Hillary “KKK” Clinton And Whoremonger Hubby Rip Off Black Americans In Hundreds of Millions!



Wake up STUPID BLACK FOLK! You actually think this daughter of Satan has ANY interest in your quality of life and freedoms? Has your “House Nigger” representatives ever question why Bill the Pedophile / Whoremonger move 80% of US manufacturing jobs overseas and got PAID for it?


Did they ever question this “Androgynous” couple about the COCAINE they were complicit with Bush and North coming into YOUR COMMUNITIES?


And have you or will you EVER realize that these demons in the flesh are pimps for the Synagogue of Satan JEWS who worked with the ISLAMIC SLAVE TRADERS to bring you here and that these PreTendJEWS are the reason why YOUR COMMUNITIES are the way they are?


June 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton Crimes Reach New Low With Mass Theft From Poor American Blacks  

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An absolutely stunning Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is alleging that American presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is behind the rollout to US police departments of a new computer scanning device that allows police officers to immediately seize all the money from the bank debit cards of millions of poor American blacks and keep it for themselves unless these victims can prove they have a legitimate reason to have their own money—but will not affect the wealthiest people in the US who use credit cards.



According to this report, SVR criminal analysts deciphering the Panama Papers discovered this massive crime against America’s poorest citizens by tracking the multiple links between some of the world’s most notorious criminals, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation—and described as the illegal money raising apparatus for the Clinton’s that goes under various names including the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Health Access Initiative and the William J. Clinton Foundation.

As of 2015, this report continues, the Clinton’s through their many foundations have gained for themselves a staggering $3 billion, and that even today one of the leading independent groups that track charities – Charity Navigator – has been unable to determine where these billions of dollars went and says it has “determined that this charity’s atypical business model cannot be accurately captured in our current rating methodology.”



In spite of Hillary Clinton having already amassed billions in wealth, however, this report notes, in 2011 she began her latest criminal scheme to steal from the black peoples of America when she was Secretary of State and had forwarded to her illegal private email server a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) document titled Mobile Payments and the Global Remittance of Funds written by one of America’s most secretive computer experts named T. Jack Williams. [Note: Virtually unknown to the America people, Russia retains in its possession all of Hillary Clinton’s emails the SVR obtained from her private server.]

T. Jack Williams, this report explains, is credited with creating and implementing the world’s first electronic gift card program, as well as the launch of the successful Blockbuster Visa co-branded credit card, and the 50 million members Universal Membership Loyalty Card and is the president of Paymentcard Services, Inc. that was established in 2009 and incorporated in Texas and “employs a staff of approximately 1”.


T. Jack Williams, partner with Hillary Clinton in ERAD Group, Inc.


After reading T. Jack William’s report to ICE, though, this report continues, and as the Panama Papers document, Secretary Clinton, in 2012, through her Clinton Foundation, enabled him to create a company called  ERAD Group, Inc. that was immediately awarded a prime development contract to provide the US Department of Homeland Security, Advanced Technology Directorate, with a prepaid access card reader solution to process prepaid debit cards at time of arrest.

And even though the US Department of Homeland Security paid T. Jack William’s and Hillary Clinton’s new EARD Group company to develope this access card reader, this report notes, this year they, instead, began licensing it to local American police departments—and as evidenced by the contract T. Jack William personally signed with the State of Oklahoma on 3 April 2016.

Most insidious about this T. Jack Williams-Hillary Clinton contract signed with the State of Oklahoma, this report explains, is that aside from the State having to pay the ERAD Group $5,000 for the software and scanners, they then have to pay the ERAD Group 7.7 percent of all the cash their police forces seize from the poorest Americans bank debit cards—the majority of whom are black—and which the Washington Post commented on by saying: “Sorry, but that sort of arrangement is shady. As we’ve seen with traffic cameras, private probation and other areas of criminal justice, giving a private company a cut of seized assets is an arrangement rife with bad incentives and ripe for corruption.”


SVR analysts in this report concur with the Washington Post’s assessment of this corrupt scheme allowing T. Jack Williams and Hillary Clinton to steal from the poorest citizens of America and further note that the America Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has, likewise condemned this practice by stating: “Police abuse of civil asset forfeiture laws has shaken our nation’s conscience. Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government.”

And in, perhaps, her greatest show of arrogance and contempt of America’s poor black people she is now profiting from by stealing their money with her partner in crime T. Jack Williams, this report concludes, Hillary Clinton has now been shown wearing a $12,495 Giorgio Armani coat during a speech she gave recently while addressing the topic of income inequality—which is, by definition, the most racist thing any American politician has done in modern times.


Champion of the poor Hillary Clinton wearing $12,495 Giorgio Armani coat during speech on the topic of income inequality


June 9, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

Memorial Day In America Takes Last Gasp, Then Dies


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