The FBI Must Investigate Toni Anderson’s Disappearance And The North Kansas City Police Department Direct Connection

July 15 Update!

Toni Anderson was murdered because she “saw something” and needed to be “taken care of”.

The something is DRUGS! Big time!


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Rusty May…AKA Charles Russell Hopkins IS the major player in her abduction and death! Suffice it to say…May was working with and still does…the cartels to bring drugs into this country using the importing of “machinery parts”. Cocaine from Guatamala and heroin from the middle east. FBI agents had the dirt on him but all of a sudden were told to “leave it alone’! He has a free pass and get out of jail card ONLY in the “realms of time”!

Toni somehow got caught up in this and either saw something or was asked to partake of something and said no… but in either case Toni became a threat. That is the reason why she was “drugged”at Chrome and told to “gather yourself” by Ficken…May’s buddy orchestrated what happened to Toni.

She was NOT drunk or high on cocaine. She was DRUGGED either at Chrome or by May/Hopkins. May is documented to be there at the QT in his RED CADILLAC, So are at least 3 NKCP SUV’s and not by coincidence! They ALL were there to make sure Toni was no longer a liability to their “network”…Ficken, Kimmel, Romine and especially FBI boy Major Kevin Freeman who was a major player in all of this and they all knew May and worked with him to deal with Toni Anderson.

Alonzo Washington/KC Crime Fighter knows this. KCPD cops know this. The FBI knows this. Comey knew this. This is why Forte “retired”…he knew this too as well as former FBI Special Agent in Charge in KC..Eric Jackson. THEY ALL KNEW THIS.

Rusty May somehow screwed up. He was told to “take care of YOUR problem” by his bosses and with the help of his “drug buddies” in the NKCPD…”they did”! Cash from one side of the Missouri River to the other to all the right “pockets” equals a cover-up of the abduction and murder of Toni Anderson.

Don’t worry folks…The Justice For Toni Anderson Facebook page is working hard to protect May and NKCPD because the “admins” including Alissa Cordova know about May as does Mary Ward because it is HER FAMILY that is the NKCPD drug dealers and the ones guilty with May…including ALL THE ATTORNEY’S I HAVE NAMED!

End of story. No more needs to be said except THIS. Toni Anderson will ONLY get Justice when each of those involved in what happened to her and those protecting them meet God upon their DEATH and He then drop ships them into HELL!

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Updated with Toni Anderson Being Found Dead…I Believe MURDERED!

Notice: I am starting a radio program on 3/20/2o17 at 9 pm Central time. The below link goes to my first and short intro program and learning how the Blog Talk Radio format works.  When on air before…I was one of the most listened to Talk Show Hosts in the KC area.

And yes…I will be talking about what happened to Toni Anderson

UPDATE 3.14.17

But they won’t and their silence is COMPLICITY but given their history of corruption this is understandable because if they can murder a innocent mother holding her baby…they for sure won’t care about a innocent young woman being murdered by North Kansas Police Department Officers!

Seems the FBI is NOT going to investigate the NKCPD involvement in MURDERING Toni Anderson and this is fine with me because from what I know and have reported as well as revealed about the FBI when a radio talk show host…their spiritual DNA gravitates toward siding and protecting liars, murderers and pedophiles when “they” are a part of the “circle of law enforcement” including big names in high places like the Clinton’s and Bushes as examples.

I named a FBI agent working with CARTELS using Montana as a pipeline DOCUMENTED! Then there is the FBI agent who murdered in cold blood a mother holding her child with a HEAD SHOT not to mention his connection to the intentional burning to death of women and children. I also covered the FBI cover-up of the what FBI operative Darlene Novinger reported naming GW Bush and his and families cocaine connection to cartels. After she went public her husband was murdered and then she was using “cancer bio weaponry”.

Dead bodies galore and the FBI helped hide the truth…say Clintons as one example. How about Oklahoma City…the truth about the bombing of as documented by retired Air Force General Ben Partin.

The FBI forever protected a pedophile named BUSH!

And there is FBI working with cartels who are bringing drugs on the Lakota Dakota and Nakota Reservations in South Dakota and other reservations throughout the country.

Then there is the FBI covering up murders and protecting serial rapists like Russell Means and making sure that the 12 murdered and buried bodies by the American Indian Movement at Wounded Knee in 1973 remain  hidden there including Black Civil Rights worker Perry Ray Robinson Jr. who worked with Martin Luther King and they knew because the FBI Agent in Charge at Wounded Knee Joseph Trimbach was there when this happened and the FBI said and did nothing! (But they weep and wail about their 2 murdered agents!)

Connect Wounded Knee to South Dakota Senator James Abourezk and his working with AIM and the later rape and murder of First Nations Woman Annie Mae Aquash who KNEW that the American Indian Movement was in fact a FED OPERATION protected by the FBI and the “Syrian Sioux” as documented on my blog.

In other words…the chances of the FBI going after the NKCPD in the case of Toni Anderson is next to nothing because their spiritual DNA is inherited from the Liar and Murderer from the beginning  even their father the Devil…just like the North Kansas City Police Department and Kansas City Police Department.”

You reading female FBI agent who never called me back as promised?

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If they don’t…this perfect crime will never be solved let alone her being found.

Finally after 3 calls to “screeners”, a real deal FBI agent responded to my questions about NKCPD and the lies and inconsistencies  pertaining to Toni Anderson being missing. I received the call at 4:50 PM on 1/26/17 from a female agent who I asked to call me back in 10 minutes so I could talk in private plus finishing a meal.

She did not call back as promised and has not returned any of my calls to her which when I think about it…makes sense because the FBI and in particular female agents that I have talked to in the past…have a very pompous and condescending attitude toward us “bottom feeders”.

I am convinced and I should not be alone in this…that ONLY if the FBI investigates the NKCPD is there any hope of finding out what happened to Anderson.

The family of Toni Anderson as well as her friends should DEMAND that NKCPD be investigated by the FBI and if NKCPD is “clean”…then they would want to be investigated for that reason alone.


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If the FBI does not do this…then the FBI is complicit in whatever happened to her by the NKCPD officers and they are as guiltyof the MURDER of Toni Anderson as the North Kansas City Police officers. If I am proven wrong then “show me” and I will be the first to apologize.

As the family said…they believe that “Foul Play” was involved and that their daughter was “abducted” while the the cops say “No Foul Play and just Missing”! Interesting and self incriminating on the cops part!

Am I missing something?

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