Why KCPD Took 5 Days To Identify Toni Anderson, Wants Her Cremated and No Second Autopsy

July 15 Update!

Toni Anderson was murdered because she “saw something” and needed to be “taken care of”.

The something is DRUGS! Big time!


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Rusty May…AKA Charles Russell Hopkins IS the major player in her abduction and death! Suffice it to say…May was working with and still does…the cartels to bring drugs into this country using the importing of “machinery parts”. Cocaine from Guatamala and heroin from the middle east. FBI agents had the dirt on him but all of a sudden were told to “leave it alone’! He has a free pass and get out of jail card ONLY in the “realms of time”!

Toni somehow got caught up in this and either saw something or was asked to partake of something and said no… but in either case Toni became a threat. That is the reason why she was “drugged”at Chrome and told to “gather yourself” by Ficken…May’s buddy orchestrated what happened to Toni.

She was NOT drunk or high on cocaine. She was DRUGGED either at Chrome or by May/Hopkins. May is documented to be there at the QT in his RED CADILLAC, So are at least 3 NKCP SUV’s and not by coincidence! They ALL were there to make sure Toni was no longer a liability to their “network”…Ficken, Kimmel, Romine and especially FBI boy Major Kevin Freeman who was a major player in all of this and they all knew May and worked with him to deal with Toni Anderson.

Alonzo Washington/KC Crime Fighter knows this. KCPD cops know this. The FBI knows this. Comey knew this. This is why Forte “retired”…he knew this too as well as former FBI Special Agent in Charge in KC..Eric Jackson. THEY ALL KNEW THIS.

Rusty May somehow screwed up. He was told to “take care of YOUR problem” by his bosses and with the help of his “drug buddies” in the NKCPD…”they did”! Cash from one side of the Missouri River to the other to all the right “pockets” equals a cover-up of the abduction and murder of Toni Anderson.

Don’t worry folks…The Justice For Toni Anderson Facebook page is working hard to protect May and NKCPD because the “admins” including Alissa Cordova know about May as does Mary Ward because it is HER FAMILY that is the NKCPD drug dealers and the ones guilty with May…including ALL THE ATTORNEY’S I HAVE NAMED!

End of story. No more needs to be said except THIS. Toni Anderson will ONLY get Justice when each of those involved in what happened to her and those protecting them meet God upon their DEATH and He then drop ships them into HELL!

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UPDATE…The MURDERERS got their way…no second autopsy and cremation. They used Liz Anderson to protect the two NKCPD cops who murdered her!


If a second independent autopsy is not allowed and she is cremated…then her MURDERERS WIN! This is why they are suggesting using their lies about what happened to Toni…to do something that will prevent finding the evidence that will prove them guilty of murdering Toni beyond a reasonable doubt!

PLEASE…before you do what they are supporting / asking / or suggesting …ask them if those two officers who stopped Toni would be willing to take a polygraph/lie detector test. If they say yes…do it and if they say no…what I have shared is true and further confirmation would be a lie detector test. Ask them.


Even as it took 3 days for KCPD/NKCPD to come clean with the truth that NKCPD had stopped Toni Anderson for the purpose of creating the lies about her disappearing etc…so it takes 5 days for them to “identify” her body during which time they can finalize the upcoming autopsy report using the time to share more lies about her death etc.

They saw all the media reports…did they not? They knew it was their rogue NKCPD officers who stopped her….did they not? But they waited for 3 days to say they stopped her. Then after her last text…confirming she was stopped by them again…the plans of lies and deception were released through the cowardly local media who were more then willing to be “information traffickers” and pimps of lies..

According to KCPD Toni GPS had gone dead BEFORE she sent her last “OMG…just just stopped again” text. Interesting timing huh? And right after her last text…her phone goes immediately dead and not one communication from her ever again. But later her phone is found “alive” and there is a “ping” in the Parkville area. For me this means that some how some way contrary to the “Staged Story Line” of her phone forever being dead…she somehow was able to get rid of her phone and possibly during a chase by the TWO cops who could not find it. KCPD did not release the ping info!

Before the autopsy…KCPD says within a day of Toni’s body being identified…they say they found a bruise on her knee “conveniently” located right were the GPS was located and the story line was that possibly Toni did it when getting in the car by accident (or intentionally was another spin) or someone else when she was at the Quick Trip but at the same time…KCPD did the “it’s a ongoing investigation” excuse to prevent the release of the QT video which might show if she did it or someone else as well as showing Toni being followed by the TWO NKCPD cops her stopped her the first time.

This streaming of lies scenario was purposely designed to cause confusion and speculation in the media as well as for allowing her to be stigmatized with lies along with her family and boyfriend.d.

All “suspects” including Pete Sanchez Jr. were questioned and nothing. Accusations saying he was a drug addict..did it…or they ran off etc…plus the Toni’s father being tagged with lies etc. continued until she was found and and during all of this…KCPD was saying “Missing and No Foul Play” as well as “No signs of trauma or a struggle” while continuing to use the Missouri Sunshine Law to release information about what they did and when.

Fact is only the NKCPD officers knew of a place that would make her “vanish in thin air” before DAY BREAK! How do you get a car to sink fast? You keep one passenger window open…you smash in the wind-shield and you take your fat over weight body and JUMP ON THE ROOF because 300  or more pounds of a NKCPD fat body (like one of two in a video of a NKCPD cop shooting a dog) frantically jumping up and down on the roof a car will  expedite the sinking of that car….especially with a dead body in it. If Toni was driving around as KCPD and others said…it would of been daylight by then or close and the last thing the murderers wanted to happen was to be seen. They were on a time line!

Now say…”We will not release the dash cams because this is a ONGOING INVESTIGATION!

KCPD continuously and intentionally to shut down any and all information about a “Missing No Foul Play” case of a woman who they “had no idea what happened or where she went…just vanished in thin air”so when the “cell phone ping” information was released and NOT BY KCPD…they all of a sudden announced their searching of that general area.

I do not believe they expected for Toni to be found. Her being found obviously caught them off guard. In a live on sight interview KCPD said “We have searched that SAME SPOT  that Team Watters Sonar did. KCPD did find a trace of Toni…not one bleep on the radar whereas Team Watters found her almost immediately upon arrival which for me says…KCPD did NOT want to find her because they they were the ones that put her right where Team Watters Sonar found her.

I am not going to go over this further other then saying…that Toni Anderson did not get lost…did commit suicide, was not drunk or using drugs and for sure…she did not try to make a U turn and slide down a icy boat ramp that did not have a steep enough grade that would have prevented her from getting out. I saw that ramp…no way even if icy would her car end up speeding 40 mph on a 100 foot boat ramp. No…she was murdered and buried there as I have in more detail discussed in the KCPD/NKCPD Murdered Toni Anderson Blog.

Important Blog on Toni Anderson https://richardboydenreport.wordpress.com/2017/03/13/toni-anderson-murdered-by-corrupt-lying-and-complicit-kansas-city-police-department/




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