The Deception of Self-Murder-Genocide by Suicide
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to do it….”
By Richard Boyden – Published in the Lakota/Dakota Journal and the Lakota Country Times. Permission is granted to download and distribute.
LATEST REVISED EDITION is now revised on 3-13-10

FOREWORD: During a two week period in the month of July and August 08, there were 4 suicides in the community of Oglala on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Overall…suicides are on a RISE throughout the Reservation. This was a email received (12/9/07) concerning the week of (12/2-12/9) from a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. A State of Emergency was declared on the Rosebud Sioux Tribe reservation in 3/07 because of the increase in suicides and attempted suicides. There were 61 attempts from Jan 1-07 to March 12-07
“Hey we had another suicide you probably heard about last week, also 4 attempted this past weekend, the youngest being 14 year old male, who tried to hang himself but was caught, one cut their wrist, one overdosed, the last just happened last night, didn’t get the info on how they tried. I now am hearing that the kids today are thinking “It’s the in thing to do”…on some of their bebo pages they brag about…if their going to go out, “their going to go out to suicide, end their own chit”. I’m in total disbelief right now, this is a emergency situation. I think what’s needed to be done to try to combat the situation is change their perception of thinking, shove it down their throats, Suicide is evil, something is messed up here. – Anthony Bordeaux Jr. is a Sicangu Lakota and member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
On the Standing Rock Reservation there were over 288 attempted suicides and the successful were “in those numbers”. One of the major connections to this statistic according to a Veteran I met at the Oglala Lakota Veterans Pow Wow was the giving out of the anti-depressant Prozac “like candy”…a proven “suicide drug” used by IHS and Social entities. The Rapid City Journal on 1/15/15 published a Associated Press article focusing on Pine Ridge where at least 7 suicides in the last 4 months took place. Add to this the not recorded attempts and reported promoting of by those who mock and provoke those who are struggling by bullying and “hanging ropes“ in communities on the Reservation.

Buddy Red Bow, a traditional Oglala Lakota singer wrote a song entitled “Journey to the Spirit World”, a song about “getting ready” to pass over into the “Spirit World” and into a life of joy and not like the one here. “The Ghost Dance” was and is a prayer expressing the visionary hope and promise of a better life before and after death because the “Red Messiah” who’s name is “Wasu” (Jesus among the Lakota) will return to deliver His people from all that is not of Him in this life. He will raise from the dead those of our relatives that have passed into the Spirit World and we all shall be together again. Traditional Lakota and most other Native American beliefs say our spirit enters into the Spirit World upon the death of our body. Once there, it is our hope and the promise of the Messiah, even Jesus Christ, to be in His presence where we will experience the healing of our hearts, be with our loved ones and relations, and where all suffering and pain is no more forever.
There are many reasons for the death of the body. Some natural such as old age with the body simply wearing out like an old moccasin. Other things contribute to the death of our body such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease and in Indian Country, they are primary killers. Then there are the drug and alcohol death destroying affects on our body, on our brain, heart, liver, and kidneys and murders.
These same drugs and alcohol also allow for “spirit-heart changers” (evil spirits or demons) to overthrow our souls. These evil spirits inspire first thoughts and then the behaviors that hurt and kill as evidenced in rape, abuse, fights, beatings, shootings, stabbings, child molestation’s, and alcohol connected car wrecks as seen throughout “Indian Country”. These dark spirits work both in us and outside of us through others. They contribute to the destruction of marriages, families, young and old alike. Alcohol is the preferred beverage of the devil and his angels (demons/evil spirits) and is his preferred “death drink” that is used by him to inspire evil Non-Lakota/Non Native American behaviors found among us. Drugs are also used, both illegal and “legal”.
Then there is the death that is different from all others. It is death by self-murder which we call Suicide. Suicide is when we make a choice to “kill ourselves”. We do this because we believe that we will be delivered from all that troubles us here in this life. We are “evil spirit/demon led” to believe this lie. Otherwise we would not attempt to kill ourselves. Native American spirituality does not allow for, inspire, or give examples of suicide as being the will of Tunkasila the Creator…Wakan Tonuka…Almighty God.
It is important to understand that suicide is ONLY the killing of ones body. The spirit inside of the body never dies. Only the body dies when we kill ourselves. When the body dies, the spirit continues to live as it immediately leaves the body and enters into the “Spirit World”. After your spirit leaves your body, you find yourself awake then even as you are now in reading these words.
All the feelings, thoughts, and experiences that lead to suicide first begin with a “spiritual thought” that is next acted out through our flesh in the act of killing ourselves. Before we “kill our body”, we are FIRST “spiritually attacked” in our heart and mind by the “evil spirits/demon” who give us the “excuse or reasons” to kill ourselves. The ONLY goal of “evil spirits/demons” is to convince us that there is no other choice in life but to kill ourselves and that suicide is our only escape from the pain we are suffering here. It should be noted, that the very same “demons/spirits” that put the reasons in our mind to “kill ourselves” also are responsible for helping create the real life experiences which hurt us.
Being sexually abused…raped, sodomized or forced to do perverted sexual act which is inspired by the evil spirits/demons by those who do that to others…children women and men is one of the most used by Satan to murder our spirits and is immediately used by him to inspired the thought feeling of escape from this pain is suicide . Ad to that is the need to find that which aids in the numbing of the pain used of the demon door opener is “fire water/alcohol” which then allow the demons/spirits to actually “possess” our minds and inspire with little if any resistance the thought that suicide will deliver us from this “nightmare/hell” which was inspired from the beginning to this final end by Satan and his demons.
Another excuse or reason put into our heart and mind to murder ourselves is when the heart is betrayed by the one we love, who we find with another. boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, THIS betrayal of our heart has been said to be the same as death itself for THIS pain is not measurable in words. It is then again we begin to experience/receive from the demons the thoughts of suicide and we “feel like dying” and this is because the “demons/evil spirits” KNOW that we are now at our weakest. It is also then THEN that the “demons/evil spirits” put the thought into our mind that “killing ourselves” is THE ANSWER for us to escape this pain and to “hurt those that hurt us” because they “broke our heart” when they betrayed us.
Other times when we are weak spiritually is when we lose a loved one to an untimely death where they die from cancer, an accident, or when a close relative, loved one, boyfriend or close friend, kill themselves. All of these experiences cause spiritual pain to our heart and mind. If we do not understand the promise of the Jesus Christ that we shall be reunited together in the spirit world when we pass over, we find ourselves in our weakest state of mind and then are more easily influenced by the “demonic spirits” who put thoughts in our mind for us to kill ourselves.
How cunning are these evil spirits? Think about this. Not only do they try to get you/us to kill ourselves but they also were the spiritual source of the lusts, thoughts, and feelings and actions on the part of those that chose to betray our love and hurt us! It is the same even when we lose a loved one. They try to use any loss to tempt us with the thought that maybe we now should kill ourselves.
There are other reasons “put into our hearts and minds” to kill ourselves as found in the “memories” of parents, husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend never being sober, who drink themselves into total unawareness of us. Children especially suffer because it is they who need most the love and affection of their parents but receive none. Some suffer from beatings and sexual abuse and have nowhere to go or no one to turn to or trust. Young children kill themselves to escape the “hell of home”.
The daily experiences on the majority of reservations are a constant reminder of the past and present oppression. No jobs, houses that are falling apart with no way to fix them, no money for food and bills, to buy things needed for children and babies and the list goes on leaving us with no hope for things to get better. It is this feeling of hopelessness that also pulls us into the dark pit of despair. It is then we are tempted to believe the LIE given to us by evil spirits that death by suicide will deliver us from our pain and suffering and be our “Savior” .
The harsh, oppressive, and inhuman realities of reservation life are NOT an accident. They are made by those who followed the “intelligence” of the same evil spirit who is trying to convince us to kill our self. That spirit is called the “devil/Satan”. Think about this. What is the solution he offers you for things to change? Say “get drunk or high” or WORSE , “kill yourself” while he IS the one that created the very “reservation reasons” which he then uses to convince you to destroy yourself!
In the beginning of Native American history, it was the Creator called Tunkasila among the Lakota) who taught spirituality. It was not learned from the White man, the “Catholic-Christians”, the Pope, Mormons, or any other European source. Our spirituality and teachings do not teach us to hurt, betray, humiliate, defile, disrespect, murder, rape, abuse, or desecrate another soul. The Creator said in all our relationships we should do good to one another and love one another in all areas of our life. We are to be faithful to our wives and husbands. We are to be compassionate, generous, and giving, We are to make sure that there are no poor or hungry among us, no homeless, our elders, women and children are to be loved, respected, and taken care of. That is the will of the Creator Tunkasila and when we follow His spirit in being that way, we are then living on the Red Road and are who we were created to be.
To not live this way is to live and experience the spiritual and physical “death” of the Black Road and is not the way of God. When a soul “listens to and follows the evil spirits of the Black Road, we begin to do things that are hurtful to others and ourselves. See how smart the devil is? Of course, while he is doing this, he whispers in our ears “there is no devil…I am no devil”.
A man wrote about an experience he had in the Spirit World. He was shown how evil spirits enter our mind and influence us. While in a hospital and very sick, he suddenly “died” on the operating table and was “dead” for 8 minutes. During this time, he began to experience his spirit leaving his body. The next thing he realized and understood was that he was in the presence and company of one who identified himself as Jesus Christ. It was during this experience with Jesus that he witnessed two most important scenes.
The first one was when he was taken to to a scene where he saw a young man sitting down next to his father and saying “Pops Pops…I am sorry … please tell mom I am sorry…” begging his father to tell his mother over and over again. The problem was, his father could not hear him cry out in this pain and agony. Another scene he saw a young girl crying out to her boyfriend…to forgive her and that she was sorry for what she had done. Again, she could not be heard. They wanted to go back…to undue their act of self murder but they could not. They saw, heard and felt all the heart pain of those that loved them as if it was their own. They were act the wake, the funeral and in the homes, bedrooms and gatherings where they witness and felt “the consequence of their act of listening to the “demons/devils/spirits” of Satan!
What Jesus revealed was this. He told the man who was with him that “These are those that committed suicide and this was the consequence of their act”!! How powerful and yet sad. They did not know that when they killed themselves that this was what they would be experiencing in the “Spirit World” and having to confront. There is more about this understanding in this writing down below.
The next experience Jesus showed this man was when he was taken into a bar and allowed to witness a scene where he saw many men who were heavily drinking. He also noticed that their were other “spirit bodies” there who were trying to drink the same drink but they were unable. These “spirits without bodies” were trying to grab a drink of alcohol. Each time they tried to grab a drink, their hand passed through the glass. The man then realized the “others” trying to drink were “spirits” of those who had died and were in the Spirit World in this same “need to drink” but could not. In this condition. In the spirit world, they found themselves still craving and wanting to drink but without a “body of flesh”, they could not. This was their torment…to want to drink but to never ever experience again and this was their “eternal condition” in the Spirit World. A word for this is called “hell”.
Then Jesus was directed this man to observe a man who passed out from drinking heavily and fell on the floor. All of a sudden, he was shocked to see this man’s forehead open up a “spiritual hole” in the front of his forehead. All of a sudden, one of the “spirits” that had died and had no body, the one that was trying to drink his drink, IMMEDIATELY entered into him through that opening in his forehead like a flash of lightening.
This experience shows how alcohol and drugs are the “door openers” for demons/evil spirits to enter our hearts and minds. Once “inside of us”, they can then more easily influence our thoughts, feelings, and then our actions. It is when one drinks alcohol and or is doing drugs, that anger, rage, hate, beatings, abuse, rapes, killings etc, take place because they are “evil spirit” inspired. Sometimes one remembers what they do when under the influence of EVIL SPIRITS other times no.
It needs to be understood that the most EVIL of acts we commit are inspired by those “spirits” caste out of Heaven with Lucifer who is Satan the Devil. They are here on earth without bodies. They work is to change our hearts and thinking so that we do the most evil things to one another and ourselves. They are the spirits that convince us to kill ourselves!
So we now we see how these spirits get us to KILL OURSELVES through use of alcohol and drugs. Once they have place in our hearts and minds, they are then able to become one with our thinking and are then more easily able to convince us that “their thoughts” are OURS. They work to get us to believe the LIES they put in our mind that there is only ONE WAY to stop all of our pain, to end the memories of suffering. Finally, they are able to overcome our will power and thinking so that then we cannot tell their thinking from ours. They are so good at what they do, that we are now thinking their thoughts to the point we do not know this. This is how the devil uses alcohol and drugs with their goal being to convince us to KILL OURSELVES. When we believe their lie because they are now in control of our spirit and body…all of our thoughts and feelings and we no longer are aware of this.
This is why alcohol is the preferred beverage of Satan. Alcohol and drugs are more times then not, directly connected to “self-murder”. Remember, that it was the European who first offered alcohol and continues to do so now. Therefore, understand who the Oppressor represents in both this life and eternity. Say Satan who has his regional headquarters in White Clay!
The following story is a powerful, sad, and painful one. During a traditional Lakota wiping of tears ceremony during a sweat, Elder’s Beatrice Whiting, member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe and her husband Ed, member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, had a revealing and powerful experience “FROM the spirit world”. It came in the form of a young Lakota woman who committed suicide at the age of 17.
While they were singing and praying during their sweat, a light began to appear before them. As it increased in size, they began to see the face of this young woman they new. Her name was Darliss Brown, a member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. Darliss was the daughter of Darla Rabbit and was a past student of Beatrice. Darliss had committed suicide two weeks before. Why? Because her heart was betrayed when she found her boyfriend with another girl. Darliss was also carrying “their” child.
The spirit of Darliss was weeping and cried out saying “I am sorry, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to do it”. Beatrice saw her suffering and saw that Darliss NOW realized the consequences of her self-murder. In the spirit world, Jesus allowed Darliss to experience and feel in her heart and mind every single emotion of pain and sorrow of those that loved her as if it was her own. As a result, she suffered “with them” because of what she did. She wept as they wept and mourned as they mourned over her death when they found out, at the wake, the funeral, and in the private places of weeping and wailing where no one saw them except her!
Darliss saw the hurt she caused her mother, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, friends and relatives. This was the consequence of her self-murder. No escape, no joy, no deliverance from THIS pain and suffering. This was the consequence of her being “deceived” to kill herself. She was so sorry she HURT THEM THAT MUCH and had she known, she would never have killed herself.
One has to ask when you are being given thoughts by demons/evil spirits to kill yourself, do YOU want to hurt those who love you THAT MUCH? Darliss had been deceived into killing herself and was sorry but ONLY after her spirit left her body and entered into the spirit world. There her awareness was immediate and it was there that Jesus allowed her to understand that suicide was “demon/evil spirit inspired/alcohol/drug connected” and that she believed the lie of the devil and his evil spirits that they put into her mind. We now see how alcohol was the door opener for these evil spirits to enter into her body, heart, and mind…even her soul.
On November 25th of 0/7, four years after Darliss killed herself, Jesus allowed her mother to receive a visit from her daughter. Darliss came to her mother from the “spirit world” and into “time”. Darla was in her bedroom lying on her bed. She was holding a photo of Darliss and still grieving and weeping for her and still feeling the pain of missing her in her heart. All of a sudden, she felt a cool breeze in the room. At that moment, Darliss appeared before her in spirit and spoke to her in comforting words, “Mom, it’s all right, it’s all right”. Darla felt the love of her daughter for her as she spoke to her and that she was still sorrowful for what she had done as she was still grieving over the pain she had caused her mother and others, four years later.
Few who commit suicide are allowed by Jesus to come back from the “spirit world” to explain or share anything. They only see and witness the suffering of those they hurt. It is like the “two way mirror” in a police movie where you see but are not seen by those on the other side. You weep and wail and cry out for forgiveness and try to explain to them your mistake to all those you loved and who loved you, but it is no use because you can neither be seen or heard. You realize once you are in the “spirit world” that you were deceived by the devil and his evil spirits into believing the LIE that committing suicide was the “right thing or cool thing do” or that all your “troubles” would be over. This was a lie because now you suffer the torment and pain in realizing your act of self-murder cannot be undone. This is and will be your torment…or “hell”. Is there an end to this suffering? YES and there is forgiveness but only when Jesus determines you have learned your lesson. Then there is a healing. The question for everyone to ask is, do we want to kill ourselves to experience this?
Cherokee Walking Eagle Kills In Water is a Sicangu Lakota and member of the of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. She lost her daughter Crystal to suicide. Crystal was a mother of six children. She also was drinking alcohol when she killed herself. She likewise was deceived by “evil spirits” into believing the lie that she could escape the pain that was in her life by committing suicide. Cherokee also had a “spirit world” experience with her daughter Crystal that helped her in her grieving. Three weeks after her daughter’s funeral, she had a “real life vision where Crystal appeared to her and started gently rubbing her head. She could feel her touch on her head. Crystal asked her mother “Are you alright”? Cherokee said “Yes, I am alright”. She felt Crystals concern for her as well as her sorrow over what she did. Cherokee wept during this visit from her daughter and was thankful that Jesus allowed Crystal to come to her as this helped her heal. When she awoke from the dream, Crystal had gone back to the “spirit world”.
Evil spirits will destroy our soul directly or through others using alcohol and drugs which are the tools of the Devil. He is then able to trick us (as the “trickster from hell) into believing the lie of suicide. The truth is suicide only releases our spirit into the spirit world when our body dies and when we arrive there in spirit, which is instantly, we then begin to suffer the consequences of this deception with no place to hide from the witnessing of the pain we cause those that loved us.
So what is the answer and alternative to suicide? It is the restoring of our love for one another as inspired by and demonstrated by Jesus Christ when He once walked among Native Peoples on this land. Crazy Horse was that example, Sitting Bull also was. The Spirit of the Creator manifested in the flesh through Jesus, must be restored in our hearts again. When that happens, no longer will we do or say anything to hurt another and thus we will no longer be used by the devil to be the source of death and destruction of other souls or our own. This also means we no longer use alcohol or do drugs. Until we cease this evil, we will continue suffering as a people individually and as a Nation.
The Black Rap Culture is also a tool of of the devil and his evil spirits. They are working hard to place in the hearts of young Native youth the thoughts, feelings, and actions that are demeaning to young Native men and women, Elders etc. This evil spirit of the THIS BLACK ROAD inspires violence, hate, vengeance, abuse of women, inspires murders and reduces Native sexuality to something disrespectful where women are dishonored, abused, raped, beaten etc. A Native females is not a “bitch” or “ho”. She is to be treated with dignity and respect. That is being truly Native. The opposite is the way of the devil. Native men have no excuse to be or do the same and in the spirit world, if they do not stop this behavior while alive, they will suffer the eternal consequences…say hell and deservingly so. In fact, Native men who treat Native women and children this way, will be with those blacks and whites who have done the same to their women as well as Native women.
What does all this mean in “real time’? It means one ceases to do in their life all that you know hurts and harms another including oneself. You do what you must to quit drinking, doing drugs, gambling. You seek out help, go to ceremonies, and pray to your Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ to be given the power to change. It means you go to those you have hurt and tell them you are sorry and ask for their forgiveness and that you forgive those that hurt you. It means to become once again the faithful husband and wife, the mother or father that has been missed and is needed by your children, the relative and friend that was once there and needs to return. It means you forgive yourself even as Jesus has forgiven you. It means you begin to love yourself because you loved by Jesus and that His example of love is the example you were created to also be in your life for that is truly being Native.
It means that while you are here alive in your flesh before you journey to the spirit world, that you make this change while you still can so that you can undo the wrong which you have done to others. It means you no longer allow yourself to be deceived and directed by the evil spirits and be used by them in the destroying of your own people, your women and children, and yourself. Because when that happens, it is to late to love those that are lost even as it is to late to return from the spirit world when you kill yourself because of what others have done to you. It means turning to your Heavenly Father and praying for the strength to do what you must, for Him to heal you of all the pain and suffering you have caused or experienced in your life, because it cannot be done without His power which is His love for you.
This is the way to heal the broken hoop, to break the cycle of oppression and hate experienced and learned from Satan. God is waiting for us to turn to Him and ask for the strength to change in our hearts. He promises to heal us of our pain. That is what the Sun Dance is really about, as shown by the ultimate sacrifice of THE First Sun Dancer, even Jesus, the ultimate gift of healing and love. He is asking us this day to decide which road to take, the Red Road of blessing and healing and which restores our love for Him and one for another or the “Black Road” so many find ourselves on now, the one of evil inspired by the devil himself, the one of cursing, death, and hell, the one destroying us individually and collectively
The choice is laid before us to have restored that which was lost at Wounded Knee on December 28, 1890 in the vision, purpose, and prayer of the Ghost Dance. It is said in our prophecies given to us by Jesus that the Wasichu (White man) and Oppressor will never change for our good and that is the reason why Turtle Island will be “cleansed” by Him in the judgments soon to come upon this land.
This is why we must pray together to Tunkasila…even Almighty God, in the name of the One who represents all that is Holy, Jesus Christ, to deliver us from those evil spirits represented in the past and present so that the influences and affects of the devil are no more found in our hearts. When this happens, we once again can be called the people of the Almighty God and Jesus Christ and experience the answer of the Ghost Dance in having restored unto us the blessings we once experienced when He was in our midst on this land as His People.
When this happens, we will again be his Holy people, a people of one heart, one mind, dwelling in righteousness with no poor among us. It is because of His Sun Dance that death and hell IS overcome and our bodies and spirits healed and restored one to another. It is because of Jesus Christ that we will experience His promise of all of us being united together not only in the Spirit World but also on this earth!
Richard Boyden is available to speak at schools, community centers, church’s and (or elsewhere). He is a former instructor at Haskell Indian Nations University and taught “Investigative Journalism-Introduction to Radio Broadcasting”, former Marine and combat veteran. He is as an “attempted suicide survivor” who knows from personal experience what the spiritual realities and consequences of suicide are.
He can be reached at 816-599-1388 day or night or email at richardboyden@gmail.com
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Catholic Church (Pedophile Infested) Removes “Suicide Prevention” Radio Program on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation

This article was published in the Dakota/Lakota Journal in April 0/7
by Richard Boyden
“The suicide issue also caught the eye of local leaders, prompting Rosebud Sioux Tribal President Rodney Bordeaux to declare a state of emergency on suicides and attempted suicides during a Tribal Council meeting”
“According to Rosebud Economic Development Corporation, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Law Enforcement responded to three suicides and 193 attempted suicides from Jan. 1, 2006, to Dec. 31, 2006; and three suicides and 51 attempted from Jan. 1 to March 13 this year.”
Quote from above article in Rapid City Journal
The “Holy Roman Catholic Church” in St. Francis South Dakota, removed an affective “suicide prevention” program from radio station KINI on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation. The program addressed the subject of suicide among young Lakota youth living on the Reservation..
I had prayerfully responded to a “State Of Emergency On Reservation Suicides” article I read in the Rapid City Journal and came to the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Reservation on March 16th. There I met with a number of Rosebud Tribal members including Leo Campbell, John Spotted Tail, Debbie Black Lance, and later the Tribal President, Rodney Bordeaux, his wife Jodi Waln, as well as employees of the Education Department among others. During the week (March 19-27th) the program was aired, not one of these individuals or other Tribal Members I met and who had heard the program, told me that they thought the program was offensive in any way towards the Lakota or the Catholic Church.
During my meeting with Leo Campbell, he introduced me to Richard Iyotte, the then station manager of KINI 96.1 FM in St. Francis. Iyotte invited me to the station and wanted to interview me because I was an “attempted suicide survivor”. The interview was 1 hour long in 2 parts. I had prayed to the Creator I would be led in what I shared for the blessing of the youth. Immediately when the program was aired, calls were received by the KINI receptionist from concerned Lakota parents and relatives of Lakota youth. They were worried because there was talk among the youth about taking their own lives. According to Iyotte, a “Traditional Lakota”, no calls were received from listeners of the program complaining about anything said on the program and that he personally felt the program talked about suicide from a “Traditional” point of view.
I discovered to my amazement, that KINI 96.1 FM was a “Catholic Church owned station” on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation and that programming is controlled, monitored, and must be “Catholic approved” by the Catholic Church through Robert Doody, “Vice President of Programs”. According to “sources”, Doody had no experience in radio. Richard Iyotte, with close to 10 years of radio experience as a station manager, has since resigned because of this “dictatorship policy” of Doody as condoned and sanctioned by President of the St. Francis Mission, John Hatcher.
According to Iyotte, it was Doody who issued the “order” to remove the program. Doody fabricated a LIE in stating that the reason why the program was removed was because it “defamed” the Catholic Church. In my subsequent personal meeting with Hatcher, he told me that Doody stated to him that the “sacraments” of the Church were discussed in a denigrating way. That is a simply a LIE. Not one word was stated about “sacraments”!
The only mention of the Catholic Church was in the context of discussing Lakota Spirituality. I had stated in the program, that the Lakota traditions of love, generosity, respect, and honor, taking care of the poor, elderly, widows, feeding the hungry etc., were in place, operative, and a way of life among the Lakota LONG BEFORE White European Christians came to “Turtle Island” i.e.. “America”. I said that this “spiritual tradition” was taught by and learned from the Creator direct, not from “White Christians”. In fact, I said, Lakota spirituality in how they treated one another was more after the example of Jesus then from the majority of experiences the Lakota have had with “Christianity”.
I also said that the love demonstrated between the Lakota was a way of life that was not taught to them by “Billy Graham” or the “Pope”. That statement is a historical fact. I also mentioned that the Lakota could pray to God direct. My understanding is that the Lakota always have prayed to the Creator direct before there were “priests” or “ministers” representing “White Christianity”.
Evidently, Doody did not listen to the WHOLE program and the “context” in which those statements were made. Furthermore, he lied to Hatcher in telling him why he pulled the program. Hatcher in turn, “believed automatically” what Doody told him, rather then listening to the program himself.
I met with Hatcher after the program was pulled and I asked him if he had listened to the program to verify what Doody had told him. He said no. I asked him if he would listen to it and he said yes. I also asked him to reconsider the decision and have the program restored. I also stated that, given the “alleged defamatory statement” was but “one sentence in a hour program”, that if it was so “offensive”, then simply delete that statement, reinstate the program, and everyone would be happy. And then the Lakota youth and families would continue to have an opportunity to listen to those understandings the Creator had given me as an attempted suicide survivor that they had not heard before and for their blessing..
Hatcher did not do as I had asked because the program was neither “edited” to remove the alleged “offensive statement”, nor was it put back on the air.
The airing of the program produced immediate results with meetings between two young Lakota teens and their Grandmother, a family of teens and their mother, a nine year old girl and her guardian. Each young one had discussed committing suicide. The Grandmother had heard the program and asked if I would meet with her grandsons. I did and shared my own experience as an “attempted suicide survivor with them as well as the other young people. Those meetings were blessed by God and in a good way and because their families had heard the program.
Also, because of the radio program, I was allowed to speak with Lakota youth at the Wanbli Wiconi Tipi which is the Rosebud Youth Wellness and Renewal Detention Center. Patricia Broken Leg was my contact. The youth there, like most young Lakota, are constantly struggling with “life on the rez” in the form of no jobs, few if any fun and wholesome activities, dysfunctional families using drugs, alcohol and who gambled, as well as “gangs” etc. This then causes the subsequent White man’s term called “depression”. I describe it rather as a natural response to a not natural social, economic, and spiritual environment. In fact, I call this incognito spiritual genocide which is engineered by the very powers of evil that created “reservations” in the first place. In my readings, I understand that Hitler used the model of “reservations” to create “concentration camps”.
I told the youth “that the evil spirit which the White man listened to in spiritually engineering reservations, had one goal only, and that was that they would end up exactly where they were now, with the hope that, “you would continue your pattern of non-Lakota thoughts and behavior, and eventually end up in prison”. In other words, “the created reservation environment was designed to kill you first spiritually and then physically, so that that if you did not first kill yourself or someone else, that for sure you would be exposed to and use drugs and alcohol and commit crimes against your OWN PEOPLE resulting in guaranteed time in prison. This plan I said, “is intentionally designed to destroy the Lakota Oyate in destroying the last generation which YOU represent”. After all, the same “plan” is working wonders in African American and Hispanic “reservations” and interestingly enough, “rap music” is THE “dark mind and power source” which allows for this plan to work as evidenced in those communities.
I told them that “not being Lakota is why you are here in this detention center” That in being Lakota, if you would live out and share that love and those traditions taught by the Creator to your people, then you would be Lakota and anything less would be a contradiction of and a denial of being Lakota. It is one thing to “look and talk as a Lakota and it is another to live and love as a Lakota”. Basically I said, “the White mans system is inspired by Satan direct from the throne of hell to make sure you lose your Lakota spirit of love for yourself and one another.
As an “attempted suicide survivor”, I told them I understood the thoughts and feelings of suicide that overpower oneself, where they spiritually come from, and how to overcome them. I have done personal battle with those “demons” representing the forces of darkness that work fervently to destroy Lakota souls. I was one such targeted soul and I gave in to those “Satan inspired thoughts”. Some may question that statement but I ask, from where do self-destructive thoughts originate from? Are they built into drugs or alcohol? And yes, they may be “taught” by outsiders but even then, who or what “inspired” them? I said that when I feel those thoughts, that I pray to the Creator in the name of Jesus to have those feelings removed.
I related to them that the Creator allowed me to feel His displeasure because I had tried to kill myself when my wife left me. He allowed me to feel His displeasure, which I personally call “hell”, during which I was shown all the other things that I had done in my life not pleasing to Him. I experienced this for 3 ½ hours with no escape, time out, or place to run. It was scary to say the least. Close to the end of this time, I began to feel His love, forgiveness, and compassion and that He must have felt I learned my lesson. This is a lesson I will never forget and would not wish it on anyone.
I next shared the experience of a man who had “died” for 7 minutes while in a hospital in Texas. He said his spirit was taken out of his body and that he met the Creator who showed him a scene where a young man and an older man were attempting to talk to their families and friends who were lamenting and crying and mourning. These two were trying to tell their families that they were sorry for what they had done but their families could not hear or see them. These two were those that committed suicide as pointed out by Jesus and this was their spiritual condition in the “spirit world” until the Creator relieved them of that torment. They were allowed by the Creator to personally feel the pain of each one affected by their suicide as if it was their own. THAT is why they were in such torment. I also said, that I believed that the family and friends affected by those who committed suicide, could pray to the Creator for them to be forgiven and that those prayers would be heard.
I then asked the youth if they would want to “hurt their loved ones, their parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, nieces and nephews and family and friends, those that love you, that much? They said NO! I said there was always someone to talk to that loved them in their family or among friends. The Creator loved them and I loved them with the love the Creator put on my heart for them and that under no circumstances, do not allow for those dark and destructive thoughts to overcome you because if you choose to believe the LIE of those thoughts and feelings, and then take your own life, you will NOT be escaping this one as you thought but will see and experience the consequences of listening to a voice that is not of the Creator.
Also I said, that same man who was with the Creator was next shown a scene in a bar where men were drinking. One man he noticed was drinking heavily. While sitting there, another man attempted to reach for his drink and pick it up. He was unable to as his hand passed through the glass each time he tried to pick it up. It was pointed out that the man trying to drink had “passed away” but now was in his “spirit body” and was still craving to drink. Then the man who was drinking heavily passed out and fell to the floor. Immediately on his forehead, there appeared a “spiritual opening” and the man in his “spirit body” who had tried to drink but could not, entered into the man that passed out.
I shared that I understood this to mean that alcohol and drugs (including anti-depressant drugs), allow for this spiritual happening to take place and this is why when one is “under the influence”, they then are more easily inspired by those bad spirits that can now influence them to become more violent, abusive, and self-destructive as well as having thoughts that lead to suicide, murder, and murder suicide because using alcohol and drugs allow for evil spirits to inspire non-Lakota behavior.
I also shared that I personally did not come from a “loving family background”. I know the destructive affects of alcohol in a family. For the first 6 years of my life as a only child, I saw and felt it first hand because both my parents drank. My father was an abuser who beat my mother and myself for as long as I could remember. I also know what drinking is on a personal level as well as other “sins” which I have tried to change throughout my life. I never started drinking myself until I witnessed my mother lying on a hospital bed “burnt black like a “marshmallow” from the top of her head to her ankles She lived that way for three days. She had just been released from a hospital for treatment of her liver because of heavy drinking. Being weak, she had tried to light a cigarette and her clothes caught on fire.
After the hour meeting with the youth, it was given a “10” by them in what was shared about “suicide” and the spiritual elements of.
Upon returning home, I sent an email to Hatcher asking him if he and Doody had a testimony from Jesus (being they are supposed to “believe in Him”) to remove the “suicide ministry” program from KINI? Interestingly but not surprisingly, I received no answer. Personally, I would stake my soul on the fact they did not! I told him that my purpose in coming to the Rosebud Sioux Reservation was not to “condemn and judge” the Catholic Church. Almighty God will do that for the sins it is guilty of in “Indian Country” and elsewhere.
It is my opinion that the Holy Roman Catholic Church, in removing the “suicide prevention program”, have clearly shown that they do NOT in the least have a genuine interest or concern over the “suicide” struggles among the Sicangu Lakota Oyate and in particular among their youth. If they did, the program would never have been pulled and by now it would have been restored.
I have downloaded the program on my website for any and all to listen. You can be the judge of what was said and if I defamed the “Holy Roman Catholic Church”. Personally, I find it “historically repugnant” that this entity whose “history in Indian Country” has been more destructive then anything else, would DARE to remove a program which had as it sole purpose, the saving of lives, even the souls of young Lakota youth!. Do I need say more?
Journey To The Spirit World By Suicide
Genocide by Suicide – The “Spiritual Deception” of Self-Murder
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to do it….
” Examples of how bad the epidemic of suicides is among First Nations People when this paper was first written. It is much worse now on all Reservations! During a two week period in the month of July and August 08, there were 4 suicides in the community of Oglala on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Overall…suicides are on a RISE throughout the Reservation. This was a email received (12/9/07) concerning the week of (12/2-12/9) from a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. A State of Emergency was declared on the Rosebud Sioux Tribe reservation in 3/07 because of the increase in suicides and attempted suicides. There were 61 attempts from Jan 1-07 to March 12-07 “Hey we had another suicide you probably heard about last week, also 4 attempted this past weekend, the youngest being 14 year old male, who tried to hang himself but was caught, one cut their wrist, one overdosed, the last just happened last night, didn’t get the info on how they tried. I now am hearing that the kids today are thinking “It’s the in thing to do”…on some of their bebo pages they brag about…if their going to go out, “their going to go out to suicide, end their own chit”. I’m in total disbelief right now, this is a emergency situation. I think what’s needed to be done to try to combat the situation is change their perception of thinking, shove it down their throats, Suicide is evil, something is messed up here”!. -Anthony Bordeaux Jr. is a Sicangu Lakota and member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. On the Standing Rock Reservation there were over 288 attempted suicides and the successful were “in those numbers”. One of the major connections to this statistic according to a Veteran I met at the Oglala Lakota Veterans Pow Wow was the giving out of the anti-depressant Prozac “like candy”…a proven “suicide drug” used by IHS and Social entities. The Rapid City Journal on 1/15/15 published a Associated Press article focusing on Pine Ridge where at least 7 suicides in the last 4 months took place. Add to this the not recorded attempts and reported promoting of by those who mock and provoke those who are struggling by bullying and “hanging ropes“ in communities on the Reservation.
Buddy Red Bow, a traditional Oglala Lakota singer wrote a song entitled “Journey to the Spirit World”, a song about “getting ready” to pass over into the “Spirit World” when one dies and into a life of joy where pain and suffering is no more. “The Ghost Dance” was a prayer for the same promise of a better life after death. The Paiute Prophet Wovoka was given a vision of this from the “Red Messiah” who’s name is “Wanikiya” which is Lakota for Jesus.
Wanikiya promised to return to deliver His people from the evils and oppression’s of the Whites. Wovoka also saw the dead of his people raised and all were healed of their pain and suffering and that all would be brought together who had passed into the Spirit World. After Wanikiya cleansed this land, His people would be restored by Him to this their land after He cleansed this land by His judgment from all evil and sin. This is what Wovoka was shown by Wanikiya…even Jesus.
There are many reasons for the death of the body. Some natural such as old age with the body simply wearing out like an old moccasin. Cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are major killers in Indian Country but they are only killers of our body. With “suicide”, the “spiritual deception” or lie that one kills themselves begins first with a a “spiritual thought” where the body dies but not our spirit. Our spirit never dies no matter what happens to our body.
The majority of “suicides” in Indian Country happen when drugs and alcohol are used. Reasons for wanting to kill ones self could be because of our living conditions such as “poverty” and the fact there there are no jobs, no income, and no money for food and shelter and other important needs for one to help their family with the basic needs of life.
Drugs and alcohol are most always connected to suicide. Included are past and present experiences of sexual abuse such as rapes and molestations. In other cases suicide is the result of the betrayal of ones heart by those trusted and loved.
Why suicides take place cannot be understood “spiritually“ unless we admit and identify the part “spirits” or “demons” play. The fact is they do exist and are able through the use of drugs and alcohol to overthrow our souls by first “speaking to our minds“. All actions no matter what they are begin first “spiritually” with a “thought” whether they are good or evil. With suicide, this “thought or voice” is inspired by demons to do evil.
These demons will begin to “tell us” to hurt and kill ourselves (and even others for that matter). Ignoring and/or denying the existence of these demonic spirits who are the spiritual source of those voice/thoughts/actions” directly connected to one committing self murder is why the epidemic of suicide in “Indian Country continues to increase. In fact these same “spirits / demons” inspire the very thoughts and actions that are seen in the acts of sexual abuse, child molestations, rape, beatings and murder “Indian Country”.
The act of committing suicide begins “spiritually first” with “thinking thoughts” about suicide or what could be called “hearing voices”. These thoughts are NOT ours or from us but we do “hear them” in our minds. When we listen to them and give in to them totally, it is then we kill ourselves in committing suicide. It is no different then when we “remember” what someone said to us that hurt us…it is the memory of a “voice”.
Demonic spirits have the ability and power to “speak to us” in their “language” what they want us to hear and they will never stop. Again their goal is to get us to kill ourselves. Only Wanikiya even Jesus can stop them and only when we pray for Him to do this. Only He has the power to destroy this work of Satan and stop those demons that listen to his voice which become our “thoughts and feelings”. They cause us to remember over and over those hurtful experiences in our life and they use them to torment us. We must chose to not “listen to them”.
What is not revealed by these demons is that suicide is ONLY the killing of and the death of our body.They don’t tell us or show us that after our body is “dead” from killing ourselves that our spirit continues to live and never dies. Once our spirit leaves our “dead body” here in what we call “time”, do we immediately realize we are still alive but now in the “Spirit World”.
How do these demons convince us to kill ourselves so easily? They use “alcohol”. Alcohol is the “door opener” where now are able to “speak into our minds” and this gives them more power over us. How many times have we felt like dying? And more so when drinking? The demons know that when we drink that we are at our weakest point spiritually in our minds. They over and over without end put into our mind the thoughts that “killing ourselves” is THE ANSWER for us to escape this pain and they take over our “will power” which then is THEIR WILL POWER! .
Being raped is the most evil of acts against the spirit of a soul. It is the equivalent of “murdering” that spirit. Rape is a act of hate and evil inspired by Satan. To understand the “Spirit World” punishment of those guilty of this…one should watch the movie “Ghost” and the last scene where the very demons from hell take the “murderer” after he himself dies right into the lake of fire and brimstone…even hell. Those who rape and hurt women and children will experience all the pain and suffering they caused those they hurt and this happens when they die and their spirit leaves their body! Yes…this will be their hell and they will be angels to the one they listened to…even Satan
The rapist…the perpetuator of rape will experience hell. Yes…gnashing of teeth….the real hell fire and brimstone….tormented for eternity and because you have taken away Tunka”sila’s gift of life. You will pay for eternity what you have taken away for the rape, murder and crimes committed against the women and children because how this act of Satan by you affects the souls of the victims. The spirits of God’s beautiful creation is killed by rape, when you do this, as a perpetrator, you have committed the greatest of all sin murder, and remember , the judgment day is real ,and Wanikiya itesniya yelo. Who wants to refute this?
How smart are these evil spirits? Not only do they try to get us to kill ourselves but they also were the source of the spiritual thoughts and actions on the part of those who hurt us! Because those who have suffered at the hands of those who hurt us have nowhere to go or no one to turn to or trust, it is then the demon spirits convince even young children kill themselves to escape the “hell of home” and to get away from those that raped and hurt them..
This is a true and powerful testimony shows how demons or spirits can “enter into us”.
A man named Ritchie wrote a book called “Return from Tomorrow”. In it he shared an experience he had in the Spirit World. While in a hospital and very sick, he suddenly “died” and his body was “dead” for 8 minutes. During this time, he began to experience his spirit leaving his body. All of a sudden he realized and understood was that he was in the presence and company of one who identified himself as Wanikiya…even Jesus Christ.
Jesus showed him two important scenes. The first one was where he saw a young man sitting next to his father and crying and saying over and over “I am sorry Pops…I am sorry…please… please tell mom I am sorry…“ He was trying to tell his father to tell his mother he was sorry! What he did not immediately realize was that his father could not hear him cry out in this pain of agony and guilt. His father and mother did not see him or could they hear him.
Then Ritchie was then shown another scene just like the first one where a young girl was crying out to her boyfriend to forgive her and that she was sorry for what she had done in committing suicide. Again, she could not be heard. Both wanted to return to their body after they killed themselves but they could not. They could only see that their body was dead but not them…that their spirit was still alive!
What Jesus said next to Ritchie was this… “These are those that committed suicide and this was the consequence of their act”!! They did not know that when they killed themselves that this would be the beginning of their “Journey To The Spirit World by Suicide” which was the result of their listening to those demons who convinced them to kill themselves.
Next Ritchie was taken by Jesus into a bar where he saw many men heavily drinking and smoking. All of a sudden he saw the hands of “spirit bodies“ trying to drink the same drink but they were unable. These “spirits were in their “spirit body” but no longer in their “body of flesh” they had when alive. So…each time they tried to grab a drink, their “spiritual hand” passed through the glass.
Ritchie then realized these spirits were those who had died and were now in the Spirit World. There they had the same desire to drink that they had before their “body died”. They wanted their flesh or body to once again experience the pleasure of drinking. But in the Spirit World their torment was to never ever experience the “pleasure of alcohol” and was because they never “repented” of this sin before they died. The only way these spirits who were no longer in their bodies to again satisfy their need to drink was to find a body to enter in to. Until they could do this, they were in a state which is called “hell” or “outer darkness”.
Now we will see how Satan and his demons use alcohol and drugs to enter into a soul. While Ritchie was watching that one man drinking heavily, this man passed out and fell on the floor. All of a sudden he was shocked to see this man’s forehead open up a “spiritual hole” in the front of his forehead and IMMEDIATELY one of the “spirits” that had died and had no body and was trying to drink his drink, entered into him through that opening in his forehead like a flash of lightening.
What this man was shown by Jesus is how alcohol and drugs are the “door openers” for demons/evil spirits to enter our hearts and minds. Once “inside of us”, they will be able to more easily control our thoughts, feelings, and then direct our actions. It could also be said that when this happens…one is “possessed” by a demon and then when this demon or more then on takes over our soul, it is then the sins of sexual abuse, rapes, and murders take place.
Demons are the source of those thoughts and actions of evil. Sometimes one remembers what they do when under the influence of EVIL SPIRITS and other times no. When one “Blacks Out” because they are overthrown or possessed by a evil demon that that is when some of the most hateful crimes are committed because those demons “inspire that act” and the thoughts and images connected to the evil done no matter what it is. And this includes “drinking and doing drugs” because these demons cause the craving to continue. In fact one could say they “own your soul” because their will power is your will power and their will power is to do evil.
It is recorded in the Holy Scriptures that the most EVIL of acts committed against others are inspired by those “spirits” who were cast out of the “Spirit World” of Heaven where Jesus fought a battle with Satan the Devil. There one out of three spirits were cast out of Heaven because they willingly chose to listen to Lucifer over Jesus. Here on earth they became demon spirits and here on earth they have no bodies and therefore are looking for bodies to enter into and possess.
Their spiritual work is to change the hearts of men to do the most evil things to one another and ourselves. They always looking for souls to overthrow as the spiritual voice of Satan who through these demons work to convince us to kill ourselves and others, to rape women and children because when one does this, it is then they separate us from He who loves us…even the Creator and whoever does this will find themselves in the Spirit World in hell with Satan forever!
Now we see how and why Satan and these demons tempt us to drink and use drugs because it is then they can speak to us in our hearts and minds while “in us” and they become one with us in our minds.When this happens they now have us thinking “their thoughts” which then become OURS. Now they are able to convince us to believe the LIES they put in our mind that there is only ONE WAY to stop all of our pain, to end the memories of suffering is to convince us to kill ourselves.because we no longer are able to tell their thinking” or “voices from ours .
This is how the devil uses alcohol and drugs to convince us to KILL OURSELVES and why alcohol is the preferred beverage of Satan.
The following true story is a powerful, sad, and painful one. During a traditional Lakota wiping of tears ceremony during a sweat, Elder’s Beatrice Whiting and her husband Ed from the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe had a revealing and powerful experience that came in the form of a young Lakota woman who committed suicide at the age of 17.
While they were singing and praying during their ceremony, a light began to appear before them. As it increased in size, they began to see the face of a young woman they new. Her name was Darliss Brown and also was a member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. Darliss was the daughter of Darla Rabbit and was a past student of Beatrice. Darliss had committed suicide two weeks before. Why? Because her heart was betrayed when she found her boyfriend with another girl. Darliss was also carrying “their” child.
The spirit of Darliss was weeping and cried out saying “I am sorry, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to do it”. Beatrice saw her suffering and that Darliss NOW realized the consequences of her self-murder. Once in the “Spirit World”, Wanikiya even Jesus allowed Darliss to experience the consequences of her act with her experiencing in her heart and mind every single feeling of the of the pain and sorrow of those that loved her as if it was her own.
She suffered “with them” because of what she did. She wept as they wept and mourned as they mourned over the death of her body (but not her spirit!) when they found out what she did. She was there at the wake and at the funeral and in the private places of weeping and wailing of all who loved her! Darliss saw and experienced the hurt she caused her mother, grand parents, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, friends and relatives. No escape, no joy, no deliverance from THIS pain and suffering. This was the consequence of her being “deceived” by the demons who convinced her (using alcohol) to kill herself.
She was so sorry she HURT THEM THAT MUCH and had she known, she would never have killed herself but when one “Journey’s To The Spirit World by Suicide“, they can not not return and undo what they had done.
One has to ask when you are being given thoughts by demons/evil spirits to kill yourself, do YOU want to hurt those who love you THAT MUCH?
Darliss had been deceived into killing herself and was sorry but ONLY AFTER her spirit left her body! But then it was to late. When she entered into the spirit world after “killing only her body” she was then aware that she was deceived by those “demons/evil spirits” who convinced her to kill herself but now it was to late and she could not come back and undo what she did.
On November 25th of 0/7, four years after Darliss killed herself, Jesus allowed her mother to receive a visit from her daughter. Darliss came to her from the “spirit world” and into “time”. Darla was in her bedroom lying on her bed holding a photo of her daughter and still grieving and weeping for her and still feeling the pain of missing her in her heart.
All of a sudden, she felt a cool breeze in the room and Darliss appeared before her in her spiritual body and spoke to her in comforting words, “Mom, it’s all right, it’s all right”. Darla felt the love of her daughter for her as she spoke to her and that she was still sorry for what she had done. Darliss was still grieving over the pain she had caused her mother and others four years later. This act of love, forgiveness and healing was allowed by Wanikiya for both Darliss and her mother.
Few who commit “self murder” or suicide are allowed to come back from the “spirit world” to explain or share anything. They only see and witness the suffering of those they hurt. It is like the “two way mirror” in a police movie where you see others but are not seen by those on the other side of the mirror. You weep and wail and cry out for forgiveness and try to explain to them your mistake to all those you loved and who loved you, but it is no use because you will never be seen or heard.
You also realize when you enter the Spirit World that you were deceived by the devil and his evil spirits into believing the LIE that committing suicide was the “right thing or cool thing do”. You thought that all your pain and suffering would end and that you would no longer experience the pain of what others have done to you. Instead you realize this LIE OF SATAN now has become your torment because your act of self-murder cannot be undone and this then is your “hell” or what is called “outer darkness”.
Is there an end to this suffering? YES! And there is forgiveness but only when Wanikiya determines you have learned your lesson. Then there is a healing. The question for everyone to ask is, do we want to kill ourselves to experience this and cause such suffering for those that love us as well as suffer eternally in the Spirit World?
Cherokee Walking Eagle Kills In Water is a Sicangu Lakota and member of the of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. She lost her daughter Crystal to suicide. Crystal was a mother of six children. She also was drinking alcohol when she killed herself. She likewise was deceived by “evil spirits” into believing the lie that she could escape the pain that was in her life by committing suicide. Cherokee also had a “spirit world” experience with her daughter Crystal that helped her in her grieving.
Three weeks after her daughter’s funeral, she had a “real life experience/vision” where Crystal appeared to her and started gently rubbing her head. She could feel her touch on her head. Crystal asked her mother “Are you alright”? Cherokee said “Yes, I am alright”. She felt Crystals concern for her as well as her sorrow over what she did. Cherokee wept during this visit from her daughter and was thankful that Wanikiya allowed Crystal to come to her as this helped her heal. When she awoke from the dream, Crystal had gone back to the Spirit World..
So what is the answer and alternative to suicide? It is the restoring in our hearts and minds the love and forgiveness taught by Wanikiya even Jesus Christ when He once walked among Native Peoples on this land. Jesus demonstrated this Red Road of life in how He lived and why we are to follow His example and obey His words. Only when we do this will we then be like Him and no longer do or say anything to hurt another and be used by the devil as the source of death and destruction of other souls and our own.
The Black Rap Culture is a tool of of the devil and his evil spirits. They are working hard to place in the hearts of young Native youth the thoughts, feelings, and actions that are demeaning to young Native men and women, Elders etc. This evil spirit of the THIS BLACK ROAD inspires violence, hate, vengeance, abuse, and rape of women.
A Native female is not a “bitch” or “ho”. She is to be treated with dignity and respect. That is being truly Native. The opposite is the way of the devil. Native men have no excuse to be or do the same and in the spirit world, if they do not stop this behavior while alive, they will suffer the eternal consequences…say hell and deservingly so. In fact, Native men who treat Native women and children this way, will be n hell with Satan who they listened to in raping and killing their women and children.
What does all this mean in “real time’ while we are still in our bodies? It means one will repent and and stop doing evil in their life that hurts and harms another human being including oneself. It means you will repent and cease to do evil and do what you must to quit drinking, doing drugs, gambling. You seek out help, go to ceremonies, and pray to your Heavenly Father in the name of Wanikiya who is Jesus Christ to be given the power to be healed from the pain you have suffered and this through His Gospel that He taught to His people when on this land among them.
It means you go to those you have hurt and tell them you are sorry and ask for their forgiveness for your souls sake. It means you once again become the faithful husband and wife, the mother or father that has been missed and is needed by your children. It means you forgive and love yourself even as Wanikiya forgives in His love for you. It means you follow His example of love in how you treat others and with that same love He has for you because that is being “Spiritually Born Again“ and with you no longer having any desire to do evil as you did in the past.
It means that you must pray against the devil in the name of Jesus so that you will not be deceived and directed by the evil spirits and be used by them in the destroying of your own soul by suicide or the reason why someone else kills themselves. It means you must turn to your Heavenly Father in prayer in the name of Wanikiya for Him to heal you of all the pain and suffering you have experienced in your life because you cannot be healed except by Him which is His love for you.
This power and love is represented through the Sun Dance because of the eternal sacrifice of THE First Sun Dancer, even Jesus-Wanikiya. It was His eternal loving example and gift of healing and love for us which will restore us to the Red Road of blessing and healing because only He do this. “What manner of men ought ye to be” asked Jesus? “Even as I am!” To become like Jesus…even Wanikiya is to become truly Lakota. Through His death as the “First Sun Dancer”, Jesus Christ has forever destroyed the black road of death and evil inspired by the devil himself. His love and sacrifice as the First Sun Dancer redeems us from death, hell and Satan both in time and in eternity.
The prayer of the Ghost Dance was given by Jesus to Wovoka as a promise that He will make His people once again a Holy people which will be how they were when He was among them, even a people of one heart, one mind, dwelling in righteousness with no poor among them. His power and love was in their hearts one for another.
This is then the true spirituality of the Lakota and Wanikiya because they repented of their sins and obeyed Him and did what He taught His people when on this there land. When they stopped listening to Him and began to listen to Satan even as many do now, the blessings were lost which is why death and destruction continues among His people here and now. Wanikiya … even Jesus is waiting for His people to repent and obey His Gospel so that can abide the “cleansing judgment” of this land and be saved by His power in these the “Last Days”.
Richard Boyden has personal experience with suicide ideation. He was Wanikiya / Jesus inspired to write this paper.. He has addressed the epidemic of suicide in jails, detention centers, schools, and in homes on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Rosebud Sioux Tribe Reservation, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reservation and the Crow Creek Reservation all in South Dakota.
He can be reached any time at richardboyden@gmail.com or 816-599-1388
Sources of Holy Scriptures: http://www.restoredgospel.com Holy Scriptures, Anti-Mormon Doctrine Book of Mormon (NOT LDS MORMON) Testimony of Wanikiya even Jesus coming to this land and His Gospel to His people, Latter Day Revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants
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