Obama Is Rothschild’s Satanic Sodomic “President” Past Revealed

Rothschild’s Satanic sodomic “President” past proves why he is who he is today as a “son of perdition” being used to destroy all that is of Jesus Christ.



Obama’s Gay Sex-Cocaine Romps with Larry Sinclair

larry sinclairIn the aftermath of Wayne Madsen Report’s bombshell exposé of Obama, allegations made by a man named Larry Sinclair now take on greater credibility.

Wayne Madsen Report claims that Obama (and White House Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel) are longtime members of a gay man’s club in Chicago. The report also details Obama’s many homosexual liaisons — with the murdered Donald Young, presidential bodyguard and constant companion Reggie Love, and politicians such as former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tennessee), and current Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.

Larry Sinclair, 46, is an openly gay man who, beginning in 2008 and continuing to this day, claims that he had two gay sex-and-drug encounters with then-Illinois state senator Barack Obama in 1999.

According to Sinclair, while visiting Chicago, he rented a limo and asked the driver if he knew anyone who would like to have “a good time.” The driver promptly introduced him to a man whom Sinclair later recognized as Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. Sinclair claimed that after they were introduced, the two had sex in the limo (with Sinclair giving Obama fellatio), while Obama smoked crack cocaine. They had a second sex-and-drug encounter the next day when Obama showed up, unbidden and unannounced, at the door to Sinclair’s hotel room.

Sinclair said he recognized Obama when he saw the latter on TV as the new rising star of the Democratic Party. Sinclair says his allegations are motivated by his outrage that Obama was not honest about his drug use. Obama had admitted in his memoirs to using marijuana and cocaine in high school and college, but not after. Sinclair said:

“My motivation for making this public is my desire for a presidential candidate to be honest. I didn’t want the sex thing to come out. But I think it is important for the candidate to be honest about his drug use as late as 1999.”

Sinclair’s allegations were stonewalled by the MSM; only supermarket tabloids carried his story. That hasn’t stopped him. Sinclair wrote a book about his Obama encounters. Rejected by every publisher he approached, Sinclair was forced to self-publish the book. Here’s his book, Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murderon Amazon.com:
larry sinclair book

Here’s the audio of a radio interview with the fearless Rev. James Manning when only supermarket tabloids would publish Sinclair’s story. Today, the complicit MSM are still blackballing this story:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqxmn1ZuMw4?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]

Here’e Part One of Sinclair’s press conference in 2008:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lrf8DbrJH0?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]

And here’s Sinclair’s most recent interview, on May 27, 2010, with 570 WTNT radio host Jeff Kuhn. (H/t Conservative Monster)


Dr. Eowyn’s post originally appeared on Fellowship of the Minds on May 31, 2010.

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