Rogue FBI Agents and KCPD Protect Rogue NKCPD Cops Who Murdered Toni Anderson

July 15 Update!

Toni Anderson was murdered because she “saw something” and needed to be “taken care of”.

The something is DRUGS! Big time!


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Rusty May…AKA Charles Russell Hopkins IS the major player in her abduction and death! Suffice it to say…May was working with and still does…the cartels to bring drugs into this country using the importing of “machinery parts”. Cocaine from Guatamala and heroin from the middle east. FBI agents had the dirt on him but all of a sudden were told to “leave it alone’! He has a free pass and get out of jail card ONLY in the “realms of time”!

Toni somehow got caught up in this and either saw something or was asked to partake of something and said no… but in either case Toni became a threat. That is the reason why she was “drugged”at Chrome and told to “gather yourself” by Ficken…May’s buddy orchestrated what happened to Toni.

She was NOT drunk or high on cocaine. She was DRUGGED either at Chrome or by May/Hopkins. May is documented to be there at the QT in his RED CADILLAC, So are at least 3 NKCP SUV’s and not by coincidence! They ALL were there to make sure Toni was no longer a liability to their “network”…Ficken, Kimmel, Romine and especially FBI boy Major Kevin Freeman who was a major player in all of this and they all knew May and worked with him to deal with Toni Anderson.

Alonzo Washington/KC Crime Fighter knows this. KCPD cops know this. The FBI knows this. Comey knew this. This is why Forte “retired”…he knew this too as well as former FBI Special Agent in Charge in KC..Eric Jackson. THEY ALL KNEW THIS.

Rusty May somehow screwed up. He was told to “take care of YOUR problem” by his bosses and with the help of his “drug buddies” in the NKCPD…”they did”! Cash from one side of the Missouri River to the other to all the right “pockets” equals a cover-up of the abduction and murder of Toni Anderson.

Don’t worry folks…The Justice For Toni Anderson Facebook page is working hard to protect May and NKCPD because the “admins” including Alissa Cordova know about May as does Mary Ward because it is HER FAMILY that is the NKCPD drug dealers and the ones guilty with May…including ALL THE ATTORNEY’S I HAVE NAMED!

End of story. No more needs to be said except THIS. Toni Anderson will ONLY get Justice when each of those involved in what happened to her and those protecting them meet God upon their DEATH and He then drop ships them into HELL!

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The latest on NKCPD Rogue Terrorist Thug Bill Ficken and brothers

assaulted another woman!

UPDATE: 4/11/17 Listen to this program for more information about who and why murdered Toni Anderson

Pete Sanchez had done his homework with his son. The TRUTH IS OUT about the murdering Son’s of Satan in BLUE!

When they make the announcement…Toni Anderson’s COD…AKA cause of death will be “drowning with drugs in system”… that is their only OUT! She was abducted…taken to NKCPD Ficken’s house in Parkville right near the “boat ramp” and with the help of his fellow animals in blue like Freeman (See blog on) …they …held…raped…and then murdered her by “drowning” and then put in her car…END OF STORY!

Doing a radio program 3/20/2017 9 – 10.30 Central Time discussing FBI COLLUSION in the murder of Toni Anderson. You can listen to it anytime.

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Yes…their can be corrupt, lying, raping, murdering and complicit in drug trafficking FBI Agents.

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Darlene Novinger Who I Interviewed 2 Times

Anyone heard of Darlene Novinger? Of course not but I interviewed her. Murdered by the FBI/CIA collective of criminals for exposing corruption within law enforcement and judicial branches at all levels. What got her murdered was when she refused to stay silent about George and Zeb Bush and their drug use.

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Does Vicki Weaver ring a bell? Innocent mother murdered

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Lon Horiuchi

by FBI sniper…head shot…holding her baby in her arms!

Police corruption is a form of police misconduct in which law enforcement officers end up breaking their political contract and abuse their power for personal or departmental gain. This type of corruption can involve only one officer, or it can involve a group of officers in a coordinated effort. Internal police corruption is a challenge to public trust, cohesion of departmental policies, human rights and legal violations involving serious consequences. Police corruption can take many forms.

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“The police have been amazing to us. We are so grateful for the help, love and support from the Kansas City community.” Liz Anderson mother of Toni Anderson

Apparently, the 20-year-old was fully clothed when she was recovered from the vehicle and suffered nothing more than a bruise on her knee. Her window was open and her seatbelt was off.

Anderson came to the conclusion her daughter “became confused” early in the morning after being pulled over by a North Kansas City police officer and ended up at the boat ramp before sliding into the river.

Explaining her envisioned scenario, Anderson said,

“She got freaked out. She got lost and she got confused, or whatever. It was still dark. She was on the boat ramp and tried to back out. The ramp was icy and she slid into the river.

She was fully clothed. It must have happened so quick. It was so cold. She must have instantly gone into shock. I can see how it could happen.”

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Toni Andersen murdered by rogue North Kansas City Police Officers


Cops Who Murder Innocents

False evidence

False evidence, fabricated evidence, forged evidence or tainted evidence is information created or obtained illegally, to sway the verdict in a court case. Falsified evidence could be created by either side in a case (including the police/prosecution in a criminal case), or by someone sympathetic to either side. Misleading by suppressing evidence can also be considered a form of false evidence (by omission), however, in some cases, suppressed evidence is excluded because it cannot be proved the accused was aware of the items found or of their location. The analysis of evidence (forensic evidence) may also be forged if the person doing the forensic work finds it easier to fabricate evidence and test results than to perform the actual work involved. Parallel construction is a form of false evidence in which the evidence is truthful but its origins are untruthfully described, at times in order to avoid evidence being excluded as inadmissible due to unlawful means of procurement such as an unlawful search.

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Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forté remained silent about Anderson to the day of finding her dead.

The Kansas City Police Department told FOX 4 they have not found evidence to suggest foul play was involved.

“They have indicated to us that they viewed the condition of the body. There was no physical trauma, no sign of struggle, nothing to indicate any violence or foul play involved with that,” Brian told FOX 4 News.

Toni’s father said the mounting evidence leaves little hope that his 20-year-old daughter will ever return home.

“They said based on clothing, from what we understand, they have encouraged us to begin making arrangements at this point.”

But they did say…they did find a bruise on her knee where she disconnected her GPS at the Quick Trip!


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The last text sent by Toni Anderson to her friend Roxy Townsend put the rogue cops/murderers on the spot along with their “Terrorist Organization” the North Kansass City Police Department as well as the FBI!

“OMG…just just stopped again” is what allowed for the truth about who stopped and murdered her as I have shared on radio and in my blogs.

This is why this collective of like minded murderers and colluders needed to LIE and take THREE DAYS days to create and fabricate a cover-up of lies in the beginning that NO Law Enforcement stopped Toni and then releasing to the public through the local media every single possible information diversion from the template they created in their “secret chambers”.


and I believe working direct with the FBI!

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In the beginning… “However, KCPD, who has reached out to all surrounding agencies, say they have no record of Anderson or pulling her over Sunday.

“We have no indications that she was pulled over by an officer with the Kansas City Missouri Police Department,” said Sgt. Kari Thompson, KCPD.

Police told KWCH-TV that there are no signs of foul play at this point, “meaning there is no active search.” But investigators have been following leads, tracking down evidence and interviewing family members, friends and her boyfriend, according to reports.

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“We’ve spoken with family members, friends and co-workers but unfortunately still no sign of Toni’s whereabouts,” Kansas City Police spokesman Darrin Snapp told the Wichita Eagle on Thursday. “There is no evidence of foul play but her disappearance is very concerning.”

Police said like in other missing persons cases, Anderson may have left on her own, KWCH reports. But her mother told KHSB it’s unlike her daughter to be out of contact with her loved ones or to leave on her own.


The lies spread far and wide about  forever “Missing Woman Who Was Not A Victim of Foul Play. A constant streaming of “assumptions and questions raised” by the KCPD and were written and designed by the FBI and KCPD to make sure the real murderers of Toni Anderson…the TWO NKCPD cops who stopped her the SECOND TIME would never come into question.

The most important KCPD statement was made by Capt. Stacey Graves when Toni’s car was found with her in it with “No Foul Play” included which was the official KCPD position from the beginning when Toni was first missing!

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Kansas City police on Monday said detectives were working to get a positive identification of the body found, but Anderson’s mother has said the body belonged to her daughter.

“I can’t confirm anything that has been told to the family of Toni Anderson, but I can say that at this point we don’t have any evidence that suggests foul play,” said Capt. Stacey Graves, a spokeswoman for Kansas City police.

“It’s still an ongoing investigation that detectives are working on so I won’t be able to speak any further about that.”

Her mother, Liz Anderson of Wichita, told The Star on Sunday that police had confirmed the identity. Police have not officially released that information, pending a medical examiner’s report.

If you read this closely…it is very obvious that since Toni was never to be found by the KCPD.had to come up with a extra time to “identify Toni” SAY 5 DAYS (Say 3 days!) to prepare the cover-up of her murder propaganda logic to explain how she got there…dead…in her car…in the Missouri River! Say “confused…U turn attempt…slid into river on a icy 9 degree grade ramp and unable to get out etc etc.”
At the same time before they officially identify her they release her identity to her mother and state “No Foul Play”, “No Sign Of Trauma” and “A Bruise On Her Knee Where She Disengaged Her GPS/Tracking Unit At Quick Trip”!
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Enter Kansas City FBI Special Agent in Charge Eric Jackson who was ‘on duty” during the time Toni went missing to when her car with her in it MURDERED was found and remained silent.

Jackson has been replaced by FBI Director Comey which Darrin Jones knowing that there was a cover-up of murder by in the field rogue FBI agents because he also knew that Jackson who worked direct with KCPD Chief of Police Darryl Forté. 

Remember the FBI can hack into a cell phone (Say NKCPD phones) track, computers and GPS using a “Global GPS Positioning System” for tracking, cell phone information including calls by anyone like Toni Anderson and any rogue police that they are suspected of a crime.

This is what the FBI either did not do…or I believe DID with Toni’s phone but worked with KCPD to hide the information even though she was officially only “Missing” to the day she was found.

Mobile phone tracking refers to the attaining of the current position of a mobile phone, stationary or moving. Localization may occur either via multilateration of radio signals between (several) radio towers of the network and the phone, or simply via GPS. To locate the phone using multilateration of radio signals, it must emit at least the roaming signal to contact the next nearby antenna tower, but the process does not require an active call. GSM is based on the signal strength to nearby antenna masts.[1]

Therefore I believe they knew by definition of their job description every single detail about what happened to Toni Anderson and by who including knowing for a FACT that the two rogue cops were at the Landing where they pushed Toni and her car into the Missouri River.

Ask what organization has the ability to cover-up LE crimes such as MURDER!

Then think about why the FBI has been silent!

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