This quote is for all those upstanding righteous Black Preachers (and Republicans named below) who stood by their Black NOW CONFIRMED LYING St. Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner and her hooked at the hip former FBI agent and BIGAMIST William Tiasby! “Birds of a feather burn in hell together”!
Covering my brother’s back who served with Marines!
Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley AKA…Sell out traitor to a REAL AMERICAN! Not a problem for this self-serving bi-polar schizo dirt bag that deliberately ignored the prosecutorical misconduct targeting Governor Eric Greitens by St. Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner and her buddy Tiasby. Furthermore gag a maggot Hawley is the kind of FAKE MAN who has NO PROBLEM with a sitting in the Missouri House raping sexually molesting sodomizing OF 3 WOMEN beast! Me thinks Hawley, Barnes and has been paid off to target Governor Greitens and this Black sexual predator which I bag and tag in this blog by the same George Soro’s who paid off Gardner to do what she did. There is no other explanation!
NOTICE: The information about this sexual predator working in the Missouri House as a Representative was sent to Missouri AG Josh Hawley and Republican Jay Barnes and was ignored. What this means…these two who are leading the impeachment of Governor Eric Greitens has no problem with a sexual predator who is guilty of raping and sodomizing women criminal and at the same time represents the people of the State of Missouri. Am I missing something?
Unlike those of his two faced back stabbing hypocrites in the Republican Party who should sign up for a sex changes, Eric Greiten served this country with dignity as a Navy Seal. Perfect is he? Nope…no more then David and Solomon were but they were both forgiven and used by G-d unlike the criminals AKA “Domestic Terrorists” in Democrat clothing who are colluding with those turn coat “he/shes” in Greitens Republican Party to destroy him and his wife and family by spawning lies and half truths. Why? To protect their Good Old Boy “back door” cash flow deals which has allowed them to be free to continue doing the same. Did I say free? I meant Free Masons. Did you know that the American Founding father Albert Pike said…”Lucifer IS God” and that the KKK is a Free Masonic/Democrat founded entity? Read what Malcolm X said about the Democratic Party. He was murdered 2 days later!
Paid off Whore Katrina Sneed and stalking of Sheena Greitens and paid by attorney Albert Watkins to LIE Phillip Sneed
Sheena Greitens redacted the name of the governor’s mistress’ ex-husband in the letter, explaining: “The court has determined that Mr. S is entitled to anonymity; out of respect for our legal system, I have permitted the redaction.”
Not me Sheena Greitens because the Missouri Legal System that is crucifying your husband like they are channelled with lies about him by Satan himself!
The more I think about what has transpired over the last 4 months, I am more and more convinced that “K.S”…now named by me and another man as Katrina Anne Sneed and her hubby Phillip Taylor Sneed, were actually PAID to do what they have done. I am talking about her being a “sent seductress” and with her fake husband recording a phone that was a PROVEN SCRIPTED LIE! “Kitty” was working as a hair stylist client for Democratic representative Stacey “I love collecting body parts of dead aborted babies” Newman. Newman was working directly with “under FBI investigation for bribery” Gardner from the beginning to spawn the lies about the Governor. Yes…I have the text copy on a previous blog.
Judge Rex Burlison was fully aware of Gardner’s lies and corruption “pimped” by Gardner and her “homie” BLACK attorney Tiasby who was caught lying so many times that when questioned under oath, the confirmed FBI BIGAMIST had to plead the 5th 50 some times! This is why Burlison stated Gardner needed an attorney in a closed but now open to see session.
With that said…I am sharing the name of a REAL SEXUAL PREDATOR…who was once a “Special Prosecutor” in the same St. Louis prosecutors office where Gardner is now and was fired. Read why. His history is what the Missouri Legislature should have focused on. He should of been indicted and sent to prison. NO CONTEST between what Grietens was accused of ONLY and what this punk is documented to have done to 3 women. The Missouri House by saying/doing nothing about the women he sexually abused condemns them to hell as for as I am concerned.
Silence is collusion with the “Liar and Murderer” from the beginning which makes them equally guilty of this boys crimes against those women he sexually assaulted. The Missouri Legislature including both men and women…Black and White ARE THE “DARK CLOUD” and moral stench that the Missouri people are choking on…not Eric Grietens!
Read the letters below written by the two raped women victims and the court records and ask yourself….is there any reason why a REAL SEXUAL PREDATOR continues to be a sitting member of the Missouri Legislature!
Governor Eric Grietens felony charges of invasion of privacy were dropped by a documented rogue law breaking perjuring prosecutor Kim Gardner who is going to be disbarred and sued into her grave!
House Minority Leader Gail McCann Beatty, D-Kansas City, said Friday that her caucus will not support the special session planned by Republican leaders. Instead, Beatty said, impeachment proceedings should begin “immediately.”
“The damning allegations detailed in the House investigative report expose Eric Greitens as wholly unfit to hold any position of public trust, let alone Missouri’s highest elected office,” Beatty said in a statement. “With his disgusting attempt to claim the mantle of victimhood for himself while verbally assaulting his actual victim, the welfare of the state demands that the House move to impeach him without delay.
TRANSLATED: This low life hypocritical spiritually activated by Satan faecal coloured “House Negro” (as Malcolm X would say) has no problem with what fellow Rep Steven Roberts Jr. did to three women…one Black and two White. Because Robert’s is a Black Democrat and therefore he as a sexual predator who rapes and sodomizes women IS WHOLLY FIT TO HOLD ANY POSITION OF PUBLIC TRUST AND THAT HIS CRIMES ARE ACCEPTABLE TO HER AND WHO SHE REPRESENTS! 🙂 Kind of like the serial rapist Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton, both idols of this NUT CASE has wet dreams about being raped and sodomized by her fellow House rep!
Except when they are a BLACK DEMOCRAT in the Missouri House of Representatives…Right Gail McCann Beatty?
Now to meet the Poster Boy For The Missouri Democratic Party! Republicans like the AG Josh Hawley and Jay Barnes among others are in secret negotiations with him to get him to switch to the Republican Party with Hawley hoping to get him to work with him on his campaign to become Missouri Governor!
It’s a still in the Missouri House “affirmative ACTION” sexual predator and Bill Cosby “wannabe” Steven Roberts Jr. who was accused/charged/arrested for/of
- Rape Of Cora Faith Walker
- Sodomy In 2015, Roberts was arrested on suspicion of second-degree sodomy involving a 25-year-old student at a bar,He was never charged, although he was later fired as an assistant circuit attorney. A person commits the crime of sodomy in the second degree if: Such person has deviate sexual intercourse with another person knowing that he or she does so without that person’s consent.
- Sexual Assault Of Amy E. Harms Litigation Attorney. Robert’s raped her vaginally with his hand. (See below)
Steven Roberts Jr. IS GUILTY OF Deviate sexual intercourse!
- Deviate sexual intercourse: any act involving the genitals of one person and the hand, mouth, tongue, or anus of another person or a sexual act involving the penetration, however slight, of the penis, female genitalia, or the anus by a finger, instrument or object done for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of any person or for the purpose of terrorizing the victim. See Missouri Laws 566.010
- person: may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate, and to partnerships and other unincorporated associations. See Missouri Laws 1.020
- Sexual intercourse: any penetration, however slight, of the female genitalia by the penis. See Missouri Laws 566.0104/
What not to say when you’re accused of sexual assault
Written by Mary Sanchez Kansas City Star blogger
A Neanderthal reply to sexual assault has been issued by yet another accused Missouri politician.
The line of defense goes like this: Sure, I’ve been sexual with her before, not proud of it. We drank that night at my apartment, what kind of married woman does that? It was late and she wanted it, too.
Not smart. But this is the tactic of the statement released Monday afternoon by Steven Roberts Jr. Roberts is an incoming legislator being accused by another incoming legislator of rape.
Walker said she remembers nothing past her second glass of wine and that she woke up in the bed of Roberts’ apartment the next morning. That raises the possibility a date rape drug was used.
Roberts’ statement of denial branded Walker an adulterer and a liar. “Mrs. Walker’s letter to legislative leaders a few days ago makes an unbelievable statement that she, an attorney and married woman, went to another man’s apartment at 9:30 pm on a Friday night for strictly a business meeting. We actually arrived together to my apartment closer to 11:00 pm. While I am not proud of this situation, it was entirely consensual and I did nothing illegal.”
OK. Apparently not everyone got schooled, despite massive public attention on sexual assault lately. Roberts, your defense is in whether or not relations occurred without consent. It’s not in convincing people that Walker is a slut.
In ‘serious and disturbing’ letter, incoming Missouri lawmaker Cory Faith Walker accuses another of raping her
Walker has a public health background and a formerly was health-care attorney. She is interested in the intersection of mental health and the criminal justice system. In working on “ways to improve the system to prevent all kinds of violence,” she has researched and spoken to a lot of victims of gender violence, she said.
Walker now finds her platform “painfully ironic.”
“But it’s also something that really compelled me to speak out,” she said.
Read Walker’s Sept. 30 letter in full which was ignored by the Missouri House Leadership and members both male and female and Black and White. And they dare talk about IMPEACHING GOVERNOR ERIC GREITENS!!!
Dear Mr. Speaker, Minority Leader Hummel, and Assistant Minority Leader McCann Beatty:
My name is Cora Faith Walker. I will be in the Capitol in January as the Representative of the 74th District.
Earlier this week, I reported a sexual assault to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. I named my rapist as Steven Roberts, Jr., who hopes to be in the Capitol next year as the Representative of the 77th District.
While I initially did so using the anonymity that state law correctly offers accusers as an option, I ultimately decided to press charges, in the interest of my own safety and the safety of others. Pressing charges and speaking publicly was, and is, a difficult decision. However, I am empowered by the support of my husband, my family, my friends, and by several of my future colleagues and former members. I specifically authorize you to name me and to tell people about this letter.
As you are aware, I am not the first woman to accuse Mr. Roberts of sexual assault.
You have spoken about systemic changes you hope to make toward improving the culture in the Capitol so that women can work safely. I commend and support the changes you have proposed. To that end, I ask that you do everything in your power to prevent Mr. Roberts from perpetrating sexual violence, sexual assault, or sexual harassment against me or anyone else in the Capitol. I respectfully request that you not allow Mr. Roberts to be sworn in until this investigation is complete. In the alternative, I ask that his presence in the Capitol be monitored by security.
Thank you for your time and effort on my behalf, and on behalf of everyone who demands safety for all in our Capitol and in our world.
Cora Faith Walker
State Representative~Elect
House District 74
Pizza, condoms and chardonnay; a glimpse into the night of alleged misconduct between candidates
In her letter, Walker also noted that she is not the first woman to accuse Roberts of sexual assault.
Steve Roberts Jr., 27, was arrested April 24 on suspicion of second-degree sodomy involving a student, 25, on April 16, police records show. Charges have not yet been filed. A spokeswoman for the St. Charles County prosecutor said the case was being reviewed there to avoid a conflict.
The records say Roberts and the alleged victim were strangers.
He started in the prosecutor’s office on Oct. 14, and has not appeared recently in court. Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce’s office declined to provide any information about his status, except to say he earns $44,000 a year.
Roberts’ lawyer, Scott Rosenblum, said prosecutors are only examining the possibility of a misdemeanor charge, “and we’re confident that once that investigation is completed there will be no further action and no charges. …
Litigation Attorney Amy E. Harms
To read the law suit by Harms graphically detailing the sexual assault by Steven Roberts Jr. click HERE
Woman who accused state Rep. Steven Roberts Jr. of assault two years ago now sues him
Messenger: St. Louis attorney heads to court to tell her ‘me, too’ story
Amy Harms is a “me, too.”
She understands how one woman finding courage helps another do the same. It’s why even though charges have not been filed in her case, she continues to carry her fight forward, challenging the very system that could control her career path.
The court has not yet ruled on the merits of Harms’ case. On Oct. 13, Circuit Court Judge Joan Moriarty denied a defense motion to dismiss the case. More motions could follow, and a trial, before the case is decided.
Roberts’ attorney, Jeremy Hollingshead, says he plans to file a second motion to dismiss the case. He criticizes Harms for representing herself. “It’s causing a lot of issues,” he said.
Harms also filed a complaint against Anderson with the Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel. She alleges Anderson knowingly made false statements of material facts and the law, didn’t provide her victim services in violation of the Victims Rights Statute, and failed to properly handle her case.
“If a victim verbally expresses a lack of consent before a defendant ever touches her and that isn’t enough, what is sufficient?” she wrote in her complaint. “Is no weight given to whether the defendant’s claim is believable? What is ever going to be sufficient?”
The complaint against Anderson was investigated but dismissed by the Regional Disciplinary Committee.
Harms also filed a Sunshine Law complaint with the attorney general’s office saying the St. Louis Police Department twice failed to give her the records she was seeking in her case. She has sent a letter to lawmakers advocating for stronger laws so that more victims of sexual assault will come forward and believe the judicial system will take them more seriously.
“This fight … has been exhausting,” Harms says. “Just when I have a victory to celebrate, another loss soon follows. It isn’t easy for me, but I know it might be harder for anyone else. Short of exposing what happened in my case in the media, I don’t think the truth will come out. If the truth doesn’t come out, I do not believe that anything will change; those in power can sweep this, too, under the rug. These things must change.”
Roberts is a fourth-generation St. Louis native, a lawyer and a former prosecutor, according to his campaign website. Among his law school experiences, Roberts listed assisting the Counsel to Secure Justice in New Delhi to help victims of sexual assault.
Republican legislative leaders and members I named below with a few Democrats (not all by any means) calling on Greitens should either resign , switch parties and then sign up for a “sex change”. It would be interesting if Eric Greitens openly mentions he’s thinking about leaving the Republican Party and going “Independent”!
Another thing, I wonder if they “who are without sin” and shooting political bullets at Grietens to destroy him, would volunteer to have their emails checked, cell phones checked and of course their home computers. Taking bets there will be some “illegal activities” leading to jail. Who knows…some might very well have a “mistress” or two on the side and G-d forbid any “Porn Hub” videos or worse…child pornography!
Lucky for the Navy Seal that none of his fellow Republicans served with him in combat because he for sure would of come home in a BODY BAG!
Sen. President Pro-tem Ron Richard, R-Joplin, and House Speaker Todd Richardson, R-Poplar Bluff”
While also calling for Greitens to resign, Richard went a step further: “Because of the severity of the allegations, it is my wish that we immediately start impeachment proceedings.”
“We are past the point of concerning and alarming,” Richard said. “Since his time in office, the governor has caused tension, conflict and hostility. The weight of his actions are being felt throughout the state. Now, these alleged illegal actions are further harmful to the people of Missouri and do not represent Missouri values.”
The two are circulating a letter calling for the governor to step down. About a dozen House members have signed the letter so far, they said. The duo declined to identify the signers but said they may make the names public later.
The two said that Greitens’ legal troubles are hurting fellow Republicans and paralyzing state government.
Haefner, who had called for Greitens to resign weeks ago, said she feared that the issue will drag on for months.
“Everywhere I go, people are telling me we hope this ends quickly, that it’s an embarrassment to the state and that we need to move forward,” she said. “It is time-consuming for all of us to have to answer all these questions and focus on this instead of other work.”
House Speaker Pro Tem Elijah Haahr
Representative Rob Vescovo. District 112. Republican Majority Floor Leader.
At center is the sponsor, Sen. Gary Romine, R-Farmington, and at right is Matt Michelson of the Missouri State Teachers Association.
State Sen. Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis, said the governor’s problems have become too much of a distraction.
“There’s a dark cloud over the state of Missouri,” said Nasheed. “Everybody’s paying attention. Everybody’s watching and we’re like the laughing stock right now.”
Lying Paid Off Whore Katrina Sneed Before The The House Special Investigative Committee on Oversight versus…
The Video Contradictions Hidden By “House Negro” Kim Gardner!
Kim Gardner hid a video that she knew directly contradicted allegations in the House report, and she allowed her lead investigator to lie about it, under oath.
Just last night—as false stories were being pushed to press—the prosecutor turned over a videotape of her interview with the woman. This was evidence that the prosecutor was legally required to turn over months ago. She purposefully kept it hidden until one hour after the false report was released.
The House report contained explosive, hurtful allegations of coercion, violence, and assault. They are false. Those allegations can be refuted with facts. Despite the Circuit Attorney’s attempts to keep it from the people of Missouri, we have video evidence that contains some of those facts.
In the video, the woman talks for almost two hours, and never once mentions any coercion. In the House report, there is a false allegation that I slapped the woman. That allegation had been made once before, and it was disproven. The story changed, so I will say again: it did not happen. On this new video, she says that when this story broke in the media, she asked her two friends if they ever remembered her talking about a slap, and they both said “No.” The witness claimed to the House that she was coerced into sexual activity on the morning of March 21st. This is inconsistent with her statements in the video interview with the Circuit Attorney.
The report that was put out last night did not contain this evidence, and the allegations in that report will refuted by facts, including this video, depositions, discovery, and other evidence that will be subjected to the rigors of a courtroom analysis. In 32 days, a court of law and a jury of my peers will let every person in Missouri know the truth and prove my innocence. SOURCE:

“Ummm…any woman raped by Russell Means or Bill Cosby should be grateful… I mean these are real men who should be able to take what they want from any woman they please… If she was a real woman she would be begging for more”
Sent to me in a email by a “Proud Member Of The Southern Poverty Law Center and Confederate “- Bunting AKA…My jacketing of me with unsubstantiated lies and death threats psyber stalking androgynous dirt bag who considers Missouri Representative Steven Roberts Jr. a “REAL MAN” after the order of Bill Cosby!