Prosecuting Attorney Joe Gagnon And Attorney Mary C. O’Connell Guilty of Covering Up Police Brutality

Updated 9/27/2017 – 8am with corrections of “sentence structure, spelling, additions and deletions. AND…
I make NO apologies for sharing the truth about those who I have documented as being GUILTY of the below crimes. As a Marine…my favourite quote is “I fear God and no others” and combined with my oath to the Constitution to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic…I continue to obey that promise to fight against and expose those who I consider “domestic enemies” with this case being one example.
Contrary to the latest smear/slandering of me with lies campaign by rogue and domestic terrorist enemy of the United States… attorney Mary C. O’Connell, I do what I do not with “bullets” but with the TRUTH! It matters not who they are or what they do…whether they wear “black or blue”, a skirt or a suit, or what they title is in the sight of man, I will with God’s help and inspiration expose their works of darkness knowing I am “God inspired” to do so. This is not to say there are not others (Oath Keepers ?) who might revenge the death of Michael S. Stewart if he ends up murdered at the hands of others because of the injustice of this case but that will not be my doing.
Whether in the case of Michael S. Stewart below or Toni Anderson, the Shoar’s family or any and all things related to “Indian Country”, exposing/naming FBI agents working with drug cartels, pedophiles in the government etc etc etc, my Blog is dedicated to exposing the workers of Satan and their works of evil including those who have attacked me personally being sent by Satan himself to try to destroy me in the process.
This scripture defines my work… “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” It is those below who I identify and expose in this blog and most all others. Richard Boyden

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