Military Technology for Sale, Dangerous Exports to the Chinese Army Per Bill And Hillary Clinton

Information ‘links” off of my Operation Morning Star web page…back in the day. I interviewed Charles Smith many times on my radio program and this is the information he compiled and shared…brilliant American with guts!

Bill and Hillary Clinton represent Satan direct!
“We may soon discover the consequences of our decisions )WWW3 on this land…judgement from God) over the past decade with regard to advanced military exports to China. Those consequences are currently sitting on a runway or clustered in a dark hole, waiting like a giant serpent, coiled and ready to strike”
Military Technology for Sale, Dangerous Exports to the Chinese Army (USAF TRAINS THE CHINESE AIR FORCE FOR “COMBAT READINESS” PLAAF AT EDWARDS AFB MAY 1999…see link below)

Charles R. Smith
Thursday, May. 06, 2004

China is on a buying spree and the 2004 U.S. campaign season is going to be a bonus year for the People’s Liberation Army. Major U.S. companies, eager to sell military technology, are lobbying Congress and the White House to sell.. sell.. sell.

For example, Cincinnati Lamb is slated to deliver its first HyperMach ultra-high speed, 5-axis linear motor profiler to Brek Manufacturing of California. Brek plans to use the HyperMach to produce structural bulkhead sections of the U.S. military air lifter – the Boeing C-17.

Cincinnati Lamb plans to sell $20 million worth of the HyperMach machines with one slated to go to Lockheed to drill holes in the wings and fuselage of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and another scheduled to be delivered to Xian Aircraft Co. in China – maker of the PLA Navy FB-7 supersonic strike fighter.

China has obtained 5 axis machines before. In Nov. 2001, the Bush administration imposed one of the largest civil penalties ever in an export-control case over a 5-axis machine sent to China. The Commerce Department fined McDonnell Douglas Corp. $2.1 million for selling China aerospace equipment that wound up inside a military jet fighter manufacturing plant.

The fine ended a six-year investigation into McDonnell Douglas, which deceived the government and broke federal export-control laws when it sold an array of sophisticated machining tools to China in 1994.

The tools were diverted by the Chinese Army to military manufacturing plants at the Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation. The Generals of the PLA directly control Nanchang.

Confirmed Violation

U.S. spy satellite photos confirmed the machines sold to China for “civilian” use were diverted to the Nanchang facility for making jet fighters and missiles. A giant, 5 axis, stretch press for aircraft manufacture, was sold in 1994 to CATIC, a Chinese state owned corporation, controlled by Generals of the People’s Liberation Army.

The Clinton administration approved the sale of the press to CATIC through the Commerce Department then under Ron Brown. The approval came just before Mr. Brown left on his whirlwind tour of China in August 1994. Federal investigators charged the Chinese company never had any intention of purchasing the equipment for civilian use because the facility constructed to house the giant machine was put inside the Nanchang military aircraft plant.

The Nanchang Aircraft Corp. military site was being built even as Chinese officials told U.S. Commerce officials that the press was bound for a civilian airliner plant just outside of Beijing. In addition, Nanchang officials inspected some of the equipment just before McDonnell Douglas shipped it in late 1993.

Nanchang is China’s main producer of advanced warplanes and missiles capable of nuclear or chemical attack. For example, Nanchang has produced over 1,000 advanced Q-5/A-5 jet fighter bombers.

More Jets for China’s Air Force

The U.S. made 5-axis stretch press is reported to be making the J-11 – China’s copy of the Russian Sukhoi SU-27 (Nato Codename “FLANKER”) jet fighter. The PLAAF already flies 76 of the advanced Russian built Su-27s. The aircraft have been used repeatedly by the PLAAF to intimidate Taiwan and intercept U.S. reconnaissance aircraft.

As of Jan. 2004, Nanchang rolled out at least 50 more Chinese made J-11 Flanker jets using the U.S. 5-axis machines and is in the process of building a total of at least four hundred. Nanchang also produces the FL-1, FL-2, FL-3A and the popular C.802 anti-ship cruise missiles, exported to Iran.

The Cincinnati Lamb 5-axis machine is not the only U.S. technology to suddenly play a key role in Chinese life. Chinese space officials recently stated that they are adding anti-jam capability to their advanced Sinosat II satcom scheduled for launch in 2005. The Chinese acquired anti-jamming technology from the Clinton administration in the 1990s.

The Chinese said the anti-jam feature is not so much to thwart any scrambling of the spacecraft by other countries, but rather to counter the Falungong that opposes communist Chinese policies.

The Falungong stunned the Chinese government during the last two years by penetrating the communications links to PRC satellites. In at least one case, a Chinese spacecraft suddenly started transmitting Falungong programming, in another the signal was blocked totally.

U.S. satellite communications security experts doubt the Chinese pledge to use advanced American anti-jamming features to protect against Falungong attacks.

Despite the vicious crack down on the Falungong – the spiritual group hardly qualifies as a terrorist organization. The PRC has jailed thousands of Falungong members and killed hundreds inside its prison system. Falungong, however, has launched no bomb attacks, made no suicide hijackings nor killed any PRC citizen.

Clear Red Satellite Channel

The addition of special anti-jamming to Sinosat II is to ensure that the PLA has a clear channel of space communications during time of war.

The export of advanced satellite communications technology was de-controlled by President Clinton in 1996 when he removed the State and Defense Department oversight of high-tech “dual use” items. The CEO’s of Lockheed, Loral and Hughes supported the Clinton executive order, and it allowed China to purchase sophisticated anti-jamming and encryption for its military satellite systems.

According to a Hughes document sent in March 1995 to Clinton national security advisor Anthony Lake, satellite encryption “has no military significance.” The 1995 Hughes document concluded control over the export of a wide range of advanced U.S. satellite technology should be moved to the Commerce Department.

The U.S. technology sent by Clinton to China included the entire list of items sought by Hughes; anti-jam capability, advanced antennas, crosslinks, baseband processing, encryption devices, radiation hardening, and perigee kick motors.

In fact, the CEOs of Hughes, Loral and Lockheed, all co-wrote a letter to Bill Clinton in October 1995, expressing their desire that the President “transfer all responsibility for commercial satellite export licensing to the Commerce Department.”

The 1995 letter, signed by C. Michael Armstrong of Hughes, Bernard Schwartz of Loral and Daniel Tellep of Lockheed, states that “we understand you many soon be issuing an Executive Order intended to make further improvements to the process for reviewing export license applications.”

“During a recent meeting involving Vice President Gore and representatives of the satellite industry discussing national/global information infrastructure, this was one of several issues raised. We clearly appreciate your administration’s strong commitment to reforming the U.S. export control system, but we respectfully request your personal support for establishing the Commerce Department’s jurisdiction over the export of all commercial communications satellites,” states the letter from the three CEOs.

Military and Significant

Yet, in 1998 Hughes offered an advanced satellite, with all of the anti-jam features, previously sold to China to the U.S. military for wartime communications. C. Michael Armstrong, former CEO of Hughes, never explained how the satellite, which had “no military significance,” could suddenly become militarily significant.

Asiasat-3 was placed into an incorrect orbit by a Russian Proton booster rocket launched from Baikonur in 1997. In 1998, space insurance companies paid off the satellite loss and transferred ownership to Hughes.

AsiaSat-3, a commercial satellite sold to China was more than just a $220 million piece of orbiting junk. Hughes recovered Asiasat-3, using a special lunar orbit technique to bring it back into a useable position around the earth.

Hughes then offered the recovered satellite to the U.S. Navy for military purposes. Mark J. Schwene, Hughes Global Services Vice President, was quoted in Aviation Week and Space Technology making the offer.

“Possible markets for the satellite (AsiaSat-3) include providing capacity over ocean regions for the Navy as well as providing sufficient communications services in times of crisis to meet military communications surge requirements,” stated the Hughes VP.

The very same Hughes “commercial” satellite sold to China was offered to the U.S. Navy to serve in times of crisis to meet American military requirements. Of course, it never occurred to C. Michael Armstrong that the Chinese Army might use Hughes satellites for “military communications”.

The wholesale peddling of advanced U.S. military technology to China led the U.S. congress to transfer all satellite export controls back to the State Department and the Defense Department. The China-Gate scandal left Loral, Hughes and Lockheed in shambles and ended with prosecutions.

Hughes was charged with no less than 123 violations of national security and Loral paid a record fine for its violations. These violations played a major role in the upgrade of Chinese nuclear missile technology pointed at the U.S. The fact is that the Commerce Dept. failed to protect U.S. national security.

The move of satellite exports from Commerce to State was due to the massive national security violations made by U.S. aerospace companies such as Hughes and Loral. Today, the aerospace industry is pushing hard to end the ban on satellite sales to China. The pressure on Congress and the both presidential candidates is to move satellite export control back to the Commerce Department.

Chinese Flip-Flop

Despite the recent sales approved by the Bush administration, do not expect John Kerry to swiftly take a stand against advanced military trade with China.

John Kerry recently criticized the Bush administration’s decision not to pursue allegations of human rights abuses and trade with China. Kerry stated that when it comes to China “the administration is all talk and no action.”

Kerry pledged that if elected president, “I am going to fight to keep U.S. jobs in America and I’m not going to sit idly by when China or any other country pursues policies that hurt our economy.”

However, Kerry – true to form – is doing a flip-flop on China.

In a March 2000 speech on China at the Wilson Center, Kerry praised the Clinton administration for de-linking human rights and trade, claiming opponents of this policy were pushing America to war with China over trade, human rights and military issues.

“Proponents of containment see China only as an enemy, intent on expanding its power in Asia, repressing its people and amassing sufficient power to challenge the United States as a superpower. For them, engagement is a naive approach, driven principally by economic interests. They believe we should link trade to human rights and have less direct interaction with China – not more – by eliminating military and scientific contacts and further restricting technology sales,” stated Kerry.

“On some initiatives, the (Clinton) Administration has had success in dealing with China. It moved quickly to abandon the counterproductive MFN-human rights linkage,” noted Kerry in the March 2000 speech.

More importantly, Kerry also voted to kill a bill for trade sanctions if China sells weapons of mass destruction. Kerry voted to table an amendment that would require sanctions against China or other countries if they were found to be selling illicit weapons of mass destruction (Bill HR.4444 ; vote number 2000-242 on Sept. 13, 2000).

Red Fingers Crossed

The recent sales of advanced U.S. machine tools and computers are based on the promise from Beijing to adhere to trade agreements and inspection rights to ensure they are not being used for military purposes.

Today’s promises from Beijing are hollow words that will not be honored. Beijing has broken its trade and arms control treaties with the U.S. on an annual basis since 1990. Each year it promises again to adhere to the pledges made and each year we discover that China has flagrantly violated the same pledges.

We may soon discover the consequences of our decisions over the past decade with regard to advanced military exports to China. Those consequences are currently sitting on a runway or clustered in a dark hole, waiting like a giant serpent, coiled and ready to strike.


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