Aleister Crowley Follower And Pedophile Hillary (and Bill Clinton) Rape And Sexually Abuse Children That Are Then "Snuffed"!

If there is a queen of hell, then it is Hillary Clinton! This woman I believe is possessed by the devil himself and any and all of his high-ranking demons with Aleister Crowley being the general of, the same demon who appeared to my ex-wife Karen Sue Andras and said ” I own you!” (And Crowley still does to this very day.)
Any soul who follows and embraces Hillary Clinton’s spirituality will be with her in the lake of fire and brimstone. She is a murderer and is filthiness magnified in what she represents in spite of the outward appearance. She deceives those who know not the heart of this black witch and daughter of Satan.
And my ex-wife is a follower of this female 666 beast! No wonder God removed her from my life knowing she represented pure evil and filthy sexual darkness as confirmed by the email she sent me stating that she intentionally listened to Satan to destroy me and why she worked with American Movement Leader and murderer John Trudell and later Bill Bunting to do the same including having me murdered.
Read and learn!
via Aleister Crowley Follower And Pedophile Hillary (and Bill Clinton) Rape And Sexually Abuse Children That Are Then “Snuffed”!

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