maternal line. This is why the “Jews” claim a “Jew” my way of mother and not father (which is the only lawful way to trace biblical lineage.

        These mixed (with blacks of Ham and Arabs of Ishmael Esau “Jews” converted the Ashkenaz of Japeth (asiatic stock- around 800 AD) and thus they mixed with them too.

        The R1b genetic marker Scott speaks of is trace via atheistic evolutionist scientists from Egypt to Palestine (from 700 BC backwards) all the way to India (12 tribes carried away by Assyrians) up in Russia proper, through the CAUCASIAN MOUNTAINS, around both the Black and Caspian Seas flooding into Europe proper from about 600 BC to around 200 AD. These pagan Israelites/Egyptian WHITE PEOPLE (Joseph’s sons being half Egyptian-half Israelite-Hebrew whites) ARE OUR ANCESTORS!!

        We white/European peoples at the 4 corners of the earth are the AUTHENTIC Israelites/Judaites!!


        There you go again, showing exactly why I consider you a Jew planet/dupe. Every time someone nails the “Jews” in their identity fraud- every time someone establishes whites/Europeans authentic identity (Scott with his RIb evidence) YOU GO ON THE ATTACK with more BULLSH-T in PATHETIC attempts to discredit them.

        I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE PAT and EVERYONE here should know too!

        Leave Scott alone. He is one of the FEW people in the “movement” who has his ducks in a row- speaking TRUTH to POWER to ACTION!


        While I empathize with your plight against the “Jew” know this. The land of Israel is NOT yours. While the “Jew” immorally murdered your people off of it and that will be held accountable for that- it’s still NOT yours. Its OURS (whites/Europeans-Christians).

        911 was an fake Jew inside operation against the American people. Arabs did NOT carry it out. Al Queda (which is a CIA/Mossad creation) DID NOT carry it out. Mossad did with the help of their traitors that performed a Coup within the Corporation UNITED STATES. It is designed to destroy whites/Christians as they also use these duped to expand the state of “Israel” to finish their JWO.

      4. Tyrone –

        ‘Rib evidence’… LOL!! DNA cannot determine customs or religions!!

        Jews are NOT a race..period!! Scott will just have to keep on cringing. 🙁

        As for me, personally, you testify to something that you have no personal knowledge of, kiddo. That is called baring false witness. Now, you can say “You are a Jew dupe” or something alike, but to make statements in fact concerning physical attributes toward people you don’t even know first hand, like me, is more than dishonest.

        Keep a-preachin’. Your own words defeat you, sonny boy.

        Leave Ruth and Sardonicus alone!! See..I can give orders as well as you can. 🙂

      5. Pat

        Do you know how the Mexican race was created? Do you know how the Japanese race was created? Do you know how the Russian (white race) was created?

        As for the Mexicans- the Spaniards mixed with the local central American Indian races over some 500 years of generations creating a sub racial category called today Mexican. While there are divisions between the more European and the more Indians lots- they are considered a racial category in their own right.

        Same thing for the Japanese- separating from other Asiatics- having a larger infusion of Aryan white in them. They too are considered a distinctive sub racial category of Asiatics. As for the white Russians- they came from the Israelite white tribes shooting north around 600 AD, infusing with Asiatics in the area and then getting a boost of White injection via Swedish Vikings between 600-1200 AD. This becoming the their sub-racial identity category under whites- deriving their name “Rus” from the Norwegian Vikings who had spit with the Swedish Vikings.

        So now onto the “Jews”. Like all of the above, the “Jew” has mixed, it’s mongrelized, have two contemporary primary racial components, emerging over the last 1200 years that operate as one with an all encompassing ethnic-cultural identity (from Talmud) making them the “Jews”.

        To say the “Jews” are not a race (actually two mongelized ones acting in concert) is to say there is no such thing as a Newfoundland Canine or a German Shepard because in your fairyland world where monkeys ride pigs and all is as it seems it should be- there is no such thing as DNA-Biology– only externally programmed cultures.

        In short you little despicable turd of a “Jew” protector… You’re FULL OF SH-T- protecting the “Jews” by way of using their Marxist derived argument that there is no such thing as race- only environment.

        Why does Pat do this? Because once people come to the undeniable conclusion that the problem with the “Jews” is primarily their predisposition to evil behavior via their genetics, their DNA, and not primary because of their Talmud (external programming which is an outward expression of their internal DNA)- once they realize that the “Jews” ethnically speaking are from Esau- Ashkenaz and NOT authentic Judah-Israel *white people- THEIR ENTIRE CLAIM UNDER LAW to the land in Israel is made NULL AND VOID!!

        This is why Pat defames all who point this out because he knows this TRUTH is paving the way for the AUTHENTIC Israelite/Judaites (we whites/European-Christians) to take back what is OUR BY DE JURE RIGHT- BY LAW (the land and world Government) and that when this happens, it will culminate in the “Jews” being held accountable for their endless criminal activity- including ETHNIC IDENTITY FRAUD- which is an ALL ENCOMPASSING charge against them that has NO statute of limitations.

        Pat knows that this is their Achilles heal and once realized with indictments come down based upon these TRUTHS- THE “JEWS” ARE FINISHED!

      6. Yes, because the “burden of proof” must include my “naming the four women, where they resided, and who they mated with” or else all other evidence is “to be dismissed”. A very “reasonable” (Jewey) request from you (a nameless/faceless troll) indeed. And if I can’t meet your (impossible) standards, then everyone should just dismiss the mountain of evidence I just provided, right? Is that the purpose of your post or not? If Jews are not a race, hellbent on destroying the White race, then what are they Mr./Mrs. Pat?

        Short of my meeting your impossible demands, then everyone must conclude that “Jews are not a race”, “Jews are mongrels”, or that “Jews are White/European”, right? I’m guessing your position falls somewhere along those lines, since that’s the politically correct dogma of the day (i.e. the Jew-written narrative). And of course none of that dogma requires any standard of proof whatsoever to be met, let alone one as lofty and unattainable as the one you just set for me.

        With a standard of proof like that you could pretty much shift the burden to “antisemites” (truth speakers) in such a manner that they could never prove anything to your standard, which was never meant to be met. A very Jewey trick indeed.

        PS – anonymous people get the respect they deserve.

        Newsflash: Jews flood the comment sections of sites like these, and of course they remain anonymous while doing so. And if you push what are clearly Jewish lies, while remaining anonymous, then people have every right in the world to assume you are a Jew. Don’t like it? Then “man” up and show yourself. Otherwise, expect more of the same, especially if you push Jew lies and rely on Jew tactics while doing so (which are as easily recognizable at this point as the big nose on your ugly face). Really, that’s the 1st post I have ever seen from you, but I would stake my reputation on your being a rat-faced Jew.

        In any case, Jew or not, your “rebuttal” to my lengthy and rock-solid post left much to be desired, and again, the tactic you employed is nothing we haven’t all seen before.

      7. Tyrone-

        You have let me control the narrative again.

        I just love those foul words from a Christian. That proves you don’t have enough gray matter to play dead in a B-grade western movie!! 🙂

        As for me, personally, you testify to something that you have no personal knowledge of, kiddo. That is called baring false witness. Now, you can say “You are a Jew dupe” or something alike, but to make statements in fact concerning physical attributes toward people you don’t even know first hand, like me, is more than dishonest.

        Keep a-preachin’ young’un. Your words define you, and defeat you.

        You lose.. 🙁

      8. Scott Roberts –

        You are known by the company you keep here.

        If both yours and Tyrone’s brains together were placed in a humming bird, it would fly upside-down and backwards, and suck juice out of a mule’s butt.

        See… I can claim to know you as well as the preacher, Tyrone, and you, can claim to know me.

        Tyrone… I order you to … keep a-preachin. It makes for good ‘soap-opera’ style material.

      9. I don’t “keep company” with anybody. I am my own man, I can speak for myself, and I have never attempted to conceal my real identity.

        I attempted to post several links to my videos/articles, but they are on moderation. I welcome you to rebut any of the countless points I have made over the years OR simply the ones I provided in my original post above. But raising the bar to an impossible standard of proof is in no way a rebuttal. It’s just another Jew tactic to shift the focus off that Jewish DNA and the genocidal agenda they have against Whites.

        I have offered a mountain of evidence, while all you have done is shout out “Jews are NOT A RACE”, yet you then have the audacity to claim that I am the one who is not offering enough proof? TJB indeed.

      10. Scott –

        “Yeah, well, my comments are being selectively censored here, while an anonymous Jew like Pat gets to post freely. That tells me about all I need to know.”

        With this…. you just proved you know NOTHING!!
        Now… your credibility is shot.
        You cannot PROVE that statement any more than you can prove anything you have posted here.
        Keep diggin’… The hole gets deeper and deeper. LOL!!

        BTW: If the answer to my original question is UNKNOWN, as you admitted, then you cannot claim to know where any of those you mentioned came from. You defeated yourself.

      11. lol The anonymous troll tells me I “lost all credibility”, yet he still hasn’t offered a valid rebuttal, nor has he presented any evidence to support his claim that “Jews are NOT A RACE”.

        Really, do you believe the readers here are stupid enough to dismiss all of the tangible evidence I presented just because I can’t list those founder Jews by 1st, middle, and last names?

        ha Is that really the best you could come up with? “it’s well written Scott, but name them and their mates, and their offspring, and their offspring’s offspring, etc… or else”. Really?

        The DNA speaks for itself. Their names don’t matter one bit. Jews are a race, by every definition of the word, and they are clearly and MEASURABLY different (despite having mixed with their hosts, to varying degrees).

        I’d be more than happy to discuss this with you on a live podcast. I’ve got hours and hours worth of evidence to present, and you are welcome to rebut it at each step along the way, live and in real-time. Sound good?

      12. PS – my comment was in moderation. I still have a few other comments on this site “awaiting moderation” as well. It might have had something to do with the links in this instance, and there might have been another reason for it in the other threads, but I do take screenshots of such things, so I am not making that up. If there was no malicious intent on the part of the moderators here, I apologize, but I am sure they would understand my concerns, as Jews attempt to control the dissent on the highest of levels.

      13. Scott –
        You made this claim:
        “All Jews have a direct-line maternal ancestry originating from just a few women, and a large percentage of the Ashkenazi population is descended matrilineally from just four women (their “founder lineages” can be traced).”
        The burden rests on you to prove it. You are the claimant. Trace them.
        There is nothing to rebut at this point. Your claim is hollow.

        I have spent many hundreds of hours on this and associated materials over the last 70+ years. Thanks, anyway.
        It is entertaining, though.
        Keep a-searchin’… Facts will continue to show up for you.

      14. @ Scott Roberts

        “Yeah, well, my comments are being selectively censored here,..”

        This is a lie. None of your comments have been censored here, Every comment you have sent this website has been posted intact.

        One of your comments was held up for automatic moderation because you posted more than three links. This is not censoring. It happens to everyone who posts three links or more.

      15. Lucy Skipping, it wasn’t a lie, it was a misunderstanding, and I apologized for it above.

        But yes, there are other comments in various threads which are still “awaiting moderation”. FFS, I have the screenshots, but once more I already apologized for jumping the gun. It’s a non-issue.

      16. No, I didn’t make the claim, that was the finding of the following study:

        A 2006 study by Behar et al.,[50] based on high-resolution analysis of Haplogroup K(mtDNA), suggested that about 40% of the current Ashkenazi population is descended matrilineally from just four women, or “founder lineages”, that were “likely from a Hebrew/Levantine mtDNA pool” originating in the Middle East in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. Moreover, a maternal line “sister” was found among the Jews of Portugal, North Africa, France, and Italy. They wrote: Both the extent and location of the maternal ancestral deme from which the Ashkenazi Jewry arose remain obscure. Here, using complete sequences of the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), we show that close to one-half of Ashkenazi Jews, estimated at 8,000,000 people, can be traced back to only four women carrying distinct mtDNAs that are virtually absent in other populations, with the important exception of low frequencies among non-Ashkenazi Jews. We conclude that four founding mtDNAs, likely of Near Eastern ancestry, underwent major expansion(s) in Europe within the past millennium…[50]

      17. Now, after “70 plus years” I would imagine you could come up with at least some sort of proof to support your claim that “Jews are NOT a race…period!!” (your words).

        Well, how about starting off by telling me how they fail to fit any one of the following definitions of the word “race”?

        Race 1 (rs)
        1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
        2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
        3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
        4. Humans considered as a group.
        5. Biology
        a. An interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms differing from other populations of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits. A race that has been given formal taxonomic recognition is known as a subspecies.

      18. The idea that Jews are “just a religious group with no genetic ties” is downright absurd. Jewish traits are readily identifiable by the naked eye alone. And FFS, they have genetic diseases. I could convert to Judaism right now and I would not suddenly find myself more likely to be afflicted with a Jewish disease.

        In simple terms, the “purest” of Jews are those who are as different from non-Jews as is (genetically) possible. What makes them “Jews” are their DIFFERENCES to us, and the “purest” of Jews are as different from us as they possibly could be.

        Same applies to the “purest” European, African, Asia, Slav, etc… What DNA markers do they possess that the rest of us do not? Well, that’s what sets them apart and would have us referring to them as a unique and separate race (or sub-race). “Pure” is simply my way of making that that point.

        A person could make the same argument about Whites as well (that we do not exist as a race):

        “Hey Scott, what exactly is a White person”? Well, my answer is exactly the same. What DNA/traits to Whites have that are unique to us? Well, those of us who are as different as possible from non-whites, based on those observable and measurable traits, are the “purest” of our race.

        Take a mulatto, a mestizo, a Eurasian, or an Ashkanazi and you will find some European traits on/in them as well, by the very meaning of each word, but European they are not, and should never be used to argue against the existence of the White race… anymore than a Jew-ISH (a partial Jew) person should be used to argue that “Jews are not a race”.

        Jews are measurably different. Simply put, Jewishness can be identified through genetic analysis, but I can spot a god damned Jew with my naked eyes as well, even if they call themselves “atheists” or “Christians” (Nathaniel Kapner anyone?)… No, not a convert (not Jew-ISH at all) or some guy who is 1/64th Jew-ISH, but any who have a significant amount of Jewish DNA are quite easy to pick out of a crowd.

        Jews view themselves as a race, and they are committing genocide against our race (they aren’t trying to fk’ing convert us to Judaism, are they?)…

        Why split hairs beyond that?

        Would you fail to recognize the White race on account of there being mestizos, mulattoes, and Eurasians? Of course not.. Then why on Earth would you be fooled into believing “Jews are not a race” simply because the most visible “Jews” are actually only slightly Jew-ish? I mean, if all I looked at were mulattoes all the time, then I guess I might start to wonder if there really was a White race as well… and, well, there you go.. that only goes to show just how well this approach (to bridge the gap to their hosts) has worked for them. it has even the very best and brightest of us fooled.. over something that should really be easy to understand

        I really don’t understand how people get so confused over this, especially after “70+ years” of research. It’s as plain to see as their big ugly noses.

        No matter how you slice and dice it, theirs is a race-based agenda, with a primary objective of destroying our race. No, not converting us to Judaism (as would be the case if their primary focus was on religion), but wiping us off the face of the Earth. If we don’t understand their race-based agenda, then our race will be no more. So yeah, all that religious nonsense is beneath me and I have NO interest in making it a focal point.

        I repeat…The Jewish RACE is attempting to enslave and destroy the White RACE (they won’t be doing any favors for non-White gentiles in the long-run either). The evidence of this agenda is all around us. It’s clear, with or without the DNA markers being sequenced and used to confirm what is otherwise obvious to both the naked eye and to anyone who knows his history (no, not his bible or the mainstream anti-white dogma, but true history).

        Really, how difficult is this to understand?

      19. Scott –

        See?? How easy it is to write a few paragraphs without using foul language labels??

        You did good. I understand all you stated. I stated most of it 40 years ago.

        Keep studying. Your ideas today will not be the same in 30 years. Guaranteed.

      20. 30 years, huh? I’m working on my 5th decade and I highly doubt I will live that long (not sure any of us will), but the Jewish RACE is not going to suddenly stop existing no matter how old I get.

      21. Pat

        “You have let me control the narrative again.”

        Judgment- Typical Jew or Jew dupe behavior claiming something (Pat controlling the narrative) that is actually in the possession of others (Scott and/or Me on this topic).

        “I just love those foul words from a Christian.”

        Judgment and Defense- I am following Jesus’, my kinfolks actions JUGDING “Jews” and their dupes CORRECTLY thus EXPOSING them for what they are by what they do. Judgments like “You little turd of a Jew Protector” is literal and metaphorical. Turd describing how Pat so low that he’s akin to a piece of poop- no one should consider touching let alone making friends with. The Jew protector is another JUDGMENT being EXACTLY what Pat is engaged in.

        “That proves you don’t have enough gray matter to play dead in a B-grade western movie!!”

        Judgment-More misdirection and slanders- typical JEW tactic- typical JEW DUPE behavior.

        “As for me, personally, you testify to something that you have no personal knowledge of, kiddo.”

        Judgment- Pat lies. I have PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE by reading his posts and watching him protect Jewish interests- projecting his guilt upon others while pretending to be “anti Jew”.

        “That is called baring false witness.”

        Judgment- Pat lies again. It’s called calling a spade and spade and this while Pat inverts the truth- typical Jewish tactic- typical Jew dupe behavior.

        “Now, you can say “You are a Jew dupe” or something alike, but to make statements in fact concerning physical attributes toward people you don’t even know first hand, like me, is more than dishonest.”

        Judgment/Defense- Yes, these are my words Pat quoted but as anyone can see, I called Pat a JEW DUPE (non ethnic term)- a JEW PROTECTOR (Non ethnic term) and a JEW PLANT/JEW PROTECTOR (Both non exclusively ethnic terms).
        Why? Because I have not seen Pat nor can I verify his ethnicity because he’s too cowardly to not be anonymous as Scott pointed out. So I am not be hypocritical like Pat- I AM DOING EXACTLY WHAT I PREACHED while PAT is guilty of contradicting his own statements! How?
        Pat claims there is no such thing as an ethnic “Jew” and in the next breath he claims I wouldn’t know if he was an ethnic Jew least I saw him personally (something I didn’t even accuse him of). How’s THAT for typical “Jewish” behavior?

        “Keep a-preachin’ young’un. Your words define you, and defeat you.You lose..”

        Proclamation/Judgment- I’ll keep preaching the truth that Pat is a JEW DUPE/JEW PROTECTOR and/or JEW PLANT (Jews can use goys as plants-right?). My words have defined me as correct and not hypocritical while Pat’s have showed him to be a liar, slanderer and hypocrite claiming a false “victory” as his own words defeated him.

      22. Tyrone –

        I used YOUR OWN argument. And now you reject it.

        You stated on this thread to Sardonicus about his support for Ruth exactly what I said to you…. LOL!!!

        Tyron Parsons
        September 8, 2014 at 6:24 pm
        May I ask if you know Ruth? What I mean is- have you met her in person? Have you checked her lineage? If no, why do you testify to something that you have no personal knowledge of? That is called baring false witness. Now, you can say “I don’t think she is Jewish” or something alike, but to make statements in fact concerning physical attributes toward people you don’t even know first hand, is more than dishonest.
        Having said that people know that I have had my round abouts with Ruthie and I too believe her a “Jew”. Could I prove it here? Probably not but rest assured the “Jew” always loves to act as if white as they go about pissing and moaning against those who call for the “Jews” to be held accountable individually and collectively.

        Keep a-preachin’. It gets more comical by the day.

      23. Pat

        I didn’t reject my own argument and YOU KNOW IT! I supported my arguement I made with regard to Sardonicus saying that one can’t claim one’s a Jew ethnically unless one has first had knoweldge of it.


        Examples. They have a Jewish name. They have Jewish appearences. They admit they are a Jew etc.

        You claimed I was breaking my own principal by using terms toward you like Jew protector/dupe/plant.

        NOT ONE OF THOSE TERMS YOU BUMBLING DOLT, DENOTES THAT I AM CHARGING YOU WITH BEING A JEW BY RACE. One of those terms leaves in the possibility of it, but NONE of them claim you are.

        You say there is no such thing as the Jewish race but then you claim I wouldn’t know if you were a “Jew” by race (quoting my words laid as a trap for you) unless I knew you personally which is an ADMISSION on your part that YOU DO BELIEVE that there is a Jewish race and ONLY PRETEND there isn’t when REAL Anti Jews point it out as the root of their behavior.

        YOU’RE BUSTED JEW DUPE/PROTECTOR/PLANT! And anyone who doesn’t see this is either dumb as a box of rocks or an agent for them as well.

        Acting EXACTLY LIKE A JEW you hold onto your BULLSH-T STRAWMAN ARGUMENT even when I pointed this out in DETAIL ABOVE.

        I would ask this site’s owners and monitors to BOOT YOU if you cannot post my word toward you where I EXPLICIDLY called you a Jew!

        iIf you can’t (which is obviously going to be the case as you dodge the question AGAIN, slandering me more) I would ask EVERYONE ON THIS SITE TO EMAIL THE OWNERS AND MONITORS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED FOR BEING A JEW DUPE, PROTECTOR/PLANT!!

      24. Pat- Sardonicus

        Sardonicus, I too called Ruth a Jew but like I stated before, the reason why I “charged” you with the argument i did was to lay a trap for Pat. Sardonicus rightly assumed Ruth is a Jew and for all anyone knows, she is, but the reason for the trap was so I could sucker Pat into showing his cards- proving that he has always known the “Jews” are a race. Sorry Sardonicus, it was nessesary to compeletely expose this Pat, the Jew Agent/Protector and/or Dupe.

        So, you ask me Pat if your posted quote of mine should be enough to find you innocent- so “you can stay”. NO- I DO NOT BELIEVE SO. Allow me to lay out my reasoning to you and everyone else, alike.

        I specifically said “I would ask this site’s owners and monitors to BOOT YOU if you cannot post my word toward you where I EXPLICIDLY called you a Jew!”

        Do you know what word “explicidly”means? Here is the definition for you.

        “fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied; unequivocal:explicit instructions; an explicit act of violence; explicit language.”

        Furthermore-i rightly stated EXACTLY how you would respond to my request saying “If you can’t (which is obviously going to be the case as you dodge the question AGAIN, slandering me more) I would ask EVERYONE ON THIS SITE TO EMAIL THE OWNERS AND MONITORS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED FOR BEING A JEW DUPE, PROTECTOR/PLANT!!

        How did Pat respond? Here is Pat’s idea of me “clearly expressing that he is a Jew ethnically,,,
        “You asked. I delivered.”Pat the “Jew” spiritually and/or spiritually”…”Pat the “Jew” spiritually and/or physically”

        3 times I said spitirually and once I said and/or physically.

        Pat, do you know what the definition of “and/or” is?

        “And” -—used to join words or groups of words. “Or”-—used as a function word to indicate an alternative . So when I said Pat the Jew spiritually and/or physically- how could this EXPLICIDLY (i REFER YOU AGAIN TO THE DEFINITION LISTED ABOVE) MEAN PHYSICALLY ALONE?

        So, Back to Pat’s question. He askes “I hope this means I can stay now” and my answer, my belief, my desire is NO- HELL NO- BOOT THE JEW AGENT, PROTECTOR/PLANT!

        I mean my Lord- why do us REAL anti Jews have to put up with the likes of those sophist pro “Jews” who secretly distract, antagonize, confuse, obfuscate, slander, demonize, lie and perseucte those who really oppose the “Jews” in our midst? I for one am sick of this sh-t and say it’s time for Pat to get the OLD BOOT UP THE AS-!


        That’s how I feel.

      25. @ Scott Roberts

        “Lucy Skipping, it wasn’t a lie, it was a misunderstanding, and I apologized for it above.”

        Yes, I agree with you and apologize for callng it a lie.

      26. Thanks Lucy Skipping. The blame falls squarely on my shoulders and in my lap.

        I’m sure you understand though, with so much of the dissent being controlled these days. Once you’ve been censored as often as I have been, you tend to jump the gun from time to time. Not to excuse it, again I was wrong for assuming too much too soon, but I just wanted you to understand my reasons.


    2. Tyrone –

      You make stuff up. You must be having a nervous breakdown. You are starting to scream your messages in all capitals. You should give it a rest for a while.

      Now you cannot even read. Sardonicus said Ruth was NOT a Jew. You got it backwards.

      September 8, 2014 at 4:12 pm
      Mr Merc,
      You’ve fallen into the trap so many fall into on this website: the easy inference that Ruth Bernstein is Jewish because she uses a Jewish pen name. Only newcomers to this site think Ruthie is Jewish. The cognoscenti know she is not. A more sincere anti-Zionist shiksa it is impossible to find.
      Then you said, Tyrone:
      “Sardonicus, I too called Ruth a Jew but like I stated before, the reason why I “charged” you with the argument i did was to lay a trap for Pat. Sardonicus rightly assumed Ruth is a Jew and for all anyone knows, she is, but the reason for the trap was so I could sucker Pat into showing his cards- proving that he has always known the “Jews” are a race.”
      The trap you supposedly set caught YOU! That IS comical.. 🙂

      Tyrone, you claim freedom and rights and call for censorship of those who disagree with you. That must be how that Common Law Grand Jury works in Maine you keep pushing and selling.

      As I said. Your own words defeat you. That happens to unstable people.

      It was comical and entertaining to watch you wiggle and squirm your twisted definitions. Now that Max is gone I’m the only one left for you to foolishly attack.

      You’ll grow up one day. But, you need to relax and not preach so much anymore. I am concerned for your health. “No more preachin’ for you!”

      1. Pat

        Watch out folks- Pat “caught me in my own trap”. How is this you say? When I wrote Sardonicus I was actually pointing out that his insistance on chastizing Merc for calling Ruth a “Jew” wasn’t based on him knowing her, seeing her physically. I laid this trap for Pat but later when he finally tried to use the “seeing someone physically to establish their ethnicity” against me I CAUGHT HIM in his lie about not believing Jews are race.

        Pat tried to get out of it numerous times but he only dug a deeper hole showing his pathological dishonesty that he uses to protect the “Jews”. Then when I referenced that one post to Sardonicus again, I mixed up who I should have been apologizing to. I should have actually said, I am sorry Merc. When I was chastizing Sardonicus for claiming Ruth was “Jewish”, I shouldn’t have implied you were wrong in assuming Ruth was Jewish because I called her Jewish too. After all, she has a JEWISH name but it was nessessary to trap Pat in his relentless lies, protecting the “Jews”.

        So how does Pat respond to this mistake of mine? How does he try to get out of ADMITTING “Jews” are a race?

        1.He uses this mistake to try and claim that I can’t “read”- slander
        2. He says because I use captial letters for emphesis, I am “screaming” and “having a nervous break down” even though he can’t see me and captial letters don’t imply voice inflection breaking his own “one must physically see, hear etc, one to establish who and what they are. – Demonizations

        Now I ask you ALL, what does this have to do with the fact that Pat has ADMITTED that Jews are race? What does this have to do with Pat being a Jew agent/protector-dupe?


        As I have ALREADY pointed out to you Pat- this is a PRIVATE SITE and BECAUSE IT IS OWNED your free speech and mine are PRIVLEDGES- not RIGHTS. So by my calling for you to be BOOTED (just like you did toward me HYPOCRITE) – A PROVEN JEW PROTECTOR/AGENT-DUPE who pathologically lies and slanders to demonize TRUE anti Jews, is in SUPPORT OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM, LIBERTY!



        Pat, you’re one lucky dude because if your JEW PROTECTING AS- WAS IN FRONT OF ME, ON MY PROPERTY- i’d SILENCE you myself!

      2. Tyrone –

        You must have totally lost your mind.
        You make stuff up. You set a very bad example for good decent Christians… and you are now threatening a commenter… me… a total stranger.

        Give it a rest. You need one.

      3. Pat

        “You must have totally lost your mind.”

        How? By continually exposing your habitual lies?

        “You make stuff up.”

        Really? Like what Pat? Like when I proved to everyone that you have known all along that the “Jews” are a race while claiming the opposite as you ran interference for them whenever someone made reference to this fact?

        “You set a very bad example for good decent Christians”

        Who are you to make this judgment? You don’t believe in authentic Christianity or Jesus Christ. By what authority do you claim the right to determine what Christ would or wouldn’t do? Jesus Christ exposed and opposed the Jews in both their ethnic identity fraud as well as by their evil actions. And now “I’m not setting a good example to Christians” by proving you’re in league with them? Spoken just like a “Jew”, as usual.

        “… and you are now threatening a commenter… me… a total stranger.”

        Oh my Lord, and now, as usual, when nothing else works you again employ the old boo-hoo Crocodile tears tactic claiming “persecution” when you’re really being prosecuted? Pathetic!

        You’re not a stranger. We’ve communicated countless times.You’re a Jew protecting little wussy who pathologically lies, slanders and demonizes authentic people who oppose the “Jews”, and you like Max before you DESERVE every bit of what is being dished out.

        Furthermore, I didn’t “threaten” you. I gave you a HEARTFELT PROMISE that I would do on my property, in my domain to you what this site should have done to you LONG AGO……SILENCE YOU!

        Here is some advise- LEAVE NOW!. Stop being a parasite like your masters and actually DO something that helps the common cause of all humanity by LEAVING IN PEACE those who oppose the “Jews”. If not, like white on rice, I will continue to be “on you”.

        Hey! I have a good idea. Why don’t you go post at VT? They love mindless mediocrity- they love people like you who attack authentic anti Jews. Seeing that most (not all) of their writers (as well as their editors) are control opposition agents,I’m for certain that they would welcome your Jew Agent slandering ploys with OPEN ARMS! You’re right up their alley Pat!

        Food for thought–have a nice day 🙂

      4. Ty-ranter –


        You should be posting your sales pitches on e-Bay and Craig’s List. Capital letters sell better there.

        You are wasting your allotted words on me… That’s my trap… you naive dummy!!

        Keep a-preachin, sonny. Waste them words on me. 😉

      5. Pat

        With every post to me you tacitly admit everything I have accused you of. I am well aware of your tactics and keep exposing them as you foolishly outright admit them. Remember, I know what you’ll do before you even do it and I concluded long ago that your “trap” of habitually lying and making nonsensical posts to confuse true anti Jews and eat up my allotted words I would use to trap you. I would use your scum tactics against you.

        See Pat, in time only a few scenarios will become a reality and I am willing to use 50,000 plus words to bring this reality into being. Yes, that is how much I despise you and your Jew ilk.

        1. You will be so exposed no one will listen to crap you say- anti Jews win, Pat loses
        2. This site will see you for what you are thus enabling them to identify other pro Jews pretending he is anti Jews booting you and your cohorts- anti Jews win, Pat loses
        3. Pat gives up and goes some other place to practice his pro Jew agenda- anti Jews win, Pat loses
        4. This site will continue to allow Pat to post his Jew agent claptrap thus loses its credibility-Pat wins, this site loses but the wise anti Jews win
        5. This site boots me and lets Pat and his ilk continue their pro Jew agenda- Anti Jews lose, this site loses, Pat and his pro Jews win.

        I am betting that in time, scenarios 1 through 3 will become a reality and that even if 4 bares out, you and your ilk will become impotent. You Pat are betting that 4 or 5 will become a reality when only senario 5 is the place where your ilk would completely win.

        We will see how ignorant or wise this site and its posters are. I think they are wise, you think they are fools.

        Have a nice day Jew agent provocateur. 🙂


        Here is some good news- The Basis for a National Citizens Class Action Suit (National Citizens are State Citizens of the original, organic and lawful Republic under Common/Natural/Christian law who’s jurisdiction is authentic reality vs that of the De Facto Corporation Illusion- the Grand Play. National Citizenship is “Sovereign” we the people citizenship– the one every living soul in America is born with.


      6. Ty -rant -er –

        You are soooo easy to catfish.

        Another post bites the dust!!

        Keep a-preachin sonny. Craig’s List wants YOU!!


  38. Great article on 9 11 truth with some new pieces of information such as the Rothschild couple on their balcony enjoying the view of the carnage. I didn’t know Bill Clinton was the one that allowed the media companies to fall into the hands of five individuals ( all Jewish, no doubt). There has been so much important investigating and courage on the part of people who risk getting run over to fight this disinformation campaign. These are the heroes!! God bless them!

    9 11 is the number ONE reason I have come to dislike the Jewish elite. It does matter that they are people who are Jewish who are willing to speak up against the 9 11 LIE but not enough. And the lie machine continues to publish at full speed and for some reason Americans buy it. Yes, they buy the whole war on terror lie. They buy the lie that 19 religious Muslims took down the most well defended nation in the world with nothing but box cutters. They buy that there is a Muslim fanatic behind all the subsequent false flags.

    If a person happens to be a building manager in the U.S. they then know the truth of 9 11. Otherwise it’s good enough to believe whatever and people do. I only wish with all my heart that there really were 50% of the population out there who have a question in their mind about 9 11 but I haven’t seen it yet.

  39. Dear Sardonicus,

    I am very, very, very glad to see that I have succeeded in effecting in you a slightly more favourable view of me, and see, for the first time also in your response, a better and more extended view of me. What for to fight when we can make friends, eh! The reason why I call for the total and immediate liquidation of the … er … the Mexicans! is that for 2,000 years this race has hindered mankind from attaining its full growth and potential, since each and every new crop of that races’s generation only succeeds in instilling in that of ours fresher and more menacing anxieties. In 1789 Frenchmen and women were drowned en masse by them in ghastly pleasures known as ”Boat Parties.” In 1848 there was barely one clear pit of drinking water that wasn’t infested by dead German corpses. In 1945 not a single furlong of space could be found in Dresden and Hamburg and Berlin and Munich that did not contain some body or another of young and old Germans burned to cinders. And between 1946 and 1950 so satanically had the Germans been treated by that very race which you prevent me from mentioning, that on Christmas Eve of 1950, the main square in Prague, known as Wenceslas Square, was LITERALLY lit, just in time for Christmas, by the bodies of dead Germans, men and women, boys and girls, who had been hung upside down and then lit on fire, presumably so as to give this sacred holiday a more human and warmer dimension, if you know what I mean. Don’t just read, Mr Sardonicus, IMAGINE TOO! I want you to imagine your sister or brother or son or father being first seized, and then hung, and then lit on fire! Do this and then come back to me, and you shall see that it will not be me but you yourself who will be calling for the instant removal of you-know-who! ”Hushly, hushly now. The … have already gotten me in a fine mess.”

    I do not in any way think myself obliged to show kindness to those whom Satan has brought on this earth just so they could burn me too. Every single person who has passed through the common forms of worldly education will tell you that it is the Jews who did all those things, and these days even in the intelligent and polite circles, to which I belong, if you were to pick up one honest opinion about the dismal, nay, tragic, state in which mankind finds itself, you will hear every one of them saying that it is the Jews, the Jews and no one but the Jews who are behind it all.

    Having arrived at that point in life at which a man can reasonably expect himself to settle down and view things from a distance, I now find that neither fear nor politesse can hinder me from speaking the truth, and actually myself say that behind EVERY SINGLE MISFORTUNE, the hand of the Jew is to be found. One thing that no generation ever seems to learn, is THE FACT, the indubitable fact, that discoursing with the Jew is actually impossible, since he never, ever, ever changes, – I mean it, don’t think I am saying this in anger –, and if you would like me to prove this to you, all you have to do is compare the behaviour of the Jews in Germany before 1933 with that of America in 2014, and you shall see that there is absolutely, and I repeat, absolutely, no betterment on their part: it’s always the domination of the media, the corruption of the morals, the lowering of the quality of education, the undermining of religion(s), et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and this from a race who was supposed to learn a lesson from a thing they call the Holocaust! Remember now: the Jews said to the world: ”Just you give us Israel, and you shall see what shall become of us.” Well, the world did give them Israel, didn’t it, Herr Sardonicus, and what has become of them? They have simply shifted their place of diabolic operation, and instead of killing the Christians, they now kill the poor defenceless Palestinians, whose land incidentally, or, perhaps not so incidentally, they have stolen. It’s facts like this that make me ashamed to be an Englishman.

    Never ever, and after that more never, ever – never, ever will the Jew change, since if one wanted to change, he must first obey the dictates of conscience, and after that of reason, and after that of society, and since the Jews think themselves higher and beyond and above all and everything on earth, they also feel not a little obliged to change, since in their warped minds they are already perfect, and what is perfect ought not to be changed, unless, that is, one wishes to change it for the worse, and with Jews this is impossible.

    The trouble with you Americans in particular, and, indeed, with all Christians, is that you cannot reconcile yourselves with the fact that, having borrowed everything that you could ever borrow from the Jews, you have inadvertently yourselves become at least half-Jewish, and so, WHETHER YOU ADMIT IT OR NOT, you have actually weakened yourself spiritually, insofar, that is, as combating them en masse is concerned, (I chose the word ”combating,” on purpose, as the furious censors like you and Xanadu prevent me from speaking the truth), and thus find yourself making to them now this overture, now that appeal, always, always hopelessly hoping that the Jew will one day change his mind and become one of us, that is to say, a better creature and a human being.

    The doctors of the soul have this saying, Sardonicus: ”When common sense has been dragged through the hopeless mire of excessive reasoning, it will find that, instead of immediately reverting to its former healthy and natural state and tackle the problem head on as it befits it, it enmeshes itself in endless speculation, in constant discussion and in even more hopes, not knowing that far from proposing to the understanding and knowledge the actual manner and means to a solution, it simply throws itself from one calamity to another, until at last, and far from freeing itself from that encumbrance which had led it to the bottomless pit in the first place, it actually begins to enjoy and even to partake of the problem which long ago it had set out to solve.” Actually, my good Sardonicus, no doctor ever said this but me, though I certainly do not propose that you think me a doctor of the soul, but you may easily think me a specialist of the Jewish soul, IF, that is, they ever had one!

    The men discuss and the men propose,
    The fairest way of the Jew to dispose,
    But countless reasons them hourly prevent,
    Lest to-morrow they all repent.

    The Jew in turn alarmed is not,
    And dedicates his hours to a fresher plot,
    He extends his views and in boldness grows,
    Until he strikes with might and his true nature shows.

    Our men above still daily propose,
    The fairest way of the Jew to dispose,
    But Jew has done his ghastly deed,
    And moves on to others with even better speed.

    A. Merc
    ”You see, Cleanthes, I proposed them thoughts with which to guide them in their threatened provinces, and they still think me a weak speculatist of a lady!”

    1. A. Merc –

      What a GREAT rant!! You’re getting me CRANKED-UP (no bull…).

      The part about us Americans becoming ‘half Jewish’ certainly is pause for consideration, too. Examining myself against the revelations exposed on this site and others has made me see more clearly the probabilities of our having been tricked into fomenting our own demise. (Not the Jew – or any other mortal entity – could have EVER tackled us head-on, and won.)

      Yes, we have been duped.

    2. @ A. Merc, September 9, 2014 at 7:12 am

      Dear Sardonicus,

      [1] I am very, very, very glad to see that I have succeeded in effecting in you a slightly more favourable view of me, and see, for the first time also in your response, a better and more extended view of me. What for to fight when we can make friends, eh!

      [2] I chose the word ”combating,” on purpose, as the furious censors like you and Xanadu prevent me from speaking the truth

      I am all too ready to have a favourable opinion of you. Your intelligence is as evident to me as your basic good nature. Thus I have nothing against Comment 1 above, but why do you have to go out of your way to say offensive things like Comment 2? I may have carped and found fault at some of the things you have said on this site. How is that censorship? Isn’t it right for me to point out that the most virulent antisemitic posters on sites like this are always JEWS PRETENDING TO BE ANTISEMITES? Haven’t I given you proof of that?

      Don’t you therefore realize that it is only natural that you should fall under suspicion of beng a Jew by the sheer virulence of your antisemitic comments? Am I telling you to be LESS antisemitic? Of course not! Rant against the Jews as much as you like! Feel free! But take the consequences of your folly and fall under suspicion of being Jewish, for this is exactly how a Jewish troll would behave — simulating a virulent antisemitism!

      OK, enough said on that.

      But why do you have to castigate Xanadu (i.e. Lasha) for censoring you? Aren’t you aware that this is a defamatory comment and deeply unjust, since Lasha has done no such thing? She is the very soul of laissez-faire and tolerance, giving you free rein to whip her with her with your tongue. And you do, ungrateful wretch that you are, whining about censorship even as you lacerate her verbally.

      Aren’t you are aware, numbskull, that you are unlikely to find any site on the internet like this — where such latitude for free speech is allowed? Where else would you find such a free spech zone where the commenters regularly take potshots at the tolerant Darkmoon, using her as their punching bag ?

      Please try to be polite to our hostess and do not accuse her falsely of “censoring” you when she is doing no such thing!

  40. Without violent, implacable opposition to, and hated of every Jewish person, including the law-abiding ones of good will, the rabbinic work cannot advance.

    1. That is correct. And the victims of the attacks, Jews, control the arguments today even more so than than in the past, because the attacks occur more and more in cyberspace…on the ‘net’….not physically.

  41. Lobro said: “quantum jitter guarantees that jew and his devil-god can never fully control the outcomes.
    which is why that fraud einstein complained so bitterly about quantum theory (g*d does not play dice – yes he does, jewboy and it is not in sheldon adelson’s casino)”

    Lobro, I am sorry to say this, but this is an emotional gibberish on your part. If Einstein was right about anything, this is it: God does not play dice. If you believe in Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics (i.e. there are inherently random events) then you have to dismiss, along with Einstein, all the natural philosophers in the entire history of science before the advent of quantum mechanics, including the great Leibniz with his principle of sufficient reason, plus such titans of quantum mechanics as Schrodinger (who thought from the get go that Copenhagen interpretation is utter nonsense) and Dirac (who ultimately conceded that Einstein was in the right, after all; see Dirac Lecture 1 (of 4) – Quantum Mechanics ).

    1. “Einstein was in the right”

      In acceptance of what premise, i.e. right about WHAT?

      Circassian, I gotta go, but I’ll kindly request that you keep this ball rolling 😉

    2. Lobro, I am sorry to say this, but this is an emotional gibberish on your part

      since you referred to me in such a kindly way, maybe i can respond somewhat unemotionally.

      dirac’s formulation [1930] of a complete set of observables is heuristic in the general case and rigorous only in the special case of self-adjoint operators acting in a separable hilbert space and having a pure point spectra, ie, the said hilbert space is the spectral representation space of the said operators – a special case.
      the principles of construction of such a space are well known.

      what i am referring to (emotionally, if you will), are the canonical commutation relations (ccr – not clearwater credence revival):
      given 2n self-adjoint operators Q1,…,Qn,P1,…,Pn in a hilbert space H, they satisfy ccr in which Qk is canonically conjugate to Pk, k=1,…,n, if (QkPk-pPkQk)f=ihf, for any f belonging to domain of [Qk,Pk]=QkPk-PkQk, while any 2 opererators from {O1,…,Pn} commute (btw, “h” is planck’s constant divided by 2pi)

      so, what this is saying is that canonically conjugate observables are incompatible, ie, there exists a lower limit to the accuracy with whichsimultaneous measurements of such observables can be carried out on the same system, eg, canononically conjugate position and momentum observables as shown by multitude of a. messiah’s gedanken experiments (sorry, don’t have my hardcopy reference with me but feel free to look it up).

      to me, it means that god does play dice, probably with his own existence, for that matter.

      unemotional enough for you?

      1. Yes Lobro, that is unemotional enough for me. But I would rather have you react emotionally in a human language rather than unemotionally in mathematical gibberish. It’s my turn now to be emotional: Only self-absorbed fools like Richard Feynman can believe that “following a mathematical development of a given idea” has anything to do with physical reality. That’s a phenomenon Edwin Jaynes dubbed “Mind Projection Fallacy”.

        There is no way I can express my views at length here, but my comments under Barau_R_Tour in the forum:


        present a good sampling.

    3. i was trained as a mathematician, not a physicist, so the experimental side is not something of which i have the first hand experience, but i can follow a mathematical development of a given idea.

      basically, the theoretical impossibility can be demonstrated of finding states for which the standard deviations of canonically conjugate position and momentum pairing are arbitrarily small – ultimately, must leave it to the roll of the dice.

      1. Mathematics is not a method for gaining new knowledge, mathematics is a way of formalizing and expressing in precise terms the knowledge already acquired by means of thinking and experimenting. “Following a mathematical development of a given idea”, and presenting the results of such an activity as new knowledge is a form of parasitism – a typical Jewish business model. That’s why one finds so many Jews in theoretical physics, and relatively few among the engineers and experimenters, who are the real horsepower behind the development of science.

      2. Mathematics is not a method for gaining new knowledge, mathematics is a way of formalizing and expressing in precise terms the knowledge already acquired by means of thinking and experimenting.
        … and presenting the results of such an activity as new knowledge is a form of parasitism – a typical Jewish business model

        i wonder why are you set on proving to everyone here that i am an idiot, impostor and a parasite in a typically jewish model?

        it starts with your adoration of einstein, schroedinger and dirac
        … such titans of quantum mechanics as Schrodinger (who thought from the get go that Copenhagen interpretation is utter nonsense) and Dirac (who ultimately conceded that Einstein was in the right, after all

        so are they suddenly rejects, lumped with me in the same trash bin of unthinking parasitism?

        i am starting to get the idea that you just want to spike me into the ground for whatever personal reasons motivate you, would it be self-aggrandizement at my expense?

        because here we have a clear instance of internal inconsistency i referred to elsewhere.

        einstein, schroedinger, dirac – sans lobro – titans.
        einstein, schroedinger, dirac – with lobro – fools, parasites, spouting gibberish.

        incidentally, a number of quantum theoretical results started out as playful conceptual entities, borne of thought experiments, eg, quantum entanglement, the basis of unbreakable encrypting schemes, and were latter confirmed experimentally.

  42. Truth is truth no matter who tells it! “Thanks “Lasha Darkmoon” for that brillliant and original piece of work.

    “Nearly 500 foreign nationals from over 80 different nations had been killed in the World Trade Center. A large number of Israelis had worked in the buildings and so a proportionately large number of Israelis could be expected to have died there. To give the impression that this was the case, President Bush, primed by his Jewish minders, announced soon after the tragedy that 130 Israelis had died in the towers. To his subsequent embarrassment, 129 of these Israelis were found to be alive and well. The number of Israelis who died in the Twin Towers turned out to be ridiculously small, in defiance of the law of averages — only one man! And he was a chance visitor who happened to be passing by.” LASHA DARKMOON

    THANKS “LASHA DARKMOON” for confirming that in 2001 I did not invent that figure 130 Israeli deaths I saw and heard Bush announce live on television right after the explosions! The pattern is the same here in the United Kingdom of Israel. The first thing we heard was that the Jew Netanyahoo was warned of the coming catastrophe and Mr Peter Power who is the prime suspect – never interrogated and never-to-be-interrogated suspect – in the 7 July 2005 explosions was more concerned about the security of Jewish Weapons Dealing or Trafficking Firm ELSEVIER than with British citizens’ security.

    It took me 13 years to finally find somebody come up with that information! Nobody who read my esssays ever gave a damn about that particular information about Bush’s 130 Israelis!

    Thanks again for us all

  43. Dear beloved..hope you are well and feeling safe

    What is done is done. knowing who done it does not matter..for no one can escape the fruit of their deeds. no one. the only thing which matters now is that one is aware of the time and the nature of the time. one needs to understand that the present is the result of the past. so based on the present one can know the fruits of the future..

    What does the crystal ball say about the future based on the present. the rulers have made it quite clear what the near future is to be like via their words and deeds. it will be a new order of which the majority will have no part..so they think. the storage of food.water and precious minerals will not serve anyone now. this confrontations is not like the previous two. not even the rulers will be safe in their underground abodes. one needs to align them self first with their true self and then with the one who is the supreme amongst all beings..

    There is no other option now. the rulers have made it quite clear that there is no other option for their desire.aim and objective is :full spectrum dominance: or as one of the main architects said :supranational sovereignty..so one needs to be careful that one is not distracted by the deeds of the masters of death. is that not what they want. they create scenarios to keep souls from doing what they need to do with them self. and by doing so their energy is directed outward instead of inward

    Who am i. what am i and from where do i come from..

    I..like all beings am a child of the supreme being of light. i too am then a conscious being of light. the place i come from is the supreme abode the region of light. this is where we beings come from..from up above. we descend into the material world and adopt these human bodies to act out and experience our desires. this is the world stage where we divine actors act via the body. then we leave the body and it is then said to be dead or lifeless because that which gives if life and brings it to life the soul has left. i am immortal. i was not created and can never die..

    Now the divine play is over again. destruction of the old is just ahead. it is time for souls to return to their home of light. then..like day follows night the play will start again. and so it is forever and evermore world without beginning or end

    Peace.Love .Om.

  44. Dear Lasha and all who have added their heartfelt comments.

    Thanks for this factual/fictional/narrative interpretation of 911. It helps in the overall scheme of things to keep the issue alive and to promote further investigation into the ongoing dilemma the world faces when confronted with the ongoing machinations of the Jews be they in Israel or outside.

    The exchanges between the commenters was and always is exceptional and that alone would justify composing such a post in the manner you did.

    I must confess though that when I received your email notice the very first visual impression that reached my brain was that Jew star mixed up with Germany’s NS symbol, the swastika. It immediately turned me off as does all attempts to somehow equate the crimes of the Jews with the Hitler, the National Socialists and the German people and nation as a whole.

    I see this error as a form of indulgence to the Jews. Those who don’t know the actual history of the NS and Hitler may take some small pleasure in thinking that in combining these two disparate symbols the Jews will somehow be embarrassed by the connection but I’m highly doubtful that is the case. For the Jew it only confirms and helps to disseminate and exacerbate their NO. 1 lie of the 20th century, i.e., the 6 million myth which they have exploited since its inception in order to commit all of their crimes against humanity beginning with their invasion of Palestine.

    I shall repost this on RadicalPress.com but I will rid the graphics of this one annoying deception.

    Thanks again Lasha for your ongoing dedication to the pursuit of truth and justice. ~Arthur

    1. as much as i treasure lasha’s articles and this is one of the finest, i completely agree with you art.

      mixing national socialist and talmudic symbology is a crime, like depositing a ripe dog turd on a chocolate mousse.

      the swastika is a pure hearted expression of universal wholesomeness while the latter stands for depraved pleasure of a cruel, racially based dominion over an enslaved world.

      1. @ Arthur Topham:

        “I must confess though that when I received your email notice the very first visual impression that reached my brain was that Jew star mixed up with Germany’s NS symbol, the swastika. It immediately turned me off…”

        @ lobro

        “As much as i treasure lasha’s articles and this is one of the finest, i completely agree with you art. mixing national socialist and talmudic symbology is a crime, like depositing a ripe dog turd on a chocolate mousse.”

        I agree with both of you. You are right. But you know, I had not the slightest intention of giving offense by equating Israel with Nationalist Socialist Germany. I was totally unaware of the fact that this particular symbol was a mischievous “hybrid” … my eye didn’t even register the symbol … I barely noticed it. I was focussing on other parts of the picture.

        Now that I examine the picture — actually there are two such pictures — one at the beginning and one right at the end — I notice that the symbol is NOT a simple Star of David but has the National Socialist symbol grafted into it.

        Arthur, by all means post the article on your site and leave those offensive pictures out. I wish I’d spotted the hybrid symbology, but it completely escaped me. Mea culpa.

      2. Yes indeed, mixing those symbols is an insult to N.S. ideology.
        Please use a graphic editor and remove N.S. symbols within those filthy stars.

    2. yes this is the first article where lasha shows some depth … but i think her soul is going to be fully unlocked soon

      mixing the germanic movement with judaic one is obviously foolish … like the hasbara that tries to say jews are whites

      1. See my comment above. I was totally unaware I had posted any offensive symbol. If I’d known the symbol was an offensive hybrid, I would have tried to find better pictures. .

  45. @ circassian

    (done in word processor to ensure the lengthy content is preserved)

    Circ, I don’t want to rape the commentariat with intellectual posturing at my end but couple of clarifications are in order before I read your link.

    Gibberish: subjective gibberish is when you speak to me in circassian language and I don’t understand a word, objective gibberish is when I say something like “kfudg2 muroqut 5pret*&n” and you don’t understand a word, nor does anyone else unless by dumb luck, they demonstrate a language whereby it all makes good sense.

    What I presented is not mathematical gibberish but a statement expressed in mathematical symbolism, which I claim to be true in all respects. I can outline the steps that led to it and if you work through them and find even one internal inconsistency in any of them, then I will accept that the quoted result which rests on them is truly gibberish.

    Fools/geniuses/titans: I find that these are all perniciously subjective terms, referenced to the speaker. Namely, a fool is someone whose acuity is lower than yours, however slightly and even this is both fleeting, case-based and subject to interpretation. If you score 82 on a test with max score 100 restricted to an hour and I, 81, you will call me a fool. But maybe you zipped through all 100 questions in 40 min, then twiddled thumbs idly, whereas I attempted only 81 and got each one right after being stubbornly stuck on the first question and having burned 20 minutes on it. Ask Brownhawk that many injuns operate that way, because they are proud dudes and not very practical and competitive like jews.

    Ditto for titans, a genius is someone who you can just comprehend, beyond that we have – what’s the word – aha, gibberish :-), or a fool again.

    This is why I am loath to shoot the messenger but focus on the message.

    I don’t know who you really are nor do you know me, it is all a giant Turing test, so I don’t waste time on that. If what you say makes sense to me, I will acknowledge that, otherwise profess puzzlement and ask for more information, unless I can clearly spot internal inconsistency and then I don’t mind getting nasty on occasion – even then I don’t relish the opportunity.


    1. if there was no randomness, the world would be inert

      if all is scripted, then what influenced/inspired/scripted the script? … it was always a moving dance

      thats not to say we dont have scripts … each of our souls is one … and those are always changing too … influenced/inspired by every other

      we are always put into classrooms with specific lessons, and from that sense, circassion is correct too … but the scope of lobro’s logic swallows that up … lobro makes a very good point of the greater quantity being outside of our field of observation … circassion makes a very good point that we should never stop striving to guess/wonder/experiment what is outside our field of observation … lobro makes a very good point that this can be done/communicated with mathematics as well

      woman logic – logic that is correct, but applied in such small scope as to be rendered inconsequential

      1. if there was no randomness, the world would be inert


        … and we would all be nothing but automations, our every thought and actions perfectly predictable and calculable from the beginning of time, simply based on the given masses in the closed cosmic system, their velocities and trajectories, like planning your shots in a game of snooker.

        our present debate would have been accurately scripted 13.5 billion years ago.
        spqr’s atheism, lasha’s and ruth’s faith fully foretold with nothing they could do about it.

        and know what’s more?

        jews are jews because they are jews, it is all in the divine cards and they are as helpless toys in the great game as everybody else, therefore blameless for their actions.

        and jesus christ was entirely wrong to blame them for anything because that implies free will to change one’s strategy and tactics and thereby unpredictably affect the outcome and bear individual responsibility for them – something lobro and jesus insist on, as opposed to einstein and his god that doesn’t play dice.

        go figure …

      2. Lobro, I am sorry you took it so personally.

        >> if there was no randomness, the world would be inert

        This is a bingo for Lobro, and a meaningless statement for me. That’s why I would like to ask both Lobro and Game Update to give your understanding of the notion of “randomness” in no uncertain terms.

        What is random? In your understanding, is it a concept that belongs to the domain of ontology or that of epistemology?

      3. it’s ok circ, i am all simmered down.
        it is just when i am in any way connected with jews and their operational mode that i turn into a venomous porcupine.
        it’s ok now.

        a very tricky question, maybe the trickiest of all …
        off hand, i would say that a closed system has a built-in randomness if given full description of its state, the future cannot be calculated.

        in recreational math, there are beautiful non-periodic tilings that are absolutely spell binding, in that they cover the entire plane using no more than 2 or 3 basic tiles ruled by certain matching rules, yet their spread is quite impossible to calculate with any given formula that predicts periodicity.
        well worth looking at, eg, tiles by roger penrose.
        also, the fractal expansion of the boundary of any mandelbrot set is hypnotic precisely due to its random aspect.

        on the personal (emotive :-)) side, i would be devastated if the future were mathematically predictable.
        i cannot quite put my finger on it and am using my intuitive power (maybe too lazy or lacking talent) but i would connect the above examples with goedel’s theorem of incompleteness of any finite arithmetic/logical system (it contains statements that are perfectly true but unprovable using its own resources, also impossible to prove its consistency – there is a theorem in logic that says that in any such system, if there is one example of inconsistency – ie, a statement that is simultaneously true and false, then every statement in that system is also true and false, ie, the entire system is 100% pure nonsense).

        so, even though we are convinced and fervently hope for consistency of our logical systems (and they all map into one another isomorphically, ie, 1-1), we can never hope to prove their consistency without resorting to metalogic … but if we extend our system to include metalogical axioms, then this new system will also contain new unprovable yet true statements, and so on ad nauseam.

        when you think about it, it is a very happy and hopeful result.

      4. “…logic that is correct, but applied in such small scope as to be rendered inconsequential.”

        Well, all I can say to that is thank God for its correctness.

        And while I’m at it, it seems to me that when saying “what we call ‘jew’ is the one who fears the most”, in pondering a specific fear, could it have to do with an inability to understand that to realize potential (learning) answers the question, “why exist?”- the quintessence of Being. The REASON… of Existence – pure logic. And Existence FOR reason – something to be sought ; seeking…God.

        What is commonly referred to as “goyim, or “goyum” are “seeds of Consciousness”, whose potential plants would bear the fruits of an infinite imagination; growing into the wonderment of the Divine Mystery. An awesome presence of overwhelming power that we are to embrace. God as an unfolding of sheer learning. With a reverence, No ulterior motives.

        This the “jew” cannot do.
        If he cannot embrace this, then it is HE who must do the overwhelming

      5. “…it was always a moving dance.”

        Could a symptom of being in a present state of being overwhelmed by some kabbalah curse, or whatever the hell you wanna call it, be that the potential for experiencing a ‘randomness’ is stifled? Where acting “randomly” may correspond to, say, a lucid-dreaming type experience, where your intent moves you through the mysterious kaleidoscope that is Imagination.

        An improvised dance in a spontaneous movement of STILL-ness (being yet; everlasting)

        But then there’s these killjoy rascals…

      6. Lobro, just for the record: I do not see any reason to doubt the sincerity of your distaste for the Jews and their mode of operation. Now back to business.

        >> randomness?
        a very tricky question, maybe the trickiest of all …
        off hand, i would say that a closed system has a built-in randomness if given full description of its state, the future cannot be calculated.

        I like this statement – it sounds genuine and thoughtful to me. But more importantly, I believe it contains the seed of the answer to the question which, indeed, seems very tricky. To plant that seed and let it flourish, all we need to do is (a) to note that the key phrase here is “the future cannot be calculated”; and (b) to ask: “cannot be calculated” BY WHOM?

        As soon as we ask that question, it becomes clear that the notion of randomness cannot be separated from that WHOM. Whether an event is random or not depends entirely on the agent who is doing the calculation (I would use the word “prediction” here instead of “calculation”) or, to be more precise, on the entirety of the information and knowledge possessed by the agent. In other words, randomness is a relative thing, not an absolute one: what is random for me might be absolutely certain for you, or vice versa – all is hinged on the information (knowledge) at hand.

        To put differently, the notion of randomness belongs to the domain of epistemology, and not to the domain of ontology. With this understanding of the notion of randomness, to which I subscribe without any reservations, absolute randomness (a.k.a built-in randomness, objective randomness, physical randomness, etc.) is meaningless. Randomness is a platitude when seen as an epistemological notion, for there is no ambiguity about its meaning. But if you try to come up with the definition of built-in randomness, you will find out that it is an impossible task – it cannot be done with any degree of logical consistency. At least, no one succeeded so far in doing so.

        As Edwin Jaynes pointed out, Bohr was thinking in terms of epistemology, while Einstein – in terms of ontology; they have been speaking in two different languages all along, that’s why they couldn’t understand each other.

      7. i am hesitant to assign clearly delineated tracks to epistemology and ontology and prefer to think in a unified stream, if possible.

        ontology is to me a more secular sister of theosophy but for my purposes, the same.
        so let’s address the issue from ontological –> theosophical perspective then, and you will see that the problem does not go away but is transmuted into its equivalent.

        you raised the issue of WHOM, ie, can there be a (conscious) entity “outside of everything”, glossing over the apparent absurdity of the quoted phrase, since “everything” has already admitted epistemological defeat and yielded to randomness, ie, complete inability to calculate its own future states based on the current and past ones.
        let us for the lack of better term and in order not to beat around the bush, call this WHOM, God.

        here is the rub:

        if God is not victimized by the said epistemological notion of randomness but is able to correctly calculate all the future states, since the game is laid bare to him, then whither human responsibility, since our own actions are no longer our own but predetermined and thus unavoidable.

        how can god design the game with the full knowledge of the outcomes at any time and then judge the powerless little ourselves at the end, is it not the height of hypocrisy?

        of course, the hypocrites (aka jews, aka einstein) are very pleased with this scenario, because it completely absolves them of any and all responsibility and thus they sleep tight despite all their abysmal criminality and criminal record.
        yahweh, the creator of the world has decreed it so, i am chosen, you are not, i can and will do whatever i want at your expense and there is nothing you can do about it, forget about ultimate justice – karma, what a moronic notion.
        so they go on with their game theoretic ontology while we steam in confusion.

        note that jesus took a radically different, contrary approach and this is why jews hate him so rabidly, he is rocking their safe little noah’s ark and threatening to tip them all overboard into the yawning chasm of justice.
        but this approach forces the ultimate ignorance on God, because he cannot load the dice, having designed the game in a fair way, ie, “he is part of everything” and “outside of everything” notion dissipates into the contradiction in terms that it is.

        so, mathematics aside, you can see who i cheer for, because i am antijew as a starter.

      8. I agree that there is no need to complicate things by bringing the notions of ontology and epistemology into the discussion.

        >> you raised the issue of WHOM, ie, can there be a (conscious) entity “outside of everything”, glossing over the apparent absurdity of the quoted phrase, since “everything” has already admitted epistemological defeat and yielded to randomness, ie, complete inability to calculate its own future states based on the current and past ones. let us for the lack of better term and in order not to beat around the bush, call this WHOM, God.

        Actually that’s not what I meant by WHOM. WHOM can be you, WHOM can be me, WHOM can be a supercomputer, WHOM can be some extraterrestrial being, etc. WHOM does not imply some omnipotent being, God, or anything like that. In fact, I would avoid bringing God into this discussion altogether, notwithstanding Einstein stated his position in terms of God. One should not take his “God does not play dice” literally. What he meant was, at least that’s how I understand it, exactly the same thing what Leibniz meant with his principle of sufficient reason: a belief in cause-effect.

        But regarding your conundrum with God and his ability (or inability) to predict the future, here is how I would reason about it. God is kind of authority (don’t take it too literally again), who is in complete charge of setting the rules of the game. But he does not go around changing the rules whenever he pleases: he sets the rules once and for all; he cannot and will not change them afterwards.

        But the fact, that God (nature, or whatever you like to call it) sets the rules, does not mean that it can predict the outcome of the games played by all. What that means, though, is that everything is happening by the rules, and only by the rules. What Einstein and Leibniz are saying is very simple: the rules do exist, whether we know them or not, and nothing happens that would or could violate those rules.

        That’s what, in a nutshell, Einstein’s “God does not play dice” mean. And I firmly believe that he was in the right in this particular case.

      9. i guess you are more philosophically minded than i, circassian, and have greater drive and persistence in dealing with these issues, so i will restrict myself to situations where i don’t feel like banging my head against 4 walls looking for a way out of a dark room.

        rules do exist, whether we know them or not, and nothing happens that would or could violate those rules

        this is an untestable proposition, so i don’t feel qualified to comment.
        i suppose you are right but cannot guarantee it.
        there are certain observed rules that have never been violated, not even on a subatomic scale but a rule is something that is handed to us from some outside agency, we cannot do anything about them nor are we responsible for their smooth and uniform functioning.
        all we can do is observe, nod our heads and say “yes, it works”.

        but we cannot say why the rules were set up the way they were or could there have been alternative ones that we may have preferred or whether there are in fact alternate rules in force in alternate localities, ie, outside our closed system, thus forever unknowable to us.

        as for einstein, i simply don’t like that guy and don’t trust him as a person and it doesn’t much have to do with his jewishness.
        he was simply an unsavory character, an attention whore, plagiarist, backstabber, parasite and a chameleon – lots of proof documented and anecdotal about that.
        were he around today, i guess he’d be a “white” hip-hop star, performing at the super bowl intermission.
        his famous doctoral dissertation is almost devoid of original content, nothing there exists that hasn’t already been stated by others but never bibliographically acknowledged.
        his nobelate is an afterthought and nothing to do with his “contributions” to the development of the general theory of relativity.
        nikola tesla, a true luminary among them all couldn’t stand him, held his nose whenever his name came up as a topic.
        but being a slav, he got no traction in the academic media machine, although they are all well aware of his power.

        maybe there are other jews worth listening to, such as oppenheimer or feynman that are more original and interesting as well as greater talents than 1-stone.

  46. A. Merc,

    I would dispute that the Christians have borrowed EVERYTHING from the Jews. First of all archeology (which is my passion of the moment) seems to be moving in the direction of Christianity owing more to first Temple Judaism than Second Temple. What became Judaism began with the Deuteronomy reforms of Josiah and was finished by the returnees from Babylon. Christianity may well have come from those who were excluded by Josiah’s reforms and those who did not go to Babylon (only the elite were exiled). In Josiah’s reforms many of those who opposed the changes fled South to Arabia and Egypt. The Book of Job was written in Arabia and the Wisdom of Solomon in Egypt. Clement of Alexander, and other early Christian writers match well with the ideas of the first temple, such as drawing aside the curtain to the Holy of Holies–the curtain later was left out of Jewish scripture. Christians might have seen themselves as the inheritors of early temple traditions and Christian liturgy probably had its roots in temple practice–facing east, burning incense, the Virgin Mary (a version of Holy Wisdom and Asherah.) Basically what I am saying is that Christianity grew out of an ancient division within Temple traditions and represented a long standing opposition to such ideas as “the chosen people” and the Law as opposed to Wisdom. In some ways Christianity owes as much to Phoenicia and Assyria as to Judaism. My guess is that you have a more superficial experience of Christianity or maybe it’s been a long time since you have actually explored the subject. I happen to belong to both world and can see the distinctions clearly. Judaism and Christianity do share common features, but are very different in most ways.

    Still, I appreciate a good rant and you do it well.

    1. Turtle –
      Thanks. No need to feel sorry for me. I have lived longer than the tough guys like my two favorite heroes Patton and McCarthy.
      No one gets out alive.

  47. Monitor

    FYI- Two times in a row I posted a post only for it to not even appear above. Thus I came down here to notify you. Glitch? Something else?

  48. Just like Jews used controlled demolition to collapse the buildings on 9/11, they are planning to use the debt-based currency to collapse our economy.

    “Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its laws.”
    –Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Jewish), 1743-1812

    “… We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, A UNIVERSAL ECONOMIC CRISES WHEREBY WE SHALL THROW UPON THE STREETS WHOLE MOBS OF WORKERS SIMULTANEOUSLY”
    –The Protocols of Zion

    One of the most important things we can learn from Hitler is how easy it would be to take back control of our currencies. Hitler used labor certificates to replace the corrupt worthless currency Jews forced on us to destroy our economies. Any community or group can create their own labor-based currency alternative by stock piling goods for emergencies, calculating the value of these goods in labor hours (i.e. the minimum wage of $7.25 equals 1 labor hour) and issuing stock receipts that have been quantified into discreet units of value (i.e. 1, 5, 10 and 20 labor hours (LH)), which could be used as currency.

    We should work with our communities to create stockpiles of goods that serve a dual purpose of both emergency supplies and backing for a value-backed labor-based currency.

    See The Emergency Currency Project here:

    1. These ideas of self-suffiency are very important.
      The little known Ithaca Hours system has worked well for decades.
      The Ithaca HOUR is a local currency used in Ithaca, New York and is the oldest and largest local currency system in the United States that is still operating.


  49. richard holbrooke’s name should be starred to indicate jew
    from wikip,
    Holbrooke’s father, a doctor who died of cancer when Richard was 15 years old,[7] was born of Polish Jewish parents in Warsaw and took the name Holbrooke after migrating to the United States in 1939. The original family name was Goldbrajch.

  50. Of course the Jews are absolutely responsible
    for 9/11, but pointing the finger at… ‘I$raelis’ –
    as the Jew Sabrosky does – is a very clever way
    of shifting the blame away from the Jew-Ess
    government. (In any case, what are ‘I$raelis’
    if not Heeb-speaking Yids, who are prostituting
    the name of Israel – as the Christian Israelites
    have been pointing out for decades.)

  51. Love your pseudonym. LASHA DARKMOON. Sounds like a cross between a Native Indian and a Tibetan. Both carriers of great spirituality.
    Anyway, love your post (Re-blogging it). The 9/11 day is tomorrow, and I was looking for a few articles that correspond with our way of thinking here at Tales, when I came across yours. A bit long but all the info is there. Nicely done bud! Lou and BMC

  52. September 11th 2014 and the celebratory nature of the “remembrance” seems more subdued this year. Maybe we are being programmed to forget the actual events and trained to focus on the new threat “Isis”–the Jewish/mossad trained group that morphed into the newest version of Muslim terror. Someone had to fund this group and train it and John McCain caught in a group photo with the leader. Does that make the U.S. complicit? It does to me. Never mind that we may be up to our necks somehow in creating this group; we are still about to invade Syria in order to “get them.” Invading Syria will result in massive carnage and possibly bring down the government. That will be viewed as an unfortunate casualty, yet many of us will see it as the point all along. All the governments fall after we invade and chaos results, then come the carpet baggers from that pesky little ally Israel that cleans up the pickings but never really fights the wars.

    Forgive me for loathing Israel and the Jewish elite. I have an allergy to nearly everything Jewish these days and it has made my life lonely and difficult. I don’t think that ordinary Jews (the type that I know) are orchestrating this massive takedown of governments and nations to rob and pillage. In fact, I know they are clueless but they harbor all the same prejudices as their higher up bloodline relatives. So I am surrounded by people who treat the New York Times like holy scripture, blocking out all other sources of information. Dare I say ditto for the rest of the educated readers in our nation? People, of course, are extremely busy the higher up the food chain and so they rely on the standard sources of news. For example, I escaped my shiksa life recently by going home for a family reunion and spent time with the busy educated that the Zionist programmers make their fools. I think of a cousin who is a surgeon who does 1,000 surgeries a year. He still believes in the war on terror, of course. He still believes Muslims did 9 11 because he has no time to investigate otherwise. He is both wise and foolish. He is a pawn in the game that will take down our country. I pray that somehow the truth will rise to the level where more of the busy Americans will wake up

  53. No one does it better than the courageous Lasha! She does not only nailed those bastards involvement in planning and executing 9/11 terrorist attack beyond any reasonable doubt, but she also exonerate my follow Muslims. Wish Lasha has interviewed the family of Mohammad Salman Hamdani – A 23 year old paramedic and a 9/11 first responder, Mohammad Salman Hamdani died trying to save lives at the World Trade Center. When his body was found, his medical badge was laying next to him. After his death, Hamdani’s Muslim faith was seen as reason to suspect him of collaborating with the terrorists.

    Another person I would be interest to interview is Baraheen Ashrafi, the wife of Mohammad Chouwdhury who worked as a waiter in one of the tower and whose wife gave a birth to their second a child two days after the attack. Mohammad prayed early in the morning with his 9 month old pregenant wife together, kissed his 5 years old daughter good bye while she was asleep and went to work. He never get see his son, Farqad who was born 2 days later.

    I wanted to Say Hello to Miss Ingrid B. I think Veterans Today did Darkmoon and The Ugly Truth a great favor by banning her. I also missed the Jewish Princess, Ruth Bernstein, who generates more comments like no one else.

    1. Mahmoud,

      So nice to see you posting here again! It’s like the old days on TUT!

      Ah, you made me so sad… doubting my word about how that lion in Africa tore my poor husband to death when we were on safari in Kenya. Even Lobro didn’t doubt my word, offering to track down the lion and kill it!

      1. i tracked down that lion and bought him a beer, ruth, and told him to keep a lookout for any boyfriends too.

        that should tell you how much you mean to me.

      2. by the way, ruth, it struck me out of nowhere that my replay could be taken 2 ways, quite the opposites.

        what my reference to lion meant was that i tolerate no rivals for your attention 🙂

      3. Lobro’s comments reflect the reasons why Ruth have so many secret admirers! It makes no difference whether Ruth is Jewish or not.

  54. Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel
    According to Ma’ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is ‘benefiting from attack’ as it ‘swung American public opinion.’

    The Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv on Wednesday reported that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience at Bar Ilan university that the September 11, 2001 terror attacks had been beneficial for Israel.

    “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,” Ma’ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”


  55. They can stop bad vegetables…BUT….

    Homeland Security: We can’t stop ISIS from coming into US -????

    WASHINGTON — Homeland Security officials warned Wednesday they don’t have a full picture of the Americans and Europeans heading to Syria to train with ISIS and therefore can’t stop them from coming into the US.

    “We don’t have a fulsome picture in all cases,” said Jennifer Lasley, a deputy undersecretary at the Department of Homeland Security.

    “It does concern us,” added Troy Miller, an acting assistant commissioner with US Customs and Border Protection.

    House Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) called the situation worrisome.


  56. My all respect to you. We know that truth from the beginning of the attack and the innocent people were killed . I tried to make it clear and say to many Americans “wake up it’s Israeli Mossad who did it” . What about 6 Israeli agents caught when they gave hi 5 to each other on the other side and enter the US to document the vent???????? The video was made by Fox news when they had interview with them. So, Israeli agent entered US 8 days before the attack to document it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it clear now ??????????????

  57. A correspondent writes that there are many impausibilities about 9/11 that make it clear it was an inside job. He cites the folowing 17 reasons:

    1) Commandeering 4 planes successfully with only box cutters
    2) The failsafe mechanism to stop planes that go off course were not
    working that day – the planes turned around over Ohio 40 minutes before
    reaching their targets.
    3) The 4 National Guard air defense bases that would have intercepted
    the planes that went off course were all on training exercises in the North
    West Territories in Canada.
    4) Having never flown except in simulators, the pilots of 2 of those
    planes hitting the world trade centers – vertical sticks
    5) Having never flown except simulators, the pilots of 1 of those
    planes hitting the pentagon -perfect vertical and horizontal landing
    6) A plane blowing a hole through the Pentagons 6′ thick concrete
    7) No debris (wing tips, tail, engines, etc.) outside of the perfect
    hole caused by the tube on the aircraft
    8) Even though both WTC towers were hit in completing different places
    90th floor and 52 floor they have perfect implosions.
    9) One of the planes hits dead center and the other way off center of
    the building both towers have perfect implosions.
    10) The towers had perfect implosions.
    11) WTC tower 7 was not hit and was not on fire but has a perfect
    12) Larry Silverstein buys the WTC for $1 the week before the events –
    the towers were leasing poorly and not fit for new technologies.
    13) Larry Silverstein buys the largest terrorist insurance policy ever
    on real estate – I believe this was the first one every issued
    14) The gold that was stored by some government agency that was in the
    buildings goes missing and has never been talked about or reported.
    15) There is zero debris for the plane that crashed in PA.
    16) There are not flight recorders discovered for any of the 4 aircraft
    – might be the only time in history
    17) There is no plane wreckage saved or put back together for science
    after the crashes – violates all FAA mandates and might be the only time in

  58. talmudic bodyguard snopes.com sets up straw man, emerges triumphant after 12 grueling rounds

    9/11 Rumors and Conspiracy Theories

    false prophecy, daisy unchained, accidental tourist and other“common”(wtf?) rumors and conspiracy theories.

    is this the best they can do?
    i never heard of even one of these and if i did, totally irrelevant to the case for jew-false-flag accusation.

    can’t wait for snopes to debunk “holocaust rumors, denials and conspiracy theories”
    eg, false rumor number 1: “spielberg walking his dog on pompano beach, fla”.

    1. snopes intro
      The 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were a horrific event that spawned a panoply of rumors and conspiracy theories, perhaps greater in number and scope than those prompted by any other event in human history. On the 13th anniversary of that tragic occurrence, we present a list of the ten most widely circulated entries from our collection of 9/11-related items.

      how lame can they get

  59. Hi All,
    I return to this site every now and then to see what you flotsam and jetsom of humanity are up to!
    Lerv butiful Lasha’s writin”! Read her on Vets Today! 9/11 reveals the whole story! My million guns should start shootin’ now!
    Just grown great turnips, cabbage and silver beet on my hippie farm here in Northern Queensland – the Heaven of the planet!
    Added 2 more homeless “wives” and now have 35 women and 67 children! Ruttin’ them all. So, more on the way! My 6 feet 4 inches NORDIC presence attracts all women! And ALL men! I AM CHARISMATIC, like Jesus!
    I employ a Jewish accountant to administrate our welfare payments. $2,206.34 per week!
    You fuckas are stuffed! That fellow Aussie, A MERCS, recognised my brilliant turn of words! After all, I have a Phd! you fuckas!
    Then I read Tyron, Gilby etc and I feel sick!
    Mind you, Tyron is correct about the planned demise of us beautiful WHITEYS! The Jews hate us and the nigrahs wish they were whiter! Look at the Jacksons and their whitening pills!
    And yeah, Tyron, the Westminster Common Law is the BEST the planet offers! I agree with you man! 17 of my wives agree with you!
    But the muther-fukin-evil OBAMA is the Jewish priest!
    And you stupid Yankees are BUBBAS for lettin’ the JEWS control youse!
    See ya in 6 weeks!
    I still dream of ruttin Lasha, even tho my cum is run out!@

  60. UK Man Wins Court Victory Over BBC for 9/11 Coverup Broadcast

    Tony Rooke refused to pay a TV license fee because the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks, he alleged. It is widely known that the BBC reported the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 over 20 minutes before it occurred. WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that was not hit by a plane on 9/11 but collapsed at free-fall speed later that day.

    So Rooke said the BBC had to have had prior knowledge to a terror attack making them complicit in the attack. He presented the BBC footage to the judge along with a slew of other evidence, and the judge agreed that Rooke had a reasonable case to protest. Rooke was found not guilty and he was not fined for failure to pay the licensing fee.


  61. This is a footnote on the whole idea that the perpetrators of 9 11 were “satanists” because the flight numbers 11, 93, 77, and 175 are Aleister Crowley’s cultic numbers. This idea has become a kind of “meme” with Kevin Barrett, whom I really admire but I doubt he knows anything about Aleister Crowley. Of course, there is no way that anyone can verify at this point exactly who did 9 11 because there has been no trial and there probably never will be. Still, we “kind of know” who did it per the article and multiple commentators. None of these people (mean the possible perps) is a card carrying satanist. Somewhere in some hidden away room is there a group of people practicing magic or maybe it should be a grove where they ritually worship a giant statue of the dark god… This, however, is not what Crowley was into. Should we conjure up Isis, I mean the goddess, or Horas, the divine son, or are we to start going around collecting the fragments of Osiris. I am going to suggest that the Crowley numbers are a Hollywood touch, an effect. Hollywood is really a center of the occult…Manley P. Hall, Anton Lavey, JPL, the Church of Scientology, etc.

    I have a very close friend who played tennis with a man who had an idea to have a show that lasted just 24 hours (remember the show “24”?). He thought of calling his characters after his tennis buddies–it was a joke. The main character’s name, though, was not after the tennis buddies: the main character’s name was Jack Bauer. The show became a hit and this man became very wealthy. Its popularity had to do with the theme of Muslim terrorists and it began right after September 11th. It did reinforced the themes of 9 11. A few years after 9 11 I became a “Truther” and was reading about Jerome Hauer. I thought that Jerome Hauer sounded a lot like Jack Bauer. I knew that the writer/producer spent a lot of time picking names. Did he pick the name of the main character? Whoever it was that picked that name knew 9 11 from the inside, was an insider, because he knew Jerome Hauer was at the center of the action. These people are not satanists, but Los Angeles suburbanites, interested in tennis, children in private schools, and probably therapy. They have wives, and mistresses, and they behave badly at times but they don’t attend secret meetings or even read Crowley’s channeled texts. So, I think the 9 11 numbers are an effect like the movie “24” and the name Jack Bauer hmmm I mean Jerome Hauer.

    1. Or… still guessing…
      Jack was the progeny of….
      …the founder of the House of Rothschild, who was Mayer Anselm Bauer (Rothschild)

    2. you are an honest thinker, kapoore, so i would suggest a theme for you (in a moment).

      i became a truther on 9/12 and it was so patently obvious who was behind it that i quickly became bored of the subject.
      i still recall with respect a blog called yellow times (yt) run by these jews who seemed to have been sick of their own kind, especially after the idf stint and they immediately said the whole thing was organized in order to invade iraq and kill saddam.
      they gained notoriety for having come out on the limb and were run out of business within a year or two.
      it was one of those jews who told me about the bizarre beliefs of “ordinary jews“, the bottomless pit that was talmud and also how the english online editions of jew papers present only a fraction of what the home consumption ones do in heebie-jewbrew.

      spiraling in on my point, not cutting to the chase … if spielberg is hearing that doom, doom music from the jaws now, you know why.
      every single jew alive has at some early stage of life been introduced to the writhing smoke from the pit, some rolled it up into giant spliffs and became lifelong addicts, some ran for safety and semi-sanity.
      but they all, to the last one know what is down there, do not fool yourself.

      so, when you talk about how “These people are not satanists, but Los Angeles suburbanites, interested in tennis, children in private schools, and probably therapy. They have wives, and mistresses, and they behave badly at times but …“.
      they know, they all know.
      and now think about those that actually conceived 9/11 and the reasons why it was so desirable, these los angeles and washington and new york suburbanites who covered their kids in blankets and watched them fall asleep while planning how to deprive many thousands of white goy kids of their parents and many millions of whole families burnt to inhuman shape by depleted uranium and white phosphorus, umm, the sweet smell of the burnt offerings, isn’t it, hey, let’s make sure were booked the tennis court for tomorrow, oh shit, gotta skip it, have an important meeting with thomas friedman and scooter libby on how to convince public that the islamofascists are planning to nuke us all unless we nuke them first, yes, first iraq, then, libya, sudan, syria, iran, yes, russia too, getting dangerous, hey darling we are out of coffee, put it on your shopping list, kisses, gotta run.

      kapoore, this is the true horror, not some occult faggots toking over ouija board.

      … Los Angeles suburbanites, interested in tennis, children in private schools, and probably therapy are the scariest thing in the universe and must be deleted from this world, the sooner the better.

      they are here, among us, rubbing shoulders with you in the downtown elevator.
      some are planning genocides, it is their full time job, some aren’t but are quite aware of the generalities of evil.
      and they see you, they see the bullseye painted on your back and say nothing, smile and say, how is your day, kapoore.

      give it thought.

  62. I have given it thought… and you are right. It doesn’t make sense that these rather ordinary type people without a lot of imagination ( in my opinion a show like “24” was pretty low level even though millions were addicted to it) are ruling us. They are so interconnected from the tribal thing I suppose.

  63. I am reflecting on Lobro writing that he picked up on 9 11 being a false flag 9/12. It took me until 2005 when I read The New Pearl Harbor. I had to go through a period of denial. But 9 11 never bores me. It is the central act of deception that needs to be exposed. I may be naive yet I still have hope of seeing the day when the criminals of 9 11 are in jail or maybe they should go to some orange suited prison camp in some remote location where they are systematically water boarded just as a matter of routine treatment until they want to kill themselves or starve themselves to death but suicide won’t be an option as they will be too closely guarded. And all their money will be confiscated and distributed to those with lung disorders and cancers from breathing the twin tower dust. History books will have their pictures lined up as the greatest enemies of the American republic, while the truth tellers of 9 11 will go down in history as great heroes. I will not ever forget that that the criminals who did 9 11 are free, and need to be hunted down. I am not a sadist but I enjoy fantasizing about them getting justice. So, maybe that is why I resist calling them satanist because it is slightly off and misleading. We can’t afford any misleading details… I want them to always be afraid of being caught as if we have X ray vision and can see through all their deceitful ways.

  64. what i guess i meant by “i quickly became bored of it” is this.

    to me, 9/11 is not particularly extraordinary nor an isolated event but rather part of coninuum, a bigger blip than the surrounding ones, but entirelly in keeping with the longer term planning, just like stock market crashes.

    to a cow, the one time visit to a slaughterhouse is 9-11.
    but is it so extraordinary to the butcher who works there? for him it is not 9-11 but 9-5.

    every day is 9-11, every day jews kill at the very least 3,000 people (the 9-11 total to which we assign such incredible significance) and most days considerably more than that, add them up all over the world, the civil wars they foment in ukraine, middle east, various parts of africa, sudan, algeria, then there are chemtrails raining cancer, there is ebola, bird-swine virus, fukushima, bp oil spill in gulf of mexico which will bring death by slow disease to tens of thousands over the decades to come, on and on and on, and don’t you think they have numerous false flags underscored in the calendar for years ahead, each of which will catch us by retarded surprise, oh my!

    who could have expectet that! war with russia, china, terrible disaster in germany, multinational starvation in africa, india, pakistan, environmental tragedy in bolivia, the last clean water in canada contaminated by uranium mine tailings pond spill … there is a dark santa, better believe in him and his gift list.

  65. The Jew ‘warning’ has been sent for this next year. NOW the Talmudist cult can claim “God did it.”

    Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn believes he has unlocked the mystery of the Shemitah’s meaning as it applies to modern-day nations.

    The biblical Feast of Trumpets, also known as the Jewish New Year, begins at sundown on Wednesday, Sept. 24, which also marks the appearing of a new moon.

    But this New Year on the Hebrew calendar is not just any new year. It is the Sabbath year or “Shemitah” year. Just as the seventh day was laid out by God as a day of rest in the Hebrew Old Testament, every seventh year was designated as a Sabbath year. The word “Shemitah” is most often translated as “the release” or “the remission” and applied to the wiping away of debts as well as the resting of the land.

    Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn believes he has unlocked the mystery of the Shemitah’s meaning as it applies to modern-day nations. In his new book, “The “Mystery of the Shemitah,” he explains that nearly every major U.S. stock market collapse since the early 1900s has occurred during a Shemitah year, as did the terrorist attack and stock market collapse of September 2001 and the financial collapse of 2008. The next Shemitah year begins Wednesday and runs through Sept. 13, 2015.

    But what if the “Shemitah” contains an ominous warning about a wider collapse of not just stock markets or housing markets but potentially America’s very existence as leader of the free world? If the nation does not pull back from its current course and repent, it could be in for some rough times as this next Shemitah year plays out, according to Cahn.


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